800 CAVALLA RD ROW22-0048 102-601Median 10/9/20201:18:22 PMREVISIONDESCRIPTION: REVISION LAST ofSTANDARD PLANS FY 2021-22 SHEETINDEX 1 1 11/01/20 102-601 WORK BEYOND THE SHOULDER TWO-LANE AND MULTILANE ROADWAY, c. 15' or more from the traveled way. b. More than 2' behind the curb, a. Behind an existing barrier, Offset Zone: SYMBOLS Work Area Lane Identification + Direction of Traffic 3. Use Index 102-660 when Work Area encroaches a Sidewalk. vehicles cross the Offset Zone in any one hour period. and terminating the work area) requires that two or more work 2. Use Index 102-602 when the work operation (excluding establishing including Medians of divided roadways, with work beyond the shoulder. 1. This Index applies to Two-Lane, Two-Way and Multilane Roadways, NOTES: MULTILANE ROADWAY SHOWN, TWO-LANE ROADWAY SIMILAR ROW22-0048