1064 Snug Harbor Court Arborist LetterTo whom this may concern, I was hired on 01/13/2022 to ease MR Steve's concerns of the Quercus virginiana non as a live oak tree. When I arrived to 1064 SNUG HARBOR COURT I could tell by just walking up that the tree was in very poor condition the tree had cavities, cankers ,receding roots, nematodes and showed signs of insects were present. 'The tree is %100 DEAD IF THIS TREE IS NOT REMOVED ASAP THE TREE WILL FALL ON A HOUSE ,FENCE, OR WORSE INJURE A PERSON" I have done a thorough systematic inspection of the Quercus virginiana non as a oak tree at the below address and the oak tree has serious structural issues that is going to become costly and could lead to serious damages to vehicles and even pedestrians this oak tree has a high risk of failure the reason being the roots are receding and growing toward the surface where mechanical Machines such as ,weed eaters lawn mowers ECT cause damages to the roots and the trunk of the tree These type of damages can cause insects, nematodes, bacterium to enter the tree causing a spread of diseases to all the surrounding trees in the area of the neighborhood such as this Quercus virginiana tree better non as a live oak tree that has been opened up by the above machines and now has caused the above addresses live oak to have decay, cankers and insect damage this tree also has a rare growth non as knotty growth this is a deadly fungi that can spread from tree to tree if not taken seriously or acted on in a timely manner . From my observation of this tree there is no other recourse or options but to remove the tree. This tree at the above address is a hazardous tree and needs to be removed as soon as possible before something happens such as a pedestrian getting hit by a falling rotten limb or the tree felling and hitting a car or house. This can be prevented by a simple fix remove the tree ASAP.. I have diagnosed this tree to the best of my knowledge if you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me by the above contact info. Daniel E Hysmith JR General Foreman, ISA # FL -9607 A Certified Arborist at Crane & Able Tree service 904 —489-0076