1660 Linkside Court North Arborist LetterIL7 Joe Musgrove ISA Certified Arborist® FL -9674A Joe.lucastree. !mall.com (904) 887-1492 March 8, 2022 Karlie Turner 1660 Linkside Court North Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Re: Arborist letter To Whom it May Concern: Upon inspection of the property, I found four (4) Queen palms that need to be removed. The trees were planted in a very small area between the fence and the swimming pool. This small space did not give the trees adequate space to grow. Now the trees have gotten bigger, and the root balls are growing into the fence and the side of the pool deck. If the trees are allowed to continue growing, they will certainly cause damage to the fence the side of the pool. The palm trees are a hazard to the property and should be removed. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Best regards, A/ 70e jIZLSqyO-Ve Joe Musgrove