Ordinance No. 80-85-28 v ORDINANCE NO. 80-85-28 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 7, SECTION 22-166 PROVIDING A QUARTERLY SEWER BASE CHARGE; AMENDING SECTION 22-167 TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM VOLUME CHARGE; PROVIDING A NEW SECTION 22-176 SETTING FORTH REQUIREMENTS FOR A REVENUE GENERATION SYSTEM; CREATING A NEW SECTION 22-177 PROVIDING FOR USE OF ACCRUED FUNDS; CREATING SECTION 22-178 PROVIDING THAT A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT WILL CERTIFY COMPLIANCE WITH THE REGULATIONS OF THE REVENUE GENERATING SYSTEM; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, as follows: Section 1. Chapter 22, Article III, Division 7, Section 22-166, is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 22 UTILITIES • ARTICLE III - WASTEWATER SYSTEM DIVISION 7. SEWER USE USER CLASSIFICATION RATES AND CHARGES. Section 22-166. Establishment ef-Classes of a quarterly base charge. TheRe-is-hereby-established-a-uRifeR -elass-ef-seweR-HseRs-as fellews: El}--Class-A:--Single-family-Residential-units-and-individually meteRed-multifamily-anits-eeRneeted-te-a-eity-awned-sewage eelleetieR-system; (2)--Class-B---Twe-family-Residential-units-en-ene-(I}-meteR-and net-individually-metered-eenneeted-te-a-eity-ewned-sewage eelleetieR-system} (3)--Class-C---Single-family-Residential-HEits-within-a-business b.ildingi (4)--Class-DT--Multifamily-Residential-units-en-ene-(I)-meteF and-Ret-individually-metered-eeRReeted-te-a-eity-ewRed sewage-eelleetieR-system; (8)--Class-ET--Metels-and-hetels-eenneeted-te-a-eity-ewned 0111 sewage-eelleetieR-system (6)--Glass-F:--Mebile-heme-Residential-uRits-eenneeted-te-a eity-ewned-sewage-eelleetieR-system; f7}--Glass-G---GemmeFeial-and-btasiness-establishments-eenReeted te-a-city-ewRed-sewage-eelleetien-system•, f8}--Glass-H.--Speeial-tseFs---Ghu'ehes-and-elemeRtaRy-seheels eeRneeted-te-a-city-evened-sewage-eelleetien-system; f9}--Glass-l:--lndustpial-waste-useRs-sub}eet-te-a-sxrehaFge User charges will be levied quarterly as follows: (1) QUARTERLY BASE CHARGE A quarterly base charge of $37.60 per equivalent residential unit will be levied upon each connection in accordance with the following: An equivalent residential unit (ERU) is defined as a wastewater connection that delivers 300 gallons per day (gpd) of typically domestic wastewater effluent to the waste stream. The ERU-factors associated with different usage classifications are as follows: Usage Classification ERU-factor Single-family residential 1 .00 Multifamily residential 0.75 Mobile Home 0.75 Travel trailer site 0.60 Hotel/motel(per room) without kitchen 0.50 with kitchen 0.60 Restaurant (per seat) 0.25 Other * to be determined on a case-by-case basis where (1) ERU equals 300 gpd of effluent and the amount of effluent is determined by the City based upon industry standards, historical precedent, capacity of facilities, or other reliable considerations. Section 2. Chapter 22, Article III, Division 7, Section 22-167, is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 22 UTILITIES ARTICLE III - WASTEWATER SYSTEM DIVISION 7. Sewer Use User Glassificatien Rates and Charges. Section 22-167. Schedule of Wastewater User Volume Charges. There-is-hereby-established-a-uniferm-schedule-ef-rates-and-charges by-classes-fer-their-use-er-availability-fer-use-ef-the-sewer syste ►-ef-the-city-as-fellows: (1)--Gustemers-inside-the-city: laser-Gharge Glass per-quarter A----Single-family-residential $----40709 B----Twe-family-residential 66:70 G----Single-family-in-business 40790 9----Multifamily-residentia17-per-unit 30700 E----Metels-and-hetels;-per-unit 30700 F----Mobile-heme;-per-unit 30.00 G----Gemmereial: Base-charge 20700 Plus-volume-charges-as-felJews 1S7000-galleRs-er-Jess 30700 Over-IS;990-galleRs-(pe -17000-galJens}. . . . 1.50 H----Special-users: Ghurehes 40:99 EJemeRtary-seheels 320700 E2}--Gustemers-eutside-the-city:-The-rates-applicable-te-custemers eutside-of-the-city-shall-be-eRe-and-ene-half-El' }-times the-above-rate-applicable-te-custemers-inside-the-city: 1 . There is hereby established a uniform volume charge per 1,000 gallons of water as follows: (a) Single-family residential $0.39 per 1,000 gallons of actual water consumption (b) All other classifications $0.39 per 1,000 gallons of actual water consumption 2. The rates applicable to customers outside of the City shall be one and one-half (12) times the rates in 1 . (a) and (b) above. Section 3. Chapter 22, Article III, Division 7, is hereby amended to add new Sections 22-176, 22-177, 22-178, and 22-179 which said sections shall read as follows: CHAPTER 22 UTILITIES ARTICLE III - WASTEWATER SYSTEM DIVISION 7. SEWER USE USER GLASSIFICATIQN RATES AND CHARGES. Section 22.176. Revenue Generation System Established. A revenue generation system is hereby created which shall be designed to produce adequate revenue for the following: (a) Operation and maintenance (including replacement of equipment, accessories, or appurtenances during the design life of all treatment works necessary to maintain design capacity and performance) of the sewage system, and (b) A sewage system capital improvement account to accumulate the equivalent future value of the grant amount as adjusted for inflationary cost increases. For the purpose of this requirement, accumulation of the equivalent future value of the grant amount shall mean total revenue collections and appreciation of such amount . Sewage system shall mean municipal sanitary sewage facilities; capital improvements shall not include the replacement or repair of equipment, accessories, or appurtenances necessary to maintain design capacity and performance during the design life of all treatments works. However, capital improvement may include such repair and replacement if they are a part of a treatment plant or pumping station capacity expansion, or upgrade necessary to meet more stringent effluent limitations required by a regulatory agency, or are necessitated as the result of man-made or natural disasters. Section 22.177. Disposition of Revenues for Sewage System Capital Improvements. Deposits and withdrawals from the revenue generation sewage system capital improvement account shall be governed by the following provisions: (1) Revenue shall be deposited annually (or, at the municipality's election, on a more frequent basis) into the sewage system capital improvement account not later than the end of each one-year period beginning with the date of initiation of operation of the complete grant funded treatment works. The annual deposits (plus investment income) are intended to accumulate the equivalent future value (based on the projected annual inflation rate of 7.8%) of the grant amount during the design life of the grant funded project The amount of the required yearly deposit shall be determined according to the following formula: 1. G = 834,785 DL = 20 years i = 7.8% D = Required yearly deposit D = G X i(l+i)DL (l+i)DL-1 D = 834,785 .078(1+.078)20 (1+.078)20-1 D = 834,785 .078(4.4913326) 4.4913326-1 D = 834,785 .3503239 3.4913326 D = 834,785 X .10034 D = /83,762/yr, rounded down D =• 6,980/mo. Where: D equals the amount of the total yearly deposit G equals the grant amount DL equals the design life in years of the grant funded project i equals the projected annual inflation rate which is set at 7.8% 4' Revenue may also be deposited on other than an annual basis provided the total amount deposited is equal to, or greater than, the sum of the deposits required at that time. Prepayments to the account or allowable. The City may terminate deposits to the account when the sum of all deposits exceeds (or is equal to) the amount determined by multiplying DL by D where DL and D are as described above. Section 22-177. Use of Accrued Funds. The accrued funds shall be used only for sanitary sewer system capital improvements and may be withdrawn and used any time for this purpose. Since such withdrawn funds represent previously collected revenues (and income earned thereon) the amount of withdrawn funds need not be replaced or returned to the capital improvement account. Section 22-178. Certification of Revenue Generation System. The City shall submit to the Bureau of Wastewater Management, State of Florida, for each fiscal year, certification by a certified public accountant, that the sewage system capital improvement account is maintained in accordance with the requirements of the State. Section 22-179. Annual Deposit to Sewage System Capital Improvement Account. 4110 The City will deposit annually (or more often at the City's option) into a sewage system capital improvement account the amount of money required by the revenue generation system formula described above. It is the intent of the City to provide these funds from impact fees but should impact fees be insufficient the City shall have the option of increasing the impact fees or transferring money from the regular user charges provided herein. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Commission on First Reading October 28, 1985. Passed by the City Commission on econd inal 'eading November 11, 1985 A //7 afeA /1/ E 4( Willia . Howell, Ma or, Presiding Officer Appr• .d as to Form and Correctness: / i 'i../4111 . // dr l'ai- - L. c•`ullis, ity Corney 410 (SEAL) .0.,_,,_..,e, e.1„i-,,,, Adelaide R. Tucker, CMC, City Clerk