2-6-23 Special Called Meeting of the City Commission City of Atlantic Beach Agenda Special Called Meeting of the City Commission Monday, February 6, 2023 - 5:30 p.m. Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Page(s) 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON WAIVER REQUEST (WAIV23-0001) FOR 826 & 838 OCEAN BLVD. Request for a waiver from the provision of a minimum 75-foot lot width as required by Section24-106 to allow the subdivision of two (2) existing parcels into two lots. 2.A. City Attorney Procedural Reminders 3 - 5 Waiver Hearing Procedures 2.B. Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications, if any 2.C. Swearing in of all persons who will speak 2.D. City Staff Overview 7 - 18 826 and 838 Ocean Boulevard WAIV23-0001 Staff Report WAIV23-0001 Application 2.E. Applicant Presentation 2.F. Public Comments 2.G. Closing Comments/Rebuttal 2.H. Commission Deliberation and Action 3. ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be live-streamed and videotaped. To access live or recorded videos, visit www.coab.us/live. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chamber. Page 1 of 18 Special Called Meeting of the City Commission - 06 Feb 2023 Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should Page 2 of 18 Agenda Item #2.A. 06 Feb 2023 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH W AIVER H EARING P ROCEDURES 826 & 838 Ocean Blvd. Quasi-judicial proceedings, such as rezonings, uses by exception, variances and waiver requests, are not controlled by strict rules of evidence and procedure, but certain standards of basic fairness must be adhered to in order to afford due process. In quasi-judicial hearings, the parties must be able to present evidence, cross-examine witnesses and be informed of all of the facts upon which the Commission acts. The hearing must be fair and impartial and contain the following requirements: Notice Quasi-judicial hearings can be very informal. The record must be made at the hearing and the parties must be able to comment on the evidence or to introduce contrary evidence Written decision. The decision must be based on the record as it is produced at the hearing and should include an analysis of the applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations and policies as well as the facts Fairness protections require an unbiased decision maker and decisions are to be based on information presented at the hearing and made a part of the record Suggested Procedure for Waiver Hearing, WAIV23-0001 Mayor to Open Hearing City Attorney – Procedural reminders/correspondence made part of record/swearing in of staff, applicant and any person(s) wanting to testify before Commission on this matter. Disclosure by the Commission members of any ex parte communications (per Resolution 95-26, each Commissioner must disclose the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group or entity who made the communication before final action). Staff presents an overview of the subject matter and timeline of the application. Applicant, and/or Applicant’s legal counsel, present the request and support for approving the waiver request and Applicant’s witnesses, if any, make presentations. Public comments – 3 or 5 minutes, depending on number of speaker cards submitted to Clerk. Closing comments/rebuttal by Applicant (may include cross-examination if requested). Commission deliberation and action, based on provisions set forth in Section 24-66, Land Development Regulations, Waivers, which will be memorialized in the writing. Commission may approve, approve with conditions or deny the waiver request. Per Section 24-66, a waiver may be approved only upon a showing of good cause and that an alternative to the specific provision (here, §24-104(d)(2) & 24-256(a)), Lot Width) will be provided which conforms to the general intent and spirit of the Land Development Regulations. The Commission may not approve a waiver unless it finds that compliance with the subject Code provision (§24-104(d)(2) & 24-256(a)) would be: 1) unreasonable; 2) in conflict with the public interest; or 3) a practical impossibility. Page 3 of 18 Agenda Item #2.A. 06 Feb 2023 REFERENCED CODE SECTIONS Sec. 24-66. - Waiver. (a) General. Except for those waivers authorized by section 24-190, where the city commission finds that undue hardship due to unreasonable practical difficulties may result from strict compliance with this chapter, the city commission may approve a waiver. (b) Conditions of waiver. An applicant seeking a waiver shall submit to the city commission a written request for the waiver stating the reasons for the waiver and the facts, which support the waiver. The city commission shall not approve a waiver unless: (1) Compliance with such provision(s) would be unreasonable; or (2) Compliance with such provision(s) are in conflict with the public interest; or (3) Compliance with such provision(s) are a practical impossibility. (c) A waiver shall not modify any requirement or term customarily considered as a variance. (d) A waiver shall be considered only in cases where alternative administrative procedures are not set forth within the city Code of Ordinances. (e) A waiver from the land development regulations may be approved only upon showing of good cause, and upon evidence that an alternative to a specific provision(s) of this chapter shall be provided, which conforms to the general intent and spirit of these land development regulations. In considering any request for a waiver from these land development regulations, the city commission may require conditions as appropriate to ensure that the intent of these land development regulations is enforced. Sec. 24-106. - Residential, single-family district (RS-2). (a) Intent. The RS-2 zoning district is intended to apply to predominately developed areas of single-family dwellings with platted lots that are smaller than those in the RS-1 zoning district. (b) Permitted uses. The uses permitted within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1) Single-family dwellings. (2) Accessory uses (see section 24-151). (3) Government uses, buildings and facilities. (c) Uses-by-exception. Within the RS-2 zoning district, the following uses-by-exception may be permitted: (1) Churches, subject to the provisions of section 24-153. Page 4 of 18 Agenda Item #2.A. 06 Feb 2023 (2) Public and private recreational facilities not of a commercial nature and of a neighborhood scale intended to serve the surrounding residential neighborhood. (3) Schools. (d) Minimum lot area. Existing legally established lots of record may exist, which do not meet the following requirements. These lots may be developed subject to all applicable land development regulations; however, all lots created after January 1, 2002 must comply with these minimum lot size requirements in order to obtain building permits authorizing development. The minimum size for lots within the RS-2 zoning district, shall be: (1) Lot or site area: Seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. (2) Lot width: Seventy-five (75) feet. (3) Lot depth: One hundred (100) feet. (e) Minimum yard requirements. The minimum yard requirements within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1) Front yard: Twenty (20) feet. (2) Rear yard: Twenty (20) feet. (3) Side yard: Combined fifteen (15) total feet and five (5) minimum feet on either side. (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Forty-five (45) percent; provided, however, where lawfully existing structures and improvements on a parcel exceed this applicable percentage, redevelopment of such parcels or additions/modifications to such structures and improvements shall not exceed the pre-existing impervious surface percentage, provided the requirements of section 24-68 are met. (2) Maximum building height: Thirty-five (35) feet. 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