1-17-23 CDB Adopted MinutesTues MINUTES I)rlrc�rlt Board (('1)13 17, 2023 - 6:00 I Chant ber• Kirk Harr en. ("1)1i C'ha ti\Ivia Simmons. (•lenncer. [lien Golonrhek. Member .lett' I Iavnie, Member Angela Farh id, Nietuber Iarolcl Gear. \1enther Absent: None Also ('resent: ;Ai .1 AskeNv. ('(corning h (crrrrrrrttnity 1)evetopnrent Dir. (C'( 1)1)) Valerie Jones. I(ecordine (.'Ier'k Jason Gabriel. City Attorney (('A) CAL I. TO ORDER ANI) ROLL (:'ALL I I)e meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. h) ("hair I lansen. 2. APPROVAL OF N1INIDTES A. .AI)proNe minutes of the December 20, 2022 regub Development Board. Ol..t) BUSINl SS There was no old husi 4. NEW I3l1SINESS A. 360 3rd Street ZVAli23-0001 (Applicant requesting; cI Request for a variance from Section 2,1-151(b)(1)(I) to exce for a she(( at 360 3rd Street. rag) e mi tit tum 5 -foot setback (.1 't Hansen explained drat lI)c applicant had requested a deferral due to a Itn)ily situalion that took them out of town. Ile said they would tike to defer until the February 21 meeting,. M() TION: o 1)t?t: I3r.>ard Meeting. IV Motion: Ellen Golornhck Second: Harold Gear Kirk Hansen S1'I iu Simmonc 23-Of)f11 until the Februar 21.2023 C'omnrt.tnity Development For For ('ummunit) De) clopmcn1 Huard t(1)11) January 17, 21123 Ellen Golontbeii (Moved B) Fr)t- Jeff Haynie For Ingela Fat:Ord For Harold Gear (Seconded By) For Motion juissed 6 to O. B. 1823 Sclva Grande Drive ZVA R23-0002 (Michael Cozad.) Request fir a variance from Section 24-81(k) and 24-521 (e) to allow an addition to be developed below the minitnum finished floor elevation (FIT.) of 8.5 feet NAVI) above mean sea level. STAFF RP:1'011,T: Director Askew/ presented the information as explained in the staff report. She also provided a PowerPoint presentation. APPLICANT REPORT: 'foci(' Bosco of 135 Cherry Street, Neptune Beach, introduced himsel las the contractor. I le explained that the owner olthe property wanted the new addition to he at the same elevation as the existing house and didn't want to create a trip hazard for his child or elderly parents. I laynie asked what it vvould take to bring the whole house up to the same level. Mr. Bosco said that the existing house wasn't going to he remodeled so concrete would have to he poured into every room. Ms. (4)1orribek asked at what point in the building process was the contractor. Mr. Bosco said he was still in the permitting phase. BOARD DISCUSSION: Ms. (iolombek asked if the code was changed to meet HM A reuulations, Director Askew said no, it vvas changed !Or the greater good of the community so that if there is potential flooding the homes would he elevated more. She said at that time, the City chose the 8.5 feet. Director Askew said they do get credit with the Community Rating System (('RS) tOr having a communitv-wide 8.5. feet. She said that this situation predates the code since it was built in 1984 and code was changed in 2003. Director Askew said that there would he different requirements if it was in the flood zone but it isn't in the Hood zone. Ms. Simmons asked if this request would have been within Staff purview to make an administrative decision since the difference in floor elevation is under 2 inches. Director Askew said that she could not due to the CRS they must attest as Staff that they didn't make any decisions without going through the proper process. Nis. Golombek asked if the community was close to missing the 8.5 feet average. Director Askew said it depended upon kvhere and when your property was built. I\ Is. Simmons asked if approving the variance would hurt the CRS score. Director Askew said that as long as the Board provides a justification then it would not jeopardize it. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chair I Iansen opened the floor to public comment. Michael Cozard introduced himself' as the property owner and applicant. I le explained his family situation and how he did not want to create a step-up that could affect his child and elderly family members. Develoopmeni Board (CD1i) January 17, 2023 Page 2 of 3 I3O:\R1) 1)1 +("USSION: \Is. I arlord said she helieves (hat the variance request process was created for situations liter this autd was in favor of approval. Nis. (il,lonthel: thanked Me contractor and applicant for applying I'or the variance help e beginning to build. Nlr. Iavnie said condition 1r-1 would apply to this situaticnt. MOTION: To APPROVE: ZVAR23-1111112 based on eunditiort it l of"the ,rounds liar deei,sion (Onerous effect ol"regulations enacted after platting or after deveof the property or alter construction oI' improvement upon the property I. Motion: /1ngelu Fit fjord Second: JeffHaynie Kirk Hansen For .SI•iviu Simmons For Ellen Golornhek For Jeff Haynie (Seconded B►') For 1 n�,�elu I in,ford (Moved Bt) For Harold Gear For Motion passed 6 to 0. REPORTS There were no reports. PUBLIC' COMMENT There \vert no public comments. 7. Af),IOURNMENT "There being no further discussr,u). ("hair I lautsrn declared the meeting adjourned at 6:18 p.m. Attest: P,b, ,..pt Amanda Askew. Kirk I lansen, C'ha oily Development Board (('1)B) .January 17, 2023 Page 3 (0 '3