Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) - 08 Mar 2023 - Agenda - Pdf City of Atlantic Beach Agenda Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) Meeting Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 6:00 p.m. Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road Page(s) 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. COURTESY OF THE FLOOR (5 MINS.) 4. CONSENT AGENDA 4.A. Approve minutes of the February 8, 2023 regular Environmental Stewardship 3 - 8 Committee meeting. Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) - 08 Feb 2023 - Minutes - Pdf 4.B. Subcommittee Reports 9 - 24 ESC Outreach Subcommittee March 1 report Tree Subcommittee minutes 02.08.2023 20230223 SR Subcommittee Meeting Minutes 4.C. 90-Day Calendar 25 - 26 2023 Working Calendar Starting Mar 5. CHAIR REMARKS 5.A. ESC Attendance at Events 6. SIGNIFICANT MATTERS ARISING IN SUBCOMMITTEES 6.A. Sustainability and Resiliency Subcommittee 6.B. Outreach Subcommittee 6.C. Tree Subcommittee 7. MAYOR AND/OR STAFF REPORT 7.A. Rain Garden at Jack Russell Park 27 - 29 Proposed location IMG_4020 7.B. Tree Permitting Update 31 Page 1 of 37 Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) - 08 Mar 2023 3-2023 Tree Permit Report 8. OLD BUSINESS 8.A. ESC Priorities to Commission : Resolution No. 23-05 8.B. ESC Meeting Rules 33 ESC mtg rules _rev2 8.C. ESC Annual Awards Proposal 35 - 37 Annual Awards Program 030823 Motion 8.D. ESC 2023 Priorities and Potential Budget Needs 9. NEW BUSINESS 9.A. Volunteer Engagement Process 10. MEMBERS CLOSING REMARKS 11. ADJOURNMENT Any person wishing to speak to the Environmental Stewardship Committee on any matter at this meeting should submit a Comment Card located at the entrance to Commission Chamber prior to the start of the meeting. This meeting will be live-streamed and videotaped. To access live or recorded videos, click on the Meeting Videos tab on the city's home page at www.coab.us. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26 of the Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this meeting should contact City Clerk Donna Bartle at 247-5809 or at City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida not less than three (3) days prior to the date of this meeting. Page 2 of 37 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Mar 2023 MINUTES Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) Meeting Wednesday, February 8, 2023 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber Present: Anastasia Houston, At-Large Member, ESC Amy Palmer, At-Large Member, ESC Linda Chipperfield, At-Large Member, ESC Patrick Nobles, At-Large Member, ESC Mark Gabrynowicz, ESC Chair, District 1307 Member Daniele Giovannucci, Vice Chair, At-Large Member, ESC Romy Vann, At-Large Member, ESC Sarah Boren, District 1306 Member, ESC Bruce Andrews, District 1308 Member, ESC Absent: Barbie Brooksher, District 1312 Member, ESC Also Present: Amanda Askew, Director of Planning & Community Development (DPCD) 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mark Gabrynowicz called the meeting to order. Linda Chipperfield called the roll. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A. Approval of Agenda Sarah Boren said the annual awards discussion should be under the Outreach Committee not the Sustainability and Resiliency Committee. She also said there were minutes that were not approved. Mark Gabrynowicz said the December minutes that were not approved were on the last not think the record of decisions document under Item 4.A should not be included in the agenda in the future. Mark Gabrynowicz stated new business was left off the agenda and said this should be agenda item 9. He said Member's closing remarks should be agenda item 10 and adjournment as agenda item 11. He asked that members not leave the meeting until there is a motion to adjourn. MOTION: to make the changes to the agenda as stated Motion: Mark Gabrynowicz Second: Daniele Giovannucci Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) February 8, 2023 Page 1 of 6 Page 3 of 37 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Mar 2023 A vote was not recorded. There was no dissent to the motion. 3. COURTESY OF THE FLOOR (5 MINS.) There were no speakers. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Approve minutes of the January 11, 2023 regular Environmental Stewardship A. Committee meeting. B. Subcommittee Reports C. 90 Day Calendar MOTION: to approve the consent agenda Motion: Bruce Andrews Second: Sarah Boren A vote was not recorded. There was no dissent. 5. CHAIR REMARKS Mark Gabrynowicz reviewed his concerns about appointing new ESC members which was brought up in the ESC member's end of the year survey. He stated that Sunshine laws make it difficult to introduce members to the committee. Daniele Giovannucci suggesting making an on-boarding package to provide to new members. Romy Vann supported this idea and suggested having a dedicated agenda item on the new member's first meeting for questions and answers. Anastasia requested that an explanation of the time commitment be relayed before applying. Sarah Boren volunteered to make the on-boarding package. Mark Gabrynowicz thanked Sarah Boren for making the end of the year survey. Mark Gabrynowicz stated that the priority setting process had some issues but thanked everyone for the great ideas that were generated. He said they will need to approve the process for next year. Daniele Giovannucci suggested having a facilitator to help guide the priority setting process. Commissioner Kelly acknowledged the ESC's disappointment in the Commission's priority setting and how environmental priorities were not set. She reviewed the city's vision statement and said there are ways to get things done that are not directly prioritized. She said that some of the priorities listed on the Sustainability and Resiliency Subcommittee are out of the ESC purview. She said she will continue to support the committee and she will work with them to get recommendations approved by the Commission. 6. SIGNIFICANT MATTERS ARISING IN SUBCOMMITTEES Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) February 8, 2023 Page 2 of 6 Page 4 of 37 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Mar 2023 A. Sustainability and Resiliency Subcommittee Sarah Boren said the LEED Gold celebration was a success. She said they did not meet this past month. She reported that a point the city did not receive in the LEED recertification is because the city's boards and committees do not reflect the diversity of the community. She said she is working with the city to formally track this in the board application process. Discussion ensued. B. Outreach Subcommittee Linda Chipperfield reported ideas for Earth Day. She said they plan on holding the event d if the city has tables and chairs for set up. Amanda Askew said she already organized a spot for the will have to coordinate with the contact for the event. She said Kevin Hogencamp is the the event. Linda Chipperfield said the second idea for Earth Day is to host an art exhibit at the Adele Grage in May and Mark Gabrynowicz is speaking to the Arts, Recreation, and Culture Committee about collaborating on the evet. Anastasia Houston spoke about organizing a working group for the Earth Day event in creating a demonstration garden. Linda Chipperfield spoke about having a QR code at the Earth Day booth that will take people to a page on the city website that provides more information about the ESC and what citizens can do to make environmentally friendly changes in their home and life. Romy Vann suggested creating a list of items and information the ESC wants to citizens. Linda Chipperfield agreed and mentioned the newsletter that was proposed at previous meetings. Sarah Boren reviews the logistics of the monthly newsletter. Linda Chipperfield asked for an update on the Monarch Pledge. Amanda Askew said she needed the tasks they ESC will complete to maintain the pledge. Patrick Nobles said he sent that information out via email. MOTION: to approve the launch of an annual Environmental Stewardship Committee awards program, to enable the Outreach Subcommittee to discuss and research best format, procedures, and award categories for 2023, and to authorize the subcommittee to prepare a formal proposal for ESC to review at a monthly meeting Motion: Sarah Boren Second: Daniele Giovannucci A vote was not recorded. There was no dissent. Bruce Andrews proposed including commercial beautification as an award category. Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) February 8, 2023 Page 3 of 6 Page 5 of 37 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Mar 2023 C. Tree Subcommittee Bruce Andrews said the litigation for tree removal on 19th Street without a permit is still pending. He said the cut off for the next Adopt a Tree planting will be at the end of February and planting will take place in March. Amy Palmer expressed that filling out the online application does not always work. Amanda Askew said she will get with IT. Romy Vann asked Amanda Askew if any mitigation trees were reported as dead after the hard freezes in the area. She said she had not had any reports. Bruce Andrews said if they see a mitigation tree that has died to report that to Abrielle Genest. Bruce Andrews reported that Amanda Askew and Romy Vann are working with Plant It Geo on the tree canopy assessment and they are hoping to start in May. He said that the arborist letters are now uploaded to the website. He said that the tree fund has about $204,000. 7. MAYOR/ STAFF REPORTS Mayor Ford said he has an opinion and some feedback on one of the priorities given to commission, however he will address that at a later date. Amanda Askew reported the North Florida Land Trust was able to acquire property on the Intracoastal Waterway and there is a celebration scheduled for April 22nd but the details are still being worked out. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Subcommittee Membership Sarah Boren said the tree subcommittee is made up of Bruce Andrews, Daniele Giovannucci, Mark Gabrynowicz, and Patrick Nobles, the Outreach Subcommittee is made up of Linda Chipperfield, Mark Gabrynowicz, Anastasia Houston, Barbie Brooksher, Patrick Nobles, Amy Palmer, and Sarah Boren, and the Sustainability and Resiliency Subcommittee is made up of Sarah Boren, Mark Gabrynowicz, Romy Vann, Barbie Brooksher, and 3 community members. Mark Gabrynowicz said these were not voted on, but if everyone is happy with the membership, then that will be the subcommittee members. There was no dissent. B. ESC Priorities to Commission Mark Gabrynowicz said Kevin Hogencamp is going to get a list of ESC priorities for Commission to review and vote on. Sarah Boren asked Commissioner Kelly when the priorities will be voted on. She said she was unsure since they were not ready. Sarah Boren expressed her disappointment that environmental priorities were not included. Discussion about Commission priorities ensued. Sarah Boren proposed Mark Gabrynowicz send an email to elected officials with a call to include environmental priorities in the City Commission's 2023 priorities and to have Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) February 8, 2023 Page 4 of 6 Page 6 of 37 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Mar 2023 one other ESC member speak during public comment at the next Commission meeting. Romy Vann said she can speak at the meeting. Mark Gabrynowicz said he will get the Kevin Hogencamp to discuss what the best course of action is. He said he will follow this with an email to Commission. Discussion ensued. Sarah Boren asked what three priorities the members wanted the give to Commission to consider. Members went through the list that was previously sent to commission and discussion ensued. MOTION: to recommend Commission to include the following three priorities in the 2023 Commission Priorities: 1. Pass a required integrative biocide management plan for city operations/public sector and voluntary guidelines for private sector 2. Reduce energy consumption in city buildings by 10% and 3. Use the Canopy Assessment data to create actions to further protect and increase the canopy. Motion: Sarah Boren Second: Anastasia Houston Bruce Andrews did not support having city fleet change to electric vehicles. Anastasia Houston (Seconded By) For Amy Palmer For Linda Chipperfield For Patrick Nobles For Mark Gabrynowicz For Daniele Giovannucci For Romy Vann For Sarah Boren (Moved By) For Bruce Andrews Against Motion passed 8 to 1. C. ESC Priorities This agenda item was deferred. D. Speaker Series This agenda item was deferred. E. Working Group Establishment 9. NEW BUSINESS This item was not discussed. 10. MEMBERS CLOSING REMARKS Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) February 8, 2023 Page 5 of 6 Page 7 of 37 Agenda Item #4.A. 08 Mar 2023 Bruce Andrews asked members to review the four areas the ESC is tasked to make recommendations on based as written in Chapter 23. Discussion about beautification ensued. Anastasia Houston asked members to look for a location to put the demonstration forest for Earth Day. Romy Vann asked for guidance on an email she will send to community members about the push to get environmental priorities on the 2023 Commission Priorities list. Discussion ensued. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Mark Gabrynowicz declared the meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. Attest: Amanda Askew Mark Gabrynowicz, Chair Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) February 8, 2023 Page 6 of 6 Page 8 of 37 Agenda Item #4.B. 08 Mar 2023 Page 9 of 37 Agenda Item #4.B. 08 Mar 2023 Page 10 of 37 Agenda Item #4.B. 08 Mar 2023 Page 11 of 37 Agenda Item #4.B. 08 Mar 2023 Gspn;Djuz!pg!Bumboujd!Cfbdi liphfodbnqAdpbc/vt Tvckfdu;Djuz!pg!BC!Fowjsponfoubm!Tufxbsetijq!Ofxt-!Fwfout-!Fevdbujpo-!Vqebuft-!Nvdi!Npsf Ebuf;Gfcsvbsz!39-!3134!bu!3;1:!QN Up;ifncsffdijq3Ahnbjm/dpn Djuz!pg!BC!Fowjsponfoubm!Tufxbsetijq!Ofxtmfuufs TVCTDSJCF Cfmpx!bsf!uif!mbuftu!ibqqfojoht!jo!bmm!uijoht!BC!fowjsponfoubm-!tvtubjobcmf!boe!sftjmjfou/ DBMFOEBS Ofwfs!njtt!lopxjoh!bcpvu!bo!BC!fwfou!cz!tvctdsjcjoh!up!DPBC(t!dbmfoebs!xjui!bvupnbujd vqebuft/!Wjtju!dpbc/vt0jDbmfoebs!up!bvupnbujdbmmz!bee!DPBC!nffujoht!boe!fwfout!up!zpvs dbmfoebs/ NBSDI 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14 of 37 Agenda Item #4.B. 08 Mar 2023 up!tvqqpsu!cjpejwfstjuz!cz!sfevdjoh!mbxo!bsfbt!boe!dipptjoh!obujwf!qmbout/ Sfhjtusbujpo!jt!sfrvjsfe!gps!uijt!fwfou-!boe!nvtu!cf!dpnqmfufe!uxp!ipvst!qsjps!up!uif!tubsu!ujnf/!B mjcsbsz!dbse!boe!QJO!bsf!sfrvjsfe!gps!sfhjtusbujpo/ SFHJTUFS BOOPVODFNFOUT Pqfo!FTD!Qptjujpo Uif!Djuz!pg!Bumboujd!Cfbdi(t Fowjsponfoubm!Tufxbsetijq!Dpnnjuuff )FTD*!ibt!pof!tfbu!pqfo"!jg!zpv!bsf joufsftufe!jo!usfft-!qbslt!boe!pqfo!tqbdft- cfbvujgjdbujpo-!tvtubjobcjmjuz-!sftjmjfodz!boe pwfsbmm!fowjsponfoubm!tufxbsetijq!boe mfbefstijq-!qmfbtf!bqqmz"!BQQMZ!IFSF Tbwf!uif!Ebuf!5034034 Fbsui!Ebz!uifnfe!Gbsnfs(t!Nbslfu!dpnjoh po!Tvoebz-!Bqsjm!34se/!FTD!jt!qbsuofsjoh!up csjoh!tfwfsbm!beejujpobm!fowjsponfoubmmz. psjfoufe!wfoepst!up!fokpz!boe!mfbso!gspn/ Bepqu!b!Usff DPBC!Dpnnjttjpo!3134 '!Hfu!ju!Qmboufe!jo!Nbsdi" Qsjpsjujft Ifmq!fyqboe!BC(t!usff!dbopqz!boe!bepqu!b Po!Npoebz-!Gfcsvbsz!38-!uif!DPBC usff!gps!gsff!up!cf!qmboufe!jo!zpvs!gspou!zbse/ Dpnnjttjpo!xjmm!wpuf!up!bqqspwf!jut!3134 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!Bepqujoh!bo!joufhsbujwf!qftu!nbobhfnfou qmbo!gps!uif!Djuz-!boe!wpmvoubsz!hvjefmjoft!gps SFBE!NPSF uif!qsjwbuf tfdups/ !Vujmj{joh!usff!dbopqz!bttfttnfou!ebub!up dsfbuf!bdujpot!up!gvsuifs!qspufdu!boe!foibodf uif!dbopqz/ EPXOMPBE!GVMM!MJTU!PG QSJPSJUJFT MFBSOJOH!GSPN!PUIFS!SFTPVSDFT !Sftjmjfou!Kbdltpowjmmf !Cmvf!\[poft !KFBÉt!Joufhsbufe!Sftpvsdf!Qmbo!Qspdftt!Ä!KFB!xjmm!iptu!b!qvcmjd!nffujoh!bcpvu!Gjobm!JSQ po!Nbz!36ui!6;41qn!Ä!8;11qn!AXKDU!211!Gftujwbm!Qbsl!Bwf-!Kbdltpowjmmf-!GM!43313 !SfOFX!Kby!Dbnqbjho !GmpsjebXjmemjgf!Dpssjeps Gjmn!Sfdpnnfoebujpo;!Qbui!pg!uif!Qbouifs!mjnjufe!sfmfbtf!jo!Kbdltpowjmmf!uispvhi!Nbsdi 3oe/!Ju!jt!dvssfoumz!bu!Djofnbsl!Bumboujd!Opsui!voujm!uijt!Uivstebz-!403/!Uijt!jt!bo!jnqpsubou gjmn!gps!Gmpsjeb!uibu!epft!b!hsfbu!kpc!pg!tipxjoh!ipx!dsjujdbm!mboe!dpotfswbujpo!jt!gps!xjmemjgf ibcjubu/!Usbjmfs;!iuuqt;00qbuipguifqbouifs/dpn0 B!ofx!fyqfejujpo!tipsu!epdvnfoubsz!jt!cfjoh!gjmnfe!uijt!xffl!jo!Opsui!Gmpsjeb!po!uif!P!up 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!Tuvez;!Fokpzjoh!obuvsf!nbz!mfttfo!offe!gps!tpnf!nfejdbujpot-!tuvez!gjoet JDZNJ!)Jo!Dbtf!Zpv!Njttfe!Ju* Djuz!pg!Bumboujd!Cfbdi!jt!b!Usff!VTB!Djuz!tp!fwfsz!zfbs!xf!dfmfcsbuf!Bscps!Ebz!boe!fevdbuf bcpvu!usfft/!Uijt!zfbs!uif!FTD!iptufe!uif!qsjodjqbm!boe!b!dmbtt!pg!Bumboujd!Cfbdi!Fmfnfoubsz Tdippm/!Uif!dijmesfo!ifmqfe!vt!sbjtf!uif!Usff!Djuz!gmbh!boe!uifo!sfuvsofe!up!uifjs!dbnqvt!up mfbso!bcpvu!b!usff!qmboufe!gspn!FTD!Usff!Tvcdpnnjuuff!Dibjs-!Csvdf!Boesfxt/!FTD!uifo uvsofe!up!efejdbujoh!b!ifsjubhf!usff!up!Dbstpo!Nfssz!Cbjmfz/ Djuz!pg!Bumboujd!Cfbdi!Bsujdmf Djuz!pg!Bumboujd!Cfbdi!Bscps!Ebz!Fwfou!Wjefp Djuz!pg!Bumboujd!Cfbdi!#Nfssz#!Ifsjubhf!Usff!Efejdbujpo!Wjefp Page 17 of 37 Agenda Item #4.B. 08 Mar 2023 Fwfou!Tubujtujdt 61!qfpqmf!sfhjtufsfe!up!buufoe 41.51!qfpqmf!bduvbmmz!buufoefe 34!qfpqmf!tjhofe!jo!po!tjho!jo!tiffu 3!qfpqmf!bsf!joufsftufe!jo!wpmvouffsjoh 4!qfpqmf!tjhofe!vq!gps!dpoubdu!mjtu 6!fmfdufe!pggjdjbmt!buufoefe/ Cvjmu!vq!b!411,!jowjuf!mjtu!uibu!dbo!cf!vtfe!jo!uif!gvuvsf Fwfou!Dpmmbufsbm Nbzps!Gpse(t!sfnbslt Dpnnjttjpofs!Sjoh(t-!Lfmmz(t!'!Tvqfswjtps!Hsffo!sfnbslt VTHCD!OF!GM!qsftfoubujpo!tmjeft!'!wjefp!cz!Bnboeb!Qpmfnbujejt DPBC!qsftfoubujpo!cz!Csjbo!Cspfefmm DPBC!FTD!qsftfoubujpo!cz!Nbsl!Hbcszopxjd{ 41!tfdpoe!sfdbq!wjefp Djuz!pg!Bumboujd!Cfbdi!FTD!boe!Gjstu!Dpbtu!Jowbtjwf!Xpsljoh!Hspvq!qbsuofsfe!up!iptu!b!Xffe Xsbohmf!po!Gfcsvbsz!36/!26.31!wpmvouffst-!djuz!tubgg!boe!qbsuofst!gpvoe!41!qpvoet!xpsui!pg!bjs qpubupft!boe!dsfbufe!31!cbht!pg!xffet!boe!efbe!wjoft/ Page 18 of 37 Agenda Item #4.B. 08 Mar 2023 Mfbso!npsf!bu; Gmpsjebjowbtjwft/psh Gmpsjeb!Obujwf!Qmbou!Tpdjfuz FTD!Nfncfs!boe!FTD!Usff!Tvcdpnnjuuff!Dibjs-!Csvdf!Boesfxt(t!tnbmm!hspvq!pg!Bumboujd Cfbdi!usff!mpwfst!hpu!uphfuifs!boe!qspwjefe!tpnf!UMD!up!uif!mjwf!pbl!usfft!qmboufe!bmpoh!Spzbm Qbmnt!Esjwf/!Jg!zpv!bsf!joufsftufe!jo!kpjojoh!uijt!hspvq-!qmfbtf!sfbdi!pvu!up!Csvdf!po!Gbdfcppl!ps wjb!usfftAdpbc/vt/ WPMVOUFFST!OFFEFE Uif!FTD!offet!wpmvouffst!gps!jut!xpsljoh!hspvqt!boe!tqfdjgjd!3134!qsjpsjujft/!Boujdjqbufe!ujnf dpnnjunfou!jt!4.6!ipvst!b!npoui!zfu!xf!xjmm!ublf!xibufwfs!ujnf-!qbttjpo!boe!fyqfsujtf!zpv!bsf bcmf!up!hjwf"!Jg!zpv!bsf!joufsftufe!jo!boz!pg!uif!gpmmpxjoh!ps!zpv!xbou!up!tibsf!bo!jefb-!qmfbtf dpnqmfuf!uijt!rvjdl!gpsn!boe!tpnfpof!xjmm!cf!jo!upvdi!ps!sfbdi!pvu!up!Tbsbi!Cpsfo!bu tcpsfodpbcAhnbjm/dpn!0!:15.646.1166 Usfft!0!Nbsjujnf!Dbopqz Qbslt!boe!Pqfo!Tqbdft!0!Obuvsbm!Tztufnt!'!Fdpmphz Cfbvujgjdbujpo!pg!Qvcmjd!'!Qsjwbuf!Tqbdft Fowjsponfoubm!Tufxbsetijq Fevdbujpo!'!Pvusfbdi Efnpotusbujpo!Hbsefot Joufhsbujwf!Qftu0Cjpdjef!Nbobhfnfou!Qmbo Sftjmjfodf Fofshz!Dpotfswbujpo Xbufs!Dpotfswbujpo Page 19 of 37 Agenda Item #4.B. 08 Mar 2023 Dpnnvojuz!Sftjmjfodf!boe!Tvtubjobcjmjuz!Dfoufs Tpmbs!boe!FW!Sfbez!Dpnnvojuz Pvuepps!Fyfsdjtf!Frvjqnfou!jo!Qbslt Dpmmfdu!boe!Sfvtf!Vovtfe!Qbjou!)gps!mpdbm!gbdbef!gbdfmjgut-!nvsbmt-!tpmje!xbtuf sfevdujpo-!fud/* Rvbmjuz!pg!Mjgf!0!Mjwbcjmjuz Hsffo!Cvjmejoh!'!Jogsbtusvduvsf Dpnqptujoh!0!Sfdzdmjoh!0!Xbtuf!Sfevdujpo Usbotqpsubujpo!'!Mboe!Vtf SBJTF!ZPVS!IBOE!UP!WPMVOUFFS FOHBHF-!DPOOFDU!'!TIBSF FOHBHF Tfoe!tvhhftufe!ofxtmfuufs!dpoufou!up!Tbsbi!Cpsfo!bu!tcpsfodpbcAhnbjm/dpn!cz!uif gpvsui!Uvftebz!pg!fbdi!npoui DPOOFDU Gpmmpx!boe!mjlf!FTD(t!Gbdfcppl!qbhf!.. iuuqt;00xxx/gbdfcppl/dpn0BCFowjsponfoubmTufxbsetijqDpnnjuuff Gpmmpx!boe!mjlf!FTD(t!Jotubhsbn!qbhf!..!iuuqt;00xxx/jotubhsbn/dpn0bumboujdcfbdiftd Gpmmpx!boe!mjlf!Bumboujd!Cfbdi(t!Dbopqz!Gbdfcppl!qbhf!.. iuuqt;00xxx/gbdfcppl/dpn0hspvqt02661:394395:1425 Gpmmpx!boe!mjlf!Djuz!pg!Bumboujd!Cfbdi!Hpwfsonfou!Gbdfcppl!qbhf!.. iuuqt;00xxx/gbdfcppl/dpn0xbudi0DjuzPgBumboujdCfbdi TIBSF Gpsxbse!uijt!ofxtmfuufs!up!puifst Qptu!dpnqpofout!up!zpvs!tpdjbm!nfejb!ofuxpslt Djuz!pg!Bumboujd!Cfbdi!}!911!Tfnjopmf!Spbe-!Bumboujd!Cfbdi-!GM!43344 Votvctdsjcf!ifncsffdijq3Ahnbjm/dpn Vqebuf!Qspgjmf!}!Dpotubou!Dpoubdu!Ebub!Opujdf Tfou!cz!liphfodbnqAdpbc/vt!jo!dpmmbcpsbujpo!xjui Usz!fnbjm!nbslfujoh!gps!gsff!upebz" Page 20 of 37 Agenda Item #4.B. 08 Mar 2023 9{/ ƩĻĻ {ǒĬĭƚƒƒźƷƷĻĻ aźƓǒƷĻƭ CĻĬƩǒğƩǤ БͲ ЋЉЋЌ Bruce, Dan, Mark and Patrick all present th 19 Street litigation extended until March Sea Oats possible appeal was withdrawn as mitigation issue was settled Adopt-a-Tree plantings cut off end of February for March plantings Use the PlanIT Geo survey to help assess where we need to do future plantings Dan talked about looking at arborist letters more carefully Amanda said they are looking at them using the most stringent criteria Sarah Boren reported that she had cataloged all arborist letters. Amanda will take it over and keep it up to date. Tree fund balance is approximately $204,000 PlanIT Geo is still planning to start their work in May Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Page 21 of 37 Page 22 of 37 Agenda Item #4.B. 08 Mar 2023 Sustainability & Resilience Subcommittee Meeting Thursday, February 23, 2023 9-10am Agenda 1. Call to order and roll call In Person: Mark, Romy, Sarah Via Zoom: Melinda Simmons, Chris Perle & C. Shay Hill Absent: Barbie (conflict with work), Chris Kelcourse, and Amanda (vacation) 2. Agenda Adjustments - None 3. Approval of past minutes – Postponed to next meeting 4. Courtesy of the floor / Public comment - None 5. Staff Report - None 6. Reports and/or Requests from Subcommittee Members - None 7. Continued/Unfinished Business Narrow down S&R Subcommittee 2023 priorities and goals i. Review 2023 Commission priorities, proposed 2023 ESC priorities, CAP goals and COAB staff CAP priorities and decide what the subcommittee can achieve or start in 2023 ii. Decision: The S&R Subcommittee decided to focus on the following priorities in 2023 through partnership with staff, other departments, boards/committees, and community members Review and report out on status and progress of SRCAP before the end of the year annually and educate accordingly (required in SRCAP) Conduct an annual SRCAP survey (SRCAP: Governance, Outreach & Education) Determine how to set short- and medium-term milestone targets for each SRCAP focus area to show progress toward long term goals. (requested by Commission for next SRCAP report) Support Commission priorities of energy and water conservation (2023 Commission Priority / CAP: Energy & Climate and Water) Improve use of landscape and rainwater harvesting tools to capture rainwater for filtration or reuse. (2023 Commission Priority – stormwater management / CAP: Water) Assess feasibility and support adoption of expanding the Baker Center services to include serving as a Community Resilience and Sustainability Center and creating a centralized virtual accessible space with educational programming so residents and businesses know where to go to learn about and engage in sustainability and resiliency efforts (CAP: Education & Outreach) Start learning and paving way for AB to become a solar and EV ready community (2023 Commission Priority / CAP: Energy & Climate) Page 23 of 37 Agenda Item #4.B. 08 Mar 2023 Action: Sarah to send Shay/JEA an email with questions that he can circulate within JEA to get answers. Support getting outdoor exercise equipment installed in appropriate parks (CAP: Quality of Life /Livability) Assess feasibility and support implementation of collecting and reusing unused paint (CAP: Solid Waste) Working Groups: Decide on necessary working groups for 2023 and recruit SMEs and volunteers. i. Decision: It was discussed and decided that before we set up any working group(s), we need to understand what will be involved to achieve/start the above priorities. Sarah will take a stab at mapping out next possible steps for each priority to be discussed at the next meeting. Milestones: Determine how to set short- and medium-term milestone targets for each SRCAP focus area to show progress toward long term goals. i. City Commission asked for suggested short- and medium-term milestones targets for each SRCAP focus area to be included in the 2024 updated CAP to show progress toward long term goals. Subcommittee members discussed using similar to the City Engineer’s terminology of timeframes that he shared in his 12/12/22 presentation (see slides 33-35) to City Commission: Immediate = Upon Adoption Near Term = <12 months (1 year / 2023) Short Term = 12-36 months (2-3 years / by 2025) Mid-Term = 5-15 years (2025-2040) Long Term = 20+ years (2040 and on) Metrics: Figure out how to measure success metrics that do not yet have a measurement unit and improve measurement, performance, and reporting over last year for each focus area i. Decision: Subcommittee members split up focus areas to begin to discern best unit of measurement of progress for each 2050 goal that does not yet have a success metric: Mark – Natural Systems & Ecology Chris P – Green Building & Infrastructure Melinda – Water & Energy Romy – TBD Barbie – TBD (maybe Governance, Outreach & Education?) Chris K – TBD (maybe Solid Waste?) Sarah – Quality of Life and other focus areas not claimed 8. Consent Agenda - None 9. Working Group Reports - None 10. Miscellaneous Business - None 11. Courtesy of the floor / Public comment - None 12. Closing Comments Sarah shared information on Speaker & Salon Series 13. Adjournment – 10:05am Page 24 of 37 Agenda Item #7.A. 08 Mar 2023 Page 27 of 37 Page 28 of 37 Agenda Item #7.A. 08 Mar 2023 Page 29 of 37 Page 30 of 37 Agenda Item #7.B. 08 Mar 2023 Page 31 of 37 Page 32 of 37 Agenda Item #8.B. 08 Mar 2023 ESC Meeting Rules Regular meetings shall be held once a month the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm. A simple majority of members will constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise determined by the Committee members, the order by which matters are considered in regular meetings shall be as follows: AGENDA (1) Call to Order and Roll Call (2) Approval of Agenda (3) Courtesy of the Floor (4) Consent Agenda 4.A. Prior ESC meeting minutes approval 4.B.Subcommittee Reports 4.C. 90 Day Calendar (5) Chair’s Remarks (6) Significant Matters Arising in Subcommittees (7) Mayor’s and/or Staff’s Requests (8) Old Business (9) New Business (10) Members’ Closing Remarks (11) Adjourn Special Meetings. The Committee may at any time convene meetings, other than the regular ones to complete pending Committee business or to introduce new matters. The calling of such meetings shall conform to the City’s legal requirements. Official action may be taken on matters under consideration if a quorum and chair are present. Items placed on the agenda shall be officially before the Committee at the meeting and shall be considered for discussion at the assigned place on the agenda. Agenda items such as subcommittee reports and other matters will normally be provided to Members at least seven days prior to Regular or Special Meetings to allow for adequate review. Agenda items shall be considered as proposals for adoption. An agenda item before the Council for which no motion is made to adopt, or no Council members favor, shall be concluded by the Chair, following the discussion by stating, “In the absence of a motion, the proposal fails adoption.” Requests may be used for presentation to the Committee by the Mayor or Staff under the Mayor’s Requests and or Staff’s Request Agenda Item. These requests may be responded to by a motion to approve, grant, adopt or deny the proposed request. Such requests shall be submitted in writing and appropriately recorded. All motions shall be recorded with a means that will identify the proposal with the year and the order in which they are presented to the Committee. The secretary to the Committee shall keep a record of all motions. The Chair or designee shall be responsible for the conduct of regular and special meetings, preparation of the meeting agendas, preparation of the meeting agendas, caring for Committee needs when it is not convened, assisting in gathering information for the Committee and the performance of duties assigned by the Committee and Mayor. Work Groups or non-statutory subcommittees may be designed as required to act on Committee tasking. These bodies shall consist of a minimum of three ESC members, be headed by a designated Chairperson, and be governed by the applicable rules and procedures which govern the Committee. Committee members shall be present at regular or special meetings in which action is taken. Members’ votes on motions when called to vote by the Secretary shall be aye, nay, or present. Procedures not provided herein or by City procedures shall be regulated by Robert’s Rules of Order. ESC Meeting Rules rev 2March 8, 2023 Page 33 of 37 Page 34 of 37 Agenda Item #8.C. 08 Mar 2023 Annual Awards Program Proposal Purpose ESC’s Annual Awards Program is intended to recognize, elevate and celebrate environmental stewardship leaders, programs, partners, initiatives and more as well as educate the larger community about Atlantic Beach’s environmental stewardship initiatives and efforts. This will be an annual program coordinated by ESC’s Outreach Subcommittee with oversight by ESC. Hosting a consistent annual initiative builds momentum and status over time. Format For inaugural event, the OSC wants to host an evening event with an environmental themed art exhibit and competition on the first Thursday of December (last Speaker & Salon date of the year). All logistical details such as food, drink, location, paid/free will be worked out by the ESC Outreach Subcommittee (OSC). Such an event may involve a small budget request or need to sell tickets to event to cover costs. Program format can be decided by the OSC each year to allow flexibility due to capacity, resources, and ability. Format could include, yet is not limited to, an annual event (e.g., breakfast, lunch, dinner, press conference), awards presented during a regularly scheduled ESC or Commission meeting, and/or announcement in ESC and/or City newsletter. Nominations Process The nomination process will follow these guidelines: Anyone can nominate but the positive impact performed by the nominated has to have occurred in AB (e.g., a UNF professor can be nominated for a heat study done in AB even if she/he does not live in AB) Call for nominations should be sent out at least three months before program Provide judges a minimum of two weeks to score nominations Scoring will be based on criteria set by the OSC Judges will ideally be experts from outside of Atlantic Beach and not be a part of any nomination or they must recuse themselves from scoring nomination If we don’t have more than one nomination per category, that qualifying nomination wins . Page 35 of 37 Agenda Item #8.C. 08 Mar 2023 Award Categories Recognition categories will be proposed by the OSC and decided by the ESC each year. The intent is to keep the same founding categories year over year and either add or subtract new ones as new initiatives evolve over the years. For the inaugural awards program, the following award categories will seek nominations: Commercial Landscape of the Year (Business / Beautification) Sustainable Yard of the Year (Residential & Commercial / Beautification) Environmental Steward of the Year (Individual / Education & Outreach) Environmental Ambassador of the Year (Individual / Education & Outreach) Sustainable Initiative of the Year Sustainable Business of the Year (Business) Sustainable Home of the Year (Residential) Partner of the Year Biggest “Loser” / Most Efficient of the Year in energy, water, waste, GHG emissions, and chemicals/biocides Volunteer of the Year (Individual) Type of Award Type of award given will be determined by the OSC each year. At a minimum a certificate of recognition signed by current Mayor should be given to each awardee and a record of awardees will be maintained by the staff on ESC’s webpage. Promotion and publicity of annual awardees will be coordinated by the ESC and staff. For the inaugural program, the OSC would like to do more than a certificate which may involve a small budget request or need to sell tickets to event to cover costs. Over the next few months it will research some options such as the following: o Framed AB photograph o Stanley Cup-Like physical award that you keep all year o Something to display in the yard o “Flocked” of Scotie Cousin https://cousinartcritters.com/ o Physical environmentally-friendly award – engraved salvage wood o Eternal recognition on AB website and maybe a physical name plaque Page 36 of 37 Agenda Item #8.C. 08 Mar 2023 Page 37 of 37