3-20-23 Special Called Meeting of the City Commission Amended Agenda City of Atlantic Beach Amended Agenda Special Called Meeting of the City Commission Monday, March 20, 2023 - 5:30 p.m. Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Page(s) 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON WAIVER REQUEST (42 EAST COAST DR) 2.A. City Attorney Procedural Reminders Waiver Hearing Procedures 3 - 5 2.B. Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications, if any 2.C. Swearing in of all persons who will speak 2.D. City Staff Overview Staff Report 7 - 9 2.E. Applicant Presentation Applicant Presentation 11 - 28 2.F. Public Comments 2.G. Closing Comments/Rebuttal 2.H. Commission Deliberation and Action 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. CITY MANAGER RECRUITMENT 4.A. Review of, Revisions to, and Approval of Job Announcement City Manager Recruitment 29 - 37 5. DORA DRIVE PROPERTY - STORMWATER MITIGATION PARK 5.A. Dora Drive Property - Stormwater Mitigation Park Dora Drive Property - Stormwater Mitigation Park 39 6. ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be live-streamed and videotaped. To access live or recorded videos, click on the Meeting Videos tab on the city's home page at www.coab.us. Page 1 of 39 Special Called Meeting of the City Commission - 20 Mar 2023 If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceed ings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chamber. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agen da subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office by 5:00 PM, the Friday prior to the meeting. Page 2 of 39 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH WAIVERHEARING PROCEDURES WAIV23—0003 (42 East Coast Drive) Quasi-judicial proceedings,such as rezonings,uses by exception,variances and waiver requests, are not controlled by strict rules of evidence and procedure,but certain standards of basic fairness must be adhered to in order to afford due process.111quasi-judicial hearings,the parties must be able to present evidence,cross-examine witnesses and be informed of all of the facts upon which the Commission acts. The hearing must be fair and impartial and contain the following requirenrents: °Notice °Quasi-judicial hearings can be very informal.The record must be rrrade at the hearing and the parties must be able to comment on the evidence or to introduce contrary evidence °Written decision.The decision must be based on the record as it is produced at the hearing and should include an analysis of the applicable statutes,ordinances,regulations and policies as well as the facts °Fairness protections require an unbiased decision maker and decisions are to be based on information presented at the hearing and made a part of the record Suggested Procedure for Waiver Hearing,WAIV23—0003 °Mayor to Open Hearing 0 City Attorney —Procedural reminders/correspondencemade part of record/swearing in of staff, applicant and any person(s)wanting to testify before Commission on this matter. °Disclosure by the Commission members of any ex parte communications (per Resolution 95- 26,each Commissioner must disclose the subject of the communication and the identity of the person,group or entity who made the communication before ?nal action). °Staff presents an overview of the subject matter and timeline of the application. °Applicant,and/or Applicant’s legal counsel,present the request and support for approving the waiver request and Applicant’s witnesses,if any,make presentations. 0 Public comments —3 or 5 minutes,depending on number of speaker cards submitted to Clerk. °Closing comments/rebuttal by Applicant (may include cross-examinatiorr if requested). 'Commission deliberation and action. 0 Commission may approve,approve with conditions or deny the waiver request. °Per Section 24-66,If the city commission “?nds that undue hardship due to unreasonable practical dif?culties may result ?‘om strict compliance with this chapter,the city commission may approve a waiver. (b)Conditions of waiver.An applicant seeking a waiver shall submit to the city commission a written request for the waiver stating the reasons for the waiver and the facts,which support the waiver.The city commission shall not approve a waiver unless: (1)Compliance with such provision(s)would be unreasonable;or (2)Compliance with such provision(s)are in con?ict with the public interest;or (c)A waiver shall not modify any requirement or term customarily considered as a variance.(d)A waiver shall be considered only in cases where alternative administrative procedures are notsetforthwithinthecityCodeofOrdinances.(e)A waiver ?'om the land development regulations may be approved only upon showing of goodcause,and upon evidence that an alternative to a speci?c provision(s)of this chapter shall beprovided,which conforms to the general intent and spirit of these land development regulations.Inconsideringanyrequestforawaiverfromtheselanddevelopmentregulations,the city commissionmayrequireconditionsasappropriatetoensurethattheintentoftheselanddevelopmentregulationsisenforced.”Agenda Item #2.A.20 Mar 2023Page 3 of 39 IlEFEREN(f ED C()l)E S Sec.24-(In.—VV-‘ 'er. (zl)cieneral.Except ror those waivers .ulhol zed hy gecliqn 24.9a where the city comni ndsthat undue I|arcL iip due to lll 'easonabIc practical dimciilties may result rroni sti-iet compliance thi chapter,the city commission may approve a waiver. (h)conditions orwaiver.An app ant Seek'IIg,a waive shall submit lo the city commission awritte nrequestforthewaiverstatingthereasonsForthewaive.dnd the racts,which support the waiv ci. Thecity commission shall not approve a waivei—unless: (1)Cotnpliance \viIh such provision(s)vvould be unreasonable;or (2)Compliance with such provi ion(s)are in conniet with the public interest;or (3)compliance with such pr()\IisiOl'l(S)are a practical I ipessi ility. tc)A waiver shall not modiry any ieqiiii-einent or term eustoina ly considered as a variance. (cl)A vvniver shall be considered only in cases vvhere alternative tldn?nislrative procedures notset Fonh svithin the city Code Or0I'diIlalIC€Si (e)A waiver troin the land development rcgulations may he approved only upon shovving go od cause, and upon evidence that an alternative to a spceitic provisin|I(s)oft chapter shall he provid ed. which eoiironiis to the general intent and spi it of these laud developtnent egulations.ln cctlsidc n g anyrequest for El waiver froln these land dcvcloplnent regulations.the city conunission lriay require con diti ons as te to ensure that the intent oftlicse land developlnent regulations is enforced.approp REFERENCED CODE SECTIONS IN STAFF IIIEPCDRT 24-17 De?ni ions. /[eight shall mean the vertical distance from the applicable begi ning p u Ofllleilsllrelnelit tothehighest point era building's roerstrnciurc or parapet,and any attachment thereto,exclusive orcliiiiiiiey s. Sec.59.—Zoning,land tleveltipiiieiit regulations and max iuuiii built ig height. Zoning and land developtnent regulations shall be in accordance xvith Florida Statutes asothcrxvis eprovidedrerVVIhinthecodeororclinanees,except that in no case shall the maximuiii he orhtldings \iin the city or Atlantic Beach exceed tliiity—t'ive (35)reet;provided however,that cxls ting buildings which exceed thirty-?ve (35)reet in height may be repaiied to that existing height,no alteia rons shallbe made to any building.which would cause that building,to exceed Il\iI1y—?Ve (35)feet in andIl Charter provision shall not restrict any I pet-ty owiu:‘s vested gltls tinder constiI|itionaI.,statiit oiy or colnlnon Iavv. Further provided,liowcvc that the city commi on may approve,pursuant to the applicable sec tio n orthe city's land development rcgulat ons.requests to e.ceed the i-uaximunri build ig he glut orthii- ty_tive (35)feet (or exterior areliiteetiu-al design elements,exterior decks or porches within nonresidential landuse Agenda Item #2.A.20 Mar 2023Page 4 of 39 eategoi es as aesigiiateti hy tiie riitiii-e land use map orihe adoplcd eoiiipi-eheiisive pian.for n ni ii - es iti e ni ia i tieveiopnient. The oniy pi-opeity excepted rmiii this height iiinitation shaii he eei-ia i parts orthe es sting h o t e i p]‘o|1eI‘I\' located at 1 OCCEIII Boulevnnl.Atlantic Bezlcli.Florida.\\'l1iCIl properly ‘h(xt|i|(|ed by Allcrn Stree t onthe north.the Atlantic Ocean on the east,Atlantic Boitlcvard on the south.mid ()ccan Boulevard on(It:west. and only the.e parts (1 I pi-opei-ty as reiiews: (I)The e istiiig htiiidings that exeeeti lI1irly»?vc (35)reet on the properly as orihe eir eet ive tiate of this ordinance;and (2)That part or '(I pmpei-ty extending west ri-oin the e wsling hotei towe-no titanone iiiintireci l\\/ell!)/—?Ve (I25)feet towai-tis tiie west piopeny I nee no closer than ??y (ieettothe south properly |ine_\'Ih no nioi than a lliaxillllllll vvidlh orone huI1(|I‘ed (I00)feet a n d containi nganaddilionalrootpiintofnoinoiethaneieveiithoiisancirivehlllldred(1 L500)squarefeet. I—lo\\'ev-3|’.any rntiii-e dcvclopinenl,I‘edcVelopInenl oi-expansion on these pans orihe properl y, whichare pi-oposeti to exceed thii-ty—iive (35)feet in height shall be subject to apprcvzil by the city c o i n i n i s s i o n and shall 1 no event exceed the height of the ex iug hotel lovver building as of‘I11:effeclive dateofthis ordinance. Nola.‘(IlI|‘renl.ly F.S.I63.F.S.166,and Comic oF()rdin=Inces C|1?ple!'S I4 and 20. Sec.24-8].-Cicllernl I SI tions upon land.buildings and sti-uctui-es. (e;Height.The inaxiniuin heigiit orb dings within the city cirmiaiitie Beach exceed ll1it’r_ V-five (35)reet; provided however,that e ting huiidings which exceed ti Ly»?vc (35)feet in height Inay herepaedlo that existing height,no aitei-ations shaii be Illadc lo any buiidiiig,which woiiid eause that hiiii tiin g toexceed lhiI’l'y~FIve (35)reet n height. Sec.24-!I5.-CcnIraI business disll cl (CBD). (4)]\/laximutn build ig height:Thii1y—?\/e (35)reet. Sec.24-156.—Exceptions to helg It limitations. upon speeitie appiieation,the city coinn sion may grant waivers to the tnaxilnuin height as set forth within this chapter oniy within I10nresidenlial zoning dis!is and oniy in accorda nce withthe roiiowing: (a)in no ease shaii approval he granted rot any height or htiiiding within the city ex ce ed in g thirty— ?ve (35)reet,except in aeeoi-daiiee with seeiioii 59 or the city chatter. (b)Requests to exceed the iniiximiiin height for eei-tain eieinents ora building may heconside redandapprovedoniywithnein~et.itieiitiai land use categories and rcii-not ‘csiclenlial (| eve | opi ne nl. FIIrllIeI',any sueh nonresidential ineiease lo the niaxiiniiin height or biiiithng shaii iititedoniy lo exle or architectural design eieniei-its,exterior decks or porches.and shaii E x cl u d e signage. storage space OI’hab ahie space as de?ned by the I’-‘lorida Bllil ig code and sha ll beapproved nnly upon denlonsll tion that the proposed height is eoinpatihie with exist siiiroi iiidiii gdeveluplnelll.Agenda Item #2.A.20 Mar 2023Page 5 of 39 Page 6 of 39 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Cl'TY COMMISSION l\/lEE1‘lNG STAFF REl’()RT AGENDA ITEIVI:VV/—\lV23—0O03 Public Hearillg WAlV23—0003 is a request for a waiver to exceed t h e lnaxi rnulnbuildingheightor35—reet. SUBJVIITTED BY:Alnanda Askew,Director ofPlanning and community TOI)AY’S DATE:l\/larch 13,2023 MEETING DATE:l\/larch 20,2023 BACKGIKOUND:The applicant is cips Holding Group LLC,the owner or 42 East Coast .‘_v .1......-u Ab_|K.RN.!iTA V - Drive.This property is currently vacant and located on the southwest corner of East Coast Drive and Ahern Street,within the Central Business District (CBD). The applicant is seeking a waiver to exceed the rnaxirnurn building height of 35»f'eet for the screening walls for the AC‘units and the elevator shaft. The intent of the CBD is for “low _ intensity,neighborhood scale \‘AI'|.l\N.11(4l\kV()'....t.....n cornntercial and retail and food ‘ i - i V "' service uses,and professional offices,which are suitable within the constraints of the existing developlnent patterns or the district and which contribute to the coniinei-cial,civic and c ul tu ra l vitality of the City 0fAtlal1tic Beach Town Center area.The CBD contains an established develo prrlen t pattern with a predorninance ofolder structures built prior to the current requirernents for area,parking and other site related elenients,and this character should be retained.”Lot sizes and setbac ks arereduced in this zoning district in an efFol't to encourage buildings to be brought closer to the s t r e e t. TheCDB regulations are rneant to create a pedestrian oriented developn-tent pattern. The applicant has an approved building pertnit for a three—story comrnercial building.l\/ lost oftheparking is located under the building along with a slnall aniount of retail space.Office space is forthe Agenda Item #2.D.20 Mar 2023Page 7 of 39 second and third ?oors.The driveway access is o?ofAhern on the western niost area oft he property (furthest froin the intersection ofA|1ern and East Coast I)rive). The current approved building plans show the NEVV A/C UNIT building at 35 LOCATION VVI 48 feet in height,SCREEN which is the niaxiniuln building height allowed within the city.Tlie current approved plans show the air conditioning units located on the side of the building, however,the applicant is now proposing to locate the A/C units on the roof of the building behind a screen wall/fence.In doing so,the air conditioning units and the associated screen wall would exceed the maximum 35-foot height lirni t. Simil arly, the applicant is proposing to redesign the elevator shaft with an approxirnate height 37. 5 feet.The proposed A/C units and associated screen wall,as well as the proposed elevator sha?,exceedthe 35-foot niaxirnurn height required by Section 59 “Zoning”of the City Charter and Se cti on s 24-81 “General restrictions upon land,buildings and structures”,24-1 15 “Central business and24- l56 “Exceptions to height lirnitations”of the Land Development Regulations and the ref or e, havergt been approved by staff. Section 24-17 de?nes height as “the vertical distance ?‘orn the applicable begi nnin g pointof measurenment to the highest point of a building's roof structure or parapet,and any att ac hni ent thereto, exclusive ofchin1neys.” Section 59 of the City Charter and Section 24-]S6 of the Land Developnlent Regulations author ize the city commission to grant waivers to the rnaxirnum building height for non—residential de ve lo p m en t in accordance with Section 24-]S6(b)below:Agenda Item #2.D.20 Mar 2023Page 8 of 39 “RI:qIIe.\-Is’Ir)L’.\‘L'(.‘L’(/the nIu.\‘iInuII1 /lei}:/1I_/IV)!‘certain e/en1en/s Q/’a bui/t/iI1g may be cu 11. viz / cI‘ e(/ uI1i:/ appruvetl an/y writ/1i11 nnnre.s‘itleI1Iiul lurnl use culegorieiv and,/hr non;'e.s'idcI1lit/I (’L‘\‘¢‘/() [7IHt.’III. F'urI/7eI: any sun-/1 II4IlN‘(‘.\i(/L‘I7/i(I/inc-/‘euxe In I/zu nnrrxinuun lveigl?qflxuiltling .\'/7(I//be litni/ed o nl y /0e.\'l::riur lII'L'/1i/(.’L‘IllI‘H/¢lL‘.\igI7 uI<'II1vl1l.\'.i:.\‘/cI'I'I)I‘(/(‘C/CS‘or ,;m-t-hes.and .\‘/1uII L‘.C/IIL/L’Nigliuge.xpucuIII‘ l1uIn'rul:It1.s~puct»u,\'(/Lf/inL‘(/by the Flt:/‘it/(I Blli/t/i)1g (sat/t—z/n¢I.vl1uII he app;-rivet;()I1/_1‘ll]) (H1 z/ eIn0I 7. \‘lI‘ ulir)l1 Ihal [he /:I*npr).vc'(//1L'igI7I ix canipulihly u'iI/1 e.\ring .wIrroiuuIiI1g 1/evclnplnenl." After discussion vvith the city attorney it was deternained that the screening wall aroundtheA/Cunits and elevator sha?xvould be considered an architectural design eleincnl therefore.t h e y couldseeka waiver to exceed the 35-foot height restriction. IVI/\)(IlVlUIVl BIJILDING I~IEI(iI-IT HISTORY Froin 1969 to 1981.zoning re;__-ulations liinitcd developn-ient to 30 feet in height with exce ption that allowed churches.libraries and institutional buildings to be constructed to 60 feet in h ei g ht . agpoles, radio towers and church spires were also exeinpted front:the height liinits.in l982,t h e 354hotheight restriction vvas added to the land developrnent regulations with the exception of certain app urte nan ces, such as domes,Cupolas.parapet vvalls,and the like.In 2001.the code was aincnded toonlyallow chiinneys to exceed the height lirnit.In 2006.as a result ofa voter referendurn,the n' i a x i n 1 u n 1 3S~t‘oot building height was also added to the City Charter. VVAIVERS where the city cornrnission ?nds that undue hardship due to tmrcasonahic practical cl if ? c ul ti e s may result froin strict coirtpliancc with this chapter,the city commission may approve a Thecity commission shall not approve a waiver unless: (1)Colnpliance with such provision(s)would be unreasonable:or (2)compliance with such provision(s)arc in conflict with the public interest:or (3)Cornpliance with such provisiori(s)are a practical iinpossibility. BUDGET:None REC()NllVlENl)ATlON:Coinn?ssion to consider waiver WAlV23—OOD3. ATTACHl\’lENT(S):Waiver Hearing Procedures Waiver Application REVIEWED BY CITY NIANAGER: -‘gut _/,t*Lcs_’»t;’ I Agenda Item #2.D.20 Mar 2023Page 9 of 39 Page 10 of 39 AINSB/\C‘HER I 4 um.nu....s.....»s..~... .....l.s.\A!€\..i.n W... February I3,2023 D41‘.Shane Corbin,City l\/lanager VIA PRIORITY COURIER City Hall 800 Seminole Road &ENIAIL (scorbin@coab.coIn) Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 RE:Land Developlnent Regulations VVaivers for 42 East Coast Drive,Atlan ticBeach,FL Our F‘Ile Nos 150181-34 Dear I\/Ir.Corbin: Enclosed is an application for waivers frorn the thirty-?ve (35)foot.height limitation fora new development proposed for 42 East Coast Drive,Atlantic Beach,FL.We believe thes e rrlirl ordeviationsfromtheheightlimitareoffsetbyreasonablearchitecturaldesignelementsrneet the criteria for a waiver pursuant to Section 24-156 and Section 24-66 of the City' s Land Development Regulations and Section 59 of the City cliai-tei-.Attached to the applicati on are drawings that support the requested waivers.together with Attachment A,which is a state ment of facts and reasons for the waivers,to demonstrate that the new building will conforrn to th e ge ne ra! intent and spirit of the City’s Land Development Regulations. A check for the ?ling fee will he provided to your office on February 13,2023. Also attached to the application is proof ofownership and a survey ofthe property. It is our hope that you will ?nd this application complete and place it on the next agenda. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information. Sincerely, I r.;\-«L9,4—(’V Cg Q Terrell K.Arline Enclosure Copies to:Client Tim Young ma».Finn Dona/IIOSIISGISIIDI I345-s-/.|>ocx:l l 904 717 4mm x iurom uuslmclmrm.-I p \\\\’\V.:IlI§h:|\:lI\:|.IIcl Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 11 of 39 FOII uvrenuru.S i n c e useonur RM.-H,WAIV23 oo3cityofAtlanticBeach Community Development Department flgogiirgrilgazgadAllanllc Beach.FL 32233 D $300.00 Appnca mm Fee LAND I)EVEL()PI\4 EDIT IKECZ ULATIONS VVAI VER E APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME GPS HoId|ng Group LLc EMNL derazj zggrnau com _ ADDRESS sou std st S __PHONE at 904-58B—453B cm!Jax?ch __STATE FL ZIPCODE 32250 CELL#9o4—5aa-4533 SITE INFORMATION ADDRESS 42 East coast Dr SUBDIVISION 1.13101 Atlantlc Beach BLOCK LOT135 j 44% REa 1s97;_g.g¢_-mo LOTIPARCEL SIZE 1 so x ‘as ZONING CODE xouo A?cn COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND use DESIGNATION _ornce/retail REQUESTED PROVISIONS FROM WHICH WAIVER ls SOUGHT Section 24455 and section 59 (height lirnitati on) PROVIDE ALI.OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1 .Proof of ownership (deed or certi?cate by lawyer or abstract company or title corrlpany that veri?e s recordof owner as above. 2.Survey and legal description of property. 3.If the applicant is not the owner,provide a letter of autharlzation from the owner(s)for applicant toreprese nttheownerforallpurposesrelatedtothisapplication. 4.Please submit a written request for the waiver stating the reasons for the waiver and the facts whlch support thewaiver. I HEREBY cEn'rlF\'THAT ALI.lurow PROVIDED Is conggcn signature of Property owner(s)or Authorlzed Agent as/SI”/T’/e?xixexs 1%“CT */2 s gum:or Al>l>LlcAN'r PRINT on TVPE NAME HAT : ‘’ ' SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT (2)7 PRINT OR ‘PIPE NAME DAT E Slgned and sworn before me on this _3 I7?day of ~<I1i.l/v.2&2 3 by State nf la ?d g 4 $*laa!sa.la J>(1d»-2! A Coun! vof__D_ _,- Identi?catlnn veri?ed:_ _IUrt0"L0V\ _V_ _ °’‘'‘5‘’'°''“Cl VS’[_|”°BRIITANV FAVE DRIVER MY common 4:66915100 Bxvmas;April as.sum N°'3"V 5'9""3 MyCornrnlsslonexpIres ?L1 L T ..~»-.... ls uwu nsv nssumnou WAIVER 01.25.2020 Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 12 of 39 Section 2466 pelrnits the City Cornrnisslorl to authorize llrnlled Waivers.on 3 case-by-case basis,f r o r n aspezifiz provIsIcn(5)of these Land Development Regulations when It Is demonstrated that compliance with provis| on(s)would be unreasonable,In Conflict Wllh the public Interest,or a practical irnpossibllity.A Waiver f r theseLand Development Regulations may be approved only upon showing of good cause,and upon evidence tha t analternativ etoaspeclflt:provIs|on(s)of this chapter shall be provided,which conforms to the general intent and spir it ofthe se Land Development Regulations.in considering any request for a waiver from these Land Development Regul ations , thecity Commission may require conditions as appropriate to ensure that the intent of these Land Development Reg ulat ions is enforced.A Waiver shall not rnudlfy any requirement or terln suslcirnarily considered as a Variance or requlr ementorletrnprohlbltedasaVariance,and shall be eonsiclered only in Cases where alternative administrative pr oc ed ur es are not set forth within the City Code ofordlnances. statement oi facts and any speciai reason(s)for the requested waiver.which demonstrates compliance withsection 2.4.55 of the zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Regulations and spezl?cully aessribing rhurequest complies with the conditions necessary for tire city commission to approve this request.Please additional pages If needed. See attachment A. i 5 LAND DEV REGULATION WAIVEJI 01232020 Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 13 of 39 Attachment At Statement at“Facts and Reasons fat“the Requested Waivers” Chapter 59 of the Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach provides for a thirty- ?ve (35)foot maximum height of buildings.It also provides authotity for the City to waive the height requirement stating in part as follows: ...the city commission may approve,pursuant to the applicable section of the city's land development regulations,requests to exceed the maximum building height of thirty-=?ve (35)feet or exterior grchitectaral design elements,exterior decks or porches within nonresidential land use categories as designated by thefutureland use map of the adopted comprehensive plan,for nonresidential development. (Emphasis added.) Section 24-156 of the Land Development Regulations is entitled “Exceptions to height limitations”and states as follows: Upon speci?c application,the City Commission may gent majvers to the maximum height at buildings as set forth within this chapter only within nonresidential zoning districts and only in accordance with the following: (a)In no case shall approval be granted for any height of building within the City exceeding thirty-?ve (35)feet,except in accordance with section 59 ofthe City Charter. (b)Requests to exceed the maximum height for certain elements of a building may be considered and approved only within nonresidential land use categories and for nonresidential development. Further,any such nonresidential increase to the maximum height of building shall be limited only to exterior architectural design elements exterior decks or porches,and shall exclude signage,storage is compatible with existing surrounding development.(Emphasis added.){BBA Firm Docs/1203/150181/01l34604.DOCX:1}1 Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 14 of 39 Section 24=66 of the Land Development Regulations governs “Waiver”from other portions of the regulations and states in part as follows: Sec.24-66.-Waiver. (a)General.Exceptfor those waivers authorized by sec.24-190, where the City Commission ?nds that undue hardship due to unreasonable practical di?iculties may result fromstrict compliance with this chapter,the City Commission may approve a waiver. (b)Conditions of waiver.An applicant seeking a waiver shall submit to the City Commission a written request for therwaiver stating the reasons for the waiver and thefacts,which support the waiver.?g_e_ Cigg Commission shall not approve a waiver unless: st would be unreasonable; (2)_Compliance with such provision(s)are in conflict with the public interest;or (3)Compliance with such J11_ovision(s)are a practical impossibiligg. (c)A waiver shall not modify any requirement or term customarily considered as a variance. (a)A waiver shall be considered only in cases where alternative administrative procedures are not set forth within the City Code of Ordinances. (e)A waiver fromthe land development regulations may be approved only upon showing of good cause,and upon evidence that an alternative to a speci?c rovision s o this cha ter shall be provided,which con formsto the general intent and spirit of these land development regulations.In considering any request for a waiver from these land development on may require conditions as appropriate to (Emphasis added.){BBA Firm Docs/1203/150181/01l34604.DOCX:l}2 Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 15 of 39 The Applicant,GPS Holding Group,LLC (“Applicant”)submits that it is entitled to a waiver from the height limit from each of the abovementioned provisions of the Land Development Regulations for the following reasons. The height of the proposed buildmg as shown on the approved plans is thirty- five (35)feet.The building requires several external air conditioning units.Rather than placing the air conditioners on the side of the building to accommodate the thirty-five (35)foot limit,the Applicant proposes to locate the air conditioners behind an architectural design element,which is a screen or fence located on the roof in the center of the building.Attached are drawings showing the proposed air conditioners on the side of the building,a drawing showing them on the roof,and examples of a typical architectural rooftop screen for air conditioners. Additionally,building codes require that the building include an elevator to each ?oor.Proper engineering and design of the elevator requires that the top of the elevator shaft structure extend about 30”above the 35’maximum building height. The exposed portion of the elevator shaft above the roof level will be contained behind the architectural design element mentioned above with the air conditioning units.The Applicant believes that the public will not be able to see the air conditioning units or the top of the elevator shaft if they are placed on the roof behind the architectural design element.As regards the top of the elevator shaft,there simply is no reasonable engineering alternative to building the top of the elevator shaft to an approximate height of 37’—6”. Our engineer and architect will testify that placing the air conditioning units on the roof and having a portion of the elevator shaft above the roof level is compatible with existing development and meets the requirements for a waiver set forth in Sections24-156 and 24-66 of the land development regulations and in Chapter 59 of the Charter.Further,adjacent landowners may in fact prefer locating the air conditioner units behind the architectural design element on the roof rather than placing them on the side of the building.They are out of view on the roof and any noise accompanying their operation will be signi?cantly dissipated if the air conditioners are allowed to be placed on the roof. {BEA Firm Docs/1203/150181/01134604.DOCX:1}3 Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 16 of 39 The Applicant submits that placing the air conditioning units on the roof is not unreasonable pursuant to Section 24~66(b)of the land development regulations. Moreover,requiring the air conditioning units to be located on the side of the building in plain View is not in the public interest.Rather,placing the air conditioning units on the roof furthers the public interest by shielding the large electrical machinery from public View and by reducing the impacts of noise. Attached is a drawing showing the cross section of the building with the roof top architectural design elements,and a street View drawing demonstrating that the air conditioning units and the top of the elevator shaft will not be visible from the street. Finally,the Applicant contends that allowing a waiver from the height limit to accommodate the essential elevator shaft is not unreasonable and recognizes a practical impossibility.Requiring the top of the elevator shaft to be located below the thirty-?ve (35)foot height limit could in fact require the Applicant to remove one (1)?oor from the proposed structure,which is simply unreasonable when the top of the elevator shaft can easily be hidden behind an architecturaldesign element on the roof. {BBA Firm Docs/1203/150181/01l34604.DOCX:1}4 Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 17 of 39 PERMITTED A/C LOCATION Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 18 of 39 NEW NC UNIT LOCATIONWI 48" SCREEN Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 19 of 39 \'<Cascade Roonop Screens < X Roof Screens Design for Architects I Cascade Rooftop Screens VI: I.-naoes may be subject In copyngm.Learn Mare Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 20 of 39 ,4_Architectural Louvars <3X Roof Equipment Screens I Architectural Louvers Co.Vii! Imaues may be subject to copyright Lnarn More Related content _._‘___ 4.Arcmxecmran Luuvers 4.Arcmlec1uralLouvers ,,A5c.,,m_c°m Roof Equipment Screens 1...Direct Mount Roof Equlprne...Equgp"-‘en!screens f,Qm___ nneaserean com Linea Equlpmem Screens ~Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 21 of 39 Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 22 of 39 -3524.‘%UMP‘ ‘ .‘/425;;;: E E {if ._._.._¢._""' ,.-..m JRDHOGR {. f , mcuz nouzrcnumcAmuuxv vvv--/471‘ ¢ .n'4-a V __ V _ znrmooa 2 HOURFLDORICDU-N6ASSEMHLV , IN PAFNN5 AREA TIISLOFEDTD DKAINGEE§T'|'lUCY) anIn‘0 C WI 314'vwwoon DFCONF5:SINGLEPLV Rcxmm; /CONCRETE5D.UMN {SEESYIIUCU ___..T\5‘m:rALs‘nJu WALLW/1/? \—DLNSGLASSFMEAYKIN6.vmvun FLAIRIEV.Bxms ENS! ./vvvvv W Douau:s7uowAL.z:-or. i i AlUMI'\-UH numu *"vi _tr usrzw VLAEE mwmcen CONCRFTE \-——-cnNcw.€rE :u..uMN (SEE SVRUCU METALWLINE W/Waco ‘%""unuuazx \PREJAR ALUMNUM AWNWG éamnnnn ,... V Mn rluok -c :57 noon Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 23 of 39 Doc it 2018262732,OR BK 18588 Page 754,Number Pages:1, _ Recorded 11/06/2018 11:03 AM,RONNXE FUSSELL CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING $10.00 DEED DOC ST $3500.00 Corporate Warranty Heed This lnrienturc mndcNovember 1‘2018 AD.bctwccn Shoppes of Lnl-tcsitlc,Inc.in Florida corporation successor by merger with O.U.R. Prnpcrtles,Inc.a Florida Corporation whose post office nddrcs.<is:2-1:10 Mayport Road H7.AtlanticBeach.Florida 32233.Grantor and GPS Holding Group.LLC at Florida limited liability contpany whose post ol‘l'tccaddress is: 500 3rd Street South.Jacksonvillc Beach.Florida 32250.Grantee. Witncsscth.that the said Grantor.for and in considerationof the sum ol"l‘en nnd Noll00 Dollars($10.00 ).to it in hand paid by the said Grantee.the receipt whereofis hereby acknowledged.has granted.bargainednndsold to the said Grantee forevcr,the following describcd land.situate.lying and being in the County ol"Du\'ul.State ulflorida.to wit: Lot 1,3 and 5.Block l,Plot No.l Subdivision "A"Atlantic Beach.according to the map or plat thcrcolia.-:recorded in Plat Book 5.Page 69.Public Records olDuval County.Florida. Subject to lttxcs for the cunrcnt ycor.covenants.rcst:rictionsnnd cnxcntcnts of record.if any. Parcel identi?cation Nttmbur:l6972B-0000 And the said Grnntor docs hcrcl-t_\'fully warrant the title to said land.and will dcfcnd thc some against the lawful claims of all persons \\'llOn't5hc\‘Cl'. In Witness Whcrcof.the said Gtantor has caused this irutrutncntto ha executed in its nztme by its duly authorized ofTtccr and caused its corporate seal to be affixed the day and year ?rst above written. Shoppes of Lakcsidc.inc.:1 Florida corporation succt.-ssm'hy ntcrgcr with 0.l.'.R.Properties,Inc.:1 Florida Corporation Signer!and Scaled in Our Presence:By: csChrisHioni its President (Corporate Scnl) State ul’Florida County of Duval The foregoing instrumentwas acknmvledged before me this November I.20l8.by Chris Hionidcs.the Presidentof Shoppes of L?kesldc.lnC-n 00I't>0r?ll0|‘0-'~l>’llnt:undcr the laws ofthc State of.on behalfolthc corporation.He is personallyknown to me or has protlut:cd a driver‘;license as identification. Prepared by: Duane C.Romancllo.an employee of “" MDuaneRomancllo.PIAAA ',%;NYCSonctl I9t9-8 BlattdingBlvd ‘:....#s"'.§.‘f.E‘,'¥,“,.,',',‘!,;';'°gG22:vso Jacksonville.Floridn 322 it) . v '1 File Number:1R-0463 W"""""‘-‘V-‘ Florida Ctlrpmtttt:Dml 'Lr:ttcr Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 24 of 39 1o's3 '1 i -ru I A-v--an ms ;W.....m.,...........‘1 ,...W,_.._m.,,_.._,.M. SZ7D‘$l ’I II-nuxsu-u nub----~I _\.,,.n.. i 1 "We =;«~;= )I , -1, I,., 4:2 . '5 l :— E E I -'°- ?=E v T‘uEgQ {H \\ ‘ . 5 g 3 2 ‘\\w ~—.-' F E :\-*3 9 ix \'.\'~;ncnm 'mag:E42,Zn \u 'E \:§\‘.-W.-..:-.1."5 1"!“\r 7/’ '“'7.-".";=.‘?;.%.‘::aw(: -=\\\.'.........‘.~::.‘ ;,A \ ...-'.':.:.+.~=-:. v ‘ \.,W 1 yl ‘- V |‘w\ uvnwual‘~-. ,5;-,;_,.:.-.-c.;.'mu ‘,5,,;=:.';.;.'.'.yV __.. ‘KV‘( ‘.L M-*-«W -* nan:Illartv HEDIVSI -'wzzluto-n-vvr m,.mw....,;Puma U53!sJ(1Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 25 of 39 moo:mm [MIAs min?»sr 1I{eI:s7vu:.-Io.éIoA V0050!Mnco AVENIK Mm nmnc sum rumcrona Mnm sums»mu mm aumm Avwmc mo xrsmcmus IMPORTANTNOTES: -CIJRRENTPROJEGS A5 DESIGNEDBYZDNA ARCHITECTURE _ -ALL3 COMMUNITIESHAVE35 FOOTHEIGHTuMn'S To 5 UMM MANAGEBUILDINGSCALEIN BEAUTIFULFLORIDACITIES I ALL3 COMMUNTTIEMEASURETHIS HEIGHT FROMTHE GROUNDTo THEROOF LEVEL u FERNANDINABEACHANDHISTORICST‘AUGUSTINEALLOWTHE FoLmwmeE><cEr'rIoNsToTrvEsTATuTEs=THESE REASONABLE EXCEPTIONS PROMOTE A;;§‘§,“;:;::S,;::‘:“;‘;m,°,HIGHERLEVELOF DESIGN B(CELLENCE AND AN 2-wr==rs»r<ov~vv«:rewarr<IMPORTANT ADDITIONALLEVELOF DETAILTO THE 2:I‘I?2'n‘i?.°c”.'3%'2.G§IT§..i‘i'.$C?p?§§‘?7§““””5CHARACTER AND VISUAL AMBIENCE OF THE CITY SCREENEDFROM VIEW Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 26 of 39 TOP OF ROOF FENCE COMES INTO VIEWAT +I—400'-0"FROM THE BUILDING Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 27 of 39 ..4r\vaaiuu??xu3......».:_4.. u:J:.L SEE A/C UNITS c IEWDISTANCE Agenda Item #2.E.20 Mar 2023Page 28 of 39 Agenda Item #4.A.20 Mar 2023Page 29 of 39 Agenda Item #4.A.20 Mar 2023Page 30 of 39 Agenda Item #4.A.20 Mar 2023Page 31 of 39 Agenda Item #4.A.20 Mar 2023Page 32 of 39 Agenda Item #4.A.20 Mar 2023Page 33 of 39 Agenda Item #4.A.20 Mar 2023Page 34 of 39 Agenda Item #4.A.20 Mar 2023Page 35 of 39 Agenda Item #4.A.20 Mar 2023Page 36 of 39 Agenda Item #4.A.20 Mar 2023Page 37 of 39 Page 38 of 39 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITENI:Dora Drive Property —Storrnwater Mitigation Park TODAY’S DATE:l\/Iarch I6,2023 IVIEETING DATE:l\/larch 20,2023 SUBIVIITTED BY:Joe Gerrity,Interim City l\/Ianager SUl\/Il\/IARY:At its l\/[arch 23,2023,meeting the City Commission directed take the next step to detennine Lhe feasibility of COAB purchasing the Dora Street property for storrnwater retention and passive recreation.The next step is to get two appraisals ( two bec auseofthecost)on the property.We expect the appraisals to cost $1 ,SO0—$2,000 each.Alt ho ug h this is within the spending limit of the City l\/Ianager,I want to get the consensus of the C o m m is si on before authorizing the expenditure. RECOIVIIVIENDATION:Commission advise staff as to whether it supports the expen diture of $3,000—$4,000 for appraisals on certain property on Dora Street for the purpose ofhelpi ng the deter-rnine the feasibility of purchasing the property for the purpose of stormwater rete ntio n and passive recreation. BUDGET:$3,000—$4,000 CITY MANAGER:(lo-e,.,'Agenda Item #5.A.20 Mar 2023Page 39 of 39