1021 Atlantic Boulevard ZVAR22-0019 PACKETZVAR22-0019 ONE HOUR RATED PARTITION Legend N RIGHT REAR FRONT LEFT 7'-3" 12'-5" 45'-0"38'-6"33'-6"9'-6"43'-0"44'-6"6'-2"12'-5"28'-6"5'-0"33'-6"18'-9"28'-2"9'-9"7'-10"10'-0"43'-10" 1'-6" 19'-6" 1'-6"2'-212"10'-0"1'-6"10'-0"1'-6"10'-0"1'-6"10'-0"1'-6"10'-512"1'-6"10'-6"1'-6"10'-6"1'-612"1'-712"24'-0"1'-412"1'-11"14'-2"18'-4"9'-10"18'-212"8'-6"46'-11" 1'-8" 14'-3" 1'-8"46'-912"10'-112"8'-012"9'-512" 18'-2" 81'-2"44'-2"10'-5"20'-6"14'-4" 64'-10" 7'-6"7'-6" 15'-0"25'-10"22'-8"6"7'-0"14'-0" 9'-1112"17'-11"34'-0"90'-312" 6'-312"10'-0"67'-0"7'-0"10'-6"7'-0"22'-11"4'-2" 33'-7"43'-0"15'-512"24'-412"25'-712"5'-2"23'-0"5'-0"28'-912"5'-4" 12'-912" 4'-0"12'-0"4'-0"12'-0"5'-0"9'-6"28'-0"9'-6"4'-0"12'-0"5'-4"22'-101 2" 29'-8"2'-0"31'-3"4'-4"3'-4"1'-4"83'-11"45'-5"65'-0" CC C C R48'-712"C C4 C C B1 B1 B B C C C B4 C3 1'-0" 19'-9"12'-11" 4'-0"2'-8"1'-0" 1'-6" 19'-0"21'-7"14'-012"10'-4"11"11"8"1'-11"2'-8"3'-4"3'-4"37'-712"9'-712"2'-0"19'-9"11'-1" 2'-7"15'-4"13'-2"2'-012"4'-0"4'-112"6"10'-0"5'-012"5'-0"6'-1012"10'-5"15'-81 2" 26'-6"3'-3"12'-9"3'-3"12'-9"5'-0"6'-9"2'-0" 12'-0"5'-0" 7'-81 2"13'-4"7'-812"2'-0"11'-9"12'-9"3'-3"12'-9"3'-3"12'-8"34'-7" 4'-0"12'-0"13'-9"8'-11"6'-0"A3.5-2 A3.5-1 2'-0"4'-4"11'-312"3'-4"3'-4"2'-0" B A C D D 4'-0"4'-0"R46'-712"1 3 4 8 126 2 N M L K H G F E B 5.7 8.7 9.3 A.1 10 H.4 C.9 5.24.8 7.2 A.2A4.1-3A4.1-2A4.1-16'-0"6'-0"6'-0"6'-0"6'-0"2'-1112"A B1 B1 1 1 1 1 1 A3.6-4 A3.6-5 A3.6-2 A3.6-3 A3.6-6 4"1 1 1 1 PROJECT NO.RELEASEPROJECT NAMECLIENT NAMESHEET TITLE COPYRIGHT - All reports, plans, specifications, computer files, field data, notes and other documents are instruments of service prepared by: Cuhaci & Peterson, (C & P) as instruments of service remain the property of C & P. C & P shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. Any use or reproduction of this document without written permission from C & P is a violation of Federal copyright laws.1925 Prospect Ave.Orlando, FL 32814P (407) 661-9100P (407) 661-9101Florida Corporate Certificate #AA C000526Architects Engineers PlannersJOB_NO.PROJECT-NAME-LINE-1PROJECT-STREET-ADDRESSPROJECT-MUNICAPALITY-CITY-STATEPROJECT-MISC.CLIENT-NAMECLIENT-STREET-ADDRESSCLIENT-CITY-STATE-ZIPCLIENT-MISC.(1) HOUR FIRE AND SMOKE BARRIER - PROTECT ALL OPENINGS G.C. SHALL PAINT TEXT IN A CONCEALED LOCATION ONTO ALL FIRE RATED WALLS. THE TEXT SHALL READ AS FOLLOWS:2"2"2"Rated Wall Identification2Scale 1-1/2"=1'-0" 1. LABELS SHALL BE SPACED NO MORE THAN 12'-0" O.C. 2. LABELS SHALL BE A CONTRASTING COLOR FROM BACKGROUND. 3. INDICATE TWO HOUR WALLS WHERE THEY OCCUR. NOTES: WALL TYPE C: 3 5/8" METAL STUD WALL. EXTEND WALL & GYPSUM BOARD (ONE SIDE) TO UNDERNEATH SIDE OF ROOF DECK AS INDICATED ON FULL HEIGHT PARTITION PLAN, A3.7. EXTEND OTHER SIDE TO 12" ABOVE HIGHEST ADJACENT SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL TILE CEILING PER DETAIL 1/A5.0. SEE DETAIL 2/A5.0 FOR BRACED WALLS. DO NOT EXTEND @ PLASTER OR GYP. CEILINGS PER DETAIL 5/A5.0. SEE 9/A5.0 FOR CURB DETAIL & FLOOR PLAN FOR LOCATIONS. WALL TYPE B1: TERMINATE & FINISH TOP OF WALL @ 8'-0" A.F.F. WALL TYPE B2: PROVIDE R-13 INSULATION TO UNDERSIDE OF DECK WALL TYPE B3: PROVIDE SOUND BATT INSULATION WALL TYPE B4: CERAMIC TILE OVER 5/8" PLASTER ON DIAMOND LATH @ SHOWER TO 6'-8 3/4" (EXCEPT AT END POST & END WALL) ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR.SEE DETAIL 8/A5.0 FOR CURB CONDITION & INTERIOR DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR FURTHER INFO. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONSIDER TILE THICKNESS. WALL TYPE B: WALL TYPE A:5/8" GYP.BOARD OVER 1 1/2" METAL "Z" FURRING CHANNELS, EXTEND TO DECK WITH 1 1/2" RIGID INSULATION. SEE DETAIL 4/A5.0. 3 5/8" FURRING AT SIM. WALL TYPE A1: GYP. BOARD OVER 1/2" FIRE TREATED PLYWOOD BACKING @ BASKETBALL COURT WALL TYPE A2: EXPOSED MASONRY WALL 3 5/8" METAL STUD WALL W/ STUDS W/ GYP.BOARD ON BOTH SIDES, LOW WALL HEIGHT 42" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. SEE DETAIL 9/A5.0 & I.D. DRAWINGS. 6" @ SIM U.O.N. WALL TYPE D: #*- FIRE RATED CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM PER UL419 & HW-S-0030 & PLANS. 6" METAL STUD WALL. EXTEND WALL & GYPSUM BOARD (ONE SIDE) TO UNDERNEATH SIDE OF ROOF DECK AS INDICATED ON FULL HEIGHT PARTITION PLAN, A3.7. EXTEND OTHER SIDE TO 12" ABOVE HIGHEST ADJACENT SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL TILE CEILING PER DETAIL 1/A5.0. SEE DETAIL 2/A5.0 FOR BRACED WALLS. DO NOT EXTEND @ PLASTER OR GYP. CEILINGS PER DETAIL 5/A5.0. SEE 9/A5.0 FOR CURB DETAIL & FLOOR PLAN FOR LOCATION). USE 8" STUD @ SIM. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED WALL TYPE C1: CERAMIC TILE OVER 5/8" PLASTER ON DIAMOND LATH @ SHOWER TO 6'-8 3/4" (EXCEPT AT END POST & END WALL) ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR.SEE DETAIL 8/A5.0 FOR CURB CONDITION & INTERIOR DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR FURTHER INFO. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONSIDER TILE THICKNESS. WALL TYPE C2: 5/8"GYP. BOARD OVER 1/2" FIRE TREATED PLYWOOD BACKING AT BASKETBALL COURT SIDE ONLY, EXTEND WALL, GYPSUM BOARD & FIRE TREATED PLYWOOD BACKING TO UNDERNEATH SIDE OF ROOF DECK. BOLT STUDS TO SLAB WITH 5/8" DIAMETER EXPANSION ANCHORS WITH 2 3/4" EMBEDMENT INTO SLAB, SPACED AT 32" O.C. SEE DETAIL 3/A5.0. WALL TYPE C3: PROVIDE R-13 INSULATION TO UNDERSIDE OF DECK WALL TYPE C4: PROVIDE SOUND BATT INSULATION TO UNDERSIDE OF DECK SOUND WALL DETAIL, RE: A5.0 / 15. SEE INTERIOR DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR FINISHES.WALL TYPE E: EXTERIOR METAL STUD WALL BY SPECIALTY ENGINEER. SEE WALL SECTIONS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WALL TYPE F: 1. DO NOT EXTEND GYP. BOARD AT PARTITIONS BEYOND PLASTER OR GYP. CEILING (WHERE CONDITION OCCURS). 3. EXCEPT AT SHOWERS PROVIDE CEMENTITIOUS TILE BACKER BOARD BEHIND ALL SECTIONS OF WALL TO RECEIVE CERAMIC TILE. PROVIDE "DURAROCK" (NOT MOISTURE RESISTANT GYP. BOARD) ABOVE TILE BACKER BOARD IN THESE AREAS. WALL PARTITION SCHEDULE 2. SEE SHEET A10.0 FOR UL RATED ASSEMBLES AND PENETRATIONS. NOTES: 4. BRING GYP. BOARD OF ALL PARTITIONS SEPARATING GENDER SPECIFIC ROOMS TO BOTTOM OF DECK. 5. PROVIDE P.T. WOOD BLOCKING AT ALL WALL MOUNTED ACCESSORIES AND LIGHTING FIXTURES. 6. SEE SPECS FOR REQUIREMENTS REGARDING STUD TYPE & GAUGE, GYPSUM ASSEMBLIES, MOISTURE PROTECTION, ETC. 7. SEE INTERIOR DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR WALL FINISHES 8. PROVIDE SOUND ATTENUATING INSULATION AT KIDS KLUB & UNISEX RESTROOM 9. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL STUD SPACING TO BE 16" O.C. 10. PROVIDE VAPOR RETARDER TO UNDERSIDE OF DECK AT WALLS BETWEEN WET AND DRY AREAS. VAPOR RETARDER TO BE CONTINUOUS ON WALLS AND CEILING FOR WALLS DIVIDING ROOMS WITHIN WET AREAS-EXTEND CEILING RETARDED 12" DOWN WALL SURFACE TO CREATE OVERLAP OF VAPOR RETARDERS. A3.1 Dimension PlanREVISION 1 - ADDENDUM #1 - 01.27.12STEVEN A. BLEVINSFL# AR91930PROJECT NO.DATEDRAWNRELEASE: CHECKEDPROJECT NAMECLIENT NAMESHEET TITLEC COPYRIGHT - All reports, plans, specifications, computer files, field data, notes and other documents are instruments of service prepared by: Cuhaci & Peterson, (C & P) as instruments of service remain the property of C & P. C & P shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. Any use or reproduction of this document without written permission from C & P is a violation of Federal copyright laws.1925 Prospect Ave.Orlando, FL 32814P (407) 611-9100P (407) 611-9101Florida Corporate Certificate #AA C000526Architects Engineers Planners211021901.16.12 @ ATLANTIC BEACH1021 ATLANTIC BOULEVARDATLANTIC BEACH, FL. 32233LA FITNESS INTERNATIONAL, LLC.4350 Georgetown Square Suite 709Atlanta, GA 303381 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 December 20th 2022 From: Nicholas Georgas Project Manager | South Water Signs | 934 N Church Rd | Elmhurst | IL | 60126 To: City of Atlantic Beach Planning and Community Development | 800 Seminole Rd | Atlantic Beach | FL | 32233 Dear City of Atlantic Beach I am writing this letter to provide some background information, a timeline of recent events, and express gratitude for your consideration of our application. In 2012 a sign permit was issued to Fitness International allowing a 200 SqFt sign with a 5 foot “L” overall height. This sign was removed last calendar year when a rebrand was considered for this location to ESPORTA FITNESS. While the sign was down, wall repairs, cleaning, and maintenance also occurred on the façade. Eventually, the club was not to be rebranded and we sought to reinstall the letters that were taken down. We were advised the letters were down for enough time that they required a new permit. When applying for that permit we learned that the code was changed and our 5’ L height, 200 SqFt sign is no longer allowable. We are seeking a variance to this rule provided that the sign was already approved, manufactured, and installed previously. Fitness International LLC and I are grateful for the opportunity to apply for a variance in this instance. We are thankful for your consideration and review of our application. We are excited to hear your ruling and to complete new branding in the City of Atlantic Beach. Sincerely, Nicholas Georgas Project Manager South Water Signs PUBLIC NOTICE To whom it may concern, Notice is hereby given to all property owners within 300 feet of the address below, and as shown in the map below, that a Public Hearing regarding the case described in this notice will be held by the Community Development Board (CDB) in a hybrid quasi-judicial format will allow for both virtual participation and in-person participation. The public is invited to attend in person. The meeting will be held in Commission Chambers located at 800 Seminole Road. PROJECT Property Location Map Item No: ZVAR22-0019 Address: 1021 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 985 (RE #177602-0040) Applicant: Nicholas Georgas PUBLIC HEARING(S) Body: Community Development Board Date December 20, 2022 Time: 6:00 PM Request: Request for a variance from Section 17-29(a)(1) to exceed the maximum permitted building sign size. Summary: Section 17-29 limits individual fascia signs to 100 square feet. The tenant space may have up to 200 square feet of sign face area. The applicant is proposing to construct a single 200 square foot sign 1021 Atlantic Boulevard. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, a person deciding to appeal any decision made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or at any subsequent meeting to which the Commission has continued its deliberations is advised that such person will need to insure that a verbatim record of all proceedings is made, which must include the testimony and evide nce upon which the appeal is to be based. All information related to the item(s) above is available for review on the city of Atlantic beach webpage under Public Notic es https://www.coab.us/960/Public-Notices. For additional questions please contact Amanda Askew, Director of Planning and Community Development at aaskew@coab.us or 904-247-5841. Please Note: Two or more members of any board or committee of the City of Atlantic Beach may be in attendance. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26 of the Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall or by calling (904) 247 -5800 not less than three days prior to the public hearing. Request for a variance from Section 17-29(a)(1) to exceed the maximum permitted building sign size. ZVAR22-0019 1021 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 985 Site Context and Details Zoned Commercial General (CG) & FLUM designation as Commercial The property is currently used as a shopping center and has uses including retail, restaurant, service, and office. Site Context and Details 1021 Atlantic Blvd. Background A permit for a 200 square foot sign was issued in 2012 for the former tenant, LA Fitness (met code). 2012 code allowed up to 200 sf per sign if setback from the property line more than 200 sf ft. The sign was removed in 2021 pursuant to a rebranding. Temporary signs were installed, however, a new permit was never issued. View of tenant space, May 2015 Background The existing was made non-conforming in 2020 with the update of the code and was grandfathered-in. However upon removal, Section 17-51 requires new signage to become lawful. Code now requires no one sign to exceed 100 sf with a max. total signage limited to 200 sf. View of tenant space, May 2015 214 ft in width Proposed Plan The applicant is proposing to construct a 200 square foot fascia sign on the tenant space. View of tenant space, April 2022 New sign location same as former sign Need for Variance Section 17-29(a)(1): “One (1) square foot of sign face area for each linear foot of the building width that faces the street frontage for a single occupant building or one (1) square foot of sign face area for each linear foot of building frontage for the occupant or tenant space in a multi-tenant development, each as measured on the street toward which the fascia sign is oriented. In no case shall an individual fascia sign exceed one hundred (100) square feet of sign face area nor shall the combined signage for one (1) occupant exceed two hundred (200) square feet of sign face area.” The linear frontage for the tenant space exceeds 200 square feet. The tenant space could have up to 200 sq. ft. of combined sign face area, however, a single sign cannot exceed 100 square feet. Grounds for Decision APPROVAL-existence of one or more of the following Section 17-52 (c) DENIAL- 1.Exceptional topographic conditions of or near the property. 2.Surrounding conditions or circumstances impacting the property disparately from nearby properties. 3.Exceptional circumstances preventing the reasonable use of the property as compared to other properties in the area. 4.Onerous effect of regulations enacted after platting or after development of the property or after construction of improvement upon the property. 5.Irregular shape of the property warranting special consideration. 6.Substandard size of a lot of record warranting a variance in order to provide for the reasonable use of the property. The CDB may consider a denial upon finding that none of the requirements in 17-52 (c) exist. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 4.A CASE NO. ZVAR22-0019 Request for a variance from Section 17-29(a)(1) to exceed the maximum permitted sign size. LOCATION 1021 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 985 APPLICANT Nicholas Georgas DATE December 2, 2022 STAFF Amanda Askew, Director of Planning and Community Development STAFF COMMENTS The applicant, Nicholas Georgas, is representing the tenant at 1021 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 985 (RE #177602 0040). This tenant space is a part of a large shopping center and has a combination of uses including, retail, restaurant, service, and office. The property is located in the Commercial General (CG) zoning district and is designated as Commercial on the Future Land Use Map. The applicant is seeking to construct a 200 square foot building fascia sign. This requires a variance from Section 17-29 (a)(1) to exceed the maximum size for a single fascia sign. The code limits the maximum individual fascia size to 100 square feet. In 2012, a sign permit was issued to install a 200 square foot sign for the former tenant, LA Fitness. This met code at the time. However, the sign code was updated and now the individual fascia signs is limited to 100 square feet and combine signage shall not exceed 200 square feet (one business could have up to two (2) 100 square foot signs but they must be a min. of 72 inches apart). In 2021, the sign was removed pursuant to a rebranding to “Esporta”. Temporary banner signs were installed, but a sign permit was never issued for the new occupant. LA Fitness as the new occupant is requesting to build a 200 square foot sign. Section 17-29(a)(1): “One (1) square foot of sign face area for each linear foot of the building width that faces the street frontage for a single occupant building or one (1) square foot of sign face area for each 1021 Atlantic Blvd. Page 2 of 3 linear foot of building frontage for the occupant or tenant space in a multi-tenant development, each as measured on the street toward which the fascia sign is oriented. In no case shall an individual fascia sign exceed one hundred (100) square feet of sign face area nor shall the combined signage for one (1) occupant exceed two hundred (200) square feet of sign face area.” The linear length of the building for this tenant is 220 feet which means they would be limited to a maximum of 200 square foot fascia sign. At the time of approval of the 2012 permit, the code had the same regulations and restrictions to sign size however, if the building was setback more than 200 feet from the road the sign could be combine to create one large 200 square foot sign. Section 17-51, Nonconforming signs, allows lawfully existing signs to remain, however, such signs shall be made conforming upon abandoning or discontinuing the sign. As such, the applicant is requ esting a variance to build a 268 square foot sign. View of tenant space, May 2015 Page 3 of 3 ANALYSIS Section 24-65 states that “applications for a variance shall be considered on a case-by-case basis, and shall be approved only upon findings of fact that the application is consistent with the definition of a variance and consistent with the provisions of this section.” According to Section 24-17, Definitions, “[a] variance shall mean relief granted from certain terms of this chapter. The relief granted shall be only to the extent as expressly allowed by this chapter and may be either an allowable exemption from certain provision(s) or a relaxation of the strict, literal interpretation of certain provision(s). Any relief granted shall be in accordance with the provisions as set forth in Section 24-65 of this chapter, and such relief may be subject to conditions as set forth by the City of Atlantic Beach.” Section 24-65(c) provides six distinct grounds for the approval of a variance: (1) Exceptional topographic conditions of or near the property. (2) Surrounding conditions or circumstances impacting the property disparately from nearby properties. (3) Exceptional circumstances preventing the reasonable use of the property as compared to other properties in the area. (4) Onerous effect of regulations enacted after platting or after development of the property or after construction of improvements upon the property. The applicant stated, “sings were initially permitted and approved prior to their removal for wall repairs, paint, maintenance. We would like to permit and install the wall signs that were already on the facade”. (5) Irregular shape of the property warranting special consideration. (6) Substandard size of a lot of record warranting a variance in order to provide for the reasonable use of the property. REQUIRED ACTION The Community Development Board may consider a motion to approve ZVAR22-0019, request for a variance to Section 17-29(a)(1) upon finding this request is consistent with the definition of a variance, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 17-52, specifically the grounds for approval delineated in Section 17-52(c) and as described below. A variance may be granted, at the discretion of the Community Development Board, for the following reasons: (1) Exceptional topographic conditions of or near the property. (2) Surrounding conditions or circumstances impacting the property disparately from nearby properties. (3) Exceptional circumstances preventing the reasonable use of the property as compared to other properties in the area. (4) Onerous effect of regulations enacted after platting or after development of the property or after construction of improvements upon the property. (5) Irregular shape of the property warranting special consideration. (6) Substandard size of a lot of record warranting a variance in order to provide for the reasonable use of the property. Or, The Community Development Board may consider a motion to deny ZVAR22-0019, request for a variance to Section 17-29(a)(1).