62-11RESOLUTION NO e ~'"" '~ WHEREAS the continued lack of rainfall has taxed the water supply of the City of At~.antic Beael~a during cer- tain hours. ANp WHEREAS it is in the best interest of Pub~.ic Safety that an adequate water supp3.y be maintained. AND WHEREAS it is anticipated the construction of a new well. in the next .forty-dive (45) days wii~. e],iminate the probleme NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF ATLANTIC. BEACH THAI' LAWN SPRZI~ICLIL+ZG BE RESTRICTED DAILY BETWEEN THE HOURS ~F 3e00 P.M and 8:00 P.M. Voting on this Resolution Aye; Johansen, Lawrence, Moore, Claiborne, Isaacs. Nay 4 .None The Resolution declared adoptedo MaY ~.~th, 3.962 {SEAL) Att~est~, ~~ Adele Sp Grage, City `Clerk