62-21RE&OLUTION NO. ~ -, WHEREAS, the City Commission by motion at a meeting on February 2~i, 1962, did approve the purchase of ~raaterials £o:~° street Signs. in District #1 and #2, aired, WHEREAS, it was recognized by the Commission at this tame that the cost of these materials wou::Ld be ira excess o£ the X1.500.00 allocated in the 1962 budget, and, t~7HEREAS, the Commission directed that the defecit be gaad :~r..om Account #~:(?~0, Emergency Expense Fund unallocated £undie NOw `:Cr~REFORE BE ~T RESOLVED that statements from Manx~esota Mining and Manufacturing Cc~. in the amount of S6Sl, 2;~ and The Hall Sign Ca. in the ameaunt of 51042.20 be ,paid from Account #711, Street Signs, and the defecit ~.mour,t o£ ~~24.24 be transferred to said Account from Acr®un~- #1050;- Fjmergency Expense Fund (unallocated funds) . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~~~~ ~asse~ by ~:he ~'ity Commission ~~.~, ~~-~~.~, ~'~~...-~~ f' ~ ~., 1962. ~, Attest. ,~"';~ r 3 ~, ~.° ,~ ~' A SEAL 1 City Clerk