59-04.. ~' I~SflZ.LiTYQH Bfl. "'~....C, • A EESOI,ti`76'Ifl~3 a~ THE CZTY {)~' A~.`L,'7'TZC E3E14CH, pLORZDa~i ~'O THE DT.dL'AL C®fll'' Et? 4~` C~'ZS- SZflFS RE{aiTESTIHG SiTPPOR7C fJ~ 'THE E~'~'Ql'~l° TQ GE7° Cflx~PLETED THE J4S t~~ PA~IZ$~'G, GUT'Y'~ZHG ALGID EZDET~3AL~ZNty S'~'A^~'E HZGH~AY AZA T~fli3GH ATLAI~'TZC BEACH, HEP~Y'iJ~7E BEFf.CH AL3D JR1CIt.SO~tVZLLE BEACH. ' SLR Z'f RESOLVED ,SY THE .CZTY C SSZQ~i t?F THE CZTY OF ATLAL~3'.CYC BEACH, FLflRZDA: t~F3EREAS, all the municigalities andl organiratioas in the .7acksonville Beaches area united in 1856 ta'gresent to the State Ro ~d Homed the ,urgent 'n~:ed o£ pawing and guttering State Highway AYA thru Atlantic Beach. ~3'eptune'Peach and Jacksonville Beach. and ~ ~ , t~3HEF'.L~AS, th+~ Board of County Coa~eisasioners of Duval County concurred in the teas©nabl~ea~ess of the request and supgosted our appeal to the State Road ~oasd, and, i'~LLEt~1.S, a delegation from the Beach was most graciously received at a State Road Board r~aeeting in Lemke City i'n Agril of 1856, and r WfiEk8HA5, the need for this ~aection of grimary road paving tJas~ thoroughly acknowledged by the',State Rand Board but becaut~e of funds thezi available, our _deleg~tionr was regeaested to permit the project to be div~.d+~c~ iiato two p~iases and ~~ to aec~pt one ghmse 'at that time, na~aely,' the 'ga~t~on ~o'f ~A ly,~.ng ~ t~re~n' and ° connecting State ~ Highway 10 ~ with' State ~Highi~vay X12 and ~ to ta-aia~ a year or taro for the balance, and S~REAE, the forthcoaa~i.ng fiscal year will '!~ the third since the one that included the figst phase of thin project and mmince the need has continued g=ea~ly_to increase since that time DIa1~, T F4HE, BE ZT RE&~JL~D by the City Co.i.ssioa of the City of Atlantic Beach, that tlae Duval. County Board of ~^~ Com~nisgionern join us in reBpectfully reque~tiaag the State Roas3 Board 'to include in it~a forthcoaning Larir~~t'road 3~udget th® iteffi of pavingr guttering and sidewalking th'e 's'octiora of ,State Highway X10 from Pena~aan'Road to Third Sta Thi's groposecl, job wing an ~"~"''~°, extensio~`i of the AZA paving thru the &leaches ira the Atlantic Reach, P~eptuae Reach asesp Then to c ~ iete the job fros~ the southern terr~i.nua~ of the newly finished paving j in Jacl~s~onviliQ i- ,~ " BL~'~~'I "' c'~'dl ~~s~t~ras.#.saa~ Qd. i~h~ ,g~C~a~r~~c~0 c,~u44~~.a.rag i-` a~~ ~id~~rsa,l~.Lre{~ ~~c~sa. ~~~~ A? ~sc~e 4~sca~+~ ~® ~~2~ , Q~ , s~®~.~h tc~ ~ ~~4 Jcahr c®u~aty ~~n~e ~~~~~~~ Pam~d lxy ~h~ c~.~ C B~.Qra c~~ ~~ ~- . y ~, ~~w~ - ~- ~..._ .~.: :~. . ~~ ~~,~. ~~~~~: ~~. ~~~~~