50-02~ _ , ,, 'Y _ \ #~~So~UT~~r`I Flo SC7 ~- Z A RESOLL'TIOYu URGII?G THE RE-DESIGidATICid ~OF TIfv HIGh":TAY $ETWi=,Ei~? JACi~50P?VILLE B$ACHy PuEPTUT~`E BEACH ATLANTIC Br:ACH 9 P~iAX? ORT ~ FERI'AiID Ii'dA ~ YLTLEE Ai~D CiiLi;AHA'~? AS FLOP.IDA IIGIi~.~AY AIA -~•A!vTD THE RE~-DESIGI~Irli ZOD?S OT' THE HIGI'~~dAYS BET`.dEEN JACI{SJ;RlILLE AND ~i^1LAiQTIC BEACH3 D?EPTUPdE BEACH9 A~?D JACIiSOI~nTILLE BE6:CH AS i7.5, HIGH- ~~dAY 90 AID ALTE;D?ATE 90, WI~REAS State Highiaay lOZ between 2•Iay~ort and Fernandina was recently opened to traffic and is connected with U.S, Highway 1 at Callahan and U.S, Highway 17 at Yulee by rlorida Highway 200q and 'AI-IEREA5 Florida Highway AlA is connected with ilayport by way of County,Road5 tbsough the Town o£ Atlantic $each and County Road 608 (Seminole Beach Road) County Road 1312 (Holiday Road1 and County Road 16 (Old Aiayport Road)g and YTHEREAS it is desired that Florida High~~ray AIA be extended idortherly over the above mentioned roads and high- y;ayS to iiaypert, Fernandina Yulee and Callahan in order to connect faith U,S, Hightaays 1 and 17 thereby making Florida Highway AIA continue to the P,?orthern extremity of the State and at the same timer simplify the present highway designas tions; and I~P,;.AS it is desired that the present designations of Florida Highway AIA between Jacksonville and Atlantic Beach and :Teptu_ne Beach, be re-designated as U.S, Highway >09 and Florida Highoray 212 bettiaeen Jacksonville and Jacl~ onville Beach be re-designated as U.5. Highway Alternate g0, in order that U.S, Highoray 90 be extended F,asterly to Atlantic Beach9 PJeptune Beach, and Jacksonville Beaoh9 thereby making it extend from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coasty IuOLd THEREx'ORE9 BE IT RESOLVED by the A4ayor and TOwn Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach9 Florida: Sec. 1. That the Florida State Ftoad`Department be urged to take the necessary steps to re-designate the aforementioned highways as desired, at the earliest possible date. r ~.:_ m.wm._.._ ~,,,~~,..., f° .. ,. Page 2. Sec. 2. That copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Governor of the State of Floriday to the State Road Department, to the several members of the Duval County Delegation of the 1951 State Legislature,, to the Board of County Commissioners, Duval County, to the Board of County Commissioners, Nassau Countyy to the Fernandina Port Authority, to the City of Jacksonville, to the City of Fernandina,. to the Town of Yulee, to the City of Callahan, to the Town Hof Neptune Beacha to the City of Jacksonville Beach. This is to bertify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution passed by the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beech, Duval County, Florida, and ta~Cen from the minutes of the Regular T-ieeting on NFc: ~c ~-, Dc~c;;: cer 11th, 1950. IN T~JITNESS tJI~R OF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florid~~ at the Town Ha11 this "18th day of December, A.D., 1950. C~~ ,~f-~ Adele Si G rage Town Clerk