06-02-83 v MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH JUNE 2, 1983 7:00 PM CITY HALL PRESENT: L. B. MacDonell, Chairman C. T. Tinsley, Secretary George Bull, Jr. Frank J. Tassone ABSENT: Mrs. Dorothy Kerber PRESENT: A. William Moss, City Manager Laurie Stucki, Recording Secretary AND: Ms. Betty Renshaw Ms. Frances Asquith Ms. Jean Hufstetler The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman MacDonell. There was a rollcall, and it was noted that everyone was present with the excep- tion of Mrs. Dorothy Kerber. Chairman MacDonell then called for approval of the minutes of the last meeting, dated January 20, 1983. Mr. Bull made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Mr. Tassone seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Bull brought up the subject of the deck on the corner of Sixth Street and Ocean Boulevard. Mr. Moss advised that the owner had been in contact with the City, and he had stated that he was in the process of removing that part of the deck that was on the City right-of-way. The City issued a Stop Work Order because the deck still would violate setback requirements; therefore, the deck remains half constructed. Mr. Moss further advised that this was a matter for the Code Enforcement Board which still has not been established. Mr. Tinsley reminded all present that at the request of Chairman MacDonell he had prepared a letter to all members and Mr. Moss regarding code enforce- ment of decisions made by the Board of Adjustment which spelled out Article XIV City Charter Section 147. Mr. Bull and Mr. Moss stated that they had not received this letter. Copies were then made and delivered to Mr. Bull and Mr. Moss. A general discussion then ensued concerning the establishment of the Code Enforcement Board and what their powers should be. The discussion also encompassed what the powers of the Board of Adjustment are regarding code enforcement. Mr. Moss stated that according to State Law, the Code Enforce- ment Board will have full subpeona powers and the authority to levy fines of up to $250 per day for violations. Page 2 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT June 2, 1983 In discussing the possibility of filling the vacant positions on the Code Enforcement Board, Mr. Bull suggested that the members of the Board of Adjustment serve as the Code Enforcement Board in order to consolidate the efforts of the City to enforce the Code. Mr. Moss agreed to research that aspect. He further stated that if the City Attorney was agreeable to the idea, he would be glad to bring it up at the next City Commission meeting. Chairman MacDonell asked if there was any additional old business to be discussed. Mr. Tassone inquired as to the status of Mr. John Monahan's request at the previous Board of Adjustment meeting. Mr. Moss advised that Mr. Monahan had never followed up on his request, because of his inability to obtain the required 2/3 signatures of the surrounding property owners. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEW BUSINESS There being no further old business, Chairman MacDonell directed the Board's attention to the new business at hand, that being the variance request by Ms. Betty Renshaw. Permission to build on a sub-sized lot - 4893 square feet. 107' short of the required 5000 square feet. Chairman MacDonell asked Ms. Renshaw to introduce herself and to comment to the Board on her request. Ms. Renshaw advised the Board that she wanted to sell the lot and that the sale was contingent on getting the variance so that the buyer could be assured of permission to build a house on the lot. The buyer, Ms. Frances Asquith and the realtor, Ms. Jean Hufstetler, were also present. After they introduced themselves to the Board, Chairman MacDonell asked if the proposed dwelling shown on the survey was the dwelling Ms. Asquith was seeking permission to build. Ms. Jufstetler replied that it was and also that it was well within the required setbacks. Mr. Moss verified that there would be no need to request a variance from any setbacks. Mr. Tinsley noted that the narrow end of the lot in question bounded on Howell Park, so there would be no problem with cutting off any air or light or creating a fire hazard, etc. Mr. Bull made a motion to approve the Request for Variance by Ms. Renshaw to grant permission to build on the undersized lot. Mr. Tinsley seconded the motion. Chairman MacDonell called the question, and a vote was taken. The motion was approved unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page 3 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT June 2, 1983 There being no further business pending before the Board, Mr. Bull moved to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:18 p.m. 27- 44'-Q_Z - C. T. Tinsley, Secre ary