Audit Report - 1986-19871 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF 1'~tlaoti.C ~iae~e - ~lezlda ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 Delatte Naski~+Sells Ci:i!1~ rj Deloitte Haskins-Sells Cenltied Public Accountants Suite 1240 200 West Forsyth Sveet Jacksonville. Florida 32202-4371 ~904~ 354-a333 ITT Tele.: 4995642 Honorable Mayor and December 31, 1987 City Commissioners City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Sirs: We have examined the general purpose financial statements of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida (the 'City") for the year ended September 30, 1987, and have issued our report thereon dated December 31, 1987. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in the Standards for Audit of Governmental by the U. S. General Accounting Office and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. REPORT ON INTERNAL ACCOUNTING CONTROL As part of our examination, we made a study and evaluation of the system of internal accounting control of the City. For the purpose of this report, we have classified the significant internal accounting controls in the following categories: cash receipts and disbursements, investments, receivables, budgets, fixed assets, payroll, purchasing, grants, debt administration and general ledger. Our study included all the control categories listed above. The purpose of our study and evaluation was to determine the nature, timing and extent of the auditing procedures necessary for ezpressing an opinion on the entity's financial statements. Our study and evaluation was more limited than would be necessary to express an opinion on the system of internal accounting control taken as a whole or on any of the categories of controls identified above. The management of the City is responsible for establishing and maintaining a system of internal accounting control. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required to assess the ezpected benefits and related costs of control procedures. The objectives of a system are to provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss Erom unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are ezecuted in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Because of inherent limitations in any system of internal accounting control, errors or irregularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, projection of any evaluation of the system to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or that the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. Our study and evaluation made for the limited purpose described in the second paragraph would not necessarily disclose all material weaknesses in the system. Accordingly, we do not ezpress an opinion on the system of internal accounting control of the City taken as a whole or any of the categories of controls identified in the second paragraph. However, our study and evaluation disclosed no condition that we believe is a material weakness. Our study and evaluation did, however, disclose the attached matters that, although not considered by us to be material weaknesses, are weaknesses in internal accounting control Eor which corrective action might be taken. REPORT ON COMPLIANCE The management of the City is responsible for the City's compliance with laws and regulations. In connection with our ezamination referred to in the first paragraph, we selected and tested transactions and records to determine the City's compliance with laws and regulations noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the general purpose financial statements of the City. The results of our tests indicate that for the items tested, the City complied with those provisions of laws and regulations noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the general purpose financial statements. Nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that for the items not tested the City was not in compliance with laws or regulations noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the City•s general purpose financial statements. This report is intended solely for the use of management of the City, the City Co'msission, and the Auditor General of the State of Florida and should not be used for any other purpose. This restriction is not intended to limit the distribution of this report which, upon acceptance by the City Comsission, is a matter of public record. Yours truly, DELOITTE HASRINS & SELLS During the year ended September 30, 1987, all recommendations brought to the attention of management in the management letter for the year ended September 30, 1986 were addressed with the ezception of the following: Pindina - The City does not presently use an encumbrance accounting system in its Governmental Fund Types and other budgeted funds. Background - The City presently manages its ezpenditure budgets by comparison of actual ezpenditures incurred to budgeted amounts. This requires considerable judgment as total ezpenditures approach their budgets in that the Finance Department must accumulate and manually determine the eztent of outstanding and in-process purchase orders and estimate emergency ezpenditures. An encumbrance system is a widely-used and valuable tool in this process. with an encumbrance accounting system, the initial accounting for ezpenditures begins with the purchase order or request which is recorded on the system as an appropriation prior to the actual a:penditure. This allows for more efficient management of budgets as outstanding purchase orders representing encumbered funds are recorded and accumulated on the system. Recommendation - The City should study the feasibility of establishing an encumbrance accounting system over ezpenditures in Governmental Pund Types and other Budgeted funds. During the ezamination of the financial statements as of and for the year ended September 30, 1987 the following conditions were noted: INVERTORY Finding - The City had an inventory consulting study done in April 1987. Since that time the City has begun implementing those recommendations. The following recommendations have yet to be implemented by the City: Recommendations: A centralized Public Works inventory location should be established which would include water and sewer parts inventory. An oil pump lock should be purchased and the pump should be locked when not in use. The stock room at the water plant should be locked and materials removed should be logged out by part number, quantity, and employee's name. Water and sewer pipes and valves should be secured and the water pipes should be segregated from the sewer pipes. PAYROLL Finding - During the 19B7 fiscal year, the City instituted a time clock requirement for all personnel. The time clock procedures have been clarified several times during the year through personnel memorandums. We recommend that the City further improve the time clock process by implementing the following comments. Reconmendations• All time clock policies and procedures need to be consolidated into one document and be added to the City personnel manuals at the Wert printing. The policies should require employees and department supervisors to sign time cards before submitting them to the payroll department. Department supervisors should also be required to initial any hand-written entries on a time card. Any overtime work should be accounted for on the time card, including weekend work when the time clock is not accessible and approved by the supervisor. Public works time cards should be controlled by a single individual who hands out time cards to the proper employees and controls the time cards at times other than clock-in, clock-out times. The Rules of the Auditor General, State of Florida, require that this report be filed with the Auditor General together with audited financial statements. Chapter 10.550, Rules of the Auditor General - Local Government Entity Audits further require that this report specifically address, but not be limited to, the matters described in Rule 10.554(1)(K). Accordingly, in connection with our ezamination of the financial statements of the City, for the year ended September 30, 1987, we report the following: 1. No irregularities were reported in the preceding ezamination. 2. All recommendations made by us in connection with the preceding annual financial audit have been followed or adequately addressed except as noted in Section I of this report. 3. Recommendations, if any, to improve present financial management, accounting procedures and internal accounting controls are addressed in this report. 4. During the course of our ezamination, nothing came to our attention to cause us to believe that the City: a) was in violation of laws, rules and regulations; b) made any illegal expenditures. However, it should be noted that our ezamination was not directed primarily towards obtaining knowledge of all possible violations or improprieties and our study (and therefore our procedures and tests) were limited as described in the second and sixth paragraphs of this report. 5. No improper accounting procedures were found within the scope of our financial audit. Circumstances, if any, involving the adequacy of accounting procedures are addressed in this report. 6. No failures to properly record financial transactions were found within the scope of our financial audit. No inaccuracies, irregularities, shortages or defalcations were discovered in the scope of our ezamination. The financial report for the year ended September 30, 1987 filed with the Department of Banking and Finance pursuant to Section 218.32, Florida Statutes, is in agreement with the annual financial audit report for the same period. In connection with our ezamination of the general purpose financial statements of the City, for the year ended September 30, 1987, in accordance with the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in the Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations. Programs. Activities. and Functions, issued by the U.S. General Accounting Office; the Single Audit Act of 1989; and the provisions of OMB Circular A-128, Audits of State and Local Governments, we noted no instances of noncompliance with laws and regulations related to federal programs. • e • • : w • • s CITY OF ~YEa.rtic Geaelc - ~louda ]l6 ace.AN ROULF.VARD P. U. RU%R6 ATLANTIC REACII. FIgRH)A 622J3 TELEPHONE I96i1 R193J"+ February 19, 1988 DLM 1! RAAI r )M To: Richard L. Fe tZows, City Manager From: Narr•y E. Royal, Finance Director Irt response to ti]e auditors' management letter on ir]terrotnL control, I would Like to offer the foLLowi>ag Comments: S +^r..vr ~L wwA>~,r„ SYCT M To reiterate that I stated in response to LASL year's management letter, an enat]mbrance system would provide ggreater control over the issuance of otn• purchase orders. However, in our City the i.ssunnce of purchase orders gene>-a Zly only becomes a oritticaZ factor close to year end. My persortaL experience with encumbrance has given me the imp>•ession that they require a considerable amount aF effort to mnintain. Given tits present growth rate, the Cicy of Atlnrteic Beaeh will eventually need an encumbrmtce system. Therefore, as soon as we install certain other system upgrades that should create sufficient time to maintain such a system, I isend to begin deveLoppting an encumbrance system that will meet the City's needs. We have not been able to insta Zl aLL of the upggrades during the ast year but we have already begun the preliminary work needed for these apgrades. IMDEHTOR}' The 7'ublic Works Department ie stiLZ in the process of limp Zementing the auditors recommendations that are FeastbZe at this time. PAYR(1LL The time clocY. problems referred to by the auditors relate epeciFicaLZy to Cite Pub Lia WorY.s Department. They are currently being addressed by the Publte Works Department. Si c~ere Ly, Harry E. ~ ynL Finance Director HER/ksm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BSACB ANNUAL FINANCIAL BEPOBT POR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SBPTEt~ER 30, 1987 Pane Auditors' Opinion 3 General Purooae Financial Statemeata Combined Balance Sheet - All Pund Types sad Account Groups 5 Combined Statement of Revenues, Ezpenditurea and Changes in Puad ealaacea - All Governmental Pund Types and Ezpeadeble Trust Punda 30 Combined Statement of Raveauea, Ezpendituras and Changea in Pund Balancers - Budget end Actual (GAAP Basin) - A31 Government Pund Types 12 Combined Statement of Revenues, 6zpeasea and Changes in Eetained Earnings/Pund Balance - All Proprietary Yund Types sad Penaioa Trust Pund 14 Combined Statement of Changea is Financial Position - All Proprietary Pund Types and Pension Trust Pund 15 No tea to Financial Statemeata Combining and Individual Pund Statements 17 General Pund Schedule of Ezpeadituree - Budget and Actual Special Re e 'F d 35 venu un s Combining Balance Sheet 38 Combining Statement of Raveauea, E:penditurea, and Changea in Pund Balance P iota P d T - Eat i P d 39 y D Combining Balance Sheet q2 Combining Statement of Revenues, ¢zpeaaea sad Changea in Retained P,arnings 44 Combining Statement of Changea in Financial Position Fid iar P d 46 y ua uc a Combining Balance Sheet 49 -1 _ ~;. pf:)O,~o Statistical Sectioa Passion Revenues by Source and 6zpeases by Type 53 Computed Pension Contribution Comparative Schedule 54 Analysis of Pension Pundiag Progress - Last Tan Years 55 ~~ . r ~ ~ - 2 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 Deloitte i Haskins-Sells 1 Certifietl Public Accountants Suite 1240 200 West Forsyth Street Jacksonville. Floritla 32202-4371 ~9%) 354-8333 1 ITT Telex: 4995%2 Ai1DITORR' OPINION 1 Ronorable Mayor, City Commission and City Manager 1 City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida We have ezamiaed the general purpose financial etatemeats of the City of 1 Atlantic Beach, Plorida, as of and for the year ended September 30, 1987, as listed is the foregoing table of contents. Our ezamiaation vas made is accordance with generally accepted auditing etaadarde and, accordingly, included such teats of the accounting records and auc6 other auditing 1 procedures as re considered necessary is the circumstaacea. In our opinion, the general purpose financial etatemeats referred to above 1 present fairly the financial poaitioa of the City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida, at Beptember 30, 1987, and the results of its operations and the chaagea in financial poaitioa of its proprietary fund types and peaaion trust fund for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted 1 accounting principles applied on a baaia coasiateat with that of the preceding year. 1 Our ezamiaation was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial atatementa of the City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida taken as a whole. The combining and individual fund financial 1 statements listed in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial atatementa of the City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the 1 examination of the general pu[posa financial statements sad, is our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. 1 The statistical section, as listed is the table of contents, has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied is the examination of the general purpose financial atatementa and, accordingly, we a:press no 1 opinion. 1 ~~,~ 4yOalCh.o ~~ 1 December 31, 1987 1 1 _3 iiu:i0`i3 1'bia page intentionally left blank. , _ _ * _ ' i~ ~l ~)'~ l:3 ' ~~FNS'S~n3 Pt7RPOSS FINANCIAr TATE~NT - 5 - 1 oor~oso CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CONBINEO BALANCE SHEET ALL FUND TYPES ANO ACCOUNT GROUPS Govermentsl Good Tvoes Special Oebt EiDi tat Notes n r l R v n rvi Proieets ASSETS [ash and investments 2 (1,130,689 (198,727 f23,5d8 (103.983 Other cash and fnvestants Accounts receivable 263.619 Allorance for doubtful accounts Inventories 27,895 Due from other governcents 32,566 Due frog other funds 8 3,665 Deposi is 5,000 Prepaid expenses 86,666 380 Other assets RestrictW assets: Cash and invsctments 2 Invested cash ri th ftscal agent 2 Due from other governants ConstrucH On in Drogross 3 property. plank and equipemnt -net 3 AMUnt available in the debt service fund for payant of long-tern debt Mount to be provided for payment of long-tarn bonds Mount to be provided for payment of long-tern portion of capensated absences TOTAL ASSETS 51"517"352 fjj]aj~ fj~s jg ttOk gBa See notes to financial statements. (continued) :i •, ~)~Ji -6 1 1 1 1 1 1 t Proprietary Fiduciary Lund Tvoes Lund Tvges Account Grouos Expandable General General Totalz and Pension Long-Tern fixed (M d 0 1 1 En terorise Trust Obligations Assets ~Z ~( (1,638,730 (/,709,960 (4.805,637 (3,775.844 84,626 84,626 199,201 24 462,844 346,082 (18,000) (18,000) ~•~ 70,363 63,217 32,564 25.611 3.485 25,614 5,000 5.000 87,044 61,760 10,034 10,034 10,034 1,657,818 1,657,818 1,605,510 310,923 310.923 693.705 113,.'36 113.736 351,322 1,130,100 1,130,100 995,871 10,405,302 2,271,790 12,677,132 10,062,236 23,860 23.860 23.874 789.941 789,941 535,880 515.494.352 51.794.610 99.249 tgla Ocn 52.2]1.790 99.249 an _acn,asc 5 77.726 18.659.219 7 CITY OF ATUNT[C BEACH, LLO0.IDA COMBINED BALANCE SNEET ALL FLNO TYRES AND ACCOUNT GROUpS (Continued) Notes 1 Geverrnental fund Tvoes ' Special Debt Capital 0enerai R°vanue 6erviea Protects LIABILITIES Ak0 FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES: Accounts Dayable and accrued slabs li tf es f %,992 S 6,410 f 67 f 95,5% Due to other funds 3,086 Current portion of revenue bonds payable 4 Current liabilities (payable from restricted assets): Accounts payable Contracts payable Revenue bonds payable 4 Accrued interest payable Revenue bonds payable - long-tern portion d Oepott tt 6,OOD Deferred compensation 6 General obligation bonds 4 Revenue bonds payable Accrued compensated absences. long-tern 4 _ Total liabilities lal.99z 8"899 _~Z 95.5% fl1ND EQUITY: Contributed caDi tai Investment in general fixed assets Retained earnings: Reserved for ren¢wAls and replaceswnts Reserved for debt service Reserved for construc[i on Unreserved retained earnings Fund balances: Resa rved for Daynent of long-Leon debt 23,861 Reserved for prepaid espenses 86,664 Reserved for inventories 27,895 Reserved for police training and invests 9ati ons Reserved for yeti ranenk Other reserves 82,658 Unreserved fund balances 1.218.103 222.392 8.387 Total fund equity 1.015.360 222.392 23.861 _ 8.387 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND fIRLD EQUITY 37 17 as Stal X91 fj~8 t10'+ 9Ba See notes to financt al statments. (j~1:)~9.3 "B" 1 1 Proprietary Fiduciary Fund Tvpes Fund Tvoes AcCOUnt Groups Expendable General General and Pension Long-Tern Fixed Enteror5 se Trvst Oblf nations Assets S 136,541 3.600 103,810 111,339 55,000 28,438 3.972,615 168,650 f 84.626 5262.000 551,801 99.249 4.580.000 84.626 913.050 4,961,537 12,271,790 1,444,830 227,484 111,571 4,168,930 15,197 1,694,787 10.914.352 1709.984 (15.444.352 fl.]^4.610 2.271.790 f97~.050 52.2]1.790 Totals (Mesa randun Onlvl ~Z ~$¢ f 334,613 f 242,194 3,485 25,614 3.600 2,219 103,816 101,114 111,339 45,093 55,000 145,500 28,038 155.638 3,972,615 4,135.080 173,650 124,387 84,626 262,000 307,000 551,801 252,754 99.249 77.726 5.784.230 S.fi 14.119 4,961,537 3,658.713 2,277,790 1,571,017 1,444,830 1,268,547 227,484 222,291 111,571 712,055 4,168,930 2,417,664 23,861 23,876 86.664 61,760 27,895 19.086 15.197 25.875 1,694,787 1,514.864 82,658 1.448.922 1.544.364 16.566.)26 922.1s0.aca 13 045.110 S1A.6S9.239 -9- ~ii;i0~~1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, LLORIDA CONNED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CWINGFS IN FUND BALANCES ALL GOVERNMENTAL FlIND TYPES AND E%PENDABLE TRUST FUNDS FOR THE YEAR FISCAL ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 1987 G t 1 F d T Special Oebt [api tal Notes n r 7 Revenue Sa rvice Protects Revenues: Tales f 654,390 (314,561 (61,550 L;cens es and parni is 509,819 Federal shared revenues flg7 State shared revenues 772,100 20,908 Other intergovermentsi revenues 13.604 Charges for services 3,139 ii nes and forfeitures 96.404 Court cost Confiscated property Interest intone 88,241 1,845 1,577 Miscellaneous revenue 26.712 Total revenues 2.164.409 338.195 1 7 Expenditures: Currant: General goverment 755,287 20,908 Publtc safety 1,134,429 Aoads and streets 411,456 Intergovermantal services 36,671 Parks and recreation 53,389 Oebt service: Principal reti repent 67,864 Interest and fiscal charges 34,897 Capital Outlay f633.792 Total expenditures 2.389 232 20.908 1 7 1 633.792 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (224.823) l7 (39.634) (6;3.792) Other financ inq sources (uses): 8ontl proceeds 315.601 Operating transfers in 8 ;47,360 39,621 92,169 Operating transfers (out) 8 (39.621) 5153.252) Total other finanN ng sources (uses) 307.739 (153.252) 39.621 407.770 Excess of revenues and other sou rtes over (under) expenditures and other uses 82,916 164,035 (13) (226.022) FunE balances, October 1, 1986 1.332.444 58 357 23.874 234.409 Fund balances. SeDtenber 30, 1987 C1.41c x60 ~~Z S 23.861 S R.38) See notes to financial statements. s1 - 10- t 1 fiduciary land Totals Eapendabl• (Meno randun Onlv) T~~ .T.f ]3BI ~E (1,030,501 f 609,773 509,819 486,790 881 48,612 793,008 758,653 13,604 15,427 3,139 3,137 96,400 90,253 f 407 OOJ 4,252 1,127 1,127 1,763 1,098 92,761 96,349 _ 26.712 17.229 2.632 2.558.363 2.732.238 776,195 517,544 13,310 1,147,739 925,823 411,456 427,891 34.671 19,821 53.389 79,913 67,864 42,000 3d,897 21.870 _ 633.792 169 226 1 1 3.760.003 2.204.088 1 7 ) 1591.640) (71.850) 315.601 247,798 479,150 328,097 (192.873) (20.703) 601.878 555.186 (70,678) 10.238 463,336 25 875 1.674.959 1.191.623 S 1 S 197 ~..~+,~ f 7.674.959 _7) OG,)0;t CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, iIOR(DA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES. FXPFNOITURES ANO CHANGES IN FUID BALANCES BUDGET (GAAP GASIS) AND ACTUAL ALL GOVERNMENTAL fUNO TYPES FOR THE iISGL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 1987 Genoral Fund SoeeS al Ravenna Funds Variance Variance favorable Favorable Budeet Actual (Unfave rabl a) Bud°et Aetual (Unfavo ra61e1 Revenues: Tases f 558,800 f 654,390 f 95.590 (288.000 (314,561 f26,561 Licenses and pewits 445.300 509,819 61,519 Federal shared revenues 881 881 State shared revenues 795,417 772,100 (23,317) 21,424 20,908 (516) Other intergovarmental revenue 13,000 13,604 604 Charges for services 17,200 3,139 (14,061) Fines and forfeitures 60,000 96,404 36,404 Special asiessernts Interest incpne 60,000 88,241 28,241 1,845 1,845 Xiscellaneous revenue 17.083 26.712 9.629 Total revenues 1.966.800 X160.409 197.609 1 1 338.195 26.045 Expenditures: Current: General goverment 830,709 755,287 Public safety 1,166,831 1,134,429 Reads and streets 429,015 411,456 ]ntragovermental services 34,685 34,671 Parks and recreation 53,412 53,389 Debt service: Principal reti recant Interest and fiscal charges Capital outlay Total expend( lures 2.514.652 2.389 232 Excess of revenues over (under) expendi [ores (547.852) (224.823) Other financing sources (uses): Bond procaedc Operating transfers in 3p,360 347,360 Operating transfers (au t) (113.510) (39.621) Total other finan<i ng sources (uses) 233.850 307.739 Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) eapendi [o res and other uses (314,002) 82,916 fund balances. October 1, 1986 1.332.444 1.332.444 fund balances, September 30, 7987 21.078.442 S See notes to financial ttatenenls 75,422 21,124 20,908 516 32,402 17,559 14 23 1 4 21.424 za.9DS 516 323.029 290.726 317.287 ~,~) 73.889 (34s.De3) (153.252) 195"831 23.8&2 (349.083) 1153.152) 1 t 398,918 (58,357) 164,035 222,392 58.357 58.357 ~~~~7(}~i7 -12- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Totals Oebt Service Pond goital Prot ects land ( Menorandun O nly) Variance Variance Va ri ante Favorable Favorable Favorable Budget Actoal (Unfavorable) 8udaet gs.L9a1 (Unfavorable) 8odaat Stus1 LUnfavorable) 563,323 S 61,550 S (1,773) 5910,123 (1,030,501 5120,378 445,300 509.819 64,519 881 881 816,841 793.008 (23,833) 13,000 13,604 601 17,200 3,139 (14,061) 60.000 96,401 36,404 S 150,000 f(150,000) 150,000 (150,000) 1,500 1,577 77 63,345 91,663 28,318 17.083 26.712 9.629 66.823 1 7 (1.696) 150.000 (150.000) 2.493.773 2.565.731 71.958 852,133 .776.195 75,938 1,166,831 1,134,429 32,402 429.015 411,456 17,559 34,685 34,671 14 53.412 53,389 23 105,375 67,864 37,511 705,375 67,864 37,511 53.190 34,897 18,293 53,190 34,897 18,293 1.270.100 633.792 636.308 1.270.100 633.792 636.308 158 5§~ 1~$~j¢1 55.604 1.270.100 633.792 636.308 3.964.741 3.146.693 818.048 742) (39.634) 54.108 (1.120.100) (fi33.792) 486.308 (1.470.968) (580.962) 890.OOfi 430,746 315,601 (115,145) 430,746 315,601 (115.145) 93.742 39,621 (54,121) 288,000 92,169 (195.831) 729,102 479,150 (249,952) (462.593) (192.873) 269.720 ~~ 39.621 I54. 121) 718.746 77 (310.9]6) 697.255 601.878 (95.377) (13) (13) (401,354) (226,022) 175,332 (773,713) 20,916 794,629 _ ?3.@74 ~2 ,Q74 f 23.9]j S 23.Bfi1 S 234.409 (13) S (166.945) 234.409 S 8.387 S 1.649.084 1]5.332 t e7c a71 1.649.084 S1.fi70.000 S 794"fi29 - 13 - CITY OF ATLANTIC BGCH, FLORI dt COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, IXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS/NND BALANCE ALL PROPRIETARY i18i0 TYPES AND PENSION TRUST fU(D FOR THE FISGL YEAR ENDED SEPT ENBER 30 1987 ProPri etary fiduciary Goods Fund Totals Pension (Menorand un Onlvl NgjRa Enterorise trust ~ ]9$~ CperaH ng revenues: Customer charges f2,261,400 f 2,261,400 f1,897,607 Employe r•s contributions 5 f 76,884 76,884 79,518 Employee's contributions 5 4,205 4,205 State contributions 5 03,011 43,011 34,663 Earnings on invettnants 101,619 _ 104,619 114,3/0 Other intone 95.8% 95.8% 104.73,} Total operating revenues 2.357.2% 228.719 2.586.075 2.230.851 Operating espenses: Personal services 511,647 511,647 457,397 Contractual services 429,376 429,376 322,103 Supplies 97,240 97,240 155,355 Repairs and naintanance 95,292 95,292 86,336 Heat, light and powr 175,765 175,765 137,705 Depreciation 353.379 353,379 237,361 Other expenses 76,113 76.113 55,536 Rati repent benefits 5 53.7% 53.7% 50,792 Total operati n9 espenses 1.738.812 53.7% 1.792.608 1.502.583 Operating intone 618.480 174.923 793.407 728.268 Non-operating intone (espenses): Conn action charges 924,176 921,176 1,303,411 Sever generation charge 89.585 89,585 43.130 Interest intone 236,091 236,091 245,645 Oonati ons 18 406 interest espense (361.638) (361.638) (372.610) Total non-operating income 888.214 888.214 7.237.982 Net intone before operating transfers 1.506.698 174.923 1.681.621 1.966.250 Ope raN ng transfers (out) (286.277) (286.277) (307.388) Net intone 1,220,421 174,923 1,395.344 1,658,862 Add depreciation on fised assees acquf red by shared revenues externally rettri cted for capital ac9uisi li ons 111.837 111.837 44.517 Increase in retained earnings/fund balance 1,332,258 174,923 1,507,181 1,703.379 Retained earnf ngs/fund balance, October 1, 1986 4.620.557 1.519.864 6.140.421 4.137.042 Retained earnings/fund balance, September 30, 1987 Sea notes to financial statements _7q_ ~)U,)(1Si:i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, iLORIOA COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN iINANCIAL POSITION ALL PROPRIETARY NNO TYPES AND PENSION TRUST FUND FOR THE FISCAL YFAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 19A7 Proprietary Fiduciary Funds Fund Totals Pension (Memorandum Only) EnterO rise Trust financial resources rare provided by: Operations: Net incom Item not regviHn9 rorking capital during the period -depreciation Morking capital provided by operations Increase in coot ri bated capital Decrease in restri <ted assets Oispos al of property, plant and equipment Increase in long-tem debt Increase in current liabilities payable from restricted atsets Total sources of rorking capital iinanct al resources rere used for: Acqui sf ti on of property, plant and equipment Increase in restricted assets Reduction of bonds payable Oec rease in current It obi lilies payable from rest ri<ted assets Total uses of rorking capital Net increase in rorking capital Changes in Caaponents of Morking Capital: Increase (decrease) in <urren[ assets: [ash and investments Accounts receivable Alloran<e for doubtful accounts Inventortas Other current assets Increase in current assets (increase) decrease in current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Interest payable Customer deposits Current portion revenue bond payable (Increase) in current liabilities Increase in rorking capital See notes to financial statments. (1,220,421 (174,923 353.379 1,573,800 174,923 1,414,661 786,455 73.946 3.8A8.862 174.923 2,401,791 218,394 162,465 222 500 3.005.150 s s43.71z 5174.923 f 897,457 5174.923 47,320 ne,ooD) 2,335 929.112 174,Qj~ (34,758) (49,261) (1.381) (85.480) ~~ S17q,g2i - 15 - 51.395,344 =1,658,862 353 379 237 3b1 1,748,723 1,B%,223 1,414,661 2,380,185 786,455 679,150 1,451 27,799 73.946 234 779 4.023.785 5.219.587 2,401,797 4,177,741 218,394 680,806 162,465 145,500 222.500 3.005 150 5.006.047 <7 019 6ac S 215.560 51,072,380 S 208,260 47,320 47,133 (le.ooo) 2,335 545 1.104 035 (34,758) (39,704) 37,217 (49,261) (1.381) (37.578) (85.400) (40 065) f 1.018.635 S 215.540 l/itJil/li 1 i 1 1 1 i 1Tie page intentionally left blank. i 1 1 1 1 {)UJICI~ - 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OP SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIRS The City of Atlantic Beach, Florida ([he "City") is incorporated and operates under a form of government which comprises an elected City Commission (four Commisaioaers and a Mayor-commissioner) and provides, under the admiaiatration of n eppoiated City Manager, the folloviag aervicea: public safety (police and fire), public rocks (atreeta and infrastructure), recreation, sanitation, planing, zoning, vale[ and serer services sad general administrative aervicea. The folloviag is a summary of the more aigaificant policies used is the preparation of these financial statements. A. YUND A00021NTING The accosts of the City era organised oa the basis of fads or aceou¢t groups, each of which is coaaiderad a separate accosting entity. The operations of each fund are accosted for uainq a separate set of self-balancing accosts rhich comprise its aaaeta, liabilities, fad equities, revenue and ezpenditurea or ezpenaea. The various fads are grouped by type is the finnciel atatemeata. The folloviag fad types nd accost groups are used by the City: Gove t 1 P d General Pund - The Genezal Psd is the general operating fad of the City. It is used to account for all financial reaoureea ezcept those required to be accosted for in another fad. Special Revenue P d - The Special Revenue Psds are used to account fot the proceeds Of apacific revenue soutcea (other than major capital projects) that are legally restricted to ezpenditurea for specified purposes. Debt Service Yund - The Debt Service Psd is used to accost for the accumulation of reaourcea for, nd the payment oE, long-term debt principal, interest sad related costa other than boada payable from the operations of the enterprise fade. aoi al Proi P~~A _ Capital projects Funds are used to account for financial reaourcea to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by proprietary sad special revenue funds). - 17 - i~JJiJ~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACB, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Prop 'eta Pund Enterprt se F ds - Enterprise Punda are uaed to account for eater, sewer and sanitation operations which are financed and operated in a mamer similar to private buaiaeaa eaterpriaea. The coats of providing goads or aervicea to the general public are financed or recovered primarily through user charges. Ptduciarv Puud Trust and AaenFl. Punda - Trust Puads are used to account for aaaeta held as a trustee or agent by tke City for others. The Peasioa Trust Pund is accounted for in eaaeatially the name manner as proprietary funds. The Ezpeadable Trust Puad is accounted for in essentially the soma manner as governmental funds. Agency fuada are custodial is nature (aaaeta equal liabilities) sad do not involve measurement of results of operations. 1 O 1 L a-T 061' 3 A - Thia account i group s used to account for the outataadinq princ ipal balances of long-term , debt and other long-term liabilities other thaw those payable from the operations of the enterprise funds. Gene al PS ed A= t A - Thie account group is uaed to ' account Eor all fized aaaeta of the City other than those accounted Eor is the Eatetpriae Punda. ~ ' B. 3)ASI OP A CCOS„nrrING The accounting and reporting treatment applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. All Governmental Punda and E:pendable Trust Puadn are accounted for on a spending or "flaaacial Elor" measurement focus. This means that only current assets and current liabilities are generally included oa their balance sheets. Their reported fund balance (net current assets) is considered a measure of "available spendable resources." Governmental fund operating atatemeata preaeat iacreaaee (revenues sad other financial sources) and decreases (ezpeadi [urea and other financing uses) is net current aaaeta. Accordingly, they are said to present a summary of sources sad uses of "available spendable resources" during a period. The Governmental Puad Types sad [ha Ezpendable Trust Puad use Che modified accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual baaia, zevenuea are recognized in the accounting period in rhich they become available and measurable. ¢speadi[urea, cthar thaq in[erea[ on general long-term debt rhich is recorded vhea due, are recognized is the accounting period rhea incurred. - 18 - ~)li:>~ ~1~) 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ' NOTES TO PINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30. 19a] 1 All Proprietary Punds sad the Peasioa Trust Pund are accounted for oa a cost of services or "capital maintenance" measurement Eocus. This means that all assets sad all liabilities (whether current oc son-current) ' associated with their activity are included oa their balance sheets. Their reported fund equity (set total assets) is segregated into contributed capital and retailed earnings components. Proprietary fund type operating statements present increases (revenues) sad decreases ' (expenses) in net total assets. The Proprietary Fuad Types and Peasioa Trust Puad use the accrual basis ' of accounting. Revenue is recognized when earned and ezpeases are recognised when incurred. Water, sewer and sanitation services are billed to customers in advance on a quarterly cycle. A receivable is recorded at year end for unpaid (delinquent) billings less an allowance Eor those considered uacollectible. C. BUDGETB ' General gover~nental revenue sad ezpenditures accounted for is budgetary funds are controlled by a budgetary accounting system is accordance with ' various legal requirements which govern the City's operations. The City currently does not use an eaeumbrance accounting system. Budgets have been adopted for all Gover~nental Ponds (General, Special ' Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Punds). The City Manager is authorised to trmsfer budgeted amounts within departments within any fund, however, any revisions that increase the total ezpeadituree of any ' department or fund moat be approved by the City Commission. All necessary supplemental appropriations were adopted by the City Commission as part of a quarterly budget review process and are included in the reported budgetary data. The budget presented oa the Combined Statement ' of Revenues, Bzpenditures sad Changes in Puad Balance - Actual and Budget - is prepared on a CAAP basis. 1 i D. CASH AND__ INVESTMEHRyC Investments are stated at cost which approzimates market. Except where prohibited, cash resources of the individual funds are combined to form a pool of cash and investments. Isvestmenta in the Pooled Cash Puad consist primarily of invested cash sad certificates of deposit which mature in one year or less. Interest income earned oa the pooled cash sad investments is distributed to the appropriate funds based on the average monthly balance of investments is each fund. "Other cash sad inves tmests" repreaesta employee deferred compensation whtth is managed by the International City Managers Association (ICMA). In addition to their equities in the pooled cash fund, cash of the Enterprise and Pension Trust Punds includes interest bearing deposits held by the State Board of Administration which aza restricted as Co their use. - 19 - CITY OF ATLANTIC HEACH, PLOBIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATElBNTS E. INVRNTORIRS Inventories coasiat principally of expendable materials, supplies and fuel and era valued at the lover of coat (first-in, first-out) or market. Inventory in the General Fund is recorded ae an ezpeaditure at the time of purchase (purchase method). The inventory balance reported is offset by a fund balance reserve rhich indicates that it does not coaetitute "available spendable resources" even though it is a component of net current asaeta. F. Certain enterprise fund aaaets are rewired to ba segregated from other current asaeta due to various bond indenture agreements and City Ordiaancea. These asaeta era legally restricted for specific puzpoaea, auc6 as debt service, ner construction, and reaerale and replacements. G. AC O IN- POR YI D c Tc Proprietary Yunda - Capital espenditurea made fez revenue-producing asaeta, which are employed io oparetiona that are accounted for in the proprietary funds, are capitalized at historical coats and depreciated using the straight-line method over their estimated useful liven as follova: Buildiaga and improvements 00 years Improvements other than buildings 10 - 50 years Equipment 3 - AO years Contributed assets era recorded at fair market value at the date of Contribution. Depreciation recognized on asaeta acquired or constructed through reaourcea externally restricted for capital acquisitions is closed to the appropriate contributed fund equity account. eneral Pized Aaae a A •a ro:o - Pized asaeta used in govermiental fund type operations are accounted for is the General PS:ed Aa9eta Account Group, rather Chan in governmental funds. All fized aaseta are valued at historical coat. Donated fized asaeta are valued at their estimated Eair value on the date donated. No depreciation has been provided on general fized asaeta. publSc domain ("iafraatructure") general fized aaseta such as streets sad aideralka that ace generally immovable and of value only to the City of Atlantic Beach have not been capitalized. -20- 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACN, PLOHIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEt•D;NTS H. ACCOCOrrING POR LONG-TER.w OB I •aTrnuc Long-term obligations, general obligation or revenue bonds, used to finance proprietary fund operations and payable from revenue of the proprietary funds are recorded is the applicable Eund. General obligation bonds and other forma of long-term obligatioan supported by general revenue are obligations of the City ae a thole sad not its individual constituent Eunds. Accordingly, each unmatured obligations of the City are accounted for in the General Long-Term Obligations Account Group. I. GENERAL LONG-TE[Cw COMPENSATED AHSEN Accumulated unpaid vacation and nick pay are accrued when incurred in proprietary funds. The amount of accumulated vacation and sick pay recorded in the governmental funds is that amount, adj anted to currant salary costs, which is expected to be liquidated with ezpeadable available financial resources. Only the currant portion is reflected is the fundn. Tha remainder of the liability is reported in the General Long-Term Obligations Account Group. The guidelines of Financial Accounting Stmdarda Board Ste[emeat No. 43 rare applied in detemiaiaq the liability for both governmeatal and proprietary funds. J. PROPERTY 7AXE5 The aseeasment of all propwrties sad the collection of all property [azea are made through the Property Appraiser and Taz Collector of the City of Jacksonville. General property taxes are recorded as received in cash, which approximates ta:ea levied, leas diacounta, for the current fiscal year. R. 1NTERPUND TRANSACTIONS Duriaq the course of normal operations, the City has various tranaactiona betreen fundn to construct assets and comply with local ordinances sad other legal restrictions. These transactions are reflected as operating transfers. L. PENSION TRUST FUNDS AND PENSION EXPE cP The City accounts for its Pension Plans under Financial Accounting Standards Board (PASB) Statement No. 35 "Accounting and Reporting by Defined Benefit Pension Plana". The pension plane cover aubataatially all of the City's full time employees. The City records penaioa coa[a in the period salaries are earned. Pension ezpeaee includes normal coat plus amortization of past service coat over 25 years. - 21 - ~;U:)iOb CITY OF ATLANTIC BSACN, PLOHIDA , NOTBS TO FINANCIAL STATElQ:NTS ' SHPT@7~@R 30. 1987 M. DSP@@@HD COMP@NSATION PLAN ' This City reports its Internal Heveaue Code Seetion 957 deferred compensation plan as m agency fund is nccordance rith Governmental ' Accounting Standards Board (GASH) Statement No. 2. N. CONSHIBLR@D CADI'i' r. Contributed capital in the proprietary Eund types raprsaant contributioaa from other fuada, developers, and Pederal, State and local grant programs. Contribu tions are used primarily for capital outlay projects and era recognized as iacreaaea in equity in the period they are earned ' or received. O. H@SYHVB OY H N S H@TAINBD NIN c Heaervas recorded is the governmental funds repreaeat portioaa of fund balance rhich cannot ba appropriated for e:peaditurea or rhich have been , aegragated for specific future uaea. @eaervea recorded in the eatarpriae funds are created by the eziateaca of , asaeta restricted Eor debt service, coaatruction, renerals and replacements. P. TOT r 0 tuyc ON OMBIN@D cTATP.t~NTc Total columaa oa the Combined Piaeacial 6tatemsata are captioned "Memorandum Only" to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do no[ present financial poaitlon, reaulta of operatioaa, or changes in finmcial position in conformity rith generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a coaaolidatioa. Intarfuad elimiaatioaa have not been made in the aggregation of thin data. _ IZ f)O')1'~ i 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA ' NOTEB TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 ' 2. CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash Depoaita: ' At year-end, [he carrying amount of the City's deposita was 5293,467 and the bank balance wan 5889,661. Depoaita is benka and saviaga and loans are collateralized as public funds through a State procedure provided for in ' Chapter 280, Florida Statutes. Financial inatitutiona qualifying as public depositories place with the State Hoard of Administration eecuritiea which have a market value equal to 50 percent of the average daily balances for ' each month of all public deposita is e:ceea of any applicable deposit insurance. The Public Deposit Security Trust Pund has a procedure [o allocate and recover losses is the event of a default or insolvency. Nhen public deposits are made in accordance with Chapter 280, ao public depositor shall be liable for nay loss thereof. Iave stmeats: ' The City's investment practices are governed by Chapter 280, Florida Statutes. AC September 30, 1987 the Ci[y'n inveatmente consisted of certificates of deposita and iaveatmeats with state agencies. Market values approzimated book values at September 30, 1987. The certificates of deposita era considered to be category one credit rink investments, which means they are insured or collateralised with securities held Dy the City's agent is the City's name. The deposita sad investments with state agencies are not included or classi Eied by credit risk since they ' are held by an independent agency. There were no violations of the legal or contractual provisions for deposits and investmeata. The total cash and investment balance of the City is comprised of the ' Following items: Petty cash on hand S 400 ' Savings and money market accounts 293.067 Total cash 293,467 ' Certificates of deposit with local banks: 31-90 days maturity 318,223 91-180 days maturity 312,863 181-360 days maturity 2,192,122 ' Total certificates of deposit 2,823,208 Invented cash with fiscal agent 399,435 ' Investment with State Board of Administration 3,258,269 Total investmeata 6,480,911 Total cash and investments 6,774,378 ' Less: restricted cash and iaves[meata 1,968,791 Total unrestricted cash sad investments f4,e0S, 6'+7 ' - 23 - vU:~ t (JG CITY OP ATLANTIC HBACN, FLORIDA ' NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATE1d8NT5 SEPTE?IBER 30 1987 3. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EOUIP)ffiNT ' A summarp of chaagea is general fized aaaeta follows: Balance, Balance, October 1, September 30, 1986 Aaditione DelelSona 1987 Land f 143,702 5221,566 { _ E 365,268 ' Buildiags 329,071 381,744 - 710,815 Improvements other ' than Duildinga 441,318 - 441,318 Equipment 656.927 +17.323 19.861 - 754,389 Total E1. 571.018 ' ~~ E19.861 E2.271.]9D A summary of fized assets of the Enterprise Punde at September 30, 1997 follova: Total avatar $ewr $ani tattoo Buccaneer Di zt ri c! Enterprise FJLO- Fund Fund wabr Funds $twr Funds Funds Land S - S 65.SSJ S - S 26,681 f 117,799 f 210,03) euf idin9s 393,718 505,685 - 27,004 53,356 979,763 ' Iagravenents other than bui ldi nys 1,568,145 4,099,253 - 1,331,695 3,026,856 70,025,9x9 Islprovewents ' f row ioint venture - 616.802 - - - 616,802 Machinery and e4uipwant 10x,604 93,252 306,529 - - 50x,385 ' Less - accunulated depreciation (664.102) (888.0x2) if 77.599) (68.770) (133 081) 1 1 ) Total E1.M .a6c E4"d92.511] 5128.930 51.316.610 t+ 0~ a10~ , Constructioa is progreea for the Eaterpriae Fuada is as ' follovs: Committed ' Ezpeadad to Federal Required Pro Sect September 30, Sewer and State Future Authori a i 1987 Pund Pundina pins°c;na , Sever system improvements E2. 248. 780 E1.091.780 ~~ 546.4c2 ~& ' t ' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, PGORIDA NOTBS TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. LCNG-TERM OBLIGATIONS The following is a summary of the long-term obligations of the City foz the year ended September 30, 1987: General Enterprise Lon e-T Obl' ti lands Gemral Accrued Revenue Obligation Capensated Revenue B_~gd3_ Bands Absences ands Total Obligations payable at October 1, 1986 (252,754 5307,000 577,726 54,282,799 34,920,279 Ner Bonds Issued: 1985 Florida Municipal Loan Council Pooled Loan Program Revenue Bands 321,971 321,911 Oebt principal paid (22,864) (45,000) - (251,584) (319,448) Net increase in compensated absences _ 21.523 - 21,523 Obli gall ons payable at $epteMer 30, 1987 f551.801 f2R2.000 299.249 se _0,1 is t~ 9 • z6c Bonds payable at September 30, 1987 are corepriaed of the following individual issues: General obligation boada: 1958 Sewer System aerial bonds, payable in annual instalments of 520,000 plus interest tbrough 1988, bearing intereat at 3.8\ S 20,000 1972 Sewer System serial boada, payable is annual instalments of 522,000 to E40,000 plus interest through 1995, bearing intereat at 5.75\ 242,000 Revenue boada: 1985 Buccaneer District Mater and Sewer serial bonds, payable is equal annual instalments of priacipaI and interest of approximately E347,500 through 2000, bearing intereat at 9\ 2,600,600 State Pollution Control Boada, Series '•Q", payable in annual iaatalmeata of E50,000 to =190,000 plus interest through 2000, bearing intereat at 8\ 1,405,000 1985 Plorida Municipal Loaa Council Pooled Loaa Program Revenue Ronda payable in annual instalments of 569,284 to 539,000 plus intereat through 1995, bearing interest at a variable rate (approximating 6.5\ at September 30, 1987): 577,416 Total fia.ea5.o16 - 25 - CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, YLOEIDA NOTES TO PINANCIAL STATEl~NTS The annual rsquiremente to amortize all debts outstanding at September 30, 1987, are as follorst General Loag-Term Obligations Year Ending Account G[oun rnt@~prise Pund~ September 30 principal Interest Total principal Interest Total 1988 8 94,492 S 49,495E 143,987 5 80,615 S 232,584 S 313,199 1989 94,284 43,701 137,985 173,500 338,296 511,796 1990 99,284 37,572 131,856 188,400 322,776 511,176 1991 99,284 31,444 130,728 209,600 305,901 515,501 1993 99,284 24,991 124,275 231,800 287,163 518,963 Thereafter 332.173 36.913 369.OBfi 3 .147.300 1 .384.880 4 ,532.180 Total 5813.801 5224.116 51.037.917 54.031.215 22.B71.fi00 56.902.815 General obligation boada of the Long-Tern Obligations Account Group represent bonds issued by the City for construction of (1958 aeries) and later improvements and ez[ensions to (1971 aerien) the City's serer ayatem. These bonds rare issued as general obligations of the City and, therefore, era pat obligations of the individual Enterprise (Serer) fund. Duriaq 1985, the City obtained a State Bond Loan rhich is administered Dy the State Board of Administration and secured by State Pollution Control Boada, Series "0", to support fmdiag for improvement sad e:paneion of its serer system. These bonds are payable from pledged revenues derived Erom the operations of the sewer ayatem. Under eha terms of the agreement, the City may later pledge additional legal and available funds to repay the loan, as it deems appropriate. During 1985, the City issued revenue bonds to acquire as additional voter and serer ayatem. Theca boada are payable from the net revenues of the Buccaneer District Hater and Serer Syatam and are not general obliga[ione of the City. Duriaq 1986, the City elected to participate is the Plorida Municipal Loan Council Pooled Loan Program (Sevenue Boada, Seziea 1985). Under thin program the City is eligible to horror up to 51,070,510 to be used to finance capital projects. Through September 30, 1987 the City has borrored 5577,416 of which approzimately 5~ is included as as obligation of the Enterprise Pund rith the remainder as an obligation of the Lonq-Term Obligations Account Group. The amortization schedule above includes interest on these obligatioan at an assumed rate of 6.5\, which approzima[ea the actual rata at September 30, 1987 (the actual rate is variable). In November 1987, subsequent to the fiscal year end, the City of Atlantic Beach borroxed as additional 5224,977 from the Plorida Municipal Loaa Program. -26- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACB, PLOHIDA NOTSS TO YINANCIAL STATE!ffiNiS I $EPTEMBEH 30. 1967 I Revenue bonds of the Snterpriae Funds contain various [arms and covenants which require the City to maintain adequate user cafes and to account Eor the deposit sad disbursement of revenues in accordance with established priorities. As of September 30, 1987, the City was eubatantially in I compliance with such covana~ta. S. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS I The City maintains Nrsa single employer Publie Employees Hetirement Systems. Thera is one non-contributory defined benefit pension play I (General 6mployeea' Hetirement Plaa) and two contributory defined benefit pension plena (Police Offieera' end Pirefightars• Hetiremeat Plms). These retirement plena are accounted for is Che City's Penaioa Trust Yund. Total pension eapenae for all funds dozing the year ended September 30, 1987 vas I 553,796. The City's peaaion contribution ie computed using accepted actuarial methods sad, except for the effeeta of plan amendments, if say, is not ezpected to increase materially is the future in relation to total I payroll ezpease. Employees are fully vented after 10 years. A. PENSION BENEPIT OBLIGATION I The amount shown below as the "pension benefit obligation" is a standardised disclosure measure of the present value o[ pension benefits, adjuatad for the effects of projected salary inereeees, estimated [o be papabls in the I future as a result of employee service to date. Ths measure is the actuarial present value of credited projected benefits and is intended to help users aseeas the aystem•s funding statue oa a going-concern basis, anaesa progzena being made in accumulating sufficient asaete to pay DaneEits I rhea due, and alloy for comparisons among public employes retirement syatema. Tba measure is independent of the actuarial funding method used [o determine contributions to the system. I 1 1 1 I 1 _ Z7 _ I ~IU:.)1 ~4 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The peaeioa benefit obligation wee determined as part of as actuarial valuation of the plan as of September 30, 1986. Significant actuarial aaaumptiona used in determining the panaioa benefit obligation include (a) a rate of return on the investment of preaeat and future aeaete o[ a pecceat per year compounded amually, (b) projected salary increases of 6 percent per year compounded annually, attributable to inflation, (c) additional projected salary increaeea ranging from 0.0 to 3.0 percent per year, depending on age, attributable to seniority/merit, and (d) the aaaumptioa that benefits rill not increaaa after retirement. At September 30, 1986, the asseta is e:cesa of the peaeioa benefit obligation were {179,330, determined as follora: General Police Emploveea Officara Pitefimbtera Pension Benefit Obligations Retirees and beneficiaries currently receiving benefits Terminated employaea not yet receiving beaefita Current employees: Accumulated employee coatributioaa including allocated investment income 6mployez financed - Vented Employer financed - Noa-vented Total Pension Benefit Obligation Net assets available for beaefita, at coat (market value rae same as cost) Assets in ezcesa of or (less) than the Pension Benefit Obligation 5326,495 S 52,026 S 64,016 45,687 54,513 26,659 none none none 339,621 173,475 49,708 116,958 54,167 37.179 828,761 334,181 177,592 729.132 523.427 267.305 E(gq"62g) E1B9.29fi S a~.713 During the year ended September 30, 1986 the plan s:psrienced a net cbanga of 5119,325 in the peaeioa benefit obligation. There were no plan amendments or chaagea in actuarial aeaumptions. B. CONTRIBCm'IONS REO IRED ONTRIB rrION (See StatiatiCal Section) The City's funding policy provides Eor periodic employer contributions at actuarially determined rates that, ezpreaaed as percentages of annual covered payroll, are designed to accumulate sufficient asseta to pay benefits when due. Tha normal cost and actuarial accrued liability are determined using an entry age actuarial funding method. Unfunded actuarial accrued liabi litiea are being amortized as a level percent of payroll over a period of 25 years. ~~ ~ ) , i -28 - 1 1 1 f 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC HEACR, FLORIDA NOTSS TO FINANCIAL STAT@R6NTS SEPTEt~RR 30. 1987 ' boring tae year ended September 30, 1987 contributions totaling 1124,100 ' (576,884 employer, (4,205 employee, and (43,011 state) rare made in aceordmce rith contribution requirements determined by m actuarial valuation of tae plm ae of September 30, 1985. Sigaificmt actuarial ' assmptiona used to compute contribution requirements rare the name as those used to compute tae s[mdardised measure of tae pmaioa benefit obligation. 6. DSPERRED COMPSNSATIOR PLAN t The City offers its employees a deferred compensation plm scented in accordance ri th Inieraal Revenue Code Section 957. Tas p]m, available to all City 6mployeea, permits them to defer a portion of their salary until future yearn. The deferred compeaaation is not available to employees until termination, retizemsn4 death, or untoraeeabls emergency. All amounts of compeaaation deferred under the plm, ell property and rights purehaaad r1 [h those emamte, and all ineame ettributaDla [o [hose amounts, property, or rights are (until paid or mods available to the employee or other beneficiary) aolelp the property and rights of the City (rithout Dsing restricted to tae proviaioas of bensfi[a under the plm), aubjact mlp to the claims of the City's general craditora. Participmta• rights under tae plm ere equal to those of general creditors of tea City in m amount equal to the Eair market value of the deferred accomt Eor each participant. IC in the opinion of tae City legal comael for loaaea under the plm but does nave the required of m ordinary prudent investor. unlikely that it rill ues the asaeta to craditora in the future. fast the Citp hoe no liability duty of due care that could be Taa City believes [hat it is satisfy the claims of ge¢aral -29- ~:v )1_~~ CITY OP AThANTIC HBACH, nOeIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATBMBNTS SEPTEMBER 30. 1987 7. SBG!ffiNT INFORMATION PO8 ENTBRPRISB FUNDS Tae City bee satabliaaed aeparete Bntsrprias Pllada to account for water, newer sad sanitation aervicea. Segment inEOrmation for tea City's enterprise Puada for We year ended September 30, 1987 is ea folloras Total Buccanee r Di stri et Sanitati an Enterprise water fund Sewer Fund Mater Fund Sewr Lund Fund funds Operating revenues f 326,168 S 835,978 f 232,120 S 549,551 S 413,179 52,357,296 Oevreciati on 70,218 139,976 38,475 73,510 31,190 353,379 Operating incase (loss) 36,588 111,307 96,351 275,854 98,384 618,484 Non-operating intone (expense) 101,836 370,235 42,736 363,635 9,772 888,210 OperaHn9 transfers in (out) (47,740) (132,591) 16.725 (74,295) (48,376) (286,277) Net incase (loss) 90,684 348,951 155.812 565,191 59.780 1,220,121 Net property, plant and equtpeent 1,402,365 4,492,507 1,316.610 3,060,430 028,930 10,405,341 Net worki n9 capital 293,781 927,487 63,108 147,471 125,755 1,557,605 Long-tern debt 22,015 1,350,000 853.707 1,746,893 3,972,615 total equf ty 1,799,359 5,999,965 711,840 2,148,503 254,685 10,914,352 Total assets 1,958,160 7,706.749 1,627,728 3,921,513 280,202 15,490,352 8. INSERPUND TRANSACTIONS EECONCILIATION A suomary of interfund tranefera during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1987, is as follows: Traaafers tos Capital Dabt General Ptoiacta Service Total Tranafar from• Eaterpriaa 5286,277 S - 5 - 5286,277 General - - 39,621 39,621 Special Revenue fi1.OB3 92,169 153.252 Total 547-~fi0 592.169 ~l E479-1 n0 Tae interEund receivable/payable at September 30, 1957, wan betraen tea General Pund and the Miacellaneoua Graata apeci al revenue fund. _ - 30 - 1~~~~.11 ~.J 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC HEACN, FLORIDA ' NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30. 1987 9. JOINT VENTURE Tn 1985, pursuant to as interlocal agreement authorised by Florida Ststutes Section 163.01, the City joined rich the City o[ Jacksonville Beach and the City of Neptune Beach to conatzuct and operate effluent outfall linen and disposal Eacilitiea, together rith all the lands, right-oE-rays, easements, and other entitlements accessary for the construction and use [hereof. ' The construction of the outfall lines and disposal Eacilitiea vets Funded Dy the municipalities to the folloriaq proportions: Atlantic Beach 33.06\ Jacksonville Beach 55.78\ Neptune Beach 11"161 Total 100.00\ Each City has recorded its share of the project is its own financial ' statements. The City recorded its portion of the joint venture (approzimately 5290,000) is the property accounts of the City's Sewer Pund. The City also racorda approzimately 5325,000 of additional property purchased rich grant proceeds from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation nines the grant for the outfall lines van awarded to the City of Atlantic Beach. Therefore, the total value of the joint venture on the City's books is approzimately 4615,000. The project ran completed in 1986 sad depreciation (using [he straight-line method over 25 years) began is ]987. The City of Atlantic Beach provides all accounting and purchasing aervicea for the join[ venture. Repair and maintenance of the outfall lines and disposal of the Eacilitiea rill be shared by the participating muaicipalitiee in the percentages noted above. No repair and maintenance ezpenses re]a[ed to the joint venture raze incurred in 1987, 10. NEGATED PARTIES The Superintendent of public Norka is a former owner of the Buccaneer Water 6 Sewer Plant. Aa~a former owner, he is nor the holder of a bond which wan issued by the City in 1985 to purchase Hueeaneer Hater 6 Sexer. During 1987 he received 522,800 to principal and 523,643 is interest from the City. 11. SUBSEgUENT EVENTS The pension fund began inventing in marketable equity securities 3n October 1987 just prior to the October stock market fall. By December 31, 1987, ' some of the October losses had been recovered and the net unrealised lose (on the 51,625,000 originally invested with the money manager) wan approzimately 547,000 (which is leas than 3\ of invested funds). r i - 31 - 99 0 i61a page intentionally ls![ blank. , r -32 - (Ii.l:) i CDl~INING AND INDIVIDUAL SSASSMENiS AND SCNEDULSS Combining financial statementa provide a more detailed view of [be "General Purpose Financial Statements" presented is the preceding subsection. Individual statementa and achedulea, although not aecesaary for fair presentation is conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting principles, are presented to provide greater detail and comparative financial information for certain fund types. -33 - ~)li:JlirS General Pund 1 0 The General Pund is the general operating fund of the Citp. It is used to ' account for all financial raaourcea azcept those required Co be accounted fot is another fund. 1 1 Citt OF ATLANTIC BGCX, iLORIDA ' GENEGL M1D SCXEWIE OF IXPIXD[TURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL fOR THE FISGL YEAR FNOEO SEPTEMBER 30 1987 ( ith ti t t ' f ! - 0 79 I Variance Favorable 1986 Budaat petual (Unfavorable) petual GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Legislature: Personal servicet S 22,454 S 21,187 S 1,267 S 20,378 Other servt<es aM charges 4.000 1.110 2.890 2.299 Total 1e91 stature 26.454 22.297 4.157 22.677 Executive: Personal services 71,116 70.832 284 63,249 Other services and charges 5.490 5.139 351 6.848 Total executive 76.606 75.971 635 70.097 Financial: Personal services 186,347 174,480 11,867 154,305 Other services and charges 45.179 31.756 13.123 34.637 Total financi ai 231.526 206.236 25.290 188.942 General servfcas: Personal services 76,506 70,954 5.552 917 Other services and charges 419.617 379.829 39.788 234.917 Total general services 496.123 450.783 45.390 235.828 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 830.709 755.287 75.422 517.54q Public safety: Personal sarvi ces 939,223 919,179 20,044 760,335 Other services and Charges 227.608 215.250 12.358 156.369 letal public safety 1.166.831 1.130.429 32.402 976.704 Roads and streets: Personal sarvicas 287,515 276,351 11,764 243,501 Other services and charges 141.500 735.105 6.395 784.390 Total roads and streets 429.015 411.056 17.559 427.891 Intra9evarmental services: Personal services 33,760 33,751 9 17,269 Other services and charges 925 920 _~r 2.552 Total tntra9ovenmmntal services 34.685 34.671 ~ 19.821 Parks and recreation: Personal sarvi ces 20,477 20,456 79 Other services and charges 32.935 32.931 ~ 45.761 Totsl parks and recreation 53.412 53.389 ~~ 45.761 TOTAL EXPENDITURES t slq 6s S .'+89 2a2 212c a 0 51.927.721 See notes to finand al statements. -35- t,V./12C Sbie page inteationelly left blank. , 1 -36- 1 Spacial Revenue Yunde are used to accomt for the proceada of spscific revenue sources (other than special anaesaments or major capital projects) that are legally restricted Co e:panditurea for specified purposes. 1 -37 - ~UJI`~% CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, iLORIDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - COMBINING BAIANtE SHEET SEPTEIieER 30. 1987 (ri th cam ti t ! 1 f a teN n0 198fi1 Local Option Federal Misnllaneous Gas Tar Revenue Sharma -Grants Tntats 1242 12$Z 12$4 1492 394 >93Z >Y~ ASSETS Cash and inras tarnis Due froe other gaverments Total assets LIABILITIES AND Fl1N0 BALANfES Li abi li lies: Accounts Dayable Due to other fulls Total liabilities Fund Balances - Unreserve0 Total liabilities and fund btlances See notes !o financial stateearnts. f195,739 (59,212 (2,988 f198,727 f59,212 26.65; 11 f25.614 32.564 25 614 5222.392 Z- 553.212 59.933 f2t 614 3231.241 393affi4 f 855 (5.114 f 5.414 f 855 - 3.485 325.414 3.485 25.614 -~55 8.899 25.61d 8.899 34,._44 3222,342 58.357 222.392 5B •357 3222.332 5~ 354aW fB.9$3 325.919 3231.7$1 384.924 -38- ~1~ ~ ~l '+ 1 a r CITY Oi ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF 0.EVENUE, E%PFNDITURES, AND CHANGES IN NND BALANCE FOR THE FISCAL YE!R ENDED SEPTE~9ER 30. 1987 frith eamarative total s for Sao teM 30 1986) Local Optl on federal Miscell aneous Gas Taw gevenue Shari na Gra nts To tals 38Z 3@Z 3@6 3@Z 386 36Z 3@6 Revenues: Ta+es (314,581 5314,581 Federal shared rwenues f 881 :48,612 881 (48,812 State shared revenues 520,908 525,614 20,908 25,610 Interest incaaN 1.845 2.627 1.845 2.627 Total revenues 13 4.516 2.72fi 51.239 20.908 25.614 338.195 76.853 E+pendi [ores: General goverment 20.908 20.908 Parks and recreation 34,152 34,152 Capital outlay 1 4 13.470 Total expenditures 1 47 20.90E 34.152 20.908 47.622 Excess of revenues over (under) expends to ras 314.561 2.726 37.769 (8.538) 317.287 29.231 Othor financing sources (uses): Operati ny transbrs fn 8,538 8,538 Oparati ne transfers (out) (92.169) (61.08;) (10.288) (153.252 ) (10.288) Total other financing sources (uses) (92.169) (61.08;) 110,288) 8.539 (153.252) (1.750) Excess of revenues and other sources over expenditures and other uses 222,392 (58,357) 27,481 164,035 27,481 Fund balances, October 1, 1988 58.357 30.876 fund balances, SepteMer 30, 1987 t S lSR lC7 ~ ~z 558.357 See notes to financial statenenl:. -39- ii IJ 7 j ~ ~~ 1 1 Tbia page iateatioaally loft blank. ` 1 ~ -. t n I -40 ' 1~~;• Eaterpriae Fuadn Enterprise Puada are used to account for operations that are financed and operated is a manner similar to private buaineaa anterpriaea, where the intent is that the costa (ezpenaen, including depreciation) of providing ' goods or aervicea to the gemrel public oa a continuing baaia be financed or recovered primarily through veer charges. 1 - 41 - ~O,t~r CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ENTE0.PRISE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30. 1987 frith c t' t t l f 5 tesbe 30 19 1 Vatar fend 1~ 14@Q ASSETS Cash and investnnts f 337,327 Accounts receiwble 45,772 Allorance for doubtful accounts Inventories 46.468 Total currant assets 430.567 Other assets 670 Restricted assets: Cash and lnvestwnts 124,558 Invested cash ri th fiscal agents Dua from other gove rnnen is Construction in progress P ropertY, Plant and e9uipnent -net 1.402.365 Total assets 1.95n 160 LIABILITIES ANO FlaiO E ITY Current li obi li Li as (payable from Current assets): Accounts payable and accrued ii obi li ti es f 16,955 Current portion of revenue bonds paY+bla 3,600 Custaepr deposi is 116.231 Current lfabili ti es (payable from restricted assets): Accounts payable Contracts payable Revenue bonds payable Acc rub interest Payable Due to other funds Revenue Bonds Dayable - long-tem portion 22 015 Total liabilities 158.801 fund Equf ty: Lontri bated capital 85p~4/6 Retained earnings: Reserved f9r renerals and roplacaments 124,5$8 Reserved for debt service Reserved far construcLi on Unreserved 824.354 Total retained earnings 948,0); Total fund equity 7,7gg,;5g Total liabillti es and fund equity 51.958.160 See notes to financial ztaLements. f 252,515 38,520 44.131 670 73,601 Sewr FuM ~Z >~ f 923,646 f 362,782 62,034 53,50 985.680 9,364 702,759 310,923 113,738 1,091,780 4.492.507 7 JOfi.749 416.429 9,364 868.815 693,705 351,322 829,294 3.500.781 56"669.]40 f 12,691 f 58,193 f 52,931 2,219 95,746 103,814 101,114 111,339 45,093 55.000 50,000 28,d38 29,438 ems. xu ism.DDD 1.405.000 136.236 1.706 784 1.683.57fi 764,273 2,846,448 2,243.824 73,601 489,771 753,381 227,480 222,291 111,571 712,555 751.582 2.324.699 1.054.113 825.183 3.153.525 •70 40 1.589.456 tl ]c69 n (;"7 n'y -42- 1: v J 1 i t 1 1 1 i 1 euecaneer District Sanitation Fvnd Mater Fund Sewer Lund Totals >~ >~ 34b? 1~$¢ 348Z 3454 ]4.@Z 3484 (147,657 f 69,673 f 96.212 f 19,281 f 133,888 f 37,023 f 1,638.730 f 741,274 3.615 1,634 35,777 20,127 51.003 37,950 199,201 151,878 (6,700) (17,300) (18.000) 66.468 44.131 151.272 71.307 125.289 39.408 173.591 74.973 1.866.399 937.283 10,034 10,034 185,829 177,015 6M,672 486,049 1,657,818 1,605,510 310,923 693,705 113.736 351,322 38.320 166,517 1,130,100 995,811 128.930 137.741 1.316.610 1.157.611 3.064.930 _2.378.831 10.405.342 8.491.219 S28C.20Z szn9.B4e 51.627.728 (1.374.034 t'__ g2~ f3.194.37L sts.a94.3s2 513.084.884 f 25,577 f 14,143 f 9,782 f 9,001 f 26,117 f 13,017 f 136,SM f 101,783 3,600 2,219 52,119 23,641 168,650 119,387 103,814 101,114 111,339 45,093 31,353 64,147 55.000 145,500 41,366 84,634 28,438 155.438 853.707 887.812 1.746.893 1.816.688 3.972.615 4.135.080 17 14.143 915.888 993.173 1.773.010 1.978.486 4.580.000 4.805.fi 14 391,178 221,849 873.473 428,767 4,961,537 3.658,713 185,829 104,297 644,672 337 ,2fi8 1,444,830 1,268,547 227,484 222,291 111,577 712,555 _],$4.¢85 194.905 134.833 54.715 630.358 361.849 4.168.930 2.417.164 254.685 194.905 320.662 159.012 1.275.030 fi99.117 5.952.815 4.620.557 ~,¢4 85 194.905 711.840 380.881 2.148.503 1.127.884 10.914 352 8.279.270 ~j~,jpj 5209.048 51.627.729 51.374.034 <a g 7 cla 53.106.370 111.494.852 (13.086.884 -43- J IJ :)3 ~' <1G CITY OF ATLANTIC BFACN, FLORIDA ENTERPRISE LANDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, IXPENSES AND CNAN6E5 IN pETAINEO EARNINGS fOR THE fISGL YEaR ENDED <EPTEMBER ng 1987 (ith tt ! c 1 f a•..zw... an +eect VaLr land Seve r land >~ ]~ iS.@1 ]~ Operating revenues: Custaner charg4s (292,189 f284,B3D f 834,268 S 775,669 Other {ncame 33.679 39.571 1.710 1.083 Total operating avenues 326.168 X4.401 835.978 776.752 Operating eapanses: Personal services 113,033 105,147 tb3,684 148,507 Contra<tuat services 20,996 24,853 182,606 39,894 Supplies 15.038 77,552 53,415 51,671 Repairs xnd maintenance 11,682 15,109 57,226 51.195 Heat, light and porer 28,793 30,611 101,038 101,323 Depreciation 70,228 56,987 139,978 57,120 Other aspanses 19.810 12.969 26.730 30.538 Total operating aspanses 289.580 323.228 724.671 480.248 Operating incosr (loss) 36.588 1.173 111.307 296.504 Non-operating incap (expense): [onnectfon Charges 74,910 71,930 258,265 301,825 Sorer genarati on charge 89,565 43,130 Interest income 28,409 26,071 139,135 182,883 Contributions and danati ons 7,000 11,406 Interest ezDense (1.483) (160) (116.750) !120.450) Total non-operating incaaw 1_Q1,$j¢ 1 1 370.235 418.794 Net intaM (loss) before operating Iran sfe rz 1]~,,$j4 106.011 481.542 715.298 Operating transfers in (out) (47.740) (63.000) (132.591) (134.388) Net fncame (loss) 90,684 43,014 348,951 580,910 Add depreciaN on on ftaed assets acquired by shared revenues estarnally restri trod for capital acquisitions 33•Qa6 28.925 fit 23d 15.592 Increase fn retained earnings 123.730 71,939 417,185 596,502 Retained Earnings, October 1, 1988 825.183 753.244 2,742.340 2.145.838 Retained Earnings, Septeeber 38. 1987 See notes to finan<i at statements. _44 n;i ~~i VI ~~; ,~ J 1 t 1 1 S euecanur Oistri e[ SaniGNOn Fund Yabr land Sawr Fund Totals 1482 955 952 985 1452 955 1492 995 f413.d79 f323,350 f195.596 f128,152 f 525,588 f 385.606 f2,261,400 f1,897,607 36.524 M 0§Q 23.983 19.500 95.896 104.723 413.479 ana asn 232.720 172.721 549.551 405.1Ofi 2.357.29fi 2.002.330 234,930 203,743 511,647 457,397 1,977 84,668 86,792 739,129 170,564 d29,376 322,103 18,787 25.877 255 97,240 155.355 23,566 14,993 809 897 2.009 4,142 95.292 86,336 2,863 191 43,075 5,580 175,765 137,705 31,190 33,388 38,475 30,295 73.510 59,571 353,379 237,361 4.W5 fi.346 8.956 1.862 15.974 3.819 76.113 55.534 315.095 284 347 135.769 120.292 273.697 243 676 1.738.812 1.451.791 98.384 39.003 96.351 52.429 275.854 161.430 618.484 550.539 107,610 182,549 483,391 747,107 924,176 1,303,411 89.585 43,130 9,772 5,860 15,029 3,636 43,746 27,195 236,091 245,645 18,406 (79.903) (82.725) (163.502) (169.275) (361.638) (372 610) 9.772 S.BfiO 47 Z39 1~,'~9Q 363.635 605.027 888.214 1.237.982 19a•ls6 J01 553 14.992 155.889 fi39.489 766.457 7.506.698 1.788.521 (48.376) 1`13,455) 16.725 24.000 (74.295) (81.000) (286.277) (307.388) 59,780 (8,137) 155,812 179,889 565,194 685,457 1,220,421 1,481,133 5.838 10.719 111.837 44.517 59,780 (8,137) 161,650 179.889 575,913 685,457 1,332,258 1,525,650 194.905 203.042 1 1 (20,877) 699.117 13.6fi0 4.620.557 3.094.907 [ ce 68c 1139.905 L715.552 3159.012 51.275.030 5_543.]11 35.952.815 59.fi20"557 -45- ~•vii J~ v CITY OF ATL4MIC BGCH, iLOR[G ENJERDRISE LANDS COMBINING STATFIIFNT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION i0R THE FISGL YFAR ENOEO SEPTFlIBER 30, 1987 ivlth ceanarative tot 1 f th dad z twb 30 1986) Nabr FwM Satyr Fund ~I ]98Q 1~ ~~ Financial resources very provided by: Operati ms: Net inceeN (loss) f 90.684 f 43,O1d f 348,951 f 580,910 Oepnciati on 70.228 56.987 139.976 57.120 Vorking capf tai provided by operations 160,912 100,001 488,927 638,030 Increase fn coniri bated capital 119,219 123,617 664,850 1,605,952 Decrease in nstri cted assets 786,455 679,150 Ofsposi ti on of property, plant and eW ipewnt Increase fn long-tem debt 27,7gg Increase in current liabilities payable frm restricted assets 73 g~ yg 662 Total seurws of corking capital 1 i 41 2.014.178 2.981.794 Financial resources vacs used for: AcWisition of proDerLY. plant and a9uipnent 156,338 209,560 1,394,188 2.960,188 Increase in nttri cted asseb 50,957 63,125 Reduction of bonds payable 3,565 55.000 Oecraase in current liabilities payable frm rettri trod assets 1.000 50 000 Total uses of wrking capital _71$.860 272.685 1.450.188 3.010.188 increase (decrease) in rorki n9 capital S 6~ S121.26p) f ua ggp s iza.3a) Changes in Conponsnts of Norking Capital; Increase (decrease) in current assets: Cash and investueants f 84,812 f 1,182 f 560.864 f (23,230) A«ounts re<oi vable 8,252 2,781 8,386 31,195 Allovan<e for doubtful accounts Inventory 2,335 545 Other current assets 1333) Increase (decrease) in current assets 95.399 4.508 569.250 7.632 (Increase) decrease in current li abili tips: Accounts payable and accrual li abf ll ti es (4,263) (2,337) (5,260) (36,026) Interest payable Custawr d4posl is (20,484) (23,439) Current portion revenue bond payabl• (1.381) (Increase) decrease in currant liabi llti es (26.128) !25.776) (5.260) (36.0261 Increase (decrease) in vorki ng caDi tat Sea notes to financial stateants. _46_ ~ r, ~ 1 1 __ Bete,". of c i t Sani tatien Fund VaGr Fund Swv Fund Tetals 1987 ~ ~Z )~Q >~ >~ 1~ >~ f 59,780 f (8,13)) (155,812 (179,889 f 565,194 f 685,457 (1,220,421 (1,481,133 ~1 .]QQ 33.388 47 10.295 73.510 59.571 353.379 _237.361 90.970 25,251 194,287 210,180 638.704 745,028 1,573.800 1,718,496 175.167 221,819 455,425 628,767 1,414,661 2,380,185 786,455 679,150 1,451 1,451 27,799 57.743 118 374 73 946 234 779 . . . 90.970 26.702 ~3.¢$ 4,~{ 77 1.094.129 1.292.169 3.848.862 5.041.858 22,379 15,168 197,474 268,761 631,412 724,081 2,401,791 4,177,741 8,814 162,039 158,623 455,642 218,396 680,806 34,105 31,353 69,795 64,147 162,465 145,500 72.719 748.781 222 500 . 22.379 ~¢ 1 11 462.133 1 OO8 fi 11 1 243 873 3 005 150 5 004 017 f fib c91 S l1.c34 S u.341 a 7 c"i . . S 85.518 . . S 49.296 . . S 843.712 . . S 3]"911 f 77,985 f 19.825 f 78,930 f 15,%5 f %,868 f 18.789 f 897,457 f 30,531 1,980 (4,045) 15.649 12,184 13,053 5,018 47,320 47,133 (6,700) (11,300) (18,000) 2,335 545 (333) 79.%5 15.780 85.879 18.149 98.619 21.807 929.112 77.876 (11,374) (4,246) (760) 1,496 (13,101) 1,411 (34,758) (39,704) 12,139 25.078 37,217 (28,777) (14,139) (49,261) (37,578) (1.]81) 1_L ~.17~) 3 68"591 ~.j?¢) i l1.s34 12$.53.2) 3 56.3,2 ~4` @) S z7.fi43 (13.101) s es.sl9 26.489 3 48.296 (85.400) f ea3.77z f40.Ofi5) f 37.e11 -n- ~f~J:i i~...~ Piduciary funds are used to account for assets held by Che City in a truataa ' capacity or ae an agent for iadividuala, private organisation, other ' governments, and/or other fmda. 1 1 -48 - r CITY OF ATLANTIC eEACN, FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET FIDUCIARY FIAT TYPES ALL FIDUCIARY fWDS SFPTEIBER 30. 1987 (vi th eoroarati va totals fer SemtsM n0 19861 Pension Trust EsoendabL Trua Amnev - I[MA Totals 3@Z 9flft 14@Z 14$5 19.@L 19.@2 >~ ASSETS CasF. and invastawnts 51,694,787 (1,519,864 515.173 525.108 31,709,960 51,544,972 Other cash and investments 584,626 84,626 Accounts receivable ~¢ 767 24 767 Total assets 51.694.787 S1.S19.fi64 515.19] yyy,B7i f8g,yjQ 51.794.610 S1 uc 7a9 LIABILITIES AND FWD BAIAUrEc LIABTLITI ES: Deferred cosgensati on ~6 S 84.626 Total liabilities 584.626 i 84.526 NND BALANCES: Reserved for Police training a1W invests gsti ens 315,197 (25,875 f 15,197 f 25,875 Reserved for yeti renenL 51.694.787 51.579.861 1.694.787 1.519.861 Total liabilities and fund balances 51.694 JB7 51.519.864 515.19] S15.B]5 ~ ft"7pg.9P1 51.545.]39 Sea notes to financial statements. -49- This page Sateationally left blank. ' 1 1 1 ~ „~ 50 ii li ;) L.).l M t 1 1 i 1 STATISTICAL SECTION ' Statistical nchedulae differ from tiaanciel etatemeats bacauna they usually cover more thaw one fiscal yser sad may praneat aoaaccountiag data. 1 1 ' - 51 - pp ~l U:) 7 .iV N r s t 7bia page intentionally left blank. _ 51 , ~ '; "~ li \i ~) i ~ ~ ~ i, l~ ~ ~ Fs i ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ f, CETY OF A7IAN71C BEACH PENSION REVENUES 8Y $WRCE AND EXPENSES BY TYPE PENSION REVENUES: Contributions: Mee6er r ey State - Police State - ii refi9hters Investment interest and dividends Gain or {lass) Correction Total Revenues PENSION EXPENDITURES: Benefits paid Adninist rata ve e+penses Total E+penditures 1987 Aao n P r n 38li ~S 125_ 1Q@~ 7952 1451 1~ 7272' f 4.205 2Y f - f - f - f - f - f - f - f - 76,884 33 79,518 81,338 74,688 63,939 91,086 101,123 69,539 74,237 32,614 14 25,246 21,217 18,631 15,123 12,102 10,537 10.735 9,275 10,397 5 9,477 8,204 16,856 5,246 4,670 4, 1B8 3,876 3,462 104,619 46 114,340 119,272 103,048 91,719 89,997 66,431 46,184 28,434 _ _ _ (31.526) - _ _ _ _ _ - -- - 3.786 S22B.7i9 ]Jlaz 322fl.,i21 2195 5115 2113a123 2»6.OP7 2197 ,BSS 21@1.214 2tv 12n 2115.408 f 53,796 IOtK f 50,792 (49,368 f 40,341 f 30,894 f 14,980 f 10,079 f 9,330 f 9.331 - _-_2..94 - i.60Z (33.196 100 S w.79z 2.14.359 2.9Q.311 L1Q.949 2.11.420 L14.Y13 I~.,i3G 11L431 r Actuarial data for 1978 did not itemize revenues by source or a+penses by type. -53 - <: ~~ t~: CITY OF ATIANFIC BEACH COMPUTED PENSION CONIRIBU710N COMPARATIVE $CHEOULE Fiscal Contribution Rates Year Valuation As Percents of Dollar Contribution End{ny Oate Val u att on Pay roll Valuation Fer Fis eal Year SeotwAer 30 $eoteMar 30 Ge^. p°l +=• EUj pay rnl7 ~py~ ~_ 1979 1977 15.13% 17. 31% 16.991 f 545,956 f 86,763 f 86.974 1980 1978• 13.32 15 .02 15.14 595,610 82,838 84,150 1981 1979 13.19 14. 71 16.03 718.363 99,732 115,848 1982 1980• 14.03 15. 07 16.65 691,693 107,858 107,858 1983 1981• 9.91 12. 37 13.34 696,719 83,765 84,308 1981 1982 9.36 12. 38 13.23 781,763 91,151 110,175 1985 1983 9.31 11. 61 11.85 892,194 100,690 110,759 1986 1984 9.53 14. 39 15.06 930,007 119,857 714,181 1987 1985' 9.17 9. 15 7.71 1,138.958 111,550 124,100 1988 1986 9.21 8. 36 7.81 1,277,813 122,759 ' AfUr changes in benefit prwisi ons and/or actuarial eaperimq estierUS. -~.- ,,, ; ~,, ,: ,:, 1 t t i 1 1 1 1 CITP OP ATLANTIC BBACH ANALYSIS OP PRNSION FUNDING PROGRESS LAST TSN FISCAL YEARS (in Lh nda) ' (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (a) Piacal Pension Unfunded Unfunded PSO Year Net Assets Benefit Percent (Funded) Annual as a Peroentsge Endiaq Available Obligation Funded PBO Covered of Covered Payroll September 30 for Benefits fPRG) 11)/(2) f2 )_(1) Payroll (4)x(5) ' 1977 1978• E 207 297 S 463 493 44.7\ 60.2 S 256 196 = 546 596 46.9 1979 400 598 66.9 198 718 32.9 27.6 1980+ 525 768 68.4 243 692 35.1 ~' 1981+ 697 848 82.2 151 697 21,7 1982 878 914 96.1 36 782 q,a 1983 1,023 1,012 101.1 (11) 892 0.0 1984 1,196 / i / 930 / ' 1985+ 1,392 1,221 109.9 (121) 1,139 - 1986 1,520 1,341 113.3 (179) 1,278 _ ' + After changes in benefi t proviaiona and/or actuarial ezparience eatimatea. / Not avail able from ECS, Inc. actua rial valuation report. 1 1 Analyaia of the dollar amounts of net aaaete available Eor beneEita, pension, benefit obligation, and unfunded pension benefit obligation in isolation can be misleading. S:preaaing the net aaaete available for benefits as a percentage of the pension benefit obligation provides one indication of the ayatem'a funded status on a going-concern basis. Analyaia of Chia percentage over Cime iadicatea whaUer the sya [em is becoming financially atrongar or weaker. Generally, the greater Chia percentage, the atrongar the system. The unfunded penaion benefit obligation and annual covered payroll are both affected by inflation. ¢:pressing the unfunded penaion benefit obligation as a percentage of annual covered payroll approzimately adjusts for the effects of inflation sad aids analysis of the progress being made in accumulating sufficient aaaete to pay beaefita when due. Generally, the amallar [his percentage, the stronger the system. -55- • ~ S63a page intentionally left blank. ' 1 - 56 - ~1 1 ' ~ Deloitte Haskins+Sel~ 1-- - - _ ___ _ _- Certihed Public Pcwuntants i f t 1 1 t 1 1 CITY OF ATLAR'[IC BBACH, FLORIDA Single Audi[ Report for the Fiscal Year ended September 30, 1987 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH SINGLE AUDIT REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS pace Auditors' Opiaioa General Purpose Pinancial ems 3 Combined Balance Sheet - All Pund Types and Account Groups d Combined Statement of Revenuea, Espeaditurea and Changes in Fund Balances - A31 Governmental Pund Types and Ezpendable Trust Punda 10 Comhined Statement of Revenues, ¢zpenditurea and Changan in Pund Balances - Budget and Actual (GAAP Hasis) - All Government Puad Types 12 Combined Statement of Revenuea, Ezpensea and Chaagea in Retained Earniaga/Puad Balance - All Proprietary Pund Types and Pension Trust Puad lq Combined Statement of Changes in Piaaactal Poaitioa - All Proprietary Pund Types and Pension Ttuat Pund 15 Notes to Pinancial Statements 17 Re t P de 1 d o t Reports on Supplementary Information of Federal and State Pinancial Asaiatance 35 Schedule of Federal and State Pinancial Asaiatance 3g Note to Schedule of Federal and State Pinancial Asaiatance 41 Compliance Report Based oa an Ezamination of General Purpoae Pinancial Statements Performed in Accordance With the Standards for Audit Issued by the General Accounting Office 43 Report on Compliance with Laws and Regulatioaa Related to Major sad Nonmajor Federal Pinancial Aaaistance Programs 45 Report on Interual Accounting Controls Based on a Study and Evaluation Made as a Part of as E:amination of the General Purpose Pinancial Statemea[a 49 Report on Internal Controls (Accounting Bad Administrative) - Based on a Study sad Evaluation Made as a Par[ of an E:aminatioa of the General Purpoae Pinancial Statements and Additional Testa Required by the Slagle Audit Act 53 ' - 1 - Tbia page intentionally left blank. t 2 _ t 1 i OQ;iO^9 1 ___ 1 1 Deloitte Haskins+Sells Certified Public Accountants Suite 1240 200 West Forsyth Street Jacksonville. Florida 32202-4371 X9041354-8333 ITT Telex: 4995642 Honorable Mayor, City Coamiaaioa and City Mmagar City of Atlmtic Beach, Florida We have ezamined th general purpose finmcial atatamsnta of Che City of Atlmtic Beach, Florida, as of and for the year ended September 30, 1987, as tinted is the foregoing table of coataata. Our ezaminatloa ran made is accordmce rift generally accepted auditing etmdarda and, accordingly, included each testa of tae accounting reeorda and each other auditing procedures ae re considered aeceaaary is the eircmetmcea. In our opinion, tae general purpose finmcial atatemente referred to above present fairly the finmcial poaitioa of the City of Atlmtic Beaca, Florida, at September 30, 1987, and the results o[ its operatioaa and the ehmgee is finmcial position of its proprietary fmd types and panaioa truer fmd for the yaer then ended, is conformity with generally eccapted accomting principles applied oa a basis eoaaiateat with tact of the preceding year. ~lj~Q.~ ~(Vj~ 9 -17JCY7 December 31, 1987 - 3 - U~~08 This page inteatioaally left blank. ' 1 1 O~;;n3t; 1 GEN ~ si. P mPOSE FIN N I i TA NT 1 1 1 - s - r~~':n31 CITY OF ATLANTIC BFACN, FLORIDA COXB[NED BALANCE SHEET ALL (i1N0 TYPES ANO ACCOUNT GROUPS ASSETS [ash and investewnts Other cash and investnentz Accounts rasaivabl• Allowance for doubtful accounts Inventories Oue from other govarmpnts Due frM other funds Devetttt Prepaid expenses Other assets Restr;ctad assets: [ash and investMnts Invested cash Nth fitcal agent Oue fran other 9overnants [onttrucRSOn in progress Property, plant and e9ui pennt - net Aewunt avaf fable in the debt service fund for paynvnt of long-tern debt Mount ka he provided for payepnt of long-tarn bonds Mount tm be Drovidad for paysuent of luny-tarn portion of canpensated absences TOTAL ASSETS See notes to financial statements. Notes 2 8 2 2 3 3 GoverMental Fund Tvoes SpaN al Oeht CaDi tat n r v n Service Prn facts (1,130,689 5198,727 523,548 =103,983 263.619 27,895 32,564 3,485 s,ogD 86.664 380 (coot; nuad) -6- 1 1 1 1 Proprietary Fiduciary Fund Tvo¢s Fund ivoas peeount Gr¢u¢s Expendable General Gtn4ral Totals and Pension Long-T¢rn Fi x¢d (Menorandu n Onlvl Enterori sa Trust ObH tati¢ns Assets ]~7 7,~ (1,638,730 (1,704,960 (4,805,637 f3,775,8p 64,626 84,626 199,201 24 462,844 346,082 t le,aa91 ~ la,oool ~•~ 74,363 63,217 32,564 25,614 3,485 25.614 5,000 5,000 87,044 61,760 10,034 10,034 10.034 1,657,818 1,657,818 1,605,510 310,923 310,923 693,705 773,736 113,736 351,322 1,130,100 1,130,100 995,671 10,405,342 2,271,790 12,677,132 10,062,236 23.860 23,860 23,874 789.941 789.941 535.880 tls 4~ o....~}a.. Si.]^.610 99.249 fs]~ 12.21 .790 99.249 <22.asn,as6 7].726 t18.659.P2o _7_ CITY OF ATLANTIC BFACN, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SNEET ALL FUND 7YPE5 AND ACCOUNT GRWP$ (Continued) Govervrmntal Fund Tv Special Oebt Capital Nmtes Ltet[21 R°venue Serviea Der 1652 LIABILITIES AND FUND EWITY LIABILITIES: Accounts DaYabl• and accrued liabilities f %.992 f 5,414 f 67 f 95,5% Due to other funds 3,485 Current Dortion of revenue bonds D+Yable 4 Current li abi 11 ti es (payable from rastritted assets): Accounts payable Contracts payable Revenue bonds DaYabl• 4 Accrued interest payable Revenue bondc payable - long-Gra portion 4 Oeposi is 5,000 Defirrad caepmsatfon 6 General obligation boMS 4 Revenue boMS Datable Accrued ceeDensatld absences, long-ten 4 Total li abi llti oz 101.992 8.899 ~Z _ 95.596 FiMD EQUITY: [ontri butW caDittl Investment in general fixed assets Retained earnings: Reserved for ranwalz and replacements Reserved far debt service Reserved for conztructfon Unreserved retained grni ngs Fund bal antes: Reserved for payment of todg-tare debt 23,861 Reserved for prepaid eapenus 86,664 Reserved for invantori es 27,895 Rese rvW for pplice training and investigations Reserved for yeti repent Other reserves 82,658 Unreserved fund balances 1.218.143 'L22.392 8.387 Total fund e9ui tY 1.415.360 222.392 23.861 8.387 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NND EQUITY 31"517"352 f231"2~ ~fl 5103"98; See notes to financial stataeents. 0~~>034 -B 1 Proprietary Fiduciary land Tvoas Fund Tvoes Aeceunt Gro cos EsDendabL General General Totals and Pension Lonp-Ten Fiaad (Menorandun 0 1 1 Enterprise Trus! Obii aattens Assets i~z f 136.564 f 331,613 S 242,194 3,485 25,514 3,800 3,800 2,219 103,814 103,814 101,116 111,339 171,339 45,093 55,000 55,000 145,500 28,438 28,438 155,438 3,972,815 3,972,815 4,135,080 168,850 173,850 124,387 f 84,626 81,626 (262,000 262,000 307,000 551,801 551,801 252,756 4.580.000 84 626 99.249 99.249 ~, 1(~ 5.784 230 ]7.726 5.614.119 6,%7,537 q,%1,537 3,658,713 (2,27{,790 2,271,790 1,571,017 1,444,830 1,440,830 1,268,547 227,484 227,480 222,291 111,571 111,571 711.055 4,168,930 d,168,930 2,417.664 23,861 23,874 86,664 61,760 27,895 19,086 15,197 15.197 25,875 1,694,787 1,694,787 1,519.864 82,658 1.448.922 1.544,364 10.914.352 1.709.984 2.271.790 16.566.126 /3.O45.i1Q 9- OU:)03;, CITY OF ATLANTIC BFACH, FLORIDA COMBINED STATFMFM OF REVENUES, E1(PENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FLND BALANCES ALL CAVERNMENTAL FlIIA TYPES AND E%PENOABLE TRUST LANDS fQR THE YFAR FISGL ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 1987 Govermental land Twes Spacial Debt Capital Notes General Rov°nua Serviee Proieels Revenues: Tayes f 654,390 f31/,561 (61,550 Licenses and pesmi is 509,819 federal shared revenues 887 State shared revenues 772,100 20.908 Other intergovermental revenues 13,604 Charges for services 3.139 Ffnes and forfai lures 96,404 Court cost Confiscated property Interest intone 88,241 1,845 1,577 Miscellaneous revenue 26.712 total revenues 2.164.409 338.195 63.127 Evpendi Cures: Current: General goverment 755,287 20,908 Public safety 1,134,429 Roads and st sets 411,456 Intergoverrenental services 34,671 Parks aM recreation 53,389 Debt service: Principal ntirenen! 67,864 Interest and fiscal charges 34,897 Capital outlay (633.792 Total espendi lures 2.389.232 20.908 7 1 633.792 Evicess of revenues over (under) eapendituret (224.823) 317.287 (39.634) (633.792) Other financing sources (uses): Bond proceeds 315,601 Operating transrars in 8 307,360 39.621 92,169 Operating transfers (out) 8 (39.621) (153.252) Total other financtng sources (uses) 307.739 (15;.252) 39.621 407.770 Es<est of revenues aiM other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses 82,916 164,035 (13) (226.022) Fund balances, October 1, 1986 Fund balances. September 30, 1987 See notes to financial statments _lD_ (~fJjQfi 1 1 1 1 Fiduciary Fund Totals Expendable 7Meswrandum Onlvl INSt tsgi 1pg¢ (1.030,501 f 609.773 509,879 486,790 881 48,612 793,008 758,653 13,804 15,427 3,139 3,137 96,404 90,253 f 407 407 4,zsz 1,127 1,127 1,763 1,098 92,761 98,349 _ 26.772 17.229 2.632 2.589.363 2.132.238 776,195 517,541 13,370 7,147,739 925,823 411,456 427,891 34.671 19,821 53,389 79,913 67,864 42,000 34,897 21,870 633.792 169.226 13.310 3.160.003 2.204 088 1 7 ) (591.640) (71.850) 315,601 247,798 479,150 328,091 (192.873) (20.703) fi01 878 555 186 (10,678) 10,238 483,336 25.875 f 15.197 1.671 959 61.685.197 7.191.623 31.5]4.959 _77 _ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, IXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN i1M0 BALANCES BUDGET (GAAP GASIS) ANO ACTUAL ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTE MBER 30. 198 7 Gemral Fund Soe d tl Revenue lands Variansv Varf once Bud t l { t A iavorabl• U f bl 3 d B t Favarabl• t l (U f bl ) A Revenues: oe c ua n avora e u ge c ua n avora e Taxes S 558,800 S 654,390 S 95,590 :288,000 5314,561 526,561 Licenses and pe~eits 445,300 509,879 64,519 Federal shared revenues 881 881 State shared revenues 795,417 772,100 (23,317) 21,424 20,908 (516) Other inter9overmental revenue 13,000 13,606 604 Charges for services 17,200 3,139 (14,%1) Fines and ferfei lures 60,000 %,404 36,404 Special assessments Interest income 60,000 88,241 28,2/1 1,865 1,845 Miscellaneous revenue 17.083 26.712 9.629 _ Total revenues 1.966.800 2.161.409 1 7 312.150 338.195 26.065 Expenditures: Current: General goverment 830,709 755,287 Public safety 1,168,831 1,131,429 Roads and streets 429,015 411,658 Intra9ovarmental services 36,885 34,871 Parks and recreation 53,412 53,389 Debt service: Principal rats raewnt Interest and fiscal charges Capital outlay Total expenditures 2.510.652 2.389.232 Excess of revenues over (under) expends lures _(~Q.852) (221.823) Other financing sources (uses): Bond proceeds Operating transfers in 317,380 317,360 Operating transfers (out) (113.510) (39.821) Total other financing sources (uses) 233.850 307.739 Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expend( CU res and other uses (314,002) 82,918 Fund balances, October 1, 1986 1.332.444 1.332.444 Fund balances. SapteMer 30, 7987 S1"°le"aaz 51"415.360 See notes to financial statements 75,422 21,424 20,908 516 32,402 17,559 14 23 125.420 21.424 20.908 576 73.889 (349.083) (153.2521 195.831 73.889 (309.083) (153.252) 195.831 3%,918 (58,357) 164.035 222,392 58.357 58.357 1 1 1 1 e 1 Total[ Oebt Serviee Fund [aaital Protects i~ d (8emrandun Onl ) Variance Wriancs Variance Farorabl• Favorable Favorable 9udeet 8cwa1 SOnfavorablel Budget Actual lUnfavorable) Budget Aelu+l (Onfavorable) (63,323 f 61,550 f (1,773) (910,123 =1,030,501 f120,378 445.300 509,819 64,519 881 881 816,841 793,008 (23,833) 13.000 13,604 604 17.200 3,139 (14,061) 60.000 %.404 36.404 f 150,000 =(150,000) 150,000 (150,000) 1,500 1,577 77 63,345 91,663 28,318 17.083 26.712 9.629 ~4 8Z3 ~ (1.6%) 150.000 (150.000) 2.493.773 2.565.731 71.958 852,133 .778,195 75,938 1,188,831 1,134,429 32,402 429.015 411,458 17,559 34,685 34,671 14 53,412 53,389 23 105,375 67,864 37,511 105.375 67,864 37,511 53,190 34,897 18,293 53,190 1 270 100 633 792 63fi 30B 34,897 18,293 . . . . 1.270.100 158.565 1 7 1 55 804 1.270.100 633.792 636.308 3.964 741 633.792 3.746.693 636.308 818.048 (93.742) _144.$34) 54.108 (1.720.700) (633.792) 486.308 (}.470.968) I580.g~) 890.OOb 130,748 315.601 (115,145) 430.746 315.601 (115,145) 93,742 39,821 (54,121) 288,000 92,189 (195,831) 729,102 479,150 (249,952) (462.593) (192.873) 269.720 93.742 39.621 (54.121) 718.746 407 770 (310.976) 697.255 b01.878 (95 377) (13) (13) (401,354) (226,022) 175,332 (773,713) 20,916 794,629 23.874 23.874 234.409 234.gQ4 1.699.084 1.649.084 ~~ S 23"8 f (13) f(166.9451 f p.3B7 S 175.332 f B]G 3]I 31.670.OOn l 7 - 13 - OUJO39 CITY Oi ATLANTIC BFACM, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, IXPENSES AND CINNGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS/f U/0 BAWICE ALL PROPRIETARY T11N0 TYPES AND PENSION TRUST fUNO FyR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 1%7 Proprietary Fiduciary FwMS fund Totals PmHon (Mexwrandun Onlvl yR3la En brmris• Trvst ~ 1~ ODeraliny revenues: Customer charges F.ployer~s contributions Employee's contributions State contri buts one Earnings on inves tnents Other intone Total opa tali ng revenues Operating expenses: Personal services Contractual services supplies Repairs and mintenance Heat, light and Dover Depreciation Other ezpmu[ Reti renlnt benefits Total oDerati n9 explnscs Operating Sncone Non-ope rats ng incana (expenses): Connection charges Sewer genarati on charge Interest intone Oonati ons Interest expense Total non-operating intone Net incca before operating transfers Operating transfers (out) Net fncane Add dep reci aLi on on fixed assets ac9ui red by shared nvmws erternally nstrictea for caDi cal ac9ufsf lions Increase in retaSned earnings/fund balance Retained earnings/fund balance, October 1, 1986 Retained earnings/fund balance, September 30, 1987 See nobs to financf al sUtemnts. 52,261,400 f 2,261,400 (1,897,607 5 S 76.884 76,881 79,518 5 4,205 d,205 5 43,011 43,011 34,663 104,619 104,619 111,340 95.8% 95.8% lOd.72n - 2.357.2% 228.719 2.585.O1s o- 230.8 511,647 511,647 d57,397 429,376 429,376 322,103 97.240 97.240 155,355 95.292 95,292 86.336 175.765 175,765 137,705 353,379 353,379 237,361 76,113 76,173 55.534 5 53.7% 53.7% 50.792 1.738.812 618 484 53.7% 1.792.608 1.502.583 . 924,176 174.923 793.407 924,176 728.268 1,303,411 89,585 89,585 43,130 236,091 236,091 245.645 18,406 (361.638) (361.638) (372.610) 888.21d 888 214 1.237.982 1.506.698 174.923 1.681.621 1.966.250 (286.277) (286.277) (307.388) 1,220,421 174,923 1,395,341 1,658,862 111.837 111.837 44.517 1,332,258 174,923 1,507,181 1,703,379 4.620.557 1.519.860 6.140.421 4.437.042 f5 9S B1R 51.69d.]N7 SZa49Z.SOZ S4a~9(L]21 r 1 OfjS~J ,(i 1+ CITY OF ATUNTIC BFACN, iLORIDA ' COMBINED STAT EVENT OF CHANGES IN RN4NC[Al POSITION All PROPR{ETARY FUND TYPE$ AMD PENSION TRN$T NNO TM F Y R PT R 1 ' ProDrtetary Fiducf ary lands Fund rotalt Pension (Meawrand O t ) Enterori sa 1'y $t JgB7 1986 1 a Financial resources wra Orovi dad by: Operations: Net fncoM Item not re4ui ri ng wrking capital durtng the perlpd -depreciation Yorking capf tal prori ded by operations {ncreasa in contributed capital Oecreass fn restricted assets Disposal of property, plant and equipannt Increase in long-tern debt Increase in current li abili ttes payable fran rostric bd assets TaGI sources of wrking capf Cal Financial resaurus wre used for: Acpui si Lion of PropartY, plant and e9uipwnt tncreasa 1n restricted ast¢tt Reduction of bonds payable Oet rease in current tiabilities payable from restricted assets Total uses of wrki n9 capi lei Nat increase Sn wrking capital Changes in Caaponents of Morki nq Capital: Increase (dacreate) in current assets: Cash and inveslnentt 4<counts receivable 411orance for doubtful accounts Inventori as Other current assets Increase {n current assets (Increase) decrease in current li abili ties: Accounts payable and accrved iiabili ti es Interest payable Custoner deDOSits Current portf on revenue bond payable (Increase) in current liabilities Increase in wrking capf Cal Sev notes to financial sta taavnts. 51,220.421 (174,923 353.379 1,573.800 174,923 1,414,661 786,455 (1,395,344 f1,658,862 353.379 2a7.a61 a ~l 2,401,791 218,394 162,465 222.500 3.005.150 1~93.Z12 ~~ { 897.457 5174,923 47,320 (18,000) 2,335 929.112 174.923 (34,758) (49,261) (1.381) (85.400) 1~93.Z12 5174.923 1,748,723 1,8%,223 1,414,681 2,380,185 786,455 679,150 1,451 27,799 4.023.785 5.219.587 2,401,791 4,177,741 218,394 680,806 162,465 145,500 222.500 3.005.150 5.004.047 t7 019 6ac 1...215.596 (1,072,380 f 208,260 47,320 47,133 (18,000) 1,335 545 (333) 1.104.035 255.60$ (34,758) (39,704) 37,217 (49.261) (1.381) (l7 Sj~) (85.100) (40.(164) 11.615.535 1 15 5I(1 - 15 - Tbis page intantionallp left blink. , 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC HEACN, FLORIDA NOTES TO PINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SDMMAEY OP SIGNIPICAHT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida (the "City") in incorporated and operates under a form of government which comprises an elected City Commiaaioa (four Commisnionera and a Mayor-commieaioner) and provides, under the admiaiatration of as appointed City Manager, the folloviag aerviceas public safety ipolice and Eire), public rorta (atraeta and infrastructure ), recreation, aanitatioa, planning, coning, valor and serer services and general administrative services. The folloviag is a summery of the more significant pallcian used is the preparation of these financial atatemeata. A. fl A O nlTrwn The accounts of the City are orgeniaed oa the baaie of funds or account groupa, each of rhich is considered a separate accountipg entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for using a separate net of self-balancing accounts rhich comprise its aaaets, liabilities, fund equities, revenue and ezpeadituree or e:peaaea. The various Eunda are grouped by type in the financial atatemeata. The tolloriag fund types and account groupa are used by the Cityt Gore[ t 1 P d Geaerai Puad - The General Yund is the general operating fund of the City. It in used to account for all financial reaourcea a:ceps those required to be accounted for in another fund. Spaci 1 He a P nd - The Speeial Eeveaue Punda are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue eouzcea (other than major capital projects) that are legally restricted to eapenditurea for specified purposes. pebt Service Puad - The Debt Service Pund is used to account for the accumulation of reaourcea for, and the payment of, long-term debt principal, interest and related coats other than bonds payable from the operations of the ea[erpriae funds. Capital pros a P•ad - Capital Projects Punda are used to account for financial reaourcea to be used for the acquiaitioa or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by proprietary and special revenue funds). - 17 - ~J ii "~J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30. 1987 ¢aterpriae Fonda - Saterprisa punda are used to account for eater, newer and sanitation operations rhic4 ere financed and operated in a mamer similar to privets Dueineas eaterprisea. The coats of providing goods or aervieea to the geaerel public era financed or recovered primarily through user charges. F'd c' P d Trust sad A~+ P. d - Trust Yunde are used to account for assets Geld as a true tee or agent Dy the City for others. The Peaeion Trust Pond ie accounted for in eaaeatially the same meaner as proprietary fuada. The Ezpeadeble Trust Pund in accounted for in eaaentially the same manner as governmental funds. Agency funds era custodial in nature (aasats equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement o[ rasulta of operatioaa. General Lona-Term Obli a i A - Thia account group is used to account for the outstanding principal balances of long-term debt and other long-term liabilities other than those payable Ezom the operations of the enterprise funds. General Pized A A ono - Thin account group is used to account for all fi:ad aseeta of the City other than those accounted for in [ha 6nterpriae Puads. B. BA I~ OF A 0 nrrIN- The accounting and reporting treetmeat applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. All Governmental Punda and ezpendable Trust Yunda are accounted for on a apeadinq or "financial floe" measurement focus. This means that only current aaeeta sad current liabilities are generally included oa [hair balance eheeta. Their reported food balance (net current assets) is considered a measure of "available spendable resources." Governmental fund operating atatemeats present iacreeaea (revenues and other financial sources) sad decreases (ezpeaditurea and other financing uses) in net current aaeeta. Accordingly, they are said to present a aummazy of sources and uses of "available spendable resources" during a period. The Governmental pond Types and the Ezpendable Trust Yund use the modified accrual baaia of accounting. Under the modified accrual baaia, revenues are recognized in the accounting period is which Ney become available and measurable. ezpenditurea, other than interest on general long-term debt which is recorded whoa due, are recognized in the accounting period rhea incurred. 1)~):J'~''~ t - 18 - 0 1 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BEPTEMBER 30. 1987 All Proprietary Yunde end the Peaaioa Trust Fund are accounted for on a coat of aervicea or "capital maintenance" measurement focus. Thin mesas that all assets and ell liabilities (whether current or non-currant) ' associated with their activity are included on their balance sheets. Their reported food equity (net total aeaeta) is segregated into contributed capital sad retained earnings compoaenta. Proprietary fund type operating statements present increases (revenues) sad decreases (e:penaea) in net total aasete. The Proprietary Fund Types and Peaaion Trust Puad use the accrual basin ' of accounting. Bevenue ie recogaiaed when earned and ezpeaeea are recogaiaed when incurred. Water, sever and aaaitatioa aervicea are billed to customers in advance on a quarterly cycle. A receivable is recorded at year sad for unpaid (delinquent) billiaga lase an allorance for those considered uacollectible. C. wyyyy~r ' General governmental revenue and ezpendituree accounted Eor is budgetary fuada are controlled by a budgetary accounting ayatem is accordance with various legal raquiremanta which govern the Citp'a operations. The City currently does not use an encumbrance accounting ayatem. eudgeta have been adopted for all Governnental Puada (General, Special ' Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Puada). The City Manager is authorized to traaafer budgeted amounts within departmeata within nay fund, however, any reviaioaa that increase the total ezpeaditurea of any department or fund moat ba approved by Che City Commieaion. All necessary supplemental appropriatioaa wars adopted by the City Commission ae part of a quarterly budget revier process and are included in the reported budgetary data. The budget presented on the Combined Statement ' of Revenues, Ezpenditurea and Changes is Puad Balance - Actual and Budget - is prepared on a GAAP basis. ' D. A H INV cTMCBTc Investments are stated at coat which approzimatea market. E:cept where prohibited, cash resources of the individual funds are combined to form a pool of cash and invantmenta. Inveatmenta in the Pooled Caah Puad conaiat primarily of invested cash and certi Eicatea of dapoait rhich mature in one year or lass. Interest income earned on the pooled cash ' and investments is dia[ributed to the appropriate fuada based on the average monthly balance of iaveatmeata in each fund. "Other cae6 and investments" represeata employee deferred compensation which is managed ' by the International City Managers Association (ICMA). In addition to their equities in the pooled cash fund, cash of the Enterprise and Pension Trust Punde iacludea interest bearing depoaita ' held by the Stara Board of Administration which are restricted as to their use. ' - 19 - _ i,'~i7~iiO CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTBS TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBBB 30. 1997 e. IN9EHTORlEs Inveatoriea coaeiat principally of aspsndabla materials, supplies and fuel and are valued at the lover of coat (fire[-ia, fire[-out) or market. Inventory is Ue Geaerel Pond is recorded as m espeadlture at the time of purchase (purchase method). Tha inventory balance reported is offset by a fund balance reserve rhich indicates Chat it does not coaatitute "available spendable reaourcea" even though it la a component of net current assets. P. $ESTRICTED ASSBTc Certain enterprise fund aeseta era rewired to bs asgragstsd from other current aaeeta due to various bond indenture agreements sad City Ordinances. These asaeie era legally restricted for specific purposes, such ae debt service, acv construction, and ranarals and replaeemeate. G. ACCOUNTING POR YI%ED AcSETS proprietar,~ Pi~~da _ Capital espeaditurss made for revenue-producing aaaets, which are employed is operations that era accounted for is the proprietary funds, are capitalised at historical costa and depreciated uaiag the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives as followas Buildings and improvements 40 years Improvements other than buildiaga 10 - 50 years Equipment 3 - q0 yearn Contributed aaeeta are recorded at fair market value a[ eha date of contribution. Depreciation recognized on aaeeta acquired or coaatzucted through reaourcea externally restricted for capital acquiaitione ie closed to the appropriate contributed fund equity account. General Ptzed Aaa is A co - Pied assets used in governmental fund type operations are accounted for in the General Yized Aaeeta Account Group, rather than in governmental funds. All fired aaeeta are valued at historical coat. Donated fizad aeseta are valued at their estimated fair value on the data donated. No depreciation bas been provided oa general fazed aaeeta. Public domain ("infrastructure") general fizad aeseta such an ntreeta and nidevalka that are generally inrnovable and of value only to the City of Atlantic Beach have not been capitalized. r,n ;!1!Ei - ZO - r S 1 1 1 CITY OF ATWNTIC BBACH, PLORIDA NOTBS TO PINAMCIAL STATB!ffiNTS BBPTBt~BB 30. 1987 H. BSCOUNTING FOB LONC-TBRN OBLIGATIONS Long-term obligatioae, general obligation or revenue bonds, used to finance proprietary fund operationa end payable Erom revenue of the proprietary funds are recorded in the applicable Eund. General obligation boada and other forme of long-term obligatioaa supported by general revenue are obligatioae of the Citp ae a whole and not its individual eonatituent funda. Accordingly, eucb unmatured obligatioaa of the City are accounted for in the Cameral Loag-Term Obligations Account Group. I. At LON TE ONP N AT D Rc PAYA !R Accumulated unpaid vacation sad sick pay ere accrued when incurred is proprietary funda. The amount of accumulated vacation and sick pay recorded in the govaramentel funda is that amount, adjusted to currant salary coats, which is ezpacted to be liquidated with espeadable available Financial reaourcea. Only the currant portion is reflected in the funda. The remainder of the liability is reported in the General Long-Term ODligationa ACCOanC Group. The guidelines of Pinancial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 43 were applied Sa determiaiag the liability for both governmental and proprietary Eunda. J. PROPBRTY TAXBS The aaaeaement of all properties and the collection of ell property ta:as are made through the Property Appraiser sad Ta: Collector of the Citp of Jackaoaville. Gaaarel property terse era recorded as received in cssh, which approzimatea ta:ee levied, lean discounts, for the current fiscal year. R. INTBRPUND T During the course aE normal operationa, the City has various tranaections between funds to construct assets and comply with local ordinances and other legal reatrictiona. These traasactione era reflected an operating transfers. L. aBNeION TRUST PLarDS 1rD PPNSION BXPBNSB The Ci[y accounts for its Pension Plans wader Pineacial Accounting Standards Hoard (PASS) Statement No. 35 "Accounting sad Reporting Dy Defined Benefit Peaaion Plana". The peaaion plena cover aubetentially all of the City's full time employees. The City records peaaion coats in the period salaries era earned. Pension ezpease includes normal cost plus amortization of peat service coat over 25 yearn. - 21 - ~~, ~ i-t ~; (l.r CITY OP ATLANTIC BHAC$, PLOHIDA NOTHS TO FINANCIAL STAT6I~NTS sePTHMBHH 30. 1987 N. DHPHR&HD CONPHNSATION PI~r , ' iDia City reports its Internal Heveaue Code 6ection 457 deferred compsasstion plm ee m agency fmd is aceordmce rith Govermrontal Accomtiag Stmdazda Board (GASH) Statement Mo. 2. ' N. CONTBIB *zHD aIT r Contributed capital in the proprietary fund types represent contriDUtiona from other fmda, developers, and Yadarai, State and local grmt programs. Contributions are used primarily for capital outlay projects and are racogniaed as increases in equity is the period they are earned or received. O. RESHBV6 OF B N NHTAI6 a•IN 8 ' Beservea recorded is the govarnaieatal Cmds represent portions of fmd balmca vhicb cemot be appzoprinted for ezpeaditures or vhieh have been segregated for specific future uses. , Heservea recorded in Che eaterpriae Emda era created Dp the azietaaca of assets rsatricted for debt aervica, construction, reasrala and ' replacements. P. TOTAr_ COL aniS ON iNPD TATEMHNTS ' Total columns oa tDe Combined Piamcial 6tatsmeats are captioned "Mamormdm Oaly' to indicate that they era preaeated only to facilitate finmcial malyaie. Data is these column do not preaeat finmcial ' position, results of operations, or chmgea in finmcial position in conformity with generally accepted accomtiag principles. Neither is each data compareDle to a consolidation. Iatezfmd elimiaatioaa have not , been made in the aggrega[ioa of this data. CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMEEH 30. 1987 ' 2. CASH AND IN9ESTMENTS Cash Deposits: ' At year-end, the carrpiaq amount of the City's depoai to vas 8293,467 and the bank balance vas 5689,661. Deposits in banks and naviaga and loans era ' colla[eralised as public funds through a State procedure provided for in Chapter 280, Florida Statutes. Financial iaatitutioae qualiEyiaq as public depositories place with the State Hoard of Administration aecuritiee rhich have a market value equal to 50 percent of the average daily balances Eor each month of all public deposits in ezcaaa of any applicable depoai[ insurance. Tha Public Deposit Security Trust Pund has a procedure to allocate and recover lo9aea in Che event of a default or insolvency. Nhea ' public depoaita are made in accordance with Chapter 280, no public depositor shall be liable for any los6 thereof. Inveatmeata: The City's investment practices are governed by Chapter 280, Florida Statutes. At September 30, 1987 the City's inveatmenta consisted of ' certificates of depoaita and investments with stets agencies. Market values appro:imeted book values at September 30, 1987. ' The certificates of deposits era considered to bs category one credit risk inveatmenta, rhich means Chep are insured or collateraliaed rith aecuritiee held by the City's agent in the City's name. The depoaita and iaveatawnta with state agencies are aoL included or classified by credit risk since Chap are Geld by an independent agency. There vets ao violations of the legal or contractual provisions Eor depoaita and investments. ' The total cash sad iaveetmant balance of the City is comprised of the folloving items: Petty cash on hand E 400 ' Savings and sassy market accounts _ 293,087 Total cash 293,467 ' Certificates of deposit with local banks: 31-90 days maturity 318,223 91-180 days maturity 312,863 181-360 days maturity 2,192,122 Total certificates of deposit 2,823,20E Invested cash vi[6 fiscal agent 399,435 Investment with State Board of Admiaiatratioa 3,258,268 ' Total iaven[meata 6,480,911 ' Total cash and inveatmsata Leas: restricted cash sad investments 6,774,378 1.968,741 TO Cal untesttiC tad cash and iave atnleat6 E4.ED5, 637 i„ CITY OP ATLANTIC BHACB, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATB)&N1'6 SHPTH!®H8 30. 1987 3. P80PHRTY, PLANT AND HDDIpM6NT' A aummasp of changes is general fized aaseta follors: Balance, Balazce, October 1, 1986 Additions Dalationa September 30, 1987 Land j 143,702 1221,566 = - i 365,268 euildiage 329,071 381,744 - 710,815 Improvemeata other than buildings 441,318 - - 441,318 Hquipmeat 656.927 117.323 19,861 754.389 Total f1.571.018 f720.633 f19.BR1 E2_271.790 A suamary of fized assets o[ the Hatsrprise Funds et Beptember 30, 1987 followa: Total VaHr Sarar $ani tattoo -Buccaneer Dist i t EnGrprise FuM Fund Fund Mater Funds Sewr Funds FwMs Lane f - f 65,557 f - f 26,681 f 117,799 f 210,037 8ui !dings 393,718 505,685 - 27,004 53,356 979,763 Isgrovenents other than buildings 1,568,145 4,099,253 - 1,331,695 3,026,856 10.025,949 Inproveernts froe ioint venture - 676,802 - _ - 616,802 Machinery and e9ufDegnt 104,604 93,252 306,529 - - 504,385 Lazs - accueglated deDreciati on l6W.102) !888.042) (177.599) !68.770) (13iDA1) (1.431.594) Total Conatructioa in progress for [he ¢ntsrpriae Puada is as Eollora: Committed Bzpended to Federal Hequi red Project September 30, Serer and State Putara Authorization 1987 L+ygd Puadina Ptnancinq Sewer system imprOVemeat9 f1.2a6.7AD f1.D91.780 jyy,~ ,4e E 8SlyC nn:; (1 c~~~ - 24 - t 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACR, PLO@IDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 4. LONG-TERM OHLIGATIORS Tae Eolloving is n euemary of the long-taro obligations of the City for the year ended September 30, 19872 General Enterpri sa Lono-Tarv Obli anti ons Funds General Accrued Revenue Obligation Conpensated Revenue _@gn~,Z_ Bonds Absences @onds Totsl ObligaHanz payable at October 1, 1986 (252,754 f307,000 (77,726 (4,282,799 54,920,279 Nev Bonds Issued: 1985 Florida Municipal loan Council pooled Loan pragran Revenue Bonds 321,911 321,911 Debt prinei pal paid (22,864) (45,000) - (251,584) (;19,448) Net increase :n compensated absences - 21.523 21.523 Obligations payable at 5eptanber 3D, 1987 (451 801 ~ ~ Sa.n31.215 iq.944"26B Bonds payable at September 30, 1987 are comprised o£ the folloviaq individual iesueaz General obligation bondaz 1958 Sewer System aerial bonds, payable in annual iaatalnlenta of (20,000 plan interest tarough 1988, bearing inierant at 3.B\ f 20,000 1971 Sever System aerial boade, payable 1a annual iastalnlenta of 522,000 to (40,000 plus interest through 1995, bearing interact at 5.75\ 242,000 Revenue bands: 1985 Buccaneer District Meter and Sever aerial bonds, payable is equal annual iaatalmeata of principal and interest of approzimately 5347,500 through 2000, bearing iatereat at 9\ 2,600,600 State Pollution Control Bonds, Series "Q", payable is annual inatalmm~ta of 550,000 to f190,000 plus iatereat through 2000, bearing interest at B\ 1,405,000 1985 Florida Municipal Loan Council Pooled Loan Program Heveaue Honda payable in amual inatalmenta of (69,284 to 539,000 plus iatereat through 1995, bearing interest at a variable rate (approzimating 6.5- at September 30, 1987)2 577.416 TO[al 54.845.016 -25- 0i~i)~:,1. CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, PLOBIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL SSATENBNTS The annual requirements to emorti:e nll debts outstanding at September 3D, 1987, are es follovsi General Lonq-Tare Obligatioaa Year Ending A~couat Orn~ Eat r rise P~ada September 30 principal Interest gpgl principal Interest Total 1988 S 99,492 S 49,495 S 143,987 f 80,615 i 232,584 S 313,199 1989 94,284 43,701 137,985 173,500 338,296 511,796 1990 94,284 37,572 131,856 1BB,i00 322,776 512,176 1991 99,384 31,444 130,728 209,600 305,901 515,501 1993 99,284 24,991 126,275 231,800 287,163 518,963 Thereafter 332.173 36.913 369.086 3 ,147.300 L , 384.880 4 .532.180 Total t~l f226.11fi11fi E1.037.917 E4.031.214 52.871.600 E6.902.B1G General obligation bonds of the Loaq-Term ODligations Account Group represent bonds issued by the City for conatruetion of (1958 aeries) and later improvements and e:tanaioaa to (1971 asriea) the City's never ayatem. These bonds rare iaeued as general obligetiona of the Citp end, tDarafore, are not obligations of the individual Entarpriae (Sever) fund. During 1985, the City oDtainad a State Bond Loan rhich i• administered Dy We State Board of Administration and aecurad by Stets Pollution Control Bonds, Series "4", to support funding for improvement and ezpaaeioa of its aevar system, These bonds era payable Erom pledged revanuea derived from the operations of the aevar ayatem. Under the terms of the agreement, the City may later pledge additional legal and available funds to repay the loan, as it deems appropriate. During 1985, the City iaeued revenue bonds to acquire an additional rater and newer ayatem. These Ronda are payable from the net revenues of the Buccaneer District water and Serer System end ere not general obligatioaa of the Citp. Duziaq 1986, the City elected to participate 1n the Florida Municipal Loan Council Pooled Loan Program (Revenue Bonds, Sariea 1985). Under this program the City is eligible to horror up to fi, 070,510 to be used to Einanee capital projects. Through September 30, 1987 the City has borrowed f577,416 of rhich approzimately 50 to included as as obligation of the Eaterpriae Pund riW the remainder as an obligation of the Lonq-Term Obligations Account Group. The amortization schedule above includes iatereat on these obligations at an assumed rata of b.54, which approzimatee the actual rate at September 30, 3987 (the actual rate is variable). In November 1987, subsequent to the fiscal year sad, the City of Atlantic Beach borrowed an additional 5224,977 from the Florida Municipal Loaa program. _ _ - 26 - ~~U:)~I:1.:~ i 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BHACN, PLOHIDA NOTBS TO FINANCIAL STATHMHNI'S SePTElO7HN 30. 1987 Haveaue bonds of the Hntsrpriss Funds contain various terms and covenants whicD require the City to maintain adaquete user rotes sad to account Eor the deposit and disbursement of revenues in accordance witb eataDlished priorities. As of September 30, 1987, the City res subatea[ially !n compliance vitD each covenants. 5. SMPLOYHH H&NHPITS ' The City maiateian three single employer Public Hmployeaa Retirement Systems. Thera is one non-contributory defined benefit pension plan ' (General employees' Retirement Plan) and tro contributory defined benefit pension plane (Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Plane). Tbeae retirement plena are accounted for in the City's Peaaioa trust Pwd. Total peaaion ezpenae for all funds during the pear ended September 30, 1987 res ' 553,796. The Citp's pension contribution is computed using accepted actuarial methods and, ezcapt for the effects of plm amendments, iE nay, in not azpectad to increase materially is the future in relation to total ' payroll ezpease. 6mployeoe are fully vented after 10 years. A. PENSION BHNHPIT OBLIGATION ' TDe amomt show below as the "pension benefit obligation" is a standardised diacloaure measure of the preaeat value of penaioa benefits, adjusted for the effacta of projected salary increases, estimated to be payable in the future en a result of employee service to data. Tha meaaura is tbs actuarial preaeat value of credited projected banaflta and is intended to Delp users saaaas cDe system's funding statue oa a going-concern Daaie, aaneas progrean being made in accumulating sufficient anaetn to pay benefits ' when due, and allor !or comparisoaa among public employee retirement ayetema. The measure is independent of the actuarial funding method used to determine coatriDutioaa to cDe ayatam. r i M M _ ,7 _ 1 00 o~~~ CITY OP ATLANTIC BHACe, PLOBIDA NOTES TO YINANCIAL STATH!ffiNYS SEPTEMBER 30. 1987 The penaioa benefit obligation ras determined as part of an actuarial valuation of the plan as of September 30, 1986. Significant actuarial aaaumptiona used is determining the pension benefit obligation include (a) e rate of return oa tbs investment of present and future aaeats of a percent per year compounded annually, (b) projected aelary increases of 6 percent par year compounded annually, attributable to inflation, (c) additional projected aalazy increases ranging from 0.0 Co 3.0 percent per year, depending on age, attributable to seniority/merit, and (d) the assumption that benefits will not iacreaae after retirement. At September 30, 1986, the aeaeta is arcane of the pension benefit obligation rare 5179,330, date~3ned as follows Pension Benefit Obligations Retirees and Deaeficiaries currently receiving beaefita Terminated employees not yet receiving benefits Currant employeeas Accumulated employee coatributioaa including allocated iaveatmeat income Employer financed - Yeatsd Employer financed - Noa-vented Total Pension Benefit Obligation Het aaeats availaDla for Denefita, at coat (market value vas same as coat) Assets is ezcesa of or (less) thaw the Peasioa Benefit Obligation General Police ~yloveen Officers PireEightera 5326,495 S 52,026 { 64,016 45,687 54,513 26,689 none none none 339,621 173,475 49,708 116.958 54.167 37.179 828,761 334,181 177,592 729.132 523.427 267.305 S(99. 629) S1fi 9.24fi S ao.713 During the year ended September 30, 1986 the plan ezperiancad a net change of 8119,325 is the penaioa benefit obligation. There were no plan ameadmenta or changes is actuarial aaaumptiona. B. CONTRIB ITION REO IR D ONTRIB ~7'ION (BBB Statistical Section) The City's funding policy provides for periodic employer coatributioaa at actuarially determined rates that, azpreaaed as percentages of annual covered payroll, are designed to accumulate auEficiant assets Co pay beaefita when due. The normal cost and actuarial accrued liability are determined using an entry age actuarial funding method. UBEunded actuarial accrued liabi litiea are being amortized as a level percent of payroll over a period of 25 years. -28- 1 e 1 e 1 ' CITY OP ATLANTIC BE71CH, PLOQIDA NOT66 TO [INANCIAL 527178146928 S9PTEl03B9 30. 1997 1 During We year ended September 30. 1987 contributions totaling =12{,100 (576,884 employer, 5{,205 employee, and 543,011 state) vsre mods in accordmce with contribution requirements determined Dp m actuarial veluetioa of tae plm as of 6sptember 30, 1985. Sigaificmt actuarial aaaumptioaa used to compute contribution requirements were the same as those used to compute the atmdasdised measure of the pension benefit obligation. 6. D9PB898D COMPENSATION PLAN ' The Citp offers itn employees a deferred compensation plm created !n accordance rite Internal 8evaaus Code Sactloa {87. She plan, available to all City Eaployees, permits them to defer a portion of their salary until future pears. The deferred compsnaatioa is not available to employees until ' termination, retirement, death, or mforeseabla emergency. All amomts of compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchased rit6 thoaa amomts, and all income attributeDle to shoes amounts, property, or rights ors (until paid or made availaDls to the employee or other beneEiciarp) aolalp the property and righU of the Citp (ritaout being restricted to the provisions of bsnsfita under chs p3m), subject only Co ' the claims of the City's general craditora. Participmta' rights order the plm ors equal to those o[ general creditors of the City in m amount equal Co the fair market velua of the deferred accomt Eor oath particlpmt. ' It ie the opinion of the Citp legal comael that the Citp hoe no liability Eor looses under [hs plm but doss have the duty of dun cars that xould be required of m ordinary prudent investor. The Citp believes tact it is ' mllkely tact it rill use the aasete to satiety the claims o[ general creditors is tae future. 1 1 -29- OUJ0,,5 CITY Ol ATLAtll'IC BEACH, lLOHIDA MOTES TO FINANCIAL 6iATRffiNT6 SEP1'El10E8 30. 1997 7. SBG74HNT INlO8F01TION lOH 61llEHP@ISE FUNDS Tba City Las established aaparata Enterprise Puada to account for castes, serer end eaaitation aervicee. Segment information for the City'a Enterprise Funds for the yesr ended September 30, 1987 la as follorsl Total Buccaneer bistrtct Sanitstian Enterprise Voter Lund $ewr Fund Yater Fund Sever FeM Fund Lands Operating revenues S 326,168 f 835.978 S 232,120 S 549,551 1 613,179 52.357,2% Deprac/ati on 70,228 139,976 38,175 73,510 31,190 353,379 Operating intone (toss) 36.588 111,307 96,351 275,854 98,384 618,484 Non-oPeratin9 intone (asDense) 101,836 370,235 42,736 363,635 9,772 888,214 Operating transf4rs in (out) (47,740) (132,591) 16,725 (74,295) f4B,376) (286,277) Net intone (loss) 90,684 348,951 155,812 565,194 59.780 1,220,121 Wt property. plant and equlpMnt 1,402,365 4,492,507 1,316,610 3,064,930 128,930 10,405.342 Net wrking capital 293,781 927,487 63,108 147,474 125,755 1,557,605 Long-terw debt 22,015 1,350,000 853,707 1,746,893 3,972,615 Total equity 1,799,359 5,999,965 711,840 2,748,503 250,685 10,914,352 Total assets 1,958,160 7,706,749 1,627,728 3.921,513 2&1,202 15,494,352 B. INTEHPUND TRANSACTIONS HECONCILIATIOH A auomarp of interfund transfers during tbs fiscal year ended September 30, 2987, is ea follorar Transfers to _ Capital Debt General Proiec[e eel Total Transfer froms Enterprise 1286,277 f - { _ 1288,277 General - - 39,821 39,821 Special Hevenue 81,083 92.189 _ s~~~? Total en47 na0 ee 169 "~6~1 E479.1s0 The interfund receivable/payable at September 30, 1987, ran betrasn tLs General land and the Niacellanaous Grants spacial revenue fund. 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BRACH, FLORIDA ' NOTHS TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT6 SEPTEMBER 30. 1987 9. JOINT VHNTUHB ' Ia 1985. pureumt to m ia[erlocal agreement authorised Dy Ploride Stntutes Section 163.01, [he City joined rith the City of Jacknoavilla Beach and the City of Neptune Beach to conn[ruct and operate affluent ovtfall lines and disposal facilities, together xith all rile lmde, right-of-ways, eaaameata, and other entitlements necessary for the construction and vas thereof. The construction of the ovtfall linen and disposal facilities xere funded by the mmicipalitiea in the following proportioaa: Atlm[ic Beach 33.06 Jacksonville Reach 55.78 Neptune Beach 11.16\ Total 100"00\ Each City has recorded its abare of the project in its om fiamcia3 ' statements. The City recorded its portion of the joint venture (approzimately 5290,000) in the property accomta of the City's Sexer Pmd. The City also records approzimately 5325,000 of additional property purchased rit6 grmt proceeds from the Florida Department of Enviromgatal Regulation since the grmt for [ha ovtfall lines ran ararded to the City of Atlantic Beach. Therefore, the total value of the joint venture oa the City's books in approzimately E615,000. The project ran completed in 1986 and depreciation (using the straight-lino method over 25 yearn) began in 1987. The City of Atlm[ic Beach provides all accounting and purchasing aervieea for Che joint venture. Repair and maiateamce of the ovtfall linen and disposal of the facilities will be shared by the participating municipalities in the perceatagen noted above. No repair and mainteamce ezpeasea related to the joint venture rare incurred in 1987. 10. RHLATED PARTIES ' The Superintendent of Public Norka is a former omen of the Buccaneer Water 6 Sexer Plant. As a former omer, he is now the holder of a bond which van ' issued by the City in 1985 to purchase Buccaneer Water S Sever. During 1987 he received 512,800 in principal and 523,693 in interest from the City. 11. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS ' The pension fund began investing in marketable equity aecuritiea is October 1987 just prior to the October ntoek market fall. By December 31, 1987, soma of the October losse^ had been recovered and the net unrealized loan (oa the 51,625,000 originally invented rich the money manager) wan appro:imately E47,000 (which ie less than 3~ of invented funds). ' - 31 - i 1 1 1 Tbia page inteationally !e£C bleak. ' 1 1 1 oo.~~, a _ li _ 1 1 1 REPORTS ON YEDERAL AND STATE YINANCIAL ASSISTANC$ -33 - O(J7~:i9 1 Thin page intentionally left blank. ' 1 1 1 1 - 34 - (~{)~77fi ~~ ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Deloitte Haskins+Sells Certified public Accountants So the Honorable wambera of the City Commiaaioaers, City of Atlantic Baeeh, Plorida Suite 7240 200 West ForsNh Street Jacksonville. Florida 32202-0371 (904) 354-8333 ITT telex: 4995Fy12 we nave a:amiaed the general purpoaa financial atatemeats of tae Citp of Atlantic Beaea, Plorida, for the year ended September 30, 1987, and nave issued our report thereon dated December 31, 1987. Our ezamiaation of each general purpose Financial statements vas made is accordance vita generally accepted auditing standards sad the atandarda for financial and compliance audits toatained in the Standards for Audit of Govermnental Organisations. Programs. Activities. awd Puactieas, issued by the U. S. General Accounting Office, end accordingly, included auca tests of the accounting records end such other auditing procedures as ve considered aeceaeary is tae circumatancas. Our ezamination ran made for Che purpose of forming m opinion oa the general purpose financial statements taken as a rhole. Tha accompanying Schedule of Federal and State Pinaacial Assistance is presented for purpoaea of additional aaalyaia end is not a required part of the general purpose financial statements. tae information in that schedule line bean aubjactsd to the sudlting procedures applied is tae •:amiaation of tae general purpose financial statements and, is our opinion, is fairly steted in ell material raapeets in relation to the general purpose financial atatsateats taken as a whole. December 31, 1957 - 35 - 1 1 This Qaga intentionally left blink. 1 - 36 - 1 1 1 Oi,15~62 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' This page intentionally left Dlaak. 1 _ ;7 _ ' (J (J:)CFiJ CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA SCIIEDULS OF PEDERAL AND STATB PINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ' FOR TRB PISC~ YEAP END[D SEPTEMBER 30 198' BEGINNING , PEDERAL PROGRAM FUND BALANCE AT GRANT AGENCY/GRANT TITLE GRANT ID NO./GRANT PERIOD CPDA ~B AWARD AMOUNT OCTOBER 1, 1986 pgDERAL DIRECT ASSISTANCE impartment of Treanurv ' Revenue Sharing IDf10-2-016-001 ' Period ending: EP16 21.3 E 57,264 E 7,119 Revenue Sharing ID/10-2-017-001 Period endings EP17 21.3 98,612 1 a9 ' Eavi[onmental Protection Aaencv Naatevater Treatment Construction ID fC120747-030 Period Ending: 2/88 TOTAL PEDERAL DIRECT ASSISTANCE 66.418 51,258,789 24.488 STATE OP PLOeIDA GRANTS F3 'd D oartme t E Eo d t 1 Reauletion Naatevater Treatment Construction ID (747040 Period Endings 2/87 N/A 5693,326 530.582 Plorida Department of Community Affairs Local Government Comprehenaive Planning Aasiatance ID /87-LP-03-04-26-02-096 Period Ending: 9/87 N/A E 17,224 Local Government Comprehenaive Planning Aasiatance ID f87-LP-03-09-26-02-220 Period Endings 9/87 E 4,200 TOTAL STATE OY PLORIDA GRANTS call Gpf SEE NOTES TO SCHEDULE OP PEDEBAL AND STATE PINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ~a~vai 1/(~;~(j fj 1 r 1 1 1 1 RBVEND6 RBCOGNIZSD FSDSRAL/ CITY INTSRBST TOTAL STATE NATCNING INCOME REV¢NUg ENDING PDND BALANCB AT SEPTSMBSR 30, EXPBNDITDREe 1987 S - S - S - S - E 7,119 881 - x,845 2.726 53, 9fi5 881 - 1.845 2.726 61.084 S - 17,224 - - - 17.224 4.200 - - - a,200 E 21.424 f 33.983 f - f _ f 85.989 f -39 - fi0,:;~E5 Thie page intentionally left blank. ' - 90 - 0(~5Q~E , 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA NOTE TO SCHEDULE OP PEDERAL AND STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE POE THE FISCAL YEAR ENDBD SEPTEMBER 30. 10 7 1. DEPAeTMENT OF ENVIROlDOINTAL REGULATIONS DISCLOSURE HEpUIREMENTS During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1987, the City completed the construction of Sts wastewater treatment plant which wan funded in part by a grant from the Plorida Department of Environmental Regulation. The total project budget and Che current year revenue and ezpenditurea are as follove: Beginning Balance Revenue: City of Atlantic Beach State of Plorida Total eevenue Ezpenditures: Construction costa Administration Land structures, right-of-ways Planning and design Project inspection fees Project performance aervicea, operation sad maintenance maauala Other eagineoriag fees Audit aervicea Contingency Total Ezpendi[ures Ending Balance - 41 - 567,267 33,983 693.326 1.260.593 33,983 1;151,232 30,416 5,476 - 69,943 30,582 23,816 2,768 2,775 751 7,351 48 1.260.593 64.565 S - S OG:iC67 Tbia page intentionally left blank. 1 _ q2 1 0~50E3 1 Deloitte Haskins~Selis 1 Certified Public Accountants Suite 1240 1 200 West Forsyth Street Jacksonville. Floritla 32202-4377 19041 354-8333 1 ITT Telea: 4995642 1o Wa Honorable Membsra of the City Commiaaioners, 1 Clty of Atlantic Beach, plorids i We have a:amiasd the general purpose financial statemeate of the City of Atlantic Beach, Ylorida, (the "City") for the year ended September 30, 1 1987, sad have iaauad our report thereon dated December 31, 1987. Our examination vas made in accordance ritb geuerallp accepted auditing atandarda and Ws standards of financial and compliance audits contained 1 is the St d da f A•eit f r 1 Ozq i ion v A t+uiti d r.a ti a, iaauad by Ws II.S. General Accounting Office, and accordingly, included aucb tests of the accounting racorda and such other auditing procedures as re considered nsceaaarp in the 1 circmataatea. lha mamgemeat of the Citp of Atlantic Beach 3s rsaponaibls for the 1 Citp'a compliance rith lava and ragulatioua. In connection rlta our ezamiaatioa referred to above, rs selected and Cested [zanaaetiona end racorda Co determine Che Citp'a compliance with lava sad regulatioaa 1 noacoaipliaacs rith rhich could have n material effect oa the general purpose Financial statements of tea City. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tae raaults of our tests indicate test [or the itama tasted, the Citp of Atlantic Beach, Florida, complied rith those proviatons of lava sad regulations noacoapliencs rith rhich could have a material effect on the general purpoas financial atatesents. Nothing came to our atteattaa that caused ua to believe that for the items not tasted tea City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, rsa not is compliance rith Lars or regulations noacomplimce vita mica could have a material effect on tea City's general purpose financial atatemanta. .__J,p~p,~ C~t~dLl,._,cl~p~j December 31, 1987 -43- Uu:>(: V9 ?his page iateatloaally left blank. ' _ 4g _ 1 i Deloitte 1 Haskins,-Sells Certified Public Accouma Ms 1 1 1 To Che Honorable Nembere of the Citp Commissioners, City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Suite 1240 200 West Forsyth Sveel Jacksonville. Floeida 32202-4371 190413548333 ITT Telex: 4995642 1 We have e:amiaed the general purpose financial staCemante of the City of Atlantic Beech, Ylorida, ([ha "City") for Che pear ended September 30, 1987, and have iaeued our report thereon dated December 31, 1987. Our 1 e:aminatioa ran made in accordance ri[h generally accepted auditing standards; the standards for [innaeial and coapliaaca audits contained in the Standards for Audit of Governmental Organiz ti Prory~am_; _ Activities, and Puactiaae, iaeued by the D.S. General Aecomtiag OEficet 1 the Single Audit Act of 19841 and the provisions of OlID Circular A-128, A dl to of ctat d L 1 Go r M t and accordi~ly, included such testa of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures an re 1 considered necessary in the circumstsacea. 1'hs aanagameat of the Citp in responeibls for the City's compliance rith lave and regulations. In connection rich the ezamination referred to 1 above, w aslected and tasted traaesctions sad racorda from each major federal and state financial anaiatance program sad certain aomlejor 1 federal and state financial assiatanca programs. 17u purpose of our tenting of traaaaetioas and records from those federal sad state financial aaniataace programs ran to obtain raaeonable asavrance that the Citp had, is ell mstarial reapacts, admiais[end major programs, and 1 ezecuted the tested noasajor program traasactiaas, in compliance rich lava sad regulations, including those pertaining to [iaanciel reports sad claims for advancen and raiotbursemeats, aoacompliaata rich which re believe could hove a material e[fect oa the allorabilitp of program 1 ezpandituraa. Ia our opinion, for ehs year ended September 30, 1987, the City 1 administered each of its major federal end state financial aasiatance programs is compliance, is all material raapects, rich Sara and regulations, including Chose pertaining to financial reports sad claims for advances cad reimbursements, non-compliance rich rhich rs believe 1 could have a material effect oa the ellorebility of program sspendi[ures. i i 1 1 _45_ Qlliil. ~ 1 1 This page intentionally 3eEt blank. ' -46 - 1 ~)U:i(J i N iha nsulta of our teetinq of trmaactime and racorda wlwtad tros nomajor Gdersl aad etaG !lnmeiel aseietmce programs indicsts tDat for the trmssetima sad records tested the Citp complied rit6 tee lsw and requlstfoaa referred to show. Our Gstinq we more lisiGd ' thm mould De aacsatarp to szprase m opiaim oa rhether the Citp sdministered those progzms is eosplimca is all material raspsets rith [hose law and rsgulatioaa noncomplimce rith rhich w believe O could hsvs a material affect oa the allaraDilitp of progrm eapsndituras; howvar, with respect to the lrmaactione and raeords that more not tested Dp ua, nothing cane to our atteatlon to ~iadieats ' Chet tee Cip had not complied ritb lsrs and regulations. ' ~n~ ~ R ~Q)C.O'J ' December 31, 1987 1 1 1 1 _q7_ OG50"3 Thin page intentionally left blank. ' -48 - i 1 1 ~% Vi ~) ~~ i '~ , 1 Deloitte ~ Haskins-Sells CenlLed Public Accountams Suite 1240 ' 20o well Fosym sveel Jacksonville. FloriOa 32202-4371 f904135a~&333 ITT Telex: 4995642 So the Honorable Members of the City Commiaeioaars, City o[ Atlmtic eeecD, Plorida Ne have e:aminad Che general purpose financial statements o[ Ws City of Atlmtic Beaeb, Plorida, (the "City") for tae year ended September 30, 1987, and nave isauad our report taeraon dated December 31, 1987. Aa pert of our ezmiaation, re made a atudp and evaluation of tae system of internal accounting control of the Citp to the extent re coaaidersd neceaaary to evaluate the apstem as required by geasrsllp accepted eudtting atmdards and the stmdards for financial complimce audits contained iv the U.S. General Accounting Otfice Btmdarda for Aud+t f Gov tal O gasi s[i Proa A ti iti s n ' Puvetiova. ForTthe purpose of thin report, rs have claaaifiad tae significant internal accounting coa[rola in the folloring categories: cash receipts and diaburaemsnta, investments, receivables, budgets, fired enacts, payroll, purchaaiag, grmts, debt administration and general ledger. Dur study included all of the control categorise listed above. 'ras purpose of our study end evalwtion ras to determine tae nature, Liming, and extent of tae auditing procadurea neceaearp for e:preaaiag m opinion oa tae City's financial atatemente. Our study and eveluetion ran more limited than mold bs necessary to ezprean m opinion on the system of internal accomtinq ' control taken as a Thole or on my of the categories of controls identified above. The amagemeat of the Citp of Atiaatle Beaca, Florida, is responsible ' for establishing and maintaining a apstem of iatsrael accomtiag control. In fulfilling Cala respoaaiblilty, estimates and judgmeata by mmageewnt are required to saseas the expected bsnafita and related costa of control procedures. the objectives of a sya[am are to provide mmagament vita raaeonabla, but not absolute, aasurmee teat aaaata are safeguarded against loos from unautaorized uas or ' diapoaition, and Caat trmaactiona era executed in accordance rich managemeat'a authorlaation and recorded properly to permit tae preparation of financial atntements in accordmce rich generally accepted accounting principles. Because of inaerent 1Loitations in ' my ayntem of internal nccounting control, errors or irregularities may nevertaelese occur and not be detected. Also, projection of my evaluatoa of tae apstem to future periods is subject to the rink [bat ' procsdurea may become inadequate becauas of chaagee in conditions or that the degree of compliance rich the procedures may deteriorate. - 44 - ii i)1)f)r) This page intentionally left bleak. ' -50- 1 1 L~(~;7 (.~~F~ 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 1 Our etude and evaluation aade for the 1Lited purpose described is the first paragraph mould not necusarilp disclose all material wskwsses in cbe epstem. Accordioglp, w do not espraas an opinion on the spsGm of internal accounting control of the Citp o[ Atlantic Beach, Rorida, taken as a rbola or oa any o[ the estegoriss of controls identified in the first paragraph. Howwr, our etude end avsluatioa diseloee~ ao condition that w believe to be s materiel wetness. 1Lis report is inGnded solely for CBs we of the Citp of Atlantic eeseb, Florida, and tLe 6nviromaatsl Protection Agency (the cognisant audit agency) end abould not be uesd for any other purpoea. ~7'hie restriction 3a not intended to licit the distribution of this report rhicb, upon accaptaace Dp the Cltp Cossissionera and the 6nviranwntal Protection Agancp, ie a matter of public record. ~~•1X ~~ Q +~J December 31, 1987 - 51 - 0050;7 xhia page intentionally left blank. ' -52 - 1 C Ij 1J ;)~)~i `J ' 1 Deloitte Haskins-rSells 1-- _ __ - __ _---- 1 1 1 r 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lenrfi¢d Pu bbc Acco~ntanls 9vite 1240 200 West Forsyth Street Jacksonville. Florida 32202-4371 (904) 359A333 ITT Telez: 4995642 20 the Honorable Nembsrs oL Ns Citp Coaoissioners Citp oL Atlantic Beach, Florida Ns beve ezamined the general puzpoaa financial atatemeata of the City of Atlantic BeacA, Ploride, (the ^City") for Na peat ended September 30, 1987, end beve isauad our report Nareon dated Oacember 31, 1987. Aa part of our ezamiaatioa, w cads a atudp and evaluation of the intaraal control systems, including the appliesbls intaraal administrative controls, used is administering federal tiaaacisl assistance programs to the eztent rs considered necessary to evaluate the spatsu ea required by gaaerallp accepted auditing steadazds, Chs standards Eor [insncial and cospllenca audits contained is the St Ada a Eo A•att t C r -m 1 Oraanizetieas. Proara.:.a. Activities, a"d lenc ions, issued Dy the Q.S. General Accounting Ofties, the Single Audit Act of 1984, sad the provisions of 0)ffi Circulsr A-128, Audits of State ~d al Gover ^!~n -, Poz the purpose of Nit report, w bare classified Ns sigaiticant internal accomtiag and administrative controls vaed in administering federal financial aasistascs programs is Ns folloriuJ categories: Aeeomting Controls: Cash receipts end disbursements, iavestaafate, rsceivablaa, budgets, fired aaaeta, payroll, puzcbasinq, grants, debt sdmiaistratioa, sad general ledger. Adminiatrativs Controls: General Sequirementa - Political activitp, Davis-Bacon Act, Civil sights, cash management, relocation assistance sad Yadsral tinaacial reports. Specific sequiremeate - types of services, aligibillty, matchiui level oI effort, reporting, special requirements (NS Citp bas no sub-recipients or indirect cost allocation aya[am). -53- CG5079 TDia page intentionally left blank. , -54- 1 1 1 1 t The mmegament o[ the City of Atlantic Beach, [lorida, is raaponsiDle for esteblieainq and maiotainiaq internal control systems used in adminietsriag federal !lasaclal essietanca programs. Ia fulfilliaq that reapoasibilitp, estimates and judgmeata by mmagemsae are required to aaaeas the szpactad benefits sad related costs of eoatrol~procadurea. The objectives of internal control systems uaad is administering federal financial assistance programs ere to provide maaageaient rit6 reasoaaDls, Dut not abaoluta, esaurmce [hat, with raapact to federal financial aasiatanca programs, resource uaa ie consistent riU lava, regulstioas, and policiaai resources era eafaguardad against rests, lose, and misuse) sad ralieble data are obtained, maintained, sad fairly disclosed is reports. Becauaa of inherent limitations is nap aystam of internal accounting and adminia[rativa controls used in adainistariaq federal financial assistance programs, errors or irregularities may neverthalasa occur sad not be detected. Also, projection of anp evaluation of the aystema to future periods is subject to the risk that procaduraa may becoae inadequate because of changes in conditions or tact the degree of compliance with tae procedures may deteriorate. Our study included all of the applicable control categories listed above. During the year ended September 30, 1987, the szpandad 94\ of its total federal financial aasistaaee under major federal financial aasiatmce programs. Nith respect to internal control nystems used is ' administering major federal financial assistance programs, our study end evaluation included considering the types of ~arrors and irraqularitias tact could occur, determining tae iatarnal control procedures tact should ' prevent or detect each errors and irregularities, determining rhathar Cho aecaeaarp procedures are prescribed and era being Lollovsd satisfactorily, sad evaluetiaq any weaknesses. Nith reapact to the iatarnal control systems used solely in administering the nomajor federal financial assistmce programs of the City, our study and evaluation van limited to a preliminary ravier of the aystams to ' obtain an understanding of the control eavironmaa[ sad the floc of trananetloaa through the accounting system. Our etude and evaluation of the internal control systems used solely is administering tae aonmajor federal financial assistance programs o[ the City did not aztend beyond ' this preliminary ravier pease. ' - SS - ~i i. i ~ ,`', f Thin page intentionally left bloat. ' - 56- i 1 1 1 Our study and waluetloa ras sere liaibd rhea could W aecesssrp to ' esprsss m opinion oa the internal control apatms wad in sdslniseerinq the federal finmeial aasistmce pzogrens of the Citp o[ Atlmtic Beach, Florida. Accordingly, re do not szprese m opinion oa the internal control ' apstsss wad in adsinLGrinq the teMrsl flnmeisl assistmw progrms of the Citp of Atlmtic Beach, ilorids. Further, re do mt esQress m opialon on Us internal control apatms used is adainistesing the wejor [adaral finmcial assistmcs progrma of the Cicp of Atlmtic Basch, Florida. Also, our ezmination, made in aceordmce ritb the staaderde wntioaad above, could not nscaasarilp disclose saterial reakaesses is the internal ' control apatesa uaad aolslp in administering noamajor (adaral Cinmcial assistmce progzms. Howvsr, our study end svalwtioa and our a:miwtloa disclosed m coaditlon that w believe to be a material wetness Lo relation [o a federal finmeial aasiatmca progrm of the Citp of Atlmtic Baaeh, Florida. Ibis report is intended aolely for the use of tbs Citp oL Atlmtic Beaeb, Florids, and the Bnvironmantal Protection Ageacq (the cognismt audit ' agency), and should not ba used for mp other purpose. this restriction is not iatmded to limit the distribution of this report, which, upon acceptmce by the Citp Coaoissioners o[ Atlmtic Beaeb, Florida, and the Bavironmsatal Protection Agsncp, is a salter of public neord. December 31, 1987 1 - a7 - QG iOE.j i 1 Thin page intentionally left blank. , - 58 - t ~~i •)~~~~~t