Audit Report - 1981-19820 nce ------ --- afc, ouse 1 1 t CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (WITH SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATIONI SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 ~~`~ixusc CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 TABLE OF CONTENTS PaKes Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants 3 General Purpose Financial Statements Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups 4 - 5 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changea in Fund Balance - All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds 6 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changea in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual (GAAP Budgetary Basis) - General, Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds 7 - 8 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings/Fund Balance - All Proprietary Fund Types and Pension Trust Fund 9 Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position - All Proprietary Fund Types and Pension Trust Fund 10 Notes to Financial Statements 11 - 18 Individual Fund and Combinin Financial Statements y Fun yQe General Fund Statement of Expenditures - Budget and Actual 19 Pages Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenuea, Expenditures amd Changes in Fund Balances Proprietary Fund Types - Enterprise Funds Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenuea, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position 20 Z1 22 23 24 ~ 1 ~. ~~e 2500 iN DEVENDENi SppPRE ' ~ ~ateTh0U3e `~~'~Y~ J/CNSONVIL LE,FLOflI0P J4102 L i 90s 9559533 ' January 13, 1983 Honorable City Commission ' City of Atlantic Beach, Florida ' We have examined the combined financial statements of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, as of and for the year ended September 30, 1982, as listed in the foregoing table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted ' auditing standards and, accordingly, included such testa of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion the combined financial statements referred to above present fa~rly the financial position of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, at September 30, 1982, and the results of its operations and the changes in financial position of its proprietary fund types end pension trust fund for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that oY the preceding year, after giving retroactive effect to the changes, with which we concur, in the methods of accounting as described in Note 8 to the financial statements. Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opanion on the combined financial statements taken as a whole. The combining and individual fund financial statements listed in the foregoing table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the combined financial statements of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the examination of the combined financial statements and, in our opanion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the combined financial statements taken as a whole. ~j7,~~ (~C/q~l~fLVUd2- Certified Public Accountants ATIAMID >~. e1a91141 OOMBIItD 6AIN[E 512 All. tlw TYPES Aro AOOOIIRI' amuys SFP1811a1 70. 19X2 PLMciwrP _ _ Oovenvatel Puid 71Px _ T~ Msuk Omn• SpecLl B¢arMble Deb[ lon ~ l Cererel iag-Tm Cerenl FIyM lbtel Okfo[syhn Axes Carrel Re~yue Seevice P to ects Fire Ise Trvat Debt Meets Onlyl ~ Cssh ad 1mestve9te Aeaases receivable $515,0% 42 305 $115,690 $!4,244 $ )76,740 4 $997,729 51,919,659 y Invarcoriei 5.945 55, 99 600 19 9R,904 25 745 Ore fros otlrr . , i Dueottvs fuide 13,%5 ~~~ 3155,000 ~.~ 179 %5 Depoei[e 8eetrlcted a.xts: S,OOp , 5,000 Imntvvvrce p~Y. plarc sN 277,842 277,X2 equipaat-rec Avant sveilebl! 1n tir 1.887.0% 3797.872 2,594,9Nt DeM, $exvlre Fled Eoc of lo.g-tm Aunt to 6e paovlded ~4,2G4 14,244 for psysait of lag- teA debt 44156 440.758 Total Besets 272 184 4244 155 000 2 517 977 7729 ,000 797 A72 35.723-t52 Sae Hutee to Yit~srfel 9r..ede.. CL1Y OP ATIANI'1C spear f3nRIM aaeletn RAt rla: e SRlrr Att. n.m rrve9 A18) A007M x10185 9tr1aeln 30. 1982 1'Ldorleay B O~+senul n..+ 7Ycea M A Tvoea Tea Acmnt Frans SpecLl Debt Cepi[el ~ble~ Caerel 7aq-Ten ~.meral PtxM Total Elte~tsrF~ Cslrrsl Re~ebe See~lOe Pro sets Pn[ lse 7mn[ Ikbt Assets A,il1 LLbi1£Nsa Acrw.ts a td ecet,ed tlnbilittee Cuetaeer depnih $52,723 $39,055 $22,504 $ 24,332 $ 1311,614 Des m atller finds 84 585 93.788 28,115 592 28,115 Deferred Raane 5,774 t7R,955 Deposits S,OOp 5,774 Cmerel lhg-cam debt 5,~ ~~~ ~~ - 4N.,OtIO 7ots1 1Lbil1cler 1082 132,843 ,~ 2095 52,447 ~~ 454 ryp y -- - ~ 669 1 ~ ~ M_ d P.uuicy/Belr~eea .nei%timt n~8~ra1 1 E1rmd seeeb Ynd eyolty; 3797,872 797,872 Contr161cfane fra• other gruet'n°'te Re 1rcd 973,515 973,815 ~~l e aM replnceaelte Ibenetved R[e/red 277,842 277,842 eem flsd belscea: 1,314,072 1,3!4,072 Reserved for payrmt of lmg-tare debt $14,244 Aeserved for tmmtoq 5,945 14,144 Reaervad for ponce 5,~ tn1n1~ Ibeexrvad fuM 19,745 19,745 belenoes 42B` 515 1411 877y983 1.400.545 iotel frsd equitp/ -- -- belsloes 4Y..190 5415 ly 14904 2,555,530 897 797 RM 4,9112 M4. 7oce1 llnbilitfee __ _ , ~4/ bslenas $~ 184 258 4 244 55 000 32 5~y17A977 ~ y~6yryM1 797 R72 SS 7,~y 2352 See ROtm to Ptnelclel Stn[aarts. I O~ CIiY OP ATLANTIC BEtL_ N,_It00.IDA COMBINED 6TATfMEHT OF REYEHU yE%PfHDITURfS AND CHANGES IH NHD BALANCPS ALL fiUVETNI6NTAL FUND TYPES AND E%PENDABLE TRUST FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER )Oy1982 covernsentel Pund iypee Cenere ~~pe-<[ei- -6e~c C'p-[~e7 Eypendeble To[ele Fund Revenue $ervlee rro)et[. Trve[ (Neeorendue O^IV) Revenue: Texee $ 541,165 $14,091 $ 555,262 Llceneea end pent[e 289,)21 289,]21 Federal r Shored revences - $ 66,210 66,210 Greece - 29),46] 29),66) 5[e[e eMred revenues: Shared revenues )11,864 B64 3U Grente 5,001 , 5,001 Other /ntergoverceenul revences 12 ,OIB 1),018 CM rgee car serv(cee ),Ill ),2l) Fines end [orfet~u~es 59,]01 59,101 Court cost $ 4.628 4,628 Intemec tncoae 49,510 IJ,]B4 4,711 1,9]2 )0,047 Double [eu[lon e¢erd (Note 6) 41,008 41,006 Mf e¢eileneoue revenue $.J 96 __ 5,196 Total revenues )720,619 ll_y45~ ly 6600 1.111,550 Expendlturee: Curren[: General gov¢rnsent 2]1,669 2)2,669 Public e[e[y 559,265 4),617 T,125 609,21) Public vet [ere - 99,)48 99,148 Rosde end etreet• 266,919 266,919 Int ngovermen[el sere lcee 18,658 18,658 Perko end recreeclon 12,225 145 910 12 Deb[ a rvice: , Principal retlreaen[ 1],000 )7,000 In[ereet end flecel chergee 28,109 28,109 Gplul outlay 2_9)0 9 t_tJ 098 __ 228.066 To[al eApend )cacao I~IY9 r)36 35_1_086 6109 23`098 ].725 1.569.752 Exeees (d<tic t[) of revenues o ex lwndl[ureer 190.881 2_x_)11 42 2)5) Z7 098) y 154.198 Othee flnancing • rces (uses): Opernttng [rene[ere to 107,750 8,000 )65,000 2)6,)50 Opers[Ing [rem [ere (ou[) (161.658) 8( 0,415) __ _ ~ (241 ,Op) (58,708) 12 415) 165[_000 ]4,211 Exceee (dac)e lc) o[ e end other eependl[uree r v end 0[her w e• ))2,515 (48,044) (42,2351 141,904 4,1)5 188,4 )5 Pund belencee, Oc[ober 1, 1981, e re raced (Noce B) 295_1669 99,_459 f6_c4)9 ~_ 1~ 461.018 land balance, $eP[eeber 30, 1982 {- 428x244 { 51 x41,1 {14 ~241y {141x5!114 {{9xj46 {„-{5{.{}] See Ib[es [o il nenc let N[a[eeen h. .. r ... _ ....... ~ . ~ .. cm a bllwmc aeral. 61IXIIN IIIBRED SdIWM OF MUR61F5, FXP6IDITIP6 NO OWOS V6 i1M W.SIr]: - aA(tT A`61 ACILLW (CMP eltl}.TARY ebslsl GF]tIW., BRYW. el1921C ND OF8! BfAVICE F110lYPFS WI TNB YFIR FIl4D SF]TDBFR b, 1982 Carrel Fled fewteble Acpal Bg~e (unfewrdle) Aesat: Teue $ 541,165 $ 559,658 $ (18,49)) L4enae_c wtl pmlu 289,121 2]2,200 1],521 fe0ertl ,eaaac Stored r ~® (tnu Suu ri,eral tt-.aata. 9ared reiaape 311,864 2%,246 Is,618 Crmu 5,001 5,001 - OJV intctgwertrntel m~aate 12,018 lO,Oro 2,018 ax.ges fa cervlm 1,zJ] 1.800 1,4)I 6Yree ad forfelrvee 59,A1 Y.,Oro S,AI Internet 4toae 49,510 JO,Oro 19,510 ~DIe tmetlm setd (tbre 6) 41,006 - 41,006 Mlecellam,s retort 5.l% 10,100 5 104 1 Tool reaaum I,J20,fi19 1,241.605 ~Ol4 thpend/rgv: V Oattn[: 1 fanenl gmn~t 2]2,669 284,865 12,1% Pb11c mferY 559,265 590,811 11,566 pbitc ael4ce Bowie M areeu 266,919 2ffi,025 15,106 Ikregaertratel mrvlm 18,658 II,BJ4 3, V6 pri. .a rtrrorim lz,us u,9w ns Omr mrvta: Rircipel tttlrmK - - N[etesr wtl 61re1 drtge - - Ceplml qtly __ iatei eapaditues 1,129 ))6 1,192.505 y]69 iiu a (~(lc(t) reva~f ont epatlitwu 190,881 49.Iro ILIy]0) gYretl.g trw(en N IO1, 150 112,558 (9,2118) Oprre[Lg usu(se (Out) 161 658) 161 658) - 58 108) (49,Iro) 9208 Hasa (de[ICIt) o[ re~eaxs N abler m,rce, ov erpadl[urm ad 1)2,5]5 Q~~~e }31.5)5 Fud belrus, ht,Lei 1, 1%1, Y tesuted (IMe 8) 295.669 n.,a bleat, sevr~. 1982 g 4zq z!~ (font•_ . m ,axt pate) SY~ I6r(cA to ilrvrcini Stnt,wa rta. ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ o r ~ ~ CItY Of AlWR1C BF]AI. FILFILJ QOIBI)m STATF1tNE OF NLJM9iS. L1P@DIRBtS AtD llV]O°. V1 F[NI 861/2YfS - Oat.T HO 6CII1V. - (CMP BIAIt.TARY BA915) (62FIW.. 866TL5L RLY6NE 610 BF81' 9FA9I2 FitD TYPfS IIX TIE YFA9 F#iD SFP1}JBFII ]0 1981 Sce clel Peca.,e FSMe Debe Se[vlm Pad Taut (M®MMa -- OnIY) - Nerd '"-~6re M~T v .<.> i[Ce Fewee6le Fiwreble ~caY Fevaeble Acobl Bum BB[Zewce6le) A<[usl p.~ BBlfworeble) 8eele W.1~ (Ontevors6le) ~~~ Teeee 414,091 514,09] S - 5554,261 3513,155 $08,493) Ltc~nae ad pe,LLu 289, 121 171,1(A 1],511 Feh el [evasee: 9rr4d ae[aece $ fi6,210 $ 61,418 $ 4,782 1 1 8 68 66,210 291 463 61,418 6]1 45] 4,)82 (158 168) o-sits 291,461 ( ,1 ) 454,6] 5 , , , 5[..o elated [eraeas: 9 d 113,864 198.246 15,618 ~e re+eMe tr~b 5.001 5.001 - Rlnr Inre[gwen°vs) II,OIB 10,000 1,018 ~rrses ar[g+ Ear servLes 1,217 A1 59 1,800 54,000 1,4)1 5,A1 FLV N ~~~~ m[eree[ Les 13,784 - 0,784 4,17] - 4,)11 , 68,0]1 ]O,OOD 38,011 Dnble [verLn rN (~ 6) 41.006 - 41.006 Blaxllaeaa raaer 4.196 10,700 (5.1041 Tool revaess J)_ l,_4J1 41~_O5y )( ]9.(aQ) 1~ ly 4077 1.116 950 1 Jn.)61 45 811 OIIf01r: ) ree<n ~.a+.erc DI R 4) 62] 0% 1 4)1 49 2n,669 606.888 184,Bbs 619,921 12.196 )].039 ~ n L: r ry )Wltc rlfAre . ]48 99 . , ITO,[AO 110.631 99,748 120.400 120.652 ) Fnede a[N ecra[e . 2 B 65B 121,8][, 11,1/6 InrABova[an[el arvla Pate s[d recrsclan m Jos 15,000 14,155 , 11,970 27,950 14,9BD Dot ee[vice: Pclnctpel [etl<,aeH I tl 31,m0 IJ.OOD 091 (11) 109 28 28 1].000 28,109 33,000 18,091 - (11) r[ Inlercet sU tLU Cpltel aelry Sed y , , 2y000 21 `OJ0 21Y..9TJ 112.000 1___. X010 Taal epadLLVee 35_~OB6 5151-496 16),_.410 b1y09 6y097 12 I,Y,1.931 1.]]0.098 12y a,nx upatlL,ree _y311 563 2)~_B08 4Z Zl5 4( 1.000) di65 ])1.019 2,66] 1_ A•S56 Open[L6 [rwfere H 8.000 8,000 - 111.350 120,558 19,208) OpcruLg rrw6rre (aur) _{~ ~~3) BO 413 __ 242 0)l 2( 41,01]) - )( 1,41s) II 413 Il0 n3 111 s15 9208 F+<eee (6[Icl[) of reras[ee s.) War v. n oar pmE1[,ma N a[Isr ices (48.W4) n 52 311.808 (42.1]5) ,(~?~ ~.' ]6~ 42.296 ($118.852) $161.148 F,ed Mlam, Oc[.ber 1, 1 aalued Q9,[a B) 981 y459 Sby19 451.60) Fwd Wlaw, Sep[a~Ler 30, 1982 ;jl 41 X144 4 491.903 (Cwr1,tlW) sre r1,re. m eL[~L,1 ws[~+[.. CITY OP ATLAN7iC BEACH. PLfiRIDA COMBINED S7ATEMENi' OP REVENUES EI(PENSES AND CNANCES IN RETAINED EARNINGS/FUND BALANCE ALL PROPRIETARY POND TYPES AND PENSION TAUS? FVND P0R iNE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 1982 Proprletery Funds Piduelery Pund En[erpdee Pension cruet Operating revenues: Cuetoeer eMrgee $ 639,721 Connection charges ' 3Y 788 Eeployer s eontrl6utions State eontrl6utions Other Sntoee 2,697 Total operating revenues 675.206 Operating expenses: Peraonel eervleee 252 267 1 Contree[uel eervieee , 16 841 ~ Supplies , 94 316 Repairs end ulntenence 27,607 1 Neeq light end purer BB,T80 Depreeietton 96 793 Other expenses , 5 731 Retireeent beneftb , _ 7ota1 operating expenses ~ 581.831 Operating Sncoee 97,375 Nonopere[ing ineose: i t S n erest neoee 67,165 Releburseeent of landfill Eees (Note 6) 74.063 7ote1 nonoperstfng fneoee 141,148 Net incoee before operating Snterfund transfers 234.623 Opareting tnneEere (out) (34.2771 Net incoee 200 746 Retained eerninge/fund belenee, , ae restated Detober 1, 1981 (Note 8) 1,791,566 Retained eerninga/fund belenee, Se t b 10 p o er , 1982 1 591 914 $ 91,086 16,772 lm,ese 2,040 14,980 17.020 90,878 85,675 65.675 176,51] 175,513 701.470 SR7 Total (Me~orendus on1Y1 9 639,727 32,788 91,086 ]6,772 2.697 783.054 252,257 16,841 94,316 27,603 88,280 96,793 7,771 14.980 598.851 1 84,213 152,960 74.053 226,927 411,136 (34,2777 376,959 2,097,038 9~2 459.897 See Notea to Pinentfel Steteeente. CITY OF ATLANTIC PFACN, FLORTDA COMBINED STATEMENT OP CHANGES IN PiNANC1AL POSITION ALL PROPRIETARY PUND TYPES AND PFNS70N TRUST POND FOR THE YEAR ENDED SF.PTEMBFR 70, 19A2 Proprietary Ptdu<tnry -Fonda _ Fund Total Penaf on lMeeorendue Enterprise 7r9nt oniyl Pinenetel reaoureee were prow lded by: - Operettone: Net incoee (IOae) $2n0, 746 3175,511 Si76,R59 Iteea not requiring rorking cepitel during the period: Deprectetion 95,797 - _ 9y Yorkingg cepitel provided by operations 297,139 175,Si1 473,552 Contribu[tone Eros other governwents 170 ,fl A9 1rn,Aa9 total eourcea of vorktng eapt[el 46R,02R 176,511 544,541 1 Pineneiei reeoureea were used for: r Acquleit ion of property, plant ~ end equipeent 199,flfl6 - 199,aR5 1 Decrease (tncree[e) in restricted eeeete 59,412 59,412 Increeae in vorktng eepltel 20R 7 n 75 1 StR i Ane lyeia of ChenR .ee in YorklnR Cepltel Increase (decrease) in current eeeete: Cash end tnveeteenta $111,459 S1P0, R35 5397,t04 Accounts reeetveble 19,452 (4,1221 15,1)0 Due Eros other funds (I ,414) __ 31,4241 Increeae in current eeeete 227,497 176,517 404 ~ln (Increeae) decreeee in current 1Sebilities: Accounts payable end accrued llebi74tiee 17,412 17,412 Cue[oeer Deposits 5,155 _ _ 5,155 Decrease in current lleb111ties 1R,757 _ __ _1J ?67 Increeae in vorktng cepitel 20R 710 176.517 S3RSh241 See Notes to Plnsnelal SG trernta. 1 1 t 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 Note 1 - Basis of Presentation The City of Atlantic Beach, Florida (the "City"~, a municipality within the boundaries of Duval County, Florida, is an instrumentality of the State of Florida established to carry on a centralized municipal government. The City Commission (the "Commission") is responsible for the legislative and fiscal control of the City. A City Manager is appointed by the Commission and is responsible for the management of the resources of the City maintained in the City's funds and the account groups. The City records Its financial transactions in numerous individual funds and two account groups. A fund is an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts which is established to account for specific activities or functions. The fund types and account groups maintained by the City are described below: Governmental Fund Types - The General Fund is used to account for all revenues and expenditures applicable to the general operations of the City which are not properly accounted for in another fund. - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for revenues which are legally restricted for specified purposes. - Debt Service Funds are used to account for the payment of interest end principal on long-term debt and revenues pledged for debt service. - Capital Projects Funds are used to account for resources designated to construct or acquire general fixed assets other than those financed by enterprise funds. Proprietary Fund Types - Enterprise Funds are used to account for water, sewer and sanitation services that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterer is ea. The costs of providing these services to the general public are recovered through user charges. - 11 - Fiduciary Fund Types ' - The Pension Trust Fund is used to account for the assets of the pension plan. ' - Expendable Trust Fund is used to account for assets held by the City as trustee. These funds are accounted for similar to governmental funds. ' Account Groups - The General Fixed Asset Account Group is used to account for those fixed assets owned by the City except those accounted for in the Enterprise Funds. ' - The General Long-Term Debt Account Group is used to account for the outstanding principal balances of general long-term debt except those accounted for in the Enterprise Funds. ' The columns entitled "Totals (Memorandum Onlyl" are included for information purposes only. These total columns are not comparable to consolidated financial information as the basic reporting entities and fund types use differing bases of accounting. In addition, interfund eliminations have not been ' made in arriving at the amounts included in these columns. Budget Requirements ' State of Florida statutes require that the City establish a budgetary system for general operations. The City budget process is based on estimates of revenues and expenditures on a modified accrual basis. Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The Governmental Fund Types use Che modified accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis, revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they become available and measurable. Exppenditures, other [hen interest on general long-term debt which is recorded when due, are recognized in the accounting period when incurred. ' The Proprietary Fund Types and Pension Trust Fund use the accrual basis of accounting. Under the accrual basis, revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they are earned. ' Expenses are recognized in the accounting period when incurred. Water, sewer and sanitation services are billed in advance quarterly to customers on a cycle basis; revenues are recorded when earned. - 12 - 1 Cash Except where prohibited, the City commingles cash balances for all funds in a single investment account to maximize the yield on its investment of surplus cash. Interest earned on investments has been appropriately allocated to each fund. Investments The City's investments for all funds, except the Pension Trust Fund, consist of certificates of deposit. Interest is recorded when earned. Inventories Inventories of the Enterprise Funds and the General Fund, consisting principally of materials, supplies and fuel, are recorded at the lower of first-in. first-out cost or market. Property Taxes General property taxes are which approximate taxes levied, fiscal year. No material amount to accrual. recorded as received in cash, less discounts, for the current of property taxes is susceptible Property, Plant and Equipment General fixed assets are recorded es expenditures in the purchasing governmental fund and recorded at coat in the General Fixed Assets Account Group. Infrastructure assets such as streets, sidewalks and street lights are not reported in the General Fixed Assets Account Group. Property, plant and equipment purchased by the Enterprise Funds are carried at cost, less accumulated depreciation. Expenses for maintenance end repairs are expensed as incurred. Major renewals and betterments are capitalized. The cost and related accumulated depreciation on disposals are removed from the accounts with gains or losses recorded on disposition. Depreciation is provided using the straight-tine method over the following useful lives: Buildings 25-30 Years Improvements other than buildings 40-50 Years Machinery and equipment 3-7 Years - 13 - t 1 1 1 Interfund Transactions During the course of normal operations, the City has various transactions between funds to construct assets and comply with local ordinances and other legal restrictions. These transactions are reflected as operating transfers. Pension Trust Funds and Pension Expense The City's investment contract with the New England Life Insurance Company (New England Life) is valued at contract value. Contract value represents deposits made under the contract, plus interest. Pension expense includes normal cost plus amortization of past service cost over 30 years. The City funds pension costa accrued. Note 3 - Property, Plant and Equipment Property, plant, and equipment o£ the Enterprise Funds at September 30, 1982 follows: Total Water Sewer Sanitation Enterprise Fund Fund Fund Funds Land Buildings $393,718 $505,685 S 899,403 Improvements other than buildings 985,378 908,479 1,893,857 Machinery and equipment - - S194,542 194,542 Less-accumulated depreciation (406,432) (566,145) (128,129) (1,100,705 972 664 S848.019 56 413 1 887 096 The changes in the general fixed asset account group follow: Improvements other than Land Buildings buildings Equipment Balance at October 1, 1981 as restated (Note 8) Additions Dispositions Balance at September 30, 1982 $80,461 $24,246 $292,432 2,033 $374,715 50,7A3 (26,799 $80 461 24 246 - 14 - 294 4 ~39A•700 1 i Note 4 - Long-Term Debt General long-term debt includes 1958 and 1971 General Obligation Sewer Bonds. The proceeds from the 1958 bonds were used for construction of a sewer system. The proceeds from the 1971 bond issue were used for extensions and Improvements to the existing sewer system. Interest rates range from 3.8X to 5.75 per annum. General long-term debt decreased from $497,000 at September 30, 1981, through payment of scheduled principal maturities. The remaining maturities for this debt foil-ow: Due in 1958 1971 Fiscal Sewer Sewer Year Bonds Bonds Total 1983 $ 15,000 $ 20,000 $ 35,000 1984 20,000 20,000 40,000 1985 20,000 20,000 40,000 1986 20,000 22,000 42,000 1987 20,000 25,000 45,000 1988 20,000 25,000 45,000 1989 25,000 25,000 1990 25,000 25 000 1991 30,000 30,000 1992 30,000 30,000 1993 30,000 30,000 1994 40,000 40,000 1995 __ 37,OD0 37,000 115 000 349 000 464 0 Summary debt service requirements (principal and interest) to maturity are as follows: General Lon¢-T_erm Debt 1983 $ 61,253 1984 64,383 1985 62,323 1986 62,262 1987 63,072 1988-1992 213,823 1993-1995 119.708 564 - 15 - Note 5 - Emolovee Benefits ' The City has a noncontributory defined covering aubatantially all employees. Tota benefit pension plan l pension expense for all funds for the ear endin Se tember 30 1982 was $91 086 y g p , , . The City's pension contribution is computed using accepted ' actuarial methods and, except for the effec ts of plan amendments, if any, is not expected to increase materia lly in the future in relation to total payroll expense. ' Accumulated plan benefits, determined ea of September 1, 1981 by the City's actuary, end net assets of the plan follow. A ' 7.S;G rate of return was used in determining accumulated benefits. Actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits: ' Vested $363,533 Non-Vested 22,290 t 385 823 Net assets available for plan benefits 697 148 Vacation and sick pay is recorded when paid rather than when earned in governmental funds. The unrecord ed liability for vacation and sick pay at September 30, 1982 was $43,993. ' N t 6 - D bl T ti tl t S o e ou e axa on et emen ' In fiscal year 1982, the City received Jacksonville $115,069 in settlement of a do from the City of uble taxation suit brought by the City. 1 - 16 - 1 1 1 1 Note 7 - Segment Information for Enterprise Punda The City has established three EnCerprise Funds to account for water, sewer and sanitation services. Segment information for the year ended September 30, 1982 ie as follows: Total Hater Sewer Sanitation Enterprise Fund Fund Fund Funds Operating Revenues $ 260,857 $ 223,441 $190,908 $ 675,206 Depreciation 41,561 37,566 17,646 96,793 Operating Income (Loss) 122,747 32,135 (61,507) 93,375 Operating Transfera- In (Out) (103,350) - 69,073 (34,277) Non-operating income 24,024 43,161 74,063 141,248 Net income 43,421 75,296 81,629 200,346 Net plant, property and equipment 972,664 848,019 66,413 1,RR7,096 Net working capital 65,190 53,470 90,070 208,730 Total equity 1,159,707 1,255,201 150,622 2,565,530 Note 8 - Changes in Methods of Accountin¢ and Adiustmenta to YreV1oLL91y lasueA Finflnc191 Statements In 1982, the City changed its method of accounting from the cash basis to the modified accrual basis for governmental funds and from the cash basis to the accrual basis for proprietary funds. Also, the City established a General Fixed Assets Account Group. In addition, $14,809 of fixed assets, previously recorded as expense in 1981, were recorded. The effects of these changes in methods of accounting and adjustments on fund balances/retained earnings at October 1, 1981 are set forth on the following page: - 17 - ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Note 8 -Chen ec Sn Nethode of Accounting and Adlueteente to Pr io ly I au d P e t t me nt nue - Piduc lery Pund General Special Revenue 8nterpr /se Types P.Rpen e e sn General Fixed Aeeet Areount Pund Punde Funds Pension True[ Croup Pund balances/retained earnings, October 1, 1981 ae prevfouely reported 5151,392 $74,192 $2, 256, A4A $712,372 Retroee[Sve effect of accrual of vecetlon pay (10,920) Retrosetfve effect of re- cording depreciation (912,fi71) ~ Retroactive effect of N recording Snventory 800 19 w , ~ Retroactive effect of change Eros cseh to seerwl beefs 143,277 25, 2fi7 27,702 4,569 Retroactive effect of re- ' carding aC f[xed eneets In Pixed Aesete Account Group $771,855 AAJueteent to record fixed ease GS expensed 1n 1981 24 ,A09 Pund belenees/re [e fined _ -' eernfngs, October 1, 1981 es restated £Y,9~~ ,~~9 4 ~1,,~,Q~,4q ~~q41, $7 l.nsc 7 1 1 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ... ~ ~ . r r ... ~ . ~ . ~ ... 1 CITY OP ATWNTIC BPLCH. PIARIDA CENPJUL FUND STAiENCNT OP EXPENDITURES. COMPMED TO BUDOE7 POR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTP.lIBER 31. 1982 Aetuel on Variance Dudgetery PevoraAle Beals Actusl (Unfavorable) General Coveroaent: - Legialature: Pereonel aervicet $ 9,899 $ 9,221 $ 678 Other eervteet end cherge• 4,IZ0 3.356 764 Tottl legAL[vre 14,019 12.577 1.442 Execut tve: Personal servlcee 34,888 33,826 062 1 Other services and ehargee 1.855 1,600 , 255 Total executive 36,743 35,426 1,317 Pfnanctel• Personal services 97,027 95,225 1,802 Ocher eervSCes end ehargee 21,176 19,591 1,5R5 Tottl financial 118.203 114,816 3.387 Cenerel Servlees: Personal eerviees Other aervLCes end cherge^ 115.900 109.850 6,050 Tote] general servlcee 115.900 109,850 6.050 Tottl general goverment 284.865 272.669 12,196 Pu611c Safety: Pereonel eerviees 521 900 485,589 36,111 Ocher servlcee end ehargee _ 68,911 73.676 4 745) Total public safety 590,831 559.265 71,566 Roads and Straeb: Personal eerviees 182, i0S i76, 346 759 5 Other servLees end ehargee 99.920 90,573 , 9.347 Total roads end streets 282.025 266.919 15,106 Parks and Recreation Oeper[ant: Pereonel services Other servlcee and charger ]2,950 12.225 _ 725 Total parks end recreation-depar[aent 12.950 12,225 725 Intragovernaen[el Servieee: Personal eerviees 19,834 18,22] 1 511 Other servlcee and ehargee 2.000 435 , 1,555 Teu1 fntragavernaental servlcee _ 21,834 ]B,55A _ 3,]76 Total expendlturea ~,~~7~Q~ 776 759 See Notes to Ptnenctel SUteaents. 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 Federal Revenue CDBG Sharing Fund Fund Assets Cash and investments Due from other governments Total assets Liabilties and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Due to other funds Total liabilities Fund Equity: Unreserved fund balance Total fund equity Total liabilities and fund equity Total $115,771 $ 119 $115,890 16,553 51,615 58,368 132,324 51 _ 1R4 2 $ 494 $38,561 $ 39,055 80 ,415 13,373 93,788_ 80 ,909 51,934 132,843 51 ,415 - 51,415 51 .415 - 51 ,415 $132 324 ~ A4 See Notes to Financial Statements. -20- 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 Revenue Sharing CDBG Fund _ Fund Total Revenues: Federal revenues: Shared revenues $66,210 $ 66,210 Grants $297,463 297 463 Interest income 13,784 _ 13,784 Total revenues 79,994 297,463 377,457 Expenditures: Current: Public safety 47,623 47,623 Public welfare 99,748 99,748 Parks and recreation 745 745 Capital outlay 204,970 204,970 Total expenditures 47,623 305,463 353,086 Excess (deficit) of revenues over expenditures 32,371 (R ,000) 24,371 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 8,000 8,000 Operating transfers (out) (80,415) (80,415) (80,415) A,000 (72,415) Excess (deficit) of revenues and other sources over expenditures (48,044) - (48,044) Fund balances, October 1, 1981, as restated (Note 8) 99,459 99,459 Fund Balances, September 30, 1982 51 4~ ~ S 51,415 See Notes to Financial Statements. - 21 - . ~ . . . . . . . . s . . . . . . ~ CITY OP ATUNTIC HEACN. PLOR3DA COMBINING BAUNCE SNEET ENTERPRISE PUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 19A2 Voter Serer Sanitation Pond pond Pund Total Aseeb Cash and Snvesbente $ 168,007 $ 174,379 9 34,354 9 376 740 Ateounta reeelveble - 41,425 1,47A 2,209 45~J12 Asseaseente receivable 977 10,250 - ]1 187 Inventorle• 11.875 7,925 , 19,800 Total current assets 222.444 194,032 J6, 567 _ 453,030 Restricted eseets: Investeents 221,427 56,415 277 842 ~ Propert7, plant and equipvent-net 972.664 A48.019 A4 ,413 , 1,RR7,n96 N Total eseets 1 195 lOR $1.263.478 159 9 32.617.977 N ~ LtebLlities and Pund E9uitY Liabilities: Aeeounte pgable end accrued l iebll tt ice $ 7 296 $ 8,277 $ 8,769 $ 24 332 Cuetoser depoelt• 28,115 , 28,115 Total liabilities 35.401 8.277 R,76q 52,447 Pond equiq: Contributions - other governsents 705,662 267,954 973,616 Retained earnings: ' Reserved for renerals end repleeeaent• 56,415 221,427 277 842 Unreserved 397,630 765,820 150,622 , 7,714,072 total retained earnings 454.045 987.247 150,622 1,591,914 Total fund equltP 1,159,707 1,255,201 150,622 2,565,530 Total 11ebi11ties end fund equit7 1 1 5a3~1 1 26 59 9 32$2 6~~ See Notes [o PSnanctei S[etesents. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES E%PENSES AND CHANCES IN RETAINED EARNINGS EN[ERPAISE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 1982 Operating revenues: Customer charges Connec [ion charges Other Lnrome 7ota1 operating revenues Operating expenses: Pereonel services Contraccuel eervlcee Suppllea Repairs end oeln[enance Heet ,l fight end pover Deprec fiat ion 1 Other ex penees ru 7ote1 operating expenaee w ~ Operating income (lose) Nonopereting Sncoee: Interest Lncome Refmbureevent of landfill face (Note 6) To[el nonopereting income Net income before operating in[erfund trenafere Operating transfers in (out) Ne[ income Retained earnings, October 1, 1981 es restated (Note 8) Retained eerninge et end of year 4ecer Sever Sanitation Pund Fund Pund To[el $226,704 $163,097 $190,908 $ 580,309 12,788 59,412 92,200 1 765 932 2,697 260.857 223,441 190.908 675,206 38,689 41,099 172,479 252,267 5,170 6,619 5,092 16,841 19,060 31,300 43,956 94,316 7 628 ]0,492 9,483 27,603 24,540 63,740 88,280 41,561 37,586 17,646 96,793 1.502 470 3.759 5,'31 138.110 191,306 252,415 581,831 ]22,747 32,135 61 507) 93,375 24,024 43,161 - 67,185 _ - 74.063 74,063 24.024 41,161 74.063 141,248 146,771 75,296 12,556 234,623 103 350) - 69.073 _ (34.277) 43,42] 75,296 81,629 200,346 410,624 _911,_951 68,993 1,391,568 _ 0 2 ~f9~1,+~( See Notes to Pinenc lei Statements. CITY 0P ATLANTIC BPACH. FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OP CHANGES IN PINANC IAL POSITION ENTERPRISE FUNDS POR 7RE YEAR ENDED SEPiP.MBER 10, 1982 Veer Serer SenlbNon Fund Pund Pund Total Pinenciel resorrees rare provided by: - Dpentions: Net ineoae 943,421 $ 75,298 $81,629 $200,368 Ite•e not reyulring working espi[el during [he period: Depreciation 41,561 77.586 17.666 98.793 Yorking capital prodded by operations R4,9R2 112,882 99,275 297,170 Contrlbutlone frog other governsen[s 17D.RR9 17D,RR0 Total soureea of rorking capl[el R4 ,982 283.771 99,275 4RR,02R 1 Pinenciel reeourees were used for: N Acquiatt ion of property, plant F end equlpaent 19,792 170,RR9 9,285 199,RRR Decreeee (increase) Sn restrleted ~ sseets 59,412 50,412 Increase Sn working capital 6 190 3 470 0$ n.0711 208 730 Analyele of ChenRee Sn VorklnR Cepi[e] Increase (decrease) to current assets: CuM1 snd Snvesbente $53,749 $66,951 590,769 $211,489 Accounts reeelveble 25,910 l6, R'LO) 382 19,452 Due Erw other funds (3,257) 171) (1,424) Increase (deereaee) to current uaete 76,4D6 59,960 91,]31 227,497 (Decrease) Sn current liebll it Ses: Accounts ps[e63e end accrued Ifebllitfes S, Rbl 6,490 1,061 13,412 Custoser Depoa its 5,755 5.355 Decrease in current liebil it tea 11,216 _ 8,490 1,061 1R,7R7 Inereaee to rorking capital 1 0 3 470 n 070 208 730 See Notes [o Financial Steteaente.