Audit Report - 1966-19671 1 I l ~ ~~ ii I ~ 'I I ~' ', ', CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Ij'' AUDIT REPORT i December 31~ 1967 ~~ It III l ~I II T'~ON /UIO MfIR - COItIIItp'YpJC ACLWMAMTf CITY OF ATLANTIC HEACH, FLCI2IDA INDEX TO REPORT December 31, 1967 i Page I! Number ~I II Certificate Letter 1 III i I~ General Fund 2 - 8 ~~ Special Seawall Emergency Fund 9 - 10 '~'~ ii Water Account -Operations L1 - 14 .i. ~ Utf lity Revenue Bond Pund 15 - 16 it Sever Fund 17 - 19 ~'' j Comments 20 - 21 II I u ii I) Iil I ~~ -~ neon wnv ~uw - Trsox .ixn Meex cERn v~so vu aLm wccooR.w nrs AS fO BEwCR BOULE Vw RO Jac uowu~ ]. F,.o un. _ ,.,. January 17, 1968 To The City Commission I C1[y of Atlantic Beech, PlorEda Gentlemen: ,I We have examined [he balance sheets of [he various funds it of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, as of December 31, 1967, it and [he rela [ed sta Cements of cash receipts and disbursements far [he year [hen ended. Our examination vas made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and inc Luded such tes [s of [he accounting records and such other auditing procedures as ve I, considered necessazy in the circumstances. 'll i~ In our opinion, the attached sta Cements, subject [o the comments on pages 20 and 21, present fairly the financial position of Che City of A[lan[ic Beach, Plorida, at December 31, 1967, and ' the cash receipts and disbursements for the year then ended, in conformity vi[h generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with prior years. -Rfespec Cfully subm i[Ce d, '~~ of /,yr ne, Q,Ufl~ ~~Y~JtfL~~ Page 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CF NERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1967 ASSETS Cash on Hand and in Bank - Page 3 Taxes Rece iveble - Page 4 Paving Assessments Receivable - Pege 4 Lot Clearing Liens Receivable - Page 4 Due from Emergency Seeva 11 Fund - Pege 9 Total Assets FUND BALANCB Current Surplus Unrealized Surplus Total Fund Balance Pe Re 2 S 41,567.24 33,424.38 1,489.61 708.16 2.322.56 $ 79,511.95 S 41,567.24 37,944.71 S 79,511.95 nse.....u .au - cv. n,w .,...,., . ................. 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1967 Cash Balance aC January 1, 1967 $ 67,533.89 Add: Revenue Receipts - Page S 321,346.07 Total Available $ 388,879.96 Deduct: Expenditures - Pege 8 347.312.72 Ce ah Balance a[ December 31. 1567 $ 41,567.24 Comooaition of Cash Balance at December 31. 1967 P irs[ National Beach Bank $ 41,467.24 Change Fund 1.00.00 Total $ 41,567.24 Pa Re 3 TYWN YID •tR - CQII/Im NKIC ACCWIITNm ~~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND December 31, 1967 TAXES RECEIVABLE Year Assessed 1967 S 20,019.96 1966 5,690.84 1965 4,241.97 1964 900.59 1963 610.38 1962 342.99 1961 273.91 1960 164.28 1959 209.47 L958 L38.75 1957 88.28 1956 and Prior 666.45 01d Seawall Levy 76.51 I To[a1 S 33,424.38 PAVING ASSESSMENTS RECE IVASLE ~ Year Assessed 1961 S 1,272.11 1955 67.50 1952 150.00 Total S 1,489.61 LO'I CLEARING L1EN5 RE :F IPABiE Year Assessed 1967 S 224.50 1966 99.00 1965 287.66 1963 97.00 Total 5 708.16 Pe qe 4 TaOM AMO Ytaf - CpR1Ila0 N/UC aCCOYMlANI~ 1 1 1 C IIY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA GENERAL FUND REVENUE RECEIPTS ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL 1967 Accounc Estimated Actual 101 Ad Valorem Tazes - Current Year $ 52,640.00 $ 66,731.49 102 Ad Valorem Tazes - Prior Years 20,000.00 17,614.40 103 Licenses L5~200.00 16,607.50 104 Fines and Forfeitures 22,000.00 25,150.50 LOS Pe rmi[s 2,000.00 1,800.75 106 Electrical Franchise 11,000.00 5,466.13 107 Garbage Collection 36,000.00 36,899.24 L08 1961 Paving Assessments 400.00 343.14 110 Penalties and In [e resc 550.00 899.05 111 Miscellaneous Collections 500.00 523.18 112 Telephone Franchise 1,300.00 1,374.93 113 Radio Service - Neptune Beach 3,000.00 3,000.00 114 Lot Clearing 1,000.00 502.40 115 S. M. Sewer Charges 300.00 357.75 116 Sewer Service Charges 37,500.00 40, 969.SI 117 Royal Palms Cercificace 1~3 2,500.00 2,776.26 118 Royal Pe lms Certlf Lca to $4 4,000.00 3,856.25 120 Contractor's Deposit (Net) 100.00 (1,100.00) 121 Transfer Erom W.O.Di. h R Account 25,900.00 26,900.00 l22 Trensfet from Water Re~~cnue Acc aunt 65,600.00 71,673.60 123 Transfer from ~'nbudge ted Reserve(1) 48,600.00 -0- Total S 359,990.00 $ 321,346.07 (1)Actuel receipt of this amount is not reflected since it is included in the Cash Surplus broughc forward from the prior year. PaKe 5 i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GE NF.RAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1967 Account Ap propriations Exp enditures ADM IN TSTRATION 201 Personnel $ 26,949.00 $ 25,614.25 202-A Insurance - Building, Vehicles, W/C, etc. 9,000.00 8,963.32 202-B Insurance - Life and Hcspitalization 2,625.00 2, 6L9.29 203-A Office Supplies 2,050.00 2,040.29 203-e Postage 800.00 799.40 203-C Maintenance Con[rac [, Xerox 1,150.00 L, 070.69 204 Ci[y Hall Repairs, etc. 1,000.00 999.33 205 Audi[ 1,400.00 1,400.00 206 0 A S Land Expense 8,300.00 7,947.43 207 Office U[il i[Les 850.00 755.81 208 Assessor 800.00 800.00 209 Adver[is ing L, 200.00 1,048.45 210 Commissioners' Fund 800.00 512.60 211 Election Expense 550.00 344.75 212 City Manager's Expense 250.00 244.74 213 Memberships 300.00 296.00 215 City Nall Janitorial Fxpe nse 300.00 280.65 215 Pro Ee ssional Services 1,100.00 75.00 Total - Administration $ 59,824.00 $ 55,812.00 PUBLIC SAFETY 301 Personnel $ 75,280.00 $ 74,191.07 302 Uniforms 1, 900.OU 1,858.80 303-A Police Supplies 910.00 837.67 303-B Fire Supplies 1,150.00 1,036.81 305 Red Cross Ltfe Saving 100.00 100.00 306 !ail Mee is and Supplies 1,100.00 1,089.30 307 L'[ilit Les 2,350.00 2,200.15 308 Build Lng Ma in [en ante 1,190.00 1,117.06 309 Radio Repair 1,050.00 1,025.93 310 Schools and Training Program 300.00 286.91 311 Humene Socle[y 900.00 900.00 312 School Crossing Guard 200.00 200.00 313 Office Supplies 500.00 494.82 Total - Public Sefe ty $ 86,930.00 $ 85,738.52 PeAe 6 n~ott arr rm - eamno ruaue ~eaatxrwn 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA GENERAL PUND APPROPRIATIONS AND E%PENDITURES 1967 Account Appropriations Expenditures TRANS POATATION 401 Personnel $ 6,000.00 $ 5,908. 45 402 Gasoline 7,000.00 6,751. 75 403 011 and Grease 750.00 744. 27 404 Parts and Tires 7,000.00 6,864. 96 405 Supplies 450.00 441. 12 406 Shop Tools 800.00 795.16 Total - Transvor ta[ion $ 22,000.00 $ 21,509. 71 57u`IITATION 60l Personnel $ 24,270.00 $ 24,266. 09 502 Garbage Disposal 2,300.00 2,271. 98 503 Containers 1,500.00 1,474. 59 504 Supplies 500.00 491. 19 Total - Sanitation $ 28,570.00 $ 28,503. 85 LABOR 601 Personnel S 46,631.00 $ 44,119. 12 PUBLIC »ORKS 701 Tools and Supplies $ Ir400.00 $ L, 379. 05 702 Uc;lic ies 1,400.00 1,346 .66 703 Equipment Nain[enance 1,700.00 1,62 1 00 704 Beach and Street Ends 1,900.00 1,887 .33 705 Oraina ge 4,400.00 3,942 .68 707 Street Light Bulbs 100.00 -0- 708 Street Surfacing 8,800.00 8,648 .81 709 Street Maintenance 7,500.00 7,147 .76 710 Engineering Service 100.00 16 .54 711 Street SLgns 925.00 844 .51 712 Building '4a intenance 475.00 295 .02 Total - Public Works $ 28,700.00 $ 27.129 .36 Pa e 7 rv~or,wr rsu - CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FHND AI'PROPR IATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1967 Account Appro-z ia[ions Expenditures SEWER DEPARTTIE NT 801 Repairs and Replacements $ 2,600.00 $ 2,407 .14 802 Plan[ Ma in [enance L, 500.00 1,457 .93 803 Utilities 3,425.00 3, 420 .4s 804 Chlorine and Chemicals 5,800.00 5,757 .87 805 Supplies 75.00 24 .96 806 Tools 100.00 61 .67 826 Transfer [o Water Revenue Account Certificate 4k4 1,500.00 158 .82 827 Transfer to Sever Fund Certificate ll3 1,100.00 1,110 .50 828 Transfer to S. M. Sewer Fund 350.00 357 .75 829 Transfer to Sewer Fund 35.000.00 35.000 .00 Total - Sewer Department $ 51,450.00 $ 49,757 .09 PARKS AND RECREATION 901 Personnel $ 9,530.00 $ 9,426 .99 902 Recreation Supplies 600.00 558 .55 903 Tools and Supplies 560.00 557 .69 904 Recreation Construction 2,000.00 1,976 .96 905 Park Lighting 640.00 539 .95 Total - Pazks and Recreation $ 13,330.00 $ 13.060.14 CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS 1002 Admin is [ration $ 1,500.00 S 1,432 .93 1003-A Public Safety - Police 1,750.00 1,595 .74 1003-B Public Safety - Fire 500.00 473 .00 1004 Public Works Water Deparcme n[ 3,200.00 3,183 .62 1005 Sanitation 5,755.00 5,720 .02 1006 Public Works Park Department 1,900.00 1,852 .50 1007 Public Works 4,450.00 4,446 .50 1012 Park Improveme n[s 3.000.UO 2.98 .62 Total - Cap L[al Appropria[tons $ 22,055.00 S 21.682 .93 1061 E;TeRGENCY EXPENSE PUND $ 500.00 S -0- Grand Total - All Depar cments S 359,990.00 S 347,312.72 Pa qe 8 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, PLORIDA SPECIAL SEAWALL EMERGENCY FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1967 ASSETS Assessments Due from Abutting Property Owners - Page 10 Funds [o be Provided Total Assets LIABILITIES Due General Fund Note: No activity during year Page 9 $ 2,053.79 268.77 $ 2,322.56 $ 2,322.56 nor aro rmt - ewrmm rurac acmwrwn i~ J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA SPECIAL SEAWALL EMERGENCY FUND DELINQUENT SEAWALL Et~RGENCY ASSESSM'eNTS December 31, 1967 Property Ovner Elizabeth Payne Lalle J. Pelot Glover Weise Drevey S[ynchomb Eetafe of P. M. Clarkson Anne R. Rodgers A. S. Touere Daughtry Topers Total Sandbagging and Rip-RappLnR Tie-Backe Total (i) $ 180.80 S 86.50 $ 267.30' 180.80 86.50 267.30 180.80 86.15 266.95 75.85 334.54 410.39 + 150.85 33.60 184.45. 30.80 268.90 299.70+ 150.85 33.60 184.45' 150.85 22.40 173,25' S 1,101.60 $ 952.19 S 2,053.79 (1)Dces no[ include accrued intereac aC 87. per annum since June 25, 1948 Pe ¢e LO J naor u,p raax - eawnnm waue aemurrinra C iTY OF ATLANT3C BEACRI FLORIDA MATER ACCOUNTS - OPERATIONS BALANCE SViEET December 31, 1967 Assers Cash Sn Bank - Page 12 $ 201462.87 FUND DALANCE Water Revenue Accoun[~1) Wa [ez Opera [ionsl Maintenance and Repair Account~l) Water Sys [em Renewal and Replacement Fund Total Fund Balance ~1)Available for [rar,sfer to General Fund Pa Re 11 S 6,000.00 134.51 14,328.36 $ 20,462.87 1Y/ON YIDYm[-CQIIII[D NWC Y:CDIIMAN» 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER ACCOUNTS - OPERATIONS CAS II RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1967 Cash Balance at January 1, 19b7 $ 13,082 .76 Add: Revenue Recelp[s - Page 13 $ 140,225.52 Interest Earned 213.12 140.438 .64 Total Available $ 153,521 .40 Deduct: Budgeted Expendicures - Page 14 $ 135,674.08 Leas - Increase in Renewal and Replacement Fund Balance included [herein (2.615.55) 133,058.53 Cash Balance at December 3l, 1967 $ 20,462 .87 Composition of Cash Balance a[ December 31, 1967 Atlantic National Bank: Checking Accounts Water Revenue Account $ 6,000.00 Water Operations, Maintenance and Repair Account 134.51 Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund 6,115.24 Time Cer[if ica[es Water Sys [em Renewal and Replacement Fund 8,213.12 Total $ 20,462.87 PaKe 12 rraor •rp rao~ - cawnnao 1 1 1 1 1 1 I' CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH, FLOR LDA WATER ACCOUNTS - OPERATIONS F.EVENUE RECEIPTS ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL 1967 Account 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 Minimum Water Charges Excess Water Charges Cue-In Charges Service Charges Cigarette Tax Utility Tax Beginning Cash Balance Totals Pa Re 13 Estimated Actual $ 36,200.00 S 36,922.00 9,000.00 13,118.63 1,800.00 1,614.50 673.00 656.00 44,500.00 50,269.46 34,050.00 37,644.93 5,000.00 -0- $ 131,223.00 S 140,225.52 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER ACCOUNTS - OPERATIONS APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1967 Appropriations Expendi CUres Operations, Maintenance, and Repairs Indirect Cos [s - Paid to General Fund Adminis [ration Transportation Labor Capital Total Direct Costs Repairs and Replacements Tank Maintenance Utilities Chemicals Building Maintenance Miscellaneous Total Aeneval and ReDlacemen[ Fund Nev Mains, Me tars, Services Water Reservoir Emergency Water P1enC Total Fund Transfers and Other Revenue Bond Fund - Bond Principal Bond Interest and Paying Agent Charges Increase in Fund Balance -Renewal and Replacement Pund To General Fund Total Grand Total PaKe 14 S 7,550.00 S 7,550.00 3,150.00 3,150.00 12,600.00 12,600.00 2.600.00 2.600.00 $ 25,900.00 $ 25,900.00 S 8,310.00 S 8,301.49 750.00 425.75 3,460.00 3,457.69 1,280.00 899.00 400.00 398.20 400.00 392.38 $ 14,600.00 S 13,674.51 S 7,500.00 S 7,488.29 1,000.00 306.13 500.00 -0- S 9.000.00 $ 7,794.42 S 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 5,816.00 5,816.00 2,407.00 2,615.55 65.500.00 71,673.60 5 81,723.00 S 88,105.15 S 131,223.00 S 135,674.08 1 1 t 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA UTILITY REVENUE BOND FUND BALANCE SNEET December 31. 1967 ASSETS Cash in Atlantic National Bank - Page l6 Fixed Assets -Water System Water System constructed since May, 1958 from proceeds of bond issue - Cost New We ter Mains, Service and Meters added from Revenue of System - Cos[111 Total Assets $ 230,962.16 $ 30,092.54 119,433.58 350.395.74 $ 380,488.28 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Utility Revenue Bonds Payable Certificates of Indebtedness Payable 2) Selva Mai ina Realty Company 112 Total LiabiLit ies FUND BALANCE Investment in Water Sys [em Accumulated Interest Barned on Investments Restricted for Debc Service Total Liabilities and Fund Balance ~1~57~794.42 added during 1967 ~2~not including accrued interest Pe Re IS $ 169000.00 4,700.00 $ 173,700.00 $ 176,691.74 1,972.14 28,120.40 206,788.28 $ 380,488.28 T~wN MY A W ~ ~u„~, u, rv~u,. wuwn,~n,• i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA UTILITY REVENUE BOND FUND CASN RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1967 Cash Balance a[ January I, 1967 Add: Transfers frao Water Revenue Account Interest on Savings Total Available Deduct: Bond Principal Paid Interest and Paytrg Agents Fees Caeh Balance at December 31. 1967 Composition of Cash ea lance at December 31, 1967 Atlant it National Bank -Checking Account Atlantic National Bank - Time Ce rt if ica[e Total $ 28,461.39 S 13,816.00 894.15 14,710.15 $ 43,171.54 $ 7,000.00 6,079.00 13.079.00 $ 30,092.54 $ 1,754,87 28,337.67 $ 30,092.14 PaKe 16 T~1 r 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SEl7ER FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31. 1967 ASSETS Cash in Banks - Page IB Uncollected Sever Assessments Sever Construction Costs Uncollected Selva Marina Tap Fees Less: Amount due Selva Marina Realty Co. To [al Assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCB General Obligation Bonds Payable Certificates of Indebtedness Payable~ll Se lva Marina Realty Co. tFl Inters[a [e Contracting Company 413 Fund Balance Government Gran[ Special Assessments Revolving Fund Total Liabilities and Fund Balance ~1~Does no[ Snclude accrued interest Pace l7 $ 32,875.83 22,461.20 670,686.45 $ 1,600.00 648.50 951.50 $ 726,974.98 $ 265,000.00 $ 20,073.46 13,153.28 33,226.74 $ 67,093.29 330,098.35 31,556.60 428,748.24 $ 726,974.98 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SE HER FUND CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEi~NTS 1967 Cash Ba Lapce at danuary 1, 1967 $ 10,819.69 Add Cash Receipts Revenue Receipts - Page 19 $ 48,608. 38 Less: Beginning Cash Balance included 10.819. 69 37.788.b9 To [al Available $ 48>608.38 Deduc[ Cash Disbursed Budgeted Expenditures - Pege 19 S 48,608. 38 Less: Ending Cash Balance included 32,875. 83 15.732.55 Cash Balance at December 31. 1967 $ 32,875.83 Composition of Cash Balance a[ December 31, 1967 The Ocean State Bank Checking Account $ 1,934.35 Savings Account 8,436.07 Time Certificates 22,500.00 $ 32,870 .42 Pirst National Beach Bank 5 .41 To[al $ 32,875 .83 Pace 18 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SEWER FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE RECEIPTS 1967 Estimated Actual Sewer Fund Beginning Cash Balance $ 11,563. 00 S 10,819 .69 Collections on Sewer Assessnx:n[s 5,000. 00 1,767 .21 Interest and Mts ce Lianeous Co LLections L,500 .DO 1,021 .48 Transfer from General Fund _ 35.000. 00 35,000 .00 Total $063.00 $ 48,608.38 APPROPRIATIONS AND E%PENDITURES Sewer Fund Bond Principal Bond Interest Sewer Construction Ending Cash Balance Total Appropr is [ions Expends CUres $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 10,349.00 L0, 348.75 2,000.00 383.80 35.714.00 32,875.83 $ 53,063.00 S 48,608.38 Pa a 14 C O M M E N T S GENERAL FUND General Fixed Assets - The City has not established formal property records end general fixed assets are no[ reflected in [his report. Oaerations - Revenue receipts and approprfe cion expenditures for [he years 1967 and 1966 are summarized below on [he cash basis: Revenue Received Ad Valorem Taxes Licenses Fines end Forfe iturea Garbage Collection Charges Sewer Service Charges Transfer from Water Revenue Account Transfers from Ocher Funde Other Receipts Total Increase 1967 1966 (Decrease) S 84,345.89 S 80,496.62 S 3,849.27 16,607.50 15,570.00 1,037.50 25,150.50 21,636.50 3,514.00 36,899.24 35,024,60 1,874.64 47,959.76 45,049.45 2,910.31 71,673.60 71,700.00 (26.40) 25,900.00 24,700.00 1,200.00 12,809.58 24,033.55 (11,223.97) S 321,346.07 S 318,210.72 $ 3,135.35 Excenditures Administration Public Sefe[y Tranapor Cation S an i[e[Lon Labor Public Works Sewer Department Parks and Recreation Capital Expenditures Total $ 55,812.00 $ 57,360.74 $ (1,548.74) 85,738.52 79,914.26 5,824.26 21,509.71 21,136.15 373.55 28,503.85 26,577.75 1,926.10 44,119.12 41,146.94 2,972.18 27,129.36 22,605.23 4,524.13 49,757.09(1) 16,569.06 33,188.03 13,060.14 11,766.77 1,293.37 21.682.93 25.947.31 (4,264.38) S 347,312.72 $ 303,024.21 S 44,288.51 (1)In<ludes 535,000.00 transfer to Sewer Fund Pa Re 20 .,...,. ,,,.,. ~..., -......,.,~.,..,.,w,.ww.,,......a WATER UTILITY FUNDS Fixed Assets - No reserve for depreciation on fixed rise [s of the water utility funds is shown as [he Ci[y has not estab Lished deprecla tion da [a. The transfer from the Water Revenue Account to the Water System Renewal and RepLacemen[ Fund is based on a percentage of gross water revenues, and is no[ a depreciation expense amount based on established de pre ciaclon date. Operations: A cash basis summary of Water Uti Li[y ape w [ions for 1967 and 1966 is presented below: Increase 1967 1966 (Decrease) Opera [ink Income: Water Charges $ 50,040.63 S 44,019.50 $ 6,021.13 Gu[-Ins and Service Charges 2,270.50 2,858.50 (588.00) Total $ 52,311.13 $ 46,878.00 $ 5.433.13 Opera[Lnk Expenses: Indirect - to General Fund $ 25,900.00 $ 24,700.00 $ 1,200.00 Direct 13,874.51 13.537.51 337.00 Total $ 39.774.51 $ 36,237.51 $ 1.537.00 Net Opera rink Income $ 12,536.62 $ 8.640.49 $ 3.896.13 Other Income: Cigarette Tax S 50,269.46 $ 48,527.44 $ 1,742.02 Utility Tax 37.644.93 34,614.13 3.030.60 Total $ 87,914.39 $ 83,141.57 $ 4,772.82 Other Expense: Bond Interest and OcF.er Charges $ 5.816.00 $ 6.079.00 $ (263.00) Net Income $ 94,635.01 $ 85,703.06 $ 5,035.82 Pake 21 Haan •ra raa -