Audit Report - 1961-19621 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AUDIT RRPORT December 31, 1962 nwn. wno ra.w - cu...~.a .~~..,~ .~w,m.~o 1 1 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA INDEX TO REPORT December 31. 1962 Certificate Letter Coamen [s General Fund Bpec Lal Seawall Emergency Fund Water Revenue Account Water Operations, Maintenance end Repair Account Water System Revenue and Replacement Fund Utility Revenue Bond Pund Sever Pund .rrn,nn.w.~ Pace 1 2 - 4 5 - 12 13 a 14 15 - 17 18 - 19 20 - 22 23-24 25 - 27 ~..` ~ .. TYdON AND 11fEEA CER TIiISO YUaLIC ACCOU NTI,NTG IEIT •TLLNTIC aOULFVGRO J.c..ovuL. 7. F,.on e. January 17, 1963 Ta The City Conmiaelon City of Atlantic Beach, Fiortda Gentlemen: Ne have examined the balance ehee [e of [he ver loos funds of the City of Atlen [Sc Beach, Florida, as of December 31, 1962 and the related etatemen[s of cash receipts and die- bursemenca For [he year then ended. Our examination was made ir, accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and included such tests of the accoun [ing records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circum- stances. In our opinion, [he attached sta cements present fairly [he finartclal position of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, at December 31, 1962, and [he cash receipts and dis- bursements for the year then ended, in conformity with generally a ccepced eccaun[ing principles applied on a basis con aistent w i[h prior years. Reapec [fully submi[ted, Face 1 CORRECTION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REMICROFILMED TO ASSURE LEGIBILITY .P~'=~. iii= ~~~ ,~,,.~.~ ,~~ 1 i 1 1 1 1 C O M M E N T S GENERAL FUND General Pixed Assets: The City's General Fixed Assets are not reflected ae the City has established no formal property fund. Overa [ions: The following are condensed summaries of General Fund revenue receipts and appropria[iort expenditures for the years 1961 and 1962. Revenue RecelDte: Ad Valorem Taxes Licenses Pines and Porfeitures Garbage Collections Transfer Ftom We ter Revenue Account Sewer Charges Other Permits Increase 1962 1961 (Decrease) $ 49,024.11 $ 47,525.68 $ 1,498.43 15,014 .50 15,001. 50 13. 00 19,023 .52 17,582. 02 1,441. 50 29,987. 55 19,959. 50 10,028 .05 35,527 .46 42,646. 61 (7,119. 15) 33,524 .88 33,552. 70 (27. 82) 20,379 .07 12,652. 62 7,726. 45 2,949 .45 10.78). 20 (7.837.75) Total Avvrovrie tion Expenditures Adman is [ra [ion Public Safety Transportation Sanitary Department Labor Public Works Sewer Department Parks, BeautLf ica Lion and Recreation Capital Expenditures - Equipment Capital Improvements Emergency Expense Pund Total S 205.430.54 S 199.707.83 S 5.722.71 $ 40,888.49 $ 40,376.60 S 511.89 45,661.88 35,096.81 10,565 .07 19,181.67 15,211 .83 3,969 .84 24,504.20 19,864. 00 4,640 .20 24,415.52 15,066. 92 9,348 .60 13,934.92 18,047. 12 (4,112 .20) 12,212.04 21,131 .32 (8,919 .28) 9,744.28 5,878 .55 3,865 .73 16,314.15 26,027. 22 (9,713 .07) 2,224.01 500 .00 1,724 .01 2.197.69 3.150. 00 (952.31) S 211.278.85 S 200.350.37 S 10.928.48 It will be noted that the amount transferred from the Water Revenue Accoun in 1962 decreased under that amount transferred the prior year. This was due to the increased amount expended for Capital improvements to the Water System. The items so expended ere set forth on Page 22 of this report. I[ will be noted on Page 3 [ha the 1962 net income of the Wa tez System increased considerably over 1961. Uncollected taxes and other assessment liens are shorn on Page 5, 13, and 25. The only other uncollected amounts due the City were for water, garbage and sewer services. Delinquent we ter eccoun is are more fully described on Pege 3. De- linquent garbage and sever accoun to amounted [o $ 25.50 and $ 246.50, respectively. PAGE 2 T'[ON AND M[[K - COITIII[D ea[LIC ACfAYNTANT[ 1 1 1 1 WA1EP. UTILITY PONDS ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS: I[ appears that all of the requireaien to of Ordinance No. 772, Section 17, covering [he transfers of "Water Utilities" Funds have been ful- filled as of December 31, 1962 . ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Accounts Receivables are no[ reflected in Chia report ae water rental revenues are recorded on a cash basis. PIKED ASSETS: No reserve for depteciation on fixed assets of the Water Utility Punda is shown ae the City hee no established depreciation date. The transfer from the Water Revenue Account [o the Water Sye[em Renewal and Replacement Fund Le based on a percentage of gross water revenues, and is not a depreciation expense amount based on established de preciation data. OPERATIONS: The following is a condensed summary of Water Utilities Operations presented on a cash basis for the years 1962 and 1961; Percentage Increase Increase 1962 1961 (Decrease) (Decrease) Operating income Water Ren to la $ 39,528.68 $ 35,878.02 $ 3,650.55 10.18 x Cut-Ins and Service 3.657.00 3.331.00 326.00 9.79 Total Operating Income 5 43.185.68 S 39.209.02 S 3,976.66 10.24 Operating Expenses: Indirect - To General pond $ 12,550.00 $ 12,200.00 $ 350.00 2.87 Direct 5.761.53 6.274.40 (512.87) (8.17) Total Opera tint Expenses ^~18.311.53 S 18.474.40 S (162.87) (8.82) Nee Operating Income S 24.874.15 S 20.734.62 S 4,139.53 19.96 Other Income: Cigarette Tax $ 24,679.01 $ 21,584.43 S 3,094.58 14.34 Utility Tax 29 406.74 23.045.82 6.360.92 27.60 Total Other Sncome S 54.085.75 ~ 44.630.25 S 9.455.50 21.19 Other Ex pen sea Bond In [erect and Other Cher gea $ 7.389.42 S 7.395.90 (6.48) .09 Net Income S 71.570.48 S 57.968.97 S 13.601.51 23.46 PAGE 3 naow wap wsu-eomrito wn~c wccouarwwn 1 1 1 1 1 Delinquent Accounts: As previously eta tad, the we ter revenues are reflected in this report on the cash basis, there were however, some uncollected water accounts owed to the City as of December 31, 1962. An enelysls of these ie set forth below: Amount Hin£mum Water Charges $ 306.00 Cut-In Char gee 397.00 Excess Water Charges 32.25 Total S 735.25 Included in the above there appears to be approximately $ 153.00 :hat is definitely uncollecteb le. The scope of the Water Utility operations may have reached [he poln[ now to where the requirement of "meter" deposits should be considered in order to avDid losses and miaunderatanding between property purchasers, tenants, etc. as to responsibility for payment of bills incurred by other individuals. PAGE 4 TYaOM AND Mt[K - CmITI/IaD NaLIC aCfAYNTANTa 'I 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL PUND BALANCE SNEET December 31. 1962 ASSETS Cash in Hank Taxes Receivable Paving Assessments Receivable Due from Emergency Seawall Fund Total Aeseta LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Refundable Contractors' Deposits Pund Balance Cash Surplus~l~ Unrealised Surplus~2~ Total Liabilities and Pund Balance 1 Cash in bank less con tractor e' deposits. $ 58,462.71 29,941.12 3,470.38 2.495.81 S 94.370.02 $ 200.00 $ 58,262.71 35.907.31 94.170.02 S 94.370.02 ~2~Receiveb lea plus amount due from Emergency Seawall Pund. PACE 5 1 CITY OF ATIANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OP CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1962 Caeh Balance at January 1, 1962 $ 21,664.41 Add: Cash Received Revenue Receipts (Page B) 260.627.15 Total Caeh Aya Llab le $ 282,291.56 Deduct: Cash DLebursed (Page 12) 223.828.85 Caeh Balance at December 31. 1962(1) S 58.462.71 (i)Reconciled bank account with First National Beach Bank Add: Transfers from ocher tunds in transit as of December 31, 1962 To [al Deduct: Voucher 01128 OASI Contribution Fund not mailed but considered as current year expenditure. Cash Balance ac December 31. 1962 PAGE 6 $ 28,310.44 31,054.10 $ 59,364.54 901.83 S 58.462.71 I1WM 11110 MfIX - CLRfIIIaD NaIIC ACCWNraM~ 1 f i r CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND TAXES RECEIVABLE December 31. 1962 Year Assessed Amount 1962 $ 25,931.12 1961 1,688.76 1960 614.15 1959 511.04 1958 244.48 1957 155.87 1956 297.40 1955 and Prior 421.79 Old Seawall Levy 76.51 Total S 29.941.12 PAVING ASSESSMENTS RECEIVABLE December 31. 1962 Yeer Assessed Amount 1961 $ 3,252.88 1955 67.50 1952 150.00 Total S 3.470.38 PAGE 7 TA1Y MY A[~4 ~ GYfll llm Na4C ACCg11ffI1I1Ta 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENEPAL FUND REVENUE RECEIPTS ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL 1962 Account 101 Ad Ve lorem Taxes - Current Year 102 Ad Valorem Taxes - Prior Years 103 Licenses 104 Pines and Forfeitures 105 Permits 106 Electrical Franchise 107 Garbage Collection 108 Screet Paving Assessments 110 Penalties and Interest 111 Miscellaneous Collections 112 Telephone Pranchise 113 Radio Service 114 Lot Clearing 115 S. M. Sewer Service Charges 116 Sewer Service Charges 117 Royal Palms Sewer Service Charges 03 118 Royal Palms Sewer Service Charges 120 Contractor's Deposit (Net) 121 Transfer from W.O.N. 6 R. Account IZ2 Transfer from Water Revenue Account 123 Transfer from Unbudgeted Reserve for Capital Improvement 124 Tran efer from Sewer Fund Total PAGE 8 Budeeted Actual $ 44,721.69 $ 36,309.87 14,100.00 12,714.24 14,500.00 15,014.50 13,000.00 19,023.52 7,200.00 2,949.45 7,500.00 9,205.96 29,000.00 29,987.55 3,435.00 676.30 250.00 331.49 500.00 418.38 950.00 1,040.61 1,200.00 1,200.00 300.00 191.25 500.00 367.83 28,300.00 33,524.88 5,100.00 2,340.00 5,100.00 4,707.25 100.00 (100.00) 12,550.00 12,550.00 35,230.58 78,174.07 10,302.53 -0- 20.000.00 -0- S 253.819.80 S 260.627.15 rvaow .uro ^ao~ - cornnm ruauc •ccouwnum 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL PUND APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1962 Account 201 20T 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 ADMINISTRATION Personnel All Insurance Office Supplies and Expense City Hall Repairs Audi[ OASI and Ex pence Office Utilities Tax Assessor Advertie ing Mayor's Fund Election Expense CI[y Manager's Expenses Florida League and Other Memberships U. S. 0. Appropriations Expenditures Total -~ Administration 301 302 303A 3038 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 PUBLIC SAPETY Personnel Uniforms Police Supplies Pire Supplies Traffic Signs Aed Cross Life Savings Corps Jail -Meals and Supplies Utilities Building Maintenance Radio Repair Training Program Humane Society Total - Public Safety PAGE 9 $ 26,560.00 $ 24,145.01 10,389.09 10,389.09 3,500.00 3,129.44 1,500.00 611.42 1,200.00 1,200.00 3,800.00 3,821.64 686.59 676.03 600.00 600.00 800.00 777.41 800.00 670.81 100.00 -0- 250.00 227.64 250.00 140.00 500.00 500.00 S 50935.68 S 46,888.49 $ 37,790.00 $ 37,576.88 1,390.96 1,390.96 926.71 926.71 511.67 511.67 26.66 22.66 100.00 100.00 645.00 561.64 1,685.33 1,684.28 1,500.00 1,456.58 600.00 530.50 -0- -0- 900.00 _ _ 900.00 S 46.076.33 S 45,661.88 rrwn wno riac- carrmm ~o~uc wccouarwer~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FIAIRIDA GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND ERPENDITURES 1962 Account Ayyroyr Lations ExvendLtures TRANSPORTATION 401 Personnel $ 4,173.95 $ 4,173.95 402 Gasoline 6,327.16 6,327.02 403 OL1 and Greene 595.48 592.78 404 Perta end Tiree 7,629.51 7,428.78 405 Supplies 710.75 710.75 406 Shop Tools 500.00 448.39 To [el - Traneoor Cation S 19.936.85 S 19.681.67 SANITARY DEPARTNBNT 501 Personnel $ 25,484.00 $ 22,757.85 502 Garbage Dlapoeal 1,618.52 1,618.52 503 Broom Repair 200.00 -0- 504 Supplies 250.00 127.83 Total - Sani [ary Department S 27.552.52 S 24,504.20 LABOR 601 Personnel $ 29.915.52 ~ 29.915.52 PUBLIC NORKS 701 Tools and Supplies $ 1,000.00 $ 978.03 702 Utilities 369.81 366.05 703 B[reet Repair Material 1,894.17 1,894.17 704 Beach and Street Ends 1,304.67 1,304.67 705 Drainage 1,000.00 136.22 706 Grading Str eeta 100.00 86.40 707 Scree[ Light Bulbs 200.00 70.06 708 Strce[ Resurfacing 435.00 435.05 709 Street Paving 5,912.00 5,850.00 710 Engineering Services 732.60 732.60 711 Screec Signs 1,857.43 _ 2 081.67 Total - Public Norka $ 14,805.68 S 13.934.92 PAGE 10 Ul0 YttR - G[M IIItO ~VtriG ~GGMIYr~Y~t 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1962 Account Aopropria [ions Exvendi[uree SEWER DEPARTMENT 801 Repairs and Replacements $ 500.00 $ 482.98 802 Plant Maintenance 500.00 177.06 803 Utilities 2,800.00 2,535.16 804 Chlorine and Chemice is 1,500.00 733.76 805 Supplies 250.00 96.35 826 Transfer to Nater Revenue Account Certificate 04 2,040.00 1,882.90 827 Transfer to Sewer Pund Certificate 63 2,040.00 936.00 828 Transfer to S. M. Sewer Fund 500.00 367.83 829 Transfer [o Sewer Pund 16.322.50 5.000.00 Total - Sewer Fund S 26.452.50 $ 12,212.04 PARRS AND RECREATION 901 Personnel $ 7,255.80 $ 5,941.65 902 Recreation Suppl lee 753.43 46.50 903 Tools and Supplies 300.00 81.46 904 Re creation Construction 2,829.00 1,452.15 905 Beautification 2,275.00 2,222.52 Total - Parks and Recreation $ 13,413.23 $ 9,744.28 CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS Equipment 1002 Administrative $ 2,600.00 $ 2,460.93 1003 Public Safety A - Police 3,091.78 3,091.78 B ~~ Pize 1,662.50 1,419.09 1005 Sanitary 152.50 152.50 1007 Public Works 9,371.00 9,357.85 1008 Sewer 400.00 79.75 1009 Parks 500.00 302.25 Total Equipment S 17,777.78 S 16.864.15 PAGE 11 - COIT IIIfD eV ~IIC ~CGWNT~MT~ 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIN GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND EXYBNDITURES 1962 Account CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS (Continued) Improvements 1011 Street Lights 1012 Lend for Playground 1013 Addition to Pire Station Total-Improvements Total - Capital Appropriations 1050 EMERGENCY EXPENSE FUND GRAND TOTAL - ALL DEPARTMENTS Appropriations Sxpendi[urea S -0' $ -0- 1,500.00 500.00 1.900.00 1,724.01 $ 3.400.00 S 2,224.01 $ 21.177.78 S 19.088.16 Si_2~~2_1,93 S 2,197.69 S 252.688.02 S 223.828.85 PAGE 12 aeepuwrurcs ~~ ~' ~~ ~' ~~ 1 r 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA SPECIAL SEAWALL Et~RGENCY FUND BALANCE SFII:ET December 31. 1962 ASSETS Assessments Due Prom Abutting Pro per Cy Owners Funds To Be Provided Total Asse Cs LUBILITIES Due General Pund Noce: No Activity in this Pund during 1962. PAGE 13 $ 2,227.04 268.77 S 2.495.81 S 2.495.81 i 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL SEAWALL EMERGENCY POND DELINQUENT SEAWALL EMERGENCY ASSESSMENTS December 31. 1962 Sandbagging and Proper tv Owner Rio-Rappina Tie-Backe Total Clifford A. Payne $ 180.80 $ 86.50 $ 267.30 Lalla J. Pe lot 180.80 86.50 267.30 Glover Weiss 180.80 86.15 266.95 Drewey Stynchomb 75.85 334:54 - 410.39 P. M. Clarkson 150.85 33.60 184.45 Anne R. Rodgers 30.80 268.90 299.70 R. 5. Toners 150.85 33.60 184:45 Daugh try Towers 150.85 22.40 173.25 Ray Willis 150:85 22.40 173.25 Total S 1.252.45 S 974.59 S 2.227.04 PAGE 14 noon u1p aau - eawnnw write weeour`runa i 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 .1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA HATER REVENUE ACCOUNT BALANCE SHEET December 31, 19b2 ASSETS None~l~ LIABILITIES None~2~ ill Surplus funds transferred [o General pond as of December 31, 1962. ~2~Budgets main [aimed on strict cash basis. Appropria[iona for any actual liab Lli[iea included in succeeding year's budget. PAGE 15 i CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER REVENUE ACCOUNT STATElB;NT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS ' 29b2 Cash in Benk a[ ,7anuarv 1, 1962 Add: Cash Received Revenue Receipts (Page 17) To[al Cash Available Deduct: Cash Disbursed Appropriation Ex Pend ].tares Cash Balance a[ December 31, 1962 *Includea vouchers drawn subsequent to December 31, 1962 transferring Surplus funds to General Fund and included in cash balance of that Fund as of same date. " P GAE 16 $ 33,233.10 100,723.20 $ 133,956.30 133.956.30k S -0- TMY AMD YtIX ~ GfRTI/I[p /YaLIC ADCDDNTAMTt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLTY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER REVENUE ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF REVENUE RECEIPTS 1962 Minimur. Water Charges Excesa Water Charges CuO In Chargea Service Charges Cigarette Tax Utility Tax Transfer from General Fund Certificate 64 1961 Surplus from Water Operation Maintenance and Repair Account Total Eatiaa ted Por Year Realfied $ 33,000. 00 $ 31,466.37 7,500. 00 8,062.31 4,000. 00 3,447.00 106. 00 210.00 22,000. 00 24,679.01 24,000. 00 29,406.74 2,040. 00 1,882.90 -0- 1,568.87 S 92.640. 00 S 100.723.20 APPROPRIATIONS AND E%PENDITURES 1962 To U[llity Revenue Bond Fund: Bond Prlncipa 1, Succeeding year Bond Interest, Succeeding year Debt Service, Sinking Pund To Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund To General Fund To Wa [et Operations Maintenance and Repair Account To Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund - Cer21f1cate 0 4 Total ADproRria [ions PAGE 17 Appropriations Cash For Year Expenditures $ 6,000. 00 S 6,000.00 7,003. 50 7,003. 50 385. 92 385. 92 20,000. 00 22,198. 38 35,210. 58 78,174. 07 22,000. 00 18,311. 53 2.040.00 1.882.90 S 92.640 00 S 133.956.30 t ~~ ;~ ~VI j41 I r t r 1 1 1 1 :1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA WATER OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ACCOUNT BALANCE SHEET December 31. 1962 ASSETS LIABILITIES on STATRt~NT OP CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1962 Cash in Bank a[ January 1, 1962 Add: Cash Received (Transferred from Wa[er Revenue Account) (Page 19) Total Cash Ava Llab le Deduc[: Cash Disbursed Approoria [ion Ex pendi[urea (Page 19) Transfers of Prioz Year's Surplus Punds to General Pund Cash Balance a[ December 31. 1962 PAGE 18 $ 1,568.87 18,311.53 $ 19,880.40 $ 18,311.53 1,568.87 19.880.40 S -0- T'MH IW D M[IX - COIf(i1LD IaIL(C gCfgaNiANT1 1 t a 1 1 ^ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ACCOUNT STAIEMENT OF REVENUE RECEIPTS 1962 Transfers from Na ter Revenue Areounc APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1962 Ind Lrect Costs - PaLd to General Pund pdminis tra tion Transpor tativn Labor Capital Totals Direct Costs Repairs and Replacements Tenk Main cenance Utilities Chlorine Miscellaneous Totals Grand Totals PAGE 19 Estimated Por Year Realized S 22.000.00 S 18.311.53 Cash ADDZOpr is [ions Exvendituree $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 500.00 500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 550,00 SSD .00 $ 12,550.00 S 12,550.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,837.23 1,500.00 90.60 3,200.00 2,767.93 750.00 659.02 1.000.00 406.75 $ 9,450.00 $ 5.761.53 S 22.000.00 S 18.311.53 TY[OM ~MD M[[I[ - CQTIII[D N WC ACCW I1rl1Mf[ 4 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACN, FIARIDA WATER SYSTEM RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31. 1962 ASSETS Caeh Ln Benk (Page 21) S 9.fi62.75 FUND BALANCE Fund Balance(1) S 9.662.75 (1)Par Bally Appropriated in 19b3 Budget. i PACE 20 IYWN ANO NfD(-C{IIr111[p ~aallC ACCWMTAMr~ i i t 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIp4 WATER SYSTEM RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBORSEIdeNTS 1962 Cesh in bank at January 1, 1962 Add: Cash Received Transfers fcom We ter Revenue Account per Statement Less: Beginning balance Lnc laded Total Cash Available Deduct: Cash Diabur sed Appropriation Expenditures (Page 22) Cash in Bank at December 31, 1962 P GAE 21 T'MN AND N[Q - Ctt1il11[D $ 10,844.64 $ 34,925.92 10,844.64 24,081.28 $ 34,925.92 25.263.17 S 9.662.75 i 1 1 1 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER SYSTEM RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT P17ND REVENUE RECEIPTS -ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL 1962 Transfers from Water Revenue Account 5% of Gross Water Revenue Balance from Previous Year Transfer from Water Revenue Account Transfer from Water Revenue Account - Certificate G4 To [al APPROPRIATIONS AND ERPENDITURES 1962 Mains, Servi<ea, Me [ere, Etc. Yearly Paymen[ Certificate 04 Nev 6" Main, Levy Road Emergency Work a[ Water Plant Pund Balance Total l l~Original appzopr ie tion for $ 10,00p.00 but increased by Cammise ion Resolution No. 62 -29. PAGE 22 Estimated For Year Realized $ 2,230.00 $ 2,160.00 12,662.75 10,844.64 17,770.00 20,038.38 2.040,00 1.882.90 S 34.702.75 S 34.925.92 $ 11,131.7811$ 11,111.78 2,040.00 1,882.90 3,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 9,248.49 9.662.75 -0- S 35.834.53 $ 25.2b3.17 !T!V„ A„O n~AA' GQI,II[p !V aUC ACCWMTAMt 3 a ~. ;~ ~. .~ ~~ e i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA UTILITY REVENUE BOND FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1962 ASSETS Cash in Atlantic National Bank (Page 24) Fixed Assets - Water SYS[em (1) Water System Constructed since May 1958 from proceeds of Bond Issue - Cost Neu Mains, Service and Me tars added from Revenue of System - Cost Total Assets $ 230,962.16 $ 27,307.90 91,338.59 322,300.75 S 349,60865 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE U til i[y Revenue Bonds Payab to Certificate of Indebtedness Payable - Selva Mazina Realty Company - 02 Certificate of Indeb [edness Payable - Interstate Contracting Company - 44 Fund Balance Amount Inves [ed in Water System other than amount due on Bonds and Cer of ica [es Cash on hand to pay succeeding years debt service Cash in Sinking Fund Total Liab ilLties and Fund Balance $ 203,000.00 4.700.00 6,700.32 $ 107,900.43 13,003.50 14,304.40 135,208.33 S 349.608.65 (1)No accumulation of depreciation on the fixed assets of the Water Sys [em Le shown since the Ci [y has not developed ea tab lished depreciation data. Transfer from the "Water Revenue" account to the "Water System Renewal and Replacement" Fund is based on a percentage of gross Wster ievenue and cannot be considered a deprecla- [ion expense amount based on established depreciation data. PAGE 23 „w~ .,.,. nun -..urvim ~u~uc wccouarwwr~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA UTILITY REVENUE BOND FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1962 Cash Ln Bank at Januerv 1, 1962 Add: Cash Received Transfers from Na ter Revenue Account Prom General Pund - Portion of certain Sever Service charges to be used for payment on Certificates of Indebtedness Total Cesh Available Deduct: Caeh Disbursed Bond Principal Paid Payment on Cer[Lfiw to of Indebtedness - 04 Interest and Paying Agent Charges Cash in Bank at December 31, 1962 PAGE .24 $ 27,118.18 $ 13,389.42 1.882.90 15,272.32 $ 42,390.50 $ 6,000.00 1,882.90 7 199.70 15.082.60 S 27.307.90 TYaON AMa MaOt ~ COlf1IIfD IaaLIC ACCOUMTANTI f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SEVER FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31. 1962 ASSETS Cash in First National Beach Bank (Selva Marina Sever Fund) $ 5.41 Ca eh in Ocean State Bank 12,594.41 Cash in Beach Federal Savings end Loan Aa sociation 10,212.50 Uncollected Special Assessments 76,448.04 Sever Construction Costs 670,302.65 Uncollected Se lva Marina Tap Pees $ 2,250.00 Less: Amount due Selva Marina Realty Co. 1.532.20 - 717.80 Total Assets S 770.280.81 LIABILITIES AND POND BALANCE General Ob liga [ion Bonds Payable Certificate of Indebtedness Payable - Selva Marina Really Co. - O1 Cer tiflca[e of Indebtedness Payable - In [erata to Contract Company - 93 Fund Balance: Government Gran[ Special Asaessmen cs Revolving Fund Total Liabilities and Pund Balance PAGE 25 $ 290,000.00 21,365.16 22,670.51 $ 67,093.29 326,718.23 42.433.62 436.245.14 5~~.280.81 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FIARIDA SEWER FUND CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1962 Caeh Balance at ,lenuerv 1, 1962 $ 14,031.72 Add Caeh Receipts Revenue Receipts (Page 27) $ 45,851.92 Less: Beginning balance included therein 14,031.72 $ 31,820.20 Collec tfons on Selves HarLna Tap Fees 550.00 32,370.20 Total Cash Available $ 46,401.92 Deduct Cash Disbursed Appropriation Expenditures (Page 27) $ 45,506.22 Less: Ending balance included therein 22,812.32 $ 22,693.90 Payment to Se lva Mar Lna Realty Company on Tap Fees 895.70 23,589.60 Cash Balance ac December 31. 1962 - $ 22.812.32 Gomposi[ion of Cash Balance at December 31, 1962 The Ocean State Bank •• Checking Account First National Beach Hank - Checking Account Beach Federal Savings and Loan Association Total PAGE 26 $ 12,594.41 5.41 10.212.50 S 22.812.32 wao cane-eawr,nro .u~ue weca,w..... CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH, FLORIDA SEWER FUND BTATEMENT OP REVENUE RECEIPTS 1962 P.s[ima ted Por Year Realized Sever Fund Beginning Balance $ 17,157.26 $ 14,031.72 S Peciel Sever Assessments 27,000.00 23,623.21 Transfer from Sever Service Chflrges 16,322.50 5,000.00 interest and Miscellaneous Collections 2,000.00 1,893.16 Transfer £rom General Fund, Certificate 63 2.040.00 936.00 Total $ 64,519.76 $ 45,484.09 S elva Marina Sever Fund Transfer from General Pund, Selva Marina Cer cificaie 91 500.00 367.83 Total Revenue Receipts S 65.019.76 S 45.851.92 APPROPRIATIONS ANb EXPENDITURES Sever Fund Bond Principal Bond In teree[ Sever Construction Cerctftca ce 03 -Yearly Payment Transfer to General Fund Fund Balance Total Selva Marina Sever Pund Payment on Selva Marina Cer [Sf ica [e dl To[al Appropriations and Expenditur e9 PgGE 27 Caeh APpropria [ions Expenditures $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 11,322.50 11,326.75 11,000.00 5,063.32 2,040.00 936.00 20,000.00 -0- 15.157.26 22,812.32 $ 64,519.76 $ 45,138.39 500.00 367.83 S 65.019.76 S 45.506.22 r..,., ..,e u~a - cmv,m wa,e ~ecourruar~ 1 1 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AUDIT REPORT June 30, 1962 nwn wno wau - cornnw rc~uc wccwrRwn~a i~ TYSON AND DSEEK CEOTI FIED PVaL~C ACCOVNTA NT6 161] ATLANTIC fiOV LEVAPO d.oum~LLL• T. Bono. •^•~• • •.,~ •••_. July 17, 1962 To the City Commission City of Atlantic Beach, Plor Lda Gentlemen: We have examined the balance sheets of [he various "We ter Utilities" Punds as of June 30, 1962, and the related state- ments of cash receipts and expenditures for the six months period then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such testa of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures we consid- ered necessary in the circumstances. The presentation used herein fa necessarily in accordance with accounts as set forth Ln the official budget of the CL[y for the current year. The accounts of the "Water Utilities" Funds are budgeted and maintained on the cash basis and are so presented herein. In our opinion the attached statements present fairly the financial position of the various "Water Utilities" Punde of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida as of June 30, 1962 on a cash basis ~ and [he cash receipts and disbar semen is for the six months period then ended in accordance with generally accepted accounting princi- pals applied an a basis consistent with the previous periods. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Wafer Revenue Account BALANCE SHEET Tune 30. 1962 ASSETS Cash in Bank (S [a Cement 2) Due from Water Sys[em Revewal and Replacement Furtd (1) To[al Aaaets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Due [o General Fund (1) Excess of Unexpended Appropr is [Iona over Unrealized Revenue Total Liabilities and Pund Balance (1jProm Prior Year. $ 36,774.71 7.844.64 $ 7,644.64 36.774.73 S 44.619.35 STATEMENT 1 nwx axo xiu - car~nm euuic 1 1 1 1 J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA Water Revenue Account STATEMENT OP CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEF@NTS SSx Non the Ended June 30. 1962 Cash in Bank at January 1, 1962 Add: Cash Received Revenue Receipts (Statement 3) Transfer from Water Opera [Lone Nain[emnce and Repair Account from prior year's Unexpended Appropriations Total Cash Available Deduct: Cash Disbursed Appropr La [ion Expenditures (Statement 3) Transfer to General Pund as portion of prior year's Surplus Cash Ln Sank at June 30, 1962 STATEMEMENf 2 $ 33,233.10 $ 47,794.71 1.568.87 49.363.58 $ 82,596.68 $ 11,020.00 34.801.97 45,821.97 S 36.774.71 Wawa wxo xcex-cmmm rvsuc wcwexrwnr~ ~~ 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA Nater Revenue Account STATEMENT OF REVENUE RECEIPTS Six Months Ended June 30, 1962 Estimated Percentage For Year Realized Realized $ 33,000.00 $ 15,704.26 47.5 % 7,500.00 2,847.40 40.0 4,000.00 2,454.50 61.4 100.00 100.00 100.0 22,000.00 11,778.45 53.6 24,000.00 14,910.10 62.1 2,040.00 -0- - S 92.640.00 S 47.794.71 51.6 Z Minimum Water Charges Excess Water Charges Cut-In Charges Service Charges Cigarette Tax U tllity Tax Transfer from General Fund, Cert. 04 To [al Revenue APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES Six Months Ended June 30, 1962 Appropriations Cash Percentage Por Year Expenditures Expended To Utility Revenue Bond Pund Bond Principal - Succeeding Year $ 6,000.00 $ -0- - Bond In Ceres[ - Succeeding Year 7,003.50 -0- - Debt Service -Sinking Fund 385.92 -0- - To Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund 20,000.00 -0- - To General Fund 35,210.58 -0- - To Na ter Opera [ions Maintenance and Repair Account 22.000.00 11.020.00 50.1 9. To Water Renewal 6 Replacement Pund-Cer t.64 2.040.00 -0- - To[al Appropria [ions S 92.640.00 S 11.020.00 11.9 7. SUMMARY Appropriations for Year Expended Through June 30, 1562 Unex oended Appropria [loos Eatima [ed Revenue for Year Realized through June 30, 1962 Onrealized Revenue Excess of Unex oended ADPTOpr ietions over ' I Unrealized Revenue STATEMENT 3 AMa Y[O[ - COlilI1N NaLIC ACCOYNTANT~ $ 92,640.00 11,020.00 $ 81,620.00 $ 92,640.00 47.794.71 44.845.29 S 36.774.71 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Water Operations, Maintenance and Repair Account BALANCE SHEET June 30. 1962 ASSETS Cash in Atlantic National Bank (S [e temen[ 5) S 2.030.39 FUND BALANCE Excess of Unexpended Appropriations over Unrealized Revenue - Current Year (Statement 5) S 2.030.39 STATEMENT OP CASH RECEIPTS AND DISHURSBMENTS Cash Ln Bank at January 1, 1962 $ 1,568.87 Add: Cash Received (Transferred from Water Revenue Account)(Statement 5) 11.020.00 Total Cash Available $ 12,588.87 DeducC Caeh Disbursed Approprla Lion Ex pendltures (S to Cement S) $ 8,989.61 Transfer [o Water Revenue Account - Prior Year's Unexpended Appropriations 1,568.87 10,558.48 Cash Ln Bank at June 30. 1962 S 2.030.39 STATEMENT 4 ruaue ~eeeurr~xr~ C LTY OP ATIANTIC BEACR, FIARIDA Water Operations, Maintenance and Repa Lr Account STATEMENT OP RRVENUE RECEIPTS Six Months Ended June 30. 1962 Transfers from Water Revenue Account APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES Six Months Ended June 30, 1962 Indirect Coats - Paid to General Pund Administration Transportation Labor Capital To ca is Direct Costs RepaLrs and Replacements Tank Main Cenance Utilities Chlorine Miscellaneous Totals Grand To [ale Estimated Percentage Por Year Realized Realized SS 22~~000.00 ~11~ 50.1 Z Cash Percentage Ap~roprfations ExpendLturea Exoeaded $ 6,000.00 $ 3,018.00 50.3 Z 500.00 251.50 50,3 5,500.00 2,766.50 50.3 550.00 274.00 50.3 X12,550.00 S 6,310,00 50.3 X. $ 3,000.00 $ 861.22 28.7 9. 1,500.00 22,20 1.5 3,290.00 1,420.10 44.4 750.00 191.26 25.5 1,000.00 184.83 18.5 S 9,450.00 ~ 2,679.61 28.4 7. S 27,000.00 S 8.989.61 40.9 9. SUMMARY Appropria [Loos for Year $ 22,000.00 Expended Through June 30, 1962 8.989.61 Unexpended Apprppr letiona Estimated Revenue for Year $ 22,000.00 Realized Through June 30, 1962 11.020.00 Unrealized Revenue Exceae of Unexpended Appropr is [ions Over Unrealized Revenue $ 13,010.39 10.980.00 STATEMENT 5 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, PLARIDA Water System Renevel and Replacement Pund BALANCE BHEET June 30. 1962 ASSETS Caeh Ln Bank (S to cement 7) $ 6,136.65 Exceea of Unrealized Revenue over Unexpended Appropria cions (Statement 8) 4.707.99 To [al Assets 4~ 10.844.64 LIABILITIES AND PUND BALANCE Due Watez Revenue Account $ 7,844.64 Fund Balance 3.000.00 Total Liab L11[Lea and Fund Balance S 10.H44.o4 STATEMENT 6 TYWM AMD MIX-CQTIIIaD MIaLID ACCODMTANr~ CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund STATEI~NT OF CASN RECEIPTS AND DISBUASEl~NTS Six Months Ended June 30. 1962 Cash in Bank at January 1. 1962 Add: Caeh Received Total Cash Available Deduct: Cash Disbursed Appropriation Expenditures (S [atement 8) Caeh in Bank at June 30. 1962 $ 10,844.64 None $ 10,844.64 4.707.99 S 6.136.65 STATEMENT 7 NID Y[b[ - CaRf1I1<D eYaYC •DCWMiaai~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Water System Renewal and Replacement Pund REVENUE RECEIPTS -ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL Six Months Ended June 30. 1962 Transfers from Water Revenue Account Sx of Gross Water Revenue Balance from Previous Year Transfer from Water Revenue Account Transfer from Water Revenue Account Certificate $4 To [al Revenue Estimated Realized Percentage Por Year To Dale Realized $ 2,230.00 $ -0- - 12,662.75 -0- - 17,770.00 -0- - 2 040.00 -0- - S 34.702.75 ,~-0.~ APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES Six Months ¢nded June 30. 1962 Appropria [ions Expenditures Percentage Por Year To Dale Realized Maine, Services, Meters, Etc. $ 10,000.00 $ `1,668.98-'~; - Yearly Payment, Certificate 04 2,040.00 -0- - New 6" Hain, Levy Road 3,000.00 !3,681.98 - Emergency Work at Water Plant 10,000.00 957.0 9.6 Pund Balance 9.662.75 -0- - Totals S 34.702.75 S 4.707.99 13.6 7. SUMMARY Estimated Revenue £or Y'aar $ 34,702.75 Amount Realized through June 30, 1961 -0- Unrealized Revenue $ 34,702.75 Appropr is tLOna for year $ 34,702.75 Expended for year 4.707.99 Unexpended ADDLOpr is bona 29.994.76 Excess of Unrealized Revenue over Unexpended pnDropr is bone S 4.707.99 STATEMENT 8 W ~ Y[Q - GY r1I,fD W t CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Utility Revenue Bond Fund BALANCE BHEET ,lone 30. 1962 ASSETS Cash in Atlantic National Bank (S to cement LO) $ 17,466.28 Pixed Assets - Water System~l) Water System Constructed since May 1958 from proceeds of Bond Issue - Cost $ 230,962.16 New Mains, Service and Meters added from Revenue of System -Coat 72,666.27 303,628.43 To [al Assets S 321.094.71 LIABILITIES AND PUND BALANCE Utility Revenue Bonds Payable $ 203,000.00 Certificate of Indeb tedneee Payable - Selva Marina Realty Company 62 4,700.00 Ceriifica to of Indeb [edness Payable - Interstate Contracting Company 44 8,583.22 Fund Balance Amount Invested in Water System Other than amount due on Bonds and Certifi cates $ 87,345.21 Cash on hand to pay current year 's debt service 3,547.80 Cash in Sinking Pund 13.91$.48 104,811.49 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance S 321.094.71 ~1)No accumulation of deprecte tion ort the fined aese[a of the wa ten Sys [em is shown since the City has no[ developed es tab llahed deprecla [ion data. Transfer from the "Water Revenue" account to the 'M1later Sys [em Renewal and Replacement" Fund Ls based on a percentage of gross water revenue and cannot be considered a depreciation expense amount based on es tab liahed deprecfa tion data. STATEt~NT 9 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, P7ARIDA U CilLty Revenue Bond Pund STATEMENT OP CASN RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Six Months Ended June 30, 1962 Caeh in Bank at January 1. 1962 Add: Cash Received To [al Cash Ava Llable Deduct: Cash Disbursed Bond Principal Paid Bond Interest Paid Paying Agent Charges Caeh Lrt Bank at June 30, 1962 STA1E11QNT 10 $ 27,118.18 Norte $ 27,118.18 $ 6,000.00 3,625.00 26.90 9.651.90 S 17.466.28