Audit Report - 1957-1957CITY ~+ ATW7TIC BEACH, FLfRIDA AUDIT REPfRT December 31, 1957 T~re;o. ,..,~ at~:,.x <Erxrr v~ro v~eLic Acco~x.Ax.s 1565 Ai~Axii ULE VAPO CIA(%Yx(>\Vll.lc: 1. ~'~1)x111A i Ts~oN ASD DIF.E6 C o ~ ~ CERTIiIEO iUBLIC ACCOUHTANTD 1!!! ATIANTIG BOVLEVARO ~ALKBpNYILLE ~/. FLORIpA N. LYMTON TYBON. C.P.A. C1 1. MVMTER MEEK. Jp.. C P A Pabrnary ZSB 19JI 70 Tha 16yor aad Tors Cowc11 Tors of Atlaatic Desch, Plorida Caatlanm: N~ era subnittfng haiavith our report wvarfn8 the To+rrE• financial tianaactioas Yor the yeas 1956. In comaction rlth the report w rupaetfully anbaft LM Yo11ov1n8 wgQeaGd action relatlva to the aceountinB and finaaeiai phseae of t*a Tovae^ operatlont 1. Iaadlate Savsstsant of naplns Geaaral Pund cash ie D. 8, Covaroaant Bolds. 2, C1oa1s8 out of the follortsg Puads since the purposes for vblch they wra crated have baaa aecasrylishadc (a) ltaterwrks Conetructloa Fund.- Thasa Ss ^ uah balanu of 837.86 !a thic fend vhich atat M tsavafarrad to "Utility Aevsmea Bond Fund". (b) Salgir Paving Pwd. (e) Cipratts tar pusd (Rauipta are nor depoelbd to Water Baveaer Aeeomt), 3, Transfer of ratilnisB wpafd Nepaelal Saarall Darrpne~' uwaerata to Canaal Puad cad closin8 flu apecfal tlmd, 4. Isveatigatios oZ possibility of ua1sD W local boot a officLl depository toz Dtility Byetr operating ra»owa ratter thaw tta pzoceduraa wt r Pate 2. ttayas end Tom Ikumil PoYsul~ 3S, 19l1 up Le eLo osi~etat Ytllitiao toad Oediamao. cL~ la tDis rwld M speb a»ro soa+oeiaet~ oooootioai aad 9z~atieel. ~(4ltoat•ctluil~ sWeitbd. POC PSs'o ~~ tL2! t! 1~ CITY OF ATLANTIC SBACH~ FL(RIDA AUDTT pHP(RT December 31, 1957 • r, T 1'tiOS .1\U MEEK CEFTI FIEO PUtlLIC ACCOV NTANT$ ISBS ATLANTIC BOVLEVAND Yva.oar~u.a T. Fwnnn ..o....~ ... ,..r. 14aYCh 12, 1958 So Tbs City Cowiastm Ciq of Atlantic Deaob, Florida Centlessa: We have azaetnd the balance ehaeta of the varfoua fnnda of the City of Atlantic Desch, Florida, e of Oace~6ar 31, 1957, and the related atste~ente of cash raceipta and espandidae for the yeas then ended. Ous azaulnation vas wade fa accordance with generally accaptad auditing ataadarde, and accordtngly included ouch taeG of the ucountiog records and ouch other auditing procedure ae w conaidszed necessary is the eircumtancee. 8ffectiva Dacmbss 3, 1957, by adoption of a aau Charter, tlu samlcipatity becaoe ]moon as the "City" of Atlantic Beach. This we am of suvy other ehaoges •ffectad thereby. Tarmimlogy la this rspoet rafarrfng to "roan" is in accordance vitb the currant yaat'e budget adopted prior to the above date. In our opinion, sub~act to the accompanying ccoseate, the attectud stetments pseaant fairly the financial position of the City of Atlantic Beach, ylorida, at Decembas 31, 1957, and the cash recaipta sad dia- 6ureeamots for the year rhea ended, !n conformity with generally eccepud accamtiag pslnciple npplisd oa a 6eU coosieteat with prior ysate. 8eepectfully •uhaitted, ~ /,'_ C OMMBNTS GBNBRAL POlB) GEtBDtAI. PIEHD ASS8T5: The Ctty'a general Etned assets are noG reflected in . Chia report ae the City has ea [ebl4ehed no Formal property fund. ACCOORIS PAYABIS:. Accounts payable era not zaflecied w a~ of the General Fund atatemeate (except the balance sheets), m they are mt cwaLd:red enc,m~braacea agalast the current year's epproprlatiws bu[ are appropriated in the succeeding year's budget. OPERATIONS: The folloviag Le a ewdemed summary of General Fund crah receipts and dieburaementa £or the years 1957 and 1956: Percentage Increase Of Increase 1957 1956 (DecreaseL (Decrease) Cash Receivta• Ad Valorem Texea $ 35,004.55 $ 32,438.62 $ 2,565.93 7.9 Z Lleenaee 8,922.50 9,602.50 (680.00) (7.1) PSnes b PorfeLtures 19,364.00 19,476.00 (114.00) (0.6) Garbage Collactiw 11,520.89 10,263.57 1,257.32 12.2 Transfers Pram Water Utilities Funds - . Current Surplus * 12,991.34 w 22,304.19 (9,312.85) (41.8) Trmafer From Cigarette Tax Puad -0- 14,568.d7 (14,566.8?) Other 12.511.13 11.755.82 755.31 6.4 Total Eeceiota $ 100,314.41 $ 120,411.57 y4 20,097^16) 1( 6.7) x Cash Disbursemente• Adainistretiw $ 21,195.80 S 16,315.76 $ 4,880.D4 29.9 Z Police fi Public Safety 21,601.36 16,074.70 5,526.66 34.4 Fire Department 4,434.95 2,344.69 2,090.26 89.1 ~ Sanitary Department 11,213.23 10,363.25 849.98 8.2 Tow Labor 14,309.97 13,360.44 929.53 6.9 public Works 9,048.55 12,393.46 (3,344.91) (27.0) Capital Budget 21,931.98 e* 28,215.25 (6,283.27) (22.3) Uaallorated Approprtatioa 3,475.43 7,910.01 (4,434.58) (56.0) Other 1,99fi.08 1 996.E Total Diabureemeata 107,211.27 $ 108,993.64 `1 762.E (1~6) x * Transfers Pram Nater Utilities Fvada - Current Surp lus Adjusted From Cash Baeia to Accrual Basis for Comparative Purposes. a+ 1956 Capital Budget Disbursements were sot Budgeted as a Separate Item, but are eo Shoxn Above for Comparative Purposes. HHCQ4~lIIlpT1QLS: Tha follwing reeaatsendatiws are respectfully auboiltted: (1) Hetablis4 property recarda, identifying each place of agvebla egolpsmt~ far control purposes. (2) Create a property pond to cwtein all of the General Fixed Assets. CT3Y CP' ATLASTZC HBACH, PI[RIDA G816BAI. FOIm HALAH(7t 3}13ST Dscamiwr 31. 1957 ASSETS Casb an Hand and in Bank (Statement 2) S 26176.54 Sbaxe Acoounte in Pedarel 8evinge and Laan Aeaociations 20058.33 Ta.tea Heosivable (Stat®ent 3) 12244.61 O~xoilectad Street Paving Asaesemnts (Statment 3) 510.34 7ue Pram Boergency Seawall Fnad _ 2,495.81 Total Assets S 61,485.98 LLfBILLTl83 Accounts Payable $ 1,352.47 S05P3D3 Casb Surplus S 44,852.75 Onrealized Surplus 15.250.76 xot~l St¢plus (Statement 6) 60.103.51 Total Liabilities and Surolus S 6 STATP.HSHT 11 CITY OP ATLAHTIC BHACH~ FLORIDA G¢.~RAL FUND STATRlBIFT OF CASH SBC8IPT5 AHD DL900RSBH¢NT3 P Yeas 6_nded,Dacambai 31. 1957 Ceeh w Rand end Lw Bank at Jaauasv 1 1957 Add Geh~Receiv~d: Budgeted 8evenue Receipts (Statement 4) tlnbudge ted Receipts: Interest Iacamn Transfer from Hater Revenue Account ~- prior Year Surplus Transfer froo Rater Oparationey Maintenance and Repair Pond: Prior Year Sarplna Current Surplus Transfer from Special Seawall ¢mergency Fnnd Total Caah Available De t Caeb Disbursed: Appropriation Expenditures (Statement S) Deposited in Pederal Savings and Loan Aeaociaiion Cnsh on Band~nd la Bank at December 31 1957 * Includes darned Interest Credited to Account $ 31153.42 $ 98,899.66 397.83 18,840.63 3,138.03 711.67 ~_~ 30525 122.293.07 $ 153,446.49 $ 107211.27 * 20,058.33 127 2, 69.60 $ 26,176.89 STATEFf¢NT 2 CTTF OP ATLANTIC BSAC'il. PL(HIDA CBNHItAL FUND TAaas PacaroABLe December 31. 1951 Year Aeaeseed Amoanr _ 1957 $ 9,775.50 1956 830.34 1955 443.25 1954 335.29 1952 49.82 1951 58.39 1950 cad Prior 654.67 Old Seawall Levy .~ ___97.35 Total $ 12.244.61 ONCOLLSCTSD STS6ET PAVItiG ASSSSSt~NTS December 31p 1957 Yeer Aeaeeeed ~ Amouat 1955 $ 197.84 1954 112.50 1952 150.00 1951 __,_ 50.00 Tout $ 510.34 STATBNEt7P 3 CLTY ~+ ATtANTIC BBACH, FLORIDA ~GRNIItAL POND BEVHNSfH RHCBIYfS PBTINATHD AND ACTDAL For The .Year Hnded December 31. 1957 PercenCage Hetlmated Realized Realised CDRRHNT RBVHN06• Ad Valorem Taxes - Current Year Ad Valorem Tazea - Prior Yeat Licenses Pfnee and Porfeituree Permits Blaetrieal Prencbise Garbage Collection Street Paving Assessments Neptune Beverage Pemlties and Interest Miecellawow Collectives Tramfer frm Natez Revenue Acernmt TraoeEer frm Wetez Works Cone[ructlve Pond Transfer from Onbudgeted Beeerve for Capital 7mprwements Selvn Natim Beverage Total $ 31,000.00 $ 25,933.07 83.7 ~ 8,500.00 9,071.48 106.7 9,500.00 8,922.50 93.9 18,000.00 19,364.00 107.6 2,SOO.CO 2,694.1.0 107.8 3,500.00 4,554.96 126.5 10,500.00 11,520.89 109.7 2,000.00 1,726.30 86.3 -0- 1, 134.G9 - 250.00 654.59 261.8 500.00 653.41 130.7 14,398.80 12,279.G7 85.3 37.84 -0. - 9,433.36 -0- - 400.00 ~ 39000 97.5 S 110,620.00 $ 98,899.G6 89.4 76 STATENENS 4 CITY OP ATU1N'TIC BBACB, PLQIIDA GSNBBAL POND APPBOP@IATIONS AND SXPBPDITUBBS Pot The Sear Ended December 31;,1957 Amdmt Caeh Percentage Appropriated Bxoenditures Expended ADISLBL4TRATIQi: JOIMT WAT88 SYSTBm AND OPBBATIBG ACCODNIS : Tow Manager $ 6,000.00 S 6,000.00 100.0 7, Twn Clerk 4,200.00 4,200.00 100.0 Office Clerk 2,700.00 2,627.50 97.3 All Insurance 4,000.00 3,369.80 84.3 Office Supplies and Bzpenee 2,100.00 2,346.06 111.7 Tow Ball Bepeirs 500.00 253.84 50.8 sccarmy 600.00 600.00 loo.o Audit 800.00 800.00 100.0 ToYa's Share O.A.S.I. and Operatlag Costa 1,200.00 1,226.04 102.2 OE£ice Otilities 400.00 333.49 83.3 Extra Office Belp 200.00 102.25 51.0 Miscellaneous Bapensa 500.00 _, 997.70 199.6 Total - Joint Accoonc $ 23,200.00 $ 22,856.68 98.5 ' Lees: Amount Chargeable co yater Sgatea Budget 6,720.00 6,720.DO 100.0 Sub-Total $ 16.480.00 ,16,136.66 97.9 OTBEB OPERATING ACCOOIPPS: Taz Aeaeseor $ 5,800.00 $ 4,587.83 79.1 Advertising 100.00 102.34 102.0 Mayar's Pund p_~_400.00 368.95 92.3 Total - Other Aceounte $ 6,300.00 ,~ 5,059.12 80.3 Bet - Admiaietretive - _ General Fuad "~, 22.'!80.00 S 211195.80 93.0 STATEMENT S CTTP OP ATLAHfIC BRACH, FLORIDA r~awnai FOlID APPHOPRIATIOi3 A~ BRPBNDTli@H9 Yor The Year Rnded Dacmber 31, 1957 Amsunt Caeh Percenta8e ~i rogtlated Bxoendituree Hxpended_ Tovn Harebell $ 4800.00 $ 4,800.00 100.0 x Deputy Harebell (Part Tisr) 3565.00 3,562.50 99.9 Dapnty Harebell 3200.00 3,200.00 100.0 Police Daifprne 600.00 600.00 100.0 Police Supplies and EquL~eIIt 175.00 137.05 78.3 Traffic 9IQns 300.00 198.89 66.3 Lite Guards 1,100.00 1,066.56 97.0 Hed Cross Lifa Saving Corps. 100.00 100.00 100.0 Haintanance and Repair (Car and Radio) 2145.00 2~E,16.99 122.0 Gae and 011 2,500.00 2,467.03 98.6 Radio Sarvica 900.00 1,050.00 116.3 Police Jndge 300.00 300.00 100.0 Prieomr'e Heals and Police Phom 300.OD 364.90 121.6 Batra Deputy 250.00 20.00 8.0 ' Hiscallaasous Expense 1.465.00 1,478.44 100.8 ~ Total Joist Accowta $ 21700.00 $ 21,962.36 101.2 Lea: Aexgmt Chargeable [o Nater Sys tea Budget 361.00 361.00 100.0 Net - Po1Lce and Public Safety - Cenaral Fuad S 21.339.00 ~ 21.601.36 101.2 DEPAHTHHNT: ChLef (Part Tfinej $ 650.00 S 650-00 100.0 Toole and Supplies 450.00 432.86 96.2 HeLnteaaace end 8epaira 350.00 327.10 93.4 Gae sad 011 245.00 211.01 86.0 Fire Station OtLlltiea 600.00 616.77 102.7 Night Pitman 2,055.00 2077.50 101.1 Miscellaneoue Hxpeaee 250.00 119.71 47.9 Ee[ - Fire Degerhaent - Gtuaral Fund $ 4,600.00 S 4.434.95 96.4 S°.AT&~Nf S tContiauadl CI1T OF ATLANTIC HBACH, FL03IDA CBNRRAL FOND AFPBOAt7ATI0HS AND BSFRHDTTORHS Por The Year Hnded December 31, 1957 Amamt Cash Percentage Apprppriatad Exoeadlturee Hxcended Driver - Focamaa $ 3,000.00 $ 2,962.21 98.7 Z Labor 5,300.00 4,905.45 92.5 Maintenance and Hapair 500.00 303.11 60.6 Gas and 011 700.00 759.68 108.5 Garbage Dlepoaal - Leadtill 1,100.00 1,145.87 104.1 Heptuae Sareraga -0- 1, IG8.26 Miscellemwa Bzpeaee 350.00 28.65 8.2 Hat - Ssnitar9 Dntnrt'ent - Ge~ral fiord $ 10,950.00 11 213.23 102.4 TOWN LABOR: JOINT WATBB SISTB21 AHD OPERATIIPC ACCOUNTS: Por®an $ 3,900.00 $ 3,887.50 99.6 Labor 16.200.00 15,102.47 93.2 Total -Joint Accamts $ 20,100.00 $ i8,989.97 94.4 i~ee: Amamt Chargeable to Water System Hbdget 4,680.00 4.680.00 1J0.0 Het -Tam Labor - Geaenl P~md ~ 15.420.00 y"_ 14,309.97 92.8 FfIBLIC WOHES: JOIt7f WATER 9YST8M AHD OPERATING ACCOOHTS: 67 . Toole and Supplies $ 500.00 $ 337.36 67.5 Malntnnanee and Repairs 500.00 1,350.30 270.0 Gaa and 011 ~ iZP00~00 ~__~554.87, 129.6 Total -Joint Accouote $ 2,200.00 $ 3,242.53 147.3 Lose: Aa~ouat Chargeable to Natar 3ya tom Budget 440.00 ~~ 440.00 100.00 Sub-Total ~ 1,760.00 ~. ?,802.53 159.2 STATEMCMf 5 (Continued) CITY OP ATIANfIC B¢ACN, PLOR7DA C¢NERAL FUND APPROPRIATIQiS AND B¢PBNDITDPBS Poz The Year Bnded December 31, 1957 Amount Cash Pezcentage Anwroorlated Bxceaditures ¢xcended F96i1' YO¢¢S: ~tlnued) 0~7HLll OPHBATIliG ACCOU1rP5: Street RapaLr Material S 1,000.00 S 666.24 66.6 L Beach Barricade 50.00 90.73 181.5 Dralmge - 2,000.00 1,247.85 62.3 Seawall Straer-each and Steps 500.00 292.86 58.6 Grading Straeta 100.00 31.25 31.3 streets Cooatructed 3,331.00 3,331.18 100.0 Recreation B:{+ense 500.00 267.18 53.4 Parks Nalntemnce 6 Beautlflcatfon 250.00 71.06 28.4 Street Light Bulbs 200.00 ~0~ - Miecellaceowa ¢xpenae 100.00 125.90 125.9 Teating ¢quipmeat - 3elva Narim Beverage 50.00 51.62 103.2 ¢lectric Curren[ - Salve Marina Sevarage 50.00 39.51 79.0 Mfacallaneoua gxpenae - Selva Narlna Beverage 300.00 30.64 30.6 Total Other Accounts S 6.231.00 S 6,246.02 75.9 Net - Public Rorke - Gemral Pund S 9,991.00 S 9,048.55 90.6 CAPITAL BUDC¢T: HOOIPH¢RI: Adminie [ration - Office Equipment $ 1,150.00 S 1,590.86 138.3 Police Department - New Police Cer 1,400.00 2,692.79 192.3 Pire Departmea[ - New Nose, Noz2lee, ¢CC. 1,000.00 802.78 80.3 Public Norka Department - New Trucks, B tc. 10,000.00 7,692.66 76.9 Total ¢auipment S 13,550.00 $ 12,779.09 94.3 Lase; Amount Chargeable to Na[eT System Budget 2,710.00 _.._. 2,710.00 100.0 Nett ¢gui_picnt - Canerel Pend ~ 10,840.00 ~ l0,Ofi9.09 92.8 t STATP.l6NT S (Coatisued) cITY ~ ATIdNTIC aee®, FLORIDA celalBA1. FuliD APFgOPBL1TI017S AHD BIPR1AlTNHHS For TLB Yeat Baded December 31, 1957 7 CAPITAL BB008T: {Cwtlnued) CAPITAL BIPROV@gN1S: Nev Street Llghts Garage and S[orerocm Prelluimry Sever Surve) Sotal - Capital Ismrovesaats Bet - Cavital Budtet - General Ptmd Baallouted Appiopriatfan Amt Cesh Percentage Aoprovrla[ed Hxpendlturee Bxcended $ 1,000.00 S 1,223.80 122.4 Z 5,000.00 4,639.09 92.7 6,000.00 6,000.00 100.0 $ 121000.00 ~ 11,862.89 98.8 S 22,840.00 S 21,931.98 96.0 8 2,100.00 $ 3,475_43 128.7 GRABD TOTAL - (i!NHRAL YOBD AIQI NATHg 8YST8N APPROPRIATIONS $ 125,531.00 $ 122,122.27 97.2 Lees: Amo~olta Chargeable to Na[er SYateo APPropiiationa 14,911.00 14,911.00 100.0 GRAND TOTAL - lET - GBIIHAAI. POl0) $ 110.620.00 $ 107,211.27 96.9 Z S'FpTHPO?NT 5 ~Cootinued) CITY OP ATLAhTiC BSACB, PLQ3IDA raavanr. F01~ STATB!ffiDiT OP CBAHCBS IN SDSY3JI5 Por The Year Bnded December 31. 1957 Balance at January 1. 1957 $ 65,665.31 Additiwe• • Dobudgated gavemu. Aeuipta: Interest Inccme $ 397.83 TYanafar fraa Hater OperatiOne tfalACenence and Bepsir Fwtd - C:¢rent 8[aplua 711.67 Dneoilecwd 3957 Taz ievY 9,775.50 HSSCella[:ea:a AdSoshmnta of Prior Tau Levies 13.32 10,898.32 To_ tai $ 76,563.63 Deduetiooe• gxcesa of Approptiation Bapandltures Over Budgased 8rvsnua Beceipte: Appropcieted g:pauditurne (HOa 1) $ 103,175.07 Leas Budgeted Yaveaan Beceiptn (Hole 2) 88,097.42 ueea $ 15,077.65 Accounts Payable at 12-31-57 1,382.47 __ Ibi 460.12 • Dale*^° at Deeembaz 31. 1957 $ 60,103.51 ~ Hote 1. Aporooriativn Bapend Stvrea: Pei SCaCeamnt 5 ;; 107,211.27 Lees Appropriation Bxpendlturea Bedocing the follwing pzLor year payebles: Arco®te Pa~eble $ 705.02 paving Contract 3,331.18 ~ 4,0=6.20 Appropriation gxpendi[urea Beducinu Sus,~lus ~ 103,175.07 Aote 2, Badtteted gaveaue BeceiDte: • Per Statement 4 S 98,899.66 Less Budgeted Yevem:e Beceipta Bedu cing the follwin6 prior yeas receivables: Tezee Receivable $ 9,075.94 Street Paving Asaeesmente 1y726.30 1G,802.24 Budgeted Bevem:e P,eceiPte Inerea9lnA Susplua $ 88,097.42 STATIffffiNP 6 CTTY OP ATLANTIC BBACB, PI.tltIDA SPHCTAL 98AGALL @DiRR69;NCY PUlID BALAlpg S~gT Decanber 31, 1957 ASSBTS Aaeesrenta Dne pros Abetting Property grnere (S tateneat 9) $ 2,227.04 Prods To Be Provided To41 Assets 268.77 $ 2,495.81 LIAHILTTIBS Due Cenral Fund $ 22495^81 STATO~NT 7 C11T OP ATIJLLPlIC HBACH~ YI.ORIM 848C1AL SBAAAl]. C! PQND STATBNSlTf OY CASH BBC81P18 AHO D73BOR86l92Nf5 Por The Year Bndad December 31, 1959 ~p,~$,,,aat~~par91. 1957 $ None Add Cash IIaceived: Collaetlow ltnm Yioparg OaAar: Assesamant $ 218.05 Iatereet 87.20 305.25 ~ota1 Gsh AvallabU $ 305.25 Oemict Cosh Dlahuraed: Traaa&r eo Oemral Yung 305.25 Cuh ao-BeAd ~,t~ecembsr .1957 8 Nova STATaH@iL 8 CI1T CP ATLA9LIC BBACH, Fl.(RIDA 9PHCW. 8@9WALL BW6@GBBCY FOlID B8EII7QD6BT 8@AWALL H1~BOBWCY ASSB39WSW15 D=crmbar 31. 1937 8andbaggtng And ProwreL Oress @LV-Happiffi Tie-Backe Total Clifford A. Payne $ 180.60 $ 86.50 $ 267.30 Lally ]. Palot 180.80 86.50 267.30 elwar Weise 180.80 86.13 266.93 Dressy Sgnohc®b 73.83 334.54 410.39 P. M. Clarkson 150.83 33.60 184.45 Anne @. @odgara 30.80 268.90 299.70 @. s. Towne 150.83 33.60 184.43 Daughtry Tovere 150.85 22.40 173.23 Bay Willie 150.85 ___ _. 22.40 173.25 Total $ 1,232.43 $ 974.59 $ 2,227.04 a STATBl4@17r 9 C O M M E N T S WATER UTILITY FUNDS ORDIHANCB R80U1RHNENTS; It appears that all of the requirements of Ordinance Ho. 172, 9ecti® 17, covering the transfers of "ureter Uti7.ities" Fuada have been fn1f111ed ae of December 31, 1957. ACCOOHTS R8C8LVABLE: Accounts Receivable era not reflected in thin report as water rental revenues are recorded on a cash basis. .pI~D ASSBTS: Ho reserve for deprecLatioa on fixed assets of the Weser IItility Panda is shown as the City has no established depreciation data. The transfer from the Water Revenue Account Co the Water System Renewal and Replacement Puad is based on a percentage of groan us ter revenues, and is not a depreciation expe[tee amount based an established depreciation data. OPBBATZOHS: The following is a coadeased summary of Wafer UtilLtiex: Operations presented on a cash bas Le £or the years 1957 and 1956: Percentage Of Increane increase 195? 1956 (Decreese;_ (Decresae) 0xratlwe Income: Water Rentals $ 22,301.40 $ 24,252.76 $ (1,95..:6) (8.0) X Cat-1a and Service Charges 1,556.76 2,533.50 (976.:4) (38.5) Total Oceratink Income ~ 23.858.16 $ 26,786.26 ~ 2 923.1.0) (10.9) Oaeretin~ Expenses: Indirect - To Ceaeral F~md $ 14,911.00 $ 12,000.(A $ 2, 91 i..E0 24.3 Direct _ 2,311.88 3'033.86 (72.'.__'8) (23.8) Total Oceratinx Exoenaee $ 1L 222.88 $ 15,033.86 ~ 2, 189.ti2 Z4.6 Het Oceratinx Income $ 6.635.28 $ 1L 752.40 $ (5,117.12) (43.5) Other IIICOaie Cigarette Tax $ 13,773.56 $ 13,108.94 $ 664.62 5.1 Dtitity Tax 12.993.41 11,120.29 1,873.;.2 16.8 Total Other Tncaoie $ 26 766.97 $ 24,229,23 2 537.%4 10.5 3 ~ __ Other Exoenaea Bond Interest ~ 8,011.20 $ 8,407.93 $ (396.73) (4.7) Het Income $ 25,391.05 $ 27,573.70 $ (2,182.6 __17.9) X Ne reepectfully submit the followLng recc~er datione; (1) Record eater rental revenues on m accrual basia~ eo that accoimte receivable and actual revenues can ba determined. (2) Invest IItility Bavem~e Bond Pond cash not needed for ciarent debt eetvice. CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLQI IDA ALL 'RiATER UTILITIES" FUNDS SON47ARY OF OPERATIONS ON CASH RAS LS Por The Yeer Ended December 31. 1957 OPERATING INC(ME: Meter Rentals $ 22,301.40 Cut-In end Service Charges _ 1,556.76 $ 23,858.16 OPERATING EXPENSES: Indirect Expenses - Paid to General Fund for Adminia tration, Labor, Etc. $ 14,91.1.00 DLrect Expenses: Repalra and Replacements 546.88 E lectr Lc Current 1,251.31 Chlorine 299.28 Insurance 209.56 Miecelleaeous __~-485 _ _17,222.88 Net O~eratinx Income $ 6,635.28 OFBER INCQ~: CLgarette Taa $ 13,773.56 Dtility Tax 12y,993_41 26,766.97 Total $ 33,402.25 OTBEIt EXPENSES: Bond Interest and Paying Agents Peea ~ 8,011.20 pet Inane $ 25,391.05 dnDDt DLSBURSFMENTS: Nev Mains, Services and Heteze $ 2,?44.5; Transfer to Ceneral Pund A~970_DO , _37 714.57 Net Decrease in Cash During Year S (12,323.52) To[a1 Cash in Bank at January 1, 1957 351120.84 Total Caah in Bank at December 31, 19:` $ 22 797.32 COMPOSITION OP TOTAL CASH IN BANK pT DECEMBER 31, 1957: Wa[er Operations, Maintenance and Repair Account (Statement 6-W) $ 65.45 Water System Renev+al end Replacement Fund (S to Cement 9-W) 3,792.40 Dtilit Les Revenue Bond Fund 75 to tement 12-N) 1$,939.47 Total 5 22,797.32 STATEMEFf 1-W CLTY OP ATLANTIC 8&1CN~ FLOB IDA NATHB RSVSNl7E ACCdRiT HALAHCB SBSST Decmber 31, 1957 ASSETS NORr° LIABA.ITTES AND PD:m BALANCB NONE STATEtO?NT ~^iI CITY OF ATLANTIC BHACH~ FLOH7DA NATHt RHVENUH ACCOUNT STATHFfgNT OF CASH RECHIPTS AND DLSBDR.SE!lENfS Por The Year Hnded December 31, 1957 Cash Sn Bank at January 1, 1957 Add Cash Received: Revenue Rxceipte {Statement 4-N) Total Caeh Ava Liable Deduct Caeh Diebureed: ApproprlaiLon Bspenditurea (Statement 4-N) Traaefer to General. Fund - Prior Surplus (dot Budgeted So Current Year) Transfer to Nester Sye tam Renewal and Replacement pond - Balance of Prior Year Allocation (Rot Budgeted is Curreet Year) Caeh Sn Bank at December 31. 1957 $ 20272.32 _. 50625.13 ~_ 70189745 $ 50717.51 18840.63 1,33931 S 7Q 897.45 $ -0- STATZMEKT 3-H CITY OP ATLARTIC BBACR, FLORIDA NATHR BEVBNUE ACCOONI STATBl~NI OP RBVEROE RECEIPTS Por The Year Hndad December 31,L,19.57 Percentage Niglaea Wetez Regtnl Bxceee Hater Rental Cut-in Charges Service Charges Cigarette Tex Dtility Tax Transfer Pray Dnbudgeted Reserve Por Capital 7sprovemeuta Total EaCimatad_ Realized Realized $ 15,000.00 $ 15,498.00 103.3 X 9,600.00 5,803.40 75.6 1,050.00 1,53;..00 145.8 50.00 25.76 51.5 13,000.00 13,773.56 105.9 11,000.00 12,993.41 118.1 3,706.35 ~_~_0_v, -0- ~52_~806.35 $ SO 625,13 _ 95:7=X APPROPRIATI095 At81 EXPB<lOITURES Por The Year Ended Decea~bez 31, 1957 Cash Percentage Apgrovrf.aclon Ex nditures Expended Transfers [o Other Punda: Otiitty Revenue Bond Pund; Bond Principal Interest - Current Year Interest - Sinking Pund Reserve Account linter Sye rem Renevel and Replacerten[ Pund General Fund Hater Operations, 2iafntemgce and Repair Account Total $ 5,000.00 $ S, OOO.fA 100.0 X 7,880.28 B,Oli.20 101.7 2,565.92 2,52'.38 98.5 4,961.35 4,899.26 98.8 14,398.80 12,279,67 85.3 18,000.00 X000.00 L00.0 $ 52,806.35 $ 50,71.51 96.0 X STATEHEHT 4-W •~ CZ1Y OF ATL~Nf)L SSACH~ yftBIM liAZBR OPBHATZW73, HA)NfBHANC6 AlN BEPAIR ACCWt1P SAIANCS S~BT • Deceshar 31, 195) ASSBES Cea4 in Atlantic llatioaal Dank (Statement bp) $ 65.45 ~_= LZABILITZSS Accoaata Payable (Statement 7-I/) $ 6.i_45 ^oTA?P1ffiNC 5-N CT1R Od+ ATIAt7fIC SEACH~ FLQiIDA NATBR OPEEATIONS~ MAINIEVANCE AFD HBPAIIt ACCOIINP STATBMBiPf ~ CA3B EECEIPLS AND DISSURSEN8f7f5 Por The Year Ended December 31. 1957 Cash La Heat at Jaatwt9 1. 1957 Add Cash Eeceived Transfer from Naur Eevenue Account Current Year's Appropriation Toul Cash Avallabla Deduct Cash DLeburaed Appropriation 6rpeadituree (SUtemmt 7-V) Tramfsrr. to General Lhmd: YrLor Surplus Current Surplus Cash Ln Bent a[ December 31L 1957 $ 3,138.03 18,C40.00 $ 21138.03 $ 17,222.88 3138.03 711.67 ... 21,072.58 $ 65.45 sTals~xl 5-N5-N CITI OP ATLANTIC P.BACH, FLORIDA '~ NATP.R OPBRATION~ MAIIPi8NAi7CR AND REPAIR ACCOONT STATBMBNL ~+ APPROPRIATIONS, BXP'dTIDITURBS AND BNCIMffiRANCSS ' Por The Year Hnded December 31. 1957 Cash Accounts Percentage APVroDrietioo 8xpendituree Pa able 8xvended iadirect.Coat Trenaferred To General Fwd Administrative $ 6,720.00 $ 6,720.00 100.0 Z Police b Public Safety 361.00 361.00 100.0 Labor 4,680.00 4680.00 100.0 Public Avrke 440.00 440.00 100.0 Capital Budget ~ 2,710.00 2,710.00 100.0 Total 8 14,911.00 $ 14,911.00 100.0 Direct Costa Repairs and Replacements $ 1,000.00 $ 546.88 $ ..87 55.1 8lectric Current 1,500.00 1,251.31 61.56 87.5 Chlorine 250.00 299.28 119.7 Insurance 307.00 209.56 68,3 Niscellaneoue 32.00 4.85 ~ 15.1 Total 4i 3089.00 $ 2,311.88 Si___, 6_5.45 77.0 Grand Total $ 18,000.00 $ 17,222.88 $ 65.45 96.0 Z STATBNBNT 7-N CI1Y OP ATlANfIC BBACB~ FLOSIDA MATBH SYSIffiY SSABIiAL AND &SpLACH-II?t7p Pt11CU BALANCE SHEET December 3L 1957 ASSHTS Caeh in Atlantic Hatlaaal Bank (Statement 9-N) $ 3,742.40 PBND BALANCE Pond Balance $ 3,792.40 STA1Y2@HT 8-1i C211C OP ATLANTIC BSACH~ FLORIDA YATBR SYSTBN ASNBWAL ABD BBPLACBNSNT POND STATBNBNf OB CASfl ABCBIPTS AND D7SBURS@iBNTS Poi Tha Yeat BIIded December 31. 1957 Cash fa Sank at aanuary ~, 1957 $ 298,40 Add Cash Received Tremfera Flom Water Ravewe Accotmt (Star®ent 10-U) 6236.57 Total Caeh Available $ 6536.97 peduct Caeh Diab~aaed Appzoprlation Bxpendiasee (Statement 10-H) 2744.57 Ceeh is Bank at Decesbar 31,E 1957_ $ 3792.40 STATHiDINT 9-N CTISf OF ATLANPTC BEACH, PL(RIDA WATBB SYSTBH BRNENAL AlID RBPLAC62fENT FUND REV&SH1E BEGRIPfS For Tba Zear Bnded ~ecembar 31. 1957 Percentage Eatimated Aeallze<.~, Realized Transfers Pram Nater Revemle Account SL of Grose Watei Ravemie Balance Pzom Previous Years Por Capital Improvement Total $ 1,255.00 $ 1,192.91 95.1 ; 1,538.65 1,339.31 87.0 3,706.35 3.70E.35 100.0 $ 6,500.00 $ 6,230.57 96.0 7. APPROPRIATIONS AND SSPBNDTfURES Por The Year Bnded December 31, 1957 Cash Percentage A~pvtavrfation Exvenditrres amended New Ma1as, Service and Meters $ 5,000.00 $ 2,744.57 54.8 X 7mprwemeats to Sye rem 1j,500.00 -0-~ -0- Total 6 500.00 2 744.57 42.2 ~ ~.~_ ~----L.~ STAT@tEAT 10-N • CTCiC OP ATLASTLIC BF.ACB., FLfP.IDA OTILITY REVEN08 BOND PUA'D ^ BAlAtiCE SBFET Ilaceaber 31, 1957 ASSETS Cuaent Assets: p Cash in Atlantic Rational Baok (Statement 12-W) F:r_ed Asset^-^-_~- Naten+orlcs Spatec, Wa teruvrks System Constructed since May 1, 1955 Nev Mains, Service sad Meters Added Total Aese [s $ 78,S39.47 $ 7.30,962.16 7,667,82 236,629.98. X257,569.45 L1ABriTT7B5 AND F[iND BAI.ANCS LLab 121tias; Current Liabilities: Accrued Bond Iatercat Fapeble `)tility Rwcnua ?endr; 1'a tug ink Within One Year Gther Liabilities: Utility Revenue Eonds Maturing After Ooe Year 7ota1 Linb Llitl.es Pond iSa lance: Fund flelance -Restricted Total Liabilillen and Fund Balacce $ 2,670.40 5000.00 $ 7,670.40 226, OW .00 $ 233,670.GG 23,899.05 $ 257,569.45 STATEIiENT 11-W .. CITY OF ATTANTIC BEACH, PLOItIDA OTILTIY BEVENUB BOND Pfilm STAT~fHNNl' OP CASH RBCB IPTS Al1D DISBIBLS@~@NTS For The Baer Bndad December 31. 1957 Caeh in Bank at January 1, 1957 Add Cash 6eceived: Transfer from Water Hevem+e Account for Current Sinking Puad Requirements: Ptln:ipal ZOCCreBt Reserve To[al Transfer from Wa[eruortu; Construction Fuad Total Cash Available Oeab~ct Caeh Disbursed: Interest and Paying Agent'e Fees Caeh 1n Back at Lecember 31a 1957 $ S,.G00.00 8,017..20 2,527.38 15,538.58 $ 11,374.25 ,_ 3%.64 _ 15,5.76.42 $ 26,950.67 _,8,011.20 $ 18,939.47 STATP.t4:fif 12-W CI1R OF ATLANTIC BBACH~ PLQIIDA NATERNQlRS CONSTRUCTICR7 PUND • STATE!ffiNf OP CASE RBCHIPIS AND D7SBIU2SEl2+NfS Por Tha Year Ended December 31, 1957 Cash Ln Benk at JamurP 1. 1957 Deduct Cash Disbursed: 37.84 Transfer to IItility Revenue Bond Pund 37.84 Cash in Bank et December 31. 1957 S °D' STA1Et2'.NT 136N