Internal Service Fundsr r r r r r T ;o 'N ~j .. f *., r ~. i' n t ~ /NTERNAL SERV/CE FUNDS .. ~. .. r .. 146 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department to other departments of the City, on a cost reimbursement basis. The following Internal Service Funds were established: • City Manager • Accounting and Finance • Public Works Administration • Fleet Maintenance Internal Service Funds are allocated to other departments based an the services provided to the departments. The Internal Service Funds are allocated as follows: City Manger -City Manager and Deputy City Manager salaries and expenses are allocated based on a study of time spent in various - departments. The Administrative Assistant salary and expenses and Employee Assistance Program are allocated to departments based on the number of employees in each department. The receptionist salary - and expenses are allocated based on telephone coverage for departments. Accounting & Finance -Cashiers and Utility Billing personnel and the related supply, postage and computer expenses are allocated evenly - to the Water, Sewer and Sanitation Funds. The Finance Director and Assistant Finance Director are allocated based on a study of time spent in supervision and performing accounting functions. The _ Accounts Payable/Payroll Clerk is allocated based on number of checks written for each department. The Purchasing Agent and related expenses is allocated based on number of purchase orders _ issued for each department. Public Works Administration -Public Works Director ,Assistant Director ,Clerks and related departmental expenses are allocated to various departments based on a study of time spent in Streets and Roads, Water, Sewer, Sanitation and Fleet Maintenance. Fleet Maintenance -Fleet maintenance costs are allocated to departments based on a summary of work order repairs for each - department for one year. 147 r ^, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH L INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS COMBINED SUMMARY OF NEVENUES AND EXPENDRUF7ES GIah.Ga1D(E9t1M01M RFVFM IFC CBY ~na9~ F'Inarke d AaanUrtp Public Wort AdmWatratbn Fleet Makdenance TOTAL REVENUES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL RESOURCES E~ENDIIIIBE3 CpY ~9er Finance d AomurUrg Publik Wart AdmiNsUaUon Fleet Maintenance TOTAL EXPENDITURES CASH RESERVES OTHER FINANCING USES TOTAL EXPENOITURES ANO CASH RESERVES AE&QURCEALLOCAILON: Panonel Servk~s OperaUrp ExPamea CapBal Outlay Debt" vke Trerafors TOTAL AUTHORIZED POSITIONS ReceptiarM urdkq a Fkrarrce FNanca Dinxlar Aooounlinp Supervisor Purchasing Agent llUlity Billing Supervisor UUIUy AaounUrp Clerk Aocaunh Payable Clork Heed Cashier Caahien Campuler Operator Punirasirg Clerk Pensonarel Coordinator c Wanks Admkdarratbn Public Warta Director AsaislaM Publ'ie Works Director AdmMistreUve Assistant CIerW Mechanks 1~ 1 1 1 2 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 ,, i 1 1 REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-D1 199495 1995.98 1998-97 DECREASE 20.881 10.158 (10,726) 120,527 24922! 258,991 209,118 (18,578) 5/3,550 M9242 827,113 871291 104,176 161,582 282,580 291,193 278,641 (15,309) 155,758 231,637 161,878 170,920 (13,758) 784,!21 1212,689 1284,976 12tw,In 25,!95 69,958 761.121 1.261,906 1285.882 1.500,831 14.789 120,527 250282 257,077 209,118 (47,859) 943,858 192A79 539,785 831281 91,528 184,582 285284 293,851 Q78,841 (15,010) 155.758 272,558 185.008 170.820 (11,088) 784,121 1261,oe1 1276x01 129o,4n 14x~ 2o,e64 1o,15e 1o,1s6 781.121 1281,915 1285,882 1.900,831 14.789 879,197 871,885 934,993 931,781 (1239) 99228 205,108 289,507 298,591 Z7A84 5,998 1!4,088 18288 43,370 (0,898) 22,938 18,758 (4,178) _ 761.121 1281,081 1275,701 1290An _ 1/.78D 199511998 1996/7997 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 ins DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.' CITY MANAGER DESCRIPTION: The City Manager Department s budget reflects the operating /unds needed /orthe City Manager to: 1) assist the City Commission in developing alter native policy and program proposals; 2) provide administrative guidance to management stall in implementing Commission policies and programs; and, 3) to esfab/ish a leadership role in the community. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Implemented a seniorsta/l'Qual~ty Circle". • Successful completion o/the capital borrowing /or infrastructure. • Majorrenovation of the Citys parks. • Completion o/the A8 Sewer Plant expansion and SaltAire improvements. • Reorganization of the Public Safety, Purchasing and Personnel departments. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Formally implement departmentallevel'QualityCircles" • Continue the design and construction of S12 million + capital outlay program. • Review and approve existing service delivery levels. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY'96 FY'95 FY'94 Number of Meetings Attended 450 490 Number of Citizen Contacts/Calls 600 795 Number o/Pieces o/Comes ndence Written 103 121 149 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DNISIO)LLL EXPENOfTURE3 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND CITY MANAGER REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL Bl1DGET BUDGET INCREASE c• P Rc0 a c RVI 1993-94 199405 199598 1998-D7 DECREASE . WAGES SaWdes and Wages 81.097 157,908 130,522 121,899 (8,623) Overtirtre 1.923 1.000 (1,000) Spedal Pay 7.593 39.300 4.000 (35,300) SUBTOTAL 88,020 183,501 170,822 125,899 (M,023) BENEFITS FICA 6,718 13,819 13.068 9,984 (3,104) Pensbn 10,894 18,559 19,900 15,911 (3,989) Fieatlh Insraance 7,568 13,465 13,915 12,664 (1,251) Worker3lhrempby Corte 487 9117 (61J) 700 1.343 SUB-TOTAL 25.483 48.830 18.240 99139 !7,001) Total WAGES and BENEFTS O X c 111,183 212,331 217,082 185,138 (51,924) PFRATINO P N ProfessbnelServkes 2.990 4.435 200 (4,235) Aaaadfrp, Aud'Nrg Conlraclual Servkes 81 1,474 1,947 3,000 (1,847) Travel, Trainirq 5,914 5,489 5,450 9,600 (1,850) Communicatbn 173 2,002 2,080 2,400 320 Postage UIiTA(es Rentals, Leases Insurarke 41 106 1.000 592 Repels, Ma4derwrce 551 943 1,436 1,000 (43fi) Pdnlirp, Pubfrshirq 1,925 905 500 (405) Advertising, Prertntbn Other (]rrtent Charpos 12 796 541 410 (131) Office Supplies 270 2,107 1,900 2,000 100 Operating Supplies 182 960 1,100 1,100 Books, SuD, Mortrberships 858 2,441 2,869 800 Inlomal Servk:e Charpos 14.312 11,044 12.270 1126 Total OpareOnp E~enaea 7,714 95,484 97,015 2(1,280 (8,735) CAPITAL OUTLAY: land Bumps Other Irt4xovemonts Erluipment 1,300 2,467 3,000 16,000 13,000 Coretnrclion h Progress Total Capttal owey 1,300 2,487 3,000 18,000 13,000 DEBT SERVICE: PdrrGpel Interest Other Total Debt Servke T ANCF RC• To To Other Total Trenakre DNICIONTOTA c• 120.527 250.282 257.077 208.418 (47.859) 150 DEPARTMENT DESCRIP710N and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.• ACCOUNTING 8 FINANCE DESCRIPTION: The Accounting & Finance Departments budget reflects the operating funds needed to support and administer the financial affairs of the City, including City investments, budget preparation, financial inlomtation generation, utilty billing and related customer questions and complaints, payroll, purchasing, vendor payables, data processing and personnel. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Coordinated 24 million dollar financing for Utilty and General Government projects. • Reorganized the Purchasing Department, centralized receiving and established new purchasing procedures to improve Internal controls. • Converted from quarterly meterreading to monthly meter reading increasing meterreading processing from 30,000 accounts per year to 90,000 accounts per year. Changed utility billing cycles to smooth work flow. • Upgraded AS400 -improving response time and capacty to users. • Implemented the Fixed Asset System and expanded the use o/project accounting. • Assumed responsibilty for personnel functions. • Received excellent audt review. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FJSCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Increase level of customer service provided to cftizens and expand the role of the customer service representatives to include collections on delinquent accounts. • Continue to provide reliable and timely financial in/ormation to the City Commission and management staff. • Reorganize and streamline the personnel /unction to provide better personnel support to management stall and City departments. • RFP for City auditing services - (contract expires with existing audtors.) WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY'96 FY 95 FY'94 Unlit Bills Generated Annuall 80,000 79,200 78,000 Delin vent Notices Generated Annuall 13,500 13,200 14,400 Finall3illsProcessed Annuall 5,000 4,800 3,500 Accounts Pa able Checks Processed Annuall 12,500 12,000 12,000 Purchase Orders Processed Annuall 3,500 3,000 3,b00 Pa 11 Checks Processed Annuall 2,000 2,000 1,700 151 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ONISIONAL EXPENDITURES INTERNAL SERVICE FUND ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE PERSONAL SERVICES: WAGES Saladm ad Wages overtimo Spetlal Pey SUB-TOTAL BENEFRS FICA Pensbn Heats Imurenee worker a Unenpby Comp SUB-TOTAL TMaIWAGES end BENEFRS Prolessknel Servk:es Accountirq, AudNnp Contractual Servk:es Travel, Trekr4p Comnrnk:elbn Poslapo Wlilies Rehab, Leases Imurerae Repairs. MalMenanea Pdntlrg, Publishirp Advertbkp, Prorrotion Other Currant Charges OfBrs Supplies Operetlrq Supples Books, Sub, Memberships Intomal Servk:e Cherpos Total Operetlnp E~enses t`APIT 1 O R AY: Lard Buikfings Other Impwements Equlpmerd ConsWCtbn b Progress Thai Ceptlal Outlay DEBT SERVICE: Principal Interest Other Total Debt Service TRANSFERS: To To Other Total Trensfere DNISION TOTALS: REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE 232.309 263.106 290.013 343.272 53,209 12927 e,s3s 12.000 12.000 9.964 11,860 14,000 12.500 (1,500) 249260 287,801 318,019 387,722 51,708 18,964 22,884 24,098 28,632 4,534 20,497 24,788 34,457 36,657 2,200 13,328 18,242 18,808 23,680 1,874 1,655 5.105 8,145 7.529 1.384 St.BN 71.019 83.508 98.198 12.992 903,904 354,820 389,519 161,220 84,701 188 7,997 10,100 13,400 9,000 2,150 3,449 4,860 5,520 660 (62) 3,959 8,872 13,300 1,628 7,151 9,860 8,200 (1,660) 22,046 26.832 29,296 2.164 500 500 27 1,125 1,250 125 21,136 8,590 20,630 33,020 12,390 7,743 11,941 12,005 18,931 6,926 43 1,375 1,375 3,510 7,459 1.814 6,775 1,931 1.299 2,086 790 750 (40) 301 1,150 1,980 2,825 8,774 7,051 (1,723) 38,808 71,155 111,272 142,193 30,921 2,735 309 9,041 83,961 8,038 6,120 82 63,964 8,038 6,120 82 18,000 17,474 (526) 4,936 1,284 (3,652) 22,938 18,758 (4,178) 943,558 492.939 539.785 831291 81.528 152 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.' PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION: The Public Works Administration Department's budget reflects the operating funds needed to support: 1) the administrative demands ofthe Public Works division; 2) customerrequestsrelated fo Public Works functions; and, 3) the monitoring of construction projects. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Managed initiation of Capital Improvement Program through financing and startup. • Reorganized and updated Public Works filing. • Provided computer training for staff and lniliated !n-house CAD draRing. • Reorganized and renovated Public Works office to accommodate the purchasing department. • Improved inventory controls with smooth completion of year end inventory. • Conducted safety training and replaced safety equipment. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Assist in transfer of Purchasing to Public Works /acildy and implement new purchasing procedures. • Improve service to residents -resolving complaints and providing assistance. • Increase computer frteracy of office staff. • Provide high level of project management for Capial Improvement Program and other construction projects. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY'96 FY'95 FY'94 Service Orders Handled 4,000 1,400 300 153 ,. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OMSIONAL EXPENDITURES INTERNAL SERVICE FUND PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1985-98 1998-97 DECREASE PERSONAL SERVICI WAGES Salaries and Wages Overtkne SPedal Pay SUB-TOTAL BENEFRS FICA Health Insurance Worker d lkrempbY ~P SUB-TOTAL Total WAGES and BENEFITS Professional Services AccaWinp, Auditirp CorgreUUal Servkes Trevel, Trelnirq Communkatbn Postage UlOitbs Rentals, Leases Insurance Repairs, Malnlenance Printing, Publishtrq Advertising. Prornotbn Ottax Current cxraryas Office Supplies Operetlrq SuppBes Books, Sub. Mombarships Internal Servke Charges Total Operetlnp Expenses CAPITA O iT AY: Lard Bui~rps 08ar Improvements Equipment Constnrdion h Progress Total CapNel Outlay DERT SERVICE Pdneipei Interest Omar Total Debt Service T ANCF R~• To To Other Total Trensfere 104,271 129,380 151,359 141,170 (10,189) 179 349 500 151 1.141 4,043 4,500 5.500 1,000 105,591 133,423 158,208 117,170 (9,038) 8,162 10,503 12,141 11,032 (1,109) 8,718 13,262 18,090 14,571 (3,519) 8,778 6,522 5,749 7,964 2,215 5.885 8.688 9.303 9.688 385 29,513 98.973 15.283 43.255 f2.028) 135,134 172,998 201,481 190,425 (11,088) 448 3,000 500 (2,500) 4,499 7,560 7,300 8,500 1,200 1,930 2,793 2,575 4,400 1,625 3,907 3,663 8,217 5,760 (457) 5,631 5,352 6,000 6,500 500 1,462 905 800 1,000 200 18.523 12,908 14,198 1,290 4,252 3,218 1,768 4,000 2,232 875 558 500 800 300 703 880 1,200 1,200 2,855 10,021 3,575 3,750 175 2,429 3,491 1,150 4,100 250 1,303 1,305 1,000 1,800 51.569 18.329 18.813 284 29,448 108,380 88,120 75,419 7,299 11,000 4,500 (6,500) 4,528 13,243 8,500 (4,743) 4,528 21,243 13,000 (11,243) 161.582 285.284 293854 278,844 (15 010 154 r DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.• FLEET MAINTENANCE DESCRIPTION: The Fleet Maintenance Departments budget reflects the operating funds needed to support the maintenance of all City vehicles and equipment for the e>ficient operation of daily duties. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Obtained new vehicle IiR, gas analyzer and refigerant recycler. • Rebuilt diesel engine !n c/d Toro mower, Police car - P-1, P-21, P-7 & P-11. • Resealed transmission orUteguardjeep. • Replaced motor In Lifeguard railer. • Monitored customer satisladion forms and maintained and received favorable evaluations. • Initiated monthly reporting to all departments of work performed. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Obtain new 2~on floor jack, charging system analyzer and manuals and monitor set for new vehicles to improve service. • Continue Quality Service Reporting. • Continue to increase produdivrty and competitiveness of the division. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY 56 FY'95 FY'94 Number of Work Orders Per Month Average 200 200 220 155 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIOtLLL EXPENDITURES INTERNAL SERVICE FLEET MAINTENANCE REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICES 1993-84 1994-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE ' WAGES saiarles ens wages as.sfia 92,222 n,38o n,542 182 Overtlma 9,324 5,888 5,285 6,000 715 Speeial Pay 1,174 3,928 5,000 2.000 (3,000) SUB-TOTAL 100,184 102,038 67,885 95,542 (2,127) BENEFITS FICA 7,758 9,238 8,707 8,544 (183) Perrslon 8,145 8,052 12$05 6,888 (3,379) Health Iroiuance 7,913 7,578 5,708 5,987 159 Worker 8 Unempby Comp 4.878 8A34 4,836 5,132 498 SUB-TOTAL 28.492 90.902 29.258 29.429 12.627) Totat WAGES and BFI4EFIT3 126,878 132,336 118,821 111,971 (4,950) OPERATING EXPENSES Prolessbnel Servkes 135 64 Trevei, Tralnirq 500 700 200 Camnunketion 85 85 100 100 Postage Uiltt(es Rentals, Leases 2,553 2,442 2,500 2,500 Insurance 861 727 68 Repairs, Malntanence 3,065 5,827 5,632 8,350 518 PrlMirq, PubBShinp Advertisirp, Praraliat Other Garrard Charges 150 110 500 500 Offke Supplies Operetirq Supplies 19,458 18,801 19,957 18,000 (3,957) Books, Sub, Mambershlps 500 S00 IMemai Servke Charges ~ 23,050 23,322 272 Totai Operelinp Expenses 25,428 27,109 53,100 50,899 (2,401) OAPITAL OUTLAY' LerW Burgs 1,415 (1,415) Other Improvements 70,308 Equipment 1,854 2,801 13,572 8,250 (5,322) Constnx;l'an M Progress Total Capttal Outlay 1,654 73,109 11,987 8,250 (8,737) ^EBT SERVICE Prindpai Interest Other Total Debt Service T ANR SFFR~S', To To Other Total Trenstere DIVISION TOTALS' 155.758 232.558 185.008 170.920 111.088) 156 157