Capital Project Funds.. i r .. CAP/TAL /MPRO VEMENT FUND .. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Capital Project Funds are used for the purpose of accounting for financial resources and expenditures related to the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities and improvement other than those recorded in the Enterprise (Proprietary) Funds. Following are the Capital Projects proposed for the 1995-96 Budget: Project Description Improvements to Public Safety Building S 237,865 Funding Source New financing along with refinance of City Hall. 800 MHTZ Radio System S 150,000 Park Improvements S 220,000 Community Center -Donner Park S 160,000 M City of Jacksonville Renaissance Grant and funds transferred from Convention Development in 1994/1995. Improvements To Adele Grage Community Center Transfer From Convention S 40,000 Development Tax Fund 96 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND COMBINED SUMMARY OF REVENUES ANO EXPENDITURES Cash Cam Forwacll BEYENUE:S Intergovernmental Grants -(Renaissance) Transfer hoar General Fund Transfer hoar Gas Tax Fund Transfer hoar Comenlion Development Loan Proceeds Interest Earnings TOTAL REVENUES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL RESOURCES FXPFUnm rrxFc Capital Pro)eci Expendtlures TOTAL EXPENDITURES CASH RESERVES OTHER FINANCING USES TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND CASH RESERVES RFC_pURGF At l OGATION[ Personal Servkes Operating Expenses Capital ONlay Debt Servke Transfers TOTAL REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET WCREASE 1992-93 1993-B4 199495 1995-99 DECREASE 81.970 130.905 92.189 183.169 91.000 130.000 70,000 cso,ooo) ' 257,000 ~ (257.000) 63.136 125.129 83.000 0.000) 58,453 12,073 113,000 10,000 p7,000) 140,000 607,865 607,865 1.711 4.236 281.900 141.438 583.000 717.885 134.665 342.870 271.749 675.169 901.074 225.861 172.374 151.319 492.000 807.865 915.865 172.971 151.919 492.000 807.865 915.865 130.905 92.189 183.169 83.169 (90.000) 99.991 28255 912.870 271.743 675.169 901.034 225,861 15,884 1,354 105,319 109,054 492.000 807,865 315,865 51,171 40.911 172,974 151.919 192.00 807.865 315.865 97 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DIVISIONAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTFUNO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICES 1992-91 1893-94 1094-95 199598 DECREASE : WAGES Salaries and Wagos Overtime Spacial Pay SUB-TOTAL B[NEFITS FICA Pensbn t7eann Insurance Worker a ~mDbY Camp sue-rora- Totat WAGES and BENEFITS OP ATING XP NS Profossfonel Services 9.915 Aaounlirp. Audttirp Contredual Services I Travel, Tralning Communication Postago I l)lilnies ' Rentals, Leases 5.600 700 Irtsurence Repeira, Maintonence Pdntirg, Fvblishlrp 369 854 AdveAislrp, Prornolion Dena. ctarent Cnergas orcba suppuas Operating Supplies Books, Sub, Mertrberships IMemal Service Gtarpos Total Opereting 6cpenses 15,884 1,954 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Land 250.000 (250.000) But~rps 18,001 12,053 128,000 437,865 309,865 OUrer Improvements 28,265 54,481 114,000 220,000 108,000 Eduipment 61,051 42,520 150.000 150.000 CgIStIUCI'IOrI kl Progress Total Capttel Outlay 105,919 109,054 192,000 807,885 315,885 DEBT SERVICE Pdndpal tMerest 51,171 Omer Total Debt Servlca 51,171 TRANSFERS: To General Fund 40,911 Ta Olrwr Total Trensfere 40,871 ^IV1Sl0_ N TOTf~LS: 172.974 751.919 492.000 807,885_ 315.885_ 98