Enterprise Funds,~ r .. ~T: Z m s x 'l N C. m z N v [ ',. - ' t I~r 4 f I~ r t r r r r ,. r .- ~. ENTERPR/SE FUNDS r r ., .- . , . r r r.. :.. _. ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private businesses where the interest of the City is that the costs of providing goods and services the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges, or where the City has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred and or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control or other purposes. • Water Fund -Provides water services to the City of Atlantic Beach and the Buccaneer and Oak Harbor areas which are out of the City's limits. • Sewer Fund -Provides sewer services to the City of Atlantic Beach and the Buccaneer and Oak Harbor areas which are out of the City's limits. • Sanitation Fund -Provides garbage, trash and recycling collection for the City of Atlantic Beach. • stormwater Utility -Accumulates funds through a stormwater charge for drainage and stormwater improvements in the City. The Water Funds and the Sewer Funds have been combined into single Water and Sewer Funds for the 1994-95 Budget. The Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer/Oak Harbor operations are reflected as Water and Sewer Fund divisions rather than individual Funds. The Bond which required this separation was paid off and the maintenance of separate funds is no longer necessary. ENTERPRISE FUND HIGHLIGHTS The increase in expenditures in the Water and Sewer Funds is due to continued capital improvements funded by the 10 million dollar Barnett Bank loan. In addition to the existing loan with Barnett, a 2 million dollar expansion of the loan is pro- posed to fund additional capital expenditures. For details of the Capital Expenditures see the Capital Improvement Program section of the Budget. ?8 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ENTERPRISE FUNDS COM89JED SUMMAF2Y ENTERPRISE FUNDS REVISED ~- ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1991.92 1992-83 199191 1881-BS DECREASE CASH CARRY FORWARD 6255.979 1.905.080 2.589.192 2.984.178 [205.018) RFVFMUGS _ WATER UTILITY 2,058,171 1,189,187 2,604,199 3,049,839 M5,934 SEWER UTILITY 2,369,694 2,424,185 9.913,968 7,197,658 4,183,690 SANRATION 893,177 1,175,645 1.092.000 1,135,000 43,000 STORMWATER 215.518 238.521 223.000 225.000 2.000 TOTAL REVENUES 5.530.558 b.908.138 7233.467 11.907.491 4.671.021 OTHERFINANCWGSOURCES 790.174 TOTAL RESOURCES 11.578.705 10213318 9.822.858 113?1.887. 4.469.008 IXPFNI?TRIRFS WATER UT0.TTY SEWER Ui0.TTY SANRATION STORMWATER TOTAI,EXPENDTTURES OTHER FINANCING USES CASH RESERVES TOTALEXPENDRURESAND CASH RESERVES Pasond Safvlon Op~rWnB E>Q»n+w pplfal Outly DaM SatNoa Tnnslas TOTAL 2,183,630 1.621.458 2242,893 2903.888 660.995 9.417.019 2687,974 3,677,120 7264,568 5,587,168 769,516 811,670 ~ 1,269288 1.062655 (206.633) 2.113 29.784 246.882 252.100 9.218 8.992.968 6253288 7.438.483 11.483231 1.011.718 279257 2.970.739 4.805.080 2.589.192 2.981.178 2.808.498 421260 11.578.705 10213217 9.822.858 14281.687 1.169.008 9so,5se 1,1n,136 1,221,523 1,231.170 9,s17 1,179,107 - 1,417,928 2579278 2581,911 (17,539) 2063.638 1,522,302 2298.691 6,597,554 4,298.683 X2,525 320,605 421,019 b92768 171.748 1.766.530 1.015.015 917.972 500.000 M17.972) 9.992.968 5253288 7.498.483 11.493231 1.044.748 7s 1 .. .. ~,.: .. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ,- ~ WATER UTILITY FUND L COMBINED SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1091-02 1992-97 199394 199485 _OECREASE CASH Reshlcted Cash Or~kro casn CASH CARRY FORWARD RCVCM IFC Mlnlrtum Wataf Excaas Water Wcter Cut - h Fw Santa CAerpoa Da9rpuart Ctuupaa Wctar Cauwcflon Cherpes Bacidlow Prwagor Inspadlon Spxict AsaaumeM WctxGpIW FadOtloa Charya Walx Capital knprwanant Interact Eaminpa Lot Cleatln0a Mhoetlarwous Tremtere - N Debt Procooda TOTAL REVEt4l1ES OTHER F94/WC940 SOURCES TOTAL RESOl1RCES Flfacunmmcc Atlantlc Beach Buoarwar and Oak Harbor AdmiMatrabw and Non -Olvlalonal TOTAL EXPENDTfIRiES OTHER FNUWC94G USES Raatrktad Leah Oparatlrq Cash CASN RESERVES TOTALEXPENORURESAND CASH RESERVES RFC 8Z t 1 eT10N• ' Pareonal Sendcea Opwstlnp E~arraes Cepllal Outlet OebtSarNea Tremfas TOTAL 167,520 127.737 Q8,4zs) 224,299 902,715 _ 153.137 1.166.649 100.179 159.370 59.991 810,657 1,291,988 22,053 993,659 361,606 908,543 139,081 510,944 511,435 9,491 528,288 665,541 707,480 841,299 133,809 19,871 17,171 14,000 28.000 14,000 9,157 14,014 7,750 15,000 7,250 29.609 152,530 ti4,000 60.000 6.000 96,e11 ss,ss2 s5,ooo 9e,rn 93,721 94 4,000 1,000 98,449 91,611 90,179 15,925 40,780 24,BG1 - .23,977 , - 15.000 20.000 5,000 A1245 b6,174 91,000 10,500 (10,500) . 40,000 (40,000) 17,095 6,100 905.490 400.000 N00,000) 713.100 1.117.100 679.700 2.058.171 1,169,187 2.604.499 9.019.1433 ~ 445.534 779.188 3.478.018 907,219 , 930,953 727,991 1,033.814 910,123 927,979 953,666 1,080,423 1,143,972 51,519 5/9.032 ~ ~ 937.139 430.078 ~ 726.102 296.023 2.183.630 ~' 1.621A58 ~ 2212.897 2.903,989 660.995 1.120.961 127,777 100,179 224,289 925,586 101,299 1.166.618 (76,126) _ 159.370 201.016 M.616 1294,966 71,053 983.659 629,604 145.915 282,162 929,482 939.373 961.486 22,113 299,013 914,405 721,597 790,781 69,184 1253,890 610,163. 1,073,879 1,385,100 911221 125,984 92,961 173,090 166,521 93.125 223.161 ~ 244.147 1'25.052) 200.000 225.052 2.163.830 1.621.458 2212.893 2.903.668 660.995 /' $~_.. ~ .~ DEPARTMENT DESCR1PT1ON and H1GHLIGKTS DEPARTMENT: i ' J1rATER ..':. , DESCRIPTION: The Water Department's budget reflects the operating funds needed to support the storage, treatment, and protecb'on of potable water for consumption and fire suppression throughout the City of Atlantic Beach. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 94 o Successfully complied with all Federal and State requirements. o Partially installed touchread meters in City. o Constructed new water lines on four streets in Atlantic Beach. o Completed six month start~rp period on recently improved WIPs 1 & 2. o Began distribution fine analysis and hydrant testing. GOALS and OBlECTNES: FSCAL YEAR 1994-95 o Complete installation of touchread meters. o Construct new well at W1P f/2. o Establish a backflow and crossconnectron program. o Initiate large meter testing programs. o Begin replacement of old 2' gabanaed pipe in Oak Harbor. WORKLOAD 1NDICATORS FY'94 Galons Treated - AB (Annual! in Million Gallons! 520 446.00 Gallons Treated -Buccaneer fAnnuall in Million Gallons) 354.24 81 n .~ .,. r r- .~ i r r 1 i r t. r-. f- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES WATER l1TIL4TY FUND ATLANTIC BEACH OMSION PERSONAI SERVIGF WAGES Salaries and WaOes ONertlma Specld Pay SU&TOTAL BENEFITS FICA Pension HeaNh kuuarwe worker a tx,eroploy Come SUfiTOTAI Total WAGES and BENEFITS Professlonel Servkes A~aauln9. a~41rp Cardraclttal Sarvkes Travel, TrairJrp CortxntrJcatbn PostaOe Ill~lles Rerrlais, Leases frrsrrenca Repeta,Ma4denenoe PrtrBrq, PubllsAlrp AQveNs4q, Prmrotbn Other QsrarR s Of&e SuppOes Operatin0 Supptiea Hooks, Sub. MembersNps kdemel Setvk;e Cberyes , Total Operetinp E~ensea 4^ePFT~t O m:AY~ lard ButdYgs OUrx4rprovernents cor~tnr<.7br, n Progress Talet CePMd Outlay p @T~ a~ R_ VIG _. Prkdpd Merest Oltter Total Debt Servbe TRANS FSF R_~: To To OUrer Total Transfers REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL DUDGET DUOGET~ WCREASE 1991-92 1992.93 1993-94 1994-95 DECREASE 128,338 141 A 51 154,588 172,379 17,793 23,333 94,015 10,000 14,000 1,000 891 b,577 3.933 1.000 87 150,560 181,013 ~ 168,519 190,379 21,860 11,160 19,137 12,892 14,258 1,368 11,172 11,028 18,772 18,811 99 10,868 11,840 12,184 1A,729 2,545 3.111 8.961 8.159 9.237 1.078 98,409 41,988 50.007 55,035 5,028 188,969 223,011 218,528 245,411 '28,888 1,738 8,828 9,981 2.299 1,084 30.960 9,018 13,873 20,192 821 5,831 170 M,198 185 148,180 I,na 21,393 1,662 3,181 2,u6 37,324 2,895 18,543 18,748 1,182 1,115 910 61,082 134 187,512 5.000 7.500 .~~ , 2.500 34,585 40,000 ~ 5,415 5.500 ~ 3.400 -.: (2.100) 8.100 2.000 .':: - (4,100) 1,750 3,000 ~. 150 92.000 36.000 e,aao 3,500 3,500 33,895 ~ 15,000 11,105 2,558 ~ 4,000 1,414 5,000 10,000 • • .. 5,000 750 - 1,000:. 250 89,717 91,b00 4,753 1.000 1.500 ~. r . 221,38:4 253,400 32,017 225,203 393.000 ,,. ,.. . 187.797 58,279 ~- ~ 112,000 - _.. ,83.721 283,482 53s,oao ~ zst,sle 7,299 W3,582 9,729 8,268 557.oat . 574,090 s3s,63o 907219 ~~ ~ 930.353 723.391 1.033.814 ~ 310A23 - ~~ ~ . . 82 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES WATFJL UTILITY FUND BUCCANEER J OAK I4ARBOR OMSION REVISED ~ - ACTUAL ACTUlLL. BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1991-92 ~ 1992471 1993-94 1994-95 DECREASE ~RSONAL SERVICE WAGES Salaries and Wages OverWne Special Pall SUB-TOTAL BENEFRS FICA Pensbn Heats Insvance worker a unemploy Comp SUB-TOTAL Tda1WAGES and BENEFITS OPERATING EXPEND Professional Servtoas Aooounl4p, Aud4irq CoNraGUal Services Trevd, Tra4rYp Caron+riealbn Ubltlies Rerdals, Leases 4rsraar>ce RepeYs, Makrtenence Prk>flrq, F7bilstdrp AdMadisirp. PromWbn OBrer Q+rerd Cheryes Office Supplies Operatirp SwPIres Books. Sub, MembmsNps hlemei Serv(ce Charges Tdal Operalkq E~Renses ~ PITA~L O ITI AYE Lard Bu8?urDs Otlrar Improvemerds Carstn~ to Progress Tole) Cepllel Outlay D BT S RVI kderest OUrer Total Debt Service To General Furl To Other 7ofal Trarulers ONISION 70TALSc 60,980 70,962 77,874 71,617 (8,2537 i 1<,000 11,3W 15,D00 15,000 _ 1.124 1,030 1.947 5,000 3,053 ' 78,104 85,275 94,821 91,817 Cs204) 5,654 6,430 7,254 8,628 (628) 5,636 5,292 8,301 7,813 (488) 5211 8,056 8,497 5,772 (725) 2,388 9,418 3.974 4,244 270 19,089 21,196 28,028 - 24,455 (1,571) 95,183 106,471 120,847 116,072 (4,775) 20,000 8,848 11200 !4,900 9,188 20,299 2,047 1,881 2,400 2.550 .1,797 3,100 1,047 1,598 1,740 48,130 51,245 55,000 1,939 :1,518 2,575 . 8,190 10,062 13,78:! .18,578 21,371 1,017 .988 2,150 7263 17,957 10,000 1,350 ~ . 398 800 29,710 .24,O7T 43,531 450 633 1,013 152,388 - 148,784 178,179 . 15,564 659,686 47,624 t~4,325 ~- 4.530 :52,709 96,OM 879,800 _.. 100.333.. .. 790,397 ` 7,500 23,400 3,400 4,000 1,000 b5,000 2,800 33.000 1,000 8,000 1,000 38.500 1.200 m.eo9 831,600 , 18.500 ~ z. - 850,100 - (6,700) 3,101 1.000 900 pf0) 225 11,629 (1,150) R.~) 200 (7,011) (379) 137275 (77.572) 59,701 ~ 96 96 - 927.979 ~ ~ • - 353.668 ~ .1.089.421 1.111972 ~ 54.549 83 . <, .. .~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES WATER l7fILrcY FUND ADMINISTRATIVE ANO NON - DMSIONAL REVISED ACTUAL .ACTUAL DUDGET BUDGET WCREASE 1997.82 ~ 1992.83 1993-84 1994-85 DECREASE r r' r r I r r r~ I l .- I r r 1 PERSONAL SERVICES: WAGES Satarles end Wapas Overtime svead Pey SU&TOTAL BENEFrcs FICA Pension Hearth 4uuance worker a Unemploy ~P SUB-TOTAL Tdal WAGFS and BENEFITS Professiond Setvioes Aoeaug4p. Au®Wq CoNrectud Servlres TwveL Tra4rtrq Conen+riCatbn Ponape 1111910: ReNah, Leases Irureance Repa4a, Maintenance Prhtirq, PubBahkg I, Advertkirq, Promdbn Other Current l7uvyes OIBoe SuppFes ODerath9 SuppBes Books. Sub. MernberNilps kdemel Servke Cheryes Told Operdhq F~ernes CAPITAL OUT! AY' land Buldrgs Other Ynprovertierrta EWiprtienl CorabudMbn h Propresa Told Cepltd Outlay DEBT SERVICE: PrY+Wel 4derest OUrar Told Debt Servke TRANSFERS: To General Fund ToSevrerUllRyFund Ott»r Totd Transfers DNISION TOTALS: 487 487 129 8,000 8,000 3775 28,818 (10,459) I _ _ 278.760 328,785 48,005 I 129 322,035 359,581 37,546 10,543 13,750 33,207 I 125,384 t12,785 122,353 122,771 418 98 200 (200) 125,384 92,883 133,098 168,521 33,425 203,181 244,447 (25,052) 200,000 225,052 20,000 223,161 244,4Q (25,052) .200,000 225,052 349.032 337.439 430.079 728.102 ~ ~ 296.023 ~~ .- ;• ~. - ' .. SEWER UTILITY FUND .. .. . _ t G ~+ 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. :,~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ~. SEWER UTILITY FUND .. COMBINED SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES .~ REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET .BUDGET BJCREASE 7991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 DECREASE .. CASH Res4fcted Cash GASN GUtRY F~ORhWARD 2,407,f143 2,066,770 476.981 435,091 (41,890) 2.027.054 1.179.287 1.661.273 1.342.711 1)21.562) 4,434,007 9,248,057 2,tIi~54 1,777,802 (363,452) J .~ .~ .~ .~ .,., .- F1T IFS EPJ1. Grant Sawa Santa Basa Cherye SawarSalvla Vaula Chelpa Sawar Connec8on Ixluya SawaAuesments Cepltel Fadlitles AcQuhBbn Cherpes Yltarod Eaminpa Mhabeneous Debl Proceeds TOTAL REVENUES OTHER F9LW C WC SOURCES TOTAL RESOURCES r7(acNnmlaFc Atlaldfc Beach Buoanaar uId Oak Harbor Adminhbathro and Non - Divlslonel TOTALEXPENDRURES OTHER F91Al7C840 USES Restrkted Cash Operotirq Cash CASH RESERVES TOTALEXPENORURESAND GOSH RESERVES FC IR 11 1TXX4' Paaorlal Sarvkas OWrabnp Exgauas CaDMd Outlay Debt SarWa Tromlas TOTAL 4.328 867,293 928,712 1,039,424 1,201,617 162,223 69o,s27 1,OT7,oss 1,2a,eos 1,976,537 771,72a t7o,964 tao,457 tloooo t74,o20 4,o2a as,soo so,oao (c,s6o) 174,701 180,67) 139,075 293.800 94,725 221.925 194,999 82,500 45.000 (47,500) 499 3,155 2,000 (zo99) 669,660 1,476,654 9,806.994 2.969.891 2.424.485 9.919.1168 7.497.858 4.183.890 1,016,611 1,050,616 1,490,985 4.704.918 3213,933 716.060 810,56! 879,545 1,588,280 ~ 708.795 1.651.928 796.194 1.906.890 973.390 ' ~ f333.500I 9.117,019 2.897.971 9.877,420 7.284.588 9.587.168 134.885 8N.914 2,068,770 ~ 476,987 435,091 518,151 1.179.287 1.661.273 1.312.777 1.462.721 120.010 9,246,057 2,14154 1,777,602 2,010,872 120,010 921,s17 404,958 lIS,0/2 427,894 (21.148) 631,209 803,253. ~ 1,243,372 1,151,152 - (92,170) 808,748 662,139 ti99,t47 b,079,754 - 1,086.607 267,141 227,644 287,922 405,768 117,866 1.987.134 669.980 703.987. 200.000 (503.9871 3.417.049 2.687.9N 9.677.420 7.761. ~ 6.587.168 ~I 85 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENL• ii~i~':::iii'r'iiRtf ... ....... ..... ...' .. _.TiEi:p: :,~-,,,;~?,,,::SEWER~~~~'~;;x=, DESCRIPTION: The Sewer Department's budget reflects the operating funds needed to support: 11 treab'ng the sanitary wastewater collected in the City; 2) operating and maintaining sewage pumping stations, and related facilrties and equipment; and, 3) maintaining existing and installing new sewer mains and lines. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1993 -94 o Constructed sewer lines on Church Rd., Seminole Rd., and Ocean Grove Dr. o Rehabilitated lines on 9th St and Ahem St, Vecuna Rd. manhole. 0 Began desing for expansion of AB Wastewater Treatment Plant o o Installed an irt~house, HRS Certified Laboratory to perform basic procedures. Received favorable evaluations/inspections from the DEP and EPA. o o Reduced odor complaints. Improved safety record and achieved accidentdree year. o o Completed construction of the Chlorine Contact and Ton Handling Facilities. Completed land acquisition for future expansion and effected smooth relocation of tenants. GOALS and OBJECTNES: FISCAL YEAR 1994 - 95 o Finalize bid specs and plans, and begin expansion of AB Wastewater Plant o Complete ma%or valve and piping rehab at lift stations A through F. o Construct Master Wetwel! to improve operation of Idt stations and reduce reduce odors. o Install influent flow meter per DEP. o Replace deteriorating sewer mains in Oak Harbor, per Capital Improvement Plan. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY'94 Gallons Treated -A8 fMnuall in Million Gallons) 543 785.00 Gallons Treated- Buccaneer (Annuall in Million Gaffons) 3b2.57 86 .. I 1 i, r^ r I .~ .. I :. I r r ~. i- .. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DmsIONAL EXPENDITUREs SEWER UTILITY FUND ATLANTIC BEACH DMSION P RSO A c RVI • sc WAGES Selarlas and Wages gveAYne SUBTOTAL BENEFITS FICA Pension Fieallh knrranoe worker a ~pbY C«np SUB-TOTAL Total WAGES and BENEFITS Professional Servbes Aooant4g, Audtlkq Cordraduel Setvlces Travel, TrokYrp CanrnuJcalbn Postage Ut9tiea Bartels, Leases frnuarrce Repairs, Mekdenenee Pr4tLq, PWashlrq Other Curtert Charges OlBOe SuppYas Operatkq Supplies Rued MeleAals Books. Sub. Memberships kdemel Servko Charges Total OperaBrp Eryemas CAPITAL. OUT! AY[ Lard Improvernerds C~nrc~Uon to Fmgress Tatel Cepkd oway I~ar~ Total Debt Servba To To DOrar Total Trarsters REVISED ACTON. .ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1991-0'1 ~ 1992-95 1995.94 1994.95 DECREASE 140,484 187,815 219,554 204,778 (14,558) 22,503 33,149 12,000 15,000 5,000 1.382 1,780 5,065 5.000 (85) 181,349 222,744 238,399 224,778 (11,623) 12,714 18,238 19,065 18,812 (1,275) 15,1M .17,028 21,597 19,824 (1,773) 8,185 11,583 15,841 18,575 2,734 9.750 7,ese 11.1ez 9.427 (2,755) 40.073 52,707 68,705 63,838 (3,067) 204,422 275,451 905,104 288,414 (14,690) 9,528 1,812 28,275 49,982 1,159 1,502 899 1,175 1220 9,628 154,067 145,444 3,094 9,704 20,028 28,457 116,587 147,712 1,342 .4241 34,544 15,612 973 372 59,412 82,868 421 981 430,752 467298 10.500 2,000 .. (8,500) 71,145 65,000 .. ..~.. (18,145) 8,250 9.000 , .. (3250) 29.500 2.000 « . ~ ~ (27,500) 3.000 9A00 400 170,000 185,000 _. - (5,000) 9,000 6.000 (3.000) 117,011 116,700 - - 1,609 3.500 2.500 : ~ (1.000) 76,000 • ~ 81200 - • ~.• (14,800) 2.000 2.000 ... 96.950 87,450 ~ (29,500) 1,000 (1.000) 1.500 1.500 .., ~.. b98,358 488.750 ~~ : ~ (107.808) 121 25,000 288,811 ~ 274,425 118,775 - 7,472 5.010 410,717 308,897 495,975 ~ 3,850,251~";r~ ~ 9,951$79 91,600 ...77.500.:.;!.,._ (17.100) 590.575 3.927.754.? ' `'-; :3,337.179 750 979 950 (950) 750 970 950 -. .. ~ (950) .ONISIONTOTALS' -. - -1.048.641 Lo50,816 1,490,985 --4,7o4.9te-'-~ x.215,935 -- 87 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DNISIONAL EXPENDITURES SEWER UTILfTY FUND BUCCANEER / OAK FURItOR DNISION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1991-92 1992.93 1973-94 1994-95 OECIiEASE PFRSONA~ SERVICES: WAGES 551 78 85.380 91.105 92.198 R.207I Salaries and Wages . 720 15 16.105 17.000 17,000 Over9mo . 528 2.009 2.566 R,56c) Special Pay 800 91 494 10:! 113,971 109,198 (4.773) SUB-TOTAL . . BENEFRS 7 ~g 7,800 8,719 8,953 (~) FICA 792 6 7.500 10,943 9,849 (1.091) Pensbn . 751 6 7.113 7,282 7,748 488 F4eeMh ~~ , 416 1 710 9 5.023 4.332 (691) woAcer a llnerrpbY Comp AL . 295 22 , 26.013 91.967 30,282 (1.6851 SUB-TOT , Total WAGES 075 117 129,507 145,938 139,480 lsA~) and BENEFRS , nPFr4ATIN6 EXPENSES: protessbnal Servkes 222 1.451 8.700 8.000 (lam) Cordraduai Servkes 29.553 28.511 48,412 80.000 400 11,588 (~) Travel. Tralnbq 1,258 725 1,280 101 2 2.750 150 9 2. 9.000 (iW) ~ 1. . . 1 ~~ 72~ 806 63 81.500 65,000 8,5001 ( UUGties Leases l N R 1,627 , 2,034 2,875 2,800 05) e a s, ~~~ 12,193 040 41 17,435 48,9U 72.430 85.000 12,570 s'~~ . 149 2.335 2.050 1.000 (1,050) Pr4dkq. PrARsA4q 9571 120.069 20.000 10,000 (10,x) Other Curtest Charyos ~ S ~ 054 284 590 45 150 428 87 1,000 57.000 (28,4281 ~~ 95, . . 1.000 500 (500) Road A4aterlals 209 905 1.900 600 (>~) Boob. Sub. tAertOerships Internal Service Ctuutles 954 199 935.815 931.035 294.800 (38.235) ToW OperaWq F~ersses . CAPIT I OUTLAY: 231.835 20.000 (20,000) LaM ~ 279 969 1,470 1N,9W 930.000 1.127.500 797.500 , 936 20 74 52,572 24.500 R6A>z) CoruE in Progress . 8•~ 031 999 97542 402,572 1.152,000 749,428 Tatal CapNat Out1aY QEBT SERVICE: . PMclpal 4derast Other Total Debt Servke TRANSFERS: To WaterUhTdyFund To O.H Sewer To General Fund To CAB. Sexy Total Transton ~(ISION TOTALS:_ ~18~080 840.561_ 879,545 1.586.280 .~ 706.735 $8 ~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSioNA1 E~wvENDITUREs SEWER UTILITY FUND ADMINISTRATNE AND NON-DMSIONAL .- REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET WCREASE ' P RSONA 5 RVI . S• 1991-92 1992-03 1993.90 1994-05 DECREASE WAGES Saiarles and Wapos OveNme Spacial Fey SUBTOTAL BENEFITS FICA Perubn FieaMb 4sstearke wodcer a un«npwy Comp SUBTOTAL ToW WAGES and BENEFITS OPERATING EXPENSES' Professbnel Services 8.000 8.000 ~ Travel, Trekdrq Commrmlcetbn 503 140 Rerdals, Leases 4~surarxe 29,905 33,618 3,713 Repairs. Me4denarwe Pr4akq, FrbYaldnO P db rwn n q, OOrer Curren grerpes OObe Supplies O erall B S p rp upp es Bodo, Sub. Mert~bersNps IMemal Servke Cfretyes 280.028 327.981 17.958 Totat Operating m P • 503 140 315,931 387,602 51,871 ~ RAI O AY Land Bu4dirps 09 I . rer mprovernards EQulprtiert CoraWcibn h Total Ceptal Outlay F DEBT ~ RVIS-~; ~~ 14.457 11,453 ~~ 268,391 226,308 272,519 391,335 118,818 Oihar 36g Talal Debt Setvko 266,391 228,874 288,972 105,788 118,818 IBANSFERSc To General FW 481.934 669,380 303.987 200.000 (103.987) . To Wrier 111Wty Fund Otfrer 905.500 100.000 (400,000) Total Transfers 1,387,434 689,980 703,987 200,000 (503,967) DNISIONTOTALS' _1.650.328 788.194 1308.890 '973.390 ~ (333.5001' . ~ 89: . • :. . SANITATION FUND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SANRATION FUND COMBINED SUMMARY OF REVENUES ANO EXPENDITURES REVISED ~~ ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1991-82 1982-93 198391 1994-95 _ DECREASE CASH Operat4q Cash 191219 295.836 359.693 182.105 (177289) CASHCAIiRYFORWARD 18119 295,836 559,693 162,405 (177,288) RFVFM IFC f.arbaq Sorvloes .801.782 1.163,17(1 1,060,000 1.125.000 45.000 Qntereat Eaminq 8.886 12,187 12,000 10,000 (1,000) MisoeBaneous Revenues 1.509 TOTAL REVENUES 893.177. +.175.645 1.092.000 1.135.(X10 43.000 OTHERFRUWCINOSOURCES 10.966 TOTALRESIXIRCES 1.095.392 1.471.481 1A51.693 1.317.405 !1542881 p(p I.p] IRFC Sudletlal 789.516 914.6"70 1.269.268 1.(162.655 (106.6331 TOTAL £7fPE7mRURES 788.518 914.870 126'9286 1.(182.655 806.833) OTHER F94AMCINO USES 197.118 Operatlrl9 Cash 295.636 359.693 182.405 251.750 72.315 CASH RESERVES 295,636 ~ ~ 559,895 ~ 182,105 254,750 72,945 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND CASH RESERVES 1.065.382 1.471.481 1.451.093 1.317.405 (1342681 RFC IR 11 .aTION' Pasend Savbes 566.689 M2896 433,106 M1,790 8,662 Opadln8 E>Ipensas 246,722 270,486 454.110 487.908 53.796 CepIW Outlay 180,665 12500 (168,165) OeMSerNae 20.457 20A57 Tnmfas 155.935 201.188 201.405 100.(100 (101.105) TOTAL 769.546 914.670 1289288 1.062853 806.8331 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL FOSIIIQN X983/108/ ~(1QQ5 Sarl6atbn Forman 1 1 Load Sardlatlan Worker 6 6 Serl6atbn Warker 8 8 Heavy EWIprreM Operator (2 Heavy EqulpnleM Operators a6ocated V3 to Water 1 A o erd /3 oSan6atton ~ s is `" 90 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT. ~ ~_; r'SANITATlON ,': DESCRIPTION: The Sanitation Department's budget reflects the operating funds needed to support: I) both residenh'af and commercial curbside refuse collection; 2J recycling; 31 yard trash transportation to the mulching facility on Phillips Highway; 4) and solid waste fransportation fo the Trailridge landfill, 44 miles away. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: RSCAL YEAR 1993-94 o Maintained routes with smaller workforce. o Reduced customer complaints. o Enhanced SanitaU'on reporting. o Collected white goods and recyclables by franchisee. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1994 - 95 o Investigate further cost savings, e.g., privafuation. o o Construct area to house and protect equipment Further reduce customer complaints. o Upgrade. Sanrtation vehicles. WORKLOAD MDICATORS FY'94 Number of Residential Accounts 4 400 Number of Commercial Accounts 80 91 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES SANITATION FUND SANITATION REVISED ACTUAL .'ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1991.82 19924b 1993-84 1994A5 DECREASE PERSONAL SERVICES' WAGES Salsrbs and Wagea o~erwne svecid Per SU&TOTAL BENEFITS FICA Pension Fieash kntrente worker a lx,enrploy C«rw SIBTOTAL Told WAGES and BENEFITS OPERATING EXPENSES' Professional Services Aocanikq, Ar~lkg Contractual Services Trend, Tre4ilrq ComrrwmlmUon Paetepa U188es Renlek, Leases Irut+anee Repdr, McYtenenoa Prktin9. Pub6ahirq AdvMiskp, Pr«ratbn OBrer Curtant Charges OR~ce Supp9es ov~n9 s~maaes Books. Srb, Mernbarhips rramal senlCa t~rerges , Told OperatYq F~eraes CAPITAL Olm aY• lard BuldYgs Otlrx krprovemer>fs ~~ CatsvndWn Yr Propels Tatd CapNd OWey Prtrdpd Interest OUrer Tdd Oehl Servbe To General Fud To Other' Told Transfer 244.087 251,451 291,181 290,749 8,588 4o,26z fio,4n zo,oao 2o,aoo 11.829 12.935 12.787 12.660 (78n 295,978 327,883 918,948 922,749 5,801 21,9p 23,858 21,247 24,690 M3 25,U0 25,128 30,292 29,111 (1,181) 28,158 28,398 28,739 31,500 2,781 18,852 39.851 92.882 39.740 958 90.911 115.133 118,180 119.811 2.881 398,889 442,998 433,108 M1,790 8,682 1,009 990 3,000 3,000 121,298 118,718 122,550 129,700 7,150 (21) 121 1,000 (1.000) 948 2,953 2,750 2,750 11,537 11,821 11,000 19,500 8,500 28,348 42,877 25,987 29,168 9,179 i 91,950 30,825 4151 40,000 (151) I, 2A38 897 600 (500) i 2245 4,140 U,862 14,000 (882) '~ 21 717 2,000 b,000 3,000 ', 1 4e,ssz se,728 78.190 6e,5o0 p,69a) ' 153.016 176.292 23,276 ~ 248,722 270,488 454,110 487,908 33.798 ', 180,665 12,500 (188,185) 180,685 12,500 (188,165) 19,971 19,371 1,088 1,088 20,157 20,457 155,935 201,188 201,405 100,000 155,935 201,188 201,405 ..100,000 (101,405) ~. 789.548 911.870 1.289.288 1.062.855 @08,833) . 92 ~ I . .. . l : . STORMWA TER FU/UD :..; CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH STORMWATER DRAINAGE FUND COMBO~IED SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND l7(PENOITURES REVISED . ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 7981-92 1992-83 1993-BI 1991-95 DECREASE CASH Restrkted Cash 68,801 66,192 10,310 (25,992) overalmo casn CASH CARRY FORWARD 68,801 66,182 10,310 (25,882) Sfatwler UlBAy Fees 213.625 233.933 220.000 220.000 Merest EaminBa 1,897 5,160 9,000 5,000 2,000 Transten - M TOTAL REVENUES 215.319 ~ ~ ~ 239.521 223.000 225.000 2.000 OTHERF6IANCWOSOURCES TOTAL RESOURCES 215.519 307x72 289.192 265.310 123.5821 EXEE[o?~1BES SlattavatwUNitla 2.113 . 29.78! 218.982 252.100 3218 li TOTALEXPENDfT1112ES 2.1N ~ 29.784 ~ ' ~ 218.882 252.100 3218 OTHERF9LWCtNGUSE3 1M.572 211.348 Ret~ided Cash 85.801 66,192 40,310 13,210 (27,100) Operatltt8 Cash CASHRESERYES 68,801 66,192 10,310 13,210 (27,100) TOTALEXPENDRURESAND CASH RESERVES 215.516 307.322 289.192 285x10 123.8521 F.4 a7 t 1 -~T1dJ• Paraalal Servlaee OD~B E~alws . . cavnal oway Deht Servke Ttanatan TOTAL 2,113 29,784 160,250 192.100 (28,150) 51.000 120,000 ~ 65.000 97.692 (37.6921 2.113 29.751 248.882 252.100 9218 93 DEPARTMENT UESCRIPTiON and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMEM: ... .'~STORMWATER UTILITY,r DESCRIP710N: The Stormwater Utility Departments budget reRects the operating funds needed to support stomnvafer (drainage) system maintenance and improvements. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 o Constructed four drainage systems, e.g.,12th St, Selva Marina Circle (N. EndJ, Park St, and Simmons Rd. o Complefed design for Jasmine Street Retention Pond modifications. o Entered agreement with FDOT to monitor FDOT Outfall. o Obtained Telescopic Boom Fxcavafor and Dump Body to facilitate in- house projects. o Surveyed most of existing drainage structures. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FSCAL YEAR 1994 - 95 e Complete Masfer Plan for major drainage improvements. o Complete modifications to Jasmine St. Retention Pond. o Complete drainage projects on 4th and 9th Streets. o Increase frequency of street sweeping. WORKLOAD INDICATORS fY '94 Miles of Ditches 4.65 Miles of Storm Sewer 6 Number of Catch Basins 430 94 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES STGRMWATER DRAINAGE FUND STORMWATER DRAINAGE RENSEO ACTUAL 'ACTUAL BUDGET DUDGET INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICES 1991-02 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 DECREASE WAGES Salaries and WaOes Overtime . Spedel PaY SUB-TOTAL BENEFITS FICA F'ensbn Fieatlh hsrsanoa worker a Urtampioy c«nP SUB-TOTAL Total WAGES end BENEFRS OP ATIN . XP N G• Professbnel Services er ~ 1,881 100,000 !4,700 (55,300) CoNred~ Ser vl ces 2,113 21,328 35,000 57,000 18,tM70 Travel, TraWrq Co lb J 500 500 rrrm+ ca n Fbstepe Ulpiti 81 es ReMak, Leases knurerwe Repeks, Ma4dener>ce 6,129 22,750 39,900 11,150 FTkd4q, FUbYahkrp AQveNskq, Ftandbn 343 1,000 1,000 Other Qsrent CAerpee OtBce Suppbas Operatkp Supplies M 1,000 1,000 Boo W. Sub. MemberslJps kdemel Service Cherpes Total Operating E~eroas 2,143 29,784 160,250 132,100 (28,150) (` PITAA t~OLITt Aye LarM B~ qs OUrer Improvertrerda 5,000 120,000 115,000 EWlpnbnt 18.000 (!8,000) coretn,dbn n Progress Tolat Cappal Outlay DEBT SERVICE' 51,000 120,000 89,000 Dal hReresl Other Total Debt Service TRANSFERS: To General Furl 37,812 (97,832) To ONer Total Tramfen 37,632 (37,632) DNISION TOTALS' 2.113 29.761 2!8,882 252.100 3,216 95