Audit Report - 1985-1986 1 i 1 1 1 1 CITY OF r~llaatle Mack - ~lostdu ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 1JCIYI l~ ~S~(IIIS+$~~S e i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1986 and Auditors' Opinion ' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ANNUAL PIBABCIAL R¢POHT ' FOE THE FISCAL YEAB 6ND¢D SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 t 1aaL6 ur cunxanxn Auditors' Opinion General Puraose Pinan 1 ma a Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Gzoupa Combined Statement of Rovenuea, 6zpenditurea and Changes is Fmd Balances - All Governmental Pund Types and Ezpendable Trust Punda Combined Statement of Beveauea, 6zpenditurea and Changes is Pund Balances -Actual and Bud et g (GAAP Haaie) - General, Special Havenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Pund Types Combined St atement of Revenues, Hryenaea and Changes in Retained ¢arniags/pond Balance - All ' Proprietary Pund Types and Pension Trust Puad Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position - All Proprietary Fund Types and Pension Trust pond N t t o es to P naacial Statemeata ' Combiai g d I d' 'd al P d a e n ' Gen ral Pad Statement of Ezpeaditurea -Actual and Budget Saec"al_R e,yg p~~ d ' Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, ¢zpeaditurea, ' sad Changes in Puad Balance Pr9prietary Pund Tyo e- Yat R i F r ' Combining HalBace Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, ¢zpenses sad Changes in Retained ¢arniags ' Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position Piducia[v Puads ' Combining Halaace Sheet Pane 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Deloitte Haskins-i Sails 1 - -- - - _ -- __ - -- - - - Cenlhetl Public Accou nta ms Suite 7240 1 200 West Forsyth Street Jacksonville. Florida 32202-4371 19041 354-&333 ' ITT Telex: 4995642 1 At1DITORS' OPINION RonoraDle Mayor, City Commisaioa ' and City Maaaget City of Atlantic Beach, Florida We have azamined the general purpose financial ata[ements of the City of 1 Atlantic Beach, Florida, as of and f or the year ended September 30, 1986, as listed is the foregoing Cable of contents. Our ezamiaation ras made in 1 accordance with generally accepted included such teats of Che account audi tiaq etaadarda and, accordingly, ing records and such other auditing procedures as re considered necessary is Che circumstances. 1 1 1 1 ~1 1 1 1 1 1 In our opinion, the general purpose financial s[atementa referred to above present fairly the financial position of the City of Atlantic Heach, Plorida, at September 30, 1986, and the results of its operations and the changes in financial position of its proprietary fund types and pension [rust Eund for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied oa a basis conaiateat rith that of the preceding year. Our ezamiaation vas made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements of the Clty of Atlantic Beach, Plorida taken as a who]e. The combining and individual fund financial statements listed is the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of the City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied is the e:aminatioa of the general purpose financial statements and, is our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a rhole. ~~.~e ~~ January 29. 1987 - 1 - 1 ' GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORId1 COMBINER BALANCE SHEET ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCWNT OROUPS $EPTEXBER 30. 1986 ASSETS [ash and investeents Accounts raceivabl• Inventories Due frow other goverments Due frw other funds Deposits Prepaid espenses Other assets Refit ri eted investNnts: Cash aM investants Invested cash rich fiscal agent Oue free other goverreNnts [onstructi on in progress Property, plant aM ewipant -net Mount available in the debt service fuiM for payment of long-tare debt Mount to be provided far payment of long-terw debt Mount to 6t provided for payeent of long-tem portion of coepensated absences Notes 2 7 2 2 3 3 Gavorneental fund Tva Special Debt CaPi cal General Revenue Se rviee Prolee is (1,112,050 f 59,212 (23,874 f294,452 193,437 19.088 25,814 25.61d 5,000 81,760 total assets See notes to financial stateMnts. 1 1 1 proprietary fiduciary Fund Tvoes Fund Tvoes ExpeMabl• and pension Enterori se Trvst f 741,274 (1,544,972 151,878 767 46,131 10,031 Recount Grouos General General Long-Tens Fixed Oblteati ons Assets 1,605.510 693,705 351,322 995,811 8,491,219 (1.571,017 f 23,874 535.880 Totals (Menerandui O nlv) >~Q >4$`1 f3.775.8M (2,958, 116 346,082 400,435 63,217 65,571 25,614 14,188 25,614 3,649 5.000 5,000 61,760 27,052 10.034 10,034 1,605.510 1,091,508 693,705 1,488,064 351,322 69.309 995,811 347,271 10.062,236 6,657,100 23,874 20,923 535,880 328,077 77.726 77.726 fi9.235 Sfi37"afl0 Sl.SI].OlZ S1R.659~229 c_13 555 Sap _p_ CITY Oi AT amTi R 4 N F ORIDA COIBINEO BALANCE SHEET AlL FUND TYPES ANO ACCOUL7 GROUPS LIABILITIES A.r+7 ILUg EQUITY LIABILITIES: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Oue to other Funds Currant portion of revenue bells paYabl• Current liabilities (payable from restricted aszetsl: Accounts D+Yabia Contracts Dayabl• Revenue bolls paYabl• Atcrved rots rest payable Due to other funds Accrued indrost payablo Revanw bolls payable - lang-terw portion D4DOSi Ls General long-terw debt payable General long-Lem compensated abs4nces payabb Total liabf li ti es FIRID EWIIY: Contributed capilaT Investment in general fined assets Retained earnings: Reserved for renewals and replacements Reserved for deh! service Unroserved ratai mad earnings Fund balances: Reserved for payment of long-term debt Reserve for prepaid avpenses Reserved for inventor( as Reserved for police training Reserved for retirement Unreserved fund balances Total fund equity Total liabilities and fund equity Sae notes to financial statements. Gevermental F~ d T Special Debt Capi tit Netes Ganera7 Revenue Sarvi ee Protects f 79.503 f 855 f 80.053 25,674 4 4 4 5,000 4 61,760 19,086 (23,874 1.251.598 ~$,~~ 231.409 7.332.444 58.357 23.874 230.409 f1a416 ~Z SB~.925 f23.9Ig f294.44z 1 1 1 ProDri etary fiduciary Fund Tvoes Fund Tvoes Aeeoun! Groups Espandabl• Ganaral Gamral uid Pension Eonq-Terw Fi sad Enterorise Trost Obligations Assets f 101,783 2,219 101,114 45,093 145,500 155,438 4,135,080 119,387 (559,754 77.726 4.805.81/ 637,4fQ 3.858,713 1,571,017 1,268,547 222,291 3,129,719 f 25,875 1,519,664 8.279.270 1.545.739 31'1.086.881 31.545.739 _, 1.571.017 S61] 480 51.571.017 Totals (Maeprandu• Onlv1 14H5 14HS f 212,191 f 137,925 25.614 2.219 101,114 87,9% 45,093 145,500 45,000 155.438 75,721 3,619 ]7,217 4,135.080 4,255.000 124.387 88,809 559,751 77 728 349,000 89 235 . 5.814.119 . 5.147.552 3,858,713 1,323.015 7,571,017 1,/58,270 1,268,517 832,951 222,291 91,012 3,129,719 2,170,9M 23,874 20,923 61,760 26,719 19,086 21,985 25.875 26,415 1,519,864 1,342,135 1.544.364 1.095.581 13.045.110 8.407.960 e 1B.6s9. 29 S~1 a.s55,5ap -3- CITY OF ATLANfI[ BFACH. fLORiOA [016INED STATEMENT Oi REVENUES, E%PENDITURES AND CHANGES IM fLfD BALANCES ALL GOYERMIENTAL RMD TYPES AID ERPENOABLE TRUST f11ND5 FOR THE VEA0. FISGL EMDEO SEPTEMBER 30 1986 Gave rnemtal Fund Tvoes Special Debt Capit>7 Notes General v n Servi~s Prniaets Revenues: Tazes S 548.781 X82,992 CicenNS aM perfits 488,790 Federal shared revenue (48,612 State shard rwenues 733,039 25,814 Stab grants OCMr inbrgoverroental rwenws 15,427 Charges for services 3,137 Nms and ferlei lures 90,253 Court cos! Confiscated property Interest incase 89,208 2,827 2,377 Mtscellantaus rwenue 17.229 Total rwenues 1.981.882 78.85; 85.389 EzpeMi tuns: Current: General goverrewnt 51),544 Public safely 918,704 Roads and streets 427,891 Inbrgwer~Nnlal services 19,821 Parks aM recreation 45,761 3/,152 Deb[ urvfcr. Principal nti rernt 42,000 Inbnst aM fiscal cfiarge 21,870 Capital outlay 13.470 f155.756 Total ezpendf lures 1.927.721 47 83.870 }55.758 Ezcess of rwenws over (under) ezpandi tent S4.U7 29.231 1.499 (155.756) Other ff ranting sources (uses): 7 BoM proceeds 35,138 212,660 Operating transfers in 317,878 8,538 1,452 Opuati nq lranshrs (ouU (10.415) (10.188) Total other financing sources (uses) 342.399 (1.750) 7,qc 212.660 Escess of revenues and other sources over (wrier) upends [ores and other uses 396,540 27,481 2,951 56,904 fund balance, October 1, 1985 935.904 30.876 20.913 77).505 iwM balances, Septes4er 30. 1986 Se note to li nancial statements 1 r 1 iidudiary land Tvoas Totalz EzpaMaDl• (Msaoranduw Onlvl Trust ]9$¢ ;p@S f 609,773 f 806.922 486,790 452,906 48,612 57,264 758,653 730,021 9,807 15,427 9,712 3,137 3,22d 90,153 65,875 (4,252 4,252 3,019 1,763 1,763 2,139 98,349 103,092 17 229 11.159 8.154 517,544 485,230 9,119 925,823 837,830 127,891 331,143 19,821 15,830 79,913 15,291 42,000 40,000 21,870 22,492 169.228 1fi3.997 9.119 2.201.088 1.891.813 (985) -.1~$SQ) 181.428 247,798 425 328,091 458,257 (20.703) (381.309) 425 555.188 74.918 (540) 483.336 236,376 26.415 1.191 623 955.247 525 975 ~.~$ f7. lgl fi a 1 _ TV OF ATLANTIC BFACN. F COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, E%PENOITiB(ES AND CIWIGES IN F(AYD BALANCES ACTWL MID BUDGET (GMP BASIS) GFNEIML, SPECIAL REVENUE, DEBT SERVICE AXD CAPITAL PROJECTS RIID TYPES F TN Y T General iu M Soe etal 0.wanue lands Vartmn Variance Favorable Favorable Actual Budtet (Unfavorable) Aetual 5.udaet (IMfavorabl a) Revenues'. Taxes f 546.781 f 548.550 f (1,769) Licenses and MM is 486,790 403,600 83.190 iadsral shared nvvnw: 6 18,612 5 43.332 5 5.280 State shared revenues 733,039 669,801 63,238 25,614 37,500 (11,886) Other inGrgowrneental Humus 15,427 12,000 3,427 Charges for services 3,137 3,200 (63) Fines a'M forAituns %.253 50,000 40,253 Interest inter 89,206 65,000 24,206 2,627 2,627 Miscellmeous revenue 17.229 2.500 14.729 _ Total revanwz 1.981.862 1.754.651 22.7.211 76.853 80.832 (3.979) ExpeMitures: Curnnb Wneral governexnt 517,541 575,516 Public safety 916.704 992,283 Roads and streets 427,891 488,759 Intragmermental servi cez 19,821 22,021 Parks aM racreatim 45,761 50,170 Debt service: Principal rota repent Interest and fiscal charges Capital outlay Total eaparbituns 1.927.721 2.128.749 Excesz of revenues over (under) expendf lures 51.141 (374.098) Othe: •finmcing sources (uses): Bend proceeds 35.138 36,878 Operating transfers in 317,676 350.720 Optrati ng transfers (out) (10.115) (84.500) Total other financing sources (uses) 342.399 303.098 Excess of revenues and other sources over expenditures and other uses 396,540 (71,000) Fund balmces, October 1, 1985 935.904 935.904 Fund balances, Sapteeber 30, 1986 al nn 449 S a6d.904 Sea notes to financial statmen ts 57,972 75,579 60.868 2,200 4,409 34,152 50,000 15,848 13.470 zo.o9o 6.s3o 207.028 47.622 70.000 22.37e 428 239 -?3.211 x..972 X44 (1,740) (33.OH) 8,538 12,500 (3.%2) 74.Oas (lo.zee) (43.33z) 33.Oa4 _12.741 ~1 .Z54) _174.5}2) 14.Qfi2 467,540 27,481 (20,000) 47,481 - 30.876 5467.Sd0 ~..~ 30.876 ~~ 547.481 t 1 Totals Oeb t Servi ca Fund [aof tal Prot t F d ( Nano ~d 0 i ) Vari ana Varfann Varf anca favo rabl• Favorable Favorable Actual Budoet (Unfavorablel Aetoal 9udwt LUnfavorable) Actual Budoet (Unfavorable) (62,992 f62,MB f 546 f 609,773 (610,998 f (1,225) 486,790 403,600 83.190 48,612 43,332 5,280 758,653 707,301 51,352 15,427 12,000 3,427 3,137 3,200 (63) 90,253 50,000 40,253 2,377 2,377 91,210 65,000 29,210 17 229 2.590 11.729 ~.]¢$ ~ 444 2.921 2.121.084 1.897.931 226.153 517,544 575,516 57,972 916,704 992,283 75,579 427,891 488,759 60,868 19,821 22,021 2,200 79,913 100,170 20,257 42,000 84,000 42,000 42,000 84,000 42,000 21,870 50,388 28.578 21,870 50,388 28,518 £155.756 7 7 11 169.'[26 487.700 318.474 63.870 134.388 70.518 155.756 467,700 311.96! 2.194.969 2.800.837 ~Q;,868 71 ) 73.439 1 7 ) (467.700) 311.941 (70.885) (902.906) 212,660 425,000 (212,340) 247,798 461,878 (214,080) 1,452 200,000 (198,548) 327,666 563,220 (235,554) (20.703) (127.832) 107.129 ~.~ 200.000 (198.548) 212.660 425 000 (212.340) 554.761 897.266 (342.505) 2,951 128,060 (725,109) 56,906 (42,700) 99,604 483,876 (5,640) 489.516 20.923 20.923 177.505 177.505 1.165.208 1.165.208 - 5 - CITY OF ATLANTIC BFACH. fLORIOA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, IXPENSES ACID CHANGES iN RETATNEO EARNINGS/F1RID BAIAMCE ALL PROPRIETARY 711110 1YPE5 AND PENSION T0.U5T fU1D R H F PT 1 Proprietary Panfion funds Fund Totals Ponsi on (Memrantlue Onlvl Enterori sa Trust ~@¢ 1995 Operating rwsnuez: Custonor charges Employer's Contributions State contributions Other fncoM Total operating revenues Operating ezpenses: personal nrvitos Contractual zorvices SupDli es 0.epai rs and mai ntonance Heat, light and powr Depreciation Other ezponsas Reti ranent benofitz Total operati nq ezpenses Operating incoM Non-operating inane (ezpenses): [onneetion charges Sever genarati on charge Intense incono Donations Interest azpense Loss on investment Total non-operating tncone Net incase before operating transfers Operating transfers (out) Net intone Add depreciation on fazed assets ac9uired by shared revenues uGrnslly restricted for capital ac9uizi Lions Increase in retained earnings/fund balance Retained earnings/fund balance, October 1, 1985 Retained earnings/fund balance, September 30, 1986 See notes to financial statements. f1,897,607 f1,897,607 f1,278,729 f 79,518 79,518 81,338 34,663 34,663 29.121 104.723 101.723 34.523 2.002.330 114.181 2.116.511 1.424.011 457,397 457,397 379.176 322,103 322,103 60,868 155,355 155,355 178,767 86,336 86,336 135,622 137,705 137,705 113,745 237,361 237,361 112.776 55,534 55,534 61,918 50.792 50.792 49.368 1.451.791 550.539 50.792 63.389 1.502.583 613.928 1.091.580 332.431 7,303.411 1,303.411 315.645 43,130 43,130 245,615 114,340 359.985 306,159 18,406 18,406 12,816 (372,610) (372,610) (123,422) (34.526) 1.237.982 114.340 1.352.322 476.672 1.788.521 177.729 1.966.250 809.103 (307.388) (307.388) (74.948) 1,481,133 177,729 1,658,862 734,155 41.517 44.517 30.638 1,525,650 177,729 1,703,379 764,793 3.094.907 1.342.135 4.437.042 3.672.249 Li.620.557 51.519.864 56"140.421 f9„j3jaQjj 1 1 -6- t CITY OF ATLANTIC BFACX. FLORIDA COMBINED STATENENI OF CHANGES IX FINANCIAL PoSITIpI ALL PROPRIETARY FUq TYPES AND PENS[pl TRUST FIMD Proprietary Psnsim iuMs )y0q Tolah Pmtfon (Memrmdum Only) Enlere ri se Trust ]%¢ lggg FinmNal resources wre provided by: Operatims: Mt incoee Item not re9ui ring wrkinq capf tal during the period - depnctatim Vorkiny capital provided by operatims Incrwu in cmtri bated capital Decrease In restricted assets 0l sposal of property, plant aM equipaent Increase in lm9-terms debt Decrease in other assets Increase in current lfabiH ti es payable from restricted assets Total zourcet of wrkin9 capital FinmNal resourus wre used for: Acspiti tim of property, plmt and equfpMnt Increase in reftri cted asuts Reduc tim of bonds paYabl• Total uses of wrkin9 capital Net increase in wrkin9 capital Chm9et in Cosgmmts of Vorking [apf tel: Increase (decrease) in current assets: Cash aM investewnts Accounts rscei vable Inventories Other current astets Increase in current assets (Increase) decruse in current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabi 11t1es Interest payable Custoewr deposits (Increase) in current liabilities Increase fn wrkfnq capital Sae notes to financl al statements. f1,481,133 (177,729 237.361 1,718,494 177,729 2,360,185 679,150 1,451 27,799 234.779 5.041.858 177.729 4, 177,7tl 680,806 145.500 5.004.Od7 f 37.A 11 (177-729 f 30,531 (177,729 47,133 545 (333) _jj,g7Q 1 7 7 (39.704) 37,217 (37.578) (40.065) S 37.Ai1 i111.I24 (1,658,862 f 734.155 237.361 112.776 1,8%,223 846,931 2,380,185 473,836 679.150 117,157 1,451 27,799 1,300,000 321 234.779 124.370 5.219.587 5.862.615 4,177,711 3,648,948 680,806 1,956.687 145.500 15.000 5.004.047 5.650.6]5 S zts.sm S 211.9fl0 f 208,260 f 280,665 47,133 52,131 545 (5,329) (333) !308) 327.159 (39,701) (56,317) 37,217 (37,217) (37.578) (21.645) (40.065) !115.179) f 215"540 ~.~ -7' 1 1 1 xoTNS To PIxANCIw srATenreNTs 1. SUMMANY OP SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The City of Atlantic Beach, Plaride (the "Cite") is incorporated and operetsa under a form of govarnseat rhich cosprisae an elected City Conmiaaion (four Commiaaionere end a Mapor-eo®iaeioasz) and provides, under tae admiaiatratioa of an appointed City Manager, the folloring servicea~ public safety (police and fire), public wrka (atreats and infrastructure), recreation, senitatioa, planning, soniag, rater and serer aervicea and general administrative aervicea. She folloring is a summary of the more aigniEicant policies used is the preparation of teens financial atatemants. A. The aceounta of tea Citp era ozganiaed oa the basis of funds or account groups, each of rhich is considered a separate accomtinq entity. The operations of each Eund era aceomted for using a separate net of self-balancing accomts rhica comprise its assets, liabllitiea, Eund aquitiea, revenue and azpenditures or ezQenaea. The various fords are grouped by type in the financial atatemeats. Ths folloring fund types and account groups are vaed by the Cityi 0 General Puna - The General Pund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial reaourcee except [hone required to be accounted for in another fund. Saecial 8evenue Pund - 1'he Special Bevenue Puada are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue aourcea (otaer than major capital projects) that are legally restricted to ezpenditurea for specified purpoaea. Debt Service Pund - Tae Debt Service Pund is used to account for tae accumulation of reaourcee for, and the payment of long-term debt principal, interest and related coats other than bonds payable from the operations of tae anterpriae funds. Cani[al Proiacts Pund - Capital Projects Punda era used to account for financial reaourcee [o be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by proprietary and spacial revenue funds). _ g _ i 1 t 1 Bnterpzias Pmde - Bnterprlae Pmda are uaed to account for rater, never sad sanitation operations rhic6 are financed end operated in a roamer similar to private business enterpriaea. The costa of providlag goods or aervicss to the general public ars financed or recovered primarily through user charges. Trust Pmdn - Trust Pmde are uaed to accomt Eor aaaeta held as a trustee or agent by the City for others. The Pension Trust Pmd is accomted foz in eanentially the name roamer as proprietary funds. The 6zpendabla Trust Pond 3a accounted for in saesntially the name roamer as goveznmeatel Erode. General L na-Term Obl ygatioaa AecoLt Gr •_ - Th1a accomt group is uaed to account for the outatandinq principal belmcas of long-term debt and other long-tern liabilities other than bonds payable from [he opara[ioaa of the enterprise Erode. r al pi ed Aaa t A o.at rrou -This account group is uaed to accomt for all Eized aaaeta of the Citp other then Choas accomted for in the 6nterpriae Prods. B. BASIS OP ACCOUNTING The accomting and reporting treatment applied to a fund is daterninad Dy its measurement focus. A]1 Goverwzeatal Puada sad Bspendable Trust Pmda are accomtad for on a apendiag or "financial flor" measurement focus. Thin manna that only current aaaeta end current liabilities aza generally included on their balance aheata. Their reported fmd balance (net current aaaeta) is considered a measure of '•evailable spendable reaourcea." Goverwnental fmd operating etatemeata present increaaea (revenues sad other financial sources) and decreaeea (ezpeaditurea sad other Financing uses) in net current aaaeta. Accordingly, they are said Co present a summary of aourcea and uses o£ "available spendable rasourcea" during a period. The Governmental Fuad Types sad the Bzpeadable Tzuat Pmd use [he modified accrual baaia of accomting. Under Che modified accrual Dasis, revenues era recognized in the accomtiaq period in which they become available and measurable. Bzpeaditurea, other than interest on general long-tern debt rhic6 is recorded rhea due, are recognized in [be accounting period rhea incurred. - 9 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 All Proprietary Punda sad the Pensian Truitt Pmd are accomted for oa a coat of aervicea or "capital meiatsnance" measurement Eocus. This means that all assets and all liabilities (rhsthsr current or non-currant) eeaociated rith their ectivitp era included oa their balance aheata. Their reported fund equity (net total assets) is segregated into contributed capital and retained earainga components. Proprietary fund type operating stntemeats present increaeaa (revenues) and decreaaea (e:peaaee) is net total anaeta. The Proprietary Pund Types and Pension Trust Puad use the accrual baaia of accounting. Revenue is recognised rhsn earned end azpeanea are recognised rhsn incurred. Mater, never and sanitation services are billed to cuatomern in advance on a quarterly cycle. A receivable is recorded at year sad Eor mpaid (delinquent) billings lees m allorancs for those coaaidered uncollectiDle. C. BDDGBTS General goverameatal revenue and ezpenditurea accounted tot is budgetary funds are controlled by a budgatarp accounting apatem in accordance vita various legal requirements rhich govern tea City's operations. The City currently does not use an encumbrance accounting system. Budgets have bean adopted for all Gover~eatal Pmds (General, Special Revenue, Debt Service sad Capital Projects Punds). The City Manager is authorised to transfer budgeted amounts rithia departments ritain asp fund, horevar, any reviaiona that increase the total esQeaditurea of nay department or fund must be approved by the City Commiaaioa. All neceaaary supplemental appropriations rare adopted by the City Commiaaion as part of a quarterly budget revier process and are included in the reported budgetary data. The Dudget preaeated on the Combined Statement of Reveauea, ezpendituren and Chaagen in Pund Balance - Actual and Budget - is prepared oa a GAAP basis. D. CASK ARD INVESTMENTS I nveatmanta are stated at coat rhich approzimatea market. ezcept rhere prohibited, cash resources of the individual funds are combined to form pool of cash and iaveatmeata. Invea[ments in the Pooled Caeh Pund conaiet primarily of invested cash and cezti Eicatea of deposit rhich mature in one year or lase. Interest income earned on the pooled ceah and investments ie distributed to the appropriate funds based on the average monthly balance of investments is each fund. In addition to their equities in the pooled ceah fund, cash of the Enterprise and Penaioa Trust Punds include interest bearing depoaita held by the State Board of Admiaiatration which are restricted as to their use. E. INVENTORIES Inventorlee consist principally of sspendable materials, auppliea sad fuel and ere valued at the lower o[ coat (first-ia, first-out) or market. - 10 - t Inventory in the General Pmd is recorded an an ezpenditure at the time ' of purchase, therefore, tDs inventory balance reported is offset by a £und balance reaerva rhieh iadicstea that it dose not coaatitute "available apendaDle resources" even though it is a component of net currant enaete. ' Y. ACCOUNTING FON PIPED ASSETS Pronriecerv Yundn -Capital ssQeaditures meda for revenue-producing aaaete, whieh are employed in operations that era accounted for in the proprietary funds, are capitalised at historical eonts sad depreciated using the straight-line method over their estimated useEUl lives as ' follows: Buildiag6 40 pears ' Improvemeata 10 - 50 yearn Equipment 10 - 40 yearn ' Depreciation recognized on aeaeta acquired or constructed through reaourcea ezteraally restricted for capital acquiaitiona is closed to the appropriate contributed fund equity accaunt. ' General Fired Aaaeta Account Grouo - Pized aaaete used in goveranantal fund type operations ere accounted for is the General Pized Aaae[a Accomt Group, rather than is goverm~eatal funds. All fired aanets are ' valued at historical cost. Donated fi:ad aeaeta are valued at their estimated fair value on the date donated. No depreciation Dee been provided on general Eized aeaeta. Public domain ("infrastructure") general fired aaaete eucD as atraeta and sidvalka that era generally ' immovable and of value only to the City of Atlantic Beach Dave not been capitalised. G. ACCOUNTING POR LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS Long-term obligations, general obligation or revenue bonds, used [o ' Einance proprietary fund operations and payable from revenue of the proprietary Eunds are recorded in the applicable fund. General obligation boada sad other forme of long-term obligations supported by general revenue are obligationa of the City as a whole sad not its individual consti[ueat Eundn. Accordingly, eucD umnatured obligationa of the City are accounted Eor in the General Loag-Term Obltgatioaa Account Group. ' N. GENERAL LONG-TERM COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE ' Accumulated unpaid vacation and sick pay is accrued rhea incurred is proprietary funds. The amount of accumulated vacation and sick pay recorded in Che governmental funds in that amount, adjusted to current salary costa, rhich is ezpected to be liquidated rith ezpeadab3e ' available financial reaourcea. Only the current portion ie reflected in the fianda. The remainder of We liability is reported is the General Long-Term Obligations Account Group. The guidelines of Pinancial ' Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 43 rare applied in determining tba liability for both governmental and proprietary funds. ' - 11 - 1 1 1 1 1 I. TOTAL COLDlRIS ON COMBINHD STATEMENTS Total columae oa the ComDlnad Fiasacisl Statsmsate era captioned "Memorandm Oalp" to indicsts that Chey are presented only to facilitate financial aaalysia. Data in these columns do not present financial position, reaulta of operatioaa, or chaagse is financial position la conformity vlth generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a coaaolidatioa. Iaterfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. J. P80PEBTY TA86S The easeaament of all properties and the collection of all property farce are made through Lhs Property Appraiser and Tar Collector of the City of Jacksonville. General property ta:ea era recorded ae received in cash, rhich approzimatea ta:ae levied, lees discouate, for the current fiecel year. E. INTHHFUND SeANSACTIONS During the course of normal opsretioaa, the Citp has various transactions Detveen funds to coaa[ruct aaaeG end comply rith local ozdimncea and other legal reatrictiona. These transactions are reflected ae operating Cranefera. L. PENSION TRUST FUNDS AND PENSION BYPENSB Pension ezpense includes normal cost plus amortisation of past aervica coat over 30 years. The City funds peaeioa costa rhich are accrued. 2. CASH AND INVESTMENTS Ths total cash and iavea[men[ balance of the City is comprised of the folloriaq items: Petty cash on bend f 400 Savings and money market accounts 612,203 8estricted eacrov depoai[ 115,163 invented cash vi th fiecel agent (restricted) 693,706 State Board of Admiaiatratioa deposits 2.578,909 Total cash f4,000, 681 Certificates of deposit rich local bankas Lees thaw 30 days maturf[y 1,552,317 31-90 days maturity 366,002 181-360 days maturity 156.059 Total certificates of deposit 2.074,378 Total caa6 and investments 6,075,059 Leset restricted cash and inveatmeate 2,299,215 Total unreatric[ed cash and investments E3.775.844 - 12 - t 1 1 3. PHOP¢HTY, PLANT AND HQUIPIOStI'[ A aumsry of chmges in general fazed senate follorss Balmce, Salaacs, October 1, September 30, 1985 Additions Deletions 1986 Lend t 143,702 { 143,702 Buildings 307,175 = 21,896 329,071 Improvemsata other than buildings 438,819 2,499 941,318 Hquipment 566.574 113.756 123.404 656.926 TOtal E1.456.270 1138.151 123.404 E1.571.017 A aummarp of fazed aeaeta of the Saterpriae Punds at September 30, 1986 folloxsx Total Vater Serer Sanitatf on Buccaneer Oist ri et En Grprise Lund iurM Fund Vater Funds Serer Fends funds LaM f 65,557 f 26.681 f 117,799 f 210,037 Build{nqs f 393,778 505.685 27,004 53,356 979.763 Isprovasents other than buildings 1,424,974 3,626,149 1,134,221 2,267,247 8,052,591 Ma<hi nery nM aquipeent 91,437 51,456 (290,013 132,906 lass - ac<uulated deDreci ation (593.874) 1748.066) (152.272) (30.295) (59.571) (1.584.078) Total Construction in progress for ¢aterprise Punds ie as folloras Committed ¢rReeded to Pedezal Required Project September 30, Sever and State Putura Authorisation 1986 Pund Pundin9 Yiaancina Sever system imp[OVementa E4 652,803 f3.579.552 H483.OOB (590.343 f~yf - 13 - 4. LONG-TBBN OBLICATTONS ' The folloviaq is a auDOarp of long-toss obligntiona of the Citp for Chs peer ended September 30, 1986: GMeral Enterprise Lano-Ter~ Oblieations Funds GMeral Accrued Revenue Obligation [agensatad Revenue BoiMs Bonds Absences ~nQs_ local Obligations payable at October 1, 1985 Nw Bands Issued: 1985 First Municipal loan Council Pooled teen Program Revenue Bonds 5252,751 Oe6t principal Dafd Nat increase in compensated absences {349,000 (69,235 (4,300,000 54,718,235 27,799 280,553 (12,000) (45,000) (87,000) __ fi.491 8.491 Bonds payable at SBDtenbar 30, 1986 l2_ 51 _]u fjQja(~QQ S]].726 ¢a B ]99 Y4.920.2]9 Bonds payable at Septeeber 30, 1986 era compri sad of the fol loving iMivi dual issues: General obligation bonds: 1958 Serer Systm serial bonds, payable in annual instalments of 520,000 plus interest through 1988, bearing interest at 3.Bf S 40,000 1971 Swer System serial bonds, payabl0 in annual instalments of 522,000 to 540,000 plus interest through 1995, bearing interest at 5.752 267.000 Revenue bonds: 1985 Buccaneer District Water and Sewr serial bonds, payable in equal annual instalMnts of pri ncfpal and interest of aDprominately 5347,500 through 2000. bearing interest at 9S 2.800.000 State Pollutf on Control Bonds, Series "Q°, payable in annual instalments of 545,000 to 5190.000 plus interest through 2000, bearing interest at 8i 1,455.000 1985 Florida Municipal loan Council Pooled Loan Program 0.wenw Bonds payable in annual instalments of 510,000 to 539,000 Plus interest through 1995, bearing interest at a varf able rate approximating SL 200.553 Yotal ~Y~l 55] _ 71 The annual raquiremeata to amortise all debts outatandinq at September 30, ' 1986, ere an follorss General Loag-Tara Obligatioaa ' Year 6ndinq Account Grouo Eateroriae Punda September 30, principal Interest Total Pzincinel Internet Total 1987 i 65,179 i 18,072 i 83,251 i 147,719 2 369,750 i 517,469 ' 1988 66,629 15,688 82,317 161,279 357,155 518,434 3989 48,183 13,302 61,485 176,050 343,406 519,454 1990 49,869 11,678 61,527 191,133 328,359 519,492 ' 1991-1995 320,737 30,863 351,600 1,283,609 1,359,564 2,642,173 1996-2000 9,177 9,177 2,005,409 696,042 2,701,451 2001 318.600 28.674 347.274 Total e5c9.]54 S 89"fi03 5649.3 r.7 E4-282.7x9 E3.482.948 E7.765 J47 ' General obligation 6ondn of the Long-Term Obliqationa Accomt Group represent bonds ieaued by [he City for coaatruction of (1958 aeries) and later, improvements and a:tenaiona to (1971 aezias) the Citp's never system. These ' bonds rare ieaued as general obligatioaa of the Citp and, therefore, are not obligatioaa of the individual 6nterpriae (Serer) fund. During 1955, the City obtained a State Hond Loan which is administazed by the State eoerd of Administration sad secured by Stara Pollution Control Bonds, Serisa "0", to support funding for improvement and espspeion of its never apetem. Tbeae Doads are payable from pledged revenues derived from the ' opezatioa6 of the never syatam. Under the terms of the agreement, the City may later pledge additional legal sad eveilable funds to repay the loan, as it deems appropriate. ' During 1985, We City ieaued revenue bonds to acquire an additional rater and sever system. These bonds are payable from the net revenues of the early acquired Buccaneer District water sad Serer System and era not general ' obligations of the City. During 1986, the City elected to participate in the Ylozida Municipal Loan ' Council Pooled Loaa Program (Revenue Bonds, Series 1955). Under this program the City is eligible to borrow up to 51,070,510 to be used to finance capital projects. Through September 30, 1996 the City hen borrowed 1280,553 of which approzimately 10~ ie included as an obligation of the ¢nterpzine pond with the ' remainder as an obligation of the Loaq-Term Obligatioaa Account Group. The amortisation schedule above does not Seclude interest oa these obi igationa as they bear a variable rate of iatereat rbic6 approzimaten 5~. ' Revenue bonds of the Enterprise Punda contain various terms and covenants rhicb require the City to maintain adequate user rates sad to account for the ' deposit and diabursameat of revenues is accordance rith eataDliahed priorities. As of September 30, 1986, the Citp wan substantially is compliance with such covenants. ' - 15 - s. Bi~I.oyaa 6aNarlTs ' The Citp ens three aoa-contributory de[iaad bsasEit pension plms (General Bmplopaes', Police Officers', and rireEightere• aatiramsat Plms) rbich cover ' aubstmtiallp ell of Sta employsaa. 7'hsse retirement plena ere accomted for in the Citp'e Pension Srust roads. Total pension azpenes for all fmde during the yesr ended September 30, 1966 ras •86,602. The Citp'e pension contribution ie computed using accepted ectusriel methods md, szcspt [or [ba effects of plm mendments, if mp, is nos azpectsd to increase materiaily in the future in relation to total payroll espeaae. ' The actuarial present value of accumulsted plm benefits is m actuarially dstarninsd liability for beaefita papaDla to active and retired participmta of the Citp'e retirement plans, determined in accordmcs rith plm provisions ' and based on the participmta' compaaeatioa and pears of service to the date of valuation. Tae aignificmt assumptions used in t}u determination of the actuarial present value of accumulated plm Deaefits of tW City•e retirement plms as of September 30, 1985, the latest valuation data, were iaveatsrat ' return (varies from 8.31 to 6.6~), mortality (based on the 1984 Group Amuitp Nortalitp Table), provieioae Eor future tsrniaatioaa, rithdrarals and retirewnta, and increases in salaries and ezpensas. ' A susaserp of the actuarial preeeat values of accumrle[ed plm Deoefite and net aesete available for plm benefits of tbs City's retirement pima ae of September 30, 1985, the latest valuation date, is as follorax ' Ceaeral Police 6t0119veas Officsra Pirsfigb[ern ' Actuarial present value of eccumulatad plm benefitei Pasted beaefi tsz Perticipmta currently receiving beaefita 1258, 183 = 51,162 = 48,136 ' Otber participmta 187,212 62,873 45.582 Total vested beaefita 445,395 114,035 93,718 Non-vented beaefita 50.376 21,1¢j 7,515 ' Total f195.771 fS'+S•197 f101 '+"+ ' Net aaeeta available for plan beaefita at September 30, 1985 f663. 962 (945.008 ~2 ~'+ 16r ' A significant portion of the decrease is the combined actuarial present value of accumulated plan beaefita of the Citp'e retirement plena during [he year ' ended September 30, 1955, the date of the latent valuations, ras attributable to the increase of the investment return assumptions. The investment rate anaumed as of September 30, 1985 varies from 8.3~ to 8.6~. Aa of the previous valuation date, September 30, 3964, the Snveatment rate wan 7.5~. 1 - 16 - 1 1 1 1 1 6. SEGI~NT INPOeNATION POB P.NTSHPHISE FUNDS The City nee eataDliahed aeparata Entarpriss Punda to account for rater, serer and sanitation aervicaa. SatpNnt information for the Citp'a Snterpriae Punda for the year ended September 30, 1986 is es follorat Total Huccanev OSs4 r9 ck $aniGHOn Enterprise Yaler Lund $ewr Fund YaGr Fund $etmr Fund Lund Funds Oparati n9 revenues 5 324,401 5 776,752 5 772,721 f 405,106 { 323,350 (2.002,330 Oepreci atfon 56,987 57,120 30,295 59,571 33,388 237,361 Operating incaew (loss) 1,173 296,501 52,429 161,430 39,003 550,539 Non-oparati ng intone (erpanse) 106,841 418,794 103,460 605,027 5,860 1,237,982 Operating transfers in (au t) (63,000) (131,388) 24,000 (81,000) (53,000) (307,388) Nat incases (loss) 43.010 580,910 179,889 685,457 (8,137) 1,487,133 Nei property, plant arM equipeent 1,316,255 3,500,781 1,157,611 2,378,831 137,741 8,491,279 Nei ewrkSn9 caPf tal 224,510 363.498 6.766 61,956 57,164 713.894 Long-terse debt 25.580 1,405,000 887,812 1,816,688 4,135,080 TaGI equity 1,569,456 4,986,161 380.861 1,127,884 19/,905 8,279.270 Total assets 1,725,692 6,669,740 1,374,034 3,106,370 209,048 13,084,884 7. INTEHPUND 'TRANSACTIONS RECONCILI ATION A eumaary of totarfund tranafara during the fiscal year ended Septembe r 30, 1986, is ae Eollora: Tranafera tot Special Expendable Debt General Revenue Trust Service ToSal Sraasfer from: Enterprise 5307,388 5307,358 General SB, 538 5425 51,452 10,415 Special Bevenue 10,288 10.288 Total E317.fi7fi ~,i;fl 5425 f1.A ,j (.328.091 As of September 30, 1986, one iaterflmd receivable and payable in the amount of 525,614 remained outatandinq, payable from the Beaches Eroaioa Special Revenue Plsnd CO the Geoerel Puad. - 17 - 8. JOINT gBNTU86 Pureumt to m iatarloeal agreement authorised by Florida 6tatutae Section 163.01, the City joined rich the City of Jacteonvilla 6aach end the Citp of Haptms Reach to conatruet and operate eEflwat outfail lines and disposal Eacilitisa, togatbsr rich all [ha lends, right-of-raps, aaaemeats, and other entitlements wcaeaary fo[ the construction and ues thereof. The construction of the outfall lines and diapoaal facilities are fmdsd by the mmicipalicise is the Eolloriaq proportions: Atlmtie 9aach 33.06 Jackaoaville Beach 55.75 Haptms Beach 33,.LQ! Total 149.49 hash City hm recorded their share of the project in their financial atatemeata. The City of Atlmtic Baarh provides all accomting and purchasing nerviees. The Citp rscorda their portion of the joint venture in its property accomte in the City's Sarar Pmd. Ths total coat of the project ie sstimted to bs 51,193,79. Duzing 1986 the folloriaq amomts wrs funded/ezpendedf Pmded by Florida 1)spartmaat of Pmded by Pmded eavironneatal Ci[y of Dp Other Total Project eggulatioa Atlantic Reach Mmicioalitiea Total Pmded Sapeaditurea 5327,835 1271,539 5551,383 11,150,757 11,150,757 Repair and maintenance ezpeaaae of the out[all lines and disposal Eacil3tiea rill bs shared Dy the participating mmicipalities is the percentages noted above. - 18 - S~PLBMSNTABY INPOPAIATIOB COMSINIBG AND INDIVIDUAL STATBMSNTS ' AND SCHSDULSS Comhiainq financial atatamsate provlds a more detailed vier o[ the "General Purpose Pimncial Statements" presented in the preceding suhasction. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Coabiaing atatemeate are presented rhen there ie more then oaa fund of a given fund tppe. Individual etatementa and achsdules, although not necessary for fair presentation in conformity rith Gaaerellp Accepted Accomtinq Principles, are presented to provide greater detail and comparative liaancial information for Certain fund types. ' Sae General pond is the general operating fund of tae Citp. It is veed to account for all financial resovreee ancept taoae required to be aeeomted for is another fund. 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BFACM. FLORIN GENERAL gRID STATEMENT OF ERPEMOlTURES -ACTWL AMD &10GET GOR THE FI Y to ENDED a pTEMBER 30 1986 frith ti t t 1 f teeb 0 198 Variance Favorable 1985 Actual @gQg(j (Unfavorablel Actual General goverment: Legislature: Personal services f 20,378 f 20,988 f 590 f 18,650 Other services aM charges 2.299 4.650 2.351 5.079 Total 1e91 slature 22.677 25.618 2.911 23.729 Eaecutirex Personal servlces 63,249 65,825 2,576 64,006 Other services and charges 6.848 Z4% _~j 11.998 Total osecuti re 70.097 73.315 3.218 76.404 Financial: Personal servi ees 151,305 163,257 8,952 132,550 Other services and charges 34.637 83.712 g 07a 37.151 Total financf al 188.912 206.%9 18.027 169.701 General services: Personal services 917 943 26 883 Other services aM charges 23q.911 268.671 33.769 194.513 Total general services 235.828 269.611 33.786 195.3% Total general goverment 517.541 575.516 57.972 465.230 Public safety: Personal servi ces 760,335 791,812 31,477 709,091 Other sorvices and charges 156.369 200.471 44.102 121.380 Total public safety 91fi .704 992.283 75.579 830.431 Roads and streets: Personal services 243.501 244,342 841 219,830 Other services and charges 184.390 244.417 60.027 111.313 total roads and streets 827.997 488.759 fi0 868 331.143 Intra9overnarontal services: Personal servi <as 17,269 18.125 856 15,626 Other services and Charges 2.552 3.8% 1.300 4 Total intragovermental servi ees 19.821 22.021 2.200 15.630 Parks and recreation - Other services and charges 45.761 50.170 4.409 15.291 Totsl eaDendituras 51.927.721 f s of n R 57 657 72s Sea notes to ff nancfai statements. /9 Special @eveaue Puada ' Special IIeve¢ue Punds are used to account for the proceeds of specific reve¢us ' sources (other than special aeseaaneats or eutSor capital proSacts) that ere legellP restricted to ezpendituren Eor specified purposes. 1 1 1 SDEC[AL REVENUE MIDS COMBINING flALAMCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30. 1986 (vi th camoarative totals for Swtamber 30 1985) Gsderal Revenue Shari ne Beaches Erosive Totals ~ ~5 X85 ~ ~ ~~ ASSETS Cash and invulmwts Dw from other governments total assets LIABILITIES ANO FUN BALANCES Liabf li ti os: Accounts payable Due to other funds Total liabili tie FurW cal wCls - Unnerved Total fund balances Total liabilities and fuM balances 559,212 (16,688 (59,212 (16,688 1!.._18$ f25.611 1@.5!4 tales 353d]Z S34.B1II 326"61e ~ S8l.HZ5 (34.915 f 855 f 855 {7S ~1< 25.61< -855 25.611 35.954 58.357 30.876 58.357 f30.876 38.352 30.876 __ 58.357 30.876 L9.31Z tt0.876 525"611 394.925 334.915 See notes to financial statements. -20- SPE[UL REVENUE M/05 COMBINING STATE7IENT Oi REVENUE, IXPENDITURfS, AND CFUM6F5 IN MD BALANCE FOR TXE FISdL YEa9 ENOFO SEPTEMBER 30 1986 [ itA LS t t 1 f e teub 30 19851 iederai Revenue Sharino Beaches Eresi on Totals >~ J99@ 7986 ?49S ?499 1995 Rwanws: Federal shared revenues Stab shared rsvmues Interest incaeb Total revenues Expendi taros: Parts and recreation Capital outlay Tobl expendi Cores Excess of rwenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) Total other financing sources (uses) Excess of revenues and other sources over expendituret dnd Other US la Pond balances, October 1, 1985 (48.612 357,264 518,612 (9,264 525.614 25,614 2.627 X29 2.fi27 2zD 51.239 57.484 25.614 76.853 s7.4ea 34,152 34,152 13.470 1 47 ~~ 34.752 ~~ 37.769 57.484 SB.S]@) X4.231 ~`L.'I~4 8,538 8,538 (tD.zea) f27.029) _ (tD.21u) 111.424) Ilo.zse) f27.029> 8.538 r1.7w1 (27.029) 27,481 30,155 27,181 30,455 _74..974 421 30.876 421 Fund balances, Segteuber 30, 1986 See notes to financial sta tevrentz. 21 Ba[erpriae Punee ' Sntetprise Punda are used to nccount for opsrationa that era fioancad and operated is a mercer aimilar to private buaiaeas antarpriass, chars the ' intent is that Lhs coots (e:penaes, including depreciation) of providing goods or aervicea to the general public on a continuing beais ba financed or recovered primarily through user charges. 1 1 1 1 w CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA ' ENTERPRISE FLNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET , SEPTEMBER 30. 1986 (ri th eoroarative totals for Seotee0er 30. 19851 VaGr Fund Sewr Fund ' >~ >~8 ~8¢ >QBri ASSETS Cash and investments f 252,515 f 251,333 f 362,782 f 388,012 Accounts recsivabl• 38.520 35.739 53.617 22,452 Prepaid eapanses 333.. Invent9riK 41.131 13.586 Total current astets 335.166 330.658 416.429 408.797 Other assets 670 670 9,361 9,364 Restricted assets: Cash and investments 73,601 10,476 868,845 1,035,649 Invested cash rich fiscal agents 693,705 7,488,064 Bue from otMr 9overments 351,322 69,309 Construction in progress 829,294 347,271 Property, plant and equipment - net 1.316.255 1.163.682 3.500.781 1.079.736 Total assets 51"]25"692 S1.SOS.a?a 55.669.]M 54.438.190 LIABILITIES ANO FIND EQUITY Li abilitler. Accounts payable and accrved liabilities f 12,691 f 10,354 f 52.931 f 16.905 Currant portion of revenue bonds payable 2,219 Currant 11abi11 ties (payable fran restricted assets): Accounts payable 101,174 87,996 Contracts payable 45,093 Revenue bonds payable 50,000 45,000 Accrued interest payable 29.438 30,338 Due to other funds 3,649 A<crugd interest payable Customer deposits 95,746 72,307 Revenue Bonds payable - long-Leon portion 25.580 1.405.000 1.455.000 Total liabf li ti es 136.236 82.661 1.683.576 1.638.888 fund Equity: Contributed capital 764,273 669,581 2,243,824 653,460 Retained earnings: Reserved for renerals mW replacements 73,601 10,476 753,381 822,475 Reserved for debt z4rvice 222,291 91,012 Unreserved 751.582 742.768 1.766.668 1.232.351 Total retafnad earnings 825.183 753.249 2.742.340 2.145.838 Total fund aqui CY 1.589.156 1.422.825 4.986.164 2.799.302 total liabilities and fund equity 51"725.692 56.669.740 59.438"190 Sea notes to financial statements. 1 1 1 1 1 1 f t 1 1 1 n r i r Sanitation fund Vater Fund Sever Fund Totals 996 995 19116 995 996 995 996 1495 f 69,873 f 49,848 f 19.281 f 3,316 f 37,023 f 20.234 f 741,274 f 710,743 1,634 5,679 20,127 7,943 37,950 32,932 751,878 104,745 333 44.131 43.586 J1 3p7 X5.517 39.408 77 74.973 53.166 937.283 859.407 10,034 10.034 177,015 14,976 486,049 30,407 1,605,510 1,091,508 693,705 1,488,061 351,322 69,309 166,517 995,811 317,271 1 7 741 157.412 1.157.611 919.165 2.378.831 1.880.835 8,491.219 5.200.830 1209.049 1212"939 51.374.034 5945.400 S"+.106 X70 31.964.408 513.084.884 19.Ofi6.423 f 14,143 f 9.897 f 9,001 f 10,195 f 13,017 f 14,428 f 101,783 f 62,079 2,219 101,114 87,996 45,093 31,353 64,147 115.500 45,000 41,366 14,976 84,634 30.407 155,438 75,721 3,649 12,139 25,078 37,217 23,641 9,502 119,387 81,809 887.812 1 1 1.816.688 1.880.835 4.135.080 1.255.000 14.143 9.897 993.173 966.277 1.978.486 1.950.748 4.805.614 4.648.471 221,849 428,767 3,658,)13 1,323,045 104,297 337,268 1,268,517 832,951 222,291 91,012 194.905 203.042 54.715 (20.877) 361.849 13.660 3.129.719 2.170.9M 194.905 203.042 159.012 (2D.877) 699.117 13.660 4.620.557 3.094.907 194.905 203.042 380.861 (20.877) 1.127.884 13.660 8.279.270 4.417.952 5209.049 y~]y~,jg 31.374.034 ~r Q 53.106.370 f1.96b.4{~ 113.084.884 59.066.423 _2p _ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. iLORTDA ENTERPRISE MWS COMBINING STATEMENT Of REVENUES, IXPENSES AND CIWIGES IN REIAIMEO EARNINGS WR TXE i[SGL YEAA ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 1986 (r5 th cure rive tot 1 f S teaE ~0 19851 Vab r Fund Sore r Fund 481 ]481 ~~ 181 Operating revenues: Cuslmr charges 6284,830 (268,728 f 775,689 S 654,046 Other incur 39.571 31.620 1.083 716 Total op4raHng avenues 324.401 298.348 776J52 651.762 Operating expanses: Personal services 105, U7 69,817 148,507 120,178 Contractual services 21,853 6,562 39,891 8.495 Supplies 77,552 88,657 51,671 57,233 Repairs and nainNnana 15,109 54,163 51,195 63.037 Neat, light air? powr 30,611 31,635 101,323 71,181 Oepreci ation 56,987 45,365 57,120 42.055 Other sxpentet 12.969 3.060 30.538 15.990 Total operating expenses 323"228 302.293 480.218 108.169 Operating incor (losf) 1.173 (3.915) 296.504 246.593 Non-oDe rating incur (expense): Connection charger 71,930 18,985 301,825 210.931 Serer generation charge 13,130 Interest incotp 26.071 35,725 182,883 150,138 Contributions and donations 7,000 71,406 12,816 Interest ezpensa (160) (120.450) (10,822) Total non-operating intone 104.841 84.710 418.79/ 363.063 Net incur (loss) be/ore operating transfers 106.011 80.765 715.298 609.656 Operating transfers in (out) (63.000) (72.500) (131.388) (62.148) Het incur (loss) 43,014 8.265 580,970 547,208 Add depreciation on fixed assets ac9ui red by shared revenues externally rettri cted for capital ac9uisi lions 28.925 24.537 15.592 6,101 Increase in retained 4arnings 71,939 32,802 596,502 553,309 Retained Earnlnps, October 1, 1985 753.244 720.442 2.145.838 1.592.529 Retained Eaaingi, $ep teeter 30, 1986 See notes to financial statements. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Buccanur Dlatrict Sanitation land Matar Lund Savor Lund Totals 1454 1495 ?~ 1995 1286 1485 1456 1$55 (323,350 (229,532 ~2 323.350 229.594 203.743 174,475 931 25,877 31,521 14,993 7,669 33.388 25,356 6.3/fi 9.~ g4.u7 142.8]2 44.441 _219.28@) (128, 152 f 22.107 f 385.805 N"569 2.125 19.500 172.721 24.232 405.108 S,d2B 66,792 19,608 170,561 255 966 897 508 4,112 191 281 5,580 30,295 59,571 1.862 1.239 3.819 120.292 28.030 243.676 52.429 (3.798) 161.430 (106,318 (1,897,807 104.723 (1,278,729 34.523 106.316 2.002.330 1.313.252 9,188 157,397 379,116 25,272 322,103 60,868 390 155,355 178,767 10,245 86,338 135,622 7,048 137,705 113,145 237,361 112,776 5,860 S.BfiO 41.863 524.21$) 553.444) 48.444 (8,137) 39,762 (8,137) 39.762 _143.43 163.280 t1S4 90S o3 D4z ~` ,,555 1.451.791 1.042.212 52.428 550.539 277.040 182,549 9,738 747,107 15,993 1,303,411 315,845 43,130 3,838 300 27,195 724 245,545 186,887 18,408 12,816 182.725) 127.115) i1fi9.275) (55.485) (372.810) (123.422) 1 4 1( 7.079) __4Q5,Q1L 1(5.265) 1.237.982 391.928 155.889 (20.877) 766.457 13.660 1.788.521 662,968 24.000 (81.000) (307.388) (74.948) 179,889 (20,877) 685,457 13,660 1,481,133 588,018 1]9,889 (20,877) 685.157 (20.877) 13.660 59"012 3(20.877) S 699.117 11.517 30.638 13,650 1,525.650 518,656 3.091.907 2.175.251 3 13.860 Sa.6zn"ss7 s3.D9/.9D7 -23- TY OF ATIANTiC BEACX, FLOP ENTE0.DRISE PU015 COMBINING STATEMENT Oi Cw1NGE5 IN FINANCIAL POSITION fOR TXE FISGL YEAR EINIEO SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 frith .,.varalt,.. t„t.l f !h [Mad L tenb 30. 19861 Voter fun d Sever Fund >~ 3985 1986 14E5 Rnanci al resources rare provided by: Ope~a~i Ores: Nef operating intone (loss) f 43.014 f 8,265 f 580,910 f 517,208 Depreciation ~' Q$j 45.365 57.120 42.055 Yorking capital provided by operations 100,001 53,630 638,030 589.263 Increase in cantri bated capital 123,617 100,199 1,605,952 373,637 Decrease in rastri cted assets 117,157 679,150 Disposition of property, plant and e9ulpeMnt Increase in long-terw debt 27,799 1,500,000 Decrease in other assets 321 Increase in current liabi li fiat payable from restricted assets 58.662 78.987 Total sources of rorkf nq capital 251.417 270.986 2.981.791 2.542.208 Financial resourds are used for: A<qui si ti on of property, plant and equtpaent 209,560 268,337 2,960,188 482,384 Increase in restricted assets 63.125 1,917,304 Reduction of borMs paYabl• 50.000 45.000 Total uses of rorkin9 capital 272.685 268.337 3 010.188 2.438.688 Increase (decrease) in working caDi tat jjjyj6B) 5 2.W9 i rzn X94) s lDT czD Changes in Components of Yorking Lapi tel: Increase (decrease) in current assets: Cash and investments f 1,182 f 14,972 f (23.230) f 138,206 Accounts raceivabl• 2,781 (6.593) 31,195 12,170 Inventory 545 (5,329) Other currenk asset[ (308) [333) Increase (decrease) in currant assets <.SOfl 2.742 7.632 150.376 (Increase) decrease in current liabilities: Accounts payable antl accrued liabilities (2,337) 12.050 (36,026) (46,856) Interest payable Cuttoner deposits 12;•439) (12.143) (increase) decrease in current li abiliti as (25.776) (93) (36.OZ6) (46.856) Increase (decrease) in working capital S ' ) 5 2.649 S (28.394) S 103.520 See notes to flnanci al ttatementt. e 1 1 F 1 1 1 t Buccanur Oirtri ct Sani tatian Fund Valer fund Savor Furl Totals >4@1 ~ ]$~ 1986 ]4§,~ ]~ f (8,137) f 39.782 (179,889 ((20.877) f 685,457 f 13.880 f1,481,133 f 588,018 33.388 25.356 30.295 59 571 237.361 112,776 25,251 65,118 210,184 (20,877) 745,928 13,660 1,718,494 700,794 221,849 428,767 2,380,185 473,836 679,150 117,157 1,451 1,451 919,165 1,880,835 27,799 4,300.000 321 7 74 14.976 118.371 30.407 234.779 124 370 . 26.702 65.118 4~Q 77~ s1J ,j§~ 1.292.169 1.921.902 5.041.858 5.716.478 , 15,168 98,227 268,741 919,165 724,084 1,880,835 4,177,741 3.6/8,948 162,039 id,976 455,642 30,407 680,806 1,956,687 ~1 ,3,Sj 64.147 145.500 45.000 15.168 98.227 462.133 931.141 1.213.873 1.911.292 5.004.0/7 5.650.635 S 11_SL t(aa 709) S 27.fi43 S(20"B]7) S 48.296 S 13.660 S 37"811 S fi5.843 f 19,825 f(42,200) S 15,965 f 3,316 f 16.789 f 20,234 f 30,531 f 134.528 (4,045) 5,679 12,184 7,913 5,018 32,932 /7,133 52.131 545 (5,329) (333) (308) 15.780 (36.521) 14 11.259 1 7 53.166 77.876 181.022 (s,246) 3,412 1,494 (10,495) 1,171 - (14,428) (39,704) (56,317) 12,139 (12,139) 25,078 (25,078) 37,217 (37,217) 1~4 134) ~9./4j) (37.578) (21.615) ~) 41 (505) (32.136) 26.489 (39.505) (40.065) (115.179) S 11.534 5!33"109) S 27.643 flZO~j) S 48.29fi S 13"660 S 37.811 S 65.843 -24- Piduciarv Yunds ' Truat funda are used to account for assets held as a trustee or agent by the ' Citp for others. The panaion Truat Yund is accounta6 for in enaaiiallp ihs saes Wenner as proprietary funds. The Ezpsndabls Trust Yund is accounted for in eaaentiallp the name manner as govsrmsatal Euade. CSTY OF ATLANTIC BFACH. rLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET FIOIICIARY MID TYRES IXPENDABLE ANO PENSION TRUST 6EDTFMBER 30. 1986 (N!h c oroarstive tot als fer Seotes0 er 30. 1985 1 Pensio n Trust Esoendab l• crust To tals 1495 1495 14H5 1495 1495 1545 ASSETS Cash and investwsnts (1,519,864 (1,312,135 f25, 108 (26,245 f1,5M,972 (1,368,380 Accounts receivable 767 170 767 170 Total assets tl S~ fl.t~ e2S A]S E26.115 Sl.uc_]ag 51.36~.S~Or FUND EOIIITY Reserved for police training (25.875 (26,415 f 25,875 f 26,415 Reserved for reti reMnt (1.519.861 51.312.135 1.519.861 1.312.135 Total fmM equity fLi]Q~j el sv~] 1]a l R R]C ez6 11c 51.515.]39 51.368.550 See notes to ffnanci al statements. -25- ~ Haskins+Sells 1- CertAietl Public Accountants 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA Single Audit Report for the Year Ended September 30, 1986 1 Deioitte Haskins+Sells 1-- - _- - ---- -- Certifietl Public Accountants Suite 1240 1 200 WESt Forsyth Street Jacksonville. Florida 32202-0371 1904) 354-8333 ITT Telex: 4995842 1 AUDI1'OBS' OPINION 1 Bonorabla Mayor, City Coamisaion and City Mansgar 1 City of •tlsntic Beach, Ylarida Me nave azaminad [he general purpose financial statements of the City of ' 7.claatic Heath, Ylor ids, ea of end for the year ended September 30, 1986, as listed in the foregoing table of contents. Our ezamination vas made is accordance rit6 generally accepted auditing standards nod, 1 accordingly, included each tests of the accounting records and such oUer auditing pracedurea as re considered necessary in the ci zcumstaaces. 1 In ouz opinion, the general purpoas financial statements referred to above present fairly Wa financial position of the City of )1[lantic Beech, Plorida, at September 30, 19ad, and the zeaults of its operations 1 and the caaagea in financial poaitioa of its proprietary fund Cypes and pension trust fund for tae year then ended, in conformity rith generally accepted eccouating priaciplea applied oa a basin consistent with [hat 1 of tae preceding year. January 29, 1987 1 1 _1_ 1 ~) V 7) i. 't `) 1 1 1 cIa or ATLANTIC B¢AC8 s1acLN ADDIr Naroer TON d'H6 rISCAL 1'¢AN ENDBD E¢P'1'BImBR 30, 1986 TANLN or coNTBNTS Pane Auditors' Opiaioa 1 General Puroose Piaancial S ate e Combined Balance Sheet - All Puad Types and Account Groups 2 Combined Statement of ¢evenuea, Espenditurea and Changes in Pund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types and ¢speadable Trust Puada q Combined Statement of Neveauea, ¢zpeadi[urea and Changes in Yuad Balances - Actual and Budget (GAAP Basis) - General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Fund Types 5 Combined Statement of 8evenuea, Ezpenaea sad Changes in Retained Earnings/Puad Balaaca - All Proprietary Puad Types sad Pension Trust Pund 6 Combined Statement of Changes in Piaancial Position - All Proprietary Pund Types and Pension Trust Puad 7 No[e6 to Piaancial Statements B Resort on Pederal and date Pi racial Aaaiata cex Reports on Supplementary Information of Pederal and State Piaancial Assistance 2p Schedule of Pederal and State Piaancial Assistance 22 Compliance Report Based on an ¢:amiaatioa of General Purpose Piaancial Statemeata Performed So Accordance With the Standards Eor Audit Issued by Che Cenezal Accounting Office 2; Report on Compliance with Lars and Regulatioaa Related Co Najor and Noamajor Pederal Piaancial Assistance Programs 2q Schedule of Findings sad Questioned Costa 26 Report oo Internal Accounting Controls Based on a Study and Evaluation Nade as a Part of an Szamination of the General Purpose Piaancial Statements 27 Report on Internal Controls (Accounting sad Administrative) - Haeed on a Study sad ¢valuation Made as a Part of ao E:amiaation of the General Purpose Piaanclal Statements and Additional 7ea[a Required by the Single Audit Act 29 ~ s.~ l; is .11 x.i GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEI~NTS 1 V~1,.. SL wTV of arLANnc BEaa. FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET ALL FIMO TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30. 198fi Govermntal FwW Tvoes SDeci al Debt Capital Notes General Revenue Sarvi ee Praf ec is ASSETS Cash and invesfavents 2 f1, 112,050 f 59,212 (23.874 accounts receivable 193,437 Inventories 19.086 Due from other goverments 25,614 Oue fray other funds 7 25,614 Deposits 5,000 Prepaid upmsez 61,760 Other assets Restricted investrnts: Cash and fnvastrnts 2 Invested cash vi th fiscal agent 2 Dve free other governments Construction in progress 3 Property, plant and equipMnt -net 3 Mount available in the debt service fund far payment of long-tem debt Mount to be Drovidad for payment of long-tem debt Amount to be provided for payment of long-tem portion of compensated absences Total assets See notes to financial statements. (294,462 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Proprietary Fiduciary Fmul Tvoes Fund Tvoes o ~n •ro ~oz Espenda6la General General Totals aM Pension Lonq-Teri F1 aed fNenoranduw O nlvl Enbrnri se Trust Obliaatlens Assets ~ ]18~ f 741,274 (1,544,972 (3,775,844 (2,958,116 151,878 767 346,082 400,435 44.131 63,217 65,571 25,614 14,188 25,610 3,649 5,000 5,000 61,760 27,052 10,034 10,034 10,034 7,605,510 1,605,510 1,091,508 693,705 693,705 1,488,064 351,322 351,322 69,309 99s,Bi1 995,811 347,271 8,491,219 (1,571,017 70,062,236 6,657,100 f 23,874 23,874 20,923 535,880 535,880 328,077 31'+.084.884 <1 'dc 7a9 77.726 <63~7 4y^n~ u,~,yu 77.726 118"659"229 5 69.235 13.555.532 _2_ i/ it ,) i i fJ CITY OF ATLANTIC BFACH. FLORiOA COMBINED BALANCE SNEET ALL fUW TYPES AND ACCOUNT GRWPS LIABILIilEG AND NNO EQUITY LIAGILITI ES: Atcounts payable and accruM liabf li ti ff Due to other fulls Currant portion of revenue bonds payable Current if obi li if es (payable from restricted assets): Atcounts payable Contracts payable Revenue bonds payable Accrued interest payable Due to other funds Accrued {merest payable Revenue bonds payable - lon9-testy portion Deposits General loop-tern debt payable General long-terw carpensated absences payable Total liabilities FUND EQIII TY: Contributed capital Investment in general fixed assets Retained earnings: Reserved for ranerals and replaceemnis Reserved for debt service Unreserved retained earnings Fund balances: Reserved for payment of long-tern debt Reserve for prepaid expenses Reserved for inventories Reserved for police training Reserved for retirement Unreserved fund balances Total fusW equity Total liabilities and fund equity Sea notes to f{nanci al ztatesmnts. Govermental fund Tvmes Special Oebt CaPi tal Notes n r Revenue Service Protects f 79.503 f 855 25,614 4 4 4 5,000 4 61,760 19,086 (23,874 f 60,053 1.251.598 58.357 234.409 1.332.444 58.357 23.874 2~4 4~Q 11.41G.9a7 Sd9.B15 123.674 5294"462 (~V:)1 iv 1 1 1 1 1 1 ProDr/4tary Fiduciary fund Tvoet land Twu Aeeeunt 6reuos EtpeMabl• Gen4ral fi4n4ra1 Totalt and P4nsion Long-T~re Fitts fManr+ndue Only) _ Ent4roris• Trust Oblf actions Assatt JQ@¢ >2@S f 101,783 f 242,144 f 137,925 25,614 2,219 2,219 101,114 707,114 87,996 45,093 45,093 145.500 145,500 45,000 155.438 155.438 75,721 3,649 37,217 4,135,080 4,135,080 1,255,000 119,387 124,387 86,809 (559,751 559.751 349.000 77.726 77.726 69.235 4.805.614 637•d80 5.614.119 5.147.552 3,658,713 3.658,713 1,323,045 1,571,017 1,571,017 1,d56,270 1,268,547 1,268,547 832,951 222,291 222,291 91,012 3,129,719 3,129,719 2,170.944 23,874 20,923 61,760 26,719 19,086 21,985 f 25,875 25.875 26.415 1,519,864 1,519,864 1,342,135 1.5M.364 1 095.581 8.279.270 tla,oe4.eA4 1.545.739 51.545.739 '..571.017 13.045.110 5637.490 e) VL0i7 518.659.229 8.407.980 qa aac a li ~r .): iJ _3_ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN RORI OA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, IXpEN01TURE5 AND [NANGE$ IN FUND BALANCES ALL GOVERNIENML FUND TYPES AND EXPENDABLE TRUST MIDS FOR 7ME YEAR FI a s7mcn «ar rnco an tea GavermenLal Fund Tvoes SDecial Dabt C4Pita1 Notes Gene ral Revenue $e rvi ee Protects Revenues: Taxes f 546,781 (82,992 licenses and perei is 488,790 Federal shared rwmws 548,812 State shared revenues 733.039 25,814 State grents Other inHrywenrpntal revenues 15,427 [haryes for servf cef 3,137 Hnef and forfei taros 90,253 Court cost Cenfi stated property Interest in<aete 89,206 2,627 2,377 Misnll menus avenue 17.229 Total rwenues 1.981.852 76.853 _ 65.359 ExpeMltuns: Current: General yovernern! 517,SM Public safety 916,701 Roads and streets 427,891 Intaryonrmental services 19,821 Parks and recraatien 45,761 34,152 Debt service: Principal roti remnt 42,000 Intenst aM Hscal charges 21,870 CaDilal outlay 13 470 5155.756 Total expendi lures 1.927.721 47.622 63.870 155.756 Excess of revenues over (under) expendi [o res 54.141 29.231 1.499 (155.756) Other financing sources (uses): 7 Bond proceeds 35.138 212,660 ODeratiny transfers in 317,676 8,538 1,452 Opsraling transfers (out) (10.415) (10.288) Total other financing sources (uses) 342.399 (1.750) 1"452 212.660 Excess of revenues and other sources aver (under) expenditures and other uses 396,540 27,481 2,951 56,904 Fund balances, October 1, 1985 935.904 30.876 20 923 177.505 FurM balances, SeDterBer 30. 1986 See notes to financial statenents Oi);) ~ :7 ii 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Fi dudiary Fund Tvoas Totals EaD4ndabl• lMeeor andue Onlvl 7 rv st 39Q 14B5 j 609,773 f 606,922 486,790 452,996 48,612 57,264 758,653 730,021 9,807 15.427 9,712 3,137 3,224 90,253 65,875 (4,252 4,252 3,019 1,763 1,763 2,739 96,349 103,092 _ 17.229 11.159 8.154 2.132.238 2.053.041 517,544 465,230 9,119 925.823 837,830 427,891 331,143 19,821 15.630 79,913 15,291 42,000 40,000 21,870 22,492 169.226 1fi3.997 ~ i1Q 2.204.088 1.891.613 ~~) !71.850) 161.428 247,798 425 328,091 456,257 (20 703) (381.309) 425 555.186 74.948 (540) 483,336 236,376 z6.41s 1.191.623 955.247 <'J5 Y~5 X1.674.959 51.191.623 _q_ ATLANTIC BEA[H. FLORI COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, IXPENOiTURES ANO CIUNGES IN FUND BALANCES ACTWL AND BUDGET (GMP BASIS) GENERAL, SPECIAL REVENUE, DEBT SERVICE AND GPITAL PROJECTS T1111D TYPES iQR TXE FISG! YGR £NDED SEPTEMBER 30. 1486 General Fu nd Soe ei al Revenue FwMs Variance Variance favorahL Favorable Actual Budaet (Unfava rablel Ae tual Budad {Unfavorable) Revenuer: Texas f 546,781 f 548,550 f (1,769) Licenser and pess+i is 486,790 403.600 83,190 Federal shared nvanues f 48.612 f 43.332 f 5,280 State shared revenues 733.039 669,801 63,238 25,614 37,500 (11,886) Other intergovermental revenue 15,127 12,000 3,427 Charges for services 3,137 3.200 (63) Rnes aM forfeitures 90,253 50,000 40,253 Interest incozr 89,206 65,000 24,206 2,627 2,627 Miazvllaneous revenue 17.229 2.500 11.729 Total revenues 1.981.862 1.754.651 7 11 76.853 _80.832 (3.479) ExDesMitures: Current: General goverment 517,5M 575,516 Publie safety 916,704 992,283 Roads aM streets 427,891 488,759 Intragoverrmpntal services 19,821 22,021 Parks aM recreati an 45,761 50,170 Debi service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Capital outlay Total expendi [ores 1 927.721 2.128.749 Excess of revenues over (under) expends to ras 54.141 (37/.098; Other ff nanci ng sources (uses): Bond proceeds 35,138 36,878 Operating transfers in 317,676 350,720 Operating transfers (out) (10.415) (84.500 Total other financing sources (uses) 342.399 303.098 Excess of revenues and other sources over eapendituraz and other uses 396,540 (71,000) land balances. October 1, 1985 935.904 935.904 fund balances, September 30. 1986 tl a 444 S Bfi4.9m See notes to financial statemen ts 57,972 75,579 00,868 2,200 4,409 34,152 50,000 15,848 1 47 zo.aoo 0.530 ~Q1 +4j@ 47.fi22 7Q.g.~ 22.37& 428.239 ~~. .x.6:1 1$~~ (1,740) (33,OH) 8,538 12,500 (3,962) 74 085 <to.2ea) (43.332) 3;•044 39.301 (t.7so) _599..fl32) _3.4,9$1 467,540 27,481 (20,000) 47,481 - 3U.876 3D.a7s 1 1 t Totals Oebt Servlta Fund Caoftal PreLcts Fund (Mwnrandoe Onlv) Variance Variance Variance F>vor>ble F>va table Favorable 4elual Budaek (Unfaverablal A<tusl Budget (Unfavorable) Actual Budaat (Unfavorable) (62,991 (61,448 f 544 f 809,773 (610,998 f (1,225) 486,790 403.600 83,190 48,612 43,332 5,280 758,653 707,301 51,352 15,427 12,000 3,427 3,737 3,200 (63) 90,253 50,000 40,253 2.377 2.377 94.210 65.000 29,210 17.229 2.500 14.729 65.369 fi2.468 2 921 2.124.084 1,897.931 2 fi 1 a 517,544 575,516 57,972 916,704 992,283 75,579 427,891 488,759 60,868 19,821 22,027 2,200 74,913 100,170 20,257 42,000 84,000 42,000 42,000 84,000 42,000 21,870 50,388 26,$18 21,870 50,388 28,518 1' 7 7 7 11 169.226 487 700 1 474 63.870 134.388 70 518 155.756 4 7 7 11 44 2.194.969 2800 837 605.868 1 4 7( 1.940) 73.439 (155.756) 7 7 ) 13 1.944 (70.885) (902 906) 832.021 212,660 425.000 (212,340) 247,798 461,878 (214,080) 1,452 200.000 (198,548) 32),886 563,220 (235,554) - (20 703) (127 832) 1 1 4;t I~Q,QpQ (198 548) 212.660 425.000 (212.340) 554.761 _ 897 266 (342.505) 2,951 128.060 (125.109) 56,904 (42,700) 99,604 483.876 (5.640) 489,516 .~~$~ ~2 ,~f 177.505 177.505 1.165.208 1.165 208 323.874 !148.983 3(125"109) ~$ f 1~q BOt f 99.664 53.69$.IVg.4 Si 1S9 568 S48o Gib -5- ~1 V:) 1 1 ITY OF ATLANTI[ 8EA[N iLORIM ' COIBINED STATEMENT Oi RE9EMIES. IXPENSES AND CiiANGE$ ALL PROPRIETARY iiAVD TYPE$ AND PENSION TRUST i1A81 FOR THE FISGL YEAR ENOEO SEPTEMBER n0 1986 (N RETAINED EARNINGS/FUND BALANCE , Proprietary Plnsi pn , Funds Funtl Totals Pension fMeno d 0 , 1 Entarorf se Trvst 19¢¢ 3J§3 Operati ny revenues: Custaewr charges 37,897,607 31,897,607 31,278,729 Fiplayar's tontributi one 3 79,518 79,518 81,338 ' State contributi one 31,663 34,fi63 29,427 Other ircaa 704.723 104.723 31.523 iotat operating rwenues 2.002 330 114.181 2.716.511 1.424.011 , Operating expenses: Personal services 457,397 457,397 379,116 Contractual services 322,103 322,103 60,868 Supplies 156,355 755.355 178,767 RePai rs aM ewfntenance 86,336 86,336 135 622 Heat, l; ght and powr 137,705 137,705 , 173,145 ' Depreciation 23),361 237,361 172,776 Other ezpenses 55.536 55,534 61,918 Reti recant benefits 50.792 50.792 49.368 total operating expenst! 1.451.791 50.792 1.502.583 1.091.580 ' Operating intone 550.539 63.389 fi13.928 332.131 Non-ope rot;ng in<ane (aapansei): Connection charges 1,303,411 1,303.411 315.645 Serer generation charge 43.130 43,130 ' Interest income 245,695 114,340 359.985 306.159 Donations 18.406 18,406 72,876 Interest expense (372,610) (372,610) (123,422) Loss on investesent (30 526) ' Total nonroparati ng intone 7.237.982 114.340 1.352.322 476.672 Net intone before operating transfers 1.788 521 177.IZ9 1.966.250 809.10? ' Operating transfers (out) (307.388) (307 388) (74.948) Net intact 1,481,133 )77,729 7,658,862 734,155 Add depreciation on fixed assets a<9ui red by shared revenues externally restricted for capital ac9ui si lions 44 517 ' ' . 44.517 +0,638 Increase in retained earnings/fund balance 1,525,650 177,729 1,703,379 764,79; Retained earnings/fund balance, October 1, 1985 3.091.907 7.342.135 4.137.042 3.672.249 ' Retained earnings/fund balance, September 30, 1986 fg,yj((,~j j].~19.Bbg Sfi.140.421 54.43].042 See notes to financial statements. t _6_ 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATIANII[ BEAN. FLORIDA COMBINED STATENENF Oi CHANGES IN FINAMC3AL g5ITI0N ALL P0.0PRIETAIIV qlD TYPES AND PENSION T0.05T 11147 FOR THE FISGL YEAR ENOEO SEPTEMBER 30. 1986 Proprietary Pmsim iuMs EVOY TOtals Pmsim (NSOranduw Only) Enteroris• Trust jyg¢ ]fir iinmcLl resources wre provided by: Operatima: Mt incoas Itr not re4ui ring wrki n9 capital during the period - depreciatim VOrki n9 capital Provi dad by operati ms Increase in cmtrfbuted capital Decrease in restricted assets Dispowl of prOpertY. Dl mt and a9uipsmt Increase in img-tars debt Oacreaa in other assets Increase in current if abili ti es payable free restricted assets Total sources of wrking capital Flnmctal resources wre used for: Ac9uisitim of Droperty. Dl mt and e9ui psmt Increase in restricted assets Raductim of boruls pgabl• Total uses of wrki ng capital Nat increase in wrki ng capital Changan in Components of Vorkf ng Capital: Increase (decrease) in currant assets: [ash and investants Accounts recei vabl• Inventories Other current assets Increase in Curren! assets (increase) dwreaa in currant li abill ti as: Accounts DaYabL and accrued liabilities Interest Dayabl• Cus tour denosi is (Incraasa) in current 3iabili ti es Incraav 1n wrktng capital See notes to financial statements. (1,481,133 5177,729 237.381 1,718,494 177,729 2,380,185 879,150 1,451 27,799 234.779 5.041.858 177.729 4,177,711 680,806 145.500 $.004.047 ~ 37.811 (17].729 f 30,531 f177,729 47,133 515 f333) 77.878 177.729 (39,701) 37,217 (37.578) (40.065) S 37"811 5177.729 31,658,862 f 734,155 1,898,223 848,931 2,380,185 p3.836 879,150 117,157 1,451 27,799 4,300.000 321 234.779 124.370 5.219.587 5.862.815 4,177,741 3,618,948 680,806 1,9$6,687 14$.500 d5.000 $.604.047 5,5cn,cag S 21$.540 S 211.980 f 208,260 f 280.665 47,133 52,131 545 (5,329) (333) f308) 255.605 327.159 (39,704) (56,317) 37,277 (37,217) (37.578) (21.615) (40.065) (115.179) S 215.540 S 211"980 _7_ ~1 ii~)jJ:i GU:~:7G 1 1 1 1 i NOTES i0 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SBPT@038H 30. 1986 1. SUl9MEY OP SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES ids City of Atlantic Beach, Florida (the "City°) is incorporated and opsratea under a fora of government rhich compriaea an slatted City Commisaioa (four Cosa~iasionars and a lfspor-comissioaer) and provides, order the administration of an appointed City Manager, the following ssrvicaa~ public safety (police sad firs), public corks (atraata sad infreatructure), recreation, aaaitatioa, planning, soninq, water and never services sad general administrative services. The following is a aummarp of the ngra significant policies used in the preparation of these financial atatemeata. A. POND ACCOUNTING Tha accounts of [he City srs organised on the beaia of funds or account groups, each of which ie considered a separate accounting entity. T'ha operations of each fund era accounted for uainq a aeperats set of self-balancing accounts which comprias its asaats, liabilities, ford equities, revenue and espeaditurea or e:panaea. The vsrious Emde era grouped by type in the fiaaacisl statements. The folloriaq Euad typsa and account groups are used by the Cityt G ernmeat 1 P d General Puad - Tha General Pund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial reaourcea a:cept those required to be accounted for in another fund. Soe 1 R ue P ad - The Spaeial Beveaue Yunda are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue aourcea (other than major capital projects) that are legally restricted to ezpendtturea for specified purposes. Debt service Pund - The Debt Service Puad is used to account Eor the accumulation of reaourcea for, end tae payment of long-term debt principal, interest and related costa other than bonds payable from tae operations of the eaterpriae funds. Caoit 1 Pro' is P nd - Capital Projects Punda ere used to account for financial resources Co be used Eor the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than [nose financed by proprietary and special revenue funds). - 8 - ~iv.i i ;> l U(;;i1:i3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Proprietary Pund Eaterpriaa Puade - Enterprise Pvnds are used to account for rater, sewer and sanitation operations rhich era financed and operated is a manner similar to private business enterpriaea. The costa of providing goods or services to the general public are financed or recovered primarily through user chergea. Trust Punda - Trust Puade are used to account for aaaeta held as a truntae or agent Dy the City for othara. Ths Peaeioa Trust Pund is accom[ed for is esaeatially the same mamar ae proprietary funds. The H:Erandeble Trust Pund is accounted for in eaeentielly the crams manner ae governmental fmda. General f.oaq-Term Obligations Account G[ouo - Thia account group is used to account for the outstanding principal balances of long-term debt and other long-term liabilities other than bonds payable from the operations of the enterprise funds. General Yized Asset Account Group - Thia account group is used to account for all fized aaaeta of the City other than those accounted for in the Enterprise Punda. B. BASIS OP ACCOGw1'ING The accounting and reporting treatment applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. All Governmental Yuada and 8zpendable Trust Punda are accounted Eor on a spandtng or "financial flow'' measurement focus. This means that only current aaaeta sad current liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund balance (net current aaaeta) is considered a measure of "available spendable resources." Governmental fund operating etatsmeata present increases (revenues and other financial sources) and decreaaea (ezpenditurea and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingly, they are said to present a summary of sources and uses of "available spendable resources" during a period. The Governmental Pund Types and the ezpendable Trust Pund use the moditied accrual basic of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis, revenues are recognized in the accounting] period in rhich they become available and measurable. Ezpeaditurea, other than interest oa general long-term debt rhich is recorded rhea due, are racogniaed in the accounting period when incurred. _ g _ (1vii7 1 1 1 1 All Proprietary Pmda and the Penaio¢ Trust Pund ere accounted for oa a coat of aervicee or "capital meintenmcs" erasurement focus. This mama that ell aaaete and all liabilities (rhather current or non-current) aeaociated rich their activitp are included oa their balance aheata. Their reported fund equity (eat total assets) is segregated faro contributed capital and retained earnings components. Proprietary fend type operating atatementa present increases (zeveauea) and dacreaaea (ezpenaea) in net total aaaeta. Tha Proprietary fund Types and Pension Trust Pmd uas the accrual basis of accomtinq. Revenue is recognized rhea earned and ezpenaes are recognised rhea Incurred. Hater, serer and smitatlon aervicee are billed to cuatomern in advmca oa a quasterly cycle. A receivable is recorded at year sad for unpaid (delinquent) billiaga lees m allorance for those considered uacollectible. C. BDDCeTs Cenexal governmental revenue and ezpeaditutea accounted for in budgetary fends are controlled by a budgetary accomtiaq ayatem is accordmce rich various legal requiremeata rbich govern the City's operatima. The City currently does not use m encumbrmce accounting aya[em. Budgets have been adopted for all Goveranentel Pmda (Geaazsl, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Fends). Tha City Manager is authoriaad to trmafer budgeted amomta rithin departmeata ritbia my fend, horever, my reviaiona that increaas the total espenditucea of my department or fund moat be approved by the City Comnieaion. All neceanary supplemental appropriations rare adopted by the City Commiasioa as par[ of a quarterly budget ravier process and are included in the reported budgetary data. The budget preaeated oa Che Combined Statement of Revenues, Ezpeaditures and Chmgea in Pmd Balance - Actual and Budget - to prepared oa a GAAP basis. D. CASH AND INVESTMENTS Investments era stated at coat which approzimatea market. Except where prohibited, cash reaourcea of the individual funds are combined to form a pool of cash and iaveatmeata. Investments in the Pooled Caah Pund coneiat primarily of invented caa6 and certificates of deposit rbich mature in one year or lean. Interest income earned oa the pooled cash and investments is distributed to the appropriate funds based oa the average monthly balance of invea[meata in each fund. In addition to their equities in the pooled cash fund, cash of the Raterpriee and Pension Trust Puada include interest bearing depoaita held by the State Board of Adminiatra[ioa rbich are restricted as to their use. E. ;NVENTORIES Inventories consist principally of ezpeadable materials, auppliea and fuel and are valued at Che lower of coat (first-ia, fi rat-out) or market. - 10 - Inventory is the General Pond is recorded as as ezpenditure at the time ' of purchase, therefore, the inventory balance reported ie offset by a fund balance reserve rhich indicates that it does not constitute "eveilabls apsndaDle reaourcea" even though it is a component o[ net currant aeaeta. P. ACCOUNTING YOR PIXBD ASSBTS ' proprietary Panda - Capital a:Qenditurae made for revenue-producing aeaeta, rhich are employed in operations Net are accounted for is the proprietary fuada, are capitalised a[ 6iatorical coats sad depreciated ' uaiag Ne straight-line method over Neiz estimated useful lives as folloret Buildings 40 years ' Improvements 10 - 50 yearn Bquipment SO - 40 yearn Depreciation recognized on aasata acquired or coaatructed Nrough reaourcea externally restricted for capital acquiaitione in closed to the appropriate contributed fund equity account. ' General Pized Asaeta Account Grouo - Pized aaasta used is govermiental fmd type operations are accounted for in the Gansral Pized Aeaeta Account Croup, rather Nee is governmental funds. All fixed aaasta are ' valued at historical coat. Boasted fixed aeaeta are valued at Neir estimated fair value on Ne date donated. No depreciation hoe been provided oa general fixed aaeete. Public domain ("infrastructure") ' general Pized aasata such as atreeta and aidralkn Nat are generally immovable and of value only to Ne City of Atlantic Beach have not been capitalised. ' G. ACCOUNTING POR LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS Long-term obligations, general obligation or revenue bonds, used to ' finance proprietary fund opezatioaa and payable from revenue of the proprietary funds ate recorded is the applicable fund. General obligation bonds and other forma of long-term obligations supported by general revenue era obligations of the Clty as a rhole and not its ' individual constituent funds. Accordingly, each unmaturad obligations of the City are accounted for is the General Lonq-Tarty Obligations Account Group. ' N. B R N- S B Accumulated unpaid vacation sad sick pay is accrued rhea incurred fa proprietary funds. The amount of accumulated vacation and sick pay recorded in Ne governmental funds is that amount, adjua[ed to current salary costa, which is ezpected to be liquidated wiN expendable ' available financial reaourcea. Only Che current portion is reflected in the funds. The remainder of the liability is reported in the General Long-Term Obligations Account Croup. The quideliaea of yinancial ' Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 43 rare applied in determining the liability for both governmental and proprietary funds. I. ' Total columns on the Combined Pinmcial Statements srs captioned "Memormdum Oalp" to 3adieats chat they are presented oalp to facilitate Einmcial mslyais. Deter is thane columns do not praaeat Einmcial ' position, reaulta of operations, or chafes is fiamcial position is conformity rich generally accepted accounting principlsa. Faithar is each data compereble Co a coneolidstion. intarEuad aliminetiona have not ' been made in the aggregation of this data. J. PEOPEETY TAXES ' The eaaeaement of all properties and the collection of all property [area are made through the Property Appraiser and Taz Collector of the Citp of Jacksonville. General property razes era recorded ere received in casb, ' rhich epprozimatea terse levied, less diecomts, for [hs current Fiscal year. ' E. INTEEPUND TRANSACTIONS During the cause of normal operations, the City has verioue trmaaetions hetrean Emda to construct aeaats and comply rlth local ordinances and ' other legal restrictions. These trmeactioas era reflected ere operating tzmefere. t L. PENSION TEllST FUNDS AFD PENSIOF ffiEN56 Peaaioa ezpenae includes normal coat plan amortization of past service coat over 30 years. The City Emda pension costa rhich ere accrued. 2. CASH AND INVBSTMENTS ' The total cash and iaveatamat Dalmce of the City ie comprised of We follortng items: ' Petty cash on hmd E 400 Savings and money market accomta 612,203 Nestric[ed escror deposit 115,463 Invented cash rith Eiacal agent (restricted) 693,706 ' State Board of Administration deposits 2.578.909 Total cash 59,000,681 ' Certificates of deposit ri[h local bmks: Lees than 30 days maturity 3,552,317 31-90 days maturity 366,002 ' 181-360 days maturity 156.059 Total certificates of deposit 2.074.378 Total cash and investmeata 6,075,059 Leas: restricted cash and investments 2,299.215 Total mreatricted cash and inveatmanta E3.775.844 ' - 12 - •.~:. 1 1 1 3. PEOPEHIR, PLAN2 AHD 6QDIPPiBlPI A slimmatP of cbsngse in general Ei:ed aaaeta tollovst eslaace, Balance, October 1, September 30, 1985 Additions Delationa 1956 Land { 143,702 t 143,702 Buildings 307,175 j 21,896 329,071 It9provsmeats other than buildings 438,819 2,499 441,318 Equipment 566.574 113.756 E23.404 fi5fi .926 Total f1.456.27D E13B.1$1 523.404 E1.571.017 A e1®arp of fized asae[e of the Enterpriaa Punde at September 30, 1986 follovat Total Vabr SsWr Sanitation Bueesneer Oistriet Entorp rise Fund fund Fu:W Vat4r Funds Sawr funds Funds Land f 65.557 f 26.661 f 117,799 f 210,037 Buildings f 393,718 505,685 27,004 53,356 979,763 Inprovenents other than buildings 1,124,974 3,626.149 1,134,221 2,267,217 8,452,591 Machi nary and equi Anent 91,437 51,456 (290,013 432,906 lass - accunulatad depreciation !593.874) (748.066) (152.272) (30.295) (59.571) (1.584.078) T9ta1 Coasttuction in progress for Enterprise Punda is as follova: Committed Expended to Pederal Required Project September 30, Serer and State Puture Authorization 1986 Pund Pundina Pinancia9 Sever system improlrementa E4.652.903 E3.579.552 jggj,,pJ~$ E590.343 j~y~ - 13 - 4. LONG-TBBM OBLIGATION6 The follosriaq is a alsamary of long-term obliga[ioaa of the Citp for the year ended September 30, 1986s General Enterprise Lono-Term Oblteatiens Funds General Accrued Revenue Oblf gati on Cosgensatad Revenue end F__ Bonds Absences Bona: iotsl Obligations payable at October 1, 1985 Ner Bonds Issued: 7985 First Nuni cipal Loan Council Poolsd Loan Program Revenue Bonds (252,754 Debt principal paid Net increase in caapensated absences f349.000 (69,235 ;x,300,000 (4,718,235 27,799 280,553 (42,000) (45,000) (87,000) ~ 4~1 8.491 Bonds payable at September 30, 1986 f2C2,Jsd 5307.000 37].726 fg,~pja~pg u.9z0"z79 Bondi payable at Septuiter 30, 1986 era campri sad of the following individual istuac General obligation bonds: 1958 Serer System serial bonds, payable in annual instalments of 520,000 plus interest through 1988, bearing interest at 3.8% S 40,000 1971 Serer Sys ten serial bonds, payable in annual instalments of (22,000 to (40,000 plus interest through 1995, bearing interest at 5.75% 267,000 Revenue bonds: 1985 Buccaneer District Nater and Sever serial bonds, payable in equal annual instalments of principal and interest of aDDroxinately j347,500 through 2000, bearing interest at 9% 2,800,000 State Pollutf on Control Bonds, Sari of "Q", DaY+ble in annual instalments of (45,000 to (190,000 plus interest through 2000, bearing interest at 8% 1,455,000 1985 ilorida NunicS pal Loan Council Pooled Loan Prog ran pevenue Bonds payable in annual instalments of 510,000 to (39,000 plus interest through 1995, bearing interest at a variable rate approximating 5% 280.553 Totai (4 a SSl _ 74_ li l; ..) ! ~.i t The annual requirementn Co amortise all debts outatending at September 30, 1985, are as follovax General Loag-Term Obligatioaa ' Year Bndiag Account Group Bnterpriee Puada September 30. Principal Interest Total Principal Iatereat Total 1987 E 65,179 E 18,072 i 83,251E 147,719E 369,750E 517,469 1988 66,629 15,688 82,317 161,279 357,155 518,434 1989 98,183 13,302 61,485 176,050 343,404 519,454 1990 49,849 11,678 61,527 191,133 328,359 519,492 ' 1991-1995 320,737 30,863 351,600 1,282,609 1,359,564 2,642,173 1996-2000 9,177 9,177 2,005,409 696,042 2,701,651 2001 318.600 28.674 347.274 TOtel E559.]54 E 89.603 Sa69.357 E4.282.799 f3.482.948 57.765.747 General obligation bondn of the Long-Term Obligations Account Group represent bondn inaued by the City for conntructioa of (1958 series) end later, improvemeata and e:tenaiona to (1971 aerien) [hs City's never ayatem. These ' bondn were iasuad as general ob3lgatioan of the City and, therefore, are not obligations of the individual Bnterpriee (Serer) fund. During 1985, the Ci[y obtained a State Hond Loan rhicb in administered by the t State Board of Adminiatratioa end neeured by State Pollution Control Boada, Series "Q", to support funding for lmpro9emeat and s:panaioa of its sever system. These bondn are payable from pledged rewenuea derived from the ' operatioaa of the newer system. Under the terms of We agreement, the City may later pledge additional legal and available Eunds to repay the loan, as it deems appropriate. ' During 1985, the City issued revenue bonds to acquire an additional rater sad newer ayatem. These bonds are payable from the net revenues of the newly acquired Buccaneer District water and Sever System and are not general t obligations of the City. Duriaq 1986, the City elected [o participate in the Florida Municipal Loaa ' Council Pooled Loan Program (eevenue Boada, Series 1985). Under this program the City is eligible to borrow up to E1,070,510 to be used to finance capital projects. Through September 30, 1986 the City has borrowed E280, 553 of which appzozimately 10~ is included as as obligation of the Enterprise Yund rich [he ' remainder as an obligation of the Lonq-Term Obligations Aecouat Group. The amortization schedule above does not include iatereat on these obligations as they bear a variable rate of iatereat which approzimatea 5i. ' Hevanue bonds of the Eaterpriae Funds contain various terms and covenants which require [he City to maintain adequate user rates sad to account for the ' deposit sad diaburaement of revenues in accordance rlth established priorities. As of September 30, 1986, the City ran subataatially in compliance wiW such coveaanta. - 15 - ' ., .'JJ 5. &~@IAY86 B817NPITS The City Dee [Dreg non-coatributorp defined Deaefit pension plena (Csaersl Smployeas', Police Officers', and Pirsfightsrs' Retirement plena) rhich cover ' suDStmtially ell of its employees. Thsea retirement plena ere accounted for in tDe Citp'a Pmaion Trust Pmda. Total pension ezpenss Eor all Emda during- ths year ended September 30, 1986 rss {86,802. The City's pension watribution is computed using accepted actuarial wthods end, s:cspt for [he effects of plm amendments, if my, is not a:pected to increase materially in tDs future in relation to total payroll aspeaas. The ectuerisl preasnt value of eccmulstsd plm benefits is m actuarially determined liability Eor beaaEita papabls to active and retired perticipmts of tDe Citp'a retirement plena, daterniaed in eccordmce rith plm provisions ' and based oa the participmta' compensation and years of asrvice to the date of valuation. The aignificmt aaaumptions uasd is the determinatioa of the actuarial present value of accumulated plm beaeEite of the Citp'a retirement plena as of September 30, 1985, the lsteat valuation date, rare iavsstneat return (varies from 8.37 to 8.6~), mortality (based on the 1984 Group Amuity Mortality Table), proviaiona for future terminations, rithdrarala and retirements, and increases is aalariea and espanses. ' A au®ary of the actuarial preasnt veluea of accumulated plm beaafita and net aaseta available for plm benefits of the Citp'e retirement plena as of September 30, 1985, the lsteat valuation date, is as follows: ' Gsnarsl police E14ploveea Officers pirefightera ' Actuarial preasnt value of accumulated plm beaefita: ' Vested benefits: participmta currently receiving benefits 5258,183 S 51,162 i 48,136 ' Other participmta 187,212 62,873 45,582 Total vested beaefita 445,395 119,035 93,718 Non-vented benefits 50,376 21.162 7,515 ' Total 5495.771 [135.19] •10 ' Net assets available for plm Denefita at September 30, 1985 tfifi 3.962 t445.00a a as lfis ' A aigaificmt portion of the decraaae is the combined actuarial preasnt value of accumulated plan benefits of the City's retirement plane during the year ' ended Septend»r 30, 1985, the date of the latest valuatioaa, rae attributable to the increase of the iaveatmeat return aaaumptione. The investment rate assumed as of September 30, 1985 varies Erom 8.3~ to 8.6~. Ae of tDe previous valuation date, September 30, 1984, the investment rate was 7.5~. - 16 - 1 1 1 1 6. SBGI46NT INFORMATION PO8 HNTSRPRI56 PONDS The City has established separate Bnterprias Funds Co account for eater, serer sad aanitatioa services. Sespeent information for the City's Bnterprias Punda for the year ended September 30, 1986 is sa Folloras TOtal Buccaneer District Sanitation Enterprise Va ter Fund Sever Funtl Va trr Fund 8rwr Fund fund Funds Operating revenues E 326,401 E 776,752 E 772,721 E 405,106 E 323.350 E2,002,330 Oepreciati on 56.987 57,120 30,295 59.571 33,388 237,361 Operating intone (loss) 1,173 296,504 52,429 161,430 39.003 550,539 Non-operating in<one (eapensa) 104,841 418.7% 103,460 605,027 5.860 1,237,982 Operating transfers in (out) (63.000) (134,388) 24,000 (81,000) (53,000) (307,380) Nei incanr ilasz) 43,014 580,910 179,889 685,457 (8,137) 1,481,133 Net Droparty, plant and equi Anent 1,316,255 3,500,781 1,157,611 2,378,831 137,741 8,491,219 Net working capital 224,510 363.498 6,766 61,956 57,164 713,8% Long-tens debt 25,580 1,4(15,000 887,812 1,816,688 4,135,080 Total equity 1,589.456 4,986,164 380,861 1,127,884 194,905 8,279,270 Total assets 1,725,692 6,669,740 1,374,034 3.106,370 209,048 13,084,884 7. INTBBPUND TRANSACTIONS 86CONCILI ATION A summary of 3atarEund transfers during the fiscal year ended Septembe r 30, 1986, is as follora: Transfers tos Special Brpeadable Dabt General Revenue Trust Service Total Transfer from• Enterprise E307,388 E307,388 General EB,538 E425 E1,452 10,415 Special Revenue 10,288 10.288 Total 5317.676 S~SVe ee sc fl"A ~j 5328.091 Aa of September 30, 1986, one interfuad recetvable and payable in the amount of 525,614 remained outstanding, payable from the Beaches Broaioa Special Revenue Pund to the General Puad. - 17 - - } L~ -r ~ i . ~ i 1 1 1 S. JOIBT veBTUH6 Puraumt to m intarlocal agreement authorised by Florida Statutes Section 163.01, the CLtp joined rich the City of Jecteonvllla Beech and the Citp of Bsptune Beach to cmetruct and operate effluent outfall linen and disposal facilities, together rith all the lords, right-of-yaps, easements, and other entillasiente necaesary for tea coaatructioa and use tASraof. The construction of the outfall lines and disposal facilities are fmdad by tbs mmicipalitiea is the folloring proportions: Atlmtic Beach 33.06 Jacksonville Beeeh 55.78 Baptme Beach 11.16\ Total 100"00 Hacb City has recorded their share of the project is their finmcial statements. The City of Atlmtic Beach provides all accomtinq and purchasing services. The Citp records their portion of [hs joint venture in its property accounts in the Citp'e Sever Pmd. Tae total cost of Cbe project ie eetimeted to be j1,193,794. During 1986 the following amomtn ware funded/sa:pendeds Puaded by Florida Department of Pmdad by Pmded ¢nvironmental City of by Other Total Project Hequlation Atla ti e b Municinalitiea Total Puaded ~enditurea j327,835 j271,539 j551,383 j1, 150,757 j1,150,757 Hepair and maiateamce ascpeasas of the outfall linen and disposal facilities ri12 be shared by the participating municipalities is the percentages noted above. li li v'i f/ j - 18 - t ~~o.~~.~ ~,~ .~~,~~~u ~S=~~~8 uu516~ ~ Deloitte Haskins+Selis ~ CertTred Public Accou nlanis Suite 1240 ' 200 West Forsyth Street Jacksonville. Florida 32202-4371 (904) 354-8333 ITT Telex_ 4995642 To the Honorable Mayor sad City Commiasioaars City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida ' , Na have ezamiaed the general purpose financial statements of the City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida, for tbs year ended September 30, 1986, and hove issued our report Chareoa dated Janvary 29, 1987. Our ezaminatlon of 1 ouch geaeral purpose financial s[atsmeata ran made is accordance rich generally accepted auditing standards sad the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in the Standards for Audit of Govara.:_ntal Or~ganiza ioaa. Programs. A ivi i and Pun ion issued by Che U.S. General Accounting OfLlce, and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as re considered necessary in the circumstances. Our s:amiaa[ioa ras made [or Ns purpose of forming as opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a rhole. The accompanying ' Schedule o[ Padsral sad Stets Financial Aaaiatance is preaeated for purpoaea of additional enalyais and is not s required part of the geaeral purpose financial statements. The information is that schedule has been aubiectad to [hs auditing procedures applied in the a:amination of the general purpose [inaneial a[a[emeata end, is our opinion, is fairly stated in all malarial cespec[a in relation to the geaeral . purpose financial statemeata taken as a rhola. ~.~o ~~ie ~~ ck~ January 29, 1987 - 20 - (il/f' ~ / i ' Tbie page intentionally left blank. 1 1 i/V;?i!I CITY Oi ATLARTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OP PEDBRAL AND STATE -INANCIAL ASSISTANCE !DR TRR R1 SO fit. r<~R 8ND8D H8PT8M88R lO, 1986 __ _ GRANT AGENCY/GRANT TITLE/ RR ar':' 2D RO./GRI~r'S PERIOD PBDBRAL DIRECT ASSISTANCE Department oS Treasury Revenue Sharing IDI10-2-016-001 Period ending: EP16 Revenue Sharing ID 510-2-017-001 Period ending: EP17 Rwvi .,.mental P teetion Age ev Nastevater Treatment Construction ID /C120747-030 Period Eadiags 2/88 TOTAL FEDERAL DIRECT ASSISTANCE S?ATB OP FLORIDA GRAM'S Florida Department o[ Environmental Reaulat ion Nasterater Treatment Construction ID /747040 Period Eadi aq: 2/87 Flor'da eoar[ment of Natural Resources Beaches Erosion Control ID iC7509 Period Endiaq: 10/86 TOTAL BTATE OP FLORIDA GRANTS BEGINNING FUND RBDERAL PROGRAM BALANCE AT CPDA AMARD OC20BBR 1, s~$$ ~QjQfj 1985 21.3 S 57,264 530,876 21.3 48,612 530.876 66.418 51,258,789 124.488 N/A 5693,326 ~~ N/A S 25,614 j= ~~ SNDING POND RH96NU6 RSCOGNIZBD BALANCe AT YBDSBAC/ CITY INTeeeST TOTAL SePTElIDeB 30, STATE MATCHING INCOME 8~& 6XPeNDITURES 1986 i - i - i - S - S 23,757 S 7,119 48.612 t 2,627 51,239 51.239 f 48.612 f - f 2.627 i 51.234 S 23.757 S 58.358 t 707.761 = 612.674 S 11.320.435 11.320.435 S 24.488 5756.373 S 612.674 f 2.627 51.371.674 {1.344.142 E 82.84fi _22_ ~i U ;-, T. ~ i This page intentionally left blank. , ~ It Haskins -S s 1 - - -- - - ---- -- - CertRietl Publ¢ Accounts ms Suite 1240 200 West Forryth Sveel ' Jacksonville. Florida 32202-4371 (904) 3%8333 ITT Telex: 4995642 To the BoaoreDls Mayor sad City Commissioners ' City of Atlantic Beach, Tlorida Me have ezamined Che general purpose financial statements of the City of Atlantic Beach, Ylorida, (the "City") for the year ended September 30, ' 1986, and have issued our report thereon dated January 29, 1987. Our ezamination vas made in accordance rich generally accepted auditing standards and [ha standards Cor [iaaacial and compliance audits ' contained is the Standards [or Audit of Govercusental Organiaatlons. Programs. Activities, and yunctiona, issued by the U.S. General Accounting Office, and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as ve considered ' necessary is [he cireumatsaeea. The management of the City of Atlantic Beach in responsible for the ' City's compliance rich lava and requlationa. In connection with our e:amiaation referred to above, re selected and tested transactions and records [o determine the City'• compliance rich lava and regal ations ' noncompliance rich rhich could have a material effect oa Che general purpose financial statements of the City. The resul to of our tests indicate Chat for the i[ema tested, the City of ' Atlantic Beach, Florida, complied rich those provisions of lava and regulations ooncompliance rich rhich could have a material effect on the general purpose financial s[a[emeata. Nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe tbat [or the items not tested Che Ci [y of Atlantic Beach, Florida, vas not is compliance rich lava or regulations noncompliance ri[h rhich could have a material affect on the City's ' general purpoaa [iaancial statsmanta. January 29, 1987 ' UU:~ ~ f:i - 23 - 1 Deloitte 1 Haskins~Sells Cerfiheo Pu olrc Acmuntams $uite 1240 1 200 West Forsyth Sweet Jacksonville. FIO~idd 32202-4371 19041 354-0333 1 1T7 Tetex: 4995642 io the Sonorable Mayor and Clty Commi ssionars Atlsntic Beach, Florida 1 Me have examined Che general purpose financial statements of Che City of 1 Atlantic Beach, Florida, (the "City") Eor the year ended September 30, 1986 and have lasuad our report thereon dated January 29, 1987. Our examination vas made in accordance rich generally accepted auditing 1 standards; the standards for financial and compliance audits contained is the Standards for Audit f Go ernmental Organisations program Activ't'ea and Punctio s, iaaued Dy the U. S. General Aecouatinq Office; 1 the Single Audit Act of 1984; end the provisions of OMB Circular A-12 B, Audits o[ State and Local Goverwnenta, and accordingly, included such testa of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as ve considered neeesaary in the cirematancea. 1 the management of the City is responsible for Ne City's compliance with lava and regulations. In comeetion with the examination referred to 1 above, ve selected and tested transactions sad records from each major federal and state financial assistance program and certain nonmajor federal end state fiaanctal aasia[aaea programs, the purpose of our 1 tasting of traasactiona and records from thoaa federal and state financial assistance programs vas to obtain reasoaaDle aasurence that Che City had, in sit material rmspeeta, adnini stared major programs, and 1 executed the Cestsd noanajor program transactions, in compliance ri th lava and rsqulatiosa, including those pertaining to financial reports and claims for advances and ce imbursamsnts, ooacompliance ri th which we believe could have a material sftact oa [ha allorability of program 1 expenditures. Our testing of [ransactiona sad reeorda selected from nonmajor federal 1 financial assistance programs disclosed instances of noncompliance with certain tars and regulations. All instances of noncompliance that we found, and the programs to which they relate, era idegtif led in the 1 accompagying Schedule of Yiadings and Questioned Costs. In our opining, for the year ended September 30, 1986, the City admigistered Baca of its major federal sad state financial assistance 1 programs in compliance, in all material respects, with lays and regulations, including Chose pertaining to financial reports and claims for advances and re im'vursements, non-compliance rich which re believe 1 could have a material effect oa the allovability of program expenditures. 1 1 - 24 - ~ U : i i t~ i t 2ha rasulte o[ ouc tasting of transsetion• end records selected from nomsjor federal end crate tlnmcial eeeistmee programs indicate that ' for the trmsectims and records [eared the City complied rith the lars and regulations referred to above, s:cept ea aotsd is the sccompaaytnq Schedvls o[ tindings and Questioned Costs. Our tasting ras acre limited then would De aeeeeaary to saprsse m opinion oa rhether the City administerad those programs in eomplimce in all material respects ri th those laws and regulations noacomplimes rlth rhicb ra believe could have e material effect oa the sllorability of progrm szpandituraa; boraver, ' rith respect to the trmsactiona and records that rare aot tested Dy us, mtbing came to our attmtioa to indicate that the C1ty had not complied ritD laws and regulations othec thm [boas lava and regulations for rhich ' r'a n~o^,ted}violations in our taating referred to above. ' Jmuary T9, 1987 1 1 1 -15- ' CITY 0! ASLANTIC BEAW, YIARIDA 6CNEDUL6 OF YINDING6 AND QUESTIONED C0625 FOR TN6 YISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEl~ER 30 19 E6 ' GRANT AGHNCY/GRANT TITLE/ GRANT ID NO /GRANT PERIOD QUESTIONHD YINOINGS/NONCOPO'CII~MCB COSTS PEPARTMHNT OF TRHASUHY R Sh i evenue ar ng Yaderel Revenue Sharing recipients Noae I10-2-017-001 must puDlieh notice of Ne Period ending: EP17 availability for public inspection of the use report filed rith the Office of Revenue Sharing ("ORS") is a aarspsper, or by as ORS- ' approvad alternative means rithia 10 days of filing. The City of ' Atlantic Baae6 Eiled their use report o¢ 3-19-Be, but did net publish thenerspaper notice until 9-16-86. 1 Padaral Revenue Sharing recipients None must make the audit report evsilaDls for public inspection no ' later than 30 days folloring its completion sad receipt by the governn:eat. Notification of the ' availability of CBs report should bs made is a nernpapar of general circulation. The City of Atlantic ' Beaeh received their 9-30-e5 audit report oa 2-12-Be, but did not publish the aarspapsr notice ' until 9-16-E6. 1 ' - 26 - ii U J 2. I Ci 1 1 1 1 1 1 Deloitte Haskins ~-Belts Cenilied Public Accountants io Che Honorebls Mayor and City Commissioners City o[ Atlantic esacb, [lorida Suite ,240 200 West Forsyth Sueet Jacksonville. Florida 32202-4371 (904) 354-8333 ITT Teen: 4995642 Ma have azamined Cha general purpose tinancial statemeata of the City of Atlantic Beech, [bride, (the "City") Eor the year ended September 30, 1986, sad hove issued our report thereon dated January 29, 1987. As part of ouc examination, re made a study and evaluation of the system of internal accounting control of the Ci[y to CAe eztent re considered necessary Co evaluate the system as required by generally accepted auditing standards and the ataadards for financial compliance audits contained is the U.S. General Accounting Office Standards for Audit of Governmental O an'zatioos P ar s Activi t'es and Punctio ~. For the purpose of this report, re have classified the significant internal accounting coatrola in Che folloring categories: cash receipts and disbursements, investments, receivables, budgets, fired assets, payroll, purcbesinq, grants, debt admiaiatrat3on and general ledger. The pu*_pose of our study and evaluation ras to determine the nature, timing, and eztent of the auditing procedures necessary for ezpresaing an opinion on the City's financial atstemen[a. Our study and evaluation ras more limited Chao would bs necessary to espresa as opinion on the system of internal accounting control taken as a whole oz oa any of Che categories of controls identified above. Tha management of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, is responsible for eatabli ahinq and maintaining a sya[em of Lntsrnal accounting control. Ia fulfilltnq this reapoasiblilty, aatimates and judgments by management are required [o assess the szpec[ed benefits sad related costs of control procedures. i'he objectivaa of a system are to provide management rith reaaonaDla, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauUorl:ed use or dispoaitioa, sad that transactions are executed is accordance riN maaagement'a authorisation and recorded properly to permit the preparation of financial statements is accordance ri [h generally accepted setountinq principles. Because of inherent limitations in any system of b[arnal eccoun[inq control, errors or irregular idea may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, projection of nay evaluation of [he system to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes in Conditions or that the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. 1. U" t i 27 - Our study and valuation asde for the 1lsiud purpose described is the first parsgraph mould not wcessarily disclose all asterial wakaea sae in the eystsa. Aceordinglp, w do not ezpreu ao opialoa on the syeGm of internal accounting control of the City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida, tstaa as a thole or on say o[ the eategorles o[ controls identified is the tl rst parsgraph. Bowver, our study and evalustioa diacloaed no condition tbat rs believe to W a aatarisl rsakness. ?his report is intended eolelp [or the use o[ the City of Atlantic Beacb, Plorida, and Ue Baviroaaaatal Protection Aganey (the cognisant audit agency) and should not bs used foz any other purpoaa. Thin restriction Sa not intended to 13sit the distribution of thin report rhich, upon acceptance Dy the City Commissioners and the Envlroaneatal Protection Agaacy, is a natter of public record. January 29, 1987 ~: i; ) T " 'J - 28 - 0 1___ i Deloitte Haskins+Sells Certified Public Accountants Swte 1240 200 West Forsyth Street Jacksonville. Florida 32 202-4 37 7 (904 354-8333 ITT Telex: 4995842 to eAe Honorable Mayor and City Coaaiseioners City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Ma bare aaemiaed the general pucpoae financial statements of the City of Aelentic Beaeb, Florida, (the "City") for the year ended September 30, 1986, and Dave issued our report thereon dated January 39, 1987. As part gf our e:aminntion, re made a study and svalustioa of the internal control systaaa, including applicable internal admiaistzatire controls, uaad is adminiatsrinq federal financial sesiataacs programs to the sstant re considered aeceaaary to evaluate the syatema as required Dy generally accepted auditing staadarda, the atsndarda for financial and compliance audits contained in the Staadarda for Audit of Gore rnmen[al Organizations. Programs, Activities. sad Punetiona, issued by the U.S. General Accounting Office, the Siagls Audit Act of 198, sad the proriaions of OMB Circular A-136, Audits of State and Local Coveromen[s. Por Che purpose of this report, re 4ave elassi tied the significant internal accounting and administrative eontrola uaad is adniniataring [edezal Financial assistance programs in the folloring estegoriess ' Accounting Controls Caab receipts sad disbursements, investments, zaceivaDles, budgets, ' filed eaaeta, payroll, administration and e purchasing, grants, debt neral led er , g g . Admiaiatra[ive Controls: General Requi rementa - Political acttrity, Davis-Bacon Act, Civil Rights, cash aansgement, relocation assistance and Paderal ' [inaatisl rsporta. Specific 6equiremeats - types o[ servicaa, aligiDil3 Cy, matching level of effort, reporting, allocation coat sad spacial requirements (the CiCy bas no sub-recipients or ' indirect cost allocation syabm). -29- ' the wmsgeseat of Ne City of Atlantic Deacb, porida, ie responsible for utsDliebinq and maintaiainq iabmsl cmtrol systama used io t administering federal fiamcial assistmce programs. fa Eulti111aq that responsibility, •atimsus and judgments Dy wmagawsat an nqui red to assess the espected benefits and related costa of control pzoeadursa. ' Yhs objectives of internal control systama used in administering federal fiamcial assistmea program era to provide management rith reasonable, but not sDaoluta, aaauraaee that, rlth respect to federal financial aaaiscmcs prograaa, resource use is consistent rith lava, rsqulatioas, and policieei resources are safequsrdad against taste, loss, and misusai and reliable date era obtained, maintained, and fairly disclosed in reports. eecauan of inherent limitations is my ayatsw of internal accounting and administrative eontrola used is sdminieteriag federal fiamcial asai stance program, strove or irraqularitiaa may nevertheless occur sad not bs detected, klao, projection of my evaluation of the systems to future periods is auDject to tDS risk that procaduraa may become inadequate Decauas of chmges is conditioaa or that the degree of compliance ri tb the procedures say deteriorate. Our study included all o[ the applicable control categorise listed above. Ducinq the year ceded September 30, 1986, [he Citp aspeaded 98>. of its total federal [inmcial sssistmcs under wajor federal flameial aaaiatmce programs. Mith teepee[ to internal control systems used is ' sdminiatsrinq wajor federal [inmcial easietancs programs, our study and evaluation facluded eoaaidsriag the types of errors sad irregularities that could occur, detarnininq the internal control procedures that should ' prevent or dsGCt such errors and irregularities, dateniaiag rhs[ber the aecaaaary procedures are prescribed and era Deinq followed satiatactorily, and evaluating mp vaaknesass. ' rt CD respect to the internal control systama uasd solely is admiai ate ring the nownajor federal financial easistmce programs o[ the City, our study sad evaluation vas limited [o a preliminary review of [he systems to obtain m underatmdinq of the control envi roaaeat and We floe o[ transactions through she accomting system. Our study and evaluation of Che internal control systems uasd solely ;a admiaiateriag the noamajor ' federal fiamcial aasistmce programs of the City did not a:tand beyond Chia preliminary revier phase. i r _ld_ Our tud d l ti y an s avs us m rss more 1SmiGd than wind M necessary to a:prees m opinion on Ue inGrnsl control systems used in adminisGriaq the federal [inmeiel assistmee progrma of the Citp of Atlmtlc Heseh, ' Plorids. Accordingly, w do not esQresa m opinion on the 1aNrnal control systoa used in adminiaurinq the lsdaral Liamciel assistance progrms of the Citp o[ Atlmtic eesch, Plorids. hrthar, ra do not asprsss m opinlon on the !eternal control systems used !n admiaiaterinq the major fadersl financial assistmce progrms of the City of Atlsatic Beech, Plorids. Also, our szmiaation, made in accordance rich the a[mdards mentioned above, wind not nscssaarily disclose material vaaknasaas in the internal control systems used aolaly in sdministsriaq nomajor federal financial assincmce progrms. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Howver, our study and evaluation and our e:mination diacloaed ao condition the[ re believe to ba a material reakaeas in relation [o a fadersl tiamcisl aaaiatmee progrm of the City of Atlantic Beach, Plorids. Thin report is intended aolaly for the use of the City of Atlmtic Heach, Plorids, and the Environmental protection Agsacy (the cognizmt audit agency), and should not Da used for my other purpose. This restriction is not iatsnde6 to limit the dietributioa of this report, rhich, upon aeeaptmce Dp the City Coaoisaioaar• of Atlmtic Beach, Florida, and the Eaviromeatai protection Agency, is a matter of public record. ~~"~l/ ~~~ ~~ ~~ lmuary 39, 1987 ~;v1 - 31 -