Internal Service Funds,r i r r~ _ z m r ~ z~ f vy cn m < ! n m r ~ _ r - ," I t _ ~ ' ,. .. t ., .. -. r i /NTERNAL .. SERV/CE .FUNDS ..... ..::.. ~. INTERNA! SERVICE FUNDS Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department to other departments of the City, on a cost reimbursement basis. The Internal Service Funds were restated for the 1993-94 Budget for comparison purposes only. The following Internal Service Funds were established for the 199495 Budget: • City Manager • Accounting and Finance • Public Works Administration "' • Fleet Maintenance Internal Service Funds are allocated to other departments based on the services provided to the departments. The Internal Service Funds are allocated as follows: City Manger -City Manager and Deputy City Manager salaries and expenses are allocated based on a study of time spent In various departments. The Administrative Assistant salary and expenses and Employee Assistance Program are allocated to departments based on the number of employees in each department. The receptionist salary and expenses are allocated based on telephone coverage for departments. Accounting & Finance -Cashiers and Utility Billing personnel and the related supply, postage and computer expenses are allocated evenly to the Water, Sewer and Sanitation Funds. The Finance Director and - Assistant Finance Director are allocated based on a study of time spent in supervision and performing accounting functions. The Accounts Payabie/Payroil Clerk is allocated based on number of - checks written for each department. The Purchasing Agent and related expenses is allocated based on number of purchase orders issued for each department. -' Public Works Administration -Public Works Director ,Assistant Director ,Clerks and related departmental expenses are allocated to various departments based on a study of time spent in Streets and Roads, Water, Sewer, Sanitation and Fleet Maintenance. Fleet Maintenance -Fleet maintenance costs are allocated to departments based on a summary of work order repairs for each department for one year. 96 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ... INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS COMOINED SUMMARYOF REVENUES AND EXPENDTURES REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1991-82 RCVCM IFC 1992-97 1993-94 199495 DECREASE Charyes kx Services 6:17.391 713.621 1.059.615 1233A51 173.836 TOTAL REVENUES 837,991 719.821 1.959,815 1233,451 179.838 TOTAL RESOURCES 637.391 713.621 1.059.815 1233,451 173.838 Ffcpcunm mcc City Manager 103295 111,935 247,281 25!,736 7,175 Fkunee 6 /~m9ng 255,250 995,soz 969.950 u2,115 62,165 Pub9c Wales AdmWstratbn 171,115 159,367 275,997 320,291 M,951 Fleet Makdenar~ee 107.731 136.817 147.067 218.309 69.242 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 837.391 713.621 1.059,815 1233.451 173.836 accnt tarx a~ t nrertnu• Persmal Servces ~ 651278 621,988 812,609 867,862 55257 Opendkq E~aues 79.838 82,179 240.654 273.889 99,295 Cepltel ONley 12.475 7.051 8.952 91.700 85.948 TOTAL 897.991 719.621 1.059.815 1239.451 _ 179.838 AUTHORIZED POSRIONS 1983/1894 18 94/1995 M~89~ CYy Menage 1 1 DepUy pry Manager (Moved Ftan Geneal Govenanad and lXPdy Funds) 1 Ai~istn3tWe Assistant 1 1 Ranplkxdst (Moved From General Cwomnad) ~ 1 a Fkience FY~ar~oa Dkedor ~ 1 1 Assbtard Fk~enoe Okeaor 1 1 Puniutskq Aged 1 1 Ul9Ny B®aq Swervfsar 1 1 Uteuy kea+dMg Clerk 1 1 Aa~anb Peyabie Clerk 1 1 Head CastJer t 1 CacHas 2 2 Parl4kro Cashier 1 Caryuter Opaata' (New Pa;kion) ~tS 1 Works MmWsn~bn Pudic Wake Dkada 1 1 Asslsfanl Pudk: Works Dkecta 1 1 AdmWstndive Assistant 1 1 Clerks 2 2 5 5 Makdenance Med~anks 4 1 .97 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and H1GNLIGHTS ,. . DEPARTMENT: ' r;;:+Si~~ C17Y.MANAGER =•_i ai'. DESCRIPTION: The City Manager Department's budget reflects the operating funds needed for the City Manager to: IJ assist the City Commission in developing allter- native policy and program proposals; 2f provide adnunistrative guidance to management staff in implementing Commission policies and programs; and, 3) to establish a leadership role in the community. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FSCAL YEAR 1993.94 o Developed quality management program (called Value-0riented Management! for Department Managers. o Interviewed and hired new departmenf managers comprising 40% of total number. o Served on three State committees (Florida City, County Management Asso- ciationl; Board Member for University of North Florida Center for Local Government, as well as local groups, e.g., Beaches Senior Citizen Advi- sory Board. GOALS and OBJECTNES: FISCAL YEAR 1994 - 95 o Establish and administer 6 sessions with all city employees regarding the Citizen as a Customer. o Conduct Goal Setting session with Mayor and City Commission. o Overseebidding ofall basic City ongoing contracts. o Direct further refinement of the budgefary process into more of a programoriented system. WORKLOAD INDICATORS fY'94 Number of Meetin s Attended 490 Number of Citizen Contacts/Ca!!s 795 Number of Pieces of Corres ondence Written 121 98 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DtVIS10NAL EXPENDITURES INTERNAISERVICEFUNO CITY MANAGER REVISED ACTUAL ,ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET WCREASE 1991-92 1992-83 1993-90 199495 OECRE/lSE P R ONAI S RVI S• WAGES Saleiles and Wapes OvaAxne Special Pay SUB-TOTAL SENEFTTS FICA ' Pensbn Flaekh Nsurance waxer a unaRpoy c«aP SU&TOTAL Total WAGES and 6EriEFrrs Piofesskxud Servk:es „9. Audpxp Cefdiadual Serviees Ttavd, Traln4q Corm~uJcatbn PoataBa Ul~lles Refdak, Leases kisuranee Repeh, tl4akdenerce PMlirq, Pubislyp Advertlakq, t~omdbn Olha Qrta~t Che~pes OIRCa Supplies Operatkq Supptkas Books.Sub,~ kdamal Servke puvpea ToW Operalkg E~eroes cAPITAI. OLfT! eY~ Land kigrwema~fa Eft Consindlan h Pmpess Total Capital Outlay DFBT~C RVI~F- Interest . Olber . Trial Debt Servke ' TRANSFERS'- To To Wrer Totai Trarofers DMSION TOTA1 S, 73,160 78,303 160,000 165,000 5,000 456 241 1,300 1,400 100 _ 8,260 9.000 4.500 1.500 73,616 81,804 164,300 170,900 6,600 5,698 6,111 12,607 13,073 466 9,186 9,140 14,139 17,545 9,40E 6,869 7,145 7,980 7,800 420 214 93s t.txa toaE 2985 22.732 95,126 99.118 1.292 85,581 104,536 199,426 210,918 10,892 8,400 8,500 100 400 2.000 1.600 5,047 5,043 8.500 8,880 180 480 soo 2,sso 2,550 63 128 2.570 1.935 (1,215) 95 175 9,175 9,000 1,475 600 ~ ('975) 938 918 6,120 1,000 (4,120) 134 219 8,050 1,000 (5.050) 676 711 9.700 9.750 11.895 U,928 3,033 ~ ~ 8,738 8,954 46,835 43,418 (3,117) 978 M5 1,000 1,000 978 445 1,OOD 1.000 103.295 111.935 2472E1 251.738 7A75 99 ; DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT: /ICCOt1NTiN@~~fNANCE DESCRIPTION: The Accounting & Finance Department's budget renects the operating funds needed to support and administer the (rnancia! aNairs of the Crty, )ncluding City investments, budget preparation, financial )nfom~ation generation, utility billing and related customer questions and complaints, payroll, purchas)ng, vendor payables, and data processing. MAJOR ACCOMPI.ISHMEMS: FSCAL YEAR 1993 - 94 o Reorganized Accounting Department to more appropriately align funcGbns. o Implemented use of handheld meter reading devices. o Providedmonthfy financial statements to managementand the Commission. o Restated budget to conform to external auditor recommendations. o Implemented intemaf accounting controls. GOALS and OBJECTNES: FISCAL YEAR 1994 - 95 o Increase level of customer service provided to citizens. o Provide reliable and timely financial infom~a6on to the City Commission and management staff. o Fully uG/~ze the City's computer system and available software. o Establish a professional Accounting & Finance Department. WORKLOADlNDICATORS FY'94 UG7" Bi71s Generated (Annual) 78 000 Delin vent Notices Generated (Annual) 14 400 final Bills Processed (Annual() 3 500 Accounts Pa able Checks Processed (Annual) 12000 Purchase Orders Processed IAnnual) 3000 Pa roll Checks Processed (Annually 1 700 100 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ONISIONAL E%PENORURES BdTERNAL SERVICE FUND ACCOUNTING ANO FINANCE REVISED acnltil acTUaL BuocEr BuocET a4cREtisE P R O Ala RVI S• 19912 '1992-93 199384 199495 DECREASE WAGES SakaWs and Wapes 174,496 205,573 237,1!1 251,915 21,771 Ovalkne 10,956 4,995 6,000 10,000 1,000 Special Pay _ 8,154 7.677 _ 8,265 6,579 2.6667 SUB-TOTAL 197,610 218,045 217,109 270,491 23,085 BEI4EFfTS FICA 15,252 16,180 19,156 20,700 1,64! Pension 16,416 15,744 25,171 24,168 (685) HeaN k~surarae 10,213 12,941 16,804 21,508 1,704 Worker 3 Unenpby Cony 670 952 1.447 1.515 82 SUB-TOTAL 42411 45.817 62,576 _ 68,221 5.615 TdaIWAGES and BENEFITS 236,021 267,862 309,985 978,715 26,730 OP ATINO EXP Na -a- Profesabna Servkos Au4AYq Ate 1,695 ~ 21,500 10,000 (11,500) . CadraaualServkes 2.891 . 1,235 9,195 3,600 105 Trava, TrafrJrq 616 836 650 7,500 6,950 CCommmudcalon 9,000 9,000 ~~ ~ UUtiUes Rerdats lanes 22,000 22,000 , k~suance Rapeks, Mahlaranco 7,923 23,810 21,500 22,900 1.100 Put 4,17! 4,926 13,450 13,000 (450) 08arCurorKClwpes 62 1.000 - (1.000) OfOoe SuppBes 2,541 2,276 9,200 3.000 (100) OperWinpSrppies 760 2,805 2,900 R9W) Books. S~6, 4WrrbasMpa k~femal Servloa Charpas 328 628 920 . 1.000 ToW OperaOip Eayenses 18,638 '97,863 , -' 76,615 82,000 15,985 CAPITAL OUTLAY• land ~ ~ 910 2,9ao R9oo) EQulprtrart 591 9,667 150 11.400 10,950 Camtrudbn h Progress Taal G~ amy DEBT SERVICE' 591 x977 9,950 11,4ao 6,oso .Prkrdpd kderest 08rer Tdal Oeht Servk:e .. . TRANSFERS' To To Olher Tolal Tn4nsfers ~MSION TOT/ 1 S' 255,250 905,502 989,850 ~M2.115 52,165 ~1p1 • . DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and N1GHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT: t.':~~fi' l3T'IC~WQR~CS~AD~4flNtS7ftA770tV}= DESCRIPTION: The Public Works Administration Department's budget reflects the operating funds needed fo support: Il the administrative demands of the Public Works division; 21 customer complaints related to Public Works functions; and, 31 the monitoring of conswction projects. MAJOR ACCOMPUSHMEMS: FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 94 o Expanded and improved Complaint Management System. . o o Completed initial training on compufergenerated wodc orders. Improved employees'awarenessofsafety. o Improved inventory control GOALS artd OBJECTIVES: f1SCAL YFAR 1994 -95 o Increase response time to citizen complaints. o Generate work orders on the computer. o Increase proficiency in software program usage. WORKLOAD INDICA70RS FY'94 Com faints Handled 300 102 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES INTERNAL SERVICE FUND PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ACTUAL ,ACTUAL. REVISED BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE ERSO Al SERVICES 1991A2 `1992.99 199384 1994-05 DECREASE [ P WAGES Seierbs and Wages 97,857 101,718 137,798 U8,100 8,604 Ovedyna 1,974 2,241 3,000 1,000 (2,000) Spedd PeY 1,520 2,812 2.696 2.700 4 SUB-TOTAL 101,351 108,801 U3,192 150,100 8,608 BENEFrrs FlCA 7,742 8,171 10,748 11,482 734 Fbnsbn 8,388 7,718 12,369 13,205 838 Fioalth yissiranoe 4,011 5,341 8,330 9,500 1,170 Wotlca d Unanpby Camp 2.613 7.511 8214 9.000 788 ' SU&TOTAL 22.751 28,739 39.681 43.187 9,528 Total WAGES and BENEFITS 124,105 135,540 193,153 193,287 10,131 Ftdessbnel Servkes 34 . Aomutyq, Au6Wq Cordrachrel Savkas 8,987 5,292 4,529 10,000 5,471 Travel, Tratr~4g 1,785 1,880 2,500 2.500 cona~xatca9on 2,940 4,as 6.000 6,000 t ~ 14.esr 5.903 ' 1zooo 1z,ooo Leases 3,762 159 is i ~ ~ 1 19.986 2,04 4 Repays, McMtamnoe 2,021 2,839 4,870 5,600 730 Ftytyq, pt6bhyp 610 8 1,500 500 (1.000) Ofhet gnat Cttaryas 251 500 1,000 b00 08ke Supplies 2~ 1,705 2,538 2,500 (38) OpaaOnp Suppies 2,984 1,081 1,650 5,000 9,350 Books, Sub. Menttaaltps ~ .838 ..661 . . ~ 1,000 1.000 ktemal Serdce l ~ 34.114 .. 50.816 1802 Tatd Operalyq E>~atses ~ 38,918 27,621 92,184 .118,704 24,520 C PIT l O lTi AVc Land • 800 800 Other yrgrovanxts Equlpnat 8,092 204 9,500 9,500 CarWnicilon h Piopren Told Capital Outlay 8,092 204 10,300 10,300 P~Y~dpel Nterest Other Talal Oebt Savke TRANSfERSS To To Other Trial Trawlers DNISION TOTALS' ~~ _ 159.387 X97 320.291 _ ~~ ' '41.954 103 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPT/ON and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.' ,. ..,.. ;";":FlEETdNAI(1fTEtVAIVCEr: DESCRIPTION: The laeet Maintenance Department's budget reflects the operating funds needed to support the maintenance of alJ City vehicles and equipment for the efficient operation of daily duties. MAIOR ACCOMPLfSNMENTS: FlSCAL YEAR 2993-94 o Increased expertise and extent of irtfiouse repairs. o Enhanced inventory conbo/through canshuctron of secure cabinets. o increased the level of maintenance on all public buildings. GA4LS and OBJECTIVES: flSCAL YEAR I994 -95 o o Monitor fleet maintenance via use of the computer. Increase the number and degree of rnfiouse repairs. o Replace necessary equipment to conform to DEP guidelines. o Continue to enhance the appearance of pubic facilities. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY ~4 Number of Work Orders Per Month fAvera e) 220 104 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DmsIONAL E~wENOrruREs INTERNAL SERVICE FLEET MAINTENANCE REVtsED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET DUDGET WCREASE PERSONAL &ERVIGES 199182 ~ 199283 199384 1994.95 DECREASE [ WAGES Salerbs and Wages 69,132 80.504 85.878 88.880 3,204 OverOme 2,716 8,098 2,000 5,000 9,000 Spedel Pey 9250 2.159 _ 2.999 9.000 1 SUB-TOTAL 75,098 92,059 80,875 88,880 8205 BENEFITS FICA 6,877 7,100 8,937 7,800 8G! Pernbn 8,024 8,712 9,133 8,077 (1,178) Hee1h Ngtaanoe 8,717 7,085 7,388 7,930 512 WorketdUnempbyComp 1.855 SA91 5.921 4.815 H,008) SUB-TOTAL 20.473 28.391 _ 29,379 28.682 p17) Total WAGES and BENEFRS 95,571 120,450 120,054 125,542 b,488 OPERATIN . EXP NS c' Professknel Services • Travel, TtaktJrq 195 1,000 500 (500) CammrsJcation Postage 81 81 100 100 lATilles Leases 1,~0 1,891 2.500 . 2,000 (500) ~.~~ 2,956 tA51 9.500 7.000 (500) AdvedleYp, Promotbn Otlier Curterd Ctrer9es Ollfoe Su pBes 185 850 600 (350) p OperatYp SuppYes 4,149 10,151 17,070 15,687 (1,403) Books. Sub, MartiberatJps 78 ktemd Servke Cluvpes . Total Operatirq E~ernes 9,344 17,839 25,020 21,767 (3,251) CAPITAL OLITI AY• land Buidr s g Ofher4nprovertteras 69,000 x,000 2.818 2,128 1,993 (1,99;1) Cor h Total CepNet OuBay DEBT SERVIGE~ 2,816 2,428 1,993 x,000 67,007 Interest OOret Total Debt Servka TRAN~EERy; To To OMer Tatal 7rensfers DIVISION TOTALS] 107.731 ~81s 117,087 ~ 218.309 ~ 69.242 105