Audit Report - 1968-1969i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FI.ORR)A AUDIT REPORT December 31, 1869 rr~or.wu rm - cunnm'uwac wccaurrunr CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORmA INDEX TO REPORT December 31, 1969 CertHirate Letter Geuenl Fund Water Accou¢t Ope[afioog Utility Revenue Bond Fund Sewer Fund Comments Page Number 1 2 - 8 9 - 12 13 14 lb 17 IS 19 1 1 1 1 1 TYSON AND MEEK CERTIFIED VUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 3250 9EACM BOULEVARD JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 3820] ~. .. A February 11, 1870 To The City Commission City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Geatlemm: We have examined the balance sheets of the various funds of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, es of December 31, 1989, a~ the related statemenffi of cash receipts and disbursements for the year then ended. Our esamination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing stan- dards, and included such tests of the accountlng records and such other auditing procedures sa we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the attached etatemenffi, subject to the comments on pages 18 and 19, present fairly the Bnancial position of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, at December 31, 1969, and the cash mceipffi and disburse- ments for the year then ended, m conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a be®s consistent with prior yeaze. Respectfully wbmitted, c7~i-KI atu~ ~;~ Page 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1969 ASSETS Cash on Hand and in Bank -Page 3 Taws Receivable -Page 4 Paving Assessments Receivable -Page 4 Lot Clearing Liens Receivable -Page 4 Assessments for Demoktion - 1968 FUND BALANCE Current Surplus Unrealized Surplus Total Fund Balance page 2 $ 65,614.88 96,545.63 150.00 721.64 2,480.00 $ 11b,991.95 $ 85,614.88 49,877.07 $ 115,991.95 rrtin wno ~....- ............ .....» ..«.,,..,.... 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND CASH RECED"PS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1989 Cash Balance at January 1, 1969 Add: Revenue Receipts -Page 5 Total Available Deduct: Expenditures -Page 8 Cash Balance at December 31. 1969 Composition of Cash Balance at December 31, 1989 Fvst National Beach Bank Change Fund Total Page 3 ~rrcurrurt~ $ 71,897.93 386,63T.35 $ 458,536.28 393,020.40 $ 65,514.88 $ 85,414.88 100.00 $ 65,514.88 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL F[A'D December 91, 1969 TAXES RECEIVABLE Real Estate Ydr Aa<msed 1969 $ 24,680.33 1966 5,781.98 1967 4,76b.29 1968 4,343.78 196b 3,373.16 1964 646.38 1983 462.04 1962 191.22 1961 188.01 1980 114.22 1969 161.8E 1958 103.88 1967 88.52 ~ 1958 and Prior 638.80 ~ Old Seawall Lery 76.51 $ 45,401.9b Pemonal Property 1 j 1969 Levy $ 843.90 1968 Lery 299.68 1,143.68 Total $ 96,695.53 PAVING ASSESSMENTS RECEIVABLE Year Amaeed 1952 $ lbo.oo LOT CLEARING LIENB RECEIVABLE Y®r Aswted 1969 $ 260.00 1988 138.66 1987 5b.29 1966 33.00 1985 191.69 1963 45.00 Total $ 721.54 Pag 9 Haar .wo Nanc - eorrvrm waue nccwrnwnr 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND REVENUE RECEIPTS ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL 1969 Aceount 101 Ad Valorem Taxes - 1969 102 Ad Veloxem Tales -Prior 103 Personal Property Tea 104 Fines and Forfeitures 104A Court Cants lOb Permits 106 Electrical Franchise 107 Garbage Collections 108 1961 Paving Assessments 109 Licenses 110 Penalties end Interest 111 Miscellaneous Collections 112 Telephone Franchise 113 Radio Service -Neptune Beach 114 Lot Clearing 116 3. M. Sewer Service Charge 116 Sewer Service Charge 117 Royal Palms CertiScete No. 3 121 Transfer from W.O.M. & R. Account 122 Transfer fmm Water Revenue Account 123 Trsnsfer from Unbudgeted Aeservelll Total IrlAClual receipt of rhu mnounr it not refkcred since it it included in the Cosh Su.plus brought fonumd f mn the pdm ymr. Page 5 rrwrt .wo rm - eamnm was Estimated Actual $ 66,400.00 $ 66,739.09 18,000.00 18,984.38 3,600.00 6,328.22 28,000.00 43,A33.40 -0- 633.00 1,800.00 1,718.55 25,000.00 24,901.07 37,000.00 40,781.68 100.00 1,263.87 16,000.00 1b,433.00 600.00 1,781.34 1,600.00 2,244.56 1,600.00 1,518.81 4,200.00 4,200.00 600.00 822.13 350.00 419.00 45,000.00 46,197.25 3,000.00 2,986.00 29,500.00 29,600.00 100,000.00 80,000.00 27,334.00 -4 409 284.00 $ 386,637.35 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORmA GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1968 Acmunt 201 202-A 202-B 203-A 203-B 203-0 204 20b 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 216 217 218 zls 220 ADMIMSTRATION Personnel Insurance -Building, Vehicles, W/C, etc Insurance - Li[e and Hospitaliza0on Office Supplies Postage Maintenance Contract, Xerox City Hall Repave, etc. Audit OAS [and Expense Office U08ties Assessor Advertising Commissioners' Fund Election Expense City Managers Expense Memberships Professional Services City Attorney Commissioners' Salaries Retirement Program House Removal APP~Wiatiom E:peoditmee $ 29,408.00 $ 28,747.08 10,065.00 10,060.64 3,740.00 3,736.64 3,000.00 2,928.66 1,326.00 1,287.03 1,000.00 891.90 2,305.00 2,303.24 1,600.00 1,600.00 10,320.00 10,318.08 880.00 723.26 260.00 260.00 1,367.00 1,216.99 800.00 86.70 396.00 392.66 698.00 b97.31 400.00 388.76 8,036.20 8,023.20 2,400.00 2,400.00 soo.oo 600.00 464.80 - 116.00 - 301 302 303-A 303-B 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 Total -Administration PUBLIC SAFELY Personnel Uniforms Police Supplies Fire Supplies Jail Meals and Supp]ies Dt]hHeb Building Maintenance Radio Repair Schools end Training Program Humane Society School Crossing Guard Office u'upplies Municipal Judge Alternate Judge Total -Public Satety Page 6 T~DII YID Ym[ - $ 78,858.00 $ 76,660.92 $ 89,609.20 $ 89,502.44 1,624.70 1,624.70 958.00 824.06 516.97 616.92 1,076.00 1,063.17 2,526.00 2,526.96 1,075.00 1,074.12 1,200.00 1,165.50 264.11 264.11 900.00 900.00 200.00 200.00 941.02 441.02 1,000.00 1,000.00 400.00 400.00 $ 101,590.00 $ 101,392.00 CITY OF ATLANTIC HEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1969 Aaount ApPropnalions Ex Miturea pe TRANSPORTATION 401 Personnel $ 6,648.00 $ 6,644.10 402 Gasoline 7,475.00 7,416.51 403 Oil and Grease 776.00 769,61 404 Pazfs and Tires 7,300.00 7,244,17 405 Supplies 800.00 599.29 408 Shop Tools 600.00 684.08 Total -Transportation $ 23,298.00 $ 23,196.86 SANPPATION 601 Personnel $ 27,914.00 $ 27,805.90 602 Landfill 2,400.00 2,926.62 603 Containers 1,660.00 1,537.62 604 Supplies 460.00 343.88 Total -Sanitation $ 32,319.00 $ 32,113.90 LABOR 601 Personnel $ 60,112.00 $ 60,093.00 PUBLIC WORKS 701 Tools and Supplies $ 1,500.00 $ 1,436.13 702 UtiSties 1,630.00 1,238.83 703 Equipment Maintenance 3,000.00 2,923.71 704 Beech and Street Ends 1,550.00 1,541.42 705 Drainage 2,000,00 1,952.03 707-A Street Lighia 5,500.00 -0- 707-B Lights -Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport Rd. 6,200.00 6,095.00 708 Street Surfacing 15,740.00 16,623.93 710 Engineering Service 600.00 133.84 711 Street Signs 800.00 788.16 712 Building M1taintenance 600.00 495.01 713 Sidewalks and Gutless 5,000.00 4,861 20 714 Schouls, Training, etc. 600.00 282.62 Total -Public Works $ 44,420.00 $ 37,291.68 Page 7 1ifp1 /.IID YIDI 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1969 Acmunt 801 802 803 804 806 806 827 828 829 901 902 903 904 906 1002 1003-A 1003-B 1006 1007 1008 1009 1012 SEWER DEPARTMENT Repairs end Replacements Plant Maintenance UNtitiea Chlorine end Chemicals Supplies Tools Transfer to Sewer Fund Certificate No. 3 T:ansfet to S. M. Sewer Fund 1Yarefer to Sewer Fund Total -Sewer Department PARKS AND RECREATION Personnel Recreation Supplies Tools end Supplies Recreation Maintenance Park Lighting Total -Parke and Recreation CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS Administration Public Satety - PoBce Pubhc Sa[ety -Fire Public Norks Pazk Department Pubhc Works Public Works -Building Drainage Park Improvements Approprixtio,u Experdilurea $ 3,600.00 $ 3,433.42 1,400.00 1,390.99 4,220.00 4,111.90 4,110.00 4,106.32 100.00 80.86 160.00 143.69 1,100.00 1,194.00 360.00 418.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 $ 30,030.00 $ 28,880.07 $ 12,682.00 $ 12,461.98 600.00 686.71 300.00 242.36 1,660.00 1,270.29 1,000.00 688.60 Total -Capital Appropriations 1051 EAfERGENCY EXPENSE FUND Grand Total -All Depaztmenta Page 8 $ 16,112.00 $ 16,238.93 $ 1,000,00 $ 427.50 2,500.00 2,45099 2,500.00 2,462.85 3,250.00 2,937.56 10,860.00 10,779.21 5,000 00 4,728.54 2,146.00 1,228.13 2,305.00 2,300.46 $ 29,550.00 $ 27,315.24 $ 3,000.00 $ -0- $ 409,284.00 E 393,020.40 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORH)A WATER ACCOUNTS OPERATIONS BALANCE SHEET Decemher 31, 1969 ASSEPS Cash MBank -Page 10 FUND BALANCE Water Revenue Aceountttl Water Operations, Maintenance and Repair Accounthl Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund Total Fund Balance ~I~Awik6k (or nmufer to General Fund Page 9 $ 38,876.96 5 38,876.96 $ 17,264.82 134.61 21,476.83 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORH)A WATER ACCOUNTS - OPERATIONS CASH RECEIPI'8 AND DISBURSEMENTS 1969 Cash Balance at January 1, 1989 5 26,013.88 Add: Revenue Receipts -Page 11 $ 163,300.30 Interest Eamed ~ 774.65 164,074.85 Total Available $ 179,088.73 Deduct: Budgeted Expenditures -Page 12 $ 145,987.32 Less -Increase in Renewal and Replacement Fund Balance included therein 6,774.66 140,212.77 Cash Balance at December 31, 1969 S 38,876.90 Composition of Cash Balance at December 31, 1969 Atlantic National Hank: Checking Accounts Water Revenue Account $ 17,284.82 Water Operations, Mafntenence and Repair Acrnunt 134.61 Wafer System Renewal and Replacement Fund 6,702.08 Time Certibcates Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund 16,774.66 Total $ 38,876.96 Page 30 ,~ww MD ~~N ~ GuI,I,m NRIC •GC.WMINIr~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER ACCOUNTS OPERATIONS REVENUE RECEIPTB E31'[MATID AND ACPUAL 1969 Account Petimated Actual 1101 Minimum Water Charges $ 37,600.00 $ 38,384.60 1102 Excess Water Charges 11,000.00 13,317.17 1103 Cu4In Charges 2,000.00 1,497.40 1104 Service Chazges 650.00 767.36 1106 Cigarette Taa 68,073.00 63,087.97 1106 Utility Tax 67,780.00 46,27b.91 1107 Tramter from Unbudgeted Reserve 7,260.00 -0- Totals $ 172,263.00 163,300.30 Page 11 NMJC t 1 1 r 1 1 CPCY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER ACCOUNTS -OPERATIONS APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1969 account Appmpristio,u Expenditures Operations, Maintenance, and Repairs IndireM Costs -Paid to General Fund 1402 Administration $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 1403 Transportation 3,600.00 3,500.00 1904 Labor 14,000.00 14,000.00 1406 Capital 4,000.00 4,000.00 Total $ 29,500.00 $ 29,500.00 Direct Cosfa 1411 Repairs and Replacements $ 8,900.00 $ 7,960.72 1412 Tank Maintenance 100.00 70.00 1413 Utilities 4,500.00 4,313.10 1414 Chemimis 1,500.00 1,153.75 1416 Building Maintenance b00.00 413.73 1430 Miscellaneous 600.00 488.30 Total $ 16,000.00 $ 14,379.60 Renewal and Replacement Fund 1501 New Mains, Meters, Services $ 7,600.00 E 3,080.17 1502 Water Reservoir 500.00 - 1603 Emergency Water Plant 500.00 Total $ 8,500.00 $ 3,080.17 Fund Transfers and Other 1221 Revenue Bond Fund - Hond Principal $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 1222 Bond Interest and Paying Agent Charges 5,253.00 6,263.00 1241 Increase in Fund Balance -Renewal and Replacement Fund 5,000.00 5,774.55 1242 To General Fund 100,000.00 80,000.00 Total $ 118,253.00 $ 99,027.66 Grand Total $ 172,253.00 $ 145,987.32 Page 12 i 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORH)A UTILITY REVENUE BOND FUND BALANCE SHEEP December 31, 1969 ASSETS Cash in Atlantic National Bank -Page 14 Fiaed Assefr - Water System Water System constructed since May, 19b8 from pmceeda of bond issue -Cast New Water Mains, Service and Meters added from Revenue of System = CasUO $ 82,297.69 $ 230,862.18 128,472.93 369,435.09 391,732.78 LiABH.ITiE9 AND FUND BALANCE Utility Revenve Bonds Payable $ 153,000.00 CertiCtcates of Indebtedness Payablei~1 Salve Marina Realty Company No. 2 4,700.00 Total LiabOities $ 157,700.00 FUND BALANCE Investment in Water System Accumulated Interest Eamed on Investments Restricted for Debt Service Total LiabiSties and Fund Balance 11113,080.17 added during 1969 121Notn¢luding accrued inlerett Page 13 rraar u~o rau - $ 201,736.09 4,799.69 27,495.00 234,032.78 $ 391,732.78 1 1 1 C[TY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FGORmA [lPIL1TY REVENUE BOND FUND CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBIIRSEMENTB 1989 Cash Balence at January 1, 1989 Add: Transfers hom Water Revenue Account Interest on Savings Total Available Deduct: Bond Principe! Paid Interest and Paying Agents Fees Cash Balance at December 31, 1889 Composition of Cash Balance at December 31, 1959 Atlantic National Bank -Checking Account Atlantic National Bank -Time CertiRcate Total Pam 14 S 31,041.08 S 13,269.00 1,638.01 14,791.01 S 46,832.09 S 8,000.00 6,634.40 13,684.40 S 32.297.89 S 1,132.47 31,185.22 S 32.297.68 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SEWER FUND BALANCE SHEEF December 31, 1869 ASSETS Cash in Banks -Page 18 Uncollected Sewer Assessments Sewer Construction Coma Uncollected Selva Marina Tap Fces Less: Amount due Salve Marina Realty Co. Total Asset $ 27,362.64 18,742.58 683,469.45 $ 1,600.00 848.60 961.50 $ 730,516.07 LIABILPfIES AND FUND BALANCE General Obligation Bonds Payable Certificates of Indebtedness Payable tl) Selva Marine Realty Co. No. i $ 19,2bb.48 Interstate Contracting Company No. 3 1G,766.28 Government Greet Special Assessments Revolving Fund Total Liabilities and Fund Balance ~1/Dxf not lvcLrde aroard in[errst Page 15 $ 255,000.00 30,010.74 $ 67,093.29 330,093.35 96,313.69 445,b05.33 $ 730,516.07 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA S6WEA FUND CASH RECEHTS AND DBBIURSEMENTB 1389 Ceah Balance at January 1, 1969 $ 28,093.83 Add Cash Receipts Revenue Receipts -Page 17 $ 46,082.09 Lela: Beginning Cash Balance included 26,093.83 19,998.48 Total Available $ 46,092.09 Deduct hash Disbursed Budgeted Expenditures -Page 17 18,729.66 Cash Balance at December 81, 1969 $ 27,362.64 Composition of Cash Balance at December 31, 1868 The Ocean State Bank Checking Account $ 14,867.13 Time Certibcetea 12,600.00 $ 27,367.13 The Fist National Beach Bank 6.41 Total $ 27,382.64 Page 18 ...,,.. ,,..,. ~..~ -......,.,.o rv..ac .ccwwrww.. CITY OF ATLANTTC BEACH, FLORIDA SEWER FOND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AECEIFPS 1908 Pstimated Actual Sewer Fund Beginning Cash Balance $ 26,b00.00 $ 26,093.83 CoBectiona on Sewer Assessments 1,000.00 2,673.37 Interest and Miscellaneous Co9eMions 600.00 2,326.09 Transfer from General Fund 16,000.00 16,000.00 Total $ 42.000.00 $ 46,092.09 APPROPRLITIONB AND EXPENDITURES Sewer Fund Bond Principal Bond Interest Sewer Constntction Sewer Reserve Fund Total ApproRietiow Expeaditurn $ 5,000.00 $ b,000.00 9,967.60 9,968.26 4,600.00 3,771.30 22,542.60 $ 42,000.00 $ 18,729.66 Page 17 COMMENT 3 GENERAL FUND General Fized Assets -The City has nat established formal property mcmds and general feed assess ere not reflected in this report. Operations -Revenue receipts and appropriation expenditures for the years 1969 and 1988 ere summarized below on the cash basis: laernue 1969 1988 (Decreme) Revenue Received Ad Valorem Taxes $ 89,029,69 $ 92,862.98 $ (3,832.74) Idcenses 16,488.00 16,801.00 (468.00) Fines end Forfeitu~ 43,418.40 36,898.80 7,718.60 Garbage Collection Charges 90,781.68 38,036.10 2,74b.68 Sewer Service Charges 49,801.26 48,811.98 989.27 Ttanafer fmm Water Revenue Account 80,000.00 98,000.00 (16,000.00) Transfer from Other Funds 29,600.00 27,100.00 2,400.00 Other Receipts 38,878.33 23,723.68 16,164.77 Total S 388,687.36 $ 877,984.87 $ 8,702.98 Ezpcedituree Administration $ 78,660.92 S 68,116.87 $ 17,486.05 Public Safety 101,892.00 90,802.27 10,689.73 Transportation 23,148.68 22,387.82 769.34 Sanitation 82,113.90 30,936.12 1,878.78 Iabor 60,093.00 44,181.91 6,911.09 Public Works 37,291.88 28,801.88 10,480.02 Sewer Department 29,890.07 27,922.60 2,967.67 Parks end Recreation 16,236.93 13,946.87 1,291.26 Capital Expenditures 27,316.24 29,961.88 (2,848.62) Emergency Expense Fund -0- 2,660.00 (2,660.00) Total $ 393,020.40 $ 347.604.18 $ 96,418.22 Page 18 WATER UTILITY FUNDS FSaed Aaaefa - No reserve for depreciation on 5aed assefs o[ the water utility fords is shown ea the City has not established deprecation data. The transfer fmm the Water Revenue Attrount to the Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund is based on a percentage of gross water revenues, end is not 6 depreciation eapense amount based on established depreciation data. OpetaBom A cash basis summary of Water Utility operations for 1969 and 1968 is presented below: Operating Income Water Charges Cut-Ins and Service Charges Total Increase 1969 1968 (Decrease) $ 51,701.67 $ 62,168.30 $ (486.43) 2,264.75 2,633.20 (378.46) $ 63,958.42 $ b4,801.30 $ (844.88) Operating Ezpenees Indvect - to General Fund Direct Total Net Operating Income Other Income Cigarette Taa Utility Taa Total Other Eapense Bond Interest and Other Chatges rranr u,o rm - $ 29,600.00 $ 27,100.00 $ 2,400.00 14,879.80 18,381.78 (2,002.18) $ 43,879.80 $ 43,981.78 $ 397.82 $ 10,076.82 $ 11,318.62 $ (1,242.70) $ 63,087.97 $ 66,940.67 $ (2,872.80) 48,276.81 62,351.38 (8,075.47) $ 99,343.88 $ 108,291.95 $ (6,948.07) $ 5,263.00 $ 5,476.00 $ (222.00) $ 104,167.70 $ 114,136.47 $ (9,968.77) Page 19