Audit Report - 1957-1958~~~~ ~ / i i CITY OY ATI.ANIIC SSACkI, PIARIDA ADDIT asYDxT December 31, 1958 ~I~YFU.\' .1\l) DIY. I:A CE FTIFIED OV dIIC 4000VNT<NT$ ~ ~ AT < iiC BOVlE V9HD ~. :~ I CITY OF ATLANl'IC BRACH, PIARIDA AUDZT REPORT December 31, 1958 -i ' r ((( 'I~xox exn Dle sa CERTI P!EO PV BLIC ACCOV NT<NT5 rpl] ~ A uiiG pOVLEVFRO Jeppgogvrw.e ], Nl~glw ~ ' " - PlEA9E ADDq E59 ALL [u aVw[ Lpu [fix c.._..P ~ March 1:J 1959 COgpE6PONOENCE TO. _ __ _ ien bonne eon....., eLe m, nu mo. c. e. .. JACp80NVILLE ], fLOgIDA To Tha City Coraniss ion City o: L[lantic Beach, Florid: Gentlemen: '.lu have examined Che balance sheets of the various funds of [he City of A[lan[ic Beach, Florida, s; of Dxcmbar 31, 1958, and the reLa tad sta tamanb of cash r:ccip[s and expendi torso for [he yea: [hen unde d. Wr eaznination vas nldo in accordance with generally ~ accopt.d auditing standards, and accordingly included ::uch tots of [ho accounting rxords and such other auditing procedures as ua conoidered neces awry in Che c ircumc[ancas. In out opinion, wbjoc[ to the acconpany ing caar;n ta, the attechad :;iatemen[s present fairly the fimnc ial position o. Chc ]iry of Atlantic Beach, Florida, aC Dxenb::r 31, 1958, and tha cash race ipts and di:- bur:;ancnts for [hc yaar thou andedJ in conformity crith g;:ncra lly secs p[ud accounting pr inciplos appLiad on n ba:: i:: cons is tint ei[h prior years. ^1Becp.:c [fully ::ubnittad, / ; ` c Dr7F1 a NT s GE17ER.°.L FUDD GENERAL FIXED ACOETB: The C ay':; general fixed aasets are not reflected in th i:: report an tha City has ectabli~hed no formal property fund. 6000UNTO PT.YtBLE: Accounts payabla are not re Elected on any of the Crzncral Fund .: [a [ementa (ezce pt the balance Ghee ts), ac they are not con..idared ene~mbrance:: aga ins[ the current year', appropriations but ara appropriated in [he succeeding year's budg<t. OPER(.TIIN15: Tha Eolla~ing i:: a condensed ::urinary of General Fund cash tees ip[:. and dis bur ements for [he years 1958 and 1957: Per<entagc Incruaz Of Increase 195" 1957 (Decraa_e) (Dacrea:.e) Cash Receipt.:: Ad Valorem Taw $ Licences Fines fi Forfeitures Garbage Col lec[ion Transfer:: From Aa ter Utilities Funds- Curplw Other 37,059.38 $ 35,004,55 $ 2,054,83 12,753.[;5 8,922.50 3,830.95 32,729.15 19,364.00 13,365.15 12,440.55 11,520.89 919.66 5.9 `/, 42.9 69.0 8.0 21,35:.43 12,991.34 0,364.09 64.4 11,954.14 12,511.13 (556.9:) (4.0) Total Reecipb $ 128,292 .1;; $ 1C0,3U:.41 $ 27,977.69 27 .9 Ca..h Di.:bur:;emcnL; :.dmini:; era [ion $ 19,77! .26 $ 21,195.9) $ (1, [s2G.5k) (6 .7) Police and Public OaFcty 23,141 .01 21,601.36 1,539.6: J. 1 Fire De par [men[ 6,311 .29 4,434.95 1,076.34 42 J Sani Cary Depar tenant 17,150 .57 11,213.23 5,945.34 53. 0 Town Labor 10, 36_' . LO 14,309.97 (3, 9t:6.E7) (27. 6) Public idork- 9,71[s . 13 9,048.55 665.5E 7. 3 Capital Rudgot 17,607 .55 21,931.90 (4,244.43) (19. 3) Unallocated Fund 1, 466 .SU 3,475.43 (2,000.93) (57. 8) Ttan.: £ar [o Jewcr Fund 2Q 000 .00 -0- 20,000.0C To[a1 Di.:bur.:c- mant:: $ 125, 613 .k1 ^y 1J7,211.27 $ lJ,t:~-02.14 17. 2 w RECQ44END(:TIONS: The following recommends Lions are again respectfully submitted: (1) Estab li.:h property records, indentifytng each piece of movable equipment, for control purpose.. (2) Create a Prop:rty Fund to contain atl of the General Fixed Asse [s. J ~ CITY OF ATLANPIC BEACH; FLORIDA GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31. 1958 A$S~ Cash in Beach Bank $ 48,856.08 Share Accounts - Federal Savings and Loan Association 58.33 Taxes Receivable (Statement 3) 12,935.05 Uncollected Street Paving Assessments (Statement 3) 428.00 Due From Encr gency Seawall Fund 2,495.81 Total Assets S 64,773.27 LT ABILITIES _y Accounts Payable $ 1,S10.Ob SURPLUS Cash Surplus $ 47,404.35 Unrealized Surplus J E56.86 , Total Surplus 63 263.21 Total Liabilities and Surplus S 64.773.27 - STATEt~NC 1 . -. cLTY o: ATL~.NTlc BeACR, FLaeLDr. GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF Ci:SR RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS For The Yzar Endcd December 31, 19:6 Cash Balance at danuarv L, 19;2 Bcach Bank l,ccount S 26,176.09 Federal Sav ingc and Loan A-socia Lion 20,056.33 To cal $ 46,235.22 Add: Cash ftccc ived: Budgeted R.v ;nun Receipts (Statement 4) 141,697.60 Total Cash Available $ 187,932.62 Deduct: Ca::h Di:buraed: P.ppropr is [ion Expenditures (C to Cement 5) 139,018.41 Ca ch Balancc ac December 31, 1952 $ 42,914.41 Ccxapoc icion o.` Ca::h Balance at Dac.^mber 31, 1958 Beach Bank l.cccun[ $ 46,856.J8 Federal Javings and Loan Aasocia lion 52.33 Total $ 42,914.41 CTATEMENT 2 ' = CITY OP .:TL'.NTIC BEGCN~ FLORID:: GENEE;.L FUND T:.XES EECE IVI:BLE Dccanber 31 1958 Ycar Assessed Amount 1958 $ 1.:, 675.31 1957 722.91 1956 563.64 1955 295.24 1954 335.29 1953 and Prior 365.73 Old SeaNall Levy 76.93 Total $ 12~936.~~6 U!lCOLLECTED i1T.EET Pl.VING ."~uSESSMEIJT"u Decembar 31, 196D Y: ~ r ,d i.moun[ 1955 $ 116.6 1954 112.6) 1953 15..:: i 1951 5.;. ,J '. otal $ 428..,: ST7,TE?;F.NT 3 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORID/. GENERAL PUND REVENUE RECEIPTS ESTTMATED AND ACTUAL For The Year Ended December 31 1958 Under Budget Over Budget Ea time ted Realized Es [ima[e Estimate Current Revenue: Ad Valorem Taxes - Current Year $ 28,600.00 $ 26,831.68 $ 1,968.32 $ -0- Ad Valorem - Prior Year 9,000.00 10,227.70 -0- 1,227.70 Licenses 9,000.00 12,753.45 -0- 3,)53.45 Fines and Forfciturc~ 20,000.00 32,729.15 -0- 12,>29.15 Permits 3,500.00 3,524.75 -0- 24.75 E leccrical Franchise 3,BG0.00 4,767.3) -0- 967. s7 Garbage Collections 12,000.00 12,44).5$ -0- 440.55 S [reet paving As sesaments 200.OG 33.75 166.25 -0- Neptune 3everage 1,300.00 1,220.77 79.23 -0- Pemlties and Interest 250.C0 248.47 1.53 -0- Mi:;cellaneous Col Lettions 750.00 1,381.28 -0- 631.28 Transfer F. om Water Operations, Maintenance and p.epafr Account 13,405.50 14,693.66 -0- 1,286,16 Trans ter From Water Revenue Account 14,718.83 20,G67.27 -0- 5,348.44 S clue Marina Sewer 750.00 777.75 -0- 27.75 Total $ 117,474.33 $ 141,697.60 $ 2,215.33 $ 26,438.60 STATEN :NT 4 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLQtIDA GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES For The Year Ended December 31 1953 ADMINISTRATION: JOINT W.1TER SYSTEM AND OPERATING ACCOUNTS: City Manager City Clerk Office Clerk All Insurance Office Supplies and Expense City Hall Repairs A t[orney ;,udi[ City's Share O.A.S.I. and Cos [s Oftiee Utilities Extra Office Halp Miscellaneous Expense Original Authorized Amount Cash \ppropria[ion Changes Ap propriated Expertdi lures $ 6,OOJ.00 $ -O- $ 6,000.00 $ 6, OJ0.00 4,200.00 -0- 4,200.00 4,200.00 2,7UG.OJ -0- 2,7W .00 2,700.J0 4,000.00 710.J0 4,71J.JJ 4,7J2.10 2,OJJ.OJ (310.JJ) 1, 69J.J0 1,672.55 350.0) -0- 35J.J0 339.27 6JO.J0 - - 6JJ.JJ 6JJ.UJ 8'JJ.JG -J- BJJ.JJ BJJ.JO 1,3JJ.JJ - 1,3JJ.JJ 1,352.87 325..:J SJ.JJ 375.JJ 368.31 7JJ.JJ 71J.JJ 1,41J.J3 1,407.15 $J,:.w -J- SJJ.O~ 676.14 Total-Joint Accounts Less: Nuounc Chargeable [o Water System Budget Sub-local OTHER GENERAL FUND :1000UNTS: Tax :.s sessor Advertising Hayor's Fund Election Expense CQ1®i66lOnei9' Salary Expense to Change [o City Total-Other Accounts $ 23,475.Jv $ 1, 16.,. JJ $ 24,635.oJ $ 24,818.39 J,.,42.SJ 7,J42,SJ 7,.:42.5.. $ 16,432.SJ SL 1, 16J.vJ $ 17,592.SJ $ 17,775.89 15J.JJ -J- 15J. JJ 45.62 4JJ.Vd -J- 4„J.,,,; 399.68 I,.,.. J,. I~J.JJ 2JJ. JJ 175.9J 6,.J.vJ -~ 6..J.JJ 6w.JJ S,.J.J.. - - _ _ Sw ..,,. 474.17 $ 2,..SJ. J„ ~ 1J~.:;J $ 2, 15.,.JJ $ 1,995.37 STATEMENT 5 CITY OP ATL:.NTIC eE,1CN, FLORIDd GENER.IL FUND ;.PPROPR LITIONS ;.ND EXPENDITURES For The year Ended December 31. 1958 Original Lu[hor ized AmaunC Cash ;,ppropria tion Changes ;,p propria[cd Ex penditures POLICE :.ND PUBLIC SdFE1Y: JOINT 47i'.TEP. SYSTEM LND OPEWITING i.CCOUNTS: police Chief $ 4~8w.JS $ -J- $ 4,30.; .,,J $ 4, 8,::..;;J Officor 3~9JJ.J/ -J- 3~9J...,;~ 3,9~....i„ Officer 3~6J~.JJ - 3,6/,;.~J 3~6„S.J., Uniforms 565.:/J 565.J.: S65.J~ Suppl ics 125.J/ - - 125..;J 113.32 Traffic Signs 31...vJ 15..,J 315 ..:~ 31:,.67 L ifc Guards 1, L.,O.JJ -~- 1~1~;J.:iJ 995.u2 Red Cross Life Swing Corps IJJ.~.: - - 1w.J., 1~:.;;,, Maintenance and Repait 2~J,;J.W 7b/. JS 2~76u.~~ 2,757.77 Gas and Oil 2, SJ.,. ~:: 115.J/ 2, 615,J~ 2613.12 Radio Service 1,2GJ .::J (3JJ ..;J) 9J/.J.; 9vJ.J,; Jail Service and Ut ili tics 9J.i.OJ 375.Jv 1, 275.JJ 1,267.61 Police Judge 3J~.JJ -J- 3..;i. J.. 3;.J .::,, Prisoners' Meals and Police Phone 35~. ]., 4J ..;,, 39.....,, 384.14 M iscullanaous Expense 5vv•~l/ 1J...,;;i GJ... J,: $33.3„ Ne C-Police and Public Saftty- General Fund $ 22,24~.,iJ $ 1,LJ5..:J $ 13, 345..:J $ 23, 141.1 FIRE DEP:.RTMENT: Fire Ch icf $ 3~9J... JJ $ (2, 16.;.~J) S L, 75.:.~J $ 1,698,13 Tools and Supplies 4JJ.JJ -J- 4c,W, J;, 28J.25 Ha in[enance and Repair 35J.JJ 175.OJ 525.J~ 523.7) Gas and Oil 25J.JJ ti- 25::. ~.; tII:.. 45 Pirc Station Utilities 6..J.JJ 65.~J 665.cJ 661.29 Firenan 2,7 W.v.; -J- 2,7J„.,,,i 2r7v... ~,. Fire Sta [ion Nepairs 1JJ.0/ -J- 1.;,;,J~ 94.78 Miscellaneous Expense 2JJ.JJ __ -J- 2J.,,JJ 172,69 Net-Pirc Department-Gcncral Pund $ B,SJJ.uJ $ (1,91J. JJ) $ 6,59J.J~ $ 6,311.29 STAT@tENT 5 LContlnutdi CITY OF ATIe1NTIC BL".CH, FLORID.: CBNERhL FU ND dPPROPRIATI0N5 ,1 ND EXPENDITURES For The Year Ended December 31, 1958 Original i.u[ho rized :.mount Cash dpp ropriation Chan ges ;.ppropria[ed Exp enditures S,:N IT;.ftY DEP:.RTMENT: Driver - Foreman $ 3,.:62.SJ $ 35.J3 $ 3,.:97.SJ $ 3, ..94.8 Labor 1J, JLJ.JJ -J- 1J, Jl.:..i;i 1J,,;06.45 Garbage Disposal L, 1J~.J.. ::- L,L~J.~~ 1, 1,:J.:,4 Neptune Scwcrnge 1, 3~J. J.. 4,;.JJ 1, 34., ..,J 1,339.71 Ma in [nnancc and Rcpa it 5.:...GJ 25...;,~ 75.:. J., 678.25 Gas and Oil 5,..,.J~ 65.x.. 865..1:, 864.57 fl is ccllanocus Exponse 2~J ...~ - - 2~... ..J 74.75 N.a-Sanitary Dapar tmon[-General Fund $ 16,972.SJ $ 39.;. ~.: $ 17,362.5:. $ 17,158.57 TO.JN I:.BOA: JOINT 1S.TER SYS TFM 6NU OPE~'.TING .:000UNTS: Fomman $ 3,9JJ.,,~ $ -J- $ 3,9~~.~.% $ 3, 9J,.. La hur 11,75~•~.: -~- 11,75.;..;6 11,158.1:. Total-Joint 6m oun is $ 15, 65~.~~ S -.,- $ 15, 65~..,.. $ 15, X58.1.. Less: ;,mount Char goable io Water System Budget 4,695. ~.. - - 4,695.x., 4, 695..;J Nc[-Town Labor-Ccncral Fund $ 1.,, 955.,:J $ - - $ 1~,955.~J Sy 1.,,363.1., PUBLIC WORKS: JOINT IIi.TEA SYSTEM ;.ND OPER,ITINC ::000UN'LS: Tools and Suppl ics $ SJJ ..:.; $ 16:,.JJ $ 66,,..;0 $ 651.47 Ma in tonancc and Rc pa irs 75J.JJ SSJ.J,i 1, 3~...,;J 1,293.99 Gas and Oil 1,7.%J.JJ -~- 1,7~~.Jv 1, SIS.CS Garage Utilie tes 75.6„ - - 75.;,J 23.16 Total-Joint Lcc ounts $ 3, ,:25.JJ $ 71J.W $ 3,735.0;; $ 3,484.47 Less: ;.mount Chargeable Co Water System Budget 907.50 -J- 9J7.Sd 9J7.SJ Sub-Total $ 2,117.5 y5- 71~.J~ $ 2,B27.SJ $ 2,576.97 STATEMENT 5 (Continued) CITY OF ATLANLIC BEACH, FLGRIDA GENEP.AL BUND APPC.OPRIATIONS F.ND EXPEPIDITURES i•or The Year Ended December 31. 1958 Original fu thor ized ts~cunt Cash ADpro rp iation Chanxes fwn roorfated Ex pendite.es PUBLIC '!OBY.S~ (COI7FINUED) OTHE? OPc=a.; ING ACCOUNTS: 721 Street '.e pa L- Itz[eria_ a" 1,000.00 $ (ISO.CO) $ 850.00 $ 805.11 722 Beach Barricade lOC.00 SO.GO 150.00 143.!:2 723 Drainage 2, OOO.CO (1,000.00) 1,000.00 961.96 724 Se auall tree tends 6 See ps SOO.OG (475.00) 25.00 17.24 725 G'ad ing S[rec [s 300.00 6, OSO.OG 6, 35 C.00 4,U40.75 728 f._cr__.~±:;u ~.: .~:._ 500.00 (350.CG) 150.00 117.66 729 Parts-3ain:?Hance and IIe anti Ycazion 250.00 (200.00) 50.00 33.16 730 i5isca llan~ous Ex Pe nse 100.00 100.00 22.31; 731 Street Ligh[ Bulbs :00.00 !00.00 200.00 136.75 740 Serer Tes Cing Equipment 25.00 25.00 75 00 -0' 58 26 741 Elec tr±c Current-Sewer Plane [ l 75.00 OC 100 (SO.OG) . 50.00 . -0- 742 an Pfiscellaneous-Sewer P _ . 00 050 S 5 $ 3.975 .0~ S 9.025.00 S 7.137.1[ Total Other hccocr__ . . Nei-Public llorls- General Fund S 7, 1[7.50 $ 4,685.00 $ 1L85 "t.50 S 9,711:.13 G:PITi.L BUuSET: E ~L'I Pt~NT: 9C2 Admin isn ation -Office Equipnen[ $ 1>550.00 S 310.00 $ 1,860.00 $ 1,856.50 903 Pclice Dc;:ar tmenc 1,250.00 2,100.00 3,350.00 3,054.20 904 Fire De par trn_n[ 500.00 500.00 446.11 907 Public flocks 2.250.00 2,250.00 2,230.1_8 Total Eau foment $ 5,550. GO $ 2,410.0[ $ 7,960.00 $ 7,587.29 Less : tunounc Chargeable [o lJacer Sys [em Budge[ 760.00 -0- 760.00 760.00 t(e t- Eau foment - General Find ,~ 4.790.00 S 2.410.00 S 7.200.00 S 6,827.29 STATEMD:NT 5 (Continued) CITY OF ATLANTIC BE.1CH, FLORIDA GENERt.L FUND APPROPRLITIONS AND EXPENDITURES For The Year Ended Dacomber 31, 1958 CAPITAL EUDCET (Continued) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: New Street Lights Jail and Equipment Storeroom and Fence Total-Capital Deprovemcn[s NeC-Ca pi [al Budge[-Cenaral Fund UNALLOCATED FUND: Una lloca [ed :,ppropria [ions UNBUDGET'ED RESERVE: To Bc Invcs [ed Fund Balance Transfer to Sewer Rcvoly ing Fund Total Unbudgc tcd Re serve Total Joint Accounts Water System Budget Accounts Net-General Fund Original Authorized iunount Cash .lppropriation Changes .:DDropria Ced Expenditures $ 1,000.00 $ 700.00 $ 1,700.G0 $ 1,402.63 6,OJO,CO 500.J0 6, SGJ.JO 6,441.18 4,JJJ .JO (b5J.00) 3,450.00 2,966.45 $ 11,000.00 $ 68C.00 $ 11,b50.OG $ 10,360.26 $ LS,I90.00 $ 3,060.OG $ 18,850.00 $ 17,687.55 $ 3,961.83 $ (2,390.00) $ 1,571.83 yS 1,466.50 $ 10,000.00 $ -0- $ 1C,000.OJ $ -0- 9,546.98 (6,200.00) 3,346.98 -J- 20,JJd.O~ -G- 2J, JUJ.oO 20.VOO.JJ $ 39,546.98 $ (6, 2J:,,JJ) Si 33, 346.98 yS 2J, ~"uJ..:v $ 157,121.31 $ -0- $ 157,021.31 $ 139, J18.41 13, 405.J0 -0- 13, 4J5.0~ 13,4JS.J0 $ 143,616.31 $ -J- $ t43, 616,31 $ 125,613.41 STATEMENT 5 (Concluded) CITY OF LTLANTIC BEACH, FLCRIDt. GENERAL FUND STAT1S18NT OF C&1NGeS IN SURPLUS Por The Year ended December 31, 195E Balance at January L, 1958 $ 60,10351 Additions For Ycar 195E Tar. Poll $ 3E~564.50 Adjua tment to 1957 Roll 342.03 38,907.33 Total $ 99,010.84 Deduction.. Increase in Accoun[o Payable $ 127.59 Adjw tmen[ to 1955 Paving ins se~sments 48.59 Excess o: Appropria Lion Expenditures Over Budgeted Revenue Receipt:: 35,571.45 35,747.63 Balance at December 31, 1958 $ 63,263.21 ~TLTCMENT 6 CITY OF i,TLlNTIC BEP,CH~ FLORIDA SPEC7GL JEA:1l,LL EMERGENCY FUND El.LlN^.E SHEET December 31, 1958 r,gSET3 A::.:enaman[o Duc From !,butting Property Oumer_ $ 2,227.04 (,tatement 9) Punds Ta Be Provided 268.77 To[al !.wet:: $ 2495.81 LL'.BILITIE" Due G::Hera! Fund $ 2,495.81 Not: - No activity in this fund during 1956. • ;TATEMENT 7 C LTY OF P,TLANTIC BEACN~ FLORIDA SPECL',L SEAVALL EMERGENCY FUND DELINQUENT OEt.S]ALL EMERGENCY ASSESSt~IIIS December 31, 1958 S~:ndbagging and Property Owner Rip-Rapping Tic-Backs Total Clifford A. Payne $ 180.E0 $ 86.50 $ 267.30 Lalla J. Pzlot 180.00 86.50 267.30 Glover Sze is:; 180.80 86.15 266.95 Drewey Stynchcomb 75.85 334.54 410.39 P. M. Clarkson 150.85 33.60 184.45 ' Anne R. Rodgers 30.80 268.90 299.70 -. R. S. Tower:: 150.85 33.60 184.45 Daugh[ry Towcrc 150.85 22.40 173.25 Ray :lilli:. 150.35 22.46 173.25 Total $ 1.252.45 $ 974.59 $ 2,227.04 STLTE[ti:NT 0 C ON,ME NT 5 41GTER UTILITY FUNDS ORDINANCE REOUIREME NTS: It appoar.: that all of [ha requiramm [.: of Ordinanco No. 172, Scc [ion 17, ^_overSng zhc tran~Ecru of ^aa to Util i[ic o" Fund., have been Fulfilled a:: of Dec~mbcr 33, 1958. 'CCOUNTO °ECEIVl.RLE: Lccoun [:: Rxciv~bLe arc no[ refio ci<G in [hi. report as -.m [cr rantal rwcnua~ arc racm-dcd on a ca:,h baai.-. FI:;ED LJ_E1'L; No r .;~rvc for co pr ^_cia[ion on fiacd a.:::a [:: of the Ila ter U tili y ?undo i., .hrnm a.. tha ~.iy h=.: no es[abLishcd dzprec is [ion Ga tz.. The trsn.: Ear Ex om [he dat.r F, vanuo ~rc ount to the Slc Car ;y.aum Ronaval any Rc pl2cem~nt Pund i.: bacad nn a p.:c~nt~ge of gro_c :ra for ravunuc ~, and i- not a daprcci^tion a:panso amount ba.:~d on as iabli. h.d d.prec iaf ion data. OPERLTIONJ: Thy folLrnaing i:. r. ron£::n .o-a :.ummxy o;: '.la a:r L't ilt[ias Operation. pr~aent~_"~ nn a ce_h ba., i.; for :h ~• yaar.: 1~:8 any 1:57: Parccn[agc Of Incr.: ac. Inercaae 19.7 (Ducar .:.) (Dacrca..c) Opora [irg Inc om~: Ua[cx Renta L: $ 23;7 ~I.i2 $ 22,301.40 $ 1,4.6.12 6.7 ^.u [-In and ;svicc Ctt.^.rOc. 1, 098.J0 L, SS 6.76 :41.24 21.9 Tot.1 Op.rr.:: ing Incoma $ 2t, 6_.52 $ 2„ 856.16 $ 1,027.35 7.7 `/, Oporatioy, Er pe n., a.;: Ind it oCt - To Ge naral Puns $ 13;45 .50 14, S11. CCi $ (1,505. 50) (10.0)`/, Dircc[ 3,371 .79 2, 311. 83 1,059. 91 45.6 To[^L Opar_ ing ~ F,zpon o.: 5 16,777 .29 $ 17 222 .SG $ (~4i. 59) (2.6)% Nye OPen^tins Income$ 8,9 :'G .23 $ 6, G3i .28 $ 2,272. 5.`: 34.3 '/. Other Inc omz: Cign ru tc:_ ?c.;: $ L`,~68 .72 L' ,773 .56 $ 1,;95. L6 I1.G '/, u[iuty T-.;: ;!.7 .2 12 ,997 .41 L, ;54. 11 12.0 Total Other Income 5 29,:16 .24 $ 26 ,766 .97 $ 3, Lk 9. 27 11.8 `/, Ofhor E:: p~n.:.:v: Road Inb_ro ., $ 7,.716.79 $ II ,011 .20 $ (29b. 41) (3.7)% Nai Incom.: $ 31,307 .68 $ 491 .05 $ 5,716. 67 22.5 '/, RECCPQ4ENU/,TIUNS: 47o again r~p~c tfulLy :submit the following racomm:;nda [iono: (L) Record water rental revenue:: on an arrual 6^::is+ so that ace ourt.: raccivabla and actual revonucs can ba de iarminc d. (2) Nnvc the Trw CCa (::Clantic National Bank of Jac!c_onv ilia) inve:a U[iLity Ravcnu.: Bond ^•und cn.h not needed for current debt .:ervi~o in app~opr is to ..ec uzit ies. CITY OF /.TLi.NTIC BE:.CH~ FLORIDA Wi:TER R'eVEtRJE ACCOUNT STATEtRN'I OF :.'wH RECCIPT~ AHD DI3B0[:SENclTS Far The Year ended December 32, I95~ Ca_h in Bank at January 1, 195 $ -0- :.d5 0.~sh p.ac _-ive ::.: Revenue Recoipt:; (_ca temenC 2-;1) 55,601.76 DEDUCT: '7E: CIS-U[d3D: %ppropr is tion P~:pandituras (;ta Cement 2-W) 55,601.76 Ca_h ir. Bank at Dxcmbar 31, Li'.J $ CTLTEdEti° 1 - !/ CITY OF LTII.NTIC BELCH, FLOE'7DF: ;]ATEE P,EVE[R1E GCCOUNr ST.:TEiiENT OF REVEtHJE RECEIPTS For 2hs Yaar Gndcd Dxcmbar 31, 1953 E-CimateG Roaliznd tt inimum !later Ran[al $ 16,000.00 $ 17,205.20 E~ceas ila tar C.m tzl 7,500.00 6,101.72 Cut-In ~harga. 1, OSO.CO 1,394.00 .;erv ice Ch.=.r g~:; s~.CO 4.00 C igatetta ^. r.. 13, SDD.DD 15,368 J2 Utility T_:: 12,000.00 14,47.52 Total $ 5G, 100.00 $ 5i, 601.76 l.PPP.OPI[L"."IONS LND ESCPENDITURE": For The '[aar Endad Docamber 31, 1958 Tran.:Iar.. To Otli~r :undo: Utility P.av;:nue Bond Pund; Band Principal Info r_oc - Current Y.ar Int<ra - :inking Puma: !/atr :y: CZm Ren.eal and Replac.:m mC :'und au a.,; ?und 7at.r Opa. aC ion:., Ila in renanco and Rc pa it Lccount rota 1 Ca.h ",pLiropr iation Ex pendituree $ S,G00.03 $ 5,000.00 7,71G.79 7,716.79 2,533.42 2,533.42 2,13^.96 2,23[;,28 14,718.83 20,G67 .27 18,000.00 18,000.00 $ 50, 1OG.00 $ 55,601.76 CITY G' f.TLt.tRIC EEi,~A, FLORID: Ul.TER OPEP,ATIOlV7, A'u,INTENi.N~E AND CEP;.II: SCCWBT ~TtTEMENT 0 ~P,7H RE~E TPT'; LND DL.~BU[:GEMEHI~ Por Tha Y=ar E..dzu December 31, 195II Ca .h in 3enk at January 1, 195u „dd: Cach Raeaived Trans to :rain 'da[or R:v :nue ;:ccoun[ - Currznt Yoar'~ i.ppropr is [ion Total Ca,h .'.vailabla Deduct: ~a.:h Di::burue d: LppropriaCioa Espmdi [ur:=.; (J to [amsnC k-1;) Tran;f:;x~ [o Ganeral Eund; Curren[ :urpLu.; aah in cnk at D-cambsr 31, ]958 $ 65.4; 10,J00.00 $ 12,065.45 $ 16,777.29 1,200.16 1D,Ou5.45 Nor CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ^ATCR OPEZ1TION, tMINTENANCE AND REPAIR ACCOUNT STATQIENT OF APPROPRIATIONS AND E%PENDITURES ,,^•or The Year Ended December 31, 1958 Indirect Cost Transferred To General :und Adminic [rativc Labor Public 4lorks Capl tal Budget Total Direct Costs Repair:: and Replacements Tank Maintenance Utilities Chlorine - Insur_nc- Miscellaneous Tot-1 Grz m: Total Cash Appropriation Expenditures $ 7,042.50 $ 7,042.50 4,695.00 4,695.00 907.50 907.50 760.SG 760.50 $ 13,405.50 $ 13,405.50 $ L, 500.00 $ 1,464.46 1, 0OO.OG -0- 1,500.00 1,453.41 250.00 256.50 210.0G 167.44 134.50 24.96 $ 4,594.50 S 3,371.79 $ 18;000.00 $ 16,777.29 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, PLCR IDA HATER SYSTEM RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1958 ASSETS Ca:,h in Atlantic Na [ional Bank (Sta Cement 6 - W) $ 2,054.85 FUND BALANCE Fund Balance $ 2,054.85 :;TATEHBNT 5 - N CITY OF l.TLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER SYSTEM RENE41l.L AND REPLACEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURCEMENTS For The Year Endad Dzczmber 31, 1958 Cash in Bank a[ January 1 1958 $ 3,792.40 Add: Cash Received Transfers From Water Revznua Accoun[ (Sta[ement 7-W) 2.284.28 Total Cash Available $ 6,076.68 Deduc[: Cash Disbursed Appropriation Expenditures (S tatament 7-N) 4,021.83 Cash in Bank a[ Dzc_mber 31 1958 $ 2,054.65 STATEMENT 6 - W CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER SYSTEH RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT POND REVENUE RECEIPTS For The Yaar Ended December 31, 1958 Estimated Realized Transfers From Water Revenue Accnun[ 59. of Gross Water Ravenue S 1,175.00 $ 1,284.28 Por Capital Improvements 955.96 1,000.00 Total S 2,130.96 $ 2,284.28 APPROPP IATIONS AND EXPENDITURES For The Year Ended December 31. 195E Cash Appropriation Expendi[ures Nev Ma ins Services and Meters $ 5,000.00 S 4,021.83 Fund 8alanca -0- -0- Total $ 5,000.00 $ 4,021.83 STATEMENT 7 - W 5 CITY OF AT[:,NTIC BEACH, FLORLOA UTILITY REVENUE BOND FUND Bt,LANCE SHEET December 31. 1958 AS^ETS Cash in Atlantic National Bank $ 21,265.23 Fixed Assets - Uater Sys[em: Hater System Constructed since May L, 1955 $ 230,962.16 Nev Mains, Service and Meters Added 11,669.65 242,651.81 Total Assets $ 263,917.04 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Utiliky Revenue Bonds Payable $ 226,000.00 Fund Balance Balance in Pixed Asset. $ 16,651.81 Cash - Res[rictcd 21,265.23 37.917.04 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 263,917.04 STATEMENT 6 - H CITiC OP ATLANTIC BRACH, FLORIDA UTILITY REVENUE BOND PUND STATEMENT OP CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Por The Year Ended December 31, 1958 Cash to Bank at lxnuary 1, 1958 $ 18,939.47 Add: Cash Received Transfer Prom Water Revenue Account for CurrenC Sinking Pund Requirements: Bond Principal $ 5000.00 Interest 7,716.79 Reserve _ 2,533.42 15250.21 Total Cash Available $ 34,189.68 " Deduct: Cash Disbursed ~` Bond Principal Paid $ 5,000,00 - Interest and Paying Agent's Charges 7,924,45 12924,45 Cash in Sank at December 31, 1958 $ 21,265.23 STAT@~NT 9 - W CITY OP ATLANTIC BEi;GH, FLORIDi. CE}IED FUND Bi.L°.iL^E SHEET Deeemb~r 31, 1958 i.J.ETS Ca .h in :ederal day inga and Loan i;s socia[iGn - R.:voly ing Fund $ 20708,16 Cash in 3wch Bsnk 148509.37 Cons true lion in Progm ~s - Seder Syotem (S Ca temant 3-S) 194,790.63 Total fw se is L I(.B ILITIES !:ND FUND B:;Ii~NCE General Obligation Bondc Payable $ 364008.16 $ 30C,000.00 '- _ Fund Balance: R~_voly irg Pund $ 20708.16 Sewer Cons tru<tion 43,300.00 64.008.16 Total Lia bili[ies :nd Fund Bn lance $ 364,008.16 ~TATEt4EIYC I - S CZTY OF LTL:INTIC BEACH, PLORIDf, CEt7ER FUND CASH RECEIPT^. l.ND DISBURSEMENTS 19sa . ' Ca.:h Received Procac do fran Dale of Bonds Government Grant Trancfar From General rFund to es [abli:h Scear Revolving Fund" Inures[ earned on "Sever Revolving Fund" Total Cash P.eca ived Cash Disbur::ed i2Nei iiy~CCm ConS[ruc Cion (eta tem2 nt 3-~L $ 300,000.00 43,300.00 20,000.00 706.16 $ 364,008.16 194,790.63 Cash Balance at Deceober 31, 1918 Campooition of Cesh Balance at Dectmbar 31, 1958 Ca::h in Beach Bank Beach edcrat ;avinga and Loan i.sociation Sccount Firs[ Fu d:;r..al caving-. and Loan P..:..oc is Cion i.^--count Total ::Ti.TEMENT 2 - $ 148,509.37 10,354.08 i0, 3;4.08 $ 16~i,217.53 $ 169,217.53 CITY 0: ATII.NTLC BEi:CN~ FLCR IOi, JEUEP FUND CONSTRUCTIGtI IN PRCC[tESS - SE41EP. CYSTEt4 Dzccnber 31, 1913 f.noun[ Construction won tracts Paid To Da tc 3ewcr Plants :lillinn S. Sni[h Co. $ 89237.7. Lift Stations Henry G. Duprec Co. 24,334..;: Forcz Mains, Joe Reiner [son of Jacksonv ilLo 54,323.1 Sub-Tcta1 $ 167,894.71 Othar Co;: cc Engineering, Ins pcction and Othor Fa c:: 13,44.71 Legal Coss 17._S fl dnini:arati va, including c_.._nl Lgatc Charges 4~57U.4:; Rcpn}^.oant of :~dvantc Planning Loan 5, 9~.:. J., O [h<r 2,959.76 Totcl $ 194,79.:.63 ':Tl,TEl;Ei7T 3 - S ,a. ~ ._ ` x ^ ~~,~` ~' ' a S4 ' 6Y ~.~ ~, f 1 ygy~4 1 ' ~ i Y '.~~ a*4' ` SS " ~ ~ ~ ~ "i6 .. ! ~ 34 msg..' ~ x _~'S. i $' 3JC ~ ~ 1 -~ . ~~ ~ ~g ., .~ .. Tr 5 yy sy dF ~_~ 8 ~'~ - ~" i _ ~y T~Ja ,z `~ ~": ~~ ~. ~~' A~ $- ..p Y ti ~~ ' ,'. +S ~.. °j :. ayc, + ~ ~ ~ ~~ x ~y ~sq ~, ~` ~~ ~~ ~~ .~ €~R t ~~. C I T Y 0•F A T L A N T I C H E A C N B U A G E T R E P O R T F 0 R F I S C A L Y E A R 1 9 5 8 n ~.J ''~ December 3, 1957 Honorable Blayor-COmmisaioner and Flembers of the City Commission City oP Atlantic Heach, Florida Gentlemen: Submitted herewitt. is Lhe proposed City of Atlantic Beach Budget For 1958. IL has been prepared in the form required by the new City Charter. This Budget report is composed of three parts as follows: 1, Budget Summary 2. Budget 3. A comparison of the 1956 Budget and the actual revenue and expenditures; the 1957 Budget, actual revenue and expenditures for January through October, estimated revenue and expendi- tures for 1957; and the 1956 Budget. Revenue • The General Fund Revenue shows an increase of $2 962e16 and the Water System Revenue an increase of $1,000.Ob. In the 1957 Budget $13,139071 was transferred from the Unbudgeted Reserve for Capital Improvements, no transfer from the reserve . is proposed in this budget, this effects a net decrease of $9x177.55 in both revenue and expenditures for 1958 under 1957. The $2,962.16 increase in General Fund Revenue is caused by the normal growth of the CSty, No increase in Ad Valorem Tax Revenue is proposed except the increase caused by new construction being added to the 1958 Tax Roll, The $1000.00 increase in the Water System Revenue is attributed to normal growth with increased sales, cigarette tax, and utility tax. It should be noted that the decrease in water rates and the increase in rainfall in 1957 has caused a decrease of v2,214a78 in the Exceea Water Revenue in 1957. Expenditures The General Fund Expenditures are net up by departments ae follows: Administration - Expenditures will be decreased by $1,698,00, Increases for office supplies, extra office help, Commissioners' ealarp and expense for change to City are more than offset by the decrease in the cost of the Tax Assessor, i Police and Public Safety - Expenditures will be increased x(.,551,00. Increases in salaries in 1957 plus increased cost For gasoline and maintenance, radio service, fail service, etc. have caused this increased Fire Department - Expenditures will be increased $4,950,00, The employment of a qualified full time fire chief and a fireman who was employed in the past year account for this increase, Sanitary Department -Two colored employees will be transferred from the Labor Account to this depart- ment which x111 give a more realistic cost for keeping the city clean, This increase will be off eat by a corresponding reduction in the labor Account. This, plus the new rates for the Neptune Sewerage Service account for the total increase of $6,022,500 Labor - The transfer of the two men mentioned above will cause a decrease of $7,765.00 is the expenditures in this account, Public Works - Expenditures will be reduced $2'823050 • because there is no street paving appropriation in this budget, Unallocated Funds - $3,961,83 have been appropriated for unforeseen expenses, Water Spatem -The water system expenditures are almost identical with last year, The water system is more than self supporting and should provide an excess of $lk 718,83 which will be transferred to the Genera Fund, Capital Expenditures Capital Expenditures era divided into two categorise, Equipment and Capital Improvements, Under Equipment the following purchases are proposed: Office Equipment - Typewriter, calculator aad filing equipmento Police Equipment -Trade one police car and purchase a traffic timer, Fire Equipment Hoae reel, 1 inch hose and a small • amount of 1} and 2~j inch hose. - 2 - Publfe Ylorks Equipment - Used pick-up truck and `' various shop equipment, Under Capital Improvements the following items are proposed: New Street Lights - Each year we are entitled to additional street lights based on our gross electric billing, Zt is proposed to start a new street lighting circuit in the Donner Section. Jail - The City of Jacksonville Beach has requested that we discontinue using their fail facilities even though we are paying $200,00 per month for this service. It is proposed to build a four cell ,jail with an office For the Police Depart- ment in the rear of the Fire Station. This building will be built in such a way that it will not be objectionable, The firemen, who are on duty 24 hours per day, will act as ~ailera and it will not be necessary to add any new employees. Storeroom and fence - It Se proposed to build a store- room on the new City yard and fence the area. Our agreement on the exchange of property requires that we vacate the old yard in the coming year. Lone Range Capital Proeram The firm of Pierce, Garrison and Wulbern have been re- tained as fiscal agents and are in the process of preparing the necessary Ordinances to set up a General Obligation Bond Election in the very near future, A bond issue of X300,000,00 is proposed to construct a sewage disposal plant, force mains outfall sewer and lift stations. The surplus from this issue plus a possible Federal grant and $20,000.00 transferred from the reserve will make up a "Sewer Revolving Fund", This fund x111 be used to construct gravity sewers in the areas where the sanitary problems are the most acute. The coat of these gravity savers and house connections will be assessed against the benefited property and as the Qssessmenta are collected the money will be used to build other gravity sewers in the same manner. In this way the entire city will be severed without the large debt necessary to complete the fob as a single project. After the gravity sewer lines are laid and temporarq street repairs are made we can then consider resurfacing the pavements where necessary. If it is at all possible we should be ready to start construction on the disposal facilities not later than July 1, 1956. - 3 - • I request your careful consideration of the attached Budget, 2 believe the amounts set up for each account are realistic and by strletly adhering to these figures the city can be properly and economically operated, and the progressive program we have followed for the past several years will continue, You''r~`s'/ver~yy~o~t/r~/ul~g' 9,-/ L I .195$ BUDGET SUD4IARY ESTItUATED REVENUE General Fund Revenue less transfers $ 89,350,00 Water System Revenue 50.100.00 Total Revenue $139,450,00 ESTIMATED EXPENDTTURES General Fund Administration $1$,482,00 Police Department 22,240.00 Fire Departmen 8,500,00 Sanitary Department 16,972,50 Labor 10,955.00 Public Works 7,167.50 Capital Expenditures 15,790,00 Unallocated Fund 3.961.83 Total General Fund $104,069.33 Water System Debt Retirement $15,250,21 Capital Improvements 2,130,96 Operating Expense Administration 7042.50 Labor 4,695.00 Public Works 907.50 Capital Expenditures 760,00 Direct Costs 4.594.50 Total Water System E 35.380.67 Total Expenditures $139<450,00 U CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 1958 BUDGET GEAiERAL FUND REVENUE ACCOUNT 100 101 - Ad Valorem Taxes - Current Year $ 2$,$00,00 102 - Ad Valorem Taxes - Prior Years 9,000.00 103 - Licenses 9,000.00 lOk - Fines and Forfieturea 20,000.00 105 - Permits 3,500.00 106 - Electrical Franchise 3,800.00 107 - Garbage Collection 12,000.00 l08 - Street Paving Assessments 200,00 109 -Neptune Sewerage 1,300.00 110 - Penalties and Interest 250.00 111 - Miacellanecue Cellectiona 750.00 120 - Selva bIarina Sewer 750,00 112 - Transfer from Water 0 M & R Account 13,405.50 114 - Transfer from Water Revenue Account 1k.718.83 Total Revenue $117,k74.33 The total revenue needed from the ]958 Tax Roll ie $38 k00.00, this amount must be used in settinngg the 195 millage when the Tax Roll is complete, 75~ of this figure, $28,800.Q0 will be collected in the last two months of the year and the balance will be set up in the 1959 Budget. r ~ u ~• GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT 200 • Joint Water and General Fund Accounts 201 - Citq Manager $6,000,00 202 - Citq Clerk 4,200,00 203 - Office Clerk 2,00,00 204 - All Insurance 4,000>00 205 - Office Supplies and Expense 2,000,00 20~ - City Hall Repairs 350,00 20& - Attorney (~00„00 209 - Audit g00e00 210 - Cities' Share O.A,S.I. & Costs 1,300,00 211 - Office Utilities 92500 212 - Extra Office Help y00,p0 230 - Miscellaneous Expense O O O Total Joint Accounts ~ n ~ ~ , 30b Chargeable to vfater System Dudget 0 2. 0 Net General Fund ~,4 "o~ Other General Fund Accounts 221 - Tax Assessor 300>00 222 - Advertising 15000 223 - Mayor's Fund 400,00 224 - Eiectlon Expense 100„00 225 - Commiasionera~ Salary 600,.00 226 - Expense to change to City 500~p0 Total Other Accounts _ ~3a~~~0~ 8 ~ , Net General Fvnd Administration X18,482.50 • POLICE AND PUBL~C SAFETY EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT 300 301 - Police Chief $ 4,$00.00 302 - Officer 3,900.00 302A- Officer 3,600,00 303 - Unifoxws 565.00 304 - Supplies 125,00 305 - Traffic Signs 300,00 306 - Life Guards 1,100.00 30~ - Red Cross Life Saving Corps 100.00 30$ - Maintenance and Repair 2,000,00 309 - Gae and 011 2,500.00 310 - Radio :service 1,200,00 31GA- Jail Service & Utilities 900,00 311 - Police Judge 300.00 312 - Prisoners Meals & Police Phone 350,00 330 - Miscellaneous Expense ~0~ Total Police & Public Safety ~ , FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT 400 401 -Fire Chief $ 3,900,00 403 -Tools and Suppllea 400,00 k08 - Ffaintenance and Repair 350,00 409 -Gas and 011 250,00 410 -Fire Station Utilities 600,00 411 -Fireman 2,y00.00 412 -Fire Station Repairs 100.00 430 -Miscellaneous Expense 200.00 Total Fire Department ~ SANITARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDTTURES ACCOUNT 500 501 - Driver - Foreman $ 3,062,50 502 - Labor 10,010.00 503 -Garbage Disposal 1,100,00 504 -Neptune Sewerage 1,300,00 508 -Maintenance and Repair 500,00 509 - Gas and 011 800,00 530 -Miscellaneous Expense 200,00 Total Sanitary Department ,~, ` LABOR EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT 600 `J 601 - Foreman $ 3,900.00 602 - Labor 11.7 50, 0 0 Total Town Labor ~ ~ ~ 5 Less 30~ chargeable to Water System Budget 6 00 Net Town Labor General Fuad ~' PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT 700 Joint `later and Ceneral Fund Accounts 707 - Tools & Supplies $ 500,00 708 - Maintenance and Repairs 750,00 709 - Gas and 011 1,700;00 711 - Garage Utilities W Total Joint Accounts $ ~ ~ ~ 3~ Chargeable to Water System Budget p , 0 Net Joint ~ccounte ' ~ Other General Fund Accounts - 721 - Street Repair Material $ 1,000,00 722 - Beach Barricade 100.00 723 - Drainage 2 000 00 724 - Seawall - Street ends & Steps 500,00 725 - Grading Streets 300e00 728 - Recreation Expense 500,00 729 - Parks - Maintenance and Beautification 250.00 730 - Miscellaneous Expense 100,00 731 - Street Light Bulbs 100.00 740 ~ Sewer Testing Equipment 25,00 741 - Electric Current - Sewer Plant 75x00 742 - Miscellaneous -Sewer Plaut Total Other Accounts $ ~ Net General Fund Public Works $ 7,167,50 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT 900 - 1000 900 - Equipment 902 - 903 904 - 907 - Administration - Office Equipment Police Department Fire Department Public Works $ 1,550,00 1,250,CO 500.00 2 2 0,00 Total Equipment 20~ of $3,800.00 chargeable to Water System Budget. Net Equipment General Fund ~,~ - $ 1--~, 6 1000 - Capital Imorovements 1001 - 1004 - New Street Lights Jail and Equipment $ 1 000,00 6,000.00 1005 - Storeroom and fence X00 Total Capital Improvements , Net Capital Budget General Fund 15,790.00 • UNALLOCATED FUND ACCOUNT $00 $O1 - Unallocated Appropriation $ 3,961.83 Total General Fund 117,474.33 Less: Amount chargeable to Water System Net General Fund 1 0 0 104,0 3 UNBUDGETED RESERVE ACCOUNT S10~Q,~200 5100 - Revenue 5101 - Surplus at beginning of year $39,546,98 5200 - Appropriations 5203 - 5204 - 5205 - To be invested Fund Balance Transfer to Sewer Revolving Fund 10,000,00 9,546.98 2 Total Unbudgeted Reserve , SEWER REVOLVING FUND ACCOUNT 600 601 Transfer from Unbudgeted Reserve x20,000,00 • VJAiER DEPARTi•iENT S40.TER REUL:NUE ACCOUNT 1100 1101 - R1lnimum Water Rental $ 16,000,00 1102 - Excess Water Rental 7,500000 1103 - Cut-in Charges 1,050.00 1104 - Service Charges 50.00 1105 - Cigarette Tax 13,SOOo00 1106 - UtiliL-y Tax T l R t - 12 000000-,0•,0~ ~ i~~ ~~ evenue o a ~ > , . I~JATER H6'YENUE Tttanarnn.a ACCOUNT 1200 1221 - Bond Principal. $ 5,000000 1222 ~ Interest, Current Year 7,716.79 1223 - Interest, Sinking Fund 2,533=42 1241 - To Water System Renewal and Replacement Fd. 2,130.96 1242 - To General Fund 14,718,63 1243 - To Water 0.J4.& R Account 18 000.00 Total Transfers • WATER OPERATION, 2dAINTEPIANCE & REPAIR ACCOUNT ACCOUNT 1300 - 1400 Revenue 1300 - From 4later Revenue Account $ 1$,000.00 Operating Budget ].401 -Transfer to General Fund for Indirect Coata$13,405050 1402 Administration $7,042,50 1404 Labor 4,695.00 1405 Public Works 907.50 1406 Capital Budget 760.50 1411 - Repairs and Replacements 1,500,00 1412 - Tank Maintenance 1,000,00 1413 - Utilities 1,500.00 1414 - Chlorine 250,00 1415 - Insurance 210.00 1430 - Miscellaneous ~.50__ ~~ Total Expens es , ,OD n SINKING FDND PLATER SfSTEid RENE[•lAL & REPLACEMENT FUND ACCOUNT 3100 - 3200 Revenue 3101 - 5~ of Gross Water Revenue $ 1,175,00 3102 - Balance from previous year 2,859x04 3103 -Transfer from Water Rev.ACCt for Capital Improvements ,96 Total Revenue , , ~propriationa 3201 - New mains Services and Maters 3203 - Fund Balance Total Appropriations S S,000o00 ~~- Account 4000 4001 - Balance from previous year 4002 -From Y/ater Revemle Account Total Sinking Fund $ 6.,5o3i38~o5~1 ,~B 751e91 4011 - To be invested 4012 =Fund Balanco Total Sinking Fund g 6,500,00 1 03 n ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1958 BUDGET STUDY 100 - REVENUE ITEM _ __ BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL RECEIPTS 1956 BUDGET 1957 ACTUAL RECEIPTS Jan.-Oct. 705% ESTIMATE RECEIPTS 1957 BUDGET 1958 101 - Advalorem Taxes -Current Year 24,000.00 24,274.74 31;000,00 1,298.00 27,600,00 2$,$00,00 102 -Advalorem Taxes -Prior Years 9,500,00 8,163,8$ $,500,00 9,009,00 9,100.00 9,000,00 103 - Licenses 9,000.00 9,602,50 9,500,00 8,380,00 8-,500,00 9,000,00 ?OL. - Fines and For£ieturea $,500,00 19,478,00 18,000,00 15,779.00 18,500,00 20,000.00 7.05 - Permlta 400,00 1,945.70 2,500.00 2,394,00 2,800.00 3,500,00 lu6 - Electrical Franchise 3,600,00 3,496,11 3,600.00 2,841,00 3,800,00 3,800,00 107 - Garbage Collection 12,000,00 10,263,57 10,500,00 11,489,00 11,500,00 12,000,00 7.0$ _ Street Paving Assessments 4,000.00 3,680,20 2,000,00 1,017,00 1,900,00 r 200,00 109 - Fteptune Sewerage 220,00 0 == 413,00 924.00 1,300,00 110 - Penalties and lntereat 500,00 614,4$ 250,00 543.00 55G.00 250,00 111 - i•fiac, Collections 500.00 405.58 500,00 645.00 $50,00 750,00 ?.20 -• Selva btarina Sewer -~ ~_ 400,00 302,00 310,00 750,00 3l~ -Transfer from Water O.Et.&R.AC 15,304„$8 14,812„13 14,911.00 13,138,00 15,138.00 13,405.50 I'_1; -Transfer From Water Rev, Acct 14,$28,02 14,00 14,398,80 18,890,00 31.536.30 14,713.83 ?.?.5 -Transfer from Cig. Tax Fund 6,792.27 14,568,$7 ~~ __ __ _- ?.16 - Transfer from Water Wka, Const, Fund 4>937,33 4,937.33 37.$4 ~- __ -- 117 -Transfer from Unbudgeted Reav for Capital Improvements -- -- 9,433.36 -- _- _- ~oTAL REVEA]UE 13,082,50 6,257.09 25,531,00 86,088,00 00$.30 117,474,33 °Elncludea two years transfer Prom i4ater Revenue Fund, ~ ~ 1958 BUDGET STUDY 200 - ADMINISTRATION APPROPRIATIONS ITEM BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL EXPEND. 1956 BUDGET 1957 ACTUAL EXPEND. Jan.-Oct. 1957 ESTIMATE EXPEND. 1957 BUDGET 1958 ?RiT WATER & OPERATING ACCOUNTS 71 ° City Manager ,~ 5,400.00 5, 00,00 6,000.00 5.000.00 6,000,00 6,000,00 =city Clerk 3.840.00 3,$40,00 4,200.00 3,500.00 4,zoo,00 4,z00,00 03 _ Office Clerk 2,520.00 2,520,00 2,700,00 2,167.50 2,627,50 2,700.OD "Y - A11 Insurance 3,800.00 4,247.83 4,000,00 3;025<76 3;950,00 4,000;00 05 _ office Supplies Ec Expense 1,000.00 1,591,30 1,300,00 1,749.99 2,100,00 2,000,00 ° New Office Equipment See Ca ital Budge - ~7 c City Hall Repairs 500,00 152.55 500,00 195.49 350,00 350.00 - Attorney 9 ~ audit 500,00 500,00 600.00 300,00 600,00 6DGs00 ••liitie9 Share CAST k Costs i 800,00 900.00 750.00 1,212,08 800.00 1,100.00 800,00 961.OI 800,00 1,155.00 800.00 1 300,07 -Office Utilities - Extra Office Help 200.00 -_ 335.59 300,00 2 253.85 305.00 , 325000 0 =Miscellaneous Expenee 300,00 - 869.40 00,00 500,00 36,25 938.32 110.00 1,000,00 700.OD 500,00 AL JOTNT ACCOUNTS Chargeable to Water Sya.BUdget 9,760,00 b,028.00 21,418,75 780 63 5 22,400,00 6 720 00 18,948.17 600 00 5 23,197.50 6 20 00 23,475.00 , , , , , , ,7 , 7,042,50 t General Fund ,742.00 15,638.12 15,680,00 13,348,17 16,477,50 16,432.50 NER OPERATING ACCOUNTS 1 -Tax Assessor 2 -Advertising 200,00 100 00 200,00 0 4,000,00 4,587.83 5,800,00 300,00 3 ° N,agor's Fund . 250,00 91, 0 386.64 100,00 400,00 92,89 18$,95 100,00 227.00 150.00 400 00 4 = Election Expenee 5 _ Commissioners' Salary -- -- __ __ __ -- -- , 100.00 6 - Expenee for change to City -- __ -- _- -- 600.00 500.00 TAL OTHER ACCOUNTS 550.00 677,64 4,500.00 4,869.67 6,127,00 2,OS0,00 T ADMINISTRATION ,292,00 16,315.76 20,180,00 18,217.84 22,604.50 v ~ s . e T O 18,482.OD z 2 ~~ <' s r: 0 22 22 22 22 27. T *; x • • 1958 BUDGET STUDY 300 - POLICE & PUBLIC SAFETY APPROPRIATIONS - ITEM ~ 81956 I E195bD. I B19 ET IJgEXnPEODt, ~ E PE DTE I 81958 e 301 -Chief of Police k,500.00 4,500,00 4,800,00 4,000,00 4,800,00 4,800.00 302 - Officer 2,700,00 2,700.00 2,700,00 2,912.50 3,562,50 3,900,00 3o2A- Officer -- -- 2,875.00 2,600,00 3,200.00 3,600>00 303 - Police Uniforms 400,00 400.00 600,00 600,00 638,75 565,00 304 - Supplies 25.00 54.53 75.00 85.79 185.00 125,00 305 - Traffic Signs 200,00 400,08 300.00 166,57 200,00 300.00 306 Life Guards 1,200,00 1,064.50 1,100,00 1,066,56 1,066.56 1,100,00 307 - Red Cross Life Saving Corps 100,00 100.00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100.00 308 - Maintenance k Repair 500,00 1,538,82 1,500,00 1,704.44 2,045.00 2,000,00 309 ~ Gas and 011 1,000,00 1,902,36 2,000„00 2,081,11 2,497.00 2,500,00 310 - Radio Service 900,00 900,00 900,00 850,00 1,050.00 1,200,00 310 A - Jail Service & Utilities - - 900,00 311 Police Judge 312„50 312,50 300.00 150,00 300,00 300,00 312 - Prisoner~a Meals=PO1,Phone 250.00 266,53 300.00 299070 360,00 350,00 313 =Extra Officer -v 250.00 20,00 20,00 -- 330 - t•~iacallaneous Expense 250000 2,17204+ 250000 1,014,94 1,465.00 500,00 TOTAL 12,337.50 i6,311~72 18,050,00 17,651,61 21,489.81 22,240.00 2y, Chargeable to Water Sye.Budget 246„75 237.02 361.00 900,00 361,00 -_ F:ET POLICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY 12,090,75 16,074,70 17,689.00 '17,351.61 121,128.81 22,240,00 ~ ~ ~ 1958 BUDOET STUDY 400 - FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS 1TEM BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL EXPEND, 1956 BUDGET 1957 ACTUAL EXPEND, Jaa.-Oct. 1957 EXTIMATE g%PENDO 1957 BUDGET 1958 401 -Fire C6Sef w02 -New Equipment 900.00 See Cap 900.00 al Budget 1200000 650000 650.00 3,900000 t~03 -Tools and supplies 40$ M i t 8 8 500,00 503,7'/ 400,00 431016 450,00 400,00 - a n enance epasa 300;00 189069 250000 288017 345000 350000 k09 - Gas and 011 2O^000 148;45 200;00 197072 235.00 250000 t_10 -Fire Station Utilltiea 300,00 344097 359,00 495028 600000 600 00 411 -Fireman 412 -Fire Station Repairs ~_ - - 900.00 1 453.50 . 2 0 . 55000 0 20700.M k30 ~ Misaellaneaus Expense 250000 _ 257081 250000 107.77 130,00 1000w 200 00 L,_50 - Fire Station Building See Cap al Hudget -- -- __ 0 __ TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 2,450000 2,344069 3,550000 3,623060 4.465000 ~ 8,500000 ~ ~ 1958 BUDGET STUDY 500 - SANITARY DEPARTIdBNT APPROPRIATIONS ZTEM BUDGET 1956 ALTOAL EXPEND 1956 BUDGET 1957 ACTUAL EXPEND. Jaa.-Oct. qR gSTIMATE EXPEND. 1957 BUDGET 1958 501 - DricerForemap 502 - Labor (4 mew) 3,000.00 5,000:00 2,957.50 5,093:26 3,000.00 5,300.00 2,447,41 4,041.45 2,936.88 4,849.80 3,062.50 10 010.00 :^3 -Garbage Diapoeal 5ok - Neptune sewerage 900:00 220 00 354.18 - 1,100.00 962,53 1,100.00 , 1,100.00 ~~~ - Mosquito Controi . - - 4.04 -- ~ 110.01 - 900.00 tl 1,300.00 v6 -New Equipment See Capit 1 Budget ~' ;,., - bfaintananoe ~ Repair 200:00 468.25 500.00 230.31 276.36 500,00 ;Gy - cae & Oil .u - l+fiscelianeoua Expense 600.00 350.00 704.88 281.14 700:00 350,00 620,43 25.65 749.16 30.72 800,00 200,00 ~TL!'AL SANITARY DEPARTLtENT 10,270.00 10,363.25 0,950.00 8,437.74 0,842.92 16,972.50 ~ ~ 0 1958 BUDGET STUDY 600 - TOWN LABOR APPROPRIATION ITS BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL EXPEND. 1956 BUDGET 1957 ACTUAL EXPEND. Jan.-Oct, 1 EXPENDTE 1957 BUDGET 195$ 6OI -Foreman 602 - Labor 3.360.00 200 13 00 3,k68,00 L bB4 49 3,900,00 19 00 500 3,237.50 3,887.50 3,900,00 , , ., . . , 12,714.74 15,257.64 11,750,00 TOTAL 30y+ chargeable to Water Sya,Budget 16,560.00 968,00 4 189152.49 4 772 05 23,400,00 680 00 4 15,952.24 19,145.14 15,650,00 , , , . , 3,900,00 4,6$0,00 4,695.00 NET TUr7N LABOR 11,592,00 13,3$0.44 1$,720,00 129052,24 14,465.14 10,955.00 ~ ~ ~ 1958 BUDGET STUDY 700 - PUBLIC WORKS APPROPRIATIONS TEEM - BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL EXPEND. 1956 BUDGET 1957 ACTUAL EXPEND. Jan.-oct. 1957 ESTIMATE EXPEND. 1957 BUDGET 1958 JOINT WATER AND OPERATING ACCOUNTS ']07 - Tools k Supplies 500,00 240,56 2$8,72 500,00 ']0$ - Maintenance and Repairs 1,000.00 1,321.97 -500,00 792,28 -950,76 750,00 709 - Cae and 011 1,200,00 1,199.81 1,200,00 1,281.68 1,538,04 1,700.00 710 -Equipment See Capi Budget -- -- -- 711 - Garage Utilities -- » » -- -- 75.00 TOTAL JOINT ACCOUNTS 2,200,00 2,521.78 2,200.00 2,314.52 2,777.52 3,025.00 305; Chargeable to Water Sys.Budget 1,260,00 1,210,30 440.00 366,66 440.00 907.50 ;SET JOINT ACCOUNTS 940,00 1,311.48 1,760.00 1,947.86 2,337.52 2,117.50 OT:IER OPERATING ACCOUNTS 721 - Street Repair Material 1,000,00 764.59 1,000.00 502,72 650,00 1,000.00 722 -Beach Barricade 425.00 255.97 50.00 90,73 90.73 100,00 /23 - Drainage 3,000.OU 1,019.95 2,000.00 937.10 1,124.52 2,000,00 724 - Seawall-Street ends- steps 400.00 434.75 500,00 292,86 300.00 500,00 725 - Gradiug Streets 750.00 1,8.00 100,00 31.25 50.00 300,0@ 726 - street Conatructioa 9,460,00 7,955.02 3,331,00 3,331.16 3,331.18 =- 727 - Equipment 500,00 266.72 72$ -Recreation Expense 500,00 268,10 500.00 24.9.80 297.60 500,00 729 - Parka - Ma1nt & Beautlficatio 250.00 182.00 250.00 66.56 100.00 250,00 730 - Miscellaneous Expense 300.00 153.60 100..00 75.80 90,96 100.00 731 - Street Llght Bulbs -- -= 200,00 100,00 740 - Sewer Teating Equipment -_ -_ 50.00 46.76 46.76 25.00 741 -Electric Current - Sewer Plan -- -- 50.00 30.45 40.45 75.00 742 -Miscellaneous - Sewer Plant -- 100.00 25,64 30.00 100,00 TOTAL OTNER ACCOUNTS 6,585.00 1,348,70 8,231.00 5,680.85 6,152.20 5,050.00 NET PUBLIC WORKS 9,525.00 4,595.18 9,991.00 7,628.71 8,489.72 7,167.50 ~ ~ 1958 BUDGET STUDY 900 - ±0.^ CAPITAL BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS ITEM BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL E%PEND, 1956 BUDGET 1957 ACTUAL Jane Oct, 1957 EXTIMATE E%PEND, 1957 BUIaGET 1958 900 - Equipment 9~2 Administration-Office Eqpt. 300,00 368,55 14150,00 899.56 1,573.56 1 550.OD So3 - Police Dept. - Polir_e Car 904 -Fire Dopt.-9oae,Nosaa_s, etc. ~_ 11,400,00 _= 11,968,22 1,400,00 1,000,00 2,692.79 802.78 2,692,79 927 78 , 1,250,00 500 00 SO7 - public Works - Trucks, etc, S05 - Sanitary Dept. 2,000,00 6,270,00 1,935.00 6,270.00 11,500.00 =_ 6,958,06 ~~ . 7,498,06 , 2,250,00 _e :OTaL 20° Chargeable to Water SystemBud. 19,970.00 _- 20,559.77 -e 15,o5c,0o 2,710.00 11,353.19 2,258,33 12,618,19 2,710.00 5,550,00 760,00 :i~T E~,~U IY;nL•NT _ 19,970.00 20,559<77 12,340,00 9,094<S6 9,908,19 4,790.00 1000 - Capit2l Improvements Fire Station 7,400,00 7,406,76 =m „- a_ __ _001 - New Street Lights 1002 -Garage and Storeroom =~ m= 1,000,00 -- 1,000.00 1,000,OC 1003 Preliminary Sewer Survey _- -- _= _- 5,000,00 6,000.00 == 6,000,00 5,000.00 6 000,00 =J 1004 - Jail 1005 - Storeroom &, Fence =_ -- __ , 6,000„00 -- -- _- __ 4,000,00 `T'OTAL C!.PITAL II%~PROVE6IENTS 7,400,00 7,406.76 12,000,00 6,000,00 12,000,00 11,000,00 iiET CAPITAL BUllGET 27,370.00 27,966,53 24,340.00 15,094086 21,908.19 15,790,00 ~ ~ ~ 1958 BUDGET STUDY 800 .. UNALLOCATED FUND ITEM Budget 9 6 ACTUAL E%PEND, 1956 BUDGET 1957 gyngpp, BSTIMA^lE Jane-'het, E%PEND. 1957 1957 BUDGET 1958 801 - Unallocated Appropriation 5,000,00 7,910.01 5,200.00 1,763.26 1,763.26 3,961,83 'DOTAL CEt4ERAL FOND 113,o8z.5o 118,997.56 259331.00 96,594.90 20,578.54 17,474.33 Less Amt, chargeable to W.O,M,& R. 12,492,75 12,000.00 14,911.00 13,138,00 15,138.00 13,405.50 NET GENERAL FUND 100,589075 106,997.56 10,420.00 63,456.90 05,440,.54 04,068,83 5100 - 5200 UNBUOGETED RESERVE IT~'+ BUDGET 1956 BUDGET ~ 1957 ESTIMATE 1957 BUDGET 1958 5100 - Revenue 5101 - Surplus at beginning of year ' 20,845.5 28,622.17 27,117.22 39,546098 5102 - Tranai er from Cig,Taz Fund 7,776.6 :102 - Increase during year -_ 14,600,00 12,429.7 °- _!%PAL UN$UIH;ETED RESERVE 2$,622.1 43,222.17 - 39,546.98 39,546,98 5200 - APPROPRIATIONS 5201 - T-1ae,to Gen.FUad for Cap.Im -- 9,433.36 -° 5202 - Trana,to Water Revofor ^ ^ 706 3 35 5203 - To be Invested -- , , 20,000,00 10,000,00 526E ~ Yt~nd Dr•laroe 28,622,17 1C,082946 9,546,96 5205 - $exer Revolving Fund 20,000,OD TOTAL UNBUDCETED RESERVE 28,622,17 143,222,17 39,546,93 ~ ~ ~ 1958 BUDGET STUDY 1100 - WATER REVENUE ITEM BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL RECEIPTS 1956 BUDGET 1957 ACTUAL RECEIPTS Jan,-Oct, 1057 ESTIMATE RECEIPTS OS7 BUDGET 1958 .v _ 1101 -Minimum Water Rental 14,000,00 14,626,83 15,000,00 15,481.00 15,500,00 16,000,00 1102 - Excess water Rental 7,000.00 9,625.93 9,000,00 5,881,00 7,411.15 7,500,00 1103 -Cut-In Charges 1,750,00 2,501,50 1,050.00 1,z36.oo 1,500,00 1,050,00 1104 - Service Charges 50.00 32.00 50,00 25=~ 25.00 50,00 1105 - Cigarette Tax 12,000.00 13,108.94 13,000,00 11,491.00 13,800,00 13,500,00 1100 - Utility Tax 10,000,00 11,120,99 11,000.00 10,735.00 12,800,00 12,000,00 1107 -Transfer From UnDudgeted Res for Capital Improvements 1,756,99 1,756,99 3,706,35 -- -- -_ TOTAL REVENUE 46,556.99 52,772.48 52,806,35 44,849.00 51,036,15 50,100,00 1200 -WATER REVENUE ACCOUNT - TR'~.N3FERS TO OTHER ACCOUNTS ITEM BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL EXPEND. 1956 BUDGET 1957 ACTUAL EXPEND. Jan,-Oct. 1 EXTIMATE EXPEND. 1957 BUDGET 1958 1221 - Bond Principal -- -= 5,000.00 5,000,00 7.222 - Interest, current year 5,685.93 4,841.94 7,880,28 15,538,56 15,538,58 7,716.79 1223 -Interest, ainking Fund 1,681.39 1,590,94 2,565.92 2,533.42 1241 - To Water System 6,361.65 5,221.65 4,961.35 5,045.66 6,191.21 2,130.96 1242 - To General Fund 4,828.02 14.00 14,398,80 18,890.63 31,536,30 1 ,718,83 1243 - To Water O.M.& R. Account 8,000.00 20,781.53 18000.00 15,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 :~T:.:.'_':':.:° »:.:.::dU~ T:~:s..:...°S ~6.55~.99 32;450.16 52,806,35 54,474087 71,266;09 50,100.00 ~ ~ ~ 1958 BUDGET STUDY 1300 - 1400 - (PATER OPERATION, MAINTENANCE & REPAIR ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATE TTEM BUDGET RECEIPTS BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIPTS BUDGET 1956 1956 1957 JanO~OctO 1957 1958 1300 -From Water Revenue Account 18,000,00 20,984.02 18,000.00 15,000,00 18,000, 18,000000 ITEtd BUDGET EXPk1iU. I BUDGET EXPEND. E%PENDTE BUDGET 1956 1956 ~ 1957 Jan,-4ct0 1957 1958 1400 -OPERATING BUDGET 1401 -Transfer to Gen.FUnd for Indirect Costa 1402 - Administration 1403 - Police & 'PubOSafety 1404 - Labor 1405 - Public Works 1406 _ Capital Budget DI'r.ECT COSTS 1411 - Prepairs and Replacements 1412 Tank Maintenance 1413 - Electric Current 1414 - Chlorine 1415 - Insurance 7430 -Miscellaneous TOTAL OPERATING COST 6,018,00 5,780063 246075 237,02 4,968,00 4,772005 1,260000 1,210030 1,000000 825028 1,500000 _- 1,800000 1,271091 300,00 297039 307012 307000 600013 332016 18,0000001 17,845099 6,720.00 I 7,042.50 361,00 4,6$0000 ).0,000,00 12,000000 4,695000 440,00 I 907050 2,710000 760000 1,000000 448071 538,44 1,500,00 1,000000 1,500000 1,065031 1,300000 1,500000 250,00 235015 250,00 25000D 307.00 209056 209056 210000 32000 4085 4085 134050 18,0000001 11,9830661 14,302085 19,000000 • ~ ~ 1958 BUDGET STUDY 3100 - 3200 - WATER SYSTEM RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT FDND TTEM -~ - Budget 1956 ACTUAL RECEIPTS 1956 BUDGET 1857 ACTUAL RECEIPTS Jan.-Oct, 19s7 ESTIMATE RECEIPTS lvs~ BUDGET 1958 3100 .. YNCOb~E 3101 - 5~ of Grose Water Revenue 3102 -Balance Yrom Previous Year 1,140,00 221 65 1,339031 221 65 1255.00 - 1,145.55 1,175.00 3103 -Transfer from Water Revenue , . 1,538,65 1,637,71 1,637.71 2,869.04 Acct,Por Capital Improvement S,000o00 5,000,00 3,706,35 3,706,35 3,706.35 955.96 TOTAL INCOi~ 6,361,65 5 221,65 6 00.00 ,5 5,344.06 6,489,61 5,000,00 ITEb1 BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL ddrEiiu, ly5b BUDGET 1957 ACTUAL ESPEND. Jan,-Oct. 1957 ESTIMATE E%PEND< i9 BUDGET 1958 3200 - APPROPRIATIONS 3201 - New Maina,Servicea k'Metera 3202 - Improvements to System 5,000,00 4,923.25 So000,00 2,420,571 3,620,57 5,000,00 3203 -Fund Balance 1,361„65 -- 1,500,00 -_ -- 2,869,04 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 6,361065 4,923.25 6,500000 2,420.57 6,4$8.61 5,000,00 ~' 1958 BUDGET STUDY 4000 - SINKING FUND ACCOUNT ITEM - BUDGET 1956 BUDGET 1957 BUDGET 1958 4001 - Ealance from previous year 1,771,20 3,452.59 6 01$,57 x;002 -From Water Revenue Account 1,681.39 2,Sb5o92 , . 2,533.42 TOTAL SINKING FUND 3,452°59 b,o18o51 8,551.93 ITEM BUDGET 1956 \ BUDGET 1957 BUDGET 1958 ;..A1 - To be Invested 6 000.00 ' 8 5012 -Fund Balance 3,452.59 18,51 ,5093 TOTAL SINKING FUND 3,452.59 6,018.51 8,551,93 • ~ • WORK SRiET 1958 BUDG/ET Za0 - % /nii/is ~iaT on - ~~nr~ /G ~ons - _ , ACTUAL .Exp. ESTIMATE ;-•. •- ' IT Lid BUDGET As. Exp. BUDGET Jan,~Ogt~. Exp. PROPOSED BUDGET 1956 ~,195~, 1957 1957 1957 CHANGE 1958 ~,/OIIJ/1 P J ,zp/_ ~~~< ///oi/ ~ ,O S Oo~oa 6 Doo. oo.ao 000.00 6 Ooo.Oo _~~~ _ ~ /~-i .o0 3 840.00 4zoo•o 3 Soo.o 4 200.00 42aa.oo. ~p`'~,. _ ~ vo.oo 2 Szo.o 2 700.0 2 / ,S 2 6v ,S 2700.00 ~G¢.,~// J ~ .r r- ~ 3 00,00 4v ,83 4om.oo 3 or,C7 3 9S ,oo -- Ooo.oo foS. li~~~r° a rJ ` -~- Ooo,oa /69/.30 / soo.oo / 4 , 9 2 /oo. 6oo.co 2 000.00 i 1< ,/~~~ oiJ p~- Ci~ -'soo.oo /5z.55 Sao.oo /9.T4~/ 3So.eo / 0.00 350.00 ~y 2GB . fJ?l `-~ SOO.00 Soo.oo 600.00 .500.00 600.0 -- 600.00 ~~_ ~~. $00.00 7.$0.00 800.00 00.00 o,o o S ~ gao.oo ~/~ ~ ~/ J J 00,00 ~, 2./2.0$ / /00.00 ~6/.O/ f C //pp.e 200,m /300!00 ~/~ _G~ ~~~ / 'i~ ~„ 00.00 335,5 300.00 ~/r3. f7 3osoo 25,00 325.00 ,~; 7- ,~~;r )/R r~/ ~ .~/. zoo.oo 6.'/ //o.o Soom 700.00 ~3C;_/~~~~//i.~ ,t' r^ B6 •4o Soo.oo .3 /ooo.eo Soo.oo ~ ~ fi, ~ - ,o z/ 4'/B. 2z 400. / 94~8•~ 23 /9 . / 60 i 2 .moo ~ `•~~,~ ~ G !~ G o/e.oo S76o.G 6720.00 S6oo.oo G,7ro.on d 2. o ~,/,./f ,~~;/ ~i/.~r / /3742.00 /5638./ /56eo.oo /3 348./ /6 ~f ..fo /o Soo /6432.50 / ~ ~ WORK SHEET 1958 BUDGET ann-,9o/in/~/sfafoa -A~yroa.:%:~0~1 ~~on~,~ /S.$°/o TTEM BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL Bw. Exp. 1956 BUDGET 1957 Yt. Exp. Jan.-Oct. 197 ESTIMATE Exp. 1957 PROPOSED CHARGE BUDGET 1958 N 200.00 0.0 4000.00 •/J'8 .8 .SBaOA 3 00.0 300.00 22 - A ~' _ ,/ /oo.o0 zso.oo 9/.0o ,6a io0.o0 400.00 9Y,8 ./ b:9 /oo.oo 2z •o ,so.oo ~ /so. oo o.oo _ /OO.oe /o O.Oo 2 ii,. i ~•~ -- -- 6ao.0o Soo,oo boo.oo Soo,oo Sso. 67 Q .0 4 2 ,o0 2 S'o,o 20,{0,00 i //_,~T ~DMi~I/sT~~IT/~~ i4Z~Y.oo /G,8/&~6 xo,~eo.oo /8,7/7.84 22,6o4,S' = /8462.6 ~ ~ ~ WORA SNEET 1958 BUDGET q // _ 300 -P//rF fc ~BL/C ~.%FFTy-fy/o/oro/orip rioq,y /9,/~ ITS BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL ice, Exp, 1956 BUDGET 1957 Iie. Exp. Jan,-0ct. 19Fi7 ESTIMATE Exp, 1957 PROPOSED CHANGE BUDGET 1958 soi- C ~ f' / 00 0 4500.0 00.0 4000.00 4800.0 Cb.eo .3oz - rC -z Oo.oo 2 00.00 ~ 29/2.50 3 S6Y„f /200. 3 900, 00 3oz A- i~r -- 2 8 Sao 2600.00 3 200.0 7zfoe 3600.00 9o c,° ems 400.00 600.00 600.0 63B.7.f 3S.oo S66.oo o ~ J /" zS.oo ,54: roo 8S, /B.r oo 60,00 /yJ!op 90 - r ~fi' .~ ~n• 200,00 00.0 300.0 /66..x7 200.0 300.00 .3oG - L/~r ,.o/s / zoo.oo /ob4, 6o //00.00 /OG6. S6 /,o66.f6 //00.00 30 - e Ci:s i~~.i~iii /ao.oa /oo. oe /00.00 /00.00 /00.00 ioc•oe 30 - i:~/r , soo.oo /S3a.8t /,SOO.oo / 704.44 z o4S•o Soon 2000.00 •,3 - 6 1 o„d Oi/ , 000.00 , oy,9 2 000.0 2 oe/. /~ 249 .o Smao 2,Soo,oo /o- ~- / 900.00 00,0 0 0o BSO.oo io,(o.o 300.00 i 200,00 /o ~ ~ oa,oo .oo ~/ - .N . c/ ~ 3/Z.So D/Y, .o /.ro,o .300,00 900!00 /:'- - + ZS .o R6G.53 9 '+9% 70 360. So.eo 3so.oo 3 ~ CF/ -~ 2 0.0 20.00 20.0 2S .00 - H a o,o z r4o So.o /0/4.94 / 46.(00 260.0 SOO.oo ~ .S 3//. v /Bo o / /6/ 2/48 ,B/ - .0 12z4aoo. 'v° ~ 3 ~ r46,1S 23 .0 36/.00 300.0 36/.00 ,/~ '~,~ /YEl/O(/oE"ANO~BC%(-.~9Ff1Y /Z,a9o,7 /6,07/1, y0 /7GeRoo ~735/c/ 2//28.8/ Z ,Ti4o,oo woRx sx~ET 1958 BuDCEr ~p p SA///TA~~ ~E,GA ~~ ~ i4.4~ ~~/T - A ro r/a ~on,7 BODGET l~r.uExp. BDDGET J~an.~ ESTIMATE Exp• PROPOSED E 1 BODGET 1958 ITEM 1956 1956 1957 19~i7 957 cxaxa 2 447.4/ Z 4'36.88 G2'C° 8 0%i/ t ~r / -Fr n ''"p'~'"' 3 000.0 2 95 .SO a 000.00 4S 4o4/ 4849.8 4 io.o /Doio.oo ~~ ~,.,.-~ ihni~i%nen sbno.oo Sa93.aL 5300.00 00 . Q6 Y.,(3 //OO.OP Oo.OO I !00. _-- //O. o/ 900.00 / 00.00 /300.0 / r r 220.0 -- ~-- -•-- ._~ O oo. ToTfIL ITEM ~ -~ woxx sxEET T95B BUDGET ~D = FiP /~pn;~ r ~ ,T ~ ~f+rp/pr/CiT/OI~,S ACTUAL BUDGET .Exp. ESTIMATE 1956 Exp• BUDGET Jan•-Gct. 1956 1959 19~i9 1ec~• PRCPaSED i ~` ~O.O __ -~ i ~~.. ~y~o BUDGET 1956 _ _ _ - r•rrrws,oe~ ~.Y.~O.OOj0,6aD.oo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WCH$ SHEET'1Q58 BUDGET I ~ 00 - Tr~W,/ LABO.c? - />/~.o~-ooria fioi7 9.3 °~" ITEM 81956 ACTUAL 1956 P~ 81957 iw.:EXp. Ja1939ot, ESTIMATE 1957~~ pCHANCED BBDGS O/- , 3 0.00 00 3 r3 .So 386 .do .i bo.o 60 - Ln / oa,oo / So0.oa /2 / / rr .c 7 ~o.o //7So.oo i 7- /6 560.00 /S 23 400.00 /S 9t+!v~ / /4 ,/¢ 97so. oo ,S o. o0 `" ~ ~ s, °.496800 ¢~~ o 0.00 3,900.00 s6go.oo ~469.Coo /~'ET Ts/.c/ LABa~ //,.5yr,oo /3,.~So,~¢ /B,72o.00 /Z,ars.s /4,465/4 7,~SO.o /0,95S.oo ~ ~ ~ ~ WORK SH~$ET 1958 BURG 1 / 7~n - N/IfIL /~ li /~,P~ /~o n ~„ rinTiO/7 J ~ ~o n y) 6./ 0 M,~ BEET ACTUAL Exp. BUDGET ~w. Ezp, Jan -Oct ESTIMATE E 1956 1956 1957 , , 1g~7 xp. 1 PROPOSED BDDDET ~@ 957 CNANCE 1958 /000.0 soz.~Y 6So.oo /000.0 v 2S,o r t,9 So.oo 90,93 90.73 so.oo /00.00 ' 3 000.00 /oi ,f o.oo B ./O / /24.f 2 000.00 400,00 ¢3l:7S o.oo 'r9r,86 300.00 Soo, 50.00 4B.oa /00.00 d/. YS .10.00 2oo.a0 do0.oo ~ 60.00 9S .0 33/.00 3/. /8 'J 33/. /8 3 3 3/•00 "'' Soo. 00 YG6.7 "'! ~ .SOO.00 yGB./O .'fOO,OO Yy~9, 80 2 % .60 _ .SDO.DO " ~ 250,00 / 2.00 y.Po,oo 66,5 /oo.o -- sSo,oo 900.00 /19.60 .oo.cc 7Y,ko 90,96 __ / O.eo '7'~~" '-' tioo.oo /00,00 /oyoo '" sb.oo tiFt.76 4G. 25.00 zS.oO - --- So,oo 3o. ~f ~o¢ 25.00 7d.oG '" -- /00.00 'YJ'i6 30.00 /00.00 " ~ /65' .00 //3~~7o d 23/. S68v,8 r.yo 3/8/.00 soSo,oo /~~~ ~6~~ Gl/or,~s ~ /9,.6r,Co /4S9f/e ee 9 99/ ' , . 6v ,7l 8,4dq. z3s b,o L .SD ~ ~ WORK sxEET 1958 HuDGtiT ~/ 'i 700 ~C/f3L/c L/O,P.~.s- 7o~~~/rroTioi9s , M•~q BUDGET 1~eTUExp. 1956 1956 E ESTIMATE BUDGET Jan.-Oct. Exp. PROPOSED 1957 1937 1957 CHANGE EUDGET 1958 00 'x00 _ _ p00. / 32 .SOO,o y •,f 9Y•Y8 2 7 4.fo.7~e 4 2~0. 500.00 , . 7SO.o0 / 00.00 •~ ~- / p .o /l9 .BI ! 00. o H •LS .~ /S3BA . - ~.-- 7.500 5.00 /- a j ~, ~ /260.00 / 2/0.30 09'4 ~ s 3LL.6L a 7 .rY ¢40.00 s:S.OO 3oz .oo ~ O •~ //c"r~iw/r fl~rau,/r3 C //r •. 940, oa 1, 3 ~/6..~8 , 9boa~ % 947.e1s y, 3 8~6 .. ,~/ ~ ~ ~ ~ woR~ sxEET 1958 ion a /,3. /~%o ITFM BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL Exp, 1956 BUDGET 1957 Ezp. Jan.aOct. 1937 ESTIMATE Exp. 1957 PROPOSED CHANCE BUDGET 1958 oo.o0 3c SS / /So. 99..(~ /S73.aZ SSO.oo o -~ ~ .' . /400.o vcgr.~9 ~'69y /3d /tiSO.oo - r' - //4oO.oo // 6B.tir ooo.0 8ay,y8 4Y .7 Soo.oo Soooo - a ~°~•eO /99,000 .oo G 9.r8.ob 7498.0 0,00 Yro.oo~ 9o5-,~ni a~ .~~ ~ 6 y7o.o b~/7o.00 7- o.oe zo tsq,g7 /SO o.o // 3SB.IA r2 / ,/ oo.oo ." S.?b.o 2c° -- /0.00 2 tit8.33 i7/o.o0 'O 60.0 .oo S og48 08.1 D.O /O P T % - u o 7 406.7le ---- Li --~ / 000,00 000 0 /ooo.oo Sooo,oo sooo.oo -~ .3 . OoO.oO G OD0,00 6 000.0 6 000.00 /oo . ~~'/ 6 ooe.oo 6 aoo.oo i0 = ~ - ~~ ~ - ~ ooooo QOOO. 00 %74c».oo 7 0 6.000. ooo.o aoo 00 /1~,cT ~i9~/T,9L IJr/D6ET Q7,3~O.oo 27,966.£3 .34~.oa /So94,$ 2/,9oe,~9 ~~.~_ :,. /s~gQoo. i ITEM WORK SHEET 1958 BUDGET f3n/) /~ .9 i n~,9T /J Fln/O ACTUAL BUDGET Exp. BUDGET 1956 1956 ~ 1957 3.370 ESTIMATE ~~ ExP. PCHAHGED 81958 1957 /~UND• ./cb,6e7 f /06, 991sb ~1/ErGE~~,~A~ WORK SHEET 1958 BUDGET _ 5/oC~ -.SZ oo //n/BUDasr7ED P,SE~i/E ITEM BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL Rec. Exp. 1956 BUDGET 1957 Rec. Exp. Jan.-Oct. 197 ESTIMATE , 1957 PROPOSED CxaxOE BUDGET 1456 .SYO -.T ,- ~ f - in < O 45.5 'vv, / / . Yy /o - r i . T 76, 60 S/oL -.In n~ .~ 000 ~/ 1 ~' z2./ rvY/ 8 00 - / ./ .SvO/- nc~ r~G . 97,3 svo - f - o ,3S yo •To G o .oo - oe.oe ~-/a -Fn rr./ /o .Sic, - - ~ooo.oo i ~ ~ woax sxEET 1958 BUDGET TTEM BUDGET 1956 RecTUAawp. 1956 BUDGET 1957 Jan.-0$ct. 1937 RecST,~~E 1957 PROPOSED CHANCE BUDGET 1958 /o - ~ / ooo.oo /QbzG,83 00.0 /s¢ /.oo .5500.0 /~ooo.o° /6 000.00 //o -E r~ //03 - Cuf,in 7000.00 / 760.00 96rS.93 2 5o/.So 000.0 / o,ro.oo 5 /o0 / 296,00 411.!5 /.500.00 /,500.00 7500.00 / oso. 00 //o4-.kr/.c,^ Ch r ~s .60.0° 3r.oo So.oa 25,00 vS.oo so.oo //Of' /~ /~'~ /2 Oo0,° 13 /08•g4 /3 oaa.oo //¢q/.OO /3 800.00 .SOO.ao /3 So o.oo //o Tx /o Ooo,oo // /20.99 // ooo.oo /O 3.00 /2 Soo.0o /, ooo.oo /Z oo o. oa //O - ~ r /~ ~er if ~ .l ro/~ a / SG.99 3 70 3 l TOT/~L ~EdE//UE '46,5S6.9q 6~77r,~8 68y8o6.35 ,84900 6;036.15 /,Gaooo /oo.oo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~jWjORK SHEET 1958nBUDGET `Jn /.G00-~~//TFQf ~FdFw,/%E '7~G0 ~r Tie//il/SFFP..S Tim IJTt/FO iii.. v./T< ZTEM BUDGET 1956 ACTUAL 8xp, 1956 BUDGET 1957 N Exp, an,-Oct. 19'7 ESTIMATE Exp. 1957 PROPOSBD cxANGE BUDGET 1958 - ~on~~ / ~ ~ /Y / 68/.39 636I.bf / zB.o / 000.00 ---' /S9a•94 Svv/.Lf /4.00 '/078/.,1'$ soon. 2 S6.r9 .Q96/.3S / o / 000.0 so4S66 / IS OOO.00 6/9/.2/ 3 536.3 1 000, Sobo.oo 2 593,42 Z13o,q(o 1 /8000.00 N i 18840. o , ,~ n -u .• ~31? .o? /~ F . F / fn / ! ~ ~' r4 ~,i /niefP/r /ri .~i'/, rS:~ r , / f {•~/• P/ // ~ S1l y ~~ W G/ n TT//C~.9TE/~~E/. Ti9~dJFE,G'J ~d,ssb.99 2,450,/6 6z,8o6,35 s4,4'i4, ~/tic4oq so,/oo,oo i ~• ~ WORK SHEET 1958 BUDGET ,y /300 -/400 •Li/l1TEP ~ 'L~Rrio,/, /%i%/A~TEi/.Qi/LE (c ~E~°i9/,e ~staUn/T ACTUAL Rec. Exp. ESTIMATE ITEM BUDGET Rec. Exp. BUDGET Jan.-Oct. ec. Exp. PROP03ED BUDGET 1956 1956 1957 1937 1957 cxaxcE 1958 e ooo,aa oz om.o / 000.00 /a ooo.oo /8 aoo, o /400- a•T j 6 0/8.o s ~So.63 yo.o o Y' _Q f 246.76 Z3~.0 ,Oa 00 4968 ¢77v .oo IGtogoo izooo.o0 4.69S.o _ ~ n . . / 260,00 /, z/o.3o ~/r/o.oa -- 2 /O.OO - a• YJgcf--..~.? . ~/ L.P s / l / 000.00 BrS. y8 / ooo. oa 538.44 Soo 0o Soo. o /500.00 --- /000.00 /,GOO. y_ ~ / _ /Boo.oo / r7/, 9/ /,-`00.00 /o ,31 /900.00 Soo.o //~/ _~ 300.00 ~.99.~9 -2so.aa /J 2so.oo vfo.o 4/ - o .rv 30 ./v 307.00 so .t zo9.f6 20,0 /Sjn 600.3 33v./b v,co 4.8 4.$ - z6 Yo 134.5 .za ez.ac= - jTy,C ~/f'F,c'ATi~/Fi ~.`.T .,.~- . . /8,000.00 /7;BAS.99 /6,oaoo ll,~g3.b6 IQ•~or.8 Ig,ooo. ~ ~ WORK SHEET 1958 BUBGEf //~~ ~J~ _ ,3/00 - .3.2 00 - ./~f/TE.P .JySTEM .Cfi/~r~/sJL a.VO ~CEPLHCEME~/> ~~/~. ~~ 81956 ACTUAL Re195Ebxp. B19 ET Rec. Ezp. Jai9,f7ct. ESTIMATE ec1957p~ PCHANGEB 81958 / - Ii/ oM 3/o/-.S / -Bn/ nc Jrm/~ t / /40.00 22LGS /33- . ~/ 2zcc / 5.ao /538.6 /63 .7/ //~JS:$ /63.7/ //75.0 28Ce ,o /o - inns ~ r r Acc~ j /3 Sooo.oo s 3 o63S Sf.9le 7- G361.~5 S ,6 O ~ - 3zo - A v ''-~' a vo _ / ~~ ooo.oo -- y a / s 2. ao. 3 20.5 ._ ~ _ 36/.65 •/ .v a ~ ~ WORk SHEET 1958 BUDGET 4000 - ,J/,/,L~/./6 FUn/D Acco~„~/T ITEM BUDGET 1956 ACTllAL Rec. Exp. 1956 BUDGET 1957 Rec. Exp. Jan.-0ct. 19~i7 ESTIMATE ec. Exp. 1957 PROPOSED CRARGE BUDGET 1958 ,//,~,, fYl~~- a 6 7 20 S (e O/~..i ~ 40 v• /68/.39 2565, 4 r. G /B. S/ 6. T I dEJ 8 ~ 3 yd 6 000.00 /a.s S/. 9 T 3 v.S 60/8.5/ L . ~ woRK sxeET 1958 BUDGET ITEM H19 6 ACTUAL Re1956xp. B19 ET Rec. Exp. Ja19Fi7ct. ESTIH,ATE ec1957~~ pCHANGED 81998 i ..-E. ~ ,L--~ : -. CITY OP ATLANTIC BBACU, FIARIDA AUDIT BHPORT Jme 30, 1958 TYw<>~ nvu ~Iestc CE Rii FIED GV BIIC hCCOV NTM1X TS 1565 wi~wpTlC BOV ~[VwpD .IA(:lN(li\'V.1.1_]~ ~~IF~NIDA CTPY OF ATWifIC LdACB. FIAIRIDA AQDT! RBPOAT .hme 30, 1958 Ti'SOA .1\ll MEEK CENTIFIEO pVBLIC ACCOVNTP NTS IOIT ATLANTIC BOULEVAPO Y.=.mmu 7. Fao.m. ..o«. `...«. .,...•. At~at 22, 1958 Tv The City Comalsaion City of Atlantic Beach, Plorids C¢ntlemen: Me have ax®ined the balance sheets of the varivua "Water Utll itiea" Punds of the City of Atlantic Beeeh, Florida, u of June 30, 1958, and the related statements of cash receipts and expenditures for the six months period then ended. Our examination was " made Ln accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such teats of the " accounting records and euc6 other auditing procedures ae ve toss tiered necessary in the citnmstencea. Iv our opinion, su6lect [o the accompanying comments, the attached statements present fairly the fl~ncial position of the various 'Water Utilities" Punch of the Clty of Atlantic Beach, Florida, at June 30, 1958, and the cash receipts and disburaementa for tha a1x months period then ended, iv covfoxmtty wick generally accepted accounting principles applied on a bas la consistent with prior years. 6eapectfullp submitted, ~c~uJ a.~1~ ~~. coxxExTs ~' Ordimuce Reauiremente: It appears that all the requlremants of Ordimaace xo. 172, Section 17, comezning the tramfezs of 'Barer Utilities" Pvnde Lave been EulfLllad as of Jum 30, 1958. Accounts Receivable: Accounts Receivable are sot reflected in Chia report ae voter rental revenues are recorded on a coat basis. Fixed Aaee[s: No reserve for depreciation on fixed assets of tLe Mater Utility Fmda fa stow ae the Citp hen no es tabllebed depreciation data based on the ea timated life of she £ix¢d assets. Oceratioas; The Folloviag is a condemed summary of Mater Util ides Operetiom presented on a caab bavia For the six montbe period ended June 30, 1958 and June 30, 1957. OceratinR Iocame• Meter Rentals Cut-fn end Service CLargee Total Oceratlnx Income Ooernting Ezcemes: Indirect - To General Fund Direct Total OceratlnR Exceneea xet Oceratinz Inc®e Other Income• Cigarette Tax Util icy Tex Total Otber Income Otter Excemee Bond In[erea[ He[ Income Pereantage of June 30, June 30, Inereaes Eacteaee _ 1958 1957 Decrease (-ecreese) $ 18,530.45 $ 18,062.10 $ 468.35 2.6 i 858.00 884.76 (26.76) (3.0) ,~ 19,388.45 S 16,946.86 $ 441.59 2.3 $ 6,703.50 838.24 ,~ 7.541.74 ~, 11.846,11 $ 5,983.79 7,428.98 $ 13,412.77 $ 6,000.00 1.364.65 S 7364.55 S 11,582.21 9 6,197.95 5,197.99 S 12,595.95 $ 703.50 11.7 (526.41) (38.5) ~ 177.09 2.4 S 264.50 2.3 $ (214.17) (3.3) 1 030.99 15.1 816.82 6.5 $ 4.010.60 $ 4,005.60 S 5.00 .1 $ 21,248.88 20,172.56 9 1,075.32 5.3 x Recwn•endatlom: Me respectfully submit the following recommendations: (1} Record voter ran [al revenue on an accrual basis, so rhos accounts receivable sad actual revenues can be determined. (2) Imeet Utility Revenue Bond Fund cash not needed for current debt service. C21Y OP ATLANTIC BEACH, PLQt IDA ALL "WATER UTILITIES" PU17)S SUi~OiARY OP OPERATIONS ON CASH BASIS January 1. 1958 to June 30. 3958 Operetin:%nca~ Water 3en[a1e Cut-In and Setvica Char~ss O~eratine 'cx ep nsae Yndirect Expenses Pxi.d to General Pund For Administration; Lahor, Etc. tStoCemrrt 7j Direct Expenses: Repn lrs and Replacemante Utilities Chlcr ine In surance t?gt Ooeracine Income Other Inco,re Cigarette Tax Utility Tax Total Other Ezoen see Boad In tezeat and Paying ASen is Pees Net Tn^ome $ 18,530<45 ___ 8,8_00 $ 19,388,45 $ 6,703,50 49.11 536,19 85.50 167.44 7.541.74 $ 11,846.71 $ 5,983.79 7.428.98 13,412.77 $ 25,259,48 4 010 60 $ 21,248,88 Other uLabur savants Neu Mains, S2IV1Cea and Meters $ 2,330.86 UtilS Cy Revenue Band Principal 5,000.00 7. 30,86 tie[ Increase in Caeh $ 13,918,02 Add Total Caeh in Bnnk at January 1, 1958 22,797,32 Total Ceai~=n Rank at June 30. 1958 3 3fi.715.34 Lom~oei r.on of Totnl Caah in Bank at June 30, 1958 Wetcr Revenue Account ;Statement 3j $ 13,551.01 Water Ooerationr., Maintenance and $epair Account (Statement 6) 1,523.71 Water System Rene::al end Replacexen[ Pund ;Ste Cement 9) 1,461,54 Utility Revenue Bond Pund !Statement 12) 20.179.08 Total S 36 J 15.34 STATEIi:NT 1 CMY OF ATLADA'IC BHACA. FI.OBIDA NATBB RBFSNUH ACCOOIPf HALAN($ BHBRf Csah in Atlanelc National Bank (Statement 3) S 13.351.01 Fwd Balance SiATBtO<Nf 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BRACRs FIARIDA NATBB 8S98RUB ACCOUNT STATB!ffiIP OP CASH RRCSIPIS ARD DLSBUR8B144TS6 Jeauarv 1. 1958 To June 30. 1958 Cash Ln Esok at ,tanuerv 1. 1958 8 .0. Add Ceah Received Revem~e Receipts (Rta[ement 4) 32.801.22 g'otal Ceah Available $ 32,801.22 Deduct Cash Disbursed Appropriation 14pendituiae (Statement 4) 19.250.21 Cash to Rank at Juna 30. 1958 S 13.551.01 STAT6I~NI 3 CITY OF ATLANTIC BBACB, PLCBIDA HATER REVHAUR ACCODNT REVENUE RECEIPTS - HSTIMATED AND ACTUAL January 1, 1958 to June 30. 1958 Bstimated Realised Percentage Por Yeer To Data Realised Hinfmim Hater Rental $ 16,000.00 $ 17,084.80 106.8 X Exceee Nater Reotal 7,500.00 1,445.65 19.3 Cut-!a Charges 1,050.00 854.00 81.3 Servtce Charges 50.00 4.00 8.0 Cigarette Tax 13,500.00 5,983.79 44.3 Utility Tax 12.000.00 x,428.98 61.9 Total $ 50,100.00 $ 32,801.22 65.5 X APPROAtIATIONS AND EBPENDITURBS Jamaety L, 1958 Co Jug 30. 1958 Appropriation Cash Percentage Por Year Expenditures Expended Transfers to Other Funds: Utility Revenue Sond Fund: Bond Principal Interest - Current Year Interest - Slaking Fund Reserve Account Hater System Reneval and Replacement Pund General Pund Hater OpereC ions, He intenance and Repair Account Total $ 5,000.00 $ 3,360.67 67.2 X 7,716.79 5,186.74 67.2 2,533.42 1,702.80 67.2 2,130.96 -0- 14,718.83 -0- 18.000.00 9.000.00 30.0 $ 30,100.00 S 19,230.21 38,4 X STATEtO:Nf 4 CITY OP ATLANTIC BBACN, PLUtIDA NATEB OPBBATIONS~ MAINPBNANCB AND ASPAIR ACCOUNT BALANCE SBBBT 3une 30, 1958 ASSETS Cash in Atlantic National Bank (Statement 6) $ 1,523.71 LIAB7LLTIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabil idea Accounts Payable (Statement 7) $ 128,03 ,~ Pund Balance 1,395.66 Total Liabilities agd Ptmd Balance S~ 1,523.71 STATEtDsNT 5 CITY OP ATI.ANPIC BEACH, YfAAL+JA MATBH OpHRATLONS, }IAIH18NhNCH ABD HSPATR ACCODBT STATPlflit7f OP CASB RHC$IPfS AHD DLSBDRSS~NIS Jenuary L 1958 to June 30. 1958 .f Caeh in Bank at January 1. 1958 Add Caeh Received Ttamfez fru~ Mater Hevem,e Accrnmt Current Year's Appropriation Total Caeh Available Deduct Caeh Disbursed Appropriation Hzpenditurne (Statement 7) Ceah !n Bank at June 30. 1958 9 65.45 9.000.00 $ 9,065.45 7.541.74 $ 1,523.71 STATBNHIIL 6 CITY OF ATIAN'TZC BBACN, FLQIIDA WATER OPERATIONS, MAINffiNANCE AND RBPAIR ACCOUNT APPROAt7ATIQiS, BSPBNDTTURBS AND SNCWOAtANCES January J 1958 to J~mo 30. 19s8 Cash Aecouats Percaatage Appropriation Bzpendlturee Paseble Emended Indirect Coate - paid To General Fuad Adminiatsation $ 7,042.50 $ 3,521.64 s0.0 X labor 4,695.00 2,347.76 s0.0 Publie Narka 907.s0 453.80 50.0 Capital Budget 760.50 380.30 s0.0 Total $ 13,40s.s0 S 6,703.60 60.0 S Direct Cos [s Repairs and Replacements $ 1,500.00 $ 49.11 $ 3.3 Z Taak Nalntanance 1,000.00 -0- Utilitiee 1,500.00 536.19 128.03 44.3 chlorine zsD.oO es.so 34.z Insurance 210.00 167.44 79.7 Niece llaaeovs 134.50 ~~C- Total $ 4,594.50 $ 838.24 $ 128.03 21.0 Z Grand Total $ 18,000.00 $ 7,541.74 $ 126.03 42.6 1 STATEMENT 7 CITY OP ATLANTIC BPJfCfl, PLCRIDA WATdR SYS'f6H BBNBNAL AN[1 REPLACEI~NT FUND BALANCE SFIECT June 30, 1958 ASSETS Cask in Atlantic National Ban'< (Statement 9) $ 1,461.54 PUIiD BALANCB Puad Balance S 2,461.54 STA5.8!iE!?T 0 CITY OP ATL1M•LC BHACH~ PLiRIDA HATBR SYSTBN 88NBNA4 AND RHPI,AGR1~tiT FWID STATBNBNT OF CASH BSCBIPTS AND DTSBBB8B2ffitY3 Jenuarv 1. 1958 to June 30, 1958 Caeh fa Bank at January 1. 1958 $ 3,792.40 Deduct Ceeh Dieburead Appropriation B:peadltures (Statement 10j 2.330.86 Cash in Back at Juae 30. 1958 $ 1,461.54 STAT@!B>fl 9 CT1Y OP ATLANTIC BEACH, PIARIDA WATER SYSTHM REtffiWAL AND BHYIACH!ffiNT F01® ti RHVENUB RBCBIPTS - ESTIMAIBD AND ACTOAL •. anuarv 1. 1958 To June 30. 19,8 Tranefere Prom Weer Rev::nue Account Sx of Gross Water Income Balance from Previwe Yeaz Por Capital Inpravemente Total Hetlmated Percentage Par Year Real-,1 zed ~ea1S~Yed $ 1,175.00 $ -0- -0- R 2,869.04 •4- -4~. 955x96 -0- -0. S 5.000.00 $ -0- -0.• Z APPROPRIATLOMS AND BXPENDITURSS January 1 1958 To Juae 30 1938 mash Percentage Auocooristioa Bacendigaes Bxaended Nev Metns, Services and Meters 3 5.000,00 S 2.330.86 46.6 Z STATEMENT 10 CITY OF ATLANTIC BRACH, FI.QtIDA UTILITY RHVHNUE BOND POND * BALANCE SBBET Tune 30, 1958 Assexs r, Curren[ Aesete~ Cash So Atlantic National Badc (Statement 12) Pixed Aeeeta - Veer Vorks SYa tam: Water Vorka System Conettucted Since May 1, 1955 New Natne, Service end Netera Added Total Aene[e $ 20,179.08 $ 230,962.16 9.998.68 240,960.84 $ 261,139.92 LIABILTTIES ANO FOND BALANCH LLabLlitiee: Current Liabilities Accrued Bond 7nteree[ payable Otil ity Revenue Bonds Maturing VLth1n One Yeac Other Liabilities Ut Ll ity Eevenue Bonds Maturing After One Year Total LLabilltias Pund Balance: Pund Balance - Restricted Total Liabil i[Lee end Fund Bniance $ 2,564.72 5.000.00 $ 7,564.72 221,000.00 $ 228,564.72 32.575.20 $ 261,139.92 STATHMHB7 11 CITY OP ATLANTIC BRACH, PLORIA~ UTILITY RBVBHUE BOHD POtB) CASH RECB IPTS AHD DISBURSH[ffi~if5 1 Jamierv L 1956 to Juno 30, 1958 Caeh in Bank at Januarv 1, 1958 $ 18,939.47 Add Caeh Received: Transfer from pater Reoenue Account for Current Sinking Pund Requireamnta; Principal $ 3360.67 Interest 5,186.74 Reserve 1,702.80 10,250.21 Total Caeh Available $ 29189.68 •~ Deduct Caeh Disbursed: Interest $ 3,982.50 Payiag Agent's Pea T8.10 Utility Revenue Bwd Principal 5.000.00 9.010.60 Ceah Sn Bank at June 30, 1958 $ 20,179.08 STATRHRNf 12