Audit Report - 1952-195370i7ti OF ATLANTIC HEA(1H, FLDRIDA AUDIT AFS'DRT s~Tr2IDHIt 30, 1953 Tretov e.riJ ~Iesx CERTI FIEO GUBIIC ACCOV NLANT$ 6Rw N/.M OVILOIHG ~Jmu~mrv.u f,Pwmn~ TDNN OF ATLANTIC BEACN Atlantic Beach, Florida AUDIT RPPDRT September 30, 1953 TYSON AND NEEK--CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACWUNTANI4 1C)WN OF ATLAHTIC BEACH Atlantic Beach, Florida IRDEX TO REPORT Page t:umbers 1 Statement Humbera 1 General Furai Balance Sheet p Schedule of Delinquent Taxes 2 Uncollected Lot Clearilng Assessments Q Uncollected Street Paving Assessments 3 Schedule of Uncollected 9eattall Assessments 4 Statement of Cash Receipts and Diabursememe 5 Statement of Revenue Recoipts Estimated and Actual b Sv®ary Statement of ApP~Pr~tions, Expenditures and Encumbrances 7 Schedule of Acco'ut~ts Payable 8 Seawall Fund Baiance Sheet g Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements 10 Spacial Seaaall Emergency flsrs Balance Sheet 10 Statement o£ Caeh Receipts and Disbureememe ll Schedule of DelinquecLt Seawall Fmergoacy Aassammente 12 4Jater Department Fund Balance Sheet 19 Statemem of Caeh Receipts and Disbursements 71: Statement of Revenue Receipts - Estimated and Actual ZS Stmcary Statement of Appropriations, Expenditures and Encumbrances 16 Saltair Paving Fiord Balance Sheet lq Schedulo of Saltair Paving Assessment Receivable lq Schedule of Saltair Paving Accounts Payable 18 Cigarette Tax Fund Balance Sheet lg Stateme~ of Caeh Receipts and Msbursements TYSON AND MELK -"C[B TIFIFD PUBLIC ACCODNTA MTB TY6ON AND MF.FK cemvao pu[uc weeou nrwrre cxwxwr [w~oixs Jr.cneonviue 2. £~ox~ow October 10, 1953 To the Hayor and Toem Council Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida Centl~en t An socemi~tion has been wade of the ba]ance sheets of the various funds of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Fiorida~ as of September 30, 1953 and the atateme~.s of revenues end sspeaditures for the fiscal year then ended. The system of internal co~xvl and the accounting procedures of the town were reviewed and, xilthout eking a detailed audit of the transactions[ the accouffiing records and supporting evidence of the town were exam7.ned or tested by wsthode and to the extort deemed appropriate. The ~ocami.nation was made is acoordance with gc:~.orally accepted auditing standards appli- cable in the circumstances and included all procedures con- sidered necessary. Sn our opinions the accomps~ing statements present fairly the financial position of the Town of Atlantic Beach Florida at September 30e 1953s ~ the results of its operations for the fiscal year in conformity with generally accepted aceovx~t- ing principles appliod on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Respectfull,9 submitted COM'•~NT3 CASH. The cash in bari:o was verified by certificates received direct from the depository. After inspection of receipts, ]icense stubs and other records reflecting cash raceivod, and tracing thane receipts to bank deposit e, it is our opinion that all receipts os record have been properly accounted for. It should be noted that in accordance with a charter change enacted by the 1953 State Legislature, the term has discontinued the use o£ the xarrant system for disbursing the funds of the C1ty and ie presently using a voucher check system. TAX AtH) SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RDLIS. Test checks sere made of dati"g"ent taxes as shown unpaid on the tax rolls and found to be oubstantially in agreement xith the General Ledger control accounts. All special assessment rolls for paving, etc., xora checked in detail and found to also be in agreement with control accounts. It is again respectfully suggested that the tax roll, comprised of several looeealeaf ledgers, be added and reconciled to the total tax levy (aggregate of taxable valuations times millage) prior to isouance of tax atatementa. SEAWALL FUPID. In accordance cith Council action on September 29, 1953, the fund formerly known as the "Sear,217." Furui M_s been abolished. The indebtedness to bondholders wad completely liquidated during the year, and the regaining assets of the fund consisting of cash, uncollected asseeamente, and uncollected ad velorum taxed, reverted to the Cenera2 Feud in accordance with the enabling act through which the fund was established. These remaining Sea;;a71 Fund assets are carried on the balnnca sheet of the General Fund in th3_s report. WATE(d40R3S POND. It is herebjr recormended that the fund nrnr known as the 'Fdatenrorka Purl" ::~ a{»liehad and the 4iatarTrarke Accourrte ba carried as a part of the Conaral Pu!rd. The Ylatertr_:rka Fund -+as established in compliance with the purchase contract throggir ro7nich the water system was acqui*ed. Since this contract hes been completely liquidated thorn appears to remain no legal requisemsnta necessitating the contim:ance of a special fund. ORDR7ANCE 147. This ordinance, passed in 1952 requires the collection of a deposit in the amount of $ 50.00 from "all persons or corporations" repairing or improving property in the town. This deposit is to cover possible damages to city property daring the procaes of the trork in- volved. It is noted that only txo deposits ware collected during the year under review. mere appears to be administrative interpretations of the ordinance not in accordance with Lhe written provisions therein. It is our auggastion that the Council ciarif'y the 1ega1 intsnL oY this ordinance fA that it may be properly adminiet~jred or repealed as desired. TYSON ANO M[EK CtKTIPIFO PVOLIC ACCOV NTANTB TO'r7N OP ATLANTIC B6ACN Atlantic Beach, Florida BALANCE SHEET 3eotember 30. 1953 ASSETS Cash in Beach Bank $ 3,932.54 Delinquent Taxes (Statement 2) 5,876.62 Uncollected Seaxall Assessments (Statement 3) 673.33 Uncollected Lot Clearing Asaesemsnts (Statement 2) 69.62 Uncollected Street Paving Aeaessmente (Statement 2) 3,247.92 Due from Seaxall Energancy Fund 4.183.56 Total General Fund Ascots $ 17.983.59 LIABILITIFS_AND SpfiPLU3 Accounts Payable (Statement 7) $ 517.12 Ordinance Number 147s Dopoeit Payable 50.00 Paving Contracts Payable ~ Duval Engineering & Construction Compagy 2,263.55 2ota1 Liabilities $ 2,830.67 Surplus 15,152.92 Total Liabilities and 3tu~olus $ 17,983.59 STATF2'.&YT 1 TVBON ANO MEEK--C[N TIiIEO VU BLIC AC OOVHTA HI9 TCWH OF ATLAMfIC REACH Atlantic Deach, Florida G&HERAI, FUtm SCHIDULE OF DELINRUENt TASES Sevtamher 30..1953 Amounts Uncollected at 4'30•°53 Year Assessed $ 1,248.46 1952 931.37 1911 7~c0.92 1950 1,008.02 1949 ~ 1,706.41 1948 aril Prior 21`1.!'4 Old Seaaall Levy ~ 86.62 Total UHCOLLECTn"'7 LOT CLEAR7IiG ASSE5S47E11I'S S=n`omber 30 1953 Assassments made prior to 1949 $ 16.00 Assessments made in 19k9 ~ 53.62 Total ~ 69.62 UNCO 1Y Tr9 ST.4EEf PAV?NG ASSESSHENfS Sopte?ber 30. 19;3 1942 Paving Aasess~ents $ 56.20 1451 Paving Assessments 1,495.74 1952 Paving Assesar~rts 1,685.98 Total ~--~s~7.92 STAT3!Etlt 2 TY60N AND MEEK - CCN TIFIED VUDLIC AGCOUNTANTY ~ TOWN OF ATLANPIC BEACH Atlantic Beach, Florida GENERAL FUND SCHIDULB OF UNCOLLECTED SEP.WALL ASSFSSMEM'S Septeaher 30. 1953 Unpaid P~partY Unpaid Assessed Oemer Lot Block Principal Interest Total Bull, George 1 and 2 42 $ 423.13 $ 42.31 $ 465.44 Clarkson, P. H. 3~ of 1 20 27.08 1.08 26.16 Nileax, C. P. 5 33 166.41 1 2 179.73 Tot~ala 616.62 ~ ~67~~ STATEL=t.~ TveON AMO ME[It -CCRTIIICO PV6LIC AC(AVIRAMID 40NN OF A'!'I,AtFtIC B,"•.AGiI Atlantic Beach, Florida GF,NERAL FUtdD STATF2ffiNT OF CASH PEGEIP^iS AFp DIS~JASE~ITS Seatember 30. 1453 Caeh on Hand and 1n Beach Eank at October i, 1952 $ 8,241.79 Canh Reeeints Revenue Receipts (Statement 5) $ 65,820. j4 Prior Year~a O. A.S.l. Collected from E~nioyeoa 129.07 Transferred from Seawall Fund 355.85 Ordinance 147 deposit 50,00 Transferred 4rom Seawall Emergency Piud 1.021.29 67,3'1b,75 Total Caeh Available 75, 18.54 Cash Diebureememe Appropriated Caah E2rperditluws (Statement 6) $ 61,41y.37 Paymetrt of Paving Contracts Awe.rded prior to FY Elided 9-30-52 8,367.30 Payment of Prior Yearts Accounts Payable 899.33 Transferred to 4laternarke Fund h000~00 71,686.00 Cash in Beach Bank at Sa~tsr.~nr U 195, ~~.,~.~ STATEI:k;hT~/, Tv80N ANO MCCN -C[NTITIED PVBUC ACCOVMTANTB TO'AN OF ATLANTIC HEACH Atlantic Beach, Florida C~FdiAL FUtm STATF2ffEtt71' OF RSVF2lUE RECEIPTS ESTIl1ATED AND ACTUAL Fiacal Year Faded Sentemher 90, 1953 Estimated Revenue Revenue for Reali2ed for Pereerrtage year Year _Realtsed Cuc~rent Revenues Property Taxes - 1952 Levy -Net $ 26,700.[0 ~ 28,936.42 108 % Property Taxes -Delinquent 1,000.[0 1,402.29 ?40 Licenses 5,500.00 5,520.00 100 Finsa and Forfeitures 3,000.00 5,420.00 .181 Building Permits 200.00 150.80 75. Electric Franchise 2,400.00 2,563.76 107 Garbage Collection 6,000.00 9,707.91 lb2 Street Paving Asssemente 4,500.00 2,752.53 61 Neptune Sewerage 220.00 250.00 ~ ll4 Uti]Sty Tax 7,?D0.OO 6,014.20 111 Penalties and Interest 300.00 569.17 190 Fliecellaneoua Sale of Asaeta, etc. 125.00 371.60 297 Lot Cleaning Aesea®ente •-0~ L,1.36 --0- To be transferred from Cigarette Tax Fund 1, 500.0[ -0- --D- Totals g ~B•6G5.0O 8 65, 820.4 ll2 % iY6pN ANO M[LK - L[NTIPICO PUBLIC •CCOUMT~MT~ TUeTN OF ATLANTIC BEACH Atlantic Neaoh, Plorlda OFdIE7tAI. PUTID SUT4tTAHY STAT@4ENP OF A-pPPAPRL+TIONS, 3dPffi~ITURFS AtID ENCUMBRANCF3 Fi^cal Year PSsded Seutsmbar 30, 1953 Accounts luaovnt Oash and Contracts d EYcpendituroa PaYbale t Percentage ~~ad e Appro r9 sa Administrative Town Hanager Salary $ 5,208.00 $ 5.208.00 009.96 00 2 00 100 % 105 Assistant to Torn pfanager . 20 _ 3 ~.D0 , 3,144.00 100 00 Toxn Clerk Salary , ~ 2 00 1 ~ Office Clerk salary ~ 2,000 ~ 1,6.26 ~ All 7nsuranca 650.00 696.52 0- Office Expense Nex Office equipment 1~'~ -0- 440.26 .40 $ 147 Toxn TSa11 Rspaira 300.00 200.00 2G:1.00 loo ]!)Q Attorney 400.00 400.00 100 Audit 2~'~ 200.00 93 Tax Asaeseor 150.00 139.15 ~ 155 Advertising ' 300.00 465.00 105 ~9or s Toxn~s share o. A. S,I. and Co ate 600.00 00 1 10 630.348 36 Unforeseen Espanas . ]6 00.00 1 40 _ 96 % Police and Public Safety 200 ~ $ 4x $ 4,200 ~ 100 ~ 100 Harehal9s Salary 100.00 100.00 ldarahaloa Uniforms ITepaira and Replacements ° y00.W 1,029.44 $ 22.52 ]17 Police Car and Radio 00 150 343.08 229 Traffic Signs . 3o0.W 685.87 719 108 Life saving Fire Protection 500.00 ~ •!50,00 540.00 950.05 ]15.44 742 Gas and oil 360.00 430.00 50.00 - 133 100 Radio Service Police Judge 150.00 770.00 150.00 1 425.3 23•!2 56 Unforeseen pcpenditures ~ 131.63 10.66 119 Prisonsre 4Seals & Police Phone ~ Police Car N 2 2 2 1 5 59. 139 ~ ,~ ew 6 ~,pp 11 2 _ Sanitary+^ $ 2,450.00 8 2,4b3.55 101 ~ l03 Track Driver T b 5,250.00 5,399.55 8 $ 52.60 17b or a Repairs and ReP~ccmente 300.00 650.00 474.2 480.93 44.17 81 Cae and 011 a e ?20.00 220.00 ]AO 135 g Neptune Sexer 500.00 673.02 ~ Hos4~to Centro! foreseen F]cpenditures U 174.18 t oJ,_~7 100 ~ n S ~ft~ $~.B85.51 ]t---~~ STATENF' NT 6• Conti.mied TYSON •MD MEEF -CERTIi1E0 PIIBIIC ACCOUNTAMT$ TO`.!N OP ATLANTIC HEACH Atlantic Beach, Florida (CAI. FUND $Ut4GlRY STAT3,SEQTP OF APPROPRIATIONS, EYPE'~IDITURES ACID ENCUMBINNCE4 Fiscal Year Fhded Saoteaber 30. 14 53 .,~ Accounts Amount Caeh and Contracts Percentage Aps~riated Ptccendituree , Pa.~able~ Dcoe~ed 3treats. Parks and Drainage Labor E 6,000.00 E ?,094.65 118 ~ Oas and Oil 900.00 812.22 $ 75.63 99 Repsirs and RePlacemente 1,500.00 2,199.25 14.71 ]48 Repair lfateri.al and Resurfacing 1,500,00 1,566.23 104 Drainage 3,000.00 4.,178.28 66.71 141 Seapall, street Fmda & steps 600.00 799.11 133 Equipment 300.00 -m --0- Conetruction of Streets 2,000.00 963.54 48 Streets Ua<ler Construction S,O00.00 4,22.76 84 Unforeseen Hcperditurea 0.00 6 08 00 22 0 0 1 .SO 66 104 ~ . . 2 Totals ~. 45.00 1.419.37 1 .12 106 $ STATr2iE?i' o -Concluded Tv60N ANO M[FN - CCNTIFIFO OUBLIC ACfAUNTANT! TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH Atlantic Doseh~ Florida GF.tlERAL FUtID SCHPDULE OF ACCWttPS PAYABLE Se ember 30. 1953 City of Jackaonvillo - Electric Dept. S 1.C0 Armco Drainage and Y.etal Products Co. 62.75 Miller Signs 17.50 Deane~s Studio 20.00 Southern Be11 Toleptone and Telegraph Co. $.18 Ho:ard[s Carage 30.41 P. D. Carmichael Hardsaara 7.30 City of Jacksornille Deach 58.62 sun oil Company 73.64 The Texas Comparp• 240.72 Total '517.12 STATP1Ae;NT TY80N I.ND ME[R -CFB TIf IED VU BEIC ACCODNiA NTB TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH Atlantic Beach, Florida SEAWALL PUND BALAtICE SHEETA Sonte~ber 30. 1953 ASSELS None LIABILITIES AND SUAPWS None x All Assets oY Seaxall Lard tranaPerred to General Fund as oP Septeaber 30, 1953, in accordance xith Councl3. action oY Septombsr 29, 1953• STAT~cNP 8 TYBOH AMD NEER -C[N TI/IEO PUBLIC AOCOUNTAH TO 70WH OF ATLAtiTIC BBACH Atlantic Beach, Plorlda SEAWALL FUIID STATEHENf OF CASH RECEIPTS A!ID DISEURSF2~d~TTS Fieoal Year Ended September 30. 1953 Czeh in Beach Bsnk at October 1. 1952 Racaiote From Abutting Property Asses®ents: Principal $ 1,833.07 Interest 111.73 Penalties 166.76 Total $ 2,lli.56 From prior years Ad Vel'-_~ tax levies 47.62 $ 312.50 Total Receipts - 2,159.18 Total Cash Available ~ $ 2,471.68 Disbursements Retlremant of Outstanding Bonds $ 2,000.00 I~erast Paid on Bonds 111.78 Premiwa Paid on retirement of Bonds 4.05 Transferred to General Fund 355.85 Total Diabursements 2,k71.68 Cash in Beach Bank at September 30. 19~ Hone STATr7a.EHt^ 9 TYBON AMU MEEN--CENTIEIEO PU9UC ACCOUNTANTS TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH Atlantio Beach, Florida SPECIAL SEAWALL ENPR(d+NCY FUND BALANCE SHEET Seatamber 30. 1953 ASSET3 Aeeaeagme due from Abutting Property Ownera~ (Statement ]1) Sandbagging and %P-~PP~g Tie-Backe Funds to be provided Total Asaete $ 2,132.45 1.695.14 $ 3,827.59 355.97 LIAHII.ITIES Due General Fund STATFEfENT OF CASH ftECF.1PT3 AhT) DL4BURSEHENTS For Fiscal Year Ended Sentembar 0. 1953 Cash on Hard at October 1. 19$2 .Cssh Receipts Collections on Asaee~enta Peraltiea and Interest Total Caeh Available Cash Dieburse~aente Transferred to General Fvnd Cash on Flared at September 30. 1953 STATEMENT 10 41 .6 1 .56 None $ 735.13 285.76 $ 1,021.29 $ 1,021.29 1.021.29 None TY6ON ANO MF[K - CFN TIiIEO ,U 6LIC ACCOVNTANT6 TOYIN OF ATLAHPiC BEACR Atlantic Beach, Florida SPECIAL BEAWALL F?fEFtGElICY FU[m 3CHffi1ULE OF DELINQUs..' Il' SF.AW'UZ ENFRGENCY ASSFS4HFdiTB 9e ember 0 1 ' AMOUNT - Sandbegging and Rin-FsD ing Tie-Backe Total Prouerty Owner ~ ]80.80 $ 86.50 $ 267.30 Clifford A. Payne 180.80 86.50 267.30 Clt3rlea Pelot 180.80 86.15 266.45 Glover Neisa 75.85 334.54 x•39 J.T.G. Crawford 100.85 194.50 295.35 Ballets H. Freeman 120.80 358.50 479.30 Raael C. Wooten 150.85 33.60 x+•45 P. M. Clarkson 150.85 33.60 1 0 Estate of Harp A. DeCottee 205.80 44.35 . 52 5 Gvs Huller 30.80 268.90 799.70. J. Alvin Reg~etar 150.85 33.60 173 R. S. Towers 150.85 ?2.40 1 .25 Daughtry Taxers 150.85 22.40 173.25 George D. Dillon y50.85 22.40 173.25 Ray Willis 150.85 67.20 218.05 Frank D. Bisbee 2 1 2. 1~~b ,5.14 87 Totals a2nTi}i .I~t yl YYYON ANO M[[li -C[P 1111[D %181IC ACCADMAN Ti TOWN OF ATLANPIC BEACH Atlantic Beaoh, Florida :4ATEB ASPARTMffiPP PBND BALANCE SHEEP September 30._1953 ASSEPS Current Asaete Cash in Beach Bank (Stateme,yt 13) $ 1,16,98 Fi;cad A-gets Water Distribution System $ 56,680,35 ?wnp and PumF House 5,186,76 Toole and Equignont _ 321.86 62,190.97 Total Assets $.62.307.95 LIAHLT ITI =S A.FID SIiAPLUS Current_ Liabilities Acecunts Payable $ 1Ly2,69 Surplus Ixrvastment in Pixed Assets $ 62,190.97 Curren*. Deficit _~12T. 1 52.26 Total L ebil idea and S~uolUs # £ b~.307.95 S,ATF2tiTiP 12 TY¢6N 8N0 MFFN - CERT IFI[O VOBFIC ACCOONTIINFB TOWN OP ATLANPIC BEACH Atlantio Beach, Florida WATFR DF~PARTHRNT FDdD 9TATF?fENT OP CASH REC&IPTS AND DISBURSF?fENf3 Fiscal Yoar Ended Seuteaber 0~95~, Cash. in Heaeh Bank at October 1 1952 $ 1,120.71 Cash Reoeiota Revenue Recelpte (Statement 14) $ 19,416.93 Transfer Yrom Censral Pund 1.000.00 Total Cash Recainta 20.416.93 Total Caeh Aval7able $ ?1,537.64 Caah. Meburs~e~s Budgayad Expenditures (Statement 15) $ 21,318.86 Payment of Prlor Year~e Acccunts Payable 101.60 Total Caah Disbursements 21.420.66 Cash in Beach Bsnk at Sedcember 30 195 $ llb.98 STAT¢13EML 13 TVfON 1ND M[fK-C[MTIFIFO VU9LIC ACCOUNTAHTf TOWP{ OF ATLANTIC BEACH Atlantic Beach. Florida WATER DEPAR'RSENT FUND 3TATffi~ffi7T ~ P•,'VE[RTE RECEIPTS - EST]lfATFD AND ACTUAL Fiscal. Year Ended September 30 1953 Estimated Revenues Revenue for Realised for Percentage Year Year Realised Ninimmn Water Rental $ 8x000.00 S 7.744.99 97 ~ Exceae Water Real 2x700.00 2x600.95 96 Cut-In Charges 400.00 450.00 173 Saltair 500.00 522.00 104 Transfer fxrom Cigarette Tax Fund bx500.00 8x036.99 124 Other -0- 12.00 - Yotals ~, 18.100.00 f 19.47b.93 107 ~ i, a STATF?fEHT 11. TYSON ANO MCCK -Cf PTIFIEO PUBLIC AGCOUNTANTB TURN OF ATT.ANPIC BEACH Atlantic Beach, Florida - WATTU2 DBPARTTf@IP FUND SUIgtARY STAT@AENT OF APPROPRIATIONS, EXPEtIDITURES AND EB'CUMBRANCES Piscal Year Ended Soptember 30, 1953 Operating Budget Tank Haintenance Part-time Egployee Iabor Repairs and Replacements Electric Current Metes Parts & Fittings (Old) Unforeseen Expenditures Capital Budget Pump Meters, Parts, Pipe and Fittit~ge Accounts Percentage Appropriated B~enditurae Payable IDcoended $ 1,000.00 $ 1,661.25 lb6 ~ 2,000.00 1,933.34 97 2;500.00 918.50 37 300.00 272.64 $ 47.67 107 1,200.00 1,224.32 105.20 731 200.00 299.55 89.62 194 2,730.00 708.48 26 8 9,930.00 $ 7,023.06 $ ~J,2.69 73 8 $ 1,1;50.00 $ 2,565.71 177 % 3.600.CO 8.610 5,050.00 $ 11,175.78 Debt Service P2,yment on Purchase Contract $ 3,000.00 Interest on Purchaso Contract 120.00 $ 3,120.OD Grand Totals $ 1$,100.00 $ 3a000.00 120.00 8 3,120.00 $ 21,318.86 239 221 ~ 100 ~ 100 100 A 2.69 119 ~ STATPA~F21T 15 TYSON AND MFFK-CEKiIF I[D PU OLIC ACCDUMTANT3 TOWN OF ATLANPIC HBACN Atlautio Beaoh, Florida SALTAIR PAVII70 FONp BALAltCE SHEEP Sevt~ber 0 195a+c ASSfi~ Assessments Receivable - Saltair paying (Statement 17) I 2.82 Tot~te 1 2,82 LLIBII.ITIES AND ~+ LUS Accounts Payable (Stat~em 1T) Total Liabi7ltiea and S lue 1 2.62 1 282 # No activity in this £:md during Fiscal Year. TT60N ANO NEFK - CCNIIFICU FUKLIC ACCOUNTANTS TOMN OP ATLANlZC HEACH Atlwtie Beach, Florida SALTAIR PAVING PUtID SCHPDULS OF SALTAIR PAVII7G A338S~DII7T AECEIVAHLE 9eatea~be_ r 4U• 19~ Lot 270 Lot 465 ~ 3altair Sen. 2 lt i Saltals Holding Compagv S 339.42 Se a r Sec. 1 3altatr Holding Company 509.13 Lot 442 3altair Seo. i Saltair HolAinoa Compaq 169.71 Sut 443 Saltair Sec. 1 3sltalr Holding Company 84.85 Lot 445 9alteir Sec. 1 Bassin H. Young 169,7]. 1bta1 1 2.82 9CHBDULE OF SALTAIB PAVING ACCOIINT3 PAYABLg September 30. 1953 Interest oa Delinquent Asaessmeate 65.66 Duval Engineering Compsgy 157.1b Bull-Terry Homes 1050.00 Total 1 .82 STATh34c'T, ii' IZ TY6ON ANO MEEK -C[MTlfl[O PUBLIC ACCOOMANTB TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH Atlmtic Beach, Florida CIOABEN£E TA& F91M) BALNiCE SHEET fientember 30. 1953 None ~ '4' LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS None $ -0" STATN2iENf OP CASH RECEIPTS ATE DISEURSEi+~SiT3 Fiscal Yoar &~ded Sontembsr 30. 1953 Cash in Beaeh Bank at October 1. X52 (Overdraft) $ (148.62) Cash Receinte Rocelp4.s from State of Florida 8.185.61 Total Cash available $ 8,036.99 Cash Disbursements Transfer to Water Department FVtxl (Stat~e~ L;} B,o36°99 Cash in Beach Bank at September 30,_195 t~O~ BTATFl4ENf 18 TYSON AND NEEN--EENTIiIED l•UBLIC ACCOUNTAHTB