Audit Report - 1947-1948~~ ~~ ~~ ,~ TOi3{ OFATLU{TIC BFACH~ FLORIDA AIDIT REPORT Beptacber 30~ 1948 Go~tno~ 1'. I3 ~.rrcn .~-rt: is rEp ~V9_'.: cCC'J ti rlit Yi GORDON P. BLITCN CENTIRIEO PUBLIC AOCOUNYANT M WILOIxp JICRAONVIILH 2. PLOW-~ ~} t .~ i •I~ S01M OF ATLANTIC B&ACi, FIABID- AUDTT 6~OBT Septssoer 30, 1946 i TDYN OF ATLARTZC BS\CH, FIAHIDA • ~ ladex W Heoort amd Statamente • I ~~ P • Introductory 1 - 3 Commmte • General Fmd -Balance Sheet SLhibit A - Reaeipta and Dleburesumte SohednL 1-1 - Statement of Revenues - Satimated and Actual Sehsduls A-2 - 3tatemeat of Srpenditurea and Baoumbranoee Compared Tdth Appropriations 3Meduls 4j - Ana]yels of Sxpeaditnree and ~aumbranas ~ Yor "CoatiagmoieaL 8chednls A-b - 9tatemenL of l~tereorke Cparatims 3ahedude A-5 - Schedule of Aaoomta Payable Schedule A-6 - Seawall Fmd - Bslmos set SLbSbit B - Bsdipte and Dlabursemsnts 9Wsdule B-1 - Seawall Asseesmente Against Abutting Property SahednL B-2 - 3ehedole of Boade Payable ~ BrLedula B-3 S peaial Seawll Saergeaay Fmd - Balance 9beet Sabibit C - Heceipte and DLsburssm®ts~ Srhed4ls C•1 - Schedule of Aliaqueat Boswell Smrgsaey • . Aaeesemente 8ahednL C-2 • . - Aocomta Payable 3ohadnle 4.3 . Aabr System Pmd -Halmos Sheet Smibit D Property Fmd - Balance 3rost Smibit E . ~ -Schedule of Changes is Pibparty Fmd ScheduL S-1 Combined Balance 9ieet Smibit P OOROOH P. BLITCN-C ER TIIILD PUaLIC ACCOU MiA Ri GORDON P. BLITCR CERTIFIED PDBLIC ACCONNTANT OMWY MnauM JICHBONVILLB 'L. FLORIDA October 13, 1948 'Ills 1b.m Oouacil ibn of Atlantic Beaoh At]aatic Beach, Florida CemtLeasns An eraminatioa has bem wade of the balance sheets of the 1b~n of Atlantic Beach, Florida as of September 30, 1948 and the stateaente of revenues, expenditures, and aurplna for the fiscal year then ended, the system of internal eoatrol and the aaoomting procedures of the town were reviewed and, without asking a detailed audit of the transactions, the accounting reoorda and supporting evidence of the ton were exaafaed or tested by methods aad to the aztaut deeaad appropriate. $e axaa+iaatim was aade in accordance ~t6 ga~neralty acgpted audltSng standards applicable in the alrcumetancea and included all procedures considered necessary. Sn onr opiaioa, the accompanying statements and related coaamts present Yair]y the fiaancisl position of the lbin of Atlmtio Beach, Florida at S epteaber 30, 1948, and the results of its operations for tke fiscal year is conforrity with genenl;y aeospted aeeomting priaaiplea applied on a basis consistent dth that of the Preceding year. Hespecttul],y aubaitGd, ~otiaa- R 6 CORDON P. ffiTTQI Grtifisd Public Accomtant ~~ ~ ~ ((t ~" COYYg NT3 i+ f '~ ~M.Cd~N,~ ' .' ,' Ati b. w1. 1,.4~ SOOPS OF AUDIT Q~1(A' p"'I 1 W • ';f~~. The cash in banks was verified by certificates received direct from the • ~ ~ -'~, depoeitorlsa. The cash procedure followed is that all Dash received by the tom ie I~.'depoaited intact is the fmd hank accov¢ts. ifithdrawale are nde by warrants signed ,, by the tom clerk and comteraigned by the preaidmt or vice-preaidmt of the tmn ~'- comcil. The bank handles the warrants as thanks. At the end of earn month the '~; tom treasurer draws one Bieck covering all warrants honored by tho beak during that i', period. On September 22, 1943, vhen reviewing the mrrant book currentJ,y in vas, it i!~ was noted that blank vmrrante Noe. 8601 through 8608 had been adgned Sn advance by i'~, both the preaide¢t of the tom oomcil and the font clerk; also that warreate Nos. ~i 8609 through 8683 bed been signed in advance by the president of the toss eomcil. / :, I!, It is reoomamdad that this practice be discontinued and warrants be signed only ~' after having been properly prepared sad approval obtained, Section 17 of the town ~.~ charter reads as followes iii i. "The clerk shall draw no warrants except the name have bees 'li authorised by the torn comcil." I, No record iron fond Sn the minutes of the comell to eubetantiate public works ~! eesdra~l labor die~amenta and numerous small pvrchaoee. QJK. It ie recommended that Section 43 of the tom dsarter whirh states im part that the i' comcil asbal.l let all contracts for over ¢200.00 to the lowest responsible bidder" ~I be properly observed. pIG I • '.' '~i Re inspected the copies of all receipts for fines and forfeitures, license stubs, !~ water rmt receipts, and teat checked taz receipts. Tha inspection included tracing !~ ~~ the receipts into the cash ~ournale. All monies received ae shown by receipt hooka ~ have been eatiefactorily accomted for, d/( ;~ TAI HOIJ.S. 'Eae tax irolle were esaminad Yor years 1944-1945, to sad inclndiag 1947- '~ 191`8, but examination was not made of the taz rolls for delinquent tease for years ~j prior to 1944-1945. A siammry of delinquent taxes of the General Fmd fo]Uowss 3bx Year W Balanp due Seotember 30. 19L8 Frio` to 1944-1945 ` 14,911.14 1944-1945 ( 172.74 1945-1946 19L70 1946-1947 ~ 347.67 1947-1948 / 1. 47.90 Total 671.1 ~ It is reoommended that the tom officials make a thorough analysis of the taz roll for years prior to 1944-1945 to determine the accuracy of the above amomt oL 14,911.14. It ie further racommsndsd that the property valuations, itsids form a basis Yor the tax rolls, be analysed with a vises to correcting apparent inoon- aiatenoea, sad ae a poee le eouroe of additional revenue with s61oh to overooms existing deficits. /~~, • H-CEN TIIIfiO YUBLIC AGGOUN>AN> '' ~, ~ I ~ ~!' W ~ page ~~~~~j~ C O L Y& N T S (Continued) ~~ ~~~~ ~~j`~', ~' • i~PAYROLLS. jlrfibrds were examined. It ens determined that the Your salaried ~i employees' co~ensation was in agreement with the apeoific ordinances authorising ithe mlariea. It was further determined that the budget item of $8,000.00 for public works "antra" labor was exceeded by ~an d that no authorisatim, '.except that of the budget, wen given for au 4~diturea. It ie recosmended first ; inasmuch as the "extra" labor is approxLmte>`v one-third of the total payroll of the town, there be eatabliehed a more firm council control. Proper Sob claesificatioa ~• ~ should be made, maximum pay ratan eatabliahed, aj cape Sfic comcil approval ob~ed. -).~/L (~Rl ,tV-p.(Q OMB/-1 .. ' r. ~B, - I '~ Lam(/~~0' k%~, FIA7A9 '~~; ffi.IIIQUFNTduTAYFS/~"~i~~'i'S anD Lffi7S. Tee amounts shorn ea reserve for deliaqueo ~ taxes, lot nleaniag aseeeammts, and street paving lima represent amomte aot i expected to be collected during the ensuing Year, The aenmte collected oa aua6 ~~ items in the previous year ~~avp bem used as the cis~f rr eetabliehiag the ee reaerwe. 6/IZ QC~t (7v ~ (~1'11M1 /n -J G WATa'8 ',ASKS OPEBATI089. On Ootober 78, 1947 the ton entered into a ooaditional u e agreement with &. G. Adams for the pnrohaee of the water ipatem predouelY i oned and operated by him. Tee total purchase prloe of j15,000.00 ie to be paid is inatalLemta of $3,000.00 m December 31 of each year, beginning December 31, 1948. ' the interest Se at four percent, payable annval],y. IIte prodeima of the agreement _ J provide that the above mentioned paymnte shall be ®ds "from revenues derived by • ~• the bier from the operatim of the said water ayatea. '!tie buyer does not obligate ' itself to arks the payment out of o^9 fmda, or from aqy other eouroe other then ' from avenue derived from acid rrter system but agrees that it will not divert said revenue to a~ otber or different purpose mt11 said amual inatallmenta haw bem • regularly paid when due." Attmtim ie direoted to feet that this provieiaa . has not bem met during theJyea}' order exaadnatim. ! i ~j~1.C~~~`4p+l/) /! --5B9 WALL FLND Lu/-~~y~ 1}~e deficit 7n tJhia fudd is the amo,nt of $7,437.59, as shoe on Sz6lbit 8, appears to haw been ocoaeioned by interest revenue loot due to pre-paYmmts of installment by abutting property oners, and also to the premium pa d to ratite vbrrtutsd bonds, i An ana),paie of the compliance by the ton with th nd prodeim that 17 percent of bond principal and interest be paid from ad va ram fazes iadioatee that ninon the bond issue the amomt of principal ae coaputed by 6asEbaen ez~edad by PPh~' audit report on the bend issue dated August ?$, 19;.7, S.mately $z,ooo.oo. Hr. Jamalt aomputatim of the tome share (l7%), was $14,509.37 and there has bem collected from ad wlmrsm tazea thrbUgb this current • fieoal year approximately $16,500.00, plus interest. Since the enabling ordinance Prodding that only 17 percent of the bond principal and interest be raised by ad valorem taxes apparently has bem exceeded, it Ss ~ recommended that the matter be referred to the ton's legal mnmel Por consider- atim. Such consl.deratim shoulda ¢ruinrent (deficitgmd ac~cruiag interment to eliminate the deficit and pay 8 will approximate $10,000.001 th the required time to PaY the horde dean due. '~ It Se further recommended that the bonds be retired Sn ammts of $1,000.00, if ' i,. ~ ' P ~ni w>d it a eeable to bondhyldere Sn order to kss infarct costa at a G OR VON P. 9LITCN-CER TIII!^PUBLIC AOCOV NTANT Page 3 • ~ PHOP~TY P® 4 Property Find has been eatsbliehed dth thia audit and all Pi~oed propertiea, as disoloeed by the ieoorde are carried herein. Oar e:aminatim Secluded aoquisitims for the eLarmt year, totalling X10,649.49, but ee did not make a detailed euraala- atim of the fined properties acquired prior to October 1, 1947. It is rewmmmded that an inventory of aodeting properties be made and a record of purchase end value of all fi~aed pmperties be ioetalled and maintaiasd. G ` ,~ OOwDOM P. 8LI TON-G[wTI PILD PYaLIC ACOOYMTA MT ~~ 1Ultd OF ATLANTIC BRACN, PIARIfY . ,i OFNffiiAL FLND. ~~ BALAPtCg 57i~f AS AT . jj Seotembar 3D. 1966 A~ Cash in beach Rank (Sehedula A-1) Delia4u®t Taxes Leas -Reserve for Delln4uent 'taxes Uncollected Iot Cleaning Aaseeameata Less -Reserve Por Lot Cleaning Aeseeammts Ricolleoted 9trert Paving Liens Less - Reserve for Street Paving Liens Total Assets L7ABILITIE9 AND SURPUIS • 1 Accomta and Notae Payable; ' Accomta Payable (Schedule A-b) j Notes Payable -Beach Bank (Schedule 41) ~ Note rayable - Ur. A. F. tarravgy (8diedule A-1) Inter-Fmd Accomte: Duo i4ater System Fmd Lees - Ammt due froa Seawall F~ergmq Fmd Surplus (Defi_cit)/~"--~-" - ~To 1 Ltab ies 9~u ,i i ~~, i ._ i2, 512.85 16,671.15 5.865.79 806.05 ~ 91.63 45.82 45.81 1 535.04 5?b.34 10.70 13,375.41 12,463.79 1,000.00 2000.00 15,463.79 13,000.00 143.22 2,856.78 ( 4,945.16) 13.375.41 OORDON O, eLITCN-CaNT1I1[O PYILIO ACCOUNTANT TOiW OF ATLAN'PIC BSAQi~ FIA@Ill- ..- Gffi7IIGL FUND RBCP.~TS AND DISBGR$BnENT3 FO@ Fieaal Yrter Hided Ssotember 30. 1918 !~ Caeh is 8ead~kiank at October 1. 1947 = 1,932.55 i I~ Beceipte: -. '~ Texee (S~adule A-2) 125,345.30 ~ lSamees~ Fines and ForPeitvree, aad other tavenne iteva (Brhednle A-2) 26,333.98 Back roan - iseach nadc (3id/lbit A) 1,000.00 I~ I,oaa Srom Dt. A. F. Gl~rraiiy (H/hibit A) 2.000.00 9~ta1 tieceinte 54,679.7!6 1bta1 Oaah AvaiLble 156,611.83 budgeted Hmenditurea (schedule M3) / 54,098.98 . ~~ Caeh in Beaoh Book at Bwtember 30. 1946 ~ 2,572.85 .: pOpDON P. •LiTOM~O[fl TI II[D j '~ ,,' .1 / ~ 1CI19N OP ATLANTIC BBRCB, F;i/RID- . ~ ~; (,~~Y~71""' CBt~AL FUND '~ smaT>~Ir of usv~luFS _ ffiTI1617SD AND Ac1+leL ~' For Fiacal Year 1~ded Saoteaihar 30. 1918 it Betianted Aatual l-cceas or ~ $evmvea Rsvmuea (Daficienoy) Taze~g a~rrmt masse (Kati Delinquent 'Eases Pmaltise Total 79xee - (Sd,sdule A-1) Other Llceneea F1nea and ForPeitnras Building Permits Flectrie Frandiiee Th7c Garbage tbllectiona (Net) Street Paving Aeaeeameats Lot Cleaning Aaseeaments 16ter Rents (Sd,edule A-5) Sewerage Rentals (Neptune Baedi 'Die-in) Utilities ikz 1[iacellaaeona Total Other Revmuea - (Srhedula A-1) (,25,789.87 (24,439.75 (f 750.12) 500.00 649.25 149.25- 200.00 256.30 x'6.30 (25,889.87 (25.345.30 (f 544.57) ~ 7,750.00 r 5,924.25 (f 1,620.75 1,900.00 1,633.00 l 267.003 250.00 350.80 ]D0.80 1,700.00 1,711.31 11.31 5,000.00 4,946.80 ( 53.20 300.00 9.16 ( 290.84 300.00 116.95 { 183.05 8,250.00 6,649.86 ( 1,600.14) 220.00 00 6 5 220.001 . 1 9 5 6 8 . 4, 7 0 0 . 4, 4 3 ~ , 2 7 j 0. 0 4 277.72 ( >82.~ Total ,`- (56,535.87 ~~uO~ ~~~! ~~" a26,333.98 li 4,312.02) $51, 679.28 (f 4~5~~) J 1 j ~ ~~~ N°" n b~ ~~ i/~ ~ ~ J~ i ~) ~ ~'~ 1 .. BUTCN- • • .. • !' TOWN Op ATL4NT IC BF%CH, FLORIDA QffiT,~'8AL FUND ~~• STATQ~YIT OF ECPENDITURFS :aD RN CUNBRANCES COHPAXED WITH APPEDPP.lATIDNS ii Fiscal Year Hided San t ember 30, 1948 Appropri- ations Unexpended Bud et flcmenditurea Balance ' Administrative Supervisors Salary $ 3,630.00 $ 3,630.00 '~ ~Clerk~a Salary 1, 98D.00 1,98D.00' Office Dcpen ae 500.00 756.19 ($ 256.19) Eas.^ance 1,200.00 1,165.56 34.44 Attorney~a Feee 300.00 290.00 10.00 I~ Audit Feee 250.00 250.00 ' ~i Engineer -375.00 375.00 FStra Advertising, etc 50.00 50.00 Town Hall Aepaira and Replacmtenta 200.00 200.00 Total Administrative $ 8,485.00 $ 8,071.75 $ 413.25 Police and Public Safety Ifarah ~s Salary Repairs and Replac®e~.s Car & Radio Traffic Signs Life Saving and Roping Aire Protection Street Lights ~ Gas and 011 Radio Service Police Judge ~ Eitra Police New Police Car ~~ Total Police and Public Safety ~~'~ Public Works ~ ` ~~~ Driver and Helper Kcd1V([!a. i. Flora Labor I' Bas and 011 Y Repairs and Replacements New Fquipaegt : Street Repairs, Culverts, etc Total Public Works i; Public Utilities Attorneys Feee - Sewerage Fhginsera~ flees - Sewerage ~! Rental - Neptune Beach Sewerage Tie-in Water FSctenaiona and Repairs and Replacements it Advertising i Total Public Utilities ii Carried Forward I~ Hwum- Unencumbered Capital brancea Palance Outlay $ 56.73 ($ 314.92) $ 208.20 ii 34.44 10.00 375.00 50.00 ' 200.00 i~ $ 58.73 3 354.52 S 208.20 $ 3,3ao.ao $ 3,300.00 500.00 604.35 ($ 104.35) $ 3.05 (ti 107.40) 100.00 50.20 49.80 49.80 300.00 320.19 ( 20.19) ( 20.19) 600.00 589.25 10.75 10.75 ~ 218.65 400.00 83.58 316.42 316.42 750.00 926.47 ( 176.47) 77.00 ( 253.471 360.00 360.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 750.00 360.00- 390.00 390.00 SOO.OO 500.00 500.00 7.710.00 $ 6.694.04 3 1.015.96 $ 80.05 Z 935.91 $ 218.65 $ 4,100.00 $ 4,438.89 (w 339.89) 8,000.00 10,226.23 (l 2,226.23) 700.00 1,151.05 ( 451.05) 1,000.00 975.78 24.22 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 703.75 296.25 X16.800.00 $17.495.70 ($ 695.70) ' $ 1,700.00 ' $ 1,700.00 2,625.00 ?" r 2,609.38 15.62 220. C0 22D.00 B,o00.00" 6,449.32 i,55o,68 950.00 ' 34.80 915.2D :;13,495.00 ~ 9,313.50 ~ 4,181.50 I~ ----_--- -- SCFJ;DIRE A-3_~.e i a owvoN r. •LITGH-L[w T1,ISC rY[LIe weCOUNrwNT ($ 338.89) ( 2,226.23) ti 59.73 ( 510.78) 41.12 ( 16.90) 2,000.00 128.28 167.97 v 229.13 ("r 924.83) v 1,700.00 15.62 S 2,9.38 ;) 1,951.56 ( 400.88) 7,417.82 915.20 $ 1,951.56 $ 2,229.94 X10,027.20 • •,. • .: TCWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GII~RAI, FUMD STATr?u~lrT OF ~P2JDITURES AND ENCUI~RAHCES COI~ARID WTfH APPROPRLATIONS Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1948 Appropri- ations Uneapanded et E~menditures Balance Brovttht Forward 846,490.00 $41,574.99 8 4,915.01 Other Debt Retirement (Bank Loans and R.C. H. S. Corp) Contingencies (Including Drainage) ffiergency Seawall Repairs Total Other Grand Total 3,000.00 3,029.77 ( 29.77) 8,978.42 3,201.51 5,776.91 X6,292.71 ( 6,292.'1) 311,978.42 312,523.99 (i 545.57) 358,468.42 554,098.98 ~ 4,369.44 /A\ (Sch. A-1) aowooM ~. •LITCw e Encum- Uness;umbered Capital brancea Balance Outlay 8 2,319.47 $ 2,595.54 810,454.05 ( 29.77) L,4.32 5,632.59 195.44 ( 6,292.71) $ 144.32 (8 689.89) $ 195.44 8 2,463.79 3 1,905.65 i1o,649.49 (Sch. A-b) (Sch. E - 1) TOWN OF ITIANTIC BFACR, FIARIDA GENHGL FUND ANALYSIS OF IIPffi7DITURES AND ffidCU18RANCBS ^FOR CDNTINGINCISS^ A~.Pn1 9.ar Blde.l 9Bnt8wLer 30_ 1968 ~'. ~i '; Repairs W Seawall StePe ~! Health Center - Talephoae Halle ~,i Interest on Notes ~I Building Code Copy j Tax leeeeaor - J, Alvin itagieter 1lter Cooler .i Yeale Yor Prisoners ..__ _._----.. Cleaning and Painting Incinerator ~(A'~/'~{„1~ui.DUI-C~-' I~ y ~ ~~ F1rat Aid ~ Hearh &+oeioa Study ~~ e~~i~~ I ~ Dceo ;I Drninage ~~ lbta Suw~ry~ Srpeadituree i3, 201.51 Fncuabrancss 144.32 rta t j345.e3 i 7.97 61.75 28.35 1.50 100.00 195.44 ?A.50 80.00 2.58 125,00 1A.00 2,698.74 13,345.83 V OFlDOH P. DLITGH-GER,IPIEO PVBLIC ACCOUM iI1NT 1UWN OF ATLANTIC BBACR, FLORIDA CF271REtiAI. FBlID STATE1f~7T OP WATBRBDRKS OPEENTION3 Fisoai Ywr Faded Saotember 30. 1948 ~~ Water BCut-lneB Ylnimum Rmtale Raceas Rentals Total en~itures and Sacumbrance oeratiarz Smeases Sn]aries and 1[iace]]aneoutl Labor Blueprints and Odegrama Repairs and ]6intenancs Printing Supplies Slectrioity 1(iacellaneous Freight Total Ooeratine Eroenaes coital Outlay Pipes and Fittings Thole ibtera and lbtar Bowse Water 3yatem Survey ~ Qp/~~ Pvep .Et y~iy9~{,A.CG. ----~• 2ota1 (Sao1ffi1 ontlaz $ 1,029.00 4,912.00 708.86 i 553.00 168.58 18,05 49.12 190.06 3.03 i 983.06 $ 6,649.86 S 3,586.64 262.63 -. 1,078.92 585.00 .~ 1,904.43 F i 7.417.82 other Amount of Water System revenue properly trenefer- able to 16ter System Puad for retirement of purrhaee wntract with &. G. Adams g 3,000.00 Total %roendlturea end Bncwebrancea ~ccees of Rmenditure4 and Bnaumbraaoee over Incoate !i y1,~A,p.gg i~ 51.02) ~.; LONDON P. BLITCN-C[BTIFIED PU BLIC AGOOUNTANI TDNN Of ATLANTIC HSACH, FLDHIM OBNBBAI. PUdD SCilID70LS ~ ACCOUNTS PAYlA78 Septebsr 30, 1948 . , V®naoS ~.~- I B. H. ifOCBrmick & 3one, Lac - 8 ~•~` City of JaPkeonrille, ffiectric Dopartmmt 78.42 3outhsm Bell Telephone Bad Telsgrapb Compagy 23,56 lilBOn-3mdth Lumber Compamy 26.45 H. B. Ai]lcersoa Compegy 17.42 Worcn~ton Oamaln Peter Compmgy 11.03 36 3 . . doe/e Plvmbins aaa Applseaca coga+v Ogden Bgmipmmt Co~~ 75.00 Under~ucd Corporation 22.50 Pmatsr & Prather Hardmare Conpsny 3.05 1 & A lbtor CBSpagy 103.59 Tcs Terms Compmgy 94.E 9aa 011 Compam,T 42.k5 ~ 1 904 13 ~ 1 , -,.=,F.- . Stevens 3ovthem Compegq /1 1 . I 1 :e :f z~ ~ OOU00/1 P, BUTCH-CIflTIP/HO PUBLIC ACCO UN TAMT T07tI OF ATLiNTIC BBA~, PJARIDA 3ENAII. FtBiD BALANCE SHBST AS lT ~ptesber 30. 19LB Ce.e6 is Beaeb Bank (Schedule B-1) De3inQnwt Taxes - Tom's 9:are ~ 434.21 Lees: Reosrve Yor DelSnqumt 'Panes 285.11 llaoollected Aeseaemwte - Abetting Property Oemsrs - (Sehednle H-2) Delinquent Interest -Assessed bnti uncollected - (SChedule B-2) Total Aaeete i; ~~-S~l~st~ Bonds Payable (SrbeduL B-~) Surplne (Deiiclt) J Total Liabilities and 9sxvlna I i II i I I it II i I! li b, ~~ ~ ~_ ~ _ sL178M B i 2,847.41 149.10 ~, 391.OG 174.84 i13B.. 5~~ ;21,000.00 ( 7,437.59) i13,a~ 56 I' OOBDON G. BLITCN-CkflTIF1,ED VUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TORT Of ATIAtiTIC BBACd, FI08I01 SgAl4Aid FL@ID 88CBIPTB 4ND DIED&71"3 Fieoel Year 13:ded 8eotember 90. 1948 Cash in fmd at besimina of rear ~ 6,633.68 8e e From butting Property Aeeeeaments: On Principal (Sohedule B-2) ~ 1,774.60 Interest (8chedule B-2) 455.92 Penalties (Schedule y-2) ,_ •~ Sotai i 2,325.73 From ad velorum Tex Lsvys 1947 - 1948 Very k 2,359.74 Prior Years 109.90 Total 2,469.64 OtAer -Interest on 8avinge icoount 25.00 Tbtel 8eceiuts 4,820.37 Sotal Cash 4vai]abL iu,434.D5 Disbursements ~3ea~lla~a~ereet payments on outstanding ~ ~.~ Purchase oP unmtund fonds dw Oetobsr 1, 1950 - Including accrued interest and prednm - January 15, 1948 7,605.89 Beach yank - $xahasBe rbarge on interest oarmeat .75 6586. Balance in reach yank at September 90,_1948 (]Sxkiibit y) g 2s GOOLON >. BLITCN-Ck BTIiIEB GUBLIC /.CCO UN TANT u ~I~ ~~ ~~ • ~ !~ ,: TOYdt OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA - '. SEAWALL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST pBUY'YING PIi~PERTY Seutember 30. 1948 Balance Principal Balance 7ntereat Penalty Delinquent Installments Descrirtion due Collected dve Collected interest Collected No. of - Annual Owner Lota Block SBpY_30"47 1947-1948 9-30-48 1947-1948 Paid to 1947-1948 Installments Principal 7ntereat installa>Bnta ~. Anthogy, J. R. Jr 3, 4 52 S 320.14 $ 53.37 ; 266.77 ; 12.82 6-1-48 ; 53.37 ~ Bisbee, Frank D. ll, 12 52 320.14 53.37 266.77 12.81 b-1-48 53.37 I Hull, Florence S. 1, 2 42 634.75 105.81 528.94 25.39 (~1-48 105.81 Clarkson, P. ]4oody 1/2 of 1 20 162.83 162.83 6-1-47 1 a 27.15a 6.51 77.15 DeCottee, Nra. Louisa 1/2 of 1 30 162.83 27.15 135.68 6.51 6-1-48 27,15 ~ Pinkleetein, H. ((Starr) 4 20 320.14 53.37 266.77 12.81 6-1-48 53.37 Pinklesteln, L. (Myeraon) 5 41 195.03 32.29 162.74 I 7.80 6-1-48 32.29 Lake, Nra. Etbel (Williford) 5, 6 32 640.26 106.74 533.52 25.61 b-1-48 106.74 Lockwood, Col. W. G. 7, 8 52 320.14 53.37 266.77 12.81 6-1-48 53.37 HcDuPf, Estate oY (Towers) 1, z, 3 51 471.45 79.59 397.86 19.10 6-1-48 79.59 xeyer, R. R. 1, 2, 3 21 949.46 158.29 791.17 37.98 6-1-48 158.29 Montague, Nary J. (Hagarian) 3 27 320.14 53.37 266.77 12.81 6-1-48 53.37 xulliken, Fred L. 5, 6 52 320.14 320.14 6-1-47 1 53.37 12.81 53.37 ;~, Neyarson, x. P. 6 41 194.33 32.39 161.94 7.77 6-1-48 32.39 li Payne, Clifford A. 4 33 320.13 320.13 6-1-47 1 53.37 12.81 53.37 '~ Peck, R. R. (G. Weise) ~ oY 7, '~,I 20+ of 8 33 329.31 329.31 6-1-47 1 54.76 13.17 54.76 it Pelota, C. E. 6 33 450.09 56.39 393.70 18.00 6-1-46 ; 17.10 2 112.78 29.27 56.39 Pelota, C. E. (R. Rooker) Part 7 33 129.81 21.63 108.18 5.19 b-1-48 21.63 ~% Register, J. Alvin 3, 4 42 741.07 741.07 6-1-46 2 211.52 55.05 105.76 i Richardson, R. A. (Rucker) ll 61 160.04 160.04 6-1-47 1 26.69 6.40 26.69 Roberta, T. S. Jr 4 51 157.31 26.22 131.09 6.19 6-1-48 26,22 Ortega Company 2 15 320.14 53.37 266.77 12.81 6-1-48 53.37 ~ Stoner, C. R. (MCDerment) 2 27 320.14 53.37 266:77 ' 12.81 6-1-48 53.37 ~ ~ Beale Travis 4 15 320.14 53.37 266.7 7 ~ 12.81 6-1-48 1.00 I 53.37 , Tucker, L. x. Jr 6, 7 61 320.14 53.37 266.77 12.81 6-1-48 53.37 ! Van Schaick, Dr. Harold 1,2,3, 4 62 61p.56 106.74 533.82 ~ 25.62 6-1-48 106.74 lil Walker, C. H. (G. Muller) 3 41 194.33 32.39 161.94 `'~ 7.77 6-1-48 32.39 Wilcox, o. P. 5 33 332.79 54.46 277.33 6 0 28 ~~ 13.30 x 102 6-1-x,8 6 1 47 ll 1 77 106 61 74 2 55.46 206 Simon F. Williams 5. 6 20 960.50 320.22 . 4 ,} .45 - - . . 5. .59 , Wilson, Hrs. L. (Cranford) 1, 2, 3 bl 478.45 79.59 398.86 ;E 19.14 7 b-1-48 ~ Woodcock, o. P. 5 15 320.14 53.37 266.77 12.81 ~ 6-1-48 53.37 Yerkea, J. H. (Estate of Bolass) 7 36 332.79 332.79 6-1-47 1 55.46 13.31 55.46 Total S12,165.66 $ 1,774.60 ;10,391.06 ~ 45`2 Y 3 95.21 6 701.84 $ 174.84 S 1,937.68 IIII Sch. B-1 Exhibit B h. B-1 Sch. B-1 ~~! OOROON P. ILITCN-<ER TIIIEG PYRLIG ACCOY Ni AMT T01ft OF ATSANTIC SISACi, FLORID 3&AILL FUND SOdSDULE OF SON09 PAYASIB AS AT 3eotamber 30. 1918 Sonde deteds October 1, 1933 Original Issues 8150,000.00 7ntereat rates 4X Per amua Interest Payable? Semi-annucl]J each 7eu' on April 1, and October 1. Held by the Atlao- tic Hatinoal Bank of Jaelcmnvillo, Florida ae detailed babes lined Date of Nurbers ~~ PriarlDal 129 thmug6 135 October 1, 1951 ~ 7,000.00 136 October 1, 1952 1,000.00 138 through l43 October 1, 1952 6,000.00 144 thmtsg6 150 October 1, 1953 7.000.00 1~1. i?~,000.00 ae_~ sCH~iRB B-3 pOROON P. BLITLN-GkflTI IIEb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TOWN OF A'FiADT1C BB4CH, PI4tiL1- SPSCIAL 3F1HAI.L HQdIGFNCI FOND BAIdNCB 31i+BT AS ~! September 30. 1913 A53bT3 Cash la Heach Bank (Schedule 0.2) Aeaeeemmts due frog Abutting property 0@mere (Schedule 0.2) 1 3,205.05 Sandbagging and BdPI+PP~e E 5,985.88 Tie Backe 3.208.65 9.194.53 1bta1 Assets 112,399.56 LTABIISTIF9 AND SUBPIAS Accomte Payable (Shcedule 0.3) Due Cenral pmd 9cheduls 0.3 Opntingent Liability - H. B. McCormick & Sons, Inc. Surplus (Deficit) 2bta1 Ltabilitiee 4od Surolw 113,]25.45 143.x2 3,731.62 ( 4600.71) 99. OOfl OON F. BLITGN-L@pTIP1@D PUBLIC /1000UNTANT 1UI/N OF AT;ANTIC BFLCN~ F74HID- gpHCLS, S&NALL HIQNZGBNCY FUKD HBCHlPTS AND DISBUBSB1~iT9 Piscal Tear Snded 3aptembar 30. 1948 Haco is Co7leotima m aeseamenta a~inst abuttibg ProPert7 ownsra: Smdbagging and 14P~PP~B i3, 520.21y Tie-baeke 6,373.23 7atereet and Aaaassments 51.57 jotal Beeaiots x,945.04 Maburaeawnt Payment of X. G. Barber aeoomt Lt fall ~ 5.52 254 Payment of emrgency work 11aDi11ties 4,8.33 104 Payment of emargenay work liabilities 1,924.1h ~1 Diabaraemente (Sdiedule C-3) 6 7 .99 Balauoe in Beams Paok at Seuteuber 30. 194E (Sshibit C) 3 ?A5.0 OORDON P. eLITCH-CL'RTI PIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TORN OF ATT.ANTIC HEACx, FLORIDAA 9PECIII. 9&IYGLL B1HiC8!7CY FUND SCH811[fR8 OF Dffi.IHQUII7T S&1V4113. HYBRGHNCS ASSH.43Y69T3 Seotesbar 30. 1913 Prooert_v Omer LaFayette Realty Co -Copper Eettle Hetate of Dr. Coaup Holass Cbarlea Palate (Lot 8, Hlook 36) :-. C1lfford A. Payne C. P. 9flloaa Charles Pelota (Lot 6, 81oek 33) Glnrer IPsise J. T. C. Craidord 9ollaoe Y. Praeaea 0. P. YcDsraent Doris H. Yagariaa Svs Dezter A.aid Hazel C. Aoottm Eathryn S. IYrks and Ssthiyn Y. Merchant P. Y. Clarksm Relate of Very A. De Cones Sison F. IIPi ~!A~ Gus Yu1Lr Yra. T. H. Yuasll Florence S. Bn11 J. Alv1n Regiatsr R. S. T oeers Daughtry Toesra G~ D. Dillon Ray 1P1121e Fred L, Yuulkm Hattie H. Heff Hank D. BSabee R. H. Rucker Yrs. G. A. Hama Total Aaomt Sandbagging and Hloraoolna Tie-Backs _ Total i 492.48 5 454.5? i 947.05 155.80- 1.80.44 336.24 155.80 173.50 329.30 18o.eo 86.50 267.30 LD5.80 - ~~ 34.96 120.76 ]80.80 .86.50 267.30 180.80 86.15 266.95 75.85 334.54 410.39 100.85 194.50 295.35 517.48 517.48 517.48 517.48 517.48 517.48 120.80 358.50 479.30 150.85 67.20 21.8.05 150.85 33.60 184.45 150.85 33.60 184.45 165.80 134.40 300.9A 205.80 44.35 250.15 205.80 40.32 246.12 130.80 268.90 399.70 150.85 33.60 184.45 150.85 22.40 173.25 150.85 22.40 173.25 150.85 22.40 173.25 150.85 67.2<1 218.05 150.85 67.20 ?x8.05 150.65 67.20 ?]8.05 6 205.80 44.82 250. i5,985.e8 i3'zoe~.65 i9 194.5 30chibit C Srhibit C Hzhlbit C GOBDON t. BLITON~ClflT1I1[D VUBLIC AGCOU NTA NT soWrr of aT7aNTlc BEAa, P1Da771A I' SP&CL1L ~411AIJ. S~CY FUND • ACCOONTS PAYABIB - September 9 D. 19A8 '~ ~ Origfml Amomte Amomt Paid 6-12-48 Unpaid at .. , Vendor Due and 7-19-48 9-3D-48 I ii N1111am Carleton S 600.00 = 210.00 # 390.00 ~~ ~ J. G. Chriatoper Co 3,140.04 1,099.01 2,047»03 ' Duval Fhg, and Contracting Co. 619.05 619.05 ~' Duval Eng. and Contracting Co. 450.00 157.50 292.50 '~ Plorida Pipe and Supply Co. 712.15 249.26 462.89 i Ceneral Electric ~P7Y Cc+P• 232.25 87..29 150.96 General lfllls, Inc. 66.00 23.70 42.90 I, Graham-Joaea Paper Co~agy 133.06 46.57 86.49 ltarrlll Stevens Drydock and Repair Co I 7,449.06 2,607.16 4,841.90 '; ~ Yason-Smith I,uobor Co. 283.81 99.33 ]84.48 e. B. licCormicic and Sons, Ina 5,ll5.50 1,790.60 3,37J,.90 ' Southern States Bag Compagy 1,059.00 370.65 688.35 ~I W. G. Barber 5.52 5.52 ' ~~ Total 9 865. 6739.99 Al :4. • .- ~ ~I 9d:. C-1 SYhibit C I AIDUNT IWg GQ7EHAL FUND 1bta1 coat of materials and services furnished Yxvm General Fund of to:n $ 6,292.61 Lees - Amomta authorized to be eipeaded 1'roa General Fmd: Authorised at meeting of April 72, 1948 # k,549.49 Authorized at meeting oY September 20, 1948 1,600.00 6,149.49 Amomt due General Pmd S: 74~e Fhhibit C OOBOON P. BUTCH-CEBTIIIED FUB LIC /1000UHTA MT • i 101@I OF AYLANTIC BSOQi, F10SID- WA1ffit SY9'D3Y POlID • I,, BIIdLT18 ~~BT A3 A2 3eptaabsr 30. l~yl8 I~ • . . ~"'~'~'L slater System ffights ~15,~•00 Due from Qeneral Fund 3,GpG,GG lbtal Aaeatn (]$,000.00 ~~ LLBILITIBS dND SI~PLlJ3 'f! Purchase Coatsact Payable - &. G. Adam =15,000.00 • I~ Surplus 3,x.00 • I Ybtal L7abllitiea aad 9mplva f7g 000~0p ! a~~ • .. OOHOON P. BLITCH~C6e T1I1 [OTUBLIC AOCO TOW7 OR ATLANTIC .38ACH, FI4RIII- PROPERTY FUND BALAtiCB SHSBT AS AT September 30. 1948 FIYED PROPERTffi Pub11c WDrka p ~ Eaoinerator SXA~i".tt Street Lighting ~cteneion~ Street Squipment _ I Street Paving Fire Protection - Ecteneione and Hydrants sea,sll II Total Public Works II IItili 3eweragei Heptme Beady Tie-in ~ Sewerage ffigineering Survey I Wstor Syetemt Line ~cteneicn• Yetera and lbter Bo~cee ,' Bugineering Survey . ~ ~ ( P~4 Tools Utility Rights - Seltair Total Utilities i Parke Torn Nall Office Equipment Autos, Trucks and Equipment ~~. Total (7aneral i 3,769.05 1;703.36 200.00 12,488.07 1,711.34 175,z6z.35 $ 1,494.12 8.509.36 10,003.50 i 3,586.84 1,078.92 585.00 1,904.43 262.63 4.500.00 11.917.82 ~ Total Fined Properties - 9rhedule E-1) LLBII.TTI&4 AND 4NF3T{oE7Y Deterred Liability ~ Federal Yorke Agency en Sewsrago Engineering Survey - Repayable if apd when project copetructed 1 II Investment in Pined Properties • Total Llabilitiae and Iaveetmaat $ 1,000.00 2,360.00 497.20 7.633.57 i 5,~•~ n2.666.26 i195,~34.17 u,9u.32 ~r1y1t, 551~0~.'7/7 YiifiiiiiC $228.566.26 OORDOM P. BLITGN-GIRTIi IID CUBLIC AOCOUNTA NT ,.. •. , YO,IN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PROP3iTY FUND SCFQiDUL3 OF CHANGES 4: PIDPERTY FUND During Fiscal Year Snded September 30. 1948 Public Works Utilities General Total Book balances at October 1, 1947 $ 8,296.59 3 5>994.12 Sll,107.13 S 25,397.84 Additions for acquisitions made in I~~ prior years: 1. Restr~ratian oY H.P.A. Street paving project to full I coat. Previously carried Y, i ' at towns share exclu- ' eive of grant ~ ll,356.58 ~ ~-' ~` iI I 2. Transfer of Seawall coat -. ~~ I from Seawall fund and l set up at fl.ll cost ~ i including that part -. ... borne by asaesamenta 175,262.35 ~ 3. To set up coat of sewer- I age engineering survey I previously shown in sewerage fund ~•~ I ! Total Additions for prior year 618 186 93 ~•~ 192,518.93 5 ' acqulaitiona . , , '., Adjusted book balances at October '. 1, 1947 8194,915.52 511,894.12 Sll,107.13 3217,916.77 Additions fmm zurrent year~a appropriations: Fire Protection - Pire Hydrants 3 218.65 Sewerage -Engineering Survey $2,609.38 i ' Haterworke Pipe and Fittings 3,586.84 262.63 i Waterworks -Toole Watennrka - Meters and Meter 078.92 1 I Boxes Haterworks -Engineering Survey , 585.00 I 'Aaterworka -Pump 1,904.43 Office Equipment -Mimeograph v 143.21 Machine 65.00 ! Office Equipment -Safe 195.44 Office Equipment -Water Cooler ~~, Total Additions -Current Year 218.65 10,027.20 403.64 10,649.49 ! i Book Balances at SepteGb er 30, 1948 $195,734.17 821,921.32 Sll, 510.77 $228,566.26 ~i oow oow v, surety-cewn n~o •u~u< wcc ouwr~wr ~ ,/ ,. •. • TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIIIA .ALL FUNDS COFD731.`ID BAIANCE SYEEf As at September 30, 1948 General Seawall Fund Fund Total Exhibit A) (Exhibit B) Assets - Other than Filed Cash $ 8,565.31 $ 2,51285 $ 2,847.41 Delinquent Taxes (Less Reserves) 955.15 806.05 149.10 Uncollected Lot Cleaning Resells®ts (Lase Reserve) 45.81 45.81 Uncollected Street Paving Liens - (Lesa Reserve) 10.70 10.70 Uncollected Aeaesamenta 3 Abutting Property Ormera 10,391.06 10,391.06 Uncollected Assessed Interest 174.84 174.84 Spacial Assessments due from Abutting Property O,mera 9,194.53 Water S,~ates Rights 15,~•~ Due from General Fund 3,000.00 Due from Special Seawall Duergency Feud 143.22 143.22 Total Assets other than_Fiaed Pixed Aeaete Public Works Utilities General Total Fixed Asaeta Grand Total 3 47.480.62 5 3,518.53 $ 13,562.41 $195,134.17 21,921.32 ll,S1U.77 X8,566.26 5276,046.88 $ 3,518.63 a 13,562.41 Liabilities III Accounts Payable Note Payable - Beach Bank - Dr. A. P. Carraway Bonds Payable jj Purchase Contract Payable - E. G. Adams jl Contingent Liability - D. B. HcCormick & Soma, Inc Deferred Liability - Fed. Works Agency ~~ Due Water System Fund ~~ Due General Fucd Total Liabilitiee '~ Investment in Pixed Properties Surplus (Deficit) IIi Grand Total L --- _- - - ooaoow ~. su $ 15,589.24 $ 2,463.79 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 21,000.00 ~ 21,000.00 15,~•~ 3,731.62 5,900.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 143.22 $ 67,364.08 $ 8,453.79 $21,000.00 222,666.26 ( 13,983.46) ( 4,945.16)( 7,437.59 $276,046.88 =3,518.63 y13,562.41 ,~~o Special Seawall Water emergency System Property Fund Fund Fund Exhibit C (Exhibit D) (Exhibit E) $ 3,205.05 9,194.53 $ 15,000.00 3,0~•~ $ 12,399.58 $ 18,000.00 $195,134.17 21,921.32 11,510.77 ~228.56b.26 12,399.58 $ 18,000.00 $228, Sbb.26 $ 13,125.45 $ 15,~•~ 3,731.62 ~ 5,900.00 143.22 a 17,000.29 r 15,x•00 3 5,900.00 222,666.26 ( 4,600.71) 3•~•~ $ 72,399.58 ~~•~ $228,566.26