General Fund PG 29 is blank but NUMBERED 56&85 toor r r r r ~ .~ r r r . : 'r r r r r r r r r ~r r .. r r- r. .. r r r- ;. r ~. ~- r l GENERAL FUND 16 GENERAL FUND The General Fund is used to account for the resources devoted to financing the general services that a City performs for its citizens, such as police, fire, building _ and zoning, maintenance of streets and roads and other services. Property taxes, half cent sales tax, utility taxes, fees, fines and other sources of revenues used to finance the fundamental operations of the City are included in the General Fund. - The General Fund is also charged with all costs of operating the government for which a separate fund has not been established. The financial resources of the General Fund are expended for current operations. Debt service and large capital projects are recorded in the Debt Service Fund and Capital Improvement Fund respectively. The City's objective is to maintain acash - reserve in the General Fund which would fund 3 months of operations in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. A large portion of the cash balance carried forward represents this reserve. - The City uses an encumbrance accounting system. Once an item is encumbered funds are considered obligated and unavailable for expenditures. Encumbered items - are carried over to the ensuing fiscal year but are not reported as expenditures. They are recorded as reservations of fund balance for the subsequent fiscal year. All unencumbered expenditures lapse at the end of the fiscal year and must be - rebudgeted in the subsequent fiscal year. 17 GENERAL FUND HIGHLIGHTS • Property Taxes -The City's proposed miltage is 2.9221, the same as last year. However, as a result of a lawsuit brought by the City of Atlantic Beach against the City of Jacksonville, Atlantic Beach taxpayers will receive a half mill reduction in their City of Jacksonville property taxes for 1996/1997. According to the 1995 new interlocal agreement, Atlantic Beach tax payers will receive a one and one half mill reduction over a four year period. A half mill was reduced in 1995/1996. A half mili will be reduced in 1996/1997 and a one quarter mill reduction will take place in 1997/1998 and 1998/1999 for a total miltage reduction of one and a half mills. In addition to the above miltage reduction, the City of Jacksonville has agreed to fund the following Generai Fund expenditures for 1996/1997: Beach Maintenance S 20,600 Lifeguards S 122,954 Fire Services 5154,500 • The 1996/1997 General Fund proposed expenditures are 7 percent tower than last year. This is due to a reduction in capital expenditures for 1996/1997 fiscal year and the refinance of the City Hall facility which was .- included in the 1995/1996 budget but is not included in the 1996/1997 proposed budget. • Personal Services - The Parks Maintenance Department has been moved from the Streets and Roads Division to the Parks Division. The following new positions were approved in the General Fund for fiscal year 1996/97: 2 New Emergency Communications Officers 3 New Firefighters 18 General Fund Revenues 1996/97 Annual Operating Budget (32.3°k) Intergovernmental Revenues (1.8%) Charges for Serv (11.7Y.) Intarfund Transfers (1.7Y.) Miscellaneous Revenues (3.3%) Licenses and PennHs (1.6%) Fines end FoAeRures (47.6Y°) Taxes and Franchise Fees General Fund Expenditures 1996/97 Annual Operating Budget (4.9%) Building, Planning and 20 (22.4Yo) Fire (8.6Y°) Irl~e;fYu~ General government (2.1 Y°) City Administration (5.9%) Parks and Reaeal'an 7%) City Clerk P) Beaut~catan (12.4N°) Streets and Roads 19 (37.0°/.) Police CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMBINED SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 DECREASE CASH CARRY FORWARD 668.612 962.994 1.569.713 1.782.208 212.495 REVENUES Taxes 2,265,542 2,769,112 2.370,523 2,465,079 94,556 Ucenses and Permits 184,601 187,796 164,500 170,000 5,500 Intergovemmenlal Revenues 1,122,058 1,203,960 1,645,602 1,671,504 25,902 Charges far Services 50,332 54,978 87,100 91,629 4,529 Fines end Foridwres 80,115 99,872 71,000 83,500 12,500 Miscallanoous Revenues 51,779 100,044 80,918 89,200 8,282 Inlorfurd Trerrsfers 1,131,029 903,400 748,000 607,200 (140,800) DebtPnxeods 150.000 842.135 (842.1351 TOTAL REVENUES 4.885.156 5.469.162 6.009.778 5.178.112 (831.666) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 72.501 TOTAL RESOURCES 6.626,669_ ,6,932156_ ~ ST899i 6.960.32 !619.171) EXPENDITURES CiryAdmin(stre5on 164,618 285,637 103,268 107,623 4,355 Building, Planning end Zoning 185,130 214,713 282,684 253,285 (29,399) Ciry Clerk 95,405 121,337 161,390 137,934 (23,456) General Government 309,984 169,267 124,349 138,410 14,061 Pdice 1,415,923 1,619,593 1,910,470 1,897,746 (12,724) Fire 745,945 837,017 1,028,026 1,152,212 124,186 Streets end Roads 492,716 554,351 664,415 636,588 (27,827) Beau6fica6on 13,415 35,680 71,828 68,953 (2,875) Parks and Recreation 193,449 215,166 384,611 300,548 (84,063) Non-Departmental 473,762 636,902 1,066,242 439,458 (626,784) Intemat Service Funds 573.228 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4.663.575 4.709.663 5.797.283 5.132.757 (664.526) OTHER FINANCING USES 152.780 CASH RESERVES 962.994 1.569.713 1.782.208 1.827.563 45.355 TOTAL F~CPENDITURES AND CASH RESERVES 6.626,569. _¢,9321.56_ ~SZ9.99i _6 96Q,320_ _.(6191Z]) RESOURCE ALLOCATION Personal Services 2,516,919 2,568,310 2,995,105 3,114,136 119,031 Operating Expenses 1,034,721 1,320,159 1,349,957 1,382,982 33,025 CapilalOutlay 64,945 184,292 385,979 195,681 (190,298) Debl Service Trensfers 473,762 636,902 1,066,242 439,958 (626,284) Internal Service Funds _. 573,228 TOTAL 4,663.¢75 1.709.¢63 5797.2¢ 5 132.757 !6~ G4.5~ 20 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SUMMARY OF REVENUES GENERAL FUND REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1995.96 1996-97 DECREASE KFS 8 F ANCHISE FEES RoalEstatoTax-Currant 1,350,523 1,693,785 1,330,823 1,403,879 73,056 Real Estato Tan -Prior Year 1.583 1.776 1.200 1200 Subtotal Ad Vabrem Texas 1,352,106 1,695,561 1,332,023 1,405,079 73,056 Local AltomatNe Fuel / Decai 1.104 883 2.000 2.000 Subtotal Sales and Uea Tax 1,104 863 z.~ 2•~ ~y~iy 367,2ss 5zs,zla 484,000 so0.oo0 1s,oo0 Telecornmunkatlons 12,929 13,182 13,000 12,000 (1,000) Gas 3,934 3,761 7,000 7,000 CAT.V. 47.897 48.959 48.000 48.000 Subtotal Franchise Fees 452,029 591,120 552,000 567,000 15,000 E~yi~y 300,970 317,933 329,000 329,000 Tebconununkatlons 128,324 128,440 130,000 130,000 Oas 26,615 31,302 24,000 24,000 CAT.V. 639 86 1.000 5.000 4.000 Subtotal U9Ily Service Taxes 456,548 477,761 484,000 488,000 4,000 Penalty and Interest on Taxes 3.755 3.787 2.500 3.000 500 Subtotal Other Taxes 3.755 3.787 2.500 3.000 500 TOTAL TAXES b FRANCHISE FEES 2,265,542 2,769,112 2,370,523 2,465,079 94,556 •FNSFR AND PERMITS Gy Occupatonal Lkenses 46,367 56.333 45,000 50.000 5.000 Bui~ng Permits 128,413 119,866 110,000 110.000 Gy Pel Lbensos 5,597 6.342 6.000 500 3 6,000 4 000 500 O~y 4.224 5.255 . . TOTAL LICENSES b PERMITS NUES ~ 184,601 187,796 164,500 170,000 5,500 RNMENTALREVE fFRGOh Firefighter Supplemental 660 971 Tree Planting Grent 000 10 (10.0001 Inland Navigation Grant . Subtotal Stale Grants 660 971 10,000 (10,000) 2 Cent GgareBO Tax 22.980 20,788 22.876 22,994 945 245 116 155 1 State Revenuo Sharing 257,609 264,009 244,790 , , MoWlo Home Lkenses 3,601 4,597 5.000 5.000 AkWrolic Boverego Lkenses 296 807 373 8,259 351 882 8,500 865,151 8.500 941,406 76,255 Hall Cenl Salos Tax Motor Fuel Tax Rebate , 7,788 , 6,989 4.500 4.500 Fke Pensbn Suppbment 1,297 Emergency Management County Occupational Lkenses 1,744 18,710 15,996 16,000 16.000 Duval County Shared Revenues 468.783 427.159 (41.6241 Subtotal State Shared Revenue 1,121,398 1,202,989 1,635,602 1,671,504 35,902 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1,122,058 1,203,960 1,645,602 1,671,504 25,902 21 REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 199596 1996-97 DECREASE HARD S FOR S RVI . 4 Radon Gas Fee 162 100 750 150 Subtotal Generei Govemmont 162 100 150 150 911 lntorbcal Agreement 44,862 49,159 49,350 55,079 5,729 Aaidanl Reports 1,965 2,882 1,500 1,500 C.P.R. Regitratbn Fees 1.100 125 3,500 3,500 Subtotal Public Safety 47,927 52,166 54,950 60,079 5,729 peptolTrarrsportatlonAgreertwnl 29,400 29,400 Parking PertnlLS 883 1.072 1.200 (1.2001 Subtotal Trensportatlon 883 1,072 90,600 29,400 (1,200) Animal Control Feos 1.360 1.640 2.000 2.000 Subtotal Human Services 1.360 1.640 2.000 2.000 TOTAL CHGS FOR SERVICE 50,332 54,978 87,100 91,629 4,529 FINES AND FORFEITURES Flies and Fortoitures 74,480 91,767 60,000 80.500 20,500 Parking Tkkets 5.080 8.105 5.000 2.000 (3.000) Subtotal Court Cases 79,560 99,872 65,000 82,500 17,51%) VblaBons o1 Oanances 555 6.000 1.000 (5.000) Subtotal Vloiatlons of Ord. 555 6.000 1.000 (5.000) TOTAL FINES b FORFEITS MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 80,115 99,872 71,000 83,500 12,500 Interest EaMngs 29,614 78,766 57,089 75,000 17,911 Rents and Royalties 750 Special Assesmonts 1,413 2,323 Impact Feos - (Suction H ) 12,000 10,000 (2,000) Property Loss Reimbursement 3,896 Property Surplus Sales 282 1,000 1,000 ~ Contributions /Donations 1,646 8,433 1,600 (1.600) Other 14,778 10.520 7,229 1.200 (6,029) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REV. 51,779 100,044 80,918 89,200 8,282 1NTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer hem Sanitation 343,408 500,000 200.000 200,000 Transfer hem Grams 6,581 Trensler hem Stormwater 37,632 Trer>sler hem Walor Fund 274,023 200,000 200,000 200.000 Transfer hem Sewer Fund 469,385 200,000 250,000 200.000 (50.000) Transfer hem Gas Tax Fund 30.000 (30,000) Transfer hem Police Court / lm 3,400 8,000 7,200 Transfer hem Paving Improvement Fund 60.000 /60.000) TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFER 1,131,029 903,400 748,000 607,200 (140,800) DEBT PROCEEDS Loan Procaods 150.000 &12.135 (842.135) TOTAL DEBT PROCEEDS 150,000 842,135 (842,135) GRAND TOTAL 4 885 456 5 469 162 6 009 778 5,178 112_ B31 ti66 22 General Fund Resource Allocation 1995/1996 Mnuat Operating Budget (18.4'k) Interfund Tran: (6.776) Capital Outlay y.) Operating Expenses General Fund Resource Allocation 1996/1997 Mnuat Operating Budget (60.7°/.) Personal Services (3.6Y.) Capital Oullay Operating Expenses '.• I 23 (51.7Y.) Personal Services CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 199495 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE CITY ADMINISTRATION CITY COMMISSION 20.718 24,651 27,768 30,623 2,855 LEGAL COUNSEL 143.900 260.986 75.500 77.000 1.500 TOTAL X84. 1~8 295 83L X09.268_ OL62 ~.95~ PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND 20NING 65.344 74,598 87,084 81,457 (5,627) CODE ENFORCEMEM 53,264 72.783 82,006 67,909 (14,097) BUILDING 66.522 67.332 113.594 103.919 (9.675) TOTAL 185.130 214.713 262.8&1 253.285 129.909) CITY CLERK CITY CLERK 95A05 121.937 181.940 137.974 (23.4581 GENERAL GOVERNMENT - CITY HALL 909.984 184.287 124.949 138.410 14.081 POLICE ADMINISTRATK4 297,154 362.921 435,426 452,188 18,760 PATROL 843,215 953,109 1,111,714 1,041,775 (69.939) DETECTNE 88,186 103,917 132,707 108,383 84,324) DISPATCH 145,699 159,165 187,572 245,720 58,148 ANIMAL CONTROL 27,174 33,168 34,038 99,762 5,724 SCHOOL GUARDS 6.195 7.013 9.013 9.920 907 TOTAL x.415.923_ x.814.591 1.810.4ZQ 1.847.7 8_ 11?.72i FIf2E ADMINISTRATION 64.371 129,866 158,385 166.673 8,288 CONTROL 517,611 571,419 644,731 698,700 53.969 VOLUNTEERS 23,305 15,172 31,335 7,218 84,117) PREVENTION 39,644 13,215 69,190 112,808 47,618 LIFEGUARDS 101.014 107.285 124.385 166.815 42.430 TOTAL 745~8~ 837_01L ~~028.028_ 1.152.212 121.188 STREETS ANO ROADS STREETS AND ROADS ~92.Z16. ~54.35L X84.415_ -X38.58@_ !278211 BEAUTIFICATK)N BEAUTIFICATION 13.415 5,6@ 71.82!! 68,95 (2_8751 PARKS AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 58.518 64,690 71,530 71,628 98 ACTNITIES 38,095 40,449 60.902 48,134 (12,768) IMPROVEMENTS 514 11,373 70,006 17,500 (52.506) PARK MAINTENANCE 96.324 98.651 182.173 163.288 (18,887) TOTAL 193 X49 215.188_ 981,811 300.548 (84.067) NON-DEPARTMENTAL NON • DEPARTMENTAL 173.762 830.802_ 1.068,242 439 X58 (628.784] INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS _579.228_ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,663,575_ 1,709,663.. 5,797,263_ 5132,757 -'-- 664 526 24 C/T Y COMM/SS/DN _ AND LEGAL COUNC/L 25 .. .~ I .~ r .~ I l 1 I ..., .- .~ i .~ I .. .. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY GENERAL FUND. DEPARTMENT: CITY COMMISSION & LEGAL COUNSEL REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 DECREASE RFSOLIRGF Al I OCATIOM Personal Servkes 15,466 21,192 21,748 22,248 500 Operatlng Expenses 149,152 264,445 81,520 85,375 3,855 Capital Outlay DeblServks Translers TOTAL 164.618 285.637 103.268 107.623 4.355 Dh^.CION RUMhIARY~ C9y Commissbn 20,718 24,651 27,768 30.623 2,855 Legal Counsel 143.900 260.986 75.500 77.000 1.500 TOTAL _164.618_ -285,632 X03.268_ ~OZ.523_ 4,355_. 26 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.• ' CITYADMlNISTRATION DESCRIPTION: The City Administration Departments budget reflects the operating Junds needed to suppoR: 1) the legislative and policymaking processes o/the City Commission; and, 2) legal services provided by the City Attorney, Including ordinance interpretation, legal opinion, negotiation, litigation, etc., requested by the Commission, City Manager or management sta/f. 27 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DNISIONAL EXPENDRUf2E3 GENC-RALFUND CITY COMMISSION REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1903-g4 1904-95 199SB8 1996-97 DECREASE P RSONAI t RVI ~• WAGES SaWdes and Wagos 73,750 15,000 15,000 15,000 Ovemr,te Special Pay SUB-TOTAL 13,750 15,000 15,000 15,000 BENEFITS FICA 1,052 1,148 1,118 1,748 Pensbn Floebh Insurance (1,124) worker a Uneropby Corte 61 73 100 100 SUB-TOTAL f11) 1221 1248 1246 TWaIWAGES and BENEFTS 13,739 16,221 18,248 18,248 Prolossionel Servkas Aocamtlrp, AudNrp Contrechrel Services Trevel, TrelMng Corrrrunfcatlon Postage I1hTdies Rontab,Leases Insurenra Repairs, MaiMenanca Pdntirp, PuU~sNrq Advertising. Promotbn omen Current charges ague suppran Operetirq Supplies Books, Sub, MenOerships IMemel Servk;e Charges Total OpereOng E~enses CAPITAL OUTLAY: land Buiklings aher Inprwemonts Er•uipmonl Constnrction kt Progress Total Ceptlal Outlay DEBT SERVICE Principal IMeresl aner Total Debt 3ervlce T ANR__,__iFFRS: To To aner Total Transfers DIVISION TOTALS: 1,427 1,882 5.000 5,000 155 840 320 1,200 B80 5,281 5,815 5,500 8,000 500 93 83 600 800 23 10 100 1,575 1,475 8,970 8,430 11,520 14,375 2,655 20.718 24.851 27.768 30,623 2,855 28 29 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DNISIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND CITY COMMISSION REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 199495 199598 1996-97 DECREASE a RcONA c RVI WACES Salar(as and Wapos 13,750 15,000 15,000 15,000 overtime Special Pey SUB-TOTAL 13,750 15,000 15,000 15,000 BEN[FITS FICA 1,052 1,748 1,148 1,148 Per>sfon Health Irrsurerke (1,124) Worker E lJnemploy Comp 61 73 100 100 SUB-TOTAL /11I 1221 1248 1248 Total WAGES and BENEFRS 13,739 18,221 18,218 18,248 PmfessbnelServkes AeoounOrq, Audttirq Conlrectual Services Travel, Treininp Cortmrnkaflon Postage Uilities Rentals. Leases Insurance Repairs, Malmenartce PrtnUrq, PuUahlrp Advertising, Promotion otner anent cnargeg OKCe SuppBes Operelirg Supplies Books, Sub, Menberships Internal Servbe Chargos Total OpereOnp E~enses CAPITA O T Av Land Buildings Olney Inprwemoms Errulpmom Constnutiorr M Progress Total Cepltel Outlay DEBT Principal Inlaest anar Total Debt Service T ANCF Rc• To To anar Total Trensfers DIVISION TOTALS: 1,427 1,882 5,000 5,000 155 640 320 1,200 880 5,281 5,815 5,500 6,000 500 9J 83 600 600 23 10 100 1,SI5 1,475 8,97D 8,130 11,520 14,375 2,855 20.718 24.851 27.768 30.823 2,855 28 .. .. .~ r is I.I. i IrI'^ l .- l. r .~ r^ r 1 r r+ l CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND LEGAL COUNSEL REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICES 1993-94 1994-95 199598 1998-97 DECREASE : WAGES Salaries and Wagos Overtime Spedal Pay SUB-TOTAL BENEFITS FICA Pembn Fieaith Insr+anee 1,727 4,971 5,500 8,000 500 w«xer a unampwr ~v SUB-TOTAL 1,727 4,971 6,500 8,000 500 Totet WAGFS and BENEFITS 1,727 4,971 5,500 8,000 S00 OP ATIN • XP NS S• Professional Services 24,260 24,000 24,000 24,000 Accountirq, Auditirq ContraGUel Services Trevel, TreiMrq 1,000 1,500 500 Communketbn Postage tnirniea Rentals, Leases Insurance Repairs, Maintenance Printing. Pubrisl,urg Advertlsirq, Promolbn Other (:arrant Cheryas 117,913 232,015 45,000 45,000 Office Supplies Operating Supplies Boo W. Sub. Memberships 500 Internal Servke Charges Total Operetinp 6tpenses 142,173 258,015 T0,000 71,000 1,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Land Buildings Other Improvements Equipment ConstrvUlon Mr Progress Total Capkel Outlay DEBT SERVICE: Prindpal Interest Other Total Debt Servke TRANSFERS: To To Other Totei Trensfere DIVISION TOTALS: 113.900 260.988 75.500 77.000 1.500 3 BU/LD/NG PLANK/NG AND ZON/NG 31 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY GENERALFUNO DEPARTMENT: BUILDING, PLANNING and ZONING REVISED I ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1995-88 7998-97 DECREASE RFCO rR ~ r 1 O .ATION~ Personal Servbee Operetlrp Expenses CapMal OWay Debt SerNce Transfer TOTAL OMSION SL8~4MARY~ Plannkrp and Zanlrg Code FnlorcertreM Bulldlrq TOTAL 145,082 158,837 182,759 191,300 8,541 40,048 54.058 70,948 59,560 (11,388) 1,820 28,979 2,425 (28,554) t .t30_ 214.773 X82.884. -253.285_ !?9,389) 85,344 74,598 87,084 81,457 (5,627) 53,264 72,763 82,008 67,909 (14,097) 68.522 67.332 113.594 103.919 (9.675) X85-.t,'!Q 24.773 _282~8~! X53.285. (29.399) POSITION Bu8din0 Inspector Code Fslarcement OR~cer Community Development Coordinator Cleric Typist 1995L1998 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 4 TOTAL 4 4 32 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.' PLANNING and ZONING DESCRIPTION.• The Planning and Zoning Departments budgetreflects the operating /unds needed to support the following activities: 1) ensuring develop- mentproposals comply with zoning codes and ordinances, regulations and standards set forth by the City and otherregu/atory bodies; 2) reviewing building plans and overseeing the City permit Issuance process; 3) performing fnspections at the various stages of construction; and, 4) investigating complaints and enforcing code requirements. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • 'Replaced outdated Building Permits program. • Upgraded Buildng Clerks computer. • Completed revision of Tree Protection Orcfinance. • Participated in two successful applications for grant funding of park acquisition and design. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Network department computers. • Update HTE Land Management data base from Property Appraisers office. • Initiate revision and update of Comprehensive Plan. • Apply for DCA grant to mitigate cost of Comp Plan update. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY 56 FY 55 FY'94 Permits Reviewed and Issued 1,555 1,429 1,536 Ptan Reviews 260 183 191 Ins ections 400 360 385 Tree Removal A lications Reviewed 200 190 184 33 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ONISIONAL EXPENOfTURES GENERALFUNO PLANNING AND ZONING REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-04 1994-BS 1995178 1908-97 DECREASE PERSONAL SERVICE WAGES Salaries and Wages OveNme SpedalPey SUBTOTAL BENEFRS fICA Perabn Heats Insurance Wacker a lkiertipby Cony SUB-TOTAL Total WAGES andBENEFRS Prolessbnal Services Aaaadlrg, AudNrp Contractual Setvkes Travel, Trelnirq CormunMallon Postage 110litles Rentah, Leases Insurance Repalra, Malydenerrce Pdntlrq, PubOShing Advedislrg, Prarollon Other Garrard Charges OKrce Supplies Operetinp Supplies Books, Sub, Mwnberships Intemel Service Cheryos Tote) Oparetlnp Expenses CAPRAL Ol1TLAY~ Land Buildings Other Improvements Equipment CanslruUbn h Pmpress Total Captlal Outlay L)EBT SERVICE PdrKipal Interest Other Total Debt Sorvlce TRANSFERS' To To aner Total Trenafere 46,298 48,452 53,288 54,891 1,603 200 525 325 145 1,000 1,525 525 48,749 48,152 54,488 68.911 2,453 3,592 9,686 4.166 4.367 199 3,088 4,388 6,217 5,724 (493) 3,140 2,919 2,872 2,950 78 269 261 310 300 (10) 10_,089 11254 13.507 13.341 (2281 50,832 59,708 88,055 T0,282 2,227 1,034 5,000 (5.000) 34 528 250 250 8 200 100 (100) 312 425 117 59 300 300 237 38 150 150 931 996 351 400 49 300 300 98 438 100 100 36 200 950 750 125 294 350 200 (150) 6,047 12,503 8,537 8,000 (537) 8,512 14,592 16,050 11,175 (4,575) 2,979 2,979 (2,979) (2,979) 85.941 71.598 87.081 81.457 (5,627) 34 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and NIGNUGHTS DEPARTMENT.' CODE ENFORCEMENT DESCRIPTION: The Code Enforcement DeparfinenCs budget reflects the operating funds needed to support the following activities: 1) Investigation and enforcement of City Code violations; 2) preparation of cases to be brought before the Code En/oroement Board,' 3) public Information and awareness; 4) repots and correspondence as required,' and, 5) research into property ownership. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Department was separated and functioned Independently during the year. • Used a "Courtesy Notice of Violation' door hanger as a first step towards compliance. • Membership in the Northeast Florida Sa/ety Council. • Establishment of a sa/ety video library. • Provided regularsafety training to City employees. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Increase public awareness through the Tide Views" publication and public speaking at homeowner's associations and civic groups. • Increase professionalism of department by purchasing a persona! computer to provide reports, letters, /omu and graphical presentations. • Increase professionalism of department personnel through training, seminars and other educational methods. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY 56 FY 55 FY'J4 Reactive and Proactive Com faints and Investigations 1,000 780 724 35 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND CODE ENFORCEMENT REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1997-94 1994-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE P R ONA SERVICE WAGES Salaries and Wages Overtime Spedel Pey SUB-TOTAL BENEFITS FICA Pensbn FieaMh Insurance Worker 6lhramPbY ~P SUB-TOTAL Total WAGES r.nd BENEFITS ProfesskxW Servkes Accountirq, Audrilrq Corrtractual Servkes Travel, Trelning Communkatbn Postage UllfaleS Rentah, Leases Insurance Repels, Maintenance PriMlrp, Publishing Advertlsirp, Prortrot(on Other Garrard Charges otra~ Supp6ee Operetirq Suppres Books, Sub, Memberships Intemel Service Charges Total Opereting Expenses APITA Lend Buiidirgs Other Improvements Equipmonl Construdbn kr Progress Total Cepftai Outlay DEBT SERVICE' PrinGpal Interest Omer Total Debt Service TRANSFERS' To To Other Total Trens(es 3570 42,421 31,047 33.399 2,352 20 49 300 225 (75) 332 595 1,000 1,225 225 95,822 43,085 32,347 34,849 2,502 2,753 3,285 2,374 2,908 612 2,563 3,698 5,468 3,326 (1,140) 1,245 2,974 2,928 2,300 (626) 3.101 4,160 2,565 __2,800_ 215 8881 14.115 13.931 - 11.932 H.999) 45,288 57,180 45,878 48,181 503 2,085 2,100 1,694 1,000 (694) 74 2,558 3,080 1,500 (1,560) 687 851 2,258 1,450 (800) 518 600 84 141 391 1,000 700 (300) 1,081 621 950 680 (270) 128 35 264 264 50 434 340 825 285 142 118 55 309 254 65 300 340 3.529 7,297 13,157 11,835 (1,322) 7,978 14,203 23,328 19,303 (4,025) 1,400 17,000 2,425 (10,575) 1,400 13,000 2,425 (10,575) 53,284 72,783 82,008 87.909 (14,097) 36 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.• BUII~ING DESCRIPTION.• The Building Department's budget reflects the operating /unds needed to support the following activities: 1) ensuring development proposals comply with zoning crodes and orclinances, regulations and standards set /orth by the City and other regulatory bodies; 2) reviewing buildng plans and overseeing the City permit issuance process; 3) performing prompt and thorough inspections at the various stages of construction; and, 4) investigating complaints and enforcing building code violations. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Received highest ISO rating In Northeast Florida area. • Acted as liaison between the CRy and contractors on various city projects, including the Donner Community Center and the Public Safety Building. • Adopted 1994 Standard Building Code. • Worked with the City o/Jacksonville, Neptune Beach and Jacksonville Beach to achieve consistent inspection programs. • Obtained reliable transportation. • Received National Certification from the Council of American Building OfTcials. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Upgrade plan review process with SBCCI programs. • Improve construction quality control on Cdy properties. • Create a consistent maintenance schedule for Cdy buildings. • Continue to pursue educatioNcertification. WORKLOADlNDICATORS FY'96 FY'95 FY'94 Permits Reviewed and Issued 1,555 1,408 1,536 Plan Reviews 260 205 191 Ins clions 2,695 3,067 1,834 37 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DIVISIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND BUILDING REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 199598 1998-97 DECREASE WAGES Salaries arxl Wages 32.948 31,299 52,525 54,108 1,583 Overtime 20 900 750 450 Spedal Pay 525 692 1,900 2,750 850 SUB-TOTAL 37,497 92,191 b1,725 67,808 2,883 BENEFITS FICA 2,605 2,458 4.048 4,418 368 Pension 2,248 2,768 4,174 5,667 1,493 Health 4nurerae 2,071 1,854 7,825 2,640 875 Wokerd Unernpby Comp 2,551 2,662 1,254 4,508 252 SU&TOTAL 9.473 9.760 11.901 17.229 2.928 Total WAGE3 trod BENEFITS 42,984 41,951 89,028 •74,837 5,811 OPERATING EXPENSES: Flofessimel Servkxjs 1,000 788 1,000 1,000 Atoamtirp, Aud'Aing CortreGUal Servk:es 5,234 813 10,871 8,500 (2,371) Travel, TreWrp 471 830 1,000 1,100 100 Corvnunkalkxr 1,104 1,200 98 Postage 24 2 50 50 UifRies Rentals, Leases Insurence Repairs, MaiMOrence 790 737 1,100 500 (600) Prinlirq, PubBshfrp 662 366 900 1,900 900 AdveNSing, Proration Other Current Charges 4 100 100 Otfice SuppBea 297 281 400 500 100 OpereUrp Supplies 821 969 1,300 1,200 (100) Books, Sub, Memberships 390 373 500 1,075 575 Internal Servae Charges 13,869 20,198 13,341 12.057 (1,286) Total Opereting Expenses 23,558 24,981 31,588 29,082 (2,488) OAPITAL OUTLAY: Land Buildings Other improvements Equipment 420 13,000 (13,000) Constnalien h Progress Total Cepftal Outlay 420 13,000 (13,000) Principal Interest Other Tolel Debt Servke To To Other 7olel Trenafero DNISION TOTAI_gt 88.522 87.332 113,594 103,919 (9,875) 38 C/TY CLERK 39 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK RFSO rR ~ A11 O -eT10N• Personal Servkes OperaUrq E~enses CapMai OWay Oebt Servioa Trarafen TOTAL OR^.SION gLA!61ARV~ City Clink TOTAL REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE 71,298 78,188 86,668 87,681 1,013 23,709 30,310 54,722 50,253 (4,469) 100 14,839 20,000 (20,000) 9s.~ tzt. ~ ~et.39~ 17.934, ~~Sel ~ 95.405 121.337 181.390 137.934 123.158) I 95A05 121.337 181.390 137.931 (23.158) AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL POSITION 1995H 998 1898H 997 Cky Clark 1 1 Secretary 1 1 Part Tkne Empbyee 1 1 TOTAL 3 3 40 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.' CITY CLERK DESCRIPTION: The City Clerk Department s budget reRects the operating funds needed to support: 1) the administrative functions of the Commission; 2) voter registration and municipal elections; and, 3) various document processing and document retention activities for the City. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Continued to work towards providing a higher level o/protection %orthe City's olficial records and increasing e>rciency In researching and retrieving City documents, by networking the department's computers through a Novelle network system and installing an imaging system, which will convert paperrecords to compact disc. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Begin an aggressive program to scan documents to compact disc, thus reducing the volume of records in storage and providing greater record protection. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY'96 FY'95 FY'94 Meetin Attended -Minutes Pre ared 41 50 54 Lien Letters Pre ared 590 413 709 Occu ational Licenses Issued New 140 195 164 Occu ational Licenses Renewed 652 555 517 41 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1995-98 1996.97 DECREASE PERSONAL SERVICE WAGES Salaries and Wages OveAlme Spodei Pey SUB-TOTAL BENEFITS FICA Pemion Health Insurence Wacker d ~PIOY COmP SUF3-TOTAL Total WAGES and BENEFITS Professional Services AcoasAing, Auditirq Conlraclual Servbas Trevel, Trelning CommuMCalbn Postage Uliiitbs Rentals, Leases Drsrxerae Repaire, Malydenarke Printkq. PubBsNnp Advartisirq, Prortatkxr Other Cunenl Charges orcr~e sapprwe Operatirq SuppBes Books. Sub, Memberships Intemel Servke GYrerges Total Opereting Espenses CAPITAL OUTLAV~ Land Bulldirgs Other Improvements EQulpment Constnretbn h Progress Tolai Capttei Outlay DEBT SERVICE Prindpal Interest Other Total Debt Service TRANSFERS' To To Omar Total Trensfore 57,762 81,638 6'7,538 68,723 1,185 105 17 500 1,000 500 1.000 1,000 67,887 81,855 89,038 70,723 1,865 4,392 4,683 5,281 5,411 130 4,844 5,M5 8,192 7,238 (956) 4,038 9,760 3,757 3,938 179 335 339 400 375 (25) 13.409 14.533 17.830 te.es9 f872I 71,298 78,188 88,888 87,681 1,013 228 8,060 8,000 (BO) 4,312 2,457 10,873 4,000 (8,873) 877 637 3,090 4,450 1,360 1,248 1,400 152 1,445 1,878 5,690 8,315 2,625 4,148 4,557 12,670 12,800 (70) 19 1,137 782 1,874 1,850 (24) 301 1,358 3,198 1,750 (1,448) 723 548 890 780 (110) 10,721 17,915 9,329 9,108 (221) 23,709 30,310 54,722 50,253 (1,489) 400 14,819 20,000 400 11,839 20,000 (20.000) 1cu,uuu~ 95.105 121.337 181.390 137.934 (23.158) 42 GENERAL GOVERNMENT _ C/TY HALL 43 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: GENERAL GOVERNMENT REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE R c0 rR F i O ATIOM 1993-94 1994-95 1995-98 1996-97 DECREASE - - Personal SerNces 83,191 Opere6rq Expenses 239,358 785,971 722,249 137,410 75,761 'i CapBal ONlay 7,435 3,298 2,100 500 (1,600) Dept Servke Translers 500 500 TOTAL _09.994_ 189.28E ~ ~38d10_ 14.081 OMCION~rMMARV~ I City FIa6 309.984 169.267 124.349 136.410 14.061 TOTAL 309.064 18@, eT 124.349 139.410 14.061 44 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HfGHLlGHTS DEPARTMENT.• GENERAL GOVERNMENT DESCRIPTION: The General Government Department s budget reflects the operating funds needed to support nonallocable expenses o/running City Hall, such as building maintenance, etc. 45 .~ l I I r- .~ .~ f r r t. ~^ I .. t ... i .~ .~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DIVISIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND CITY HALL REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL DUOGET BUDGET INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICES 1993-94 1994-95 199598 1998-87 DECREASE : WAGES 49,747 Salaries end Wages Overtime 251 Spedal Pay SUB-TOTAL 49,898 BENEFITS FICA 3,429 Pension 4,269 Fieatlh Irtsurence 4,944 Worker 6 llnempby Comp 551 SUB-TOTAL 13.193 Total WAGES and BENEFITS 63,191 OP ATIN • XP NS Prolesslaiel Services 38,653 8,475 7,700 4,000 (3,700) AocouMirq, Auditing 23,050 1,000 5,000 5,500 500 Contrectuel Servloes 15,938 11,848 11,320 12,750 1,430 Travel, Treinirq 133 9 (3,840) Canmun~etbn 21,909 5,279 3,840 4,500 (8,700) Postage 10,663 10,859 11,200 11,500 300 Ulililbs 11,843 14,363 15,500 15,500 Rentak, Leases 1,071 1,458 1,500 4,100 2,600 Irtsurence 78,515 112,745 50,373 57,310 8,937 Repairs, MalMenance 15,602 9,562 9,500 15,850 8,350 PriMirq, PubBShing 4,008 1,731 318 500 184 Advertising, Pronwtion 500 other Current Charges 8,134 4,500 600 (3,900) 018ce Supplies 5,092 1,121 1,000 3,800 2,800 Opereting SuPWies 2,893 1,501 500 1,500 1,000 Books, Sub, Memberships 2,354 Internal Service Charyas Total Opereling Expenses 239,358 185,971 122,249 137,410 15,181 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Land 7.000 Buildups 2,538 500 500 Other Improvements Equipment 435 758 2,100 (2,100) Total CepMal Outlay 7,475 3,298 2,100 500 (1,800) DEBT SERVICE' Prindpal Interest Other Totet Debt SeMca TRANSFERS: To Aid Govenxnental Agendas To Aid Private Organlzatians 500 500 Omar Tolal Trensfore 500 500 DIVISION TOTALS: 309.984 189.287 124.349 138.110 14.081 46 POL/CE 47 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: POLICE REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGE7 INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1995.98 1998-97 DECREASE R c0 rR - 11 OI Peraorlel Services Operalirq E~erlses Capital Outlay Debt Senlce Tramfen TOTAL nmc_ION~RV: Adrninhbatbn Petrel Ddedhe olapatal Animal CorWd Sclad Guards TOTAL 1,193,874 1,289,738 1,169,220 1,551,904 82,684 194,292 252,010 288,069 322,042 33,973 27,957 77,847 153,181 23,800 (129,381) ~I.iL5.923_ ~.@19.593._ ~1,910AI9_ ~1.89Z,Z48_ 297,154 362,921 435,428 452,188 18,760 843,215 953,109 1,111,774 1,041,775 (89,939) 98,188 107,917 132,707 106,383 (24,324) 145,699 159,185 187,572 245,720 58,148 27,474 33,488 34,038 39,762 5,724 8.195 7.013 9.013 9.920 907 1A15.923_. .819.593_ ?.910d7-_ ,~B9Z,Z9.~ _ n2~91 POSITION Director of Pubtb Safely Chiet Lieutenants Deledives Patrolmen Communkstlorn Supervisor Emerpeney Communkatbns Officers Adminlstralive Assistant Secretary (Part Tkne ) Records SpeGalist Animal Control Officer Sdad C]ossinp GueNs Gf~lGF7 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 15 15 1 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 __ 3 3 TOTAL 48 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.• POLICE DESCRIPT1ON: The Police Department's budget reBects the operating funds needed to support six divisions, including Patrol, Communications, Administration, Detectives, Schoo! Crossings, and Animal Control. The combined effoRs o/these divisions provide criminal investigations, tralTc investigations and enforcement, narcotic Investigations, SWAT functions, crime proven- tion, recordkeeping, animal control, and response to emergency calls for service. This DepaRment also provides referral services and peace- keeping /unclions, even when there Is no violation o/the taw. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Increased trafrc enforcement throughout the city with a focus on residential streets. • Obtained grant funding /orthe creation of a multi~urisdictiona/ Drug Task Farce at the beach, specifically administered by AtlarRic Beach, resulting to numerous drag cases and seizures. • Building expansion and renovation fa Police and Fire/Rescue operations. • Acquisition and installation ofnew 800 MHZradio equipment. • Obtained grant funding for expansion of Information System and Computer network. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Expand Field Training Program and Reserve Program to increase manpower and assure top quality service. • Continue drag enforcement through grant-funded, task /orce operations. • Conduct community surveys for continuing input from citizens. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY'96 FY'95 FY'94 Calls for Service 20,000 18,000+ 18,000+ Emer nc Response Time < 2 mins. < 2 mins. < 2 mins. Arrested and Booked 765 954 811 Index Crimes 762 703 693 Totallncident tnvesfi ations 1,946 1,351 1,392 TrafTc Citations 4,499 3,080 3,495 49 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND POLICE ADMINISTRATION REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL DUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1995.98 1998-87 DECREASE ERSONAL SERVICES : P WAGES Saiarles and Wages 132,588 142,499 188,979 177,997 9,008 Overtime 208 (333) 500 500 Special Pay 4,495 9,622 10,000 11.187 1.167 SUB-TOTAL 137,289 150,788 179,479 189,851 10,175 BENEFRS FICA 10,431 11,253 13,910 14,017 107 Perolon 5,985 10,425 13,575 15,104 1,529 FteaM Insurance 8,249 7,920 7,876 8,045 369 Worker b Urtempby Comp 5,308 8,022 7,781 8,349 568 SUB-TOTAL. 27.971 37.520 42.942 45.515 2.573 Total WAGFS and BENEFITS 185,260 199,908 222,421 235,189 12,748 QP ATIN . XP N ~: , Professkxrat Servkes 568 90 3,425 900 (2,525) Acmrmtkq, AudfOrq Contractual Servkes 17,787 19,543 18,900 24,738 5,838 Travel, Trelnirp 518 318 750 750 Canmtmlcatkxr 8,370 11,535 10,300 12,000 1,700 Postage lJlifdbs 13,539 12,368 14,000 14,000 Rentals, Leases 4,611 8,718 8,815 7,600 985 Inwrence Repairs, Maintenance 4,423 13,519 22,153 19,030 (3,123) Prirttlnp, Publishlrq 1,972 3,100 3,640 3,700 W ~~~~~ Prortrolion Other currant Charges 500 500 Olfice Supplies 1.677 1,688 2,099 2.500 491 Opereting SuppBes 5,008 8,021 7,718 8,750 1,032 Books, Sub, Memberships 759 640 725 825 100 Intertwl Service Charges 72,734 97,075 122.680 121,724 (956) Total Opereting Expenses 131,844 174,813 213,005 217,017 4,012 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Land Buibings Olhar Improvements Equipment 50 Constructbn In Progress Total Cepftai Outlay 50 Prindpal Interest Other Totet Debt Servlu To To Omar total Trensfore DIVISION TOTALS[ 297.151 392.921 435A28 452.198 16.780 50 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DIVISIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND POLICE PATROL REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE R ONA S RVIG S 1993-94 1994-95 1995.98 1998.97 DECREASE : P WAGES Salaries and Wages 541,157 565,705 611,407 625,312 13,905 Overfune 55,127 65,034 74,000 65.000 (9,000) Spedal Pey 18,816 34,189 39,100 44,740 5,640 SUBTOTAL 814,900 884.928 724,507 735,052 10,545 BENEFITS FICA 45,658 49,110 55,425 53.942 (1,463) Pertsbrt 27,681 30,397 54,134 53.198 (936) Fieakh lnstsarke 34,813 33.100 35,308 38,938 3,628 Worlcer6Unempby Come 35,054 27,838 39,784 44.822 5,038 SUBTOTAL 143.188 140.745 184.851 190.898 ~ 6.247 Totei WAGES and BFI4EFIT3 758,088 805,873 909,158 925,950 18,792 ~P ATIN XP NS a' Prefessbrtel Services 1,488 547 Accamttrq, Audkirq Contractual Servkes 1,785 348 1,958 3,000 1,042 Trevel, Treinirp 126 Communicatbn 379 122 200 200 Postage 50 50 lltOktes Rentals. Leases Insurance Repairs, Malnlenence 19,687 22.527 16,000 29,800 13,800 Printing, PubllsNrp 844 900 900 AdverBsirq, Promotion OUier Current Charges 223 358 OfOce Supplies 30 54 1,000 1,000 Operating Supplies 33,301 44,350 47,392 58,500 9,108 Books, Sub, Memberships 433 441 525 575 Intemel Servke Charges Total Opereting Expenses 57,452 89,589 85,875 92,025 28,150 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Land Buildings Other Improvements Equipment 27,677 77,847 136,681 23,800 (112,681) Constnrdbn h Progress Total Capkel Outlay 27,877 77,847 138,887 23,800 (112,887) DEBT SERVICE: Principal Interest Oltwr Total Debt Servlca T ANR SFFRS: To To OOrar Total Trensfere DNISIONTOTALS: 843.215 953.109 1.111.714 1.041.775 (89,939) 51 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIOf4AL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND POLICE DETECTNE REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUOGET INCREASE ERSONAL SERVICES 1993-94 1994-95 1995-98 1998-p7 DECREASE : P WAGES Salaries erd Wages 68,087 87,467 69,974 63,003 (0,971) OvmOme 4,339 11,212 9,600 10,000 400 Spedal Pey 4.930 8.190 11,710 10,181 (1,519) SUB-TOTAL 78,738 84,889 91,284 83,194 (8,090) BENEFITS FICA 8,337 8,557 8,983 8,363 (820) Pension 4,167 3,493 8,838 8,820 (218) Fieakh Imwance 4,238 3,758 3,871 3,844 173 Worker b lhrempby Camp 3.581 1.967 4,633 5.562 829 SUB-TOTAL 18.923 18.775 22.129 22.989 288 Tolal WAGES rrM BENEFITS 95,059 103,844 113,407 105,583 Q,824) Professkxrel Servkes Mvestipatiom 750 750 Cordreduai Services 450 450 Trevel, Treinirq 145 1,000 1,000 Cpnrramkkalbn 187 Postage ulaaies Rentals, Leases Imurenoe Repair, Maintenance 14 PrlMirq, PubOsNrq Adver9sirq, Prarrotkxr OUrer Current Charpos Office Supples Operalinp Supplies 940 114 300 300 Books, Sub, Memberships _ 300 300 Intemel Service Charges Total Operetlnp Expenses 1,127 273 2,800 2,800 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Land Buildings Other Improvements Equipment 18,500 (18,500) Constnrdbn h Progress Total CapNal Outlay 18,500 (18,500) Principal Interest Other Total Debt Servlu To To Other Total Trensfer DNISION TOTALS: 98,188 103.917 172.707 108.383 014.324) 52 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DIVISIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND POLICE DISPATCH REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICES 1993-94 1994-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE : WAGES Salaries end Wages 103,009 105,243 118,230 154,419 38,169 OverUma 12,153 19,780 14,000 22,400 8,400 Special Pay 98 1,303 12,000 8,000 (8,000) SUBTOTAL 115,280 128,328 142,230 192,819 40,689 BENEFITS FICA 8,770 9,625 11,187 14,013 2,828 Pensbn 9,235 9,139 15,252 18,805 3,553 t~leaRh Irsurance 9,763 8,811 9,241 13,810 4,369 Worker d Unempby Comp 597 3,654 7,362 12,873 5,511 SUBTOTAL 28.385 91.229 43.042 59.301 18.259 Total WAGES erd BENEFITS 113,825 157,555 185,272 242,120 58,848 Protesskmel Services Axaadlrq, AufiiOrg Contreetuel Services - 19 Travel, Trelnirq 630 129 750 1,000 250 Communicatbn Postago Willies Rentals. Leases Insurance Repairs, Maintenance 4 208 350 350 Prinlirq, PudisNrg Advertisirq, Pronatbn aner cunent charges orr~a suppr~ea Operetirq Srrppl'ies 991 1.061 1,200 1.900 700 Books, Sub, Memberships 200 212 350 350 IMc~rnel Servke Charges Total Opereting Expenses 1,844 1,810 2,300 3,800 1,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Lard Bufdings Other Improvements Equipment 230 Constnrctbn h Progress Total Capital Outlay 230 Prirkipai Interest Other To1si Debt Service To To Other Total Trenafore DNISION TOTALS: 145.899 159.185 187.572 245.720 58,148 53 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DIVISIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND POLICE -ANIMAL CONTROL REVISED ACTJAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUOGET INCREASE P R O A a RVI 1993-84 1994-95 1995-98 1998-87 DECREASE . WAGES SelaAes aM Wages 17,730 19,093 20,997 21,611 624 Overtime 1,597 1,873 1,414 3,000 1,588 Spedal Pay 500 1,000 500 SUB-TOTAL 19,323 21,086 22,001 25,811 2,710 BENEFITS FICA 1,478 1,612 1,752 1,959 207 Pensbn 1,552 1,808 2,624 2,551 Q3) Fleatlh Inaurence 1,939 1,877 1,841 1,927 88 Worker 6 Unempby Comp 1,328 1,409 1,281 1.564 267 SUB-TOTAL 8.297 8.708 7.498 8.001 503 ToW WAGES trod BENEFIT'S 25,820 27,772 30,399 33,612 3,213 OPERATING EXPENSES: Professional Sorvlces 12 Aocaxdirq, Auditing Cordrectual Services 99 Trevel, Treining 20 10 750 750 Communicetbn 68 200 200 Postage Utildles Rentals, Leases Insurertce Repairs, MalMenance 891 4,175 1,593 2,500 907 PriMirq, PubOsNng 19 AdveAislrp, Promotion Otner CurteM Charges 10 orcx» Supplies 6 Operating Supplies 618 1,351 1,098 2,500 1,404 BooW, Sub, Memberships 20 23 200 200 Inlemal Service Chergos Total OpereBng Expenses 1,854 5,898 9,839 8,150 2,511 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Land Buildirgs OUrer Improvements Er•uipment Constnx;tien in Progress Total CepBel Outlay DEBT SERVICE: Prindpal Interest Other Total Debl SeMee TRANSFERS: To To Other Total Trensfere DIVISION TOTALS: 27A74 33.488 _ 34.038 39.782 6.724 54 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DIVISIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND POLICE -SCHOOL GUARD REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL DUDGET BUDGET INCREASE P RSONAI a RVI S• 1993-94 1994-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE . WAGES Salaries and Wages s,566 8,134 7,528 8.326 797 ovenime Spedal Pey SL03-TOTAL 5,568 8,134 7,s28 8,325 797 BENEFRS FICA Pension 428 498 576 637 81 Health Irsurence Waken d Unertrpby Canp 32 152 459 508 49 SUB-TOTAL 458 850 1.035 1.145 110 Total WAGES and BENEFITS 8,024 8,784 6,583 ' 6,470 907 OPF ATIN • XP N S• Prefessbnel Services Aa~untirq, AudiOrq Cadreclual Services Travel, Treinirp Communbatbn Postage tnanles 169 1ss 200 zoo Rentah, Leases Insurance Repaks, Malrrtenance Ptintirq, Publlshirq 7 Advertislrq, Prortatbn aher Current Charyos Office Supplies Operetin6 Supplies 64 250 250 Books, Sub, Memberships Intemai servka cnaraes Total Operetinp Expenses 171 229 450 450 CAPITAL OUTLAY[ Land Buildings Other ImprevemoMs Equipment Constructbn In Pro6ress Total Capital OWtay DEBT SERVICE' Prirsdpal Interest Other Total Oebl SeMce T ANSF RS' To To Other ~. Tolel Trensfora DIVISION TOTALS' 8.195 7.013 9.013 9.920 907 55 56 F/RE 57 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OEPARTMENTALSUMMARY GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: FIRE REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-BS 199598 1998-97 DECREASE RFSO ~R ~ ~ L O ~ATION• Pen«,eI servl~ee Operatirq F> CepMai OWey Debt Servke Transf«s TOTAL OMSION SUMMARY' AdmWstratbn Contrd VduMeen 6 A~Weary Prevedbn Lftopuards TOTAL cze,7oo 65z,so7 ne,2s7 61o,oss a1,so2 99,070 150,221 228,164 248,987 20,823 18,175 34,188 23,595 95,156 71,581 X5.915_ 3 .QL_ ~,028.02~ 4.ti.212 12 . @8_ 64,371 129,868 15@,385 166,873 8,288 517,817 571,Q8 844,731 698,700 53,969 23,305 15,1M 31,335 7,218 (24,117) 39,641 13,215 69,190 112,808 13,618 101.011 107.28 5 124.38 5 166.815 12.130 715.845 837.017 1.028.028 1.152.212 121.188 AU POSITION Fke Chief THORIZED PERSONNEL 1995!1998 1 1 998/1987 1 Fka LleuteneMS 3 3 FFst Engineers 3 3 FkemeNEMTL 8 9 Fte Marshe0 1 1 L@epuerd Ceplain 1 1 LBepueid Lieutenants 2 2 LNepuerds 15 15 TOTAL 32 58 DEPARTMENT DESCR/PT1ON and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.• FIRE DESCRIPTION.• The Fire Department's budget reflects the operating funds needed to: 1) man a fire suppression and EMT first respondermedica! /oroe of paid and wlunteer professionals; 2) man and operate a firo prevention division that will enforce all fire and life safety codes adopted by the State of Florida and the City of Atlantic Beach; and, 3) man and operate a beach rescue division, consisting of part4ime lifeguards that will work the beaches during the season. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Installed new computerreporting system. • Installed new radio system. • Oversaw 2500 sq. R. adddion to Public Sa/ety Building. • Sid new fire engine, expect delivery 60 days from Commission approval. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Begin an aggressive fire prevention and accident prevention program, where all properties required by the State will be inspected. • Provide public education fo /acilitate a reduction in property loss and injuries due to accidents. • Restructure the current volunteer firefighter program and develop a reserve program that wil! better serve the City andthe Fire Rescue Department. • Begin planning and training for Advanced Life Support engine companies by January 1998. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY'96 FY'95 FY'94 TotaICallslorService 1,350 1,272 WA Occu ational License Ins coons 120 100 72 Avera a 2.5 YsRs r Occu ational License 300 Pre-Fire Plans 250 New Firefighters Trained 6 59 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ONISIOf4AL t7(PENDITURES GENERAL FUND FIRE ADMINISTRATION REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 199598 1998.97 DECREASE ERSONAL SERVICES P WAGES Salaries end Wages 20,339 34,298 47,968 50,877 2,909 OverOme Spedet Pey 650 458 1,600 1,600 SUB-TOTAL 20,889 34,754 49,588 52,477 2,909 BENEFRS FICA 7,589 2,659 3,792 4,074 222 Pension 1,244 3,415 5,985 2,570 Flaetth hstrenca 1,085 1,200 1,986 2,083 97 Worker6lAiempby Comp 1,134 2,182 3,018 3,198 182 SUB-TOTAL 3.608 7.285 12.209 15.280 3.071 Total WAGES end BENEFITS 24,897 42,019 81,777 87,757 6,980 OP ATIN • XP N~ S• Professbnal Sarvkes 3,005 500 (1,505) Aooaxttktg, Auditing ContreUUal Services 349 1,665 800 2,800 2,000 Trevel, Trelning 1,299 838 2.000 2,775 775 Canrrsxriration 542 785 3,250 4,988 1,738 Postage UUIiOes Rehab, Leases I 500 500 nsurance Regain, Maintenance 550 3,011 2,500 2,500 PrinOrq, PubllsNng 882 808 1,480 1,800 320 Adverllsing, Prorratkwt Other parent Charges 29 37 Otfioe Supplies 350 524 555 1,000 445 Operetirq Supplies 584 898 4,405 4,150 (255) Boole, Sub, Memberships 1,242 1,072 2,295 1,860 Intemel Servke (:heryes 32,864 53,138 72,823 71,493 (1,330) Total Opereting Expenses 38,491 82,877 93,113 84,388 1,253 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Land 8u8dings 225 4,000 4,000 Other Improvemerds EQulpmeM 958 24,970 3,495 550 (2,945) Construction h Progress Total Capttat Outlay 1,187 24,970 3,485 4,550 1,055 PrlrxApei Interest Other Total Debt Servke To To Other Total Trenafan DNISION TOTALS: 84.371 129.988 158.385 188,873 8.288 60 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DNISIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND FIRE CONTROL REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGE7 BUDGET INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICES 1993-8! 1991-95 1995-98 1998-97 _ DECREASE : WAGES Salerbs end Wages 337,833 330,603 338,138 361,043 24,907 ' OverBme 23A72 30,345 3@,354 41,000 2,648 .,pedal Pay 24,389 13,130 49,@00 52,800 3,000 SUB-TOTAL 985,834 404,078 428,290 458,843 30,553 BENEFITS FICA 30,288 30,278 32,994 35,077 2,023 Pension 18,927 40,367 44,436 4,069 'i Fteash krsrxance 24 24 96 6 Worker d lhrempby Come 17,453 .573 .019 ,17@ 4 9 i SUB-TOTAL 71.@35 68.3@8 119.947 133A01 13A54 Totd WAGFS end BENEFITS 457,469 500,488 516,237 590,244 44,007 OPERATING EXPENSES: F1o(esslonel Sen4ees 4,122 1,815 2,650 8,800 8,150 Aaamtlrg, AudAirq CoMredual Services 67 1,383 1,500 5,800 4,300 Travel, TreWrg 6,974 14,204 10,000 12,000 2,000 Communlcatbn 54 792 2,650 3,900 1,250 Postage UITNos Rentah, Leases 68 579 500 1,000 500 Inuxarrce Repairs, MalMenerrce 19,203 24,451 41,059 33,200 Q,859) Printing, PublisNng 237 436 500 400 (7@O) Advertislrq, Prortation Other Current Chargos 47 30 ORke Supplios 1,122 1,564 1,500 1,000 (500) Operetlrq Supp4es 14,821 19,865 28,455 19,350 (9,105) Books, Sub, Memberships 45 1,000 1,000 Internal servke CharOes Total Operetln0 Expenses 48,752 85,081 89,894 86,450 (3,444) CAPITAL OUTLAY: lend Buildings 461 2,500 2,500 Other Improvements Equipment 72,929 5,952 8,600 19,506 10,908 Construdion In Progress Total CapNel Outlay 13,390 5,952 8,600 22,008 13,408 DEBT SERVICE: Prindpel Interest Other Total Debt Service T ANSF RS: To To OUrer Total Trensfore DNISION TOTALS: 517.811 571.479 844.731 69@.700 53.969 61 ., .. .- ... .~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DNISIONAL EXPENDRURES GENERAL FUND FIRE - VOLUNTEERS a AUXILLARY REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE SERVICES R NA! 1893-9! 198485 1995-98 199&87 DECREASE SO . [ PE WAGES Salaries and Wages Overtlrre Special Pay SUB-TOTAL BENEFITS FICA Pembn Fleagh Insurance 10,838 8,289 16,580 (10,560) w«kara unamploy comp s9z n9o> SUB TOTAL 11.530 8.099 1().580 118.5601 Total WAGES and BENEFTS 11,530 8,089 18,560 (16,560) QpERATINO EXPENSES' ProfessbnM Servkes 3,540 769 175 (175) Axountlrg, Audgirq Contreelual Services 80 5.600 4.000 (1.600) Travel,TreWnp 257 1,703 900 (900) Communkatlon Postage UWitlos Rehab, Leazes Insurance Repels, Maintenance (22) 193 500 500 Pdnikq, PubBsNnp 600 600 Advertblrrp, Prortatbn Other Conant Charges Office Supplies 100 100 Operatlnp Supplies 4,308 4,408 7,400 1,918 (5,482) Books, Sub, Mombershipa 600 100 IMemal Servke Charges Total Operetlnp Espensos 8,173 7,073 14,775 7,218 (7,557) CAPITAL OUTLAY: Lend Buildings dher Improvements EQuipment 3,602 Corntnrctlon h Progress Total Ceptlal Outlay 9,802 DEBT SERVICE' Pdnclpei Interest dher Total Debt Servke TRANSFERS' To To dher Total Trenafes DNISION TOTALS' 23.305 15,172 31,335 7216 Q4.117) 62 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND FIRE PREVENTION REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUOGET INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICES 1993-94 1994-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE ' WAGES Salaries end Wages 31,073 8,197 38,328 39,179 1,151 Overtime Special Pey 1.422 12 9,920 2.000 (7,920) SUBTOTAL 32,495 8,209 48,248 11,479 (8,789) BENEFITS FICA 2,483 604 3,418 3,310 (106) Pensbn 408 2,828 4.644 1,818 Fieetth Imurenoe 1,826 61 1,938 2,024 88 Worker d lkrempby Comp 1,671 494 2.518 3.024 508 SUB-TOTAL 5.980 1.587 10.700 13.002 2.902 Total WAGES end BENEFITS 98,475 9,778 58,948 51,481 (4,487) OPE ATING XP NR S[ Professkxud Services 1.000 1.000 Accourriirq, AudAirq CorNrectual Servkxrs 179 500 27,250 28,750 Travel, Treining 104 1,500 2,300 800 Communication 290 700 690 (10) Postage Uili0e9 Rentals, Leases 80 350 350 Irsurance Repairs, MalMenence 129 669 750 750 PriMlrq, Publ'rshkq SBS 500 soo 300 Advertising. Promabn Omar CurteM Charges Olfice Supplies 140 350 350 Opereting Supdies 365 1,063 2,142 2,750 608 Books, Sub, Memberships 392 812 1,950 2,485 535 IMemal Servke Charges Total Opereting Expenses 1,169 3,439 8,742 38,725 29,983 OAPITAL OUTLAY' Larx1 Buitdirgs Other Improvements EQuipmeM 1,500 19.600 18,100 Conslrud'an in Progress Total CapRel ONley 1,500 18,800 18,100 Principal Interest Other Totei Debt Service TRANSFERS' To To Other Total Trenafere DIVISION TOTALS' 39.841 13.215 89.190 112.808 43.818 63 .. i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OMSIONAL EXPENDINRES GENERAL FUND FIRE -LIFEGUARDS REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE R• P RSONA c RVI 1993-94 1994-95 199598 1998-97 DECREASE . WAGES Salarlea end Wapoa 85,810 78,843 81,540 89,888 2,448 Overtime 1,606 Spedal PeY 63 SU&TOTAL 85,610 80,814 81,540 83,988 2,448 BFNEFI7S FICA 8,100 8,183 8,238 8,425 187 Perobn Fleetlh krsurerke 18 Worker d lhtempby Come 4,819 6,422 8.967 7,176 209 SUB-TOTAL _ 10.918 11.833 13.205 13.801 398 Total WAGES end BENEFITS QF • OP R 06,529 92,247 94,715 97,587 2,842 S ATING EXP N Prolesalonel Servkes b02 405 3,600 3,708 108 Aooouklrg, Aud8lrp Contractual Servbea Trevel, Trelnlrrp CorranurJCatlon Pastapa 997 471 520 535 15 Uulitles B2 Bt 100 103 3 Rentals, Leases Insurenee Repairs, Ma(ntanence 1,723 8,473 8,500 9,755 255 PrkNlrp, Publishlrg 70 35 200 208 8 Advertfslrr~, Pronrotbn other arrenl Cheryes Otf~ce Supplios 59 100 103 3 Operating Supplies 1,711 4,256 8,500 6,695 195 Banks, Sub, Memberships 120 123 3 Intemel Servke Charges Total Olxrellnp Expenaea 4,485 11,774 19,840 20,228 688 CAPITAL OUTLAY' Lend Buildings 1,264 40,000 40,000 Other Improvements Er•ulpmenl 2,000 70,000 9,000 (1,000) Constnrctbn h Progress Tolal CapRal Outlay DEBT SER 3,284 10,000 49,000 99,000 VICE' Priralpal Interest ar,er Total Debt Service TRANSFFRS• To To Ottwr Total Trensfere ONI¢ION TOTAL 4; 101.OU 107.265 124.385 168.815 42A30 64 I~UBL/C WORKS 65 r .- r i r- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE ~ 1993-84 1994-95 199598 1998-97 DECREASE RFRO rR - ~ O AT10N Personal Servkes 279A29 242,082 277,938 271,648 (8,288) Operatkq Expenses 210,537 270,664 339,879 329,640 (10,239) Caporal pulley 2,750 41,605 48,800 35,300 (11,300) Deht Service Trenslers TOTAL 482 14 54.3- ~_~ ~38.58~ (27.8271 OMCION C tMMARY: Sheets erd Roads 492.718 554.351 684.415 6'!8.568 (27.827) TOTAL 492.718 554.351 684.415 638.568 (27.8271 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL PosmoN 1995I19B8 189811882 Mecftenb ~ 1 1 SeMlalion and MalMenanee Divhbn Dheclor 1 1 Pula Works Farman General Malnlenence Workers 8 8 Perks pepartrnent Divfskxr Director 1 Parks MalMenence Workers 2 Heavy Equipment Operator e .~ 1 I l 66 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.' STREETS and ROADS DESCRIPTION: The Streets and Roads Department's budgetreRects the operating funds needed to: 1) maintain ditches to ensure proper Row,• (2) maintain and improve the City's streets, such as paving and resurfacing; and, 3) pick-up and mow Cityright-of-ways. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Completed 16th Street crossover. , • Obtained cement mixers, new bush hog cutting deck and rotary broom for mower. • Replaced gutters on Public Works facility. • Analyzed key areas for paving. • Began replacement of bridge at City Hall. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Continue to maintain high standards of ditch maintenance. • Continue fo replace aged vehicles, to reduce repair and maintenance expense. • Upgrade communication system to 800 MHZ. • Obtain new commercial grade mower, to continue maintaining Atlantic BNd., Mayport Rd. and City roadways. • Obtain edgers to maintain Atlantic Blvd. and Mayport medians and sidewalks. • Hire additional general maintenance workers, to improve frequency of mowing and ditchcleaning. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY 56 FY'95 FY'94 Tons ofAs halt Patchin 140 140 100 Tons o/Limerock 600 900 800 Feet of Ditch Maintained 30,184 28,552 24,552 Miles of Paved Roadwa 56.1 54.1 I i _ I 67 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DIVISIOt4AL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS -STREETS AND ROADS REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL DUDGET BUDGET INCREASE PERSONA] SERVICES 1993-84 1994-95 1995-98 1998-87 DECREASE : WAGES Salaries and Wagos 203,420 172,867 189,913 189,269 (624) Overtime 3,853 5,629 13,408 6,000 Q,106) Spedal Pey 645 4.648 8.000 7,500 1.500 SUB-TOTAL 207,818 187,138 209,318 202,789 (8,530) BENEFRS FICA 18,419 14,680 18,168 15,600 (566) Perobn 19,732 12,985 22,318 21,018 (1,300) )ieetth Insurance 19,032 15,681 18,373 17,385 992 Worker3 Unenrploy Camp 18,428 15,598 13,762 14,878 1,118 SUB-TOTAL 71.611 58.944 89.817 88.959 242 Total WAGES and BENEFIT'S 279,129 212,082 277,1Xi8 271,848 (8,288) OPERATING EXPENSES: Protesskxral Services 350 500 500 AocaxHirq, Aud'Nng Contredual Servbes 9,078 18,958 28,085 26,100 15 Trevel, Treinirp 500 750 250 CanrnunMatlon P t 381 65 500 500 os age l)8lities 57.018 57,304 58,000 58,000 Rentals, Leases 5,618 8,567 10,312 10,750 478 Insurerrce Repairs, Maintenance 15,662 22,965 28,030 29.300 1,270 Printlrq, Publishirq 321 2,320 2,000 2,000 ' Advertising, Prongtkxr otter anent cnargea 50 67 eoo eoo otr~e SuppBes 2 es eo4 eoo (4) Operetkq Supplies 40,171 34,651 43,507 42,800 Q07) Road and Material Supplies 29,194 33,565 44,644 38,000 Books, Sub, Memberships 3,145 520 700 Internal Servke Charges 51,041 80.608 124,877 118,540 (6,377) Total Opereling Eupanaea 210,537 270,884 339,879 329,840 (10,239) CAPITAL OUTLAY: Land Bulldlrgs 4.000 (4.000) Other Improvements 30,000 (30,000) Equipment 2,750 41,605 12,600 35,300 22,700 Constrvdkxr h Progress TMeI Cepttel Outlay 2,750 41,805 48,800 35,300 (11,900) DEBT SERVICE: Prindpai Interest OUrer Tolel Debt Servke T ANR_ S~FFRti To Other Total Trenafere DIVISION TOTALS] 492.718 551.351 BBIA15 838.588 (27.927) 68 BEA UT/F/CA T/ON 69 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: BEAUTIFICATION RFQn11RPE At 1 nr,Annu• Personal Services Operatlnp Expenses CapMal OWtay Debt Service Trerufera TOTAL DR^.SION SU!,!IAARYt Beautifical{on TOTAL REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1995-08 1998-97 DECREASE 70,012 20,484 25,663 24,862 (1,001) 1,793 13,198 12,615 23,291 10,478 1,810 2,000 33.350 27,000 (12,350) 13 X15_ 95.88 71.82@.. ~`-853_. 13.115 35.680 71.828 68.953 8.875) 13.415 95.860 71.826 68.953 (2.8751 POSITION BoaNi6ca0on Coordlaraor - (Part Tkne ) Landscape Gardner - (Part Time ) .1995/1998 1998/7997 1 1 1 1 2 ~() DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.• .BEAUTIFICATION DESCRIPTION: The Beautification Department's budget reflects the operating funds needed to Implement planned program or projects of the Beautification Committee and/or /or the City ofAtlantic Beach, thereby providing an aesthetically pleasing and environmentally heaRhy lifestyle for residents and visitors. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 , • Received Tree City, USA recognition for/ouRh consecutive year. • Coo~nated Landscape improvements at 3 beach access/street ends on share cosy program, with refurbishing at 2 addtiona! ones. • Coordinated eNoris with Beautification Committee /or Arbor Day tree sale, luminaria sale, and "Spring Bright Spots tour. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Oversee maintenance programs for all landscaped City property. • Extend access/street end "share cost" program to complete landscaping at 4 additional locations. • Continue and enlarge upon established events, e.g., luminaria sale, Arbor Day activities, etc. • Pursue grant awards for tree planting and landscaping. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY'96 FY'95 FY'94 Meetings Attended-Tree, Beautification, Cultural Arts, 1st Wight 70 62 50 Atlantic BNd. Medians - Landsca and Maintain 9 7 2 71 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND BEAUTIFICATION REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET OUOGET INCREASE RSONAI S RVIG S 1993-94 1981-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE : P WAGES Salaries end Wages 8,815 18,914 20.518 20209 (307) Overtime SpedelPey SUB-TOTAL 8,815 18,911 20,518 20,209 (307) BENEFRS PIG1 659 194 1,570 1,546 (24) Perlsiort 688 1,808 2,376 2,150 (728) F1eaMh Irreurerrce Worketd Unampby C«np 5l1 468 1,201 757 (444) SUB-TOTAL 1.397 9.570 5.117 4A53 f89tl Tatd WAGES end BENEFITS 10,012 20,161 25,883 24,882 (1,001) OPERATING EXPENSES: Professional Servkes Travel, Treining ~ 494 950 250 (100) Cornmunketkxr 250 250 Postapo 27 300 300 (~ry~tles 12,000 12,000 Rentals. Leases Instsance Regain, Maintenance 1,521 559 975 1,500 525 Printing, Pubfishirq 13 150 150 AdverOs4p, Pranolbn aner arrant ((x~arpas 2.000 500 (1.500) orr~e Suppres 97 143 3so 300 (SO) Opere6rq Supplies 148 11,987 5,229 5,100 (129) Books, Sub, Memberships 9 Intomel Service Charges 2,911 2.8 (20) Total Opereling Eupenses 1,793 13,198 12,815 23,291 10,478 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Land Buiklugs Other Improvements 1.610 2,000 33.350 21,000 (12,350) Equipment Constnrdkxr h Progress Total Capttai Outlay 1,810 2,000 33,350 21,000 (12,350) D BTF_~ RVI Principal Intemst Other Total Oebt Service ~NSFERS: To To Other Total Trenafen DNISION TOTALS: 13.415 35,880 71.928 88.953 (2.875) 72 PARKS AND RECREA T/ON 73 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENTALSUMMARY GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 ~ 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE RFCO rR ~ t O -aTION• Personal Servkes Operating E~enses CepBal otnlay Dee service Transfers TOTAL DMSION SUMMARY: AdminMwtlon Reaeatbn Adlvklea Park Improvements Park MaMlenence TOTAL 110,069 107,184 152,614 151,624 1,760 78,782 99,283 153,593 128,424 (25,189) 8,818 8,899 78,174 17,500 (60,674) 193.449 .151 X84. 11 _300.598_ te4~1 I 58,518 84,690 71,530 71,628 98 38,095 40,449 60,902 18,134 (12,768) 514 11,373 70,008 17,500 (52,506) 98.324 98.654 182.173 163.288 (18.887) 193.449 215.188 361.811 300.548 (84.083) AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL P9SD14N Recreallon Dhedor Part Maintenance Dlvisbn Director Parks Maintenance Workers 1984L1995 1995L199fl 1 1 1 2 1 1 $_ 5 I 74 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.• PARKS and RECREATION DESCR/PTION.• The Parks and Recreation Department s budget reflects the operating /unds needed to support recreational activities throughout the City. Programs such as youth baseball and softball, YMCA Play Gym for infarns?oddlers, summer camps and communitytheaterare sponson;d bythis department. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMEN75: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Improved overall appearance of the parks. • Improved service life of equipment. • Constructed new community center at Donner Park. • Renovated Howell Park. • Installed lights on basebal! field and racquetball court at Russell Park. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Maintain playground equipment and improve safety. • Continue to increase activrties and participants. • Continue development of Park Master Plan. • Prepare: design /or Tresca Park. • Replace wom equipment. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY'96 FY'95 FY'94 Adele Grage Communif Center No. Served 13,106 14,284 10,119 ABET Theatre Rehearsals & Performances No. Served 6,824 6,446 5,113 Youth Basebatt Littte Lea ue Partici ants 630 623 435 Youth Softball Partici ants 90 90 90 75 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DIVISIONAL E%PENDITURES GENERAL FUND PARKS ADMINISTRATION REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-94 1994-95 1995.88 1996-97 DECREASE PFRSO A c RVI ! WAGES Salaries aM Wages Overtime SpedalPay SUB-TOTAL BENEFRS FICA Health Irreurence Worker b Unempby Comp SUB-TOTAL TaW WAGES uM BENEFITS Professkxrel Servicm Aceamtinp, AudiOnp Conlrectual Servkes Trevel, Trelnirq Communicatbn Postage lAitities Rentals, Leases Insurance Repaks, Maintenance PriMinp, PublisNnp Advertising, Prorratbn Other Current Charges Office Supplies Opere6rp Suppfbs Docks, Sub, Memberships Internal Servke Charoes Total Oparetinp Eapenaes CAPITAL OUTLAY: Land Buikfirgs Olney Improvements Equipment Construclbn h Progress 7otei Capttel Outlay ^EBT SERVICE: PrirxJpal Interest Other Total Debt Servlca T ANR SFFRC' To To Other Total Trenafen 29,293 24,668 38,878 38,085 1,107 812 800 500 (300) 30,105 24,868 97,779 38,585 807 2,307 1,885 2,890 2,952 62 2,483 2,812 4.388 3,934 (454) 2,077 1.163 1,927 2,522 59s 2,185 1,520 2,208 2,304 98 9.052 7.380 11.413 11.712 299 39,157 92,019 49,191 50,297 1,100 2.828 4.000 4.000 209 1,000 1,200 200 1,000 1,000 87 87 100 150 50 4 12 1 37 30 152 200 270 70 19,267 29,257 14,539 14,711 172 19,359 32,842 19,839 21,331 1,492 2.500 (2.500) 2,500 (2,500) 58.518 84.890 71.530 71.828 98 76 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OMSIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND PARKS - RECREATION ACTNITIES REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE ERSONAL SERVICES 1993-94 1994-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE : P WAGES Salaries srxl Wages Overtime 9,353 12,468 14,707 2,239 Spedal Pey SUB-TOTAL 9,953 12,168 14,707 2,239 BENEFRS FICA 695 954 1,728 172 Perubn Fieallh breurerwe WorkerSlJnernpbyCome - 298 505 1,251 748 SUBTOTAL 993 1.459 2.377 918 Total WAGES and BENEFfi3 10,348 13,927 17,084 3.157 OPERATING EXPENSES: Prolessionel Services 375 (375) ~ Servces 2250 Trevei, Tralnirq 293 Communkatbn 759 904 1,000 400 (600) Postage lltiiities 5,048 5,043 9,000 9,000 Rerdals, Leases 6,400 6,530 8,908 1,000 (5,906) Inwrence Repairs, MalMenence 10266 4.351 10,628 6,500 (4,326) ' Printing, PuWlshlrq 1,023 696 2,200 2,000 (200) Advertisirp, Prandion Other Crmenl Charpos 1.066 5.500 3,000 (2.500) OKice Supplies 491 618 800 800 Operellrp Supplies 6,006 6,352 10,364 6,350 (2,014) Books, Sub, Memberships Intomel Servke Charges Total Operetlnp Enpenses 31,991 30,103 48,975 91,050 (15,925) CAPITAL OUTLAY: Lard Buildings Olhar Improvemenla Equipment 8,104 Constnrclion kt Progress Total CapRat Outlay 8,104 DEBT SERVICE: Principal Interest Other Total Debt Servke TRANSFERS: To To Other Total Transfers DNISION TOTALS' 38.095 40.419 80.902 48,134 (12,788) ~~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OMSIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND PARKIMPROVEMENTS REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICES 1993-91 1994-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE ' WAGES Salaries and Wages OveNrna SpedalPey SUB-TOTAL BFNEFRS FICA Pensbn Fieatth Insurenee Worker a Unernploy (:omp SU8-TOTAL Total WAGES and BENEFITS OPF ATIN XP NS a' Profassbnal Servkes 20.000 (20,000) Aocantirp, AudNnp Contractual Services Travel, Trehdrp Commrmicatton Postage tnnabs Rentals, Leases I nsurerKe Repalra, Makdenence 1,168 Printing, Publishing Advertisirq, Prorrrotkn Olney current Charges orc~ce supplies Operetinp Supplies 1,508 332 (332) Books, Sub, Memberships Inhxnal Service Charges Tolel Operetinp Expenses 2,874 20,332 (20,332) CAPITAL OUTLAY Lend Buikfinps 2,946 3,300 2,500 (800) Other ImprovemeMS 514 5,753 27,374 15,000 (12,374) Epuipment 19,000 (19,000) Construction h Progress Total Capttal Outtay 514 8,899 49,674 17,500 (32,174) DEBT SERVICE' Principal Interest Other Tolel Dobt Service TRANSFERS' To To Olhor Total Trensfore DIVISION TOTA!_S7 514 11.373 70.008 17.500 (52,508) ~$ DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.' PARKS MAINTENANCE DESCRIPTION: The Parks Maintenance Department s budget reflects the opereting funds needed to support public safety in recreational activities throughout the City. fie primary concern fs the citizens of Atlantic Beach and those who use our parks. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: FISCAL YEAR 1995 - 96 • Improved service life o/equipment. • Hired one additional worker. • Cross-trained park employees on all equipment. GOALS and OBJECTIVES: FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 97 • Ensure all City parks are property maintained, to provide a ~ safe environment /or the public. ~ • Perform City Half and Public Safety building landscape maintenance Jn-house. • i Look for ways to improve operations. WORKLOAD INDICATORS FY 56 FY 55 FY 54 79 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DIVISIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND PARKS-PARKS MAINTENANCE REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1893-94 1994-05 1995.98 1998-87 DECREASE PERSONAL SERVICES ' WAGES Salaries and Wages 51,290 47,055 58,051 58,842 791 Overtkne 3,128 2,151 7,000 5,000 (2,000) Spedel Pay 105 2,600 1,000 (1,600) 3118-TOTAL 54,521 49,208 87,851 81,812 (2,809) BENEFITS FICA 4,248 3,875 5,175 5,000 (175) Pansbn 3,703 4,077 7,217 7238 21 Fleatth krsraarrce 5,338 4,478 5,495 5,759 26d Workerd Unempby Comp 3,108 3.356 4,188 4,404 218 SUB-TOTAL 18.391 15.584 22.075 22.401 328 Total WAGES and BENEFITS 70,912 81,790 89,728 •87,243 (2,483) OPERATING EXPENSES' Professkxtel Servkes 84 Aocaxdirq, Auddirg CarkraGUel Servkes 23215 23A0/ 30,175 35,500 5,025 Trevet, Treinirq 125 725 725 Communiratbn 500 500 Postage Uiittles Rentals, Leases 1,820 2.085 3,000 5,000 2,000 Iruurerxxt Repeire, Maintenance 227 3,880 5,200 8,700 1,500 Prfitirq, PublistJrq Advertisin Promotion g, other a,Rent Chargoa OKae Supplies Operatirq Supplies 350 4,306 12,000 13,000 1,000 Books, Sub, Memberships Internal Servk:e l2terges 15,047 14,818 (429) Total Operetinp Expenses 25,412 33,884 88,417 78,043 9,598 CAPITAL OUTLAY[ Lend Buildings Other Improvements Equipment 28,000 (28,000) Constnklion In Progress Total Capttal Outlay 28,000 (28,000) Prindpal Interest aner Total Debt Servlea To To Other Total Trensfere ONiSION TOTALS[ 98.3?4 98.854 182.173 183.288 (18.687) $~ NON-DEPARTMENTAL $~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: NON-DEPARTMENTAL REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE FC F 11 O ATION ~ 7993-94 ~~ 1994-96 199588 1998-97 DECREASE R . - ~ R O Penanel Services OpetaUrq E~enses Ceplai OWey DaU Servke Trenslers 473.782 636.902 1.068.242 139A58 (828.784) TOTAL !73762 X30.802 X060.242 - 438d5~ ~826.Z@41 OMSION SUMMARY' Non. DepeArneMai 473.762 636.902 1.066.242 439A50 (826.784) TOTAL 473.702 636.002 1.066.242 439.458 (628.7641 $2 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION and HIGHLIGHTS DEPARTMENT.' NON-DEPARTMENTAL DESCRIPTION• The Non-Departmental DepaRmeM s budget reflects the operating funds I -- needed Jor transfers to debt service, capital projects and police trust and grant 7unds. 83 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND NON-DEPARTMENTAL REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993.94 1994-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE PERSONAL SERVICES: WAGES Salaries end Wages Overtime SpadalPay SU&TOTAL BFI4EFRS FICA Pensbn Fleatlh Irnurence Worker b Unempby Cane SUB-TOTILL Total WAGFS end BENEFITS Rofessionel Services Accourrting, Audttfrq . CaHradual SeMcee Trevel, Trelnlrq Canmunicatkxt Postage Utilities Rentals, Leases Insurence Repairs, Maintenance Printirq, Pubiishirq . Advertisirp, Praratbn Other Current Charyes Office SuPPres Operating SuppBes Books, Sub, Memberships Internal Servico Charges Tolel Opereting Expenses CAPITA O IT AY: Land BuOdirgs Other Improvements EQuiprnent Constrvdbn h Progress Total CapHal Outlay TRANSFERS: To Debl SenAoa Fund 473,762 376,128 1,028,609 307,917 (720,692) To To CapMal Pro)eds Furl 241,337 3,500 97,521 94,021 To C.D.B.G. Grant 1.624 To Police Trust Fund 9.464 12.000 (12,000) To Poice Grant Furl 8,349 10,000 5,890 (4,110) To Perrskxr Fund 12,133 28,130 15,997 Tolei Trenafere 473,762 830,902 1,080,242 479,158 (820,784) DNISION TOTALS: 473.782 838.902 1.068.242 439.458 (828.784) 84 85