Audit Report - 1959-19601 1 t 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA AUDIT REPORT December 71, 1960 TY[ON AMD M[IX -- CO1i111[Y IY[LIC ACfAYMAMT[ TYeON AND 1~1 EEK CENTI iIEO PUBLIC AGGOVNTANTS 101) ATLANTIC 60ULEV4fl0 Lc..or.u1. z. F..o n °. `•"'°" •'•°"~ °" January 11, 1961 To The City Co~iseion City of Atlantic Beech, Florida Gentlemens We have examined the balance sheets of the various funds of the City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida, as of December 31, 1960 and the related ata[emente of cash receipts end expenditures for the year then ended. Our examination vas made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and included such testa of the accounting records end such other auditing prote- duree as we considered necessary in the cizcume [antes. In our opinion, [he attached eta Cements pre- ~ sent fairly the £inencial position of [he City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida, a[ Detember 31, 1960, and the cash receipts end disbursements for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting prin- ciples applied on a basis cone latent with prior yesre. Respectfully aubait[ed, ~~ c~ . it 1 1 1 1 1 1 C O M M E N T S GENERAL PUND GENERAL PLRED ASSETS: The City's General Fixed Assets ere not reflected in [his report as the City hee established no formal property fund. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Accoun to payable ere not reflected on any of the General Fund Statements (except [he balance sheets), ae [hey are not considered encumbrances against the current year's appropriations but are appropriated in [he succeeding year's budget. OPERATZONS: The following are condensed suvmarLes of General Fund cash receipts and disbursements for the years 1960 and 1959. Cash Receip[s• Ad Valorem Taxes Licenses Fines and Porfeitures Garbage Co llec[Lons Transfer From Water Utilities Punds Sewer Charges Other Total Receipts Cash Disbursements: Administration Public Safety Transports tion Sanitary Depar cmen[ Labor Public Works Sever Department Parka, Beau [if LCa[ion end Recreation Capital Expenditures - Equipment Capital Improvement Unallocated Punds Total Disbura amen to Increase 1960 1959 (Decrease) $ 51,352.31 $ 47,322.44 $ 4,029.87 14,446.50 13,283.50 1,163.00 33,582.75 7 912 49 33,195.00 390 28 13 387.75(1) (5 477 79 , . 31,102.18 . , 34,827.54(2) , . 7 (3,725.36) 21,017.90 5,442.86 15,575.04 20.247.36 12.229.44 8.017.94 S 179.fi61.51 S 159.691.06 S 19.970.45 Increase 1960 1959 (Decrease) $ 31,683.13 $ 27,215.63 $ 4,467.50 31,391.47 27,492.61 3,898.86 12,198.54 10,302.20 1,896.34 16,303.31 15,861.10 422.21 9,443.85 14,843.50 (5,399.65) 13,735.20 4,589.85 9,145.35 14,468.31 13,692.79 775.52 5,050.55 -0- 5,050.55 21,425.52 13,125.21 8,300.31 -0- 3,110.26 (3,110.26) 371.53 11.110.95 (10.739.42) S 156.071.41 $ 141.364.10 S 14.707.31 Note (1) Includes receipts of one-half year only, due to change in time of billings. Presen [ly, billings are on quarterly basis ins [sad of annual. Noce (2) Includes amount ave Stable co General Pund a[ December 31, 1959 but not transferred until year 1960. rrww wwo w~cw - curmm w~uc wccwwwrwar~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1960 ASSBTS Cash in Beach Bank (S to [amen[ 2) $ 66,430.97 Taxes Receivable (S to [amen[ 3) 14,465.41 Paving Aseeesmen[e Receivable (Ste temenC 3) 267.50 Due Prom Othez Funds (Statement 4) 2.539.08 Total Aeaets S 83.702.9fi LLAHILITIES AND FUND HALANCH Accounts Payable (1) $ 441.78 Refundable Contractors' Deposits (3) 800.00 Due Selva Marine Sewez Pund 49.50 To[al Lieb Llitiea $ 1,291.28 Fund Balance Cash Surplus (2) $ 65,139.69 Unrealised Surplus 17.271.99 82.411,68 Total Lieb L1L[Lee end Pund Balance S 83.702.96 (1) Provided fox in 1961 Budget. (2) Caeh !n Henk lees Liab Llitlea of Fund. (3) Ordinance No. 25-60-2 STATEMENT 1 , TYfON ANY M[[K - C[IRIII[O ~Y/LIC ACGOYNTAMT/ 1 1 1 CITY OF ATIAIIfIC BEACN, FIARIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF CASN RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1960 Cash Balance at January 1, 1960 $ 32,413.83 Add: Revenue Realized (S to temenC 5) $ 179,661.51 Amount Due General Pund et December 31, 1959 and transferred in 1960 23,027.54 Contractors' Cash Deposits 800.00 Collections for Selva Marina Sever Pund 49.50 203.538.55 Total Cash Available $ 235,952.38 OeducC Budgeted Caeh Expenditures (Statement 6) $ 156,071.41 Amount Expended for Water Sya tem Appropr ie [Lone 13.450.00 169.521.41 Cash Balance at December 31. 1960 $ 66.430.97 STATEMENT 2 TYMN AMO Y[[II - CGTIIIfC CITY OF ATLANIIC BEACH, PLORIDA GENERAL PUND TAXES RECEIVABLE December 31. 1960 Year Assessed Amount 1960 $ 11,950.04 1959 972.41 1958 381.44 1957 234.79 1956 361.66 1955 and Prior 486.14 Old Seawall Levy 76.93 Totsl S 14.465.41 PAVING ASSESSMENTS RECEIVABLE December 31. 1960 Year Assessed Amoun[ 1955 $ 67.50 1952 150.00 1951 50.00 'io tal S 267.SD STATEMENT 3 rrww wNO rtss -catrincu •u~ue weeouxrwwra CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND DUE PROM OTHER PUNDS December 31. 1960 Due from Water Opera[Lone, Maintenance end Repair Accoun[ Due from Emergency Seawall Pund Total STATEMENL 4 $ 43.27 2.495.81 TYaOM AMD MaO[ - C[Rr1 SIN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, PLORIDA GENERAL FUND REVENUE RECEIPTS ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL 1960 Eatima [ed Realized Under Budget Over Budget Account Revenue Revenue Es[ima to Estimate 101 Ad Valorem Taxes - Curren[ Year $ 35,066.36 $ 33,659.37 $ 1,406.99 $ -0- 302 Ad Valorem Taxes -Prior Years 15,117.98 17,692.94 -0- 2,574.96 103 Licenses 12,500.00 14,446.50 -0- 1,946.50 104 Fines and Porfei[ur es 28,500.00 33,582.75 -0- 5,082,75 105 Permits 4,500.00 11,322.05 -0- 6,822.05 106 Electrical Franchise 5,000.00 5,591.50 -0- 591.50 107 Garbage Collec [Lon 13,500.00 7,912,49 5,587,51 -0- 108 Street Paving Aeaeeamen to 1,825.00 160.50 1,664.50 -0- 109 Lo[ Clearing 1,500.00 272.00 1,228.00 -0- 110 Penalties and In cereat 250.00 545.94 -0- 295.94 111 Miscellaneous - Collections 750.00 1,155.39 -0- 405.39 112 Sewer Service Charges 20,500.00 21,017.90 -0- 517.90 113 Rad to Service 1,200.00 1,200.00 -C- -0- 114 Transfer from Na ter O.M. fi R. Account 13,450.00 13,450.00 -0- -0- 115 Transfer from Nater Revenue Account 11,145.24 17.652.18 -0- 6.506.94 Total S 164.804.sa 179.661.5 S 9.887.00 S 24.743.93 STATEIfl;NT 5 CLTY OP ATLANTIC BEACN, FIARIDA GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITORES 1960 Account ADMINISTRATION: 201 Personnel 202 Insurance 203 Office Supplies and Expense 204 CL[y Nell Repa Lra 205 Audit 206 O.A.S.I. and Expense 207 Office Ut111t1es 208 Tax Assessor 209 Advertising 210 Mayor's Pund 211 Election Expense 230 Miscellaneous Total Less: Amount Chargeable to Na ter System Original Au [hori2ed Adjusted Caeh Av vrovriation Chanytes Av wria [ion Ex vandttures $ 18,000.00 $ 1,975.00 $ 19,975.00 $ 15,944.33 6,800.00 291.00 7,091.00 7,090.49 2,500.00 105.00 2,605.00 2,603.22 500.00 -0- 500.00 492.60 1,000.00 -0- 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 -0- 2,500.00 2,377.94 500.00 (100.00) 400.00 394.18 300.00 -0- 300.00 300.00 65D.00 -0- 650.00 605.76 400.00 978.00 1,378.00 1, 377.6~i 250.00 (250.00) -0- -0- 1.900.00 (150.00) 1.750.00 1,746.97 $ 35,300,00 $ 2,849.00 $ 38,149.00 $ 37,933.13 6.250.00 -0- 6.250.00 6.250.00 Total - Adm£nie[ra [ion PUBLIC SAPETY• 301 Personnel 302 Uniforms 303 Supplies 304 Traffic Signs 305 Red Croae Life Saving Corps 306 Jail - Meals and Supplies 307 Utilities 308 Building Maintenance 330 Miscel laneoua Total - Public Safety $ 29.050,00 $ 2.849,00 $ 31.899.00 $ 31.683.13 $ 25,660,00 $ 135.00 $ 25,795.00 $ 25,896.04 900.00 3,00 903.00 902.25 600.00 (15.00) 585,00 542.57 200,00 1,00 201,00 200.41 100.00 -0- 100.00 100.00 450.00 68.00 518.00 517.6fi 1,400.00 120.00 1,520.00 1,484.62 200.00 15.OG 215,00 213.81 1.500.00 35.00 1.535.00 1.534.11 S 31.010.00 $ 362.00 $ 31.372.00 $ 31.391,47 STATEI~@NT 6 - PAGE 1 naoa u,v r[u - eurviav ~uauc wceouxrsrm CITY OP ATLANTIC BRACH, PLORIDA GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1960 Account TRANSPORTATION' 401 Gasoline and Oil 402 Maintenance and Tires Total Less: Amount Chargeable to Water System Original Authorized Ad~ueted Caeh Appropriation Chances Appropriation Expenditures $ 4,500.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 6,750.00 $ 6,673.99 5 500.00 750.00 6.250.00 6.124.55 $ 10,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 12,798.54 600.00 -0- 600.00 600.00 Total - Transports [ion $ 9 400.00 $ 3.000.00 $ 12.400.00 $ 12.198.54 SANITARY DEPARTMENT: 501 Personnel $ 15,678.00 $ (500.00) $ 15,178.00 $ 15,008.40 502 Garbage Disposal 1,100.00 -0- 1,100.00 1,100,04 503 Miecellaneoua 200.00 -0- 200.00 19'+.87 Total - Sanitary Department $ 16,978.00 S (500.00) $ 16.478.00 ~ 16.303.31 LABOR' 601 Personnel S 16,815.90 $ (1,075.00) $ 15,740.80 $ 15,443.85 Less: Amount Chargeable to Water Sye tam 6,000.00 -0- 6.000.00 6,000.00 Total - Labor S 10.815.80 $ (1,075.00) $ 9,140.60 S 9,443.85 PUBLIC WORKS 701 Tools and Supplies $ 500.00 $ 33.00 $ 533.00 $ 532.89 702 Uti litfes 100.00 -0- 100.00 15.56 703 Street Repair Materiel 1,000.00 50,00 1,050.00 1,047.40 704 Beach and Street Ends 400.00 (200.OOj 200.00 174.86 705 Drainage 2,000.00 (545.00) 1,455,00 317.71 706 Grading Streets 300.00 (150.00) 150.00 108.00 707 Scree[ Light Bulbs 200.00 -0- 200.00 132.11 708 Btreet Resurfacing 8,000.00 3,109.95 11,109.95 11,109.95 709 Scree[ Paving 2,750.00 -0- 2,750.00 -0- 730 Miecellaneoua 300.00 -0- 300.00 296.72 Total - Public Works $ 15.550.00 S 2.297.95 S 17,847.95 $ 13,735.20 STATEMENT 6 - PAGE 2 ryWa AND YtgL ~ Cgl1I1[D N~LID ACCOYMAM1f . . ~ . . . .r r . . . . . . . . . . . GENERAL PUND APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1960 Account SEWER DEPARTMENT: 801 Repairs and Maintenance 802 Plant Maintenance 803 Utilities 804 Chlorine 806 Transfer to Sewer Pund 830 Miscellaneous Original Authorized Ad~uated Caeh Appropriation Chanaee App ropriation Expenditures $ 300.00 $ -0- $ 300.00 $ 126.76 250.00 -0- 250,00 154.61 1,500.00 -D- 1,500.00 1,492.03 450.00 400.00 850.00 918.61 11,615.00 -0- 11,615,00 11,615.00 500.00 (335.00) 165.00 161.30 Total - Sewer Depar [went PARKS, BRAUTIFICAT ION AND RECREATION: 901 Yer sonnel 902 Recreation Supplies 903 Tools and Supplies 904 Lot Clearing 930 Miscellaneous Total - Parks. Beautifica[lon and Recreation S 14,615.00 $ 65.00 $ 14,680.00 $ 14,468.31 $ 4,654,00 $ -0- $ 4,654,00 $ 4,449.76 500,00 -0- 500.00 499.75 500.00 (400.00) 100.00 83.34 1,000.00 (1,000.00) -0- -0- 250.00 -0- 250.00 17.70 $ 6,904.00 $ (1,400.00) $ 5,504.00 $ 5,050.55 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES EQUIPMENT: 1002 Administration $ 1,900.00 $ (212.00) $ 1,688.00 $ 1,584.83 1003 Pub llc Safety 19,500.00 212,00 19,712.00 19,711.11 1007 Public Works 1.000.00 -0- 1,000.00 729.58 Total $ 22,400.00 $ -0- $ 22,400.00 $ 22,025.52 Less? Amoun[ Chargeable tp Water System 600.00 -0- 600.00 600.00 Total - CapLtal Ex pendi [urea Eauipmen[ S 21,800.00 ,{ -0- ~ 21,800.00 $ 21.425.52 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: 1011 Street Ligh to ~ 1.000,00 $ -0- S 1.000,00 $ -0- 1050 Unelloca tad panda $ 6.000.00 S (5,596.95) S 401,05 $ 371.53 GRAND TOTAL - ALL DEPARTMENTS S 163.122.80 S -0- $ 163.122.80 S 156.071.41 STATEMENT 6 - PAGE 3 1 CITY OF ATLANCIC BEACH, PIARIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OP CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE For the Yeax Ended December 31. 1960 Balance at January 1. 1960 $ 77,306.27 Add Ltiona for Year 1960 Ad Valorem Tax Asaesemente Uncollected at end of year $ 11,950.04 Decrease Sn Accounts Payable 851.42 Surplus transferable from Na [ar OparatLOne Ma in tenants end Repair Account 43.27 To [al Additions 12.844.73 $ 90,151.00 Deductions for Year Excess of Appropr is cion Expenditures over CurrenC Revenue Recefpta 7.739.32 Balance at December 31, 1960 S 82.411.68 STATEMENT 7 lY/ON AND NitK ~ EATIII[D /Y/UC AECOYNTANT/ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA SPECIAL SEAHALL EMERGENCY FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31. 1960 ASSETS Assessments Due Prom Abutting Property Owners (Statement 9) Funds Co Be Provided Total Asse is LIABILITIES Due General Pund Note - No activity 1n this fund during 1960. STATEMENT 8 s a,zz7.o4 268.77 S 2.495.81 rY/ON ANO Mf0[ ~ COITIIItO ~a~L1C ACCOUNTANry CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL SEAWALL EMERGENCY FUND DELINQUENT SEAWALL EMERGENCY ASSESS[~NTS December 31. 1960 Sandbagging and Proper [v OYner Rio-Raaoin¢ Tie-Backe To [al Clifford A. Payne $ 180.80 $ 86.50 $ 267.30 Leila J. PeloC 180.80 86.50 267.30 Glover Weiss 180.80 86.15 266.95 Drevey Stynchomb 75.85 334.54 410.39 P. H. Clarkson 150.85 33.60 184.45 Anne R. Rodgers 30.80 268.90 299.70 R. S. Tovera 150.85 33.60 184.45 Daughtry Tovere 150.85 22.40 173.25 Ray Willis 150.85 22.40 173.25 Total $ 1.252.45 S 974.59 S 2.227.04 STATEMENT 9 T1WN AND Y[fl[ - COIT III[O N~LIC [fLfl4.n~M~ 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 WATER UTILITY FUNDS ORDINANCE REpUIRENENTS: I[ appears that all of the requirements of Ord Lnance No. 172, Section 17, covering [he transfers of "Water UtLlitiee" Funde have been ful- filled as of December 31, 1960. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Accoun to Receivables are no[ reflec [ed Sn Chia report as eater rental revenues are recorded on a cash basis. PIKED ASSETS; No reserve for depreciation on fixed assets of the Water Utility Funde is shown as the City has no es[ab liahed deprecLa [Lon data. The transfer from the Water Revenue Account to the Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund Le based on a percentage of gross water revenues, and is not a depreciation expense amount based on established deprec le [LOn data. OPERATIONS; The folloving ie a condensed summary of Water UtLlitiee Operations presented on a cash basis For the years 1960 and 1959: C O M M E N T S Percen [age of Increase Increase 1960 1959 (Decrease) (Decrease) Opera[in¢ Income: Water Ren tale $ 29,030.43 $ 24,883.96 $ 4,146.47 16.6 7. Cut-In end Service 6.017.00 3.048.00 2.969.00 97.4 Total Opera tine Income $ 35.047.43 $ 27.931 96 $ 7 115 47 25 5 X . . . . Opera tine Exnensee: Indirect - To General Fund $ 13,450.00 $ 11,800.00 $ 1,650.00 14.0 7. Direct 4.506.73 5.547.15 (1.040.42) (18,7) Total Opera tines Expenses Net Opera tine Income Other Income: Cigarette Tex Utility Tax Total Other Income S 17.956.73 $ 17.347.15 $ 609.58 S 17.090.70 $ 10,584.61 $ 6.505.89 S 20,756.87 $ 18,334.93 $ 2,421.94 17.725.01 15.730.40 1.994.61 S 38.481.88 $ 34.065.33 S 4.416.55 7.5 7. 61.5 7. 13,2 9. 12,7 13,0 X Ocher Exoenees: Bond Interest end Other Cher gee S 7.592.10 $ 7.770.95 $ (178.85) (,02) Z Net Income S 47.980.48 S 36.879.19 S 11.101.2 30.1 Z rrsow wsp rtu - em,nm .u., ,~ .~..,........-. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA WATER REVENUE ACCOUITT BALANCE SHEET December 31. 1960 ASSETS None LIABILITIES None STATEMENT M-1 TY10N AMD Y[b[-CATI[I[O HIIIIC ACfAUYfANT1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER REVENUE ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1960 Cesh Ln Bank at January 1, 1960 Add: Caeh Received: Revenue Receipts (S to Cement 3) Total Deduct: Cash Disbursed: Appropriation Expenditures (S Ca Cement 3) Due General Pund s[ December 31, 1959 Caeh in Bank at December 31. 1960 $ 22,374.69 73.529.31 $ 95,904,00 $ 73,529.31 22,374.69 95.904,00 -0- STATEt~NT W-2 1 1 1 1 CZTY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FIARIDA WATER REVENUE ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF REVENUE RECEIPTS 1960 Eatima tad Percentage Por Year Realized Realized Minimum Water Rentals $ 18r500.00 $ 20,514.00 110.9 R Excess We ter Rental 6,000.00 8,516.43 141.9 Cot-In Charges 2,050.00 5,973.00 291.4 Service Charges 50.00 44.00 88.0 Cigarette Tax 17,000.00 20,756.87 122.1 Utility Tax 16.000.00 17.725.01 110,8 Totals S 59.600.00 S 73.529.31 123.3 X APPROPRIATIONS AND EEPENDITURES 1960 Transfers and Expenditures Band PrincLpal In tereet - Current year In tereet - Sinking Pund To Water System Renewal and Replacement Pund To Water Operations Main tenence end Repair Pund To General Pund To[als Appropriations Caeh Percentage Far Year Exoendi CUres Exaended $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 100.0 7. 7,330.90 7,330.90 100.0 2,656.50 2,656.50 100.0 21,467.36 21,889.73 102.0 18,000.00 18,000.00 100.0 4.145.24 59.600.00 17.652.18 5 73.529.31 425.9 123.4 A STATEMENT W-3 rrww wno waex - caar,r,eo runro •cewkrwwra i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, PIARIDA NATER OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ACCOUNT BALANCE SHEET December 31. 1960 ASSETS Caeh Ln A[lan tLc National Bank LIABILITIES Due Cenera! Fund STATEl~NT N-4 .J iYbN NIO M[[K - Ct11r111[p ~aIILIC ACCOYMIWT[ CITY OF ATIANTIC BEACH, FIARIDA WATER OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEt~NTS 1960 Cash Ln Bank a[ January 1, 1960 Add; Cash Received (Transferred from Water Revenue Accoun [) Total Ceah AvaLlable Deduce Cash Diebutaed Appropriation Expenditur ea (Statement W-6) Due General Pund at December 31, 1959 end Transferred in 1960 Cash Ln Atlantic National Bank at December 31. 1960 STATE!ffiNT W-S $ 652.85 18.000.00 S 18,652.85 $ 17,956.73 652.85 18.609.58 S 43.27 fY10N AND NaIX-COlil/1[D rylaLtC M1CDWNTANTf 1 1 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA HATER OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ACCOUNT APPROPRIATIONS AND E%PENDITURES 1960 Indirect Coss -Paid [o General Fund Administration Transportation Labor Capital Budget Total DLrect Coats Repair and He Ln tenants U[L1l ties Chlorine Miscellaneous Total Grand To tel Cash Percen [age Avvrovr la [ions Exvenditures Exvended $ 6,250.00 $ 6,250.00 100.0 7. 600.00 600.00 100.0 6,000.00 6,000.00 100.0 600.00 600.00 100.0 $ 13,450.00 S 13.450.00 100.0 ~ $ 1,900.00 $ 1,863.08 98.1 7. 2,060.00 2,056.59 100.0 363.00 362.07 99.7 227.00 224.99 99.1 8 4,550.00 S 4.506.73 99.0 9. S 18.000.00 S 17.956.73 99.7 9. STATEMENT H-6 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA WATER SYSTEM REN@WAL AND REPLACEMENT FUND BALANCE SHEET 1960 ASSETS Caeh in Atlantic Na Lionel Bank (Statement 8) FUDD BALANCE Pund Balance STATEMENT N-7 3 453.48 i~wn nnu n~.n - currnm rv~uc wccouhtera~ 1 1 M ~J i 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER SYSTEM RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT FUND STATEMENT OP CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1960 Cash in Bank at ]enuarv 1, 1960 S 927.75 Add: Cash Received Transfers from Na ter Revenue Account 21.889.73 Total Caeh Available $ 22,817.48 Deduct: Cash Disbursed Appropriation Expendf [urea (Statement N-9) 22.364.00 Cash in Atlantic National Bank at December 31. 1960 S 453.48 STATEMENT W-8 ~YaL,C 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA WATER SYSTEM RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PUND REVENUE RECEIPTS ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL 1960 Estimated Realized To Percentage For Year Date Rea lLzed Transfers from Water Revenue Account SX of Groea Water Revenue $ 1,608.00 $ 1,752.37 108.9 % Balance from Previous Year 754.64 927.75 122.9 Transfer from Water Revenue Account 13.137.36 20.137.36 153.3 To [al Revenue S 15.500.00 S 22.817.48 147.2 7. APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITUREB Appropr La Lion Ex Pend itures Percentage Por Year To Date Expended Nev Maine, Service, and Meters $ 9,000.00 $ 9,277.26 103.1 R New 8" Mein - Mayport Road 13.137.36 13.066.74 99.6 To [al Ex Dended 22.137.36 S 22.364.00 101.02 Z STATEt~NT W-9 TION AMD Miix - CmIT1IlaD NaLIC ACCgINTaNIa 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA UTILITY REVENUE BOND .FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1960 ASSETS Cash in Atlantic National Bank (S [a cement W-11) Fixed Aese is -Water Svetem (1) Water System Construc [ed since May 1, 1955 from Proceeds of Bond Issue New Mains, Service and Meters added from revenue of aye Cem Total Assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCB Utility Revenue Bonds Peyab le Fund Balance Amount Invested in Fixed Aseete Ceeh - Ree Cr itted Total Liabilities and Pund Balance $ 27,112.18 $ 230,962,16 18.216.75 249. 176.91 S 276. 291.09 $ 221,000.00 $ 28,178.91 27.112.18 55.291.09 S 276.291.09 (1) No accumulation of depreciation on the fixed assets of the we ter eye tam is shown since the City has nos developed eatabliehed deprecie tion da [a. Trait afar from the 'Water Revenue" account to [he 'Water Sya cam Renewal and Replacement" Pund is based on a percentage of gross water revenue and cannot be considered a deprecfa tLon expense amount based on eatabliehed depreciation data. STATEMENT W-10 WO M[[Y ~ CGiI Ii[Y CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA UTILITY REVENUE BOND PUND STATE[~NT OF CAEN RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1960 Caeh Ln Bank at Januerv 1. 1960 Add: Caeh Received Transfer from Wa [er Revenue Accoun[ for Current and Sinking Pund Requirements Total Cash Available Deduc[: Caeh Disbursed Bond Princlpel Paid In [Brest and Paying Agent's Char gea Cash Ln Benk at December 31. 1960 STATEMENT W-11 $ 24,716.88 15.987.40 $ 40,704.28 $ 6,000.00 7.592.10 13.592.10 S 27.112.18 nwn ,wo reu - cwnnrn rva,c wccournwre 1 1 1 0 t CITY OF pTLANLLC BEACN, FLORIDA SEWER FUND BAIANCB SNEET December 31. 1960 ASSETS Cash Ln Piret National Beach Bank Ca eh in Pederal Savings and Loan Asaocia[iona Uncollected Special Aeaeasmente Sever Construction Cos to (Statement S-3) Uncollected Selva Marina Tap Pees Lees: Amount due Selva Marina Realcy Company Total Aasete LIABILITIES AND POND BALANCE General Obligation Bonds Payable Pund Balance: Government Grant Special Aeaesamen is Revolving Pund Total Liabilities and Fund Balance STATEMENT S-1 $ 35,420.36 20,400.00 56,710.02 539,252.77 $ 3,750.00 2.427.90 1.322.10 S 653.105.25 $ 300,000.00 $ 67,093.29 250,838.93 35.173.03 _ 353.105.25 653.105.25 rrwx ~xo xaex -cotnnw ~uaue accouxrun~ 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH, PIARIDA SEWER FUND CASN RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1960 Caeh Balance at Januerv 1, 1960 Add: Cash Received Prom General Pund, Ad Valorem Tax Assessments Collections on Sewer Aeeesamente Interest on Sewer Assessments In tereet on Sevinge Accounts Collections on Salve Marina Tap Pees Total Caeh Rece Sued Total Ceeh Available Deduct: Ceeh DSsbureed Sewer Construction (S to Cement S-3) Bond In tereet Tap Pees paid to Selva Haring Realty Company Total Caeh Dfebux eed Caeh Balance et December 31. 1960 Comvosl [Son of Caeh Balance at December 31. 1960: Caeh Sn Piret National Beach Benk •• Checking Account Beach Pederal Sevinge and Loan Aeeocie tion First Federal Sevinge acd Loan Aeeocie tion Total STATEMENT S-2 $ 47,960.85 $ 11,615.00 56,585.97 270.08 800.00 3.250.00 72.521.05 $ 120,481.90 $ 49,512.39 11,615.00 3.534.15 64.661.54 8 55,820.36 $ 35,420.36 10,200.00 10.200.00 S 15.820.36 TWa AryD Ml[a- CCIt111[D IY/LIC ACCOUNTANx/ 1 1 i 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SEWER FUND SEWER CONSTRUCTION COSTS December 31, 1960 Cons trot [Son Con [reds Sever Plan[ -William S. Smith Co Lift Station - Henry G. Dupree Co Force Mains -Joe Reiner tsor. of .7acksonville Collection Sye[em - Reiner[son Sewage Pumping Sta tLon "E" - Reirertsnn Sub-To tale Other Coats Engineering, Inapec tion and Other Pees Legal Cost, Advertising, Etc. Adman is tra [Lon, in clud£rg Fiscal Agents charges Repayment of Advance Planrtng Loan In terse[ During Cons [ructior. Laboratory Equipment Ocher Total Other Costa Grand Total Amount Total Expended Amount Expended Prfoz To Expended Through 1960 1960 1960 $ 111,828.00 $ -0- $ 111,828.00 51,243.88 -0- 51,243.88 56,643:57 -0- 56,643.57 222,367.05 24,409.67 246,776.72 0 22 000.00 21000.00 S 442,082.50 546 409,67$ 488,492.17 $ 21,1.09.02 $ 3,102.72 $ 24,211.74 146.09 -0- 146.09 4,624./8 -0- 4,624.78 5,900.00 -0- 5,900.00 14,223.81 -0- 14,223.81 1,205.56 -0- 1,205.56 448.62 -0- 448.62 S 47,657.88 ~ S 489.740.38 S 3,102.72 49.512.39 '$~ 50,760.60 $.539.252.7] STATEMENT S-3 rrsov wvo u~u- eortinm ~uu,e ~crauur~ar~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA EELVA MARINA SEWER FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1960 ASSETS Cesh in Beach Hank Due From General Fund Cona[ructLOn Coet Total Aasete LIABILITIES Due to Selves Herina Realty Company Cet CLficates of Indeb cedneea - Selves Marina Realty Company Total Liabilities STATE!leNT S-4 ~rwx wxe xcu - cmv~w eu a~~c wcceuxrwxra $ 5.41 49.50 26.797.13 S 26.852.04 $ 49.50 26.802.54 S 26.852.04 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SELVA MARINA SEWER FUND CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1960 Cash Ln Bank at January 1. 1960 Cash Received Cash Disbursed Cash in Bsnk at December 31. 1960 STATEMENT S-5 $ 5.41 -0- -0- S 5.41 ~xn r~aa - em~nro .~... m .e~n~.~......