Audit Report - 1954-1955a` .~ ~ \• '` 1 k. TOiTii OF i:TLA'Tf'IC T3E4CHT r~.OP3DA I.UilIT itr~OiYP Decet.uer 31, iyj5 TYesov A~Tn ~IEEA CEFTi TIED GV BIIC ACCOUNTA NT$ i„ TiC BOU\EVAPO .IACkrw\svu.l.r. J, fMBlue Iowa oa aruxrac , Fumm,- ~onre asaosr noo~Lm~ 31, 1955 w /. 1 ~,o:a ~ oa A4L.;Rtzr, 9 r'w'ti, PIAkSDA ze~~l~a;xseoR~e Ps ;z ~~~.;LP 1 L®:`ker oP T, easaifial std Cnr;.lfScats 2 CuGUSetite Cfr~I3~.h[~, tip~i3nYP Y+Ut.~~S StaLcmes: bers j' ~ Garara7. Ftutt1 &a7.a~nca S^oet 2 :iLa;eae~t of C: sh 1:r.9_«tg a.rJ D-i.eInixes~ents 3 Schedule of ia::en Noc9~vable 3 IIECO}~.OCtCYI SLTb3'f: F3P;il j .~^^tY0431i11$9 3 1J:uol3.ecS;ed Io4 Clearirg Rssev:zneaSn A SCnt.ES<aa't 9hoMixg tsotzatg Lhte free richer ' Fortis - Ne'r. 5 Siattzmeat oY" R'ne]r.;a FeeoilrG8 ~ &gti~ted tad Artva7. 6 ,4rsc~rF s}at~;:.:,2 or L~roprie?3.oun, ~F=rd2., biro.^, and FACi~~bi2nce0 q Analy».is of Fg97,ii'rura3 Char d 4,0 ~Y.iflcCS?~'Leoug Fa'iDF'_~L•3H~ A~U'~Pagfi..tti :tOar 8 3eh9dwl.g OP Ar couriF,:; ~ COR'EY3.to P~38ble 9 Sptris`1 Ssatz:l7. F>u9rgeaey ,. - :Wald 1P-~laznce Sha:,t 10 Seh~?v7e oP Dsl-rateont Sell Fie'i6r'~F ~ A.5^ac ~tlig_L.. 11 Sala air f<veinF PvaS Es><,.nce ~ne~.-:i. 1Z Sia-;.e .=at oF. !'9sd Race~a'r,5~. alri D3.vturve[?aatE IZ Sce•_d-:J.e cf Sati;;iY Fsvi]]g A~+e:•M:.:?]ts ReccAY a7.9 17 S-~ir3v?r. of SalYS9r Fat:.nz Accov, Ls Pepabls 33 r~i~~.t~ 5'€r. "ttux! Balsace sneeL ].3 S`., ^'G C:+EGk Of CaFh P.e^.67.pt~'J Etld Dxbtua'+'E3:Gtn GPILl'i'i ~S ~ .~._ k~i Ut933Cy (C.leai~7~) Pu'd &31z~cs :'•t9ot. ~-i $LS:•"sY-'u'c of Geri: E., ':]ici:a e,:+1 Dintn~xecw 4`a 3dc' ?Tatar P,~~enve. 9eeocJi'~ H31 vee Sns s>. 4~:;{ S2.a>.c.~: ]i. oP ^,ar:ii Bace'•.P'~y °~ Di~'r,~:]~ser:ou s S~;I S.aae>aaat of Reve~ce F.a^5lIF:° 6..t t7airn fYw^ra'aons, ISiiu-• . tau>,~ea anr'..:oya.e P.cec]ent BaJaGC9 3neet 7_'~i StEi:'.f5f'I>. OP CP ih Y.Ei(;OAF~~9 aOd Di,^,hi1r:4S`S13'40 g_.y 3•~3.^.xy Stnie~si: of A,.?;ropria',i c~x,°=.Ia :dim i~9I'd9 tri :Y~C ~7Lil]'EaCCg ~:.;; 3chaJ.:tlo oP Accoorite Pa;,-ahle 1C '? 'r.'a/~ S~&cea Pn^ite:al 2rd o3.ocesecni: Auad Balagco ~roeet. Zi ~;: Utility ..°.6CeLtiFi Eoa<2 :"ti]d $3latv.'~ .';rc.f, 12 +. S~:a,ruok of Cash &r•eigkr axrl DLgter~c~xedcr 1' W ]tax+sorx° Gor~trac?:Lcn . atd Eat?:ura :Cneert 7.G'a Stai`,L9af. of Cacti Rec:eiptn acd Distnraen®etb 1y 4; Analyads of Cone-t]uctiem in Progrs+ 7F. ~ S~.atortmA '+7iouJtig A•FmmLs Doe to Othor i?i]aGA TYSON AND MEEK CCflTI FIEO PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1659 ATLANTIC BOULEVASD J.cuo.n.ce 1. F.o. m. ... ....... Jwuary 19, 1956 To th0 Mayor effi Tuw Cotmoil Toren oY Atlantio Haaah, PinrLL Qattlerene Aa ezastnstioa bee been cads of the balance nbeeta of the nrioua Y~mda of tits Tam of Atlantic Heaeh, Piarida, as of Daember 31, 1955, and tYs siaLameata of reelmtnee aoi s~ penditurss for the these eaatha period then e>tiai. 1'be syetm of intaeaal control end the acoouating procedures of the torn wre rerieuad aui~ without sakipg a detailed 8udit of tins txanaaetima, the aeoometiag records nerd atypporting eridence of the tow uses eecained or tested by eethode sad to the ~ ' teat deeeed appropz3ate. Tas elra6tinstion ma lade is accoe- . dance rdth generally accepted aeditins etsadaede apPlioabls in the airaaataaeea and inr7.ffied all procaduree consi,deeed >aa®~ary. 7a oar opinion. tho accc®paer;/ing atatememta praeemt fairlj the timnefal position of the Yam oY Atlsntio Beach, llorida, at December 31, 1955, acd the raesl;,e of its operations for three sonths period in confoesity with generally accepted accaueting principles applied on a basis coneLtent rrit6 that of the preoedinQ taoamtin8 period. Reepectilt)ly euffiitted, ~j. Yt~e cash in banlm eas verified hY cortificates received direst izcw the QepoaitorT. AYfa+r inapectica of raceipte. license slots end other records reflecting eat reoeived~ acid the tracing oY these reoaipte to hank deposits, it ie Der opinion that all receip'ke oY rocord Lase bean acemscted tar. RA% AtID ~rrrT. A39g93H~ %lLLB. 4eat checks sere Bade oY delirt- gaent taxes as ehom vapatd on the tae rolls a~ YauDd to De aub- etaatie]1T is egra~ent with the Germzal Ledger ccorCrol aoconnta. Al.l. epeeLal aeseamemat rolls for paving, lo't•~alearisg~ ete.~ rare checked in dotail sad found to aLw be in a~seatent with control. accoaats. - . ~PdL T~'PA1'E 9Al.UATIO!&. It ie again respectfully regmated that the trim give consideration to lmving a revaluation atudT aerie of the aaeeeaed valves oY properties ca the tea roils. It 4aa been eemral. years since a geaeral revaluation study rao credo s[d since that time the growth and incresead proper'cy ieQjrovemonts have naturally diatarbed pre=esiatztished relative valuatioco. It is the noreal tzead oY all namicipalitiw is Fiorida to !Deep abreast of the rapidij ehangigg prapertT values through etur{y and revaluation of aeeeaeseat roller to aeiertain agoiteble relative values. ICf~LITf t'ID CItIRLT''PPn TAZ R*Y&TCBS. Bovemun derived Yzoa these sources esbeoqu~mt to lsa® l0 19S5a have Dees placed in the ~+Na4er Ravemie Accost°~ and ate refiectod in tho efltility Fandd+ section oY this rapox'c. QHA ICCS,'AL 7'AR. In acoordanae xith oor previous recamrndatiop tDo accounting Taco oY al].flmda oP the 4agm rill be mmaintalnad in the Yutme an a =~«~a* year basis. Alec under previsions of the Rav~as good Ieent& of 19$5, rid:ure audits rili be ae of Jm~e 30, and Daceaber 31 oY eacD Tear. 1uilA OP ATLh1dP1C bBACH. PIAHIDA OJ~S l410 BIILAlCB 3H6BT nsca~Ear 41. 1955 cash on Eead a~ in Gamic {8tatamaet Z) i 34,Z(6.22 ?arse Seceivable (9tatement $) 11,001.24 uncollected 9trset Paving Meesaseato (3tntaaaut gg) 5,945.69 uncollected Lot C1earing Aaaessaents (Stataxayt 3) ~•~ Due ,Yr~a other Panffis -Bet (Bbatmsaat 4) 1o,9S4.19 PotaL ~asets ~I,9~.4~ l~ r Aoooantts and Coai;racts Paya4le (Stata~t 8) i 12,383.12 unemitSmd Payroll. Ta~oea Ytithbald 497.53 Otdlnanca Ho. La7a Depoelia Pgable 550.00 fatal tes.mattiea ~:a3 uxollected or unrealized i 27:8/tf .~ 49.559.81 4b¢a1 Liat3lit. ies and 9vt91.ua 9fAT~f1iG! 1 YObRI OF dTT31flIC ~. FLORIDA 08~8L POIm 9PdT OF C896 HSCBiI'RS dl® DI$HIJA~P9 Octol~r 1. 55 Ro Docawl»r 31955 Cs_ah on Band acid is Amk_st.0otaber_l. 1455 Caab Receinta- B~.Pta (statwent 5) a 29.423.39 Ordinsace i7J+7s Deposits 350.00 Yithholdina affi O.d.B.I. Ras Dnseaitted 497.53 Dt9litq Fond Collections flepesited in General Fund Total Cash Deeeinta L8.55 jotal Caen Available Caob Diaberamae[Eet ~ ~ ~~ B a ~ itat $ryt teaent 6~ Ca a 7b,971.27 Payasat of Prior 7ear~s Accounts Payable 774.04 H~dit9ree.to be Bequ9sitiemed fcro® lk+tnr wrka Construction Fund Total Cash ~~P.~s~s 149.50 aC_ab rgj{gnd apd ~i P~,a~D3}y 2955 a 21,85L56 a0.~19,47 8 52,171.03 17.894.ffi a~4 276.22 F~.sS -i~~±•t~-7 10'dN OF ATLAdTSC )~6CH, FIAHIDA f~AL 1818 &AL~J7S OP TAEBtf R~SI9ABIffi l~mtzar 31. 1933 Seat Laaeased 1953 1951, 1953 1952 1951 1950 and Prior Old 9eaxa1l. Irty UHWLLIIST~I 8Y866'P PAYIliO A89B891®f!'8 ~. 1953 1955 Paving AsacsesaecCa 1954 Paving Assasatmata .]952 Paving Asaeaaaenta 1951 Paving Asaeamenta rotas. Ut><70LT.fiCT79 TDP CLPJRIi~ A83~A9!&Pt ~gceaiigr 31,~95~ Nra. Cxen!'atd UJery lot k, B7,ook 12 Aaoimt Osfco73eoted at i a,69o.3s 4S4.3b 85.77 7x3.79 111.55 98.22 i k,770.74 382.50 212.50 L79.93 i~9 1'~-> ~:r TOti!t OF A97.iFPClC BBACR~ FLORIDA ~1I, F0~ SI`6i`Bl~tR' 3HD5dYlXr AFDl76P1"3 DDS Fri OTf~ FDt819 ~ ttLl' Dew 31. X955 Due %x~i S~umll ?k~argzucy I~ $ 3.46481 Dus trxz FLscesvcx~L~~ Cc~eurUCt±~ Y4md 4 b25.80 Due frc~s. rtx3,er OFc'r:rtirnr.,tiSiric~&ace, amd Beja~7-r F'urd 2,612.!3 ~~~ 10,90¢:74 1.aasi rworm2 di*a to ~3t1a1ties Clea~lcg Fuxl 48.55 SYAS€~P L~ 'N5i1t OP XfLlII'IC B811CH~ TfAF20'A (8~. P1T1O 97'A2AQ~l' 09' R89~~ R8L'BiH'8 h'4tLl+1T® AHt ACTOIL f~ohem 1. 19SS.'~ 31. 1955 • PropsrLy Taase - Pr1or Y~WU's ~ Liasoe~e T1ns aad Por;alqub Bu1:41ug Pa7!!ts 8taotrtca7. lr~oceLtae 8epim~e 9aia~s8s looa199ea YM Iuta+aet lH.eeaUaneou~ Col7eatisoy S:ansrir tscn itnLar Gpsntiams Troaaf~r Pram Slnapproyriattd Beearoa ?tanafet' fRR Yster Ssrsoas 1oromit Haesgmq 8oara1l de~raeserrN i~Uaated ~ Bnaiar to! B+lla'~d to PKOegtaaa Tiaeri 71~tr „$~ f 3~~aoo.oD = ~-~.~ ~ x 11000.00 297.08 29 9.000.00 1,701.00 75 ~~ 300.00 62.30 41 3.400.00 832.89 2S ~ ~ OD.0 0 S,O ~ ,33 9 220.00 ~ Soo.ao xn.s4 s 500.00 3.07 12990.00 100.00 4 3,271.00 ~ -~ 9 ~.OD oH~dget psopared for fiscal year ~a8 3eyt®!gr 300 1956. 'lOhnP OP ATLANMC , PLORIDI 08l®t1L PUED 9W4LISY 3t1't~ll9Q' OP 1PB2pP8LlTID6B, SPADI2~6a 1]A Ootobm~ ].. 19SS Sb Deo®ber_9x. 1935 lseemrta and 1oo~cit Carl Coatr~eLs Psa~oeata8a o~r~ rEea i ODarattm Tam MenoieT' i 5,400.00 ; 1,350.00 i -O- 2S A Tam Clerk 3.840.00 960.00 25 Oftioa Clsrlc 2,520.00 630.00 25 113 7aeorancs 3,800.Op a,33b.~ 5.00 35 Oftip Supplies i YSpenas x,000.00 989.64 74.00 46 rar omee ant s0o.ao ~?1.2s 15a.4o 46 Tam u°t~ Repairs i 8aetadelipg 500.00 9.46 7.35 3 lttorn,~y 400.00 •O- ladlt 800.00 40D.00 50 Torr~a Spars of OISI i Opatating ~oott,~~__ Qost 900.OQD¢ ~,.,~.-0- 227.01 25 Lo aso~- rigee'aie yo 0~ ~i,~.5.abt•~~ ~ 4 . va¢er S~atm Rsdget 6.1 ,ao L_.]s421s7i ~ 3~6ia~C 29 ~ goer ooercl ra: dsee.ewr i 200.00 i 200.x0 t -O- 100 ¢ ddhr!latag 300.OD 42.37 42 ]lyor~e Pmai o0 00 Ze ~ot~.1 9thsr Ao ~ 62 % m ,#_ u.sl2.oo ~3.96k.os t 3s1~ 4o f gox: C et C Tam xareffix i 4,Sao.ao ; i,12s.ao i -o- 25 ~ Deputy !]arebal (Pert) 2,700.00 750.00 zg NarahalQS O~for.m 400.00 400.00 ]00 Polio ~pliee 8 EgolFoeat 25.00 Traffic 91gie 200.00 13.68 7 Late Ouude 1,0.00 ~• Red Craw Life 3s+ing Corps 100.00 Main4aunoe i Bopsir (Cas i Bedio) 250.00 251,].8 40.04 alb Qea sod 011 750.OD 244.09 91.97 45 Radio Sake 900.00 ]50.00 75.00 25 Pa21ce Jodae 250.00 Prisoperso poa]s i Paltca Pbame 200.00 ~51.]b 9.50 30 Mioce33,aaeoah ,~peaee ~QQ i- .0~ 3 36 o r[Y. Aonovate 3333 i- 3,0.43 T~1~ 28 t Lesat dao~mti e Vater 8yrts 8ediet T86.00 ]A3.b9 19.81 25 t 10.939.00 S 2.STl.Tl f„ $~~ 28 ¢ ~'l'PID~IDR 6= CaG-~denad 7tiWN OP ATL9BPIC HSACH, FL08IDA SAL pULID SP@SAHi 81'ATl3~gd OP APP9oP87ARI0E8, 1>~81~ITJ3kJ Alm >dfCBlS~ICE9 Qc6ot»r 1. X35 So DBC~~•+• ~,~55 C17ief Yari:) ffisv &qu3~xfc Taa1s and ~pli~e Xaintenaace and P~i%ire (ias aad Oil. lfiecellaazocte =c[ 73~=PiLe 71,~.~t..=4w~ax+3Z Rai rp Don ~`7vat Jriver - Poze+aaa Labor tSainteasaca and R86air Qas aad Odi OarLsae DSaposal Aagt~ Scestaax Ma+gttl2o Cautml Heu Fgz•Spsanr Ntacdt]attrm.L: ?kiyane~ Caae pang R~oQt La2ur .acccats potcs~?a labor ~ntmE Ca.^h ,~S ODT14t~1 .Tr..Y.327$#.t ~ 9oD.~ S xso.oo 300,00 74.20 50Ci.OD 78<O1 300.00 57.86 100.00 1,y0tA.00 15.41 _ 1.65 Accomt® atd Ca•Cct7scie Patr,NrRagO Pe~abin _1~aded $ 17 R k5.67 40 lb 31.11 30 6>60 22 42.75 k }. 3.100.00 } 3 3x000.00 $ ~.7~ 680.40 ~ 126.13 ~ 5,000.00 1,749.98 600.00 98-iol 51.71 1,200.OD 75.00 220.00 500.00 48.b6 k.04 6,000..00 250.00 179.00 ~•r $ _7b,970.00 ~ 2.94T.33 $ 181.54 S 3,1'10.00 S 504.00 ~ -Q T~h ~„3c~i~i ~cevahn , ~ 3,.'48. ~ ~° Lees: AsaaaL Crxgerhls tc Wa.•ta• ~s'rse Frsi{yot lf,846.00 1.13t:.l:tt If9~L fwm lrtbot' '•~~}~, P.~1 $ ~d~b~ $ ?.623°70 ~-~_ Pab71c kazkti 'c ~ ~eint~taace and Dep~~~ • Oat aad 011 sgci~ae ~otat ~g9rra Ao~ot~a LF_881 AzT mYfL !it'.rgi3L'i?19 'k0 Ha@sir S'-~2era bU~iget X2.1 -,=°2~. i 1,000.00 ; 87.57 ~ 75.77 ~1,20~D0,Q00Q 155.17 98.94 $ 13.'T00.0o 9Js2.7ts 17k.71 ~Ae"~SL~]71' 6 d Coatfacuod ]b % ~~ 111 2S 6 11 72 1$ ?6 % ~~ 23 ~~ 16 ¢ 21 11 ¢ 11 11 5i msm op ~xzavrsa esum, 7zoa70e 0e~u ttnao 57tsfe10: 8EA7~R Or ~~~ l~SEO3iSS 4F~P3 .?455 m n ~.. 14ss Qypgr Owratlaa aecaaats 3t~t Bepair 7Latos7e7e i '-_' - xaaarr~ i i.aoo.oo : e.25 : 764.ao psamut 7MSan 7wrsa.as ~o.oo 3 ~ ~ ~34.7a 65.86 ~ serast~eaas a Sups Oradine straae 750.00 243.08 8t»ete ~ 9.460.00 9.460.00 ~ n ~ saas 75~es esl 7a ,~jg f~ 5000.00 / 970.72 t 2as.oo X9.816.96 : ~- iv x 7D0 fib 6 7i s9 x sx o gal rasa ~ Iesstl~ ChargaaUla to 17atar $ye'caa HoEg~k 32. .00 2.9L5.9Y :?].6.66 2- iPSE aimmsl_rm~a = 8D 195.00 = ORS. `70•ra rs.~~ teoemR+ sM p~~° ... TOWN OF ATLAtr1RC BRACH. FIAHIDA QSNBBAI, FtIHO A~L78S9 OF ffi'AIDITOHSS CNARCBD TO ~9Q3CffidAlQID9IS HSP8fiS8+ APP80PHL1TIOHS Qgtober 1. 1955 Te Dea.eLar 31. 1955 t ~m Health Cmmter ero E 27.66 8egietratim Pees - Ilortkeast Florida Hegianal saint covrae 6.00 Hecreatim Aasociatim Dues ~ 5.00 Pnel end Hepaire to.Aeater - _,_~}}~'~ Total. f 70.21 Po11ce and Pvb].iC 9~tet7 Srtra PaLtee $ 90.00 ~~~ ~enltar- Denartmeat Bnlldoaer 3etaice ~ $ - 170.00 14eroaens 9.OD Total # Piro Deoart~eot Hecotdlag Deed ~$~l 8~ S ta. Pa.it and D~c~g -.. Baroaane ; 5.00 Rools aad 03orea 10.95 street ~t enlaa 41.92 Fert17 i w ]1..25 i 71.52 Om~croeriated Chriet~as Cdits to k~plopaw ~ 265.00 1UxN OF ATIiNfIC BS4±g. FLORIDA OHBR.It. PIRG 9CHIDDLE OB ACODQMT9 AID 00Mt9tCP8 PAL4>7LS R."' ~'j ~19'SSS 4ooamta PaaabL lio:lda Indu:trisl CoaaeisaLm Nuloan - La Pranae Cauyonatloa Atlmtic ffird. Ise am Rrl Caapagy P. D. Cat'Lebael~s Rttdroly Conso73dated Automotive C x, s. Darby ~ campagp Mrs. •~ sle H.P~~t Cawpaio~ Oaarieon Iow~ar - ~ei'4l1 0rebestianee Pa5!er Oaapao~ CStP of iaaYeanv317s 8neli, P3arida P. &. kiasq Ies & Cates Olsse~ Sao. Martin Otiice Egaipseat CoopapF McCae Brothers R. L. Polk std Comparlr 9Lsisaa Cooorete Pips Coa®ar~ Fd Saith LmDs: Cow Leon x. Thaws Ths Taws Cook dotal Aceavn4 Panbla Contracts Pgpable Dual Bogit~eoriag sad ConLrooting Cmpr~y Total_dccoaate and Cor.`,raet~~~'~ - Crt~r-^t CoM.ract Payable -Prior Budget - T-Ungler PavLig Gc~agy Total Ae^oante sad ror},~acts Psyable f 227.01 3.42 x4.72 20.95 26.78 35.77 9.90 9.50 5.00 6.45 78.33 40.00 34.86 3.80.93 764.OD 45.00 65.86 73.4b 1.85 A75.95 ~ 1s448.74 9J.60.00 i10a908.74 ~~1 yt wiie'rr~~ 10YM OF A'tLM4C BBWN. Fl48IDA BPPGL4L 9$AYALI. 141~Y FDDD+t BALAWCB ~Y Daene6er 3L MKS Asese®ente due fay AbrcEtiug P:oyer4,F 0.®ersr (3ta0eoent ]D) g~y,~ a~ ~ = 1.674.95 Tis-8~cke Fonda Lo be Provided ~. AL 3.89 ~ 3.1L8.@4 355.97 i 3 •~ Due Cenort+7. Tmd 3 .81 ~$o utirit7 is this fund durin8 Pe~~ '10YD1 OP A?I1lPIC BBAfJt~ PfARIOa 9P}7;IAL ~aMATS f.T PIA BCFD~OL6 OF DSLILgLBRf BBAYAld. $N6dof31CY A'8 Dscssbar 3L 1955 y_ __ _ AH QO_it_ Prame~t Orm am $Sy:~pygg S L-~aa ~ 011ftord A. P;Tm i x.80 i 86.50 i 267.30 04ar7se Pslok ]80.80 86.50 267.30 Olover YeLe 180.80 86.15 266.93 d. t. 0. CtMord 73.83 334.54 470.99 8aaa1 c. ]iootan 720.8D 338.50 479.3D P. N. Clsrkean 150.85 33.60 180.45 SaEais o8 Nary A. DaOottas 150.85 33.60 784.45 d. Alrfe 8s81afwr 30.80 268.90 299.70 Be s. Yorars ]50.85 33.60 784.45 Qsor®a D. DS7.7nu 150.8$ 22.40 173.23 Bq Y!]lis 130.85 ?2.40 173.25 ltadt D. BLtbes 7.50.85 67.2D 278.OS i 1.~.~: s~3~ i 3~~ Ae'a~ ~earaH~ to i0N9 OF ATWlIC ffiALS~ FdASIOA BALiAIB PA~6 POID Aaoasaaante aaaairanl.e - saitatr Fpsa` (8tatmer~2 ]2) • 1.~8+~ ioS~l Anaate 1 O~8•~6 ~AFQLiTTffi AID 8 Leeoffits Fq+bls (9Catweat 12) total LSab111tiea aaA 8iaolas ~ 1~~IA.26 ..si ;`. ~62ffi~Tl OF CABH SOCSffi3 AID DISHRt88N088 DatoDar L ]~5 ie Deesbss 91. 1955 !fo activlt,F in tLls 4Yffi Qorltg paned 8AL71I$ Y1Y2116 PNO 9QFIImULB OT 81LTAI& PIBIIIfi d8YP9 RECS[918IJL ~ester,~,1455 Lot 2'10 9alPair 3~at1m 2 lot 465 3altsir 9so61m 1 Lot 44i 8~].tsir 8~atiau 1 T431 9alta7s Ho7din6 Cow 9altair 9oJdina ~A9 Aoeelo Y. Soma 509.17 169.71 ..i'o .S OT 9ALTIIR P4VIBG 1CCOIJD7FS P17A8LS Dre~,*-: 3~ . 1955 interest on Dnlipgnarit ia~eseaaf~s 8011-Tarts Hoaae = 153.90 f f~ 1 OId'2b crash an >i~ emit Ef~billtlp BarpSuei Depreolat3oa 8eser» Arailabls for tramtsr to OEher lmde 3..i.~= ~ xm. = 9e500.00 ~C ~$'L >keSb8.87 t 1k.S68.e! ~~ SPlTJ9(6fP OF CA91I >t»GffiP18 l>dl DI$9U88rii~8 OaF~n' 1. 1955 ib O~oerLer 31. 1955 9nbeegiaeaE to dFc]le 1955. the Oi~tt. 5Ya reaelved bu beon deposited in itetwr asve~. lcoevmt. TOkIEt OP ATLAISic BRAC}i~ PIDRIDs uTUSZr (ezeaaiaa) roeu Carl in Heaoh genic nue z~ General Prmd i 1,706,44 4s.ss i 1,756.99 ~~ 756.99 iam oen-srrrtaa>~so~~ 9SA'P~9ili 07 GA88 BYCffiP?8 AID D289JR391~[8 n.k.~wr. ~ +955 Sb Ders~er L 1~ ti?ranrtYread Lo idtter BeAmM Aaaomt sabsagmnt Lo audSL - ~• TOi~ OF ATLiIR4Q BE1CHx PI[IAID~A ~uT~ x acoottrr (stataosat 5-N) i 1.756.99 Dux xatar sTsta 6aneal aM leplaeaars~t Pond i au.65 Dw w~tar oparationy 1~aiatmama and aepair Aoaoaft ~ 2,781.53 Ar Otalitl Be.amu. Hoed lava ~ TaGl~l. t~,j]~tiss = 3216.78 Timd HWaca C1•LS9.19) Total Llah~j.,,tLies and Fund Btlance = 1x756.99 ~rxaxxa 'N+fH OT A12ANliC 88-C8~ FLORIDA NI:rB$ RSJ~lt18 ACCOi(1R 9'PA~TP Or CAI B~S[P48 Am DI3H18619~PLS p~f.~er 1. S~+S ra Dseeebor 9L 19 S Ceeh in AtlaaEic Astional.Bmk jE octcl~r 1...1953 8ala~ce oT prior p~rioa~s ra-nas lS+oa clsarin6 aaeatatC ~ 2,243.83 Curraat per7.ad~s ietwue (SEatemntt 5--ii) 5,249J.T ToL81 c.ehaeooiad rrmrrrea W Yatsr Opsx~tiaae. Mafatsasetea .m Accoaat re+nss.rra w miles Rrr~r Hand rasa yea]. dab Diahur.aa ~ 157.IG ..3~ i 7.650.40 i 6 5~0. 0 i -a ...~ ~jAr918R[ t~ii 2dNN OP 12LAMlIC 96ACH. l108NA ifk[B{t RBP~Rf6 d000Ul0: 8lAS'ffiRt OP A@/~1i18 e+ot5 0~4L ~ _ goes ib 7~~.ttir 31 va~tie.d 4 T,~{p(f1Y(~R o Date 1D A ~av ~ Estf~et+d fta taM7Q fra g~ a)eatSnO ~ foz Lwr t j6r_.,_ ~~~ Itiasca wa.r Hmbl i ]4,000.00 i ]b.50 i 3.00 i 19.50 Elmeee etat~r Rantwl 7,000.00 1,305.03 Se.45 1,364.06 Cat-Ea Charges 1.750.00 175.00 35.00 4 00 ?10.00 4 00 9sr-los Chargs~ 50.00 ,,~~48 . . 0B Tmc ]A~000.00 16X9.54 813.60 2~g07.72 ~..~~ ~} i 42.800.00 i 5.249.47 i 1.756.99 i 7.006.66 '1CMN OF ATLA941C H$AQl~ FtOBIDA YdT~i OPB$ATIID$.4~ MAiNP$RAfC$ A$1 BSPdi7i dCCWIPP AALA1~6 SIfEdT Ifaoeebs~ 31. 1955 CsaL cn Hand and la Bs~in Into fxra Yatar Hevsn~a Accocml T~otg~ Aaseta : 202.k9 z.~a1.53 t z,49k.G2 t.ramtsrrrta twID attRMtta Accmmtt Pgpablq (9Gatmwd 9~i) ~ 171.89 Due To Bentzal Faaal (HtetaamE 8-Y) ,s2y~ ~, ~~ L7,g~iJ.lBies asd 3rauN+a =_2 '!'OWB OF ATL-M'IC ffiICHi P1DR7D~ iGTffit OPStATID~~ MAIlY79id71CE t1® 70F'8IB 100DOft 9TATN]ODI! ~ Clffi HBCSIPt9 D1A DI:~1&~TJI'8 Oatob~s 1. 1955 Drawer 3L 1955 snxH or eTtasrlc HaacH, PSAftIDA HATffit oPR1iAT7oH8, xnixrsHAHCS e!ID S84AIft ACWitHf solstaar sraT~at or t,PPA0PH1ATd018, ffiPBtmIille~ ~ 86(~~tAHClB October 1. 1455 re Deaeobvr 3Y. 1955 Aoooonts Fq+b God Jaaasbs L A aoimt Cash riit Em e idrancad ~ a P'ereentap ~~•+-^~~ration m ur . Toim Hanger i 1,62o.ao i i 405.00 25 A Tom Clerk 1,152.00 288.00 25 office Clerk 756.00 189.00 28 111 Ioamoaee 1,140.00 402.34 35 office 3~rpliea 300.00 739.70 46 !Nr Office Sgoi~t 730.00 68.90 46 Toren Hall Hspaira & 9oode].fnj 150.00 5.04 3 Attotoq 720.00 -0•- ~- Audit 240.00 120.00 50 Tevn~e °,.baes of 06~ & OPei" sting Cod 270.00 .10 6 ~ fHecalLnsaos 8 ~ r l~..taYE7aYY ~ ~ Police W Pablie 3afdr Tam 7(aral~all i 270.00 i i 67.50 25 } O P ollce Oniforae ?4.00 ?4.00 700 Police Supplies ~ Tigoi~rtd. 1.50 -G- Traffie Sf~ 12.00 .82 7 life aura 72.00 -o- Rsd Cross Lits Baring Corps 6.00 ~O- Hsiatenanas and Bcpatra 15.00 17.47 7.1b Ou and 011 45.00 20.1b 45 Badio 3ervies 54.OD 13.50 25 Police Judge 15.00 ^4 Prisouara9l[sa7.a @ Police Phms 1 .0 0 2 3.65 ~ Hiscellaasova ID~pmae - - ~ • ~ ~ r L T ~ 1cSr.1CC i.~ 25 ~ Tor}l Labor rereman labor ~• soaaco and Repa7re Oaa and oil BquiyemaE : 936.00 i : 151.20 "3a ~ ~ i 360,00 i 76.2; 16 i ~~ ]a ~c 21 of 40S1N OF 47'L~tMIIC B8dC9~ PtOd2Wl pAY&i OP880.2I076o ILl1M'S A!m R8F/1IE ADO~1fP S~W6Ht 5537ffi4dD' OT •PPAOPR?ATIOE3~ SP~1I198~ AED dNC8.4 October L,~'S So Daeaeber 31. 1955 Yatar_ ~etesoat~ aepaira am nuac®mo- Sank ~~+~.` s AHactrie Currant mlaa°Sae Ineuraaca Mlsoallanwua cameo Aso®t Tranefarred to Qeactst ~. 4eeormte Pa,Taffie lnd Ascents Asoust Caeh Adtauoed ~ Parceatep Oseeral Food ~i „i i SD0.0o i 42.76 i z.41 9 ~ 1sS00.00 1' ~ o 'o ~ ~` ~ ~ ~ 3 . z:c o a r ,2.o 0 300.00 1.8. 94 0 ( -O- a 1„.~ 500.0D 50 .001 : z.~.ar. ~~ ~... •An617e1e or Asamt Due to 0w.ra1 Fwd: ~ mare ~ aaners mss. Dir~of. tdatsr e~stsa ~aa paid W 0®eral Pmxt lcaooats PgaY1e (Statm~mt : 2.6Ut.63 '~`~ i 2,812<ls ~~~ 2 CR 3PAS@ODR 8-N Comoludad TDWH Oi ATLiBPIC HBACH~ PLO~tID~A it4i~ OPBii17m1ffi~ If-IlfP~~B AIm A~AIB ACCOD#P 8(3U~OLB OP ACOOiO)IPS P~tTAB1.S 91. 1951 1PP~ - Cheadaaln~ Iae. ~ 1.2.00 Caeax~am and Sarltle7 CwWarp' $3.48 P. D. CaimSeLaal~e Haxdnete 11.11 City of daolCloix~ille 95.30 ~ s.. ~. 'dUWN OF A7LdMlIC BBi1J$~ TIUHIDA YATBB ~[ R~111L ~1F1 L !1~ # # X1.65 ~a~_14~ 1Y1Wll OT ATSdNPZC BS6CHv l7ORIAA DP77.ITT HSPffiAfS LQ1M1 t[TBD OaaH in Atlantic }7atioral Hank = 10~y14.20 Dua Iron Pater $erem~a Account 213.00 iFatersorke Coaettirutica lhmd {States~eat ~3-W3 X55.000.00 Dae !3m lfatet+rorke Conntruetim Amd ~ 2.935.00 Total Assets ~H.5~1'.•~ i TaRT7.TTjgq A}~ PIIA~ AB I~~'$ OtilitT Hesenw Honda P~yabls X55.000.00 Pond Balaace ~~~ 7ote1 Liabilitdea and II~ Halauce ~268,5~•20 ~~~ u~ TOHLf OY A'IIdNT1C B&AG7I. TLCHIDI 0llLYTI ESI~WS H0~ FOitl 91A9~tf 08 C~ N~BSPT3 Az1D DI890ER3~~Ii8 Qet u6 }~~$S,~,ao Dec~bai 3 Cosh in AL].ud,}g~1T}tianal,~k„}t OctObeP Z. Z95~ $ 3.'/63.eo Add. a Cash 8eaei4sd Yzanefsri~d frc~ Mate: kerenm AcaouttE 6.650.40 ~otal Cash fn Ajleatic Vxti~l. aasic. at. Qa,,~l,,,,,~~ 10 .20 ~_~ TOWN OP A'171Yf.LC 26ACfI, P)L)B.IDA biAl'$ OOISl80CTlON P4n7 BAL11®C$ ~`t 1„~}~ 5 Caeh in Atlaed,Le gatimAl 0mele Coestractiam is Pevy.~eas (Stateswnt lr-if) j:Ln .rctRa ~Ej} Ftf~) wr~y~8 Dna to Other Potcie (SLeiwaca4~ 7b-N) Aocoemte Pgahle affi 8a2xace Due oa Contracts Pored Brlsnca Total El.gbiliaiws T~atal i3.ahilitim3 an4 Pund Palance $ 53,117.02 22b,615.51 E 279,732.53 S 7.560.80 17si71.T3 8 24s732.53 255,000.00 2 .5 TONlI CP ARLANlIC 4~ACN, YlOHIDA NA4IIUtUHSB CONSTROCTHDS lOpl STATffi~iY 0! CASK R~&IPT3 AlID HISHITNSN3aHII'8 Nov 1. 1935. To Heeesber 31..1455 1Ca~~Beceived Proceeds Yxmt Sale of Bonder Pr7aolpal Interest Total ~_8eoeived Canatraatioa Sn Progiess (Statarent 7$-id) Aaarued Itrte~st Disbursed C::-~ In ALlattiC lfatimisl. Hook ab Dacec~.h~r 31. 1955 i 253,000.00 3380,79 i 258,380.79 201,882.98 3.380.79 _~e263.77 Z 53.317.02 TOYR OF ATLAi1TIC B$6CH, FLDSTDA .. 1dATSIG06L'f OORSYaUCT10N P6RD G!ulL13I6 OP COlS~lCTIDR j6 Pk0788A9 318cemhsr '~1. 1955 R~saidlttirge Origir~si. Accowte Pm~ect Payable ar Coaftraate PaiQ Dnyald Port3nn dt~ Sfm8ta9 To DiEe of Coptracts Sotal. Part ^d^ ~~ 9autbeaatom Coa- traeting Cam 6 fi5,000.00 ~ 60,3a2.5o $ 6,635.50 ; 68,956.00 Patt ^9~ Elesated.Teak Imitmire Tank Co. 23c495.OD 19,030;95 4,b14.OS 23,645,E Part ^C° (1ip,~i~t S.e'L ~ ` 6osthsaatsln Corr Lratkiag Oospay 83r?]7..60 62,a30.45 1,]b7.65 63.348.31 I+anrc+~c~ Lice aad ~6a7nartaon 15.699.49 15,b49.99 ~6~- 15,649.99 Cmtia~lea 4,656.40 1,470.67 512.00 2,482.67 Detat7.ed 7uapgoLio n 2,650.00 2,650.00 ~W 2,b50.00 a 716,500.00 9,613.58 4r0a0.74 13,634.3a ~ea}~-affi Ia F ees So100.00 5e~•00 ~ SrI.00.00 Lsnd Acasaitiroi 723.30 723.30 °~ 783.30 ' Dari~1R Co BFr~~ n•~ 9,~-00.00 1,a+7.a1 a,935.00 3.982.T1 ~tia, a,5ao.oo -o~ -~- -o- o ! e C n„_Ov~ 10,000.00 3x494.32 2,6!;7.39 6,341.71 ~frz~ls ` ] 201 862. E 24.732.5 T26.615. 3fEg 15°il TOWN OP APGAH[RC BEACH. F!A&IDA y Wa^s~nxes coNS~aucrioN Burn 5~n.~~r ffia a nuE sa oTUES Burns ueee~.~r 3t, z ss Dna 4o Gvaersl Fwvi Dwa to Utii3.Bp &eucn:uo ~ P~ g b,6]3e80 2.93', $~7,5®