Audit Report - 1948-1949 Toam of atlantic BeucL, Florida September 30, 1949 Goeuos P. 13~.rrm[ GERM'. ~"!~ LiG 4CC6VNT4NT .laaxw~.rv,u.¢~2. Poou~nn 1bm of At3auttc Bosch, F1or7Ac~ AUDIT BBPOaT 9opteaber 30, 1949 OOFIOCN P. BISICH Certified Publio Aocountmt Suite 605 Graham Building Jackacnville 2, F1orlds Ootobsr 29, 1949 1b Dte Ygyor and lbxn Counoil lbxn of Atlantic Heach, Florida peut]ameat M exemiastlca hao beau made of the balauee aheote of the lbtn of Atlmtio Beach, Florida, as of 3eptomber 30. 1949, and the otatements of mvsnuss and expandlturee for the ymr titan coded, 11is systea of internal control and the mcomting prooednree oZ the loin were reslexod cod, tdthout making a dstailsd audit of the tsaneaelione, the eocotnting reoorda and the supporting evidenco of the Wut rwre eAtminad or teetbd by mothoda and to the sxtmt deemed aPPi'oPr~U• ilte examination ttae made in aocordmce with gensrall,F accepted auditing stmdarda applicable is the oircum- atfwoea and included all pmceduree considered neceeeary. Iu our oPLtian Lha aoaompagying statmenta and relAted comaente prseent fairly the financUl poaitim of the 'Mtm of AL]antio Beach, Florida at September 30, 1949, and the reaulte of its operations for the tlsoal year than ended >n aaatoimiq x1th generally eoapted aoootntr ~8 princlplea. ftespectful7,p euholttsd, /J~-yeti ~~9.~i4-~., OGFt00FF P. BLITCI{ ~ Certitied Public Aooountmt Town of Atlantic Beach, Plorlda ly7pF%1C 'R) Re"PORT Paee Numbers . 1,2 Comments - Soope of Audit Statement N rs 1 Cmeral Pund Relents Sheet 2 Schedule of Delingaeut Tame 3 Statemat of Amount Due Prop Other Fuade 3 Arounts Due Other Funds y Statement of Caeh Reoeipts end Disbursements 5 Statement of Revmus Aecaipte RstimsUd end Actual 6 Summary Statement of Appioprlatims, Evtpmditutea sad Pnoumbrsaces 7 Anelyais of Expmditurse and lhoueb=anees for "Contingencies" 8 Seaeall Fend Balancs Sheet 9 Receipts and Dlsbursaments 10 Seaeall Aeeeaereats Against AbutLlag Propsrt, 11 Schedule of Horde Payable 12 Waternorke Fund Halancs Shast 13 Condensed Income and &cpmee Statessnt ]J. State®nt of Caeh Receipts and Disbursesmtt 15 Susmsry Statement of Appropriations, Sxpmdituras and lacumbionwe 16 Special Seatrall Smelgmry Puad Relents Shest 17 Recaipta and Oisbersessnte 19 Schedule of Delinquent Sewall P~ergenay Ae:sesmmts 19 Aocounte Payable 20 Ssltair Pa91ag Pond Balance Sheet 21 Cash Receipts and Dlebureemenb 22 Property Fund Balance Sheet SCOPE OF AUDIT CASH, Tire ceah fn banks was verified by cortiffeatoe received direst tree the depoeltoriee, We inepeoted copses of all receipts for fines and torteir totes, llaense stubs, eater rent reoeipte, and teatrohecked tax receipts. 'the inspection included tracing the receipts into the each ioumalo. All monpe received ae shown by receipt boake hee been eatietactorily aoaounted tor. 2YX ROLLS, Tna tax rolls were axateined for the years 1946 and 1947. The o ark had preperod an aaalveie of delinquent texas Qim for all preoediog years. This ane1J*eie after being teet.ohecked and found subatantial>,y correct wsa used as n basic for ad~ustfng the tax receivable aoaouats to ffis correct balances, It was noted that thane was the largest amount of delin- quent tease dne for 1946 ttsn Sn at{p recent year, amomting to Deer 10 ¢ of the total levy. Special effort should ba mde to collect these delintpunoles, CFIVERAL, Considerable improvement was shown during the past year in the meaner and form o! record-keeping in the clorkb otfiae, 'D~s accounU sere maintained in strict accordance with the budget ae adopted, 7n the following paragtephe we autmit specific comments relative W the various trade. GEtiERAL PUND The financial statue of this turd has greatly improved duxdng the past year, Heglnn7ng the year with a deficit amotaiting to $ 4,945.16, thin !Yard sow has a enrplus of $11,495.61, oror an increase of $ ]b,440,97. SEAY7ALL FUND Reference Se made to our report for the procodfng fLoal yoar end to page 2 of our comraente thoroin with respect to the compliance by the tram with tM provisions of the Seawall Horde. Ka wish to again point out that ooaplianoe has apparently not boon trede and again rectxmend that the matter bs retertwd to the fawn's legal council, It ie noted that the bonds are now being retired 1n smelter amounts thou $ 7,000,00 ae previous. Cmeteat eorutlay should ba made of the fund bank account and retire each i 1,000,00 bond as coon ca possible. (b SsptmWr 30, 1949 there was $ 2,545.56 in the beak acconnL drawing no intoraat. It Se recommended that consideration be given to the aetabiiahmmt o! • ^deprociation reserve fund" ee a spacial waterworks department fund vAtereby a percentage of the revenue from this fund be set aside ooneteat7y for repairs and replaaemsnts to the now existing eyetea> -2 3AL~IR PA91NG FI@7~ It appears thnt this tbnd rill ba mero],p a trust Shod and has bsrc sat 4P acaordfngly. fie Sinai aeeeaemants Por the Salffiir paving tad not been determined ae of September 30, 1949, cad therafoss do not appear an tbs Balance Sheot of the Sund. PBOPGfliS FUND It 10 a~gaia reoDmnendod flat there be made an inventory of eacieting proprtiss and a record of purchase and value of ell ii>:ed properties be inetal]sd and maintained. lben oL At]antic Beach, Florida (&'NERAL FUND BAJ,ANCr SNEBT Ae At SeatoaLer 30. 1949 ASSST3 Cash in Beach Bank = 5s046•`~ Delinquent Taxes (statement 2) 5,015.85 Uncollected Lot Cleening Asessemente (Statement 2) 59.90 Uncollected SLroet Paving Liege ~ x•44 Uncollected garbage Collection Fees 256.25 Ono Lrom Other Fuade (Statement 3) 3.636.92 lbtal Assets 8 L+. 5.86_ LaAg~7•17~5 AND 3U[tPIAS AocouaW Payable = 711.64 Squipmeat Furcheae Contxeot -Beach Back 2,396.21 Dae other Funds (statement 3) 3 z.zo lbtal Liabilities t 3,4.05 Surplus 11.495.81 m~rAi Liabilities and Surplus ~ u`'9r Statsnmt 1 Toan of Aden tic DeECb, Florida 47sNERAL PIND SCHEIJUIF. OP DELINQUNNT 7A7C(y9 Ae At 3eotembor 30. 1949 Isar Aaeeeaed 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 end Prior Years .~ SCHIDUIE OF UHOOLI.ECTZD IAT CLFliUINO ASSESS1D1113 Ae At September 30. 1949 Aeaeaewenta cede prior W aurrent year Current Zeer~o eeeaeamente 1bU1 Amountalhpaid at September 30. 1949 s 3,861.67 328.51 164.33 100.64 79.49 4al.u ~ 5 i ee.63 gg GA1.27 sutemenc ~ Ybsn of Atlantic Beacp, P1orlds GENERAL FUND 5TA7fSff'NT OF A16JUNT DUE PROP OTHER FRiDS Aa At September 3D. 1949 Duo Prom Saltair Paving Puod f 66.00 SeaRall Faergencg Fund 3.570.92 ~1 Due Prom Otber Fuads 6 2 A1fODN TS DUE O'flQ'R PUNDS Aa At Sentomber 30. 1949 Duo YPa teraorka Pmd .20 stateaaat 3 Tosco of Atlantic Baeah, Plorida OIIi&HAL FUND S'C~TE2097T OF CASH HBCHL°TS AHD DL4HUBSFJH~7'~ For P1a~1 Year &sded Seotember 30. 1949 Caah Sn Hesah Hank et October 1. 1948 - i 2+512.85 Adds Caah 8.eco„}~ (SLatement 5) Current Hetionm i 59,319.87 Bavsaae tram Hoduetion of Asaets 1319.93 60.639.@0 ibta). Caeh Available i 63,152.65 Dedaai: Cn~h Diebareamanfe Budgetnl Ecpendituna (Statsmeat 6) i 49,520.86 Pand Tsneferes 1b :'sawall limrgmay Fned i 3,427.70 To 'tatennrke Fund 2627.80 ib saltair Paving Paod 66,00 6 .50 Bet-`.~ement o1 Prevloue Ymrsa Accoants Payahls ~ 3,79 Total Geh D]abnraed~ 58.106.15 Cee~n Beaoh Bads at Seotscbar 30. 1949 3tateaent y Town o! Atlantic Deach~ Florida CN±iENAL FUND SD1'$IQyiT OP RBVk21UE tLSCl;IPT3 PS TIYAT6D AND AC10AL Por Fieoal Tear Fgded 9eatember 30. 1969 Netimetsd Neveaus Sores or Novenae Neelised (Detioimey) Por Zear Por Year Ozer BstLate Currant Revenue Property Taxse - 1948 (Net) i 35,340.00 i 33,4•¢ i( 2,275.49) Peaaltiea 300.00 543.98 243.99 Licenaea ?,~•~ 7,Wi1.50 41.50 Fines and PorPeituras 1,500.00 1,606.00 304.00 Building Peraits 500.00 208.50 ( 291.501 gleotrio Franehiee 'Doc 1850.00 2,034.68 164.68 Cartage Collection (Net) 5,100.00 7,177.51 2,077.51 Lot Claming - Curieat 1400.00 891.02 ( 508.98) Sewerage - HePtona Hesch Tis-7n 220.00 220.00 - Btilitiee T.u 6~OOD.00 6234.92 234.92 liieee]lanoom 250.00 76.12 ( 173.86) Iatereet on Aeseasmenta 41.13_ 41.13 f 59.460.00 59.319.87 ~ ]40,13) Prom Reduction of Aeeete DellnquenL 'Lazes ~ 1,000.00 i 1270.33 i 270.33 street Paving Lieae 150,00 46.60 ( 103.40) Lot Cleaning Llsns - 3.00 9.00 1 1 0 £ 1~ 6 stntsaeat S 1b,m of Atlantic Deach, Florida GII7ERAL FUND S1J78WRY STA T3102iT OF APPROPRL4TIONS, EXPPiiDI113RPS AND 137CUYBRANCFS For Fiscal Year mdad Seotamber 30. 1949 A ietrat r upervieor'e Sa]ary Clerk's SaLry Fiore Clerk Insurance Orrice Expanse Nay Office Equipment lbfm Ns11 Repairs Attorney Audit ?eZ Aaeessor Police and Public Safe Itarehall's Salary Rep11e and Replacomnte - Police Car end Radio 3atfic Sigis Llta Seeing and hoping Pare Protec tloa street Lights Osa end 011 Radio Sereico Police Judge hYtra Police New Car Nea Radio - Fbliee Car moumbrmcea Amount At Close Unmovebered Aoproprlated Expenditures OP Tear Belenas i 3,930,00 3 3,930.10 34 .10) 2,400.00 2,450.00 ` 50.00) 1,600.OD 1,976.20 378.20 1,200.OO 1,462.44 i 76.55 340.99 500.00 646.45 41.23 187.68 150,00 204.94 ( 54.94 600.00 545.33 4.% 50.11 350.00 270,00 80.00 500.00 250,00 250.00 i 3,~•~ i 3.750.00 500.00 172.93 175.00 zzb.o3 325.00 360.80 750.00 900.00 b00.00 466.00 950.00 665.36 i 93.06 360.00 360.00 150.00 150.00 480.00 830,00 800.00 1,645 7 . 5 ~ ~~~- 7 - a , l~Z2s`L Sanity De t. Cat$a street Clean rust 2, .00 Iabor 5,200,00 Neu 1YVC1s 2,200.00 metalling Body-Neu Truck 350.00 RsFslre and Rep7.acements 350.00 Oas end 011 6$0.00 Seeerage-Naptvn0 Beach 1Ya~Iu i 2,196,82 5,284.02 2,156.30 101.29 694.38 6ot.o3 3 tetataent b - Continued 36.91 106.02 i( 150.00) ao~; 150.00) 134,00 171.54 350.00) 196.62 84.02 41.70 24s.71 ( 383.29) 58.05) Tomn of Atlmtac Beaob, Florida OFNfiRAL FUND SU]OIANY SDl'p;14NT OF APPNOPNIATIDN3, E%P@iDITUNFS AND F17CULBNAlGCES Por Faecal Year I~hded Saotamlxr 30 19L9 Amount Aom_ooriatsd 3trsets. Parka and Drainage Drier i 2,000.00 Iabor 5,100.00 Dss eaa oss 45o.oD $epaire end Replacemante 85000 Dspair Material 3,500.00 Dielnags 3.000.00 Seawall, Street Freda and Stops 1,500.00 Lot Clamigg ~~ j~ Paoiabrmaw AL Close IInsaombsied 6samiditures 0 Tear Halmos i 395.50 i 1,60y.50 4~ 1 211i.34 i 71.45 ~~1 T17.60 255.14 ( 182.74) 2,455.09 1264.60 4.10 1, ~. 1,071.73 ~ 0 B ~ ~ 2 . j ~S_~45 0 Debt Retireaeat i~3+,.000,00 i 3,~C.CC Cmtingenciae (Statamont 7) 3....°~ ~ 2 ~_~_~~ °=a~~,+,8_i i 57.9., s~ f 4 °' g ~r3~.L. Sirtsmant 6 - Comoludad gem or Attmtic Beseb, Florida GFRIItAL FUND ANAT3S15 OF F3PENDI NRFB AND FNCUl4)RANCffi POH ^CCNlftI0II7Cffi^ For Piacal Isar Fhded September 30. 19L9 Nealth CenUr - 141ephone Bills ; G2.17 Prlsanere Care ~,0p logal Advertiving 3G<25 Interest }0.67 salary - Nex Rbim Ifsnager 350.00 Mosquito Control - Posgiug ~ 750,00 ~Pe 8, 75 Police Unitoxaa lOp, 00 Doss - Florida league of Manioipalitios 35.00 Nex MOtei`CyoLe 56De 50 Ba71 Park 366,40 Motor Grader 2,864,04 Miscellaneous 69_50 ZdYal 6 26 Fapendituree ; 2.849.47 Fncsmbrencea 2.L19.B1 1bta1 S 5 sate.ent 7 lbim of Atlantic Heath, Florida SEAWALL FUND BALANCE SNEBT Aa At Septambsr 3 ASSETS Cash in Beach Hank -_• i 2,545.58 Delinquent 'D~xea - ibxn'e Share Assessed 483.32 Uncollected Aeseeemnte -Abetting Property Osnera 8 275.49 r Delinquent Patareat a Assessed but Uncollected 221.59 Fords to ba prodded 6.916.02 1 0,00 LPABII,ITPES Ronde Payable i Ib,00o.00 Accrued Interest Payable 320.00 7nteraet Payable to Uaturity of Ontetacding Goads X00 1bta1 18 000 Stateosnt 8 lbsm of Atlantic Beach, Florida 3EANALL PU17D 6ECfiIP15 AND DISBUBSIDB~1779 Por Piecal Year thded Seoj~esober 30. 1949 Cash !n Beach Bank at Beaitmin¢ of Yenr Bac is Pros Abutting property aseeessmastes On Principal Tntenat Peaaltiea .~ i 2,847.41 = 2,]15.57 400.14 67.18 ~ 2,582.99 Frm Advelorum >ga Levyt 1948 Levy Prior Years 1btA1 'lbtal Reoeicte 1bta1 Caah Available DSebnraemente Pssrchase of Unma tared Eanda dm Ootober 1, 1951 Tatereat Paid on Outatending Bonds Premium paid an Pssrehaee of ~Gsred Boade Ceeh in Beach Hank at 3esstetdter 00. 1949 i 3,054.86 136.90 3.189.76 ,x.772.25 f 8,620.16 f 5,000,00 871,.68 249.90 6.074.58 9taterat 9 1b,ot of Atlantic Dcach, Florida SEAYlALL FUND SFp{yAll, ASSFSSyH27T.: ACA INST ABUTTING PROPBftTI Seotember 30. 1949 Balance Unpaid at Delin Lna Nana of September 30, Appmt of 1b lbta Over Lots Hloek 1949 N£: Eaeh Princiral Aathogy 3,4 i2 i 213.40 BSebee 11,12 52 213,40 c sr 'o z ~ l kaon ~ t 1 bi.e9 2 i z7.L5 i 54.30 i 15.93 DeCottes to 1 30 108.53 Starr 4 20 Nyaraon 5 41 130.45 Nillltord 5,6 32 426.78 Lockrood 7,8 52 213.40 'Aiwera 1,2,3 51 313.27 Meyer 1,2,3 21 632.88 Nagarian 3 27 213.40 1Nlliken 5,6 52 320.1/4 2 53.37 106.74 31.42 Leyereon 6 41 129.55 Pq~ns 4 33 320.13 2 53.37 106.74 31.42 gelae ~ of 7 33) 20~ of 8 33) 219.79 Pelota 6 33 337.31 2 56.39 ]12.76 33.04 Hooker Part 7 33 86.55 Neglater 3,4 42 423.79 Bucker 11 61 106.66 soberts 4 51 104.87 Ortega Co. 2 15 213.40 YoDerment 2 27 213,40 Tiatie 4 ].5 213.40 1Lcker 6,7 bl 213.40 Van3cfwick 1,2,3,4 62 427.08 ~ Puller 3 41 161.94 1 32.39 32.39 ]4.25 ~~ 5 33 221.87 Nillfame 5,6' 20 640.28 2 106.74 213.54 62.63 Crastord 1,2;3 61 319.27 Noodcock 5 15 213.40 Betate of Holmes 7 36 ~~ 2 55.46 110,92 82 j Statwdnt 3A 7b:n of Atletttlc Beach, Florida SEAWALL PUND SCBBDU7B OF BONDS PAYABLE Ae At September 30. 1949 Bondw Qatad: Original Ieetw: Iatoreet Balls Iaterast Piyabla: Bmd Data of Nvmbera Neturity 134-135 October 1, 19R 136 October 1, 1952 135-143 October 1, 1952 L,l.-150 October 1, 1953 October 1, 1933 f 150,000.00 4 ~ per Amum ---'=--vary eaab year m Apr11 let avd October Lt, Held by the Atlantle National Beak of Jaakemville, Florida ae detailed below: Prlnciml ~ 2,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 7.000.00 u ooo.oo sate.eat u lbrur oP Atlantic Hsaeh, Ploride UA2ERiPORKS FtEiD BALANCE SR6ET As At Se,P~ember 30. 1949 ASSE Current Aea ets _ Cash in Beach Bads i 1,602.50 Accounts Receivable e dater Rents 278.30 Due Prom General Pmd 372.20 ibtal Current Aeeate i 2,253.E Fined Assets Water Distribution Syatom i 29,488.83 Pump and Pump Bougie 2,6ffi.28 Toole and Equipment 262.63 ,Motel Fizad Assets 32.433.74 TJ tal Aaaete i~7~ LIABII.ITIfS AND SURPLUS Current Liabilities ccounts Payable i 132.99 Accrued Interest Payable e Adams Contract 360.00 Payment on Adams Contr~.ct (Due Within One Year) 3x~•~ Engineering Contract Poyable -Smith & Gillospie 2.500.00 Total Cnrrent Liabilities i 5x992.39 Lan Term ISabilities dame Contract - Payments due after one year 9.000,00 Total LiabilltLa i 14,992.39 surmiw Investment in Plater system = 17x933.74 Earned Surplus 1.760.61 19.694.3•. To,Qal Liabilities and 3urolue 61~ 3~6 9tAksaenE ]2 lbap of Atlantic Beach, Florida NA'kIt{40NIf5 OBPAR'lYEtiT CONDENSED INWNB AND SlCPENSE S'D1TgtlF77T Por F1eaa1 Year Ended Seatember 30, 1949 Operating Income Petered Sales of i6ter S 7,420.02 Plot Nate Sales of velar - selmir 351.92 Hater Cct-iae 995.00 16oter Chscke 2.00 7bt.1 Operating Income Lees: Operating Expeneea Lsbor Nepaire and Replacements Electrlc Current Rental of Pleat Net Operating Ltcoma Non-oparat]ng Eapenae - lntereat on Adnma Cmtssict Net Income for Year { 8,368.84 j 1,430.05 320,63 631.63 250.00 2.632.31 i 5,736,53 statensnt 13 lbw of Atleatic Beach, Florida WA'II~7YOPK9 FUND S B1 TElD19T OP CASH Br CEIPTS ABD DISBURS9B+H 7S Por Fiecal Ynar Fndad sepwmhar 30. 1949 Caah Bsceiata Ifater Rents Yinimm Chsrgee i 5,140.42 Exceea Charges 2,025.30 Saltair 327.82 { 7,493.54 Cut.ias 595.00 Peter Checks 2.00 TranaSerred lraue Oegatal Pund 4.532.76 Total Receiota Diaburaements Capital Budget operating Budget Debt Service Total Diebureemanta Balance ist Beech Bank at Sa~tombar 30. 1949 i 4,898.33 2,522.47 9.600.00 i 12,623.30 11.020,80 i 1.602.50 StstaosnE 14 lban of Atlaatia Bsach, Florida NA?9iVi0RN3 ISPARTIQTI T 9100NHY S'D11F70Z7T OP APPROPgL1TI0H8, IDCPEHDINIiES AND IHCOYBHANCBS For FU¢al Sear BnMd Ssatssbar 30. 19A9 Bnoasbtanew Asc:mt At C1.op Oaesassharsd Aosroor7abd F~tamdlturp Ot 2aar Ba]asse Cs 1 t H~ j 1j904.43 i 1,923.25 i( 18.82) P®p Station 1,000.00 759.56 240./,y Hen Pipe, Yeters, eto. 1,000,00 1, 7g8.% Pngiaeerfag Pees i 4.A~Of„100~ -b,. e33 00 2 00 Orate tfn Hmt i 250.00 i( 250.00) Lbor-Rrt TJms Yafntenmce i 720,00 710.00 Lsbor 900.00 '(110.05 189.95 Bepaire end Heplacetsnte 2 2: .SZ2.47 170.63 Bleatrl¢ Current 00.00 0. 0 Debt Service: Paynsnt an Purchase ContmcLi 3,000.00 i 3,000.00 Interest on Purchase Cmirac _ 3t 6W,W X00 0.00 ~~~_ ._Wj Or¢ad 1bta1 ~ i 10.%4.43 f 11.Q20.80 f 2.992.39 i( 3.938.76) 8tsts~snt 15 1bw~ of Atlantla I3eaob, Plorida 9PF.CIAL SI;AWILL &yL+ROFX(.T POND BAIAIJCE SHBST As At Seg4eabsr 30. 1949 63SE8 Cash in Desah Hank i 60,43 AaeeaamenLe Due tmm AbuLtiag Property O,nars: Sand-bagging and Nip-rapping i 3,595.E rie Naeks 2.707.40 6,302.62 Fuade to be Prodded 920.77 IbLsl Aeeate ia<,~i52eg ISADILIT7F5 Acoo~mte Payable i 3 713.b0 Due General Puad 3!570.42 b~al l.iabilitins f 7_~Aa_e~ Btatlssat lb 9ben of Atlantic Beach, Plorlda SPECIAL SfANAI.L H187tDAlCI F1470 BHCSIP~ AND DISBURSl9lQ718 Por Fiscal Year Fndsd Becteabsr 30. 1949 Cash Sa Beach Beck at Oatobsr 1. 1948 8eeelota Collaations m Aasearoepte aga]aet abetting PrcPn'4Y osnero~ 3andtaggiug and riy-roppiag i 2,390.66 lye-tacks 501.25 7ntareet m Aeasseamp 1bta1 2, .43 'Cranefero tram Oeosial Puad - 3.427.20 1bta1 Receinb ,}btar7, Cash Available Meboroemate Peymenta on ec»rgancy work liahalitiee Court costa - collection snits Balance in Beach Bede at Sentembsr 30. 1949 i 3,205.05 i 9,999.68 i 9,412.05 127.20 9.539.25 9tatesMnt 17 7bui of Atleatlo Beaoh, Flax'Sda SPHCIAL S1iAflAL1 BfIMIDt41CY PIbD 3CHFADIB OP IF.Lp1QW4!? SBAIIALL Sla'>ZOPI~CY ASS&9SfD0i78 Santed~er 30. 1949 rtv Oise LsPeyette seslty Co. -Copper Kettle Seffite of Dr, Champ Ho]mee Clittord A. Psyas Charles Pelota (LoL 6, Blk 33) Olover as]es d. ?. 0. Cranford Sollsae Y. Freessn 0. P, 2[cDsrmeat Havel C. aoottea P. Y. Clarlceoa Baffiffi of Ifary A. DeOottae Siooa F. ailliame Due Yvller Floreaee 3, Bull J. Alvin Begieter B. S. ibwers Danghtrp Diners Oq D, Dillon say Millis Pled L. u.it+~~ P1+ank D. Hiebee a. N. &u6laer sad ~R'-i'soeina IIe-Haob m41 i 342.48 i 454.4! 155.80 180.44 1.80.80 86.50 180.80 86.50 180.80 86.15 75.85 334.54 100.85 194,50 357.48 120.80 358.50 150.85 33.E 150,85 33.60 1b5.80 134.40 205.80 44.35 175.65 30.80 268.90 150.85 33.60 150.85 22.40 150.85 22.40 150.85 22.40 150,85 67.20 150.85 130.36. 67.20 f 3.595.22 6 2.707.40 ~ 6.302.62 sut...aL le 1b,n oP At]antic Beach, Plorids SPECIAL S}i11lAIL EIQIi6F27CY PUBD ACCOUB~ PA7GBLB 3eatsaber 30. 1949 Vendor 11113iAm Carletm d. 6. CrietnpMr Co. Duval Bnglneering and Contnoting Co. Worlds Pipe end Supp],y Co. General 87sotria Supp]y Corp, General Y171e, 7aa. Otekam~ioaes Poper Cwq~acty Verrill Sbevms Drydock cud Bepair Co. Yason-Smith Lueber Co. B. B. YcCorniak & Sons, Inca Southern Statae Bag CompatSy K. 0. Barber tbw7e Bopid at O~ ~~l ~969r ~~ ~ 0wd Aaom t 1 _ ~6oo.aD s 172.00 3,740.04 566.13 1,069.03 199.33 712,13 139.60 232.25 43.35 66.00 72.32 133.06 24.7E 7,449.06 1,390.30 2b3.81 52.98 5.115.30 954.49 1,059.00 197.68 F 7~)ti~F7C~L'] 8pte~at 19 Tom of Atlautio Beach, Florida SAL'b1IR PA-INO FUND BATANCB SB88T As At Soptsmber 30. 19L9 A3SE7S Cash 7a Bsach Beplc Sbtal Assets rueul2ras IIpxaittnd Cc71eet7gns oa. Oenerat Fina ibtsl Liabilities i 349.30 ~.oo stau.ent 20 Tom of Atlantic Beach, Plorida 3AL'D1IR PA7DiG FIND CABN RECSIP IS AND DISBUBSHG2178 For Fiscal Year Fhded September 30. 1949 Cash Received Pram preliminary assesemsnte From General Pund ~a Caeh Disbursed Armco Drainage asd iktal Products, lno. Plorida lymea-Unim Jacksonville Journal ~~ Cash in Beach Dank at Saotember 30. 1949 i 567.00 66.00 i 633.OD ~ 1¢,~ 72.00 ~~ 1~~1~~7qq~~.7~~0 meesslHari~:~ 9tatsrmt 21 1b~m of At]antio Eeach, Florida PRDPIDi$ PVND BALANCE SkiEBT Ae At September 30. 19L9 FIXED PROYLRTIEi Publ Ao ke oineretor i 3,769.05 street Lighting IDcti}micne 1,703.36 sweet Equipment 200.00 Street Paving 72,488.07 Pine Protection - Extenaians and t{ydnants 1,711.3k Seawall 175.262.35 'Duel fLbl.ic ~torka UtillLies (Other than iYaterr»rkm) Sewerage Neptwe Beach Tie-in i 1,494.72 Sewerage Pnginearing Survey 8.509.38 Total IIti11t1ea (Other than ttaterworke) Ge~ora~l~ 9~rks S 1,000.00 Tom hall 2,380.00 Oltice Equipment 702.La Autos, Trucks end Equipment 7.769.38 1bta1 General lb tel P7aed Properties LLIBILIRIli9 AND IN7EST1@JT Deferred LLbi111y - Padetel Aorks Agency m Sewerage Boginsering Survey - Ropapable it and when project Ss constructed i 5.900.00 Investment in Pixed Properties 211.089.19 Total. Liabllitias and Inveatcmat i 195,13k.17 10,009.50 11.851.52 =i® Statement 22