Audit Report - 1942-1943f01N 0) alLIR1C BYtQ I9'Lt0lIO iB/CH, /L06IDI 6rltBretR 30, 1~4; .. „.. .. .~.`_o. '6,'er/i~n/5°n6(ri .,Irraor/rur/a mrrl slirdi/ou • ~rrarne .Y'as .(/~0/ircrb/ia/a .~ntnr/!/1n/irnn/JrnJr/~ 5$mr/.lri~ ~rrorGaorr ci/(e 2~ ~(orrdir ~~..•.:-. Cotober ?minty-ntntlt .-.,~...,..e,,,... 1 0 4 9 Yite '1Uwt Counotl, 7V+at uJ Atlnntto i~aoh~ .;tlantto &:uah, Flordda Gan S1 er-ion; ~ haru rtrnde arl eaamtnatton of the auntlnble aooowtts and records oI the Tcun. of dtiantto BPaah Jor iha period from Cot- obar 1, 1841, to Septarzber 30, 1543, acrd prvzaent irerowtth a Anlanos Sheet as of tltut date, :>ta ~:a;:enL of Cush r;aoatn is and Iltsbura:trrent jor ten yours onding Septzmbar 90, 1849, aui rurtoua saharlules as trrdaxa~ har'atn. ;7e boas inapaated the our•bon oaptas of alt reoetl.ts jor Dash rea:atu~d and hnW ohzoked t.§atr entry to the Dash ,jaco'na1. ~- poatts of this r.:;ney :oere truoed into Cho bank eaoaunte~ as evtdonood by aLn ter.•~3n to jro~n the br/tk, Te..ts of warrants tasr;ed rune roads to tJw iroaaurera a tuteren to or bunk atu teepn ta, but theb ^%ere riot auZi Led in da taSI~ tnuarasah as the warrarts aro oo-at;Jned, and a chaos. to then tesuad by the traat:urar ayatnst only saoh oo-sYlirad warrants. 19re dtaburs- tng uj Ju»ds both C,rnaral and ,;.~uJa11 Dun be simplified, std ass aug- g_st that the tr.us~-u•ar arrunye with the banY, to caoap t one ohaok anon ranch Jor the r.::;ni~s rui t.:dru~..ri ,h•om the 6rn:,ma1 r^und, m;d ono c~soa saoh r;wnUt jar :aor.la» :.i thdr~..n Jrora the Seat;:all :ipeaLul Assess-~ rrxtnt s~vrtd. In the past the treasurer hug issued ohao;ca st,Ytad only by htrrszlj jor all dtabar,saaeut:~ movie from thB 3oauaIl Jund, but this prooaa:u-a should bo .:tseunttnua:i. In thz future the gbwt Clerk aJrould -.v~u+o aa'rarit~ on the Sza:~,.11 Speotnl ~.Saessrttnt jwul in ChB s„r.~ runn-.r Ll:ut wur'rar;ts cra 1ra~.n on tie General :'and. 4he 7bun Cl•~t•k will of o-~..o~se gr=JaCjy on saoh warrant isau~rl, tha fund jron uar[ejt Lire disbru's-rtenL to to be ;name, as well oa beul8et aooount nrtm- bsr, It had boon thuught that iho u!'act al Aaazsam9nt F".UKt was not the ibwnra rwney, but U. 3. Govar•n;,:ant jundo, and the ori;;tna1 prouistun ountatnzd to the loon ayroemznta oouurzd iho mnnrtar in unteh the jun:l should b,„ h~ndlv,l. tit iho ;~tt sent ttRrB Jtsivrver Lhs lbws is no loodar aoeourt iaolrr to tae U, a". Qo w_rnrvtnt tnaan:oh ua the 6ouc:77t- sent Jras relbtcuCsh~:J its tntera:La Lo a private ant~rrprtse, and iho aboua coat~:oJ ".njcr,rs with Seatton 17 of iho Chortar wJrEah apeoljio0 Pa9a 1. ComRenta an Audit that Che 2btoi T:~a;+-.:ry to to Pay out no Janda of the Taun~ ezoePt upon marnon6 atyn,td by tho lb rat Clerk and a prolvr oountar-atgnatw•a, .re mtah to bring to your nttvniLon~ the Jaot that the Chan. for status that tyre 4t•cuauror of the Rb+an of ALlantto Baaoh should be v Doruted, Bank balanoea era turtjted by reoonotltatton miLh Stnte- srenta Jram Lha bank nt 3eptembar 90~ 1843 and warn tndepamciently a0~ Jtrmed dtr•eot Lo G+e banks reoorda, :.zw.inutton :ass made of a1I dtaburavment aooo antsy and teat eheuks ::ade to dotaraatne the aootvaay of dtatrtbutton. A aumnory of re- o.ripts and dtsbw•s;,czen to of the L#anaral !•iv+d and th0 5eama1l lAand joy the t';w years ended SVptembar 30, 1849 to ahomn on rrchtbtt°B: In eaoh anae~ Lha roost, to and a[aburaemanta are reoonotlxd to dash on hand at the end of euoh 7~eur. Fur`thar onalpaps of dtabursamsnta ury prasentad on Sonod~~lea r}1, d-2 +.nd Li-9, The Dtsbur•aam¢nts of the Uenerul Rmd nra eno:an to enmparisun meth tao B+.~dps6 Jor ¢aoh year. Toes to were :aade of unaolleated ta:ees at Septvrnbar 30, 1549 and even thou3h aomv or:nor va°tunoea mare Jound~ the diJJerenaea aooru~ tng were too small to ww•rant Jar6har analy~t~.- Balanoea due by ,;ropart,l outvra Jor strati paving Itvns at Sep t:; r-+ber .fir ]a43 wnowt La to ;4x688. g4~ aooordt ng to the reoorda, !tile is aixbatwattall~ to ezoeas of the aaaunt dues of `4223.67. No cut{/truntlar bd IetLer +w:r cK,de from tilt prcPsrty emnora of balunoea d~ea ut ,; er~tea,b:n• 3,i, 1543. %~ 1Jalwiaas sue by propsr•tp o..nara Jor ai:utting Seawall naavst- artnW :-r:re wrul+/za.; in d:: toil Heal nra sr~r.n on So1~.i+.le ,4-9. The bal- uuo~•s u.rTB not cunfU•r.:d bg IeLter Jreac the proprtp owners, !else to la3ur no ;.;riar•;.1 la;l,;:ar +kar.:intatnud to aootuss- luta son tar so as 3o as Eabl tshtde Jull gal ua of sieve tv, uttlttiear uorha~ r ta,~ u...n~~.t ::d tie Y'o w~. 9tira I3nl nrwo Siraet tnol u.lad in trzt8 report does nut aepr;.•pa to vapt tai xurplue Jrom aarnad aurplus~ as the aurpl+ur a8 scan ct S•,;. t,>r:aar• .3ilr 1us8r rvpraaentad t;te bc:lanoe bet+a7en Bated assets ar,d Ltaa[1' Eir.s at Ntct date. i're .-u.:tt :it:;aloaas Nr..t all czoniea rooat:n:Jr as ah~+at by r¢.. a.:~tpt basks, haves La¢n ~attsjao turd cooourc ta_d ;ore nl so u~o tua t8 made rauv~led no dtabur.~.:rrants :chtvh were pro;orly nutrurt~sd or <tirztributad, In eho poet to rattrtng bonds {L has bean mostly a matter of esa..ara~;tnp dollora, tnasmuah as r;oat of U+e Dor:da hats boen rattrad Jrow r:~oatF~ts from paid up asaeasm¢n ta, Aa tits bun.lo Nava Ham ohanpad hwide~ and a prwrat uet to having Eo b,r patdr tt des r¢oamrandad that :onatderation be gtvsn to th9 use of i-ape 2, Gbraanta on Audtt aarpleu j+uwa to puroh~ae tl. S. Covarnca¢nt %7or Bandar and that the nazi cartes of bands aiu: OatoGar 1. 2817 not be paid until thnt dat¢. Tha jol2aotng gxhi Ut is and 3ohsdules era Lnol tM-tad in thta r•opor tt dXt1IDIT :;" - Dhlwfo¢ Shsat 3ohedrla A-1 -Cash ;n Banh ' Sehe~t~sla d 2 - 2hsaa Unaoll¢o tea - psnora2 Soheaale A-3 - 3oaunll Assasamonta nyatnst abutting Prat~orty So%ic;t;;l¢ A-~l -Valuation of Autoncbil¢ and T`uoi~e SahaJUla a-6 - //salyata dooonnta Payable and ContraoE9 Payable SonoJ.:le A-B - lloruta Payable iiX(71BIT "B" -Cosh deoetp to and DtaburaomsnA :ione~!ala B-1 - Cuah Disbura¢cs3n to - g¢netal Pond and Corry~art eon to Bsdpet :;oha;iule B-3 - N+alyate of ConEdn~anotaa - Deneral Fan6 Sohacl„1e B-3 - Dtaburaornonta -Special naataamant (SSaau11 PWid) .t'.(:~ttslT "C" - Ineuranoa Ln ~/jaat id7apaotjully submtttads O:~:Tl I:YD i'UE?LIC hCCJ{G1,^;V7PS .u.n. c Cash to Dmika .Unoollaoted $nxea - Jenerat (1) •Unoolleatad asaeaan~ts -.veamall abutidngprtipettiU •U9l tnrps3nt to terse to - .~eaiuail abutitng proper ill Unoo11®o ied street Pcvt ng 1 taw tuto and L79~Aka Inoinerctor (nt acwtj •FaNO (COntnx to mo~igaga p~JnD1e) :iB (a t O oa t~ .itlvet paving - ~s,e•..a. (ai opat) dtrseL Itaht eatatatona (aE ooat) I'ou•n Hn11 (at oeaij Utt1 till rtgh to '['OY'Af. A:i3ii1':i LZn 131 LITI tl9 nooaxnts pa,~ahte Coretrcota paable Yartgage ptyabla F30nt4a payable 'lY)NN OF AT ZC B:,AC.7t ATWIR70 B~AQ l~LCL*dIDR BdlAIJCB S~'7~/$?iR 90~` 1a49 Raf4reraa Sot+eduta a-I s'ohadul a a-a abbe 7)t10 A-3 5ohadute n-3 sWRedut o a-4 Osna•a1 Idad ~ 368.21 7,737.5a d,9a2. H4 % a,4ao .))r) 3, 711 a.05 I,OQ7.00 12,48&.07 ~ 1,500.00 a,sso.oo 4,500.00 40, a15.7'ti ~sra® sohadu7 B A-a5 9d7adule A~7 4,3`15.14 x 49b.as 1,0u0 .cn SW74du16 A-B 6,[+64. a7 npaotal gaaasattanta .g~11 Fsvrt $ 2,Y11.18 32,012.69 ' 997.9! v 1$,2d3~8 R10, 87:1. Y9 mssie® 4a,Ot70.00 ORl~ND ~ s,27a.sa 7,737.52 32,012,&S 987.37 4,Bb2,a4 a,4e~o.oo 3, 79a ,Ob 1,000.00 175,262,IGS 18,488.07 1,500.OP a,aev .ego 4,500.00 a51,7ev.75 ~SOo 4,385,14 49a.EC7 1,000.00 4&, OOD ,QO £pL'A2. LIAHII ZTl6 s' ~.S.is77V3I Raser;rv Jo~ renoolleatad texas -general Rea6r ve 101' unaolleo tad aaaaaan Alta - eeamatl L:aaerve •PoP del tnc ant interaaE - sa®a21 R2s~v_ ,f(r unaol ~ea tad street paving 1t®w i'Ota1 iie3~`UPa Si!}3`Ill:i lYTTAL I1.~BII.I't'I"vd, R3.xL'RVSa later .37RPL1S (1) ;~oea not tno~ado 08 wloran aaaoaame~ts for Taan~a 17 ~ oT a eaaal2 aaaoaazenta . 8Y1111+19' A. 7,737.52 12,43u,46 22,&30:19 $ 90,Y15.7a 4a,OW ,W S2,U12.89 087.37 ~ ~, 7a7.2s laa,1T3.78 ,~ aI0,873,id9 5a, tt~4 . u7 7,791,Is.' 32,OL2,OB &77,37 4„ lU2. as 48,130.917 151,SOG.Oa €' 231,7Ba,7S TsS'~ ?01lN Ol 1[SLAdR7C B$LQH Af44Nl74 83AQ2, P4.Qt2lM CA9: W BANG f;en!-pl .Rafdt 6~xlano• pw" atniearani, Atlonita Natfonal BWi uaar larreaia eoiatanBigpr Are.~at ~~ dilonos por Iedyer f 419.?l $ 1,d0 ~.oo ~. 1,43.5v 49.00 ~oofal Asaesanoni Ittieroai /nstM (9eamo1l}r `.. Bslanoo pI' Ailmite National i Bank and pr l dyer / i'stal in baaU ~' l.fo g~,~ .,`vh adul e A 1 848.8! 2,L71 .18 g 8,TlL.9a ::~eme 4011 Oanoral Totel as ~ ~'axoa aaosraod 2032 9 ~ br70~.0a ISA93 7 br820.60 1Y3{ &~/d 7r1?2.OD Iu55 8-.1/2 7r99'b2b Iit:ti e-IfJ ~ er30H.o4 2187 B-I/a - IOr118.99 It68 8-8/IO -~BW.92 I-3Y 10 I1rYBb.94 2tuo Io Ia,ade.zo Ius1 la Iar71a.80 1Y42 15 1br4FD.Y1 Pos;irs S Iodrz4Y.o1 SC8'X oA' A?IAN470 1tBACg A!'IA4l70I7iA0]!r Mdt2Z1! '156T&4 W10ptS1~;T~! - O&N392AL S~4~A2 80~1W9 oaooll aotad Ilaatasba~.l9d! 148.BA 1dI.9- a81.?9 aio.es Ia7.32 a3T.61 aUb.BY 1,842.0] ar8S0.a0 sra6a.ea ,,\ Oo1l~ottona Duoo2laoNd Collaottotia Uaoo111otad laaP aaa~d Baisnw lam' erdad Lialanoa Baatynbar 50.194a ~afhfibar JO.ltr63 ,6 ~w+4ombaP 30. X48 s~tQeoDar SO.Itr~4 17.bD # 1a0.1Y• - ¢ IaB.1- 17.30 198.8@ - 193.811 8].a5 aOy.fB - 509.-8 at.ab 18ir.80 - 186,00 82.aa 188.09' - 130.07 ss.ao ala.ol - ala.ol SB.a2 a?Y.09' - 226.07 41.3b lr4'6.80 lb.b0 . 1x434.80 89p„~ Ir47D.Q1 293.80. 1r840.a1 Io.43s.7s ara9•r.oQ bas.9a. Irovl.7s - 16r480.Y1 19rM7.o2 ar039.y0 11rb~'.61 aIrY2lAb 14r183.L19 ~ 7r737.ba .1y~YL~ r'~~~b ~\ r.~ 1.q ~~// i 8ah1~ • A~9 / 4 ,I34N~G c tkelan0o Graver` 1~ ots blk. b-,YO-41 Anthorlg, J.Y.., ..T. ~ 3,4 58 Q 640.98 Bare~al8, ro .!s.t•. ~ b, 10 41 766A Biabea,Nrank U. ' 11,.13 52 640.3 EJMacSftald @ XhudU F. b U2 640. 13'n +c,J'L al rd, +~ ~ 6a 325.7 EG.tl, Haroaert 1,2 42 1,adb.61 01 m`h, :+'i tahlgh ! r^arurl ,, uo1 tbro Jo.) 4 4I 171•hCi Clar.Yaon, r.«aod~ $ of 1 a0 325.7 G3.s.:,.~,:t.':.,8atute Q+ 5,6 26 1,2eD. Le; ott es,rrrs •I.aa t as (Porctan4g diTa.+:ao.,;) ¢ a,Y 1/a0 3ai.7 t''t~kslateV~,Harr~ 4 80 640.b8 Ntzzelatotn,Leanart3 S 41 388.77 Umrsr,tTS•Katte 0., beta t9 of 1 a '/.6 1,268.6Y Urn_?a, :f. t7• 4 Sit l,; 640.:1 Ea::C;,~,Y'.B.Xa Late 4/ 1 2? 640.96 Jaooba, .a. s. 5,a,7 Ba a5t.ta 1eca, Mrs. X. !t. 5,0 3a 1,280.70 l;oala~oad,t;ol.sv.7. '1,8 52 6403 kstga, Lelta 1. 2 3 32 640.33 Yv;1ar, x. ,. l,a,3 ].r rr 1,8ba.20 6lcrRS, K.:.:.,3a t:: is $- 0.1. 5•d lb I, 114.1 Idaacnt e. K. Y cXl 640•.96 tlaazu3il , rtrs. U. !5. 7 41 988• NonLn;,ze, ;.or;,+ J• 3 a7 64030 >a&t111han, ;~rcal 1,• 5,d 52 6b3.73 Ywe+aon, ri• r. . 6 41 4al•OB Ir`t%•_Yy,ssio rs o,>' >.P. 1,::,3 51 b56. bii 1K! ;unirl,%.Y, a,1U 52 640.56 Eo aar ripnoh [:opal .;o. Iioi-~1 k e.~l A^va .16, 367.3a paba~.,r, dar~i ... 8 29 6x9.73 ta71n'+,+;1i.7Ja`d 4 33 6xY.7 yr%7r, :.. x. 1/,' pf 7 ,s 8 38 657• 1'a2nte, ;. s. 6 3:f 7c#i.4.0 ref o to, ,:.:i. 11 • oJ'7 33 3U?•88 i'arah,~;. t. (,Yarnar.7•I da E. aJ HnG:te ;ottsrz/ 1 .82 7W •9H Xe~;istm, <1. ~~1vlr: 3,4 42 1,261. xe Li., --r.,, ~~, :~ 5 a7 840.36 fi] y t~,;:,.iiSriv't[rt) 10,11 BI Ub:i.73 Xoxr ra, r,.; •, Jr• 4 51 31L• Paoa:rar , •n~. '` 4 32 640. Xott.•um, ,rdelph 0~ W 2,2 4l 818.1 ,:itao hLCA,E~n: •Pla'!r tey. 2 15 0411.36 Croalxl, Ha;X1en Uote1 xeaa•uatioM1 b4i.8b RY>9~ OF AB'Lr7b':7C BBACA ATldJJ`PZC f18dGRr P'LOX1L'A 3BA0A?L ASSSSs~fBN"i°S ROAIA?i' A$14T1N0 !'ROP9IYY ~TtBd!!it SV,ly43 1 V • Uolln.gz=elL PaBta. r t n e t p a 1 ----._vn! L4reaj and Panal Et es - Onao11 ao ted P.nraz~l Coll oo ted OolleaLert Balar+pi PatB ---u 1y1' lY4a---- -,1Y42-1 u4Y - at b-30-A3 Prtnatpal lblt-Ibff2 1b42..tY49 -30-44 Oo P~ Inter+aaf 4n al tt~oreat Prtnotnal Int• hssa8a,:rsnt ; 83.97 ;~ bs.s9/$ 559.82 a a/z~~49 ; - Q 23.01 g - $ as.47 ;~ - ; - 9 53.37 83.70 / 89.70 / Q98.M1. 0/1/49 - 30.08 - 28.10 - - 63.70 53.89 / 83.99` 639•ear 8/]/13 - 26.61 - 23.47 - - 53.97 89.99•/ 53.37/ 539.62a 6/1/43 - ,35.6] - 29.47 - - 59.87 a7•Ib~ 27.15^' 271.45•, 8/7/43 - 13.03 - I]•Y4 - - aT.1b 108.:Ir IpiS•8l,/ 1~067.Wq @/1/48 - 50.78 - 40.33 - - 105.81 b4.42 ~ 81.42,/ 346.20 8/1/42 38.7'0 89•Y8 - - 31.47 13.84 31.47 - - 325.73y 0/1/41 - - - - 62•b4 a4•b7 27.28 205.81/ 1,102,81/•< - 8/1/49 - 30.71] - 4y.iN - - - 29.16` 27.18/ 271,Q3~ 6/1/43 - 13.03 - l1•b4 - - 27.15 83.99/ b33 7/ b33.6an 8/]/43 - 25.01 - a3.49 - - 53.97 32•ab/ 32.2Y/ 324.2b~ 0/]/49 - 15.54 - 14.20 - - 32•ab 105.8I/ 1pb.81~ 1,OU9.07~ 8/]/48 - 50.76 - 40.31 - - 105.82 b3.3T/' / S9.87/ 533.6Y~ d/1 43 - 25.6! - 23.47 - - 53.87' 5J,37 - 586. by a d/ X48 - 2b. F1 - - 5337 23.47 33.37 7b.3Y.., / 875.40r - 0/1/43 - 38.20 - 34.01 1 1 4 1W.74 - 1,173•b6K d/2/42 - 5].28 - - 00.94 46.bd 06.7 39.Y1 / 6337/ 539.82 w 8/1//43 - 28.81 - 29.47 - - 35.37 63.37 5337/ S3Y•6l ~ d/1/43 - ab.61 - x3.49 - - 63.57 ]5B.2b/ x38.77' 159.ai/ 2,30?,d2, 0/2/43 - 7Y•SS / PY6.81H 0/1 ~43 8.28 75•Y7 124.15 - Bb.64 - 9b,5Y - - - - LSt•2Y 7b•bY 59.97 63.97ti sss.da~, d/1/49 - 25.61 - 23.47 - - 5:.'.3% ba.2b1 - 356.v'i'1+ ®/1/42 - ]5.54 - - 32.3b 14.28 32.3Y 5339/ 8337/ S33.62N d/ 43 - 25.61 - 23A7 - - 53,87 d / Obi. 7J ~ 6/ /43 - - - - 100.11 76.tL9 b3.37 4.78 - ~u6.28~ d/1/4? S.sA 323b - - 32.;f b 14.26 32.3b 11i!•18/ 7Y5.BIN 0/1/49 1.57 - - 72•.70 - - 7b. bb 53,39/ b337/ s.93• Ba.. 0/1/49 - 2b.61 - 29.47 - - 33.8'1 16,309.32 / V ~ - ~ - 6/1/49 1,584.01 9.160.21 - - 1 - - - b337 64U.88' / - Uid/49 Y.7~ 27.78 1 .00 50.62 - IOd.74 SOB.Y9r, 0/3/43 ax.a+ - - 59.90 53.37 23 f}7 b337 54.71/ 54.76/ 34833w 6/1/49 - 26.31 - a4.la - - 54.78 - a25.68 56a•89,~ d/1/49 - 220.86 - a4.77 - - 56.3:. - - 30d .83 N U/]/8L - - _ - 68.5a 4:1• c~ - 61•Y$/ 05.87 862Sb~ U/1/48 - 31.61 - 2b.Z4 - - 66a•Sb .105.70/ 103.90 1,068.35 v. U/1/43 - 5U.7Y - 46.58 - - 105.76 83.87/ 5337 b93.62a 0/1/49 - a8.61 - 23 d7 - - 5d~7 5937V - 64o3d.•.II/1/41 8.24 a7.73 - - Z06.7M 4L.08 59.57 26.~/ a6.aa a62.1b X0/1/43 - 12.5a - 11 •5a - - 26.22 b3.97 / 916.Y3 - 6/1/48 - a5,61 - 23.4'7 - - - - - 818.10 +~0/I/40 - - - - 1115.7Y &1.06 ri.'7•Y:/ 53.5E' / b3.37 bd9.62 M 0/]/43 - 25. Ul - 2s •47 - - ti 1.57 Y43.8Y / - - 6/1/41 - 15.66 - - - - Y 6 SO 3 3 Ba 3 6 B 7 d7 a 87 89 03 35 0 - Sbh Ndal B A-3 (Page 1) ......,..... ~..... db711' OF R4'1.tlMTC f~iCB A?L1MCX0 B&:tRl, P1tYlIt1A SLBABAIJ: A91~S$d~VVY'3 Me'SN37' A$73Y'9V0 PROP~tTI e 80. 190. - ----:• ~ Bat ~~ LOib + 1~• ~! ,~-- Stonar, J. B. 2 2'7 # 84p.38 surrrr•r x. 3. 4 36 Bl Y.28 .itsSSl3, K. .R. $ 5@ x54 y3 olo ts7v~, Jahn it. 3- 16 640.36 9'havta, Aoc14 4 :fd--il 698.75 Yf~ra t, Y'hoa. .n. B,Yr lorll 6a l,se7.46 q+,aoherfIqr-grate K.rJr: tlr.X~ro1d Van baafok 8,7 ' @2 1 2,3,4 68 @40.3@ 1,831.00 , salloer, 6~L.oj 3. B. , 8 4i 421.08 7tloos, 0. F. S 8S @66.53 1 5,6 ~ 16x4.20 ~ 2teas~ T. 41/re 4,1/8 4/ S 19 ]~09i.38 8tlsm,B1`s. lpranso Ivar Noa3oaolc, O.P. b 13 6.10.56 wootanr L. P. $r4 a6 1µ'+6Y.62 srtgRt, coreav- 4 Z-' 640.35 Yw~hae, J.B. 4 P.O. 7 88 885.85 S1aDDsr R. 6. 8 SIB 9Yt3.7Y TOd'Ala' $ 69 t r o t pp a 1 Cellootad Cal2satad ~ 29Gt-1W2- 1®44_1844 ~ ~~ g, 53.87 $ bsd.&4 8 rg4.35/ - - 640.38/ _ 108.74 / b.4.37 178 YB /1 63t .BR - a18.4F , , &Y.87/ 33 S7 b38.62 2,8Ul.Op 55.48 / 65.46 ,666.69 IOB.r'96/ - 1,887.4@ 7Y.5Y'~ 7a.bY 875A0 7Y.6Y/ 7Y.69 7Y8.81 53.9J/ SS.37 634.138 1p5.B1~ lOb.81 I,OSB.4~ 58.a7 68.97 6JB.d1 5b.48 35.46 564.BS YY8.79 - - ~rssas~ 7~ ~ mi Ibt4reat ant PGnatttw PatB ---,299J-.tyf8----- -1iN.~-lY48-- ~. ~ + ~. )ti t sPfs f e/1/4a $ - d aa.@1 ~ - t as.47 a/f es / Io.l7 Qs+.sB - - 6/1 43 178.9P7 1Y2.S7 - 27.98 ~ ~ - 9.36 - 88.47 /l da.7J l /~ 1 ~~ - ~~ - $/!/4? 3.46 &3.3Y - ..6/1/18 ~- 28.62 -~ 24.40 6/1/6D 26.30 5b.77 6/1/48 14.62' 41.38 12«48 68.20 @/1/48 - 9Y..11 - 34.06 .8/1/48 8.98 ab.61 - a3.47 @/1/43 - 60.7L - 46.bb ft/I/45 - 85.61 _ asa7 6/1/4s 8688 - sa4o B/1/4a 188.17 192.86 - 87.48 $'2,120.86 6,258,77 83.29 1 4a8~.W masvoss ace®: miain Dattygp.erit payta, pnabllaotad Anneml at 9-.10-~R.R' Pr;M tpal ptltar0oal rnc• ~taeaanard 8 - ~ - $ b3.37 - - - 53.87 - 55.57 213.48 Y8.21 108.74 88.8Y 82.3Y 55.46 820,28 168,68 206.74 7Y.SY 17.08 7Y.SY - - 76.3Y - - 55.37 - - 105.81 - - 55.37 - - ss.43 ! 1~5m.31 ~ 687.87 I ~5,82D.78 ~ ', ~lY{4dt14 a.y. Tv'itN OF nSLANTIC 12;lsf.W AElantto Buaoh. Florida 7ALOhTlOAt GP AUY1i:.iilllLd dllD STOCKS Sya"FT3k$r8 30. 1843 7aluatton ko for NO. Daed t'cr ,u^e~t. .90 '43 F'urd~ 1942 Coach 18089/93$ Fa1toB Cot` : 8d0.C0 lnt~-rnattonal 1T~uok caudal lY30 321/2 3t. 1Jatnt::twnaa 1000.00 Internnatonal Truck b~odel t}-.90 35603 St. ltatnt<:nanov 2~.i0.00 ;nternattonal Truoh :~bcWl D-30 7443 ;;arb..ga Co11eo:- ton8 40J.00 Total-auto and 2f~uaka ; a.4ao.ot- Saheiluly A-/. ~' _•~ . ~... q .~Il! OP ATLNVTIC B4AL'H ATIAt1TIC BEACA, PIQiZDA ANALYSIS - ACOQlXRS PAYABLE AKD CCX4'RAQTS PAYABLE SEP9'~B&¢ 80, 1y49 Apr' UO/tN+¢Ota A~O.O~~aiil7{~f0 Due to ~ P S/oL1• Yayail~ Duval Enpinaertag a Canatnwtton Conpa-y strvot l~t++0 # 4,3?S.t19 &.a.t7.3. Cw°peratten Ihotnw~ater atfe 161.49 4~9Af.14 4Tte At1 od to Nai tm al Bmlr Ftaano t rp W of Jmlisonvtlle, FIa. balance dus jer tnaw~arst piV- atWaa 46Y.83 46r.BB gytal daR at Sq~tomber 30, Iy4Y $ 4,BSi4.Y9 Duo datoa 41 oettraota pWAblet ate ma+nt 10/1/43 # 63.38 11/1~/t9 83.20 s~~~ ~ a :a o jia ~ 20 a a ~ .a o 6/144 82.30 Total # 4BY.88 Sbhsdul a Aid ,.~... ~. _ ____ ---- -- TDIIN DF ATIANT70 HSACfI i ATLUVT70 L~AO'FI r 11.Q3SL4 BCIIO)3 PAYA8L8 ~ I ~f8i!$ffil 90. Ip<4 pas DaN ~tsnat Bats ,~tartAf oatabar Ir IyC/ E Z i ryr~•W patabar Ir Iy6 {,ti< 7r000.W pafober Ir 1L10 f x 7rOlA .07 ObtsDA' 1r IftsO ; ,f Yr007.(A Ooiobsr Ir Ip61 ~ X 7r007.G0 Oopyber 1r IytB I ,~ ~r000.00 Oatebar 1r 1yd.Y 4 ~ 9rDtG.OD ~~Yr00D .00 BsMs 6atsd Oatobw~ 1. 1Y98f Ortgtnal taaw ~I80r000.L0 Bsttf7rd to S~ptarbar 30r IYfl ~ sBrOW.00 1a41..1yt2 ?6r 0017.09 1W2-IY~ 9.OW.OD IO1rODD.00 Cutatandtrg .Adp taub 1 or 80r 1f~ $ lfirOW.OD snhod~l s a-9. '1nNAT OP APLWTIC BBACA. ATI.ANTl C D%S ~gl, F1QtI134 CAS R%CBIPTS ANA DI:18VIi~VX#l78 !KR 3110 P~-0%fi ffi~t7® a^SP1'~F~t 30, 13ii.4 r -•- tfffif~AL RAYD---- -----3~All 1RTdtD---.- yaarsr ~ 3~PLlRb ~~ eid 3W tarab~ 30, CA91 8&t•BIPT3t ~ y Ad nataa°an Eacp a 11,559.41 ~~ {b 14r1f:14.W ~ 1,If1.8? ~ 1,2ri0.24 1nEgrasE attt pvnatEtga oA tmeaa 2,343.88 247.44 - - poonpaEtonat Iio~ab ISB.6D 1r~1.00 - - Ftnaa and l4rlai6area 961.00 959.00 - - Oartwga oolleottons and Enatk ran Eat 168.45 - - Bstld itg parx:tta 89.80 3.70 - - li+attah tro boat, OLEy oI Jaokacmtillg (ItghEa) @.97.{0 QiI.$J - - Xa~Jlattd, Toes' q~ a'ap t~,na Nemh ( Erq/~ix 2 tgh ta ) 168.43 - , Sa1g OI h0,~:t - 155.95 - > - saESr, yltatr 39.00 - - - liat 2ouna raootvact Iran bank a, 452.85 - - - ~butEtng pr•opertigat Yrt natPal oollarottana - - 28,430.33 9,047.OP InEeroat ooll[ottotu - - 5,283.97 1,428.44 xtaoallarrtats raJ4nAg 256.81 16.47 - - :>tregi aaaeaaarnEe: ~rtnotpal ooZteoEtata 1,011.28) 1x546. - - IriLat~aE aallaoEtona 297.,$F) - ~ - - ToEa1 Xeienue 21,5SY.B;i 14,G~.35 3I,532.k12 D,791.8~t fdd: Caah balarpe as of beginning oI y~r 173.41 556.86 1,3,yi.e7 8,810.88 5'otol nvat2abla Cash x1rY95.81 14,4Q!182 32x838.74 12,587.16 Dxaaa L: Utab!a•aar±o7 La Ior year - denenal - :;ohacitile !}-I 21,568.46 14fOS?.01 - - Liabara6r'~nta lax yenr - ~eousat2 - Sbha~iolg !i-.9 - 30147.45 6,d70.M7 CaB: Balance - :aaP tBxbarr• 3097: ~ 33a.ti5 ssstaz~ 850,21 ~ 2,8IO.LiB as~ao~ ;; 2, 41J .18 1 ~•3 ~3~ oSE lmut7l~ a. 3`011N OP ATTANS`ZC btiAC9 AT4pfIC 88ACftr I+~tTOA CAa'7i DISxINS~ttT3 - O~t1RAJ: RtJiD - dND ffOtttPARISf.7t TO 1K1t7013~1' FOR i~'0 17tANS ~IACi .S~Pffi403~i 90, IY4t tae Otd .:d:nLetetrattuet salarg 4T v1 a'k-.auperufap" ,Yplnry od AsatatcnE Jerk prtnting and atattanary T'atan hall tnotd6nfala „adttor Ad[rw fib Eng Total Yam' ended 5~ taaber 30, 1Y43 Adept d P a V a@ n t 8------- .~.~ ~ O®ttal ~c- ~ 2,460.00 $a,40o.00 - 8 a,4oo.00 900.00 880.110 - 850.50 800.W 1b4.70 - 154.70 150.00 181.28 - 181,28 I00.00 150.00 - 150.00 100.00 - - - 8,060.00 8,538.48 8,618.48 --Year endea 3¢~toaber 30, 1048 Adept ed ---~ a y a e n f a--^---- Br39If t9~e~'attro Cant tai T ~ a,9yo.6o a,9ao.oo - ~ a,96o.~0 @00.00 800.00 - 800.00 150.00 248.8a - 248.92 IOV.uO IsQ.10 - It38.18 9,550.00 8,98L,48 - 8,78Y.48 ~areeav. Streete. and rarhet Driver and holper Napa{ra arxi mplmer:enty Oaaol the and ot] t;zLra labor Xere ~neto6r` e,rslverte, ahe11, street potaahtrsg Boplaoea~anta ttnainarator) Dotal Police and Yu!>Zto ~('aty: Jatartl of lrarahal spoafnl ojjiosr Nepatre and ranlcaenenta :iq/etU hcthtng 1t~yYjto atgrsa Lt,/e saving :7aae16~a ant oil ]Jejerned payragti On naeo pot 10• ear 8cdte aerut w Jail x'o tat OtAar U L.: to r•ea;.a?rr t a: „11 tna>ararare .7futgee ealrryJ ntEOrne7p ealray/ tXtbt eeruioe YOrtyagoa,notee and Lnteroaf 6Kre pro:aotton Streof Itghft CM-tt ngeno tea - sb hea~1 o tt-a Attta~neya joss d.te ar-t payable Court daoreo od interest Total ORr7ND ,~R1 1,3.~7,Q) 1,88],20 - 1,OW.~ x,200.00 a,aoo.w - 2,200.00 200.00 419.88 - 419.eB a60.OD ba9.31 - 528.31 f asn.oo s6B.so - eae.so aao.oo 881.0'! - 281.09 800.00 1,18@.x0 - 1,16+8.20 1/00.W 1,818.88 - 1,61B.tit ' 4.00 485. Q0 - 4.00 - 165..E - 156.20 180.OD 94.47 - 94.47 - - - - 60.00 82.00 22.00 - - - ' 8,ab3.00 4,1@8.08 `_ f,1ESS.UB 8,Sb0.00 4,788.64 - 4,'189.84 1, . 1,800.00 - I,BOO.Cn B,lOD.00 x,100.00 _ 2,100.00 207 100.00 888.84 - 888.04 100.00 268.48 - 263,48 100.00 - - - - 6o.aff 31.88 - al,s6 so.oo _ _ 100.00 lOD.00 - 100.00 100.OD 1iq.OD - 100.00 800.00 888.81 988.81 900.W 350.69 - 350.88 400.OD - 4GD.00 400.00 - - - - ~ - - - - 360.00 3'J0.00 - ' 3~A,GY1 - Sao.ut 22&.2b - 22g.ay. 8,050.00 8,88a.B1 4x1.OD 8,088.81 B,SIO.OD 9,348.311 - 9,948,38 450.00 478.76 - 490.96 8x1.00 520.16 - 620.18 280.00 ?8.00 - 98.00 IaO.W 8.00 - 6.00 e0o.00 a,ass.aB - a,4sq.5e 1,OW .00 - a,804,$Y 8,804,8Y 1,OW ..10 - 2,44f~Y4 2, 444.-4 SOO.W 118.89 8,000.00 2,118.89 1,OCC1.00 45.07 1,000.07 1,Ofi.W 207.00 11715.00 126.00 - 150.00 180.00 - 19 0.00 BOO.W 837.40 037.40 348.OD - 848.00 34E.U0 a,465.ao l,tea.le _ l,tea.ly s,ao4.7a 689.Bk - 5B7.t;.1 - - - - 1,5(0 .OJ I,b30.7D - 1,530.70 640.OD 647.1+8 547.42 O,aB5.a0 6,187.8Y _ 6,44a.2b 10r60d.Be tirOBA TY 8,869.07 9,71G,tK 7,180.61 ?,i6r220.20 ~m 15,851.66 mv~ b,802.2Y :mssa~ t21,91.8.Y8 ram .~2D,478.7y 16,2~J,07 8r71B.W ~Ib,032.01'. sohorwlo B-I TO~f NP ATLANTIC DSA(8 ATL4NTIC D$ACN~ Fl.AR7114 ANALYSIS OF CdlTIN11~CISS - 0?i7NR.4L PVDD PCIS TAO 2'BARS B1YJJ]!r0 5~'44i1i4Nt 80.2LA4 .4oaaADsr S0.2t1Ct SaD tawEfr 80.2y~B Adwratstny ~ L~A4.84 ~ 1~F0 CtuL2fan Da~finN ?OY.94 lylr0a Afd 9i~2faa 2m,ap 200,Cp 4aa mad Ott $l.90 - Lt,/e Ouard - lN.00 rraal,~ unfa 4a. iiQ 4t ,20 .1Rasara aa.m 1a.oo R4yafro to aondwwd prrparay 89B.d0 - . Repafra o~ wafn4nan0a~ .a,w,a !t~-c. laa.as st.ae StOnai 2tJtas 4b9.9it - P.T.A. - Da+af ton tar 802,~ofg b017C ~,W -- U. :i. 0. 40.00 - Rorlto Q1 ,00 - Yisoalltaaaow flaw 27~'.91i a4.I8 Tsaala ~ 1~yS2, lY # LiB9.t7Y. SOhseB~l a D~+2 ..~. ~ TO~1V OF ATlAHTIC Iix~C~~! A9'IAM'IC B6A(N~ Pl62TDA DI9B1RS6aBNTa' - .4'SCLiI AS3YS.~l3T1T (9XAAALL) FUIID !fit YWO YSAR9 &VD~ S$'T®/B~7 0. 7iNi Year •nd•d E~Pfleb arr 9y.IW? ~fao~as• 8P.2f{3 Bends rsitr+td j d9~OGn.00 ~ Y~OGai.UO 2AESre~st paid 8a2o.ia1 2~9®t.s7 Prastla>B pa>d sn bands rsEft+sd - dU9.9v To6a7 Diebltvaaonir ~ 8D~247wfQ ~ b~~0.y1 .yUASduts B,9 n~u ~ rM~en. c. ~. a. sin aP Amrwrra afttca A~.rArls~c 8SAt31r 1~1~rtx .aralt~res ~ >~~ ~zsl~~t so. auas f ~~ { POl toy ~+ d ~amarstu Murnber ~laR ~IL,nx offoriatton Covrra{~, ~ttY9 s'tandar'd bartrrf 78804 7i/1*/~3 3 ilk Pirf - Tatsn (fall baaki tug $ 2,750.00 • IAt70 - Coniaair 300.00 13.10 'Jtandav~d YmKnf 76205 9/24/1M 8 bearv Ptrs - per tnrlaiaP 6s tldi ng QOO.OD 7.50 Cf77HIbLa CrU~175882 q/lf~4it 1 b~' ra~srf ewrpraFfaifen 25,000.00 158.23 Stand~+d uarins d-aR23~9 q/1S/18 1 yAtT CollfstoA awE Oo~redteast»O - Q dD 00 pM7d X18-6BW03 A.C. V. . 3iarrlerrl Mp~tne 39283 O/14/is 1 brag Calltfton ark o0~7wilw-etw - Aa0 1Ri~naiional iRNkf~ f00A 500.0.7 77.00 NarWar' .sin-b050763 q/1{/4D 2 ymn~ Publis Ztabtltiy ®id Preperiy ()~tggY - 2 1niiPnattBNf1 aR6i ! rbrd 5/10/20 01. 142.6 :.ar7/1NH ;;assaltb Co. 89-0985"N 1?/'ti/42 1 bsaT .4µ/e btp~glav~/ 800.00 IO.OD t:r0at mrrrk~an 1278!9 L~/14/64 1 yfiT F{$B1iQ/ Dprd - 0. R. }7'arifP 2,000.00 20.W R'03AL Pir6'tflTldSS H0~ffit f 589.28 jC124.U] of inr ebace av:oietL 4t total Prmitrrne Aae barn gold and Yrr balyw0~ glue tntereaL 4T X11.48 ioLaltng ~4Ba.8d. tf be Lag jtnanOed t,7aegph 2fta ailanito tlattonal iiaNC Of JaofieorwtllBr .Nlortda. tiJf[Q81'l C