Capital Project Funds ~f ~,~'~ .c o~ N~1, I Q ~~ r CAP/TAL /MPRO VEMEIV T FUND 104 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Capital Project Funds are used for the purpose of accounting for financial resources and expenditures related to the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities and improvement other than those recorded in the Enterprise (Proprietary) Funds. Following are the Capital Projects proposed for the 1996-97 Budget: Project Desc~ption Funding Source Paving Levy Road from Mayport to Main St. Gas Tax Funds S 115,078 Reconfigure Donner Road Gas Tax Funds . S 75,000 Shared Purchase Dutton Island 5200,000 -Conservation and ~' City Portion: 257,500 Recreation Land Funds ~ - Port Authority 60,000 Sate of Fla. 575,000 557,500 -General Fund ~ Jacksonville 257.500 Total Purchase Price 1.150.000 .. Atlantic Boulevard Median Strip Beautification 540,021 -General Fund City Portion 540,021 Handicap Beach Access Ramp 1996 SunTrust Loan S 10,000 106 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CAPfiAL IMPROVEMENT FUND COMBINED SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES (`.psh Cam Fenverd pFVFM IFC Inter9ovamneMal GraMS • (Renaissance) FL Barge Canai ReinrbursemeM Traveler from Gerreral Fund Traveler from Gas Tax Fund Trarefer from Convention Devebpment Loan Proceeds Interest Eeminps TOTAL REVENUES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL RESOURCES FxPENDITURFB CapNal Pro)rxt Expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES CASH RESERVES OTHER FINANCINO USES TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND CASH RESERVES RFSOIIRf F I1 O .ATION' Personal Services Operating Expenses Capftal ONWy Debt Service Trarefors TOTAL REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1993-9{ 1994-95 1995-BO 1999-97 DECREASE 190.905 92.169 170.571 95.852 (134.719) 127,802 90.000 (30.000) 200.000 200,000 235,397 9,500 97,521 94.021 125,129 104.000 190.078 190,078 12,073 179,000 65.800 (85.600) 607.865 (607.865) 4.23s 6 sos 1z.ooo s.o9o n.oao7 141.438 592.615 718.985 492.598 (228.966) 271.743 884.814 889.538 'S28.4S1 (381.0857 151.319 514.244 853.684 197.599 (356.0851 151.919 ~ 514,244 ~ 853.884 497.599 (358,065) 92.169 170.571 95.852 30.852 (5.000) 28,255 271.743 684,815 889 538 (781.095] L354 90,147 76,834 109,054 124,097 836,850 40.911 151.919 514.244 853.684 (16,834) 197,599 (379,251) 497.599 4958,0957 1~~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DMSIONAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS REVISED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICES 1993-84 1994-95 1995-98 1998-97 DECREASE ' WAGES Salaries and Wages Overtime Spedal Pay SUS-TOTAL BENEFRS FICA Pensbn Health Insurerrce Worker d lhremPbY ~P SUBTOTAL Total WAGES and BENEFITS OP eTIN XP NS S• Prefessional Servkes Accorsairp, AudRinp CoMrectual Services Trevel, Trelninp Communkation Postage lllilities Rentals, Leases 700 Insurence Regain, Mainterence Prkrtirp, PubOshinp 854 Advertisirp, Prenatbn Other currant Charpos orcx» suppr~es Operetinp Supples Road and Materials Supplies 90,147 18,834 Inlemal Servke Charges Total Operetinp Expenses 1,354 90,147 18,934 (18,834) CAPITAL OUTLAY' Land 235,337 257,500 257,500 Buildups 12,053 150,970 167,781 (467,767) Other Improvements 54,481 29,790 219,089 240,099 21,010 Equipment 42,520 150,000 (150,000) ConslnxAion h Progress Total CapNal Oulley 109,054 424,097 838,850 497,599 (339,251) DEBT SERVICE- Prirx;ipal Interest Other Total Debt Service TRANSFERS To General Fund 40,911 To Other Totai Trensfere 40,911 DNISION TOTALS' 151.918 514.244 959.864 497.599 (358,095) )~8 109