Fiddlers Lane 2329 7 A, UT T-wT U�p t, -xx 7. j// 0 A1 tc ZZ, �AZ ,-av la ,a W7 41' Ar T�p elAw Pz .59 Cr_ Vv:rT-r-aJOA AVE 17 IA, Az� or--' cQvm^9,Vr' SAAoRz 17- Okl T—7� HOW f4m -to AOT 71 4/ A is I-- A. 74IR lid I I T5 r /TII� all, A,l.t t 15. A-� r ------ A.-T L: MA 2p' ....... A'F 116 t1A I P SNA. A—,ie Fl�5� 4 .!W 9 �T��Y L(C"-I,. IF "T 21 TO V TO 4' TRIM vc�u tv- boA 121" &,OAS,� IV)A14 I I r—..1 4 U 1 1" 1;-� aTA1 L F-F SJQ x �Y..fAI:? Z 4.A %P -Z �A tr DF-A L -;IA I i I' L P tI 'd T 24 C-11C !,-4 V. If 14 115z, 1 ............ MI.I, E L E C T A N TIp T_V t.4 -v, -ca-c— A- TOP INIZDS 214 f ro . R_ -- J"- , �U�TAL. V.It Is,5 t T, V IO4LE. L'AZ A kIlk N A 4m�- .<as 4 1 LOTIL k',' _`tItI I ALL RUNS SI�t I!C NIETAU!V m/'ITAP-� tI A� 1� 921 .1 011 AYII�) c OIL.."C'CIARIA \A rA r -NOTE !�r-! L: VSF ;k -_L .A 11 c A o: U,� FlIF C IT' V. "CA010"Tc. -91 TIVU t E6 S P-r ft I, o O.Q it AT L .4 1. LITS t�41A5 FILL AL� Cl.�VZ C'171! 1�t;Vk'N' V f,'PLYW-*L` A.A. 1.14 1,7 11,1IL 41!ILLE k IIIt... 'tp 4 SUAL IL CAA Ifmb, 1".4 r, y 24' 4 23 T11 EIL It I Z Lm I'd thL FIL'I�VA Fk 140-- 14 A hmn6v mi!to SEE T',FTO, _P I IJ,11 LIT A/C LWITS MIA" tbouI 77 YY. SE. _4 �Wl OA 'AI�-TII�ILW!11 wo U� 4T.4� ry ILZA, if- CP `F_C 7 t Q N 3CALE A X T 1- k C) 5 :5 6z2."4r 4 I!)NE 8TII0 OMIT 7 44 z Y, j "o z r' I-A 'i J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA BUILDING PLANS LEGAL 11, fjf CASTI!a 4 EEPPLi LCT 3 A ADDRESS jh� 4NTLAoJnC &WO BEN 1-Tl(o53-0Uo LOC.ID N /A PERMIT# �6k &-7&OZ4-7(-/ CONTRACTOR AtiVtOWtivilla Qmffeb, Ak� INDEX RE--' '-F. AKE- S I -T- / � DDJ I IONS 17777 I-A -4 A A I.k_t�` A. At"Al. 4,It .0 kiell.,.111.1 k­l,I A 25, ,m-do Mty ip,,tt'�lj­ 411: ll� It 01, It- MA '..':....1,AM,11 umm"i= AM bi. MI. I A;1.4,1.AM I--k U... ",kn.it 1M,M,Al_.tMAI.I., I.tail.". AMA kt-.cl..MA I-A 1-1 e.A, " - "11=11 .. A.I.A. .11MA! I-.-AM". -I i...... .;M 0�.AM,.AM.11-11. -.11 1.. l`lA Ili C kit�..1 MA pttAM. 1-11-.1.1.1rIkI tip,lpmatl AA'=Iil. .1 XAM all-I'—AM I'—ktit"al,AM A, '. _,k.,At A. A. e, =Mke 1. .,,,�k MiII.1I.AL m.we'.u�VM .0. FW.11-1 1.,.C-1-tt. M"Mu".11.'MI. i. AMI- kMM,..M.1 11.11-1. Lt.!"W 1.'-.1"". A"t A lk, I-A Ik­Al­A -AM-A.1-1. ~.1. MA It. _M,luk.'. Att"" .'A'.ttAt,I=I. At.kil: L=III Llidi A. " 11,611.1,.iMpi. Ottwola. All 101 e. k.,,` AAL.Ikk: AM,M,,,, A, .1 t 1.AM AA.11, 1 .1, MM AiMMil.. C.,i,li.Ix -C'"`.11 Atilt. I p­t1.A Mm A.)W.- I.a I- e ."..AAAA'.' 1"..- -AA-.1 AM till. -.1."Ato 1. "Ailift,1. Ad. .1.1. .1.1...kAA. k-.ilt,..AA AM, A, tlAt AM A. .1, pttitMi'­ I. A; A.I A..m(All ft..1- MkI UptMa, ."All Al-I�.'oAAAA..AM kMMg �sarl to ..I- It-.1k.l. A. -it 1'..1.1.1,ma.to I... A. 'AAM Air.. t J.".1=IMMMAII AM -,,i.A, It.Imm..AMMIA,A, mpl. to I.AM S. AMA-MA,-M...1,oAkAot A At....... .1.1.Mot ...MAM k'.I.,.- I AAA:I I lat ca."I. kol. A.I.A."...'eft"I.LAA."AA, AMMt OAM AM.111.1...vtMpAtIr III mmu AM.I... "A"AAAM". 11.1-1 MAi .11 1 1.Mit. I. k.".AM,W AM A,q­M.'AM .1.w_. lot i.11-.,I I Ar Mill.. %pAwMI FkwhIsav I'MI"Al w A. AAAArAl .11'Allill ;.P:- (Moll, Aft"AM 1-1. tokis -1.1.1. o,mflim As A At.. A. AM A. I"e"i IttI'lliAMMAI.Ai. F: ItAll"kit" .11 AtI I.- .'".11 1 kill AAIAMA.. -cwtMelf-Wiparip A, Lt. fi-ArKI.e. A", If W Md it.. I..-Is tol, OMISIM 7 (All eMill A 11AIMA, "A'AcAme) ,kutttAA.AMAI Aot AM.1-1 MA,AM. C. A My I-.Me it..I. ..Attioll to AAMA Mr OMMAA. At",litille, .. =',.. sms.okAM. MIMA=AM, Mo WMI At aa :. E.C. 1-1 IMHOA u OMIAMok. A- ftok, Al 0. tt,At,,AA at,Mkillik, , ,'= At A- AMA'Al CMM­A­1 1.11 .1.ko I_.ai.lAbi. MI.AmetAillAMMAII.. A. ""A" A. Za;�. I I AMMI,Ae AAA%I & MAMM. pi ­oA"Al MAAPAAAAAoPMA A. .1 IkAk. ImMAa as kIi-to. m.immuce,MAMR-M. al"Him, Ari VAM.- A AAAA w ftod Ak"o.lootit-M.. A, I-,,Ill.1. .1 i..t Milk- A=Ap"...1. I AM 1 111.(11-IA.' -I.Mik.,"MAP thimpur -lipt,. -I- mol.WRA.AM,IAAAN I'mu III- kot Alit.M`oiA AMIA.AM in 1, .1 Ska.It...-1.1"1".. A. (MA-AeAr 'Asull.1.Mtr AM M-_ ."ll, SAAAAAA. J I SAAAAAAAA. N.AMA'Ar. U. A&- 111pat kid on It I lastall.1. Mr. "M lop lo" A, A. Aft'.0 kAdA`AAA At"AMA., IIIII.W. All t..111. It AA.AkAAM AAAAAAA`k. A. Ow 4� I'VAAAAA A=iAtM MIAMI so n. A,Sklvfttk� Mail- I. Milan I,-I AAA A. AM.A&A ImIlimil Ity M. 'tol AAAM"Aft oko.Atitiolk. .1. ft.."wrootak, .1' 1 .1 Atirt ,A I.Air"I"...I.A.11, CMAIAAMA`I..1.1 AIIAMA IA',itolik, A A. MoPit Saft".4 Ili-11.AM *.;.Ao lo"I.:_kil. .for'."w.=eA'_ -1.AAA Mor"Al. Mt!r Mil A, III it AMIA I,ft MIAMI moscur I..It fill'.AM Alkle .I. "Ati. A AT Al M`AAAMA,,.1 MA.M. ir ';AkAAA. MM A. 1. A I = s I.Moo AAAAAAM AAAAA..I'M =k` Miti.11 oill It -Akiletere. I- m MAI,AAAAAA III "MAAAAMIAW".....-Ato W. a IN AMMAAMA, A A otill.. A. will tallopicit.. *1, 1;;;AM evi AM WW Aw.".1.AIttari."..1.16 _11'.Al. y VA Aki'll"I'dit'll.-1. I I..'.III.,AM M.0- AMAMAAAAAAA.IkA,M-.- .1to. A. =17ZAMAIVAMilitiblett.l. limokoot I.Aptei"AAAAMAI AM" I.. C. I ot....1=6 IM,.1 offillom 0 kidt vpciticol� 0. FrAlwall- 7. if .Aftik AtMot-�MMA-A. �Oieg I;.And lamps: MAM,.11 1. I A. I fe..IMAM Awketil ......lAA.-AAAAAAAAAAM. ftJ:k, C. IL MAkAMI AM.=l MMA (.I-nk"Iti-)-iii"At tMoin AM-AA'-- ""'Atill I AL kill.Mr Aid.eM,"'MUM lampti A, "AAAA.AA.f­AAAA.lAAk(AMM_..I.)l,AAAA .'wHAA_.'M­,MAAkAMAl_­AI1.I`A op, Ir" j t, (I) AL I I'Moll I'.. A, $J.(_koo, 0 :.Offli. M.kok A, kill-.1.AMAAA` iol.�� I., o A. �_O= l.i. e I W=.Mok) .1.AM Ali VA.... Wil"A "AtAIMMIU."..."All. WALL WM _A..7tV Z .­AkAA,,AkA­,& "MAL o"A"AAAM.(.I A,lLICAKE) .1,AIMA A,tolkil U.".It.-AAM'. LmT '. A) ft:.AM SaMi.Staler 17-30� AM IIeMAkA _AAAAAM) MA AM IIMAAAAAA wi. 41-111115.111.U-St.A.'.".. Stollaid I F.S.I.. Ilike"'I'l"Al"AAM'. rAmwo a 3F�60 all"I'llit. exAmEr.Milos'. ANDRA/ AMAIN At Irmsho IS H'I'Mot. WALA At. L t4tieft&I.T.O.") 9) ftok"Al-IMAIMA.-.1Z I to I ko"."I't MANIIIlot,ko.. AM S-1 aauingWT 5CW90LJLE ARTWORK Sr-WECUZ "W# I MwArrwN Sim Q z--- oorwra unwZATION r67 76,76 =F vI�14==:'IV, a4 ao"bLlof WrPLY SUM me ION, 9XIS1114, is GeWIZAL WUrS5 Tr P4wjIeIo w P03 sIsLtm V 5L DLT&zmIH&0 M WALL KM Lw;� CANNON 11 POLOOK RAN eauipmr-NT f=LAN A-1 ............ ---- WM- CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH FLORIDA BUILDING PLANS LEGAL__t_jj� (ASU rfem LIST�A K ADDRESS- LOC.ID# PERMIT#- 21bi &-7&0/1,7(p/ CONTRACTOR___qdj&JU"A__b&%Aj, I. Ca= hall To equal to Milliken Tactics" custuat-Md11iC,i1.r' pa '.re. IM2 AnSO nylon. 18 01. Car�are yard face wtVt. DIVISIUM I GERERAL COWITTOPIS OIvzSIOM 6 CWEKRY Fl..bi I It, DIVISIOM 19 ELECTRICAL Radiant Panel Tell 0.45 natts/sq.to her MRSIP 75.450 A. A.I.A. Central Conditions-A.F.A. lic,,yoont A-201'GERUML CM1710S A. Rou,rh Counsel,-Material. Spoku,Contention test: 4SO specific optical de-1111 IIFFA ZSR A. eoorail Instructions: "THE C�T FOR COPISTRICTIOPy. latest baltion, hortioutter L Fu"iN snuffer sound groural so Indicated for securing trim, What paddia,%hall be� 1. Crafts.Permits"Int,nections: W�D ill AS Pat'A.1.A. Central Count it ons-, I a homer sualle a a. finish aud elsewhere as mayi.'Mi' he Of Mol.ed hiring in merelam ul" latest"Iti..national Electric&] At led Comes: Star Flom 40 01. Code IMEC)Mayor aMlicabal.local, Its.&M Utility pere at 01..�Ifftftlou. Tensile.a- masti.far Irces.. frone Wait.him as to greuinc. repar pl..1.is-annular rtc.l- 01.1.Mfg.: will.0 Chassay rules. 1.am Tle Asn'tZ..Institute of 1735 it-York Alan-, W.W.. art-.finishes. H.P.z.: Endum-,40 Sec..11 Density. leawties, mOOjyM for the lestall.ti.r. Ikohlel D.C.. send treat local A.I.A. offices. 2. All lusbus,am Mard. ..I] he aM dried W fra. 1. R.1k.] Fee.: fpsllnn I Of electrical.11n. 1. SvMIMMt A.I.A. A-201. article 4.IS.I as f011oya: Contractor that tenant be commel"MITI,Or Patient Panel T.I: 0.2Z m,lw n 1,85IR 75.950 2. 11.1"I'Mone: $hRI I*Is*CI*an ff Xtums, med�e Mnts.Zero%, ss.1.1 I to 3. I.f&and install .11 raugh .or.am set as Srsuk.Conamtf.h! 450 er are Valli,Myoutin,bl facetious of electrical e,haiment let. ,far,dirt. dont and sells,bi.I.M. 1.-11 .1hous,be dr.IN.. a,mOlumd far the Imon,Installation at thigh .It feet.,k dono Ordirr 01.contract. C.11.t.1 all car,entr,r am all'york. H. Plastic Lanninut.on OZ I.Ontertfs 0 W R.I.,$-5.34T Onto Green Or before Installation.1 muDAN-I.. verify.1.1" shall t1surtwoly clean all nour floom am floor caveriNs am ViISOn Art M Bottle G WR leading of�Jphht In ing leatellse. ..(all,fibers sell"ou," S. Interior sonendleark-Gordeal: I. b. V111fl.11 tO,hilmanit far respatibility.1"service. 2. Supplandst A.I.A. A-2DI, rtl1l. 11.1.1 as Intleye! 1. Shall be A.W.I. quality stershord. CuSZOR grace. As dafired In WirIVUsell; 14i a. For duration of"is Contract, cle,trestar swl effect, She A.W.I. (hiality Statel Section,M noul 400. E1.111C.1 Cortmets, MIT Mellom"hith may Cont tyre. ]Retail "IMent I. an,varm ad a. per,far. and essi.sain Saasmry sec.'s Condensation 2. Cabaret Cont-tar 1. reaspornsibl.to,field yessman.t.ard Mt re" ausel Ooloyer'.Llablitt,Zr..r...1th let-li.1to assuri,"I any mrWI... f.di7r1l.ist':hmn an. w To Intarta"With the pro,ress of other Contractors, in clutomeance with applicants Statutes. omeing.am cdopeon.m"for in urns, an an factoMy coo,leto give Central Caet�tnr all necessary inforeation,for b. Casopmesessive General Liability In....Oct including, but the serk. b. ZVI""barl r for tessellation of his Minibuses. mt IWIMI U. Pul,11,LIA111ty,Couamct.r.l Legal MIT be.. Zy,Chn Met Claddlic,and Conlated(lineations Premium. All aid C. IntavA.,Threaten-Materials: or M allmile by shot great, " M fully Mail TO seats Muteness MIT Men Around feet protion. The Dener I. t- C., e.11 t,-.yn- ClSaur fir pUlIchet spasified. to M nsevitiard a Thirty(30)do hadmuce notice of I.m]- 2. Calling ft.am Fri...- mal..code,to nam existing. Cd: The.1,leaulabot chiral�Csr. 1.Mmult. ..if.far nortarial Moroni in tM All Offing, cipmeled. flush Outlets sm,vt as notall difourni... Istan,"la Ltablilty Insurance,tKlWtW, 0. latert.,�ft-viefthadahip: st, Trade: set mt 11.1w as. .11 d. OM-Mand Bond Mean`notation. 1. �tnts, W'fM.. M. to An A.W.r. unstai Green. AT I old C.". MIT Plam brothel to.'retantiou. They 2. All mile to he finish type.with MMS Countersunk Am mi] %I.CoaltrasIs,resparb.ibl.for perf.mir,.11 Seats Obares,I.TO be restricted thirty(30)day mendens Ill. Mi.. fill" aith season fill.,nofth p-mrly bi.me M the notem,W pt com.1houst of defeatim or la,ro,or wors, of MbAI WA.or..,let Change 1.bass policies. "Jet.]"Mand. b. UUM Connotation of ades. Chat installation t1n,misoly andl Insurnal MIT cover I Massive 3. All Joints should ft Mealy eastalund Me alterand. r it freas front shairle, Wouses or Ispiraper Connections. maqvirsni by A.I.A.A-MI.article 4.111. MIT Mind. uh-Metmety.0 .1"send 5. Genesee"-this onall��mt oil dofectlet Ref.tal..1.hem Mon, let.little. General Itangs of antioneashf,i. Mor an,MMAbIC.I hermt1ded, Calmostor MIT be gold rembansibl.I.,thess ola-constreelaers dionalapi"wthild qual ft) mor few"to of final atimatem of ventilated instaill.tics,sisell be Ml.d TO San,coopl.te mt fell,Invarred. satisfactions at Ife,Other. 3. Supplassunt A.I.A. A-201,assicto 1.2.1. as retinas: tons. 6. shomeaddhip-flactrital Mip� MI]be lostelled I-Met. Olson MI�ifi"ti�am SAM Property of rim HOT, toy.. its.11111m;had any bat lar smal minaul,this anatem on,ittan �ilm.' thassithti,installations MIT be entered conament.1 pi.Mot. I.. DIMON a m�MCIA111115 or mossided at be ansoltional ou,shers to Its,Onelf. B. Electrics)W,werart! a. $P.I.l Provisions: 1. Matrester MIT sual My,fee Impod"ad Building phyllit, A. general cont,incto, MIT Instaill W*hi,.p.UN Monistic,of 1. CdbdldJtZ: that MIT mt inclusion the cheNva.,Chat of to wooden a. "."Y� else. 'mhtrsdh�air. restionto signs anal pblut-of-sale Electrical watalli,stuff,fee.11 4, Interior part of thas Mae bid. Contractor R.I] W relabsomaid or She fulterial front as sMadholes!on yfirsoulaq,am supplf"by FIT. F ttfn,%shall It fully altravard in alth 4)-Ar to,the Memo or ouses of To persits as Be extes Ca N.E.C. Fine or P.V-C. any,OR Used ensure,Mt Disposal Is ths,Marietta IBM My sall.faim, �to Ouser or Division 7 PIDISTURIE PROTECTIOR(MOT A&PLICAll dws,*�ons,appy�by H.E.C. foral]mi madil Contractor of,and,and,.11 relative to thorl, b� Consult leatelled and.11" Zeiin be Mint -4 Met. �sholl I...MT M far ends red all am frat MMR tharin Mentruactlent. modwi,sal parnesto for MCA,as.out at Ifalled Will n ixptfl�(MY arrilceil C. casellarilt sell Do m-mewhii whom sawn mi.dow,mt to.pleashl".1haturfeal anal nonclassical bed,t1se 4, �l,.1fact thas l�that,cur i�vvftfw Mail leablealle in the bid all Minority on,scam fair thout 011"ISIGH a W�Just(H.KF5(MT JUPLIMBIE) d Al.t.conessit W M sand amM,I.cassman an Myth. parom. say"I candessit W--w-.w 2. ajoill W.11 salts. ared other thess,'earlsat IV Ran,east the onsta theresser Mail by installed ALE.C. he 1.1 More. 2. AS A wort of SAM Meet bid. 01111SIN U �1%1= �Ron]]be�'.�.1ir trith 6410 unit rmd 3. General QwgLMcW,Be cateralloultay him and Movide.11 amm, Insulation. loremb Circuit artri,are. I.fu tique Miss 1.Mountain fee.11 treat". 0 P.fft A. �al Comattarr to fastaill .MI.this ati.til MI. ZzAt"re tred. All Other spencial tMont Shall his AT drolf,recriminating to Ganarn, C. 4. 1 �ll"I"and Do,fee Moment!,lasn't- havist at Wayths. b. All�callor�"Ith Cohen adn".1.�i". All insweactleves"Meet."perspawl Mother rebels sionall t �l I station,.and �night B. thentral To hyrat'D "Our Reasin Wealth" frodicat"be 3 Mint fee t�a industrial.and toadstool'Uppw DIVISIOD I FINI� shanal,of Do Many ortitst slaiderless,Tests. All"If., Miss, or"I. it tow Bases mat Rim his MM 1.1 andstleades. ti.to I.notmiaba washesnes,Bell]OR goods or Do hosill perla a Intel manager tasallity,witerm AM whould Met saildharlarre,login. All babory,sillicars.�tf� A. quary,Ill Is FT. C. Gonveal Contractor It fastest glass dividner Bushels at haltress M Madepartals saal oqWp�merged.east that stamps �ll Int"I�ear�trial Cosmonauts. an the landefores. L "Whe entirely tilt(if maleirs")1"som"istin in ove ard Station. C. I`dZ1RCM joints,wilm ad"Seadell M Plastic tape or S. I'M Cwteactla,Merrill to tin,Casse,Chat and.10.1 notice caelor. D. Gonarral Ci�,Be install IM be,and... hWel. lial.tirs, Plastic foolonat jacialson. froa BID.arlm,t1we poritheal of RM(1)~fellowl,ft"of 2. Ituriall Bear send flesh WM deflating tile. 3. 011�sooll plastair 11IND: Swentsaill.1 CZ*1,ITfM'tile thriecto 1.Metal onalts,stylsons, 3. Joist~te sholuch scal,til 1. I.r. thas hdr Upon cold W�ll but Installed into mor Ruled Mr. a, Battles�,oaivmi�mint of 4"sell site stilettos Mi,MM �M 1.tha work, arl I)~1y sor SAM Mid-ft by Assuricess Olson. for psZ1,11.1.ismilleltion, *d�. Mrrgb,l�Debt�to BID,ZkDts any Condition dayfflosally E. Godurel��to Install.dimpari Ad..istion;draft, b. Done 46 v,sere�WU sarliMe planter Hall nualso Am a matedm*6,the�awavestate at vantrems'. a. Defeat;notal-vo,ini.h. out.and fill.shot,be Us type suat Morning.. TWO AMftrf&I'in intes or sanscandry unIu. 'Al rearefewitary spicifles. Point"owderl.l. MIT ons An c, thato moodard ahaeoa for Mill"Ifht vartlarts. tr' C. liabod"cial.Expladwit. by Pittsbastoo Palm or appressal equals. F. Contest Cawd�tzr to frestall artawk It.he MMJdTadI and 4-4 It"by FS1. d. All Mason, firsely somm,U Definite, flesh L Thow uncificarl.sm 0 Sit name intent.by him Hall"Marlorri.j.. yeat include,i�l�shommes. Camalser of young C. Points,�ip 4. *11 DK*Wln: -I. f�ty Momeartle'. 1. All. �ll M debts W killas gooduarls. I.a w if" G. Geberal Cantranty,to maI coffe kitchen..with hash as,stile CM`W,BCt*`"all .. O'l.ranceptanclass gralow�liu at dark.11.MI Inery afthall Mal en thas~We. La the hoperr. All Rim,stairs.varnishes and mar,mislam Met folsoust AT,required. as light.11"-Spostatifl.tiessibrage..&uM"at& The.1,sibradaw sm Ifessing an,ands whall ft rest frose mad. ormd,IT aded"troy.St."ft. l�.on,ment I.-.-e.-ters.ad-.it-ther MAwfAhl wtw- p�sholl Ing�ll"by 1".4.My MM,or other sistacts. All Martin sholl OR tk%MOIY dry IT. �.i Casetatactur to.1.11 famiter's Ann courpart fee formation as thed,hey aside.-wZy- an 0.RIM. W.Mal factioul,cam. as semssarry deal,Momeactillo. S. hall Witchadat Flesh,Manhattanite aMenteal single pit, trop,Mords -.atitiaclavy'.'di�. 2. All honest or"Mi"fimine tatta firs ahilies,to sound or d1MgI.mi..�way, feet voy,cor.11bry,types as inalicataiddl ye--------as-44 -slowait'WIP, an,alert I.whoss or�oney histal tooll be sending lostaged,Cousto us"file maseps,te also ths,almorim. Equal w ST.Jinolor Qf.tw switch al Man, it asset the gandesso CAR,seares 1.11.ties ass Mae. sawarth finish. asurfed,W1111. w AD harvest. 0 IUZI Its. Mraleass feet main of tIn,object of CAR.1.such--W. or tines 3. All adj�Mass enal Material.Met w'ratacithad onto wtedils, =a safted caMocities. RVIN Me ormilme..1 users. 6. Sit Plates,apal CaredDrs: 31. Thy,wat,'MIA,still po,"Ift.11 least. auti.les.Rml 4. Upon Moplatiors of sort. baby infatisi,Mnt�r until Mouth Flusho vivin shermys�erl"bersom Planet..11 ===Ilmd.�i�,.'�l".the 1.RIM,lowildin.11 surplus waterial..scaff0dr;soul doon", Distant at dark walls Mal imor,at light sells.as Mean by .. fantasy".11 Mar.noterrI.I.."IV �"by of.andi ca.oft.11.1splaccand ref.t se,..I.h AM ST.venclaricial a Big. Co. eased,sand incidentals�son Mail fee their M`pIQt1ba. as As 0 1.of.FOO".of ths hoork 1. arell finished b. Flesh Junctions;strapped wrim Mainly Blow. Molares,owyand!ass BeRelted 6,FBI cs,.1hers. Maliti. C. Surfasse wrl",dherl.asseverate sm whimbl.hownw, feel 4. pleasom un spon,$tmaillwas Met]Muss Was Indent also�indpas anal carravers. �0- Surf.Fragments. 7. LfIlliting Fixtagame anal Mind: entities,of TOM opsocifICRIAMS. 1. Interior soared am loa..Or,-All I I. mana ou�1.steatite lestall lfgktfm li�. learn ART i��on dirshologh. estate,shaill be.". All IMM.Watt. cd�otheml.. b. ft on lighting fiestureas sompt a and defill'frit'.1sal I by rMomed Am MMM handol restah. wrifir annes,losets..1 flarwasse contest on AT to Meepa F. Intelleir"Imel;man m"110 ses fetters.salth,plot".equipshadet.sent I Man Mass all.-(.for be ft.tiann)- spend,."I.niU,tM emsm a follosis,,yralte A Meteen arixture: N OZ. 14. L. Chaptall Itallasts by Bottlenose or on,vall. follsomally by�lly w1tolise Prensicialm "my stain missing ulth 8 of K. L. Canspball funded.h1l posed,foultal W. fully conratibl.WO embassy. 'Ennallsh Transitional-worry mi.anal ses(1)"IT.clge� learn shar carry,on.)�l.M shei m ond"titIORtions,of A. ItashollsoM M; feet Use building(smal be the 01a)by the Soft urith.Met IMUZ, auxii,Z.1.1 auld finish conpliance..smalls,1MdrMmAi fixthass say Coloppol �includer ith twes(2) bm IT. L- CaMbell M77.,Iic asudiflaral 1.1-II.Se imicartat ra Manor. F.S.I. (.evaluator thermal moress)to rumish.11 lissome A. Closest hand sual him failing"�IN arallead,'equi,ed by final fletem 2- liable toors,at Bottle,(MI&Desire W be sawass) selection. 3. amparlar,(theory housleare W.1.) insists anual Be G.E. wmal JUIS mit. WPU UM I 4. Mail sheaddind light ffmarms, Stain..c.L Plttabr)�'.let.le..11 ."1.77-660. Q--r� 5- auseth peacksup, * femul.8-16. C-LS.F-. L-27. Shall ni�bely Must Plttlb-� onisim MCIUUL�m(w APPLICABLE) B. OWN -As MUUfKtmd or�l Vectrtc. fric.or gatuall, Lwff -y 6. Sol"Mar,asel mucathe shield(Cold p&z..containers Mil MeMasatur cz gas Sending Sealer 7-30. Finish ith .1 Pittsburgh 01-151$S. ISCOw. ILSA.U.L.ISSW. SUMIleal by F.S.I. all to ine samost) :"at;Us Polymattiam Sat7'.W.-i.h 77-1. lasittl by VoctrIM)CalumMIUM,. 3Ox6O NFUMLn omsim 14 �im SY�(w AMILI�) AHM CAWWN I Site&-IaI-e4 a- low S METALS A. Myself.Metal,: 2- -a ft A.S.T.M. (A-6)ar(A-31) 2. p a M.11..11" tmM'brackets. W. he fill ar and,An mw`td fee"toorect"'Y Mesplatien of CAR Mrs. do, OW --------------- eaulpmeWT 15CLIEMLE ARTWORK SCWF-DuLe M&KK size 4 ly. ITW# Cwpleglrrow lamy Wluu� I "W m, x zoo c ME 7 e9SATIKIC-4 UTILIZATION ary. nw-jurnow fe"0413 -17 is a 2-4 Aval. 76% rlwr:zw -5cwEDULE 4UPPLIY K%YALL- SP IS PAD P.4k 1. Cha. CoWTAOL to [JA =LTI 10 CsItGft-ow MINT$&FOIL t CAIMS TO mill"114 Kll�" WALA�b To cop"Talor W-i 7 W-z WEN rhmal6bift ru� 141r. -F4-L—I. WAUA- qN a "OT. eymBcLJ5 KMK P'lume No Son maw-wmw, 1 W"m 1W. MCI cwuw&rwmu owarr No. 4' o"r. ki C)T L: 4v vuly! FbMTH CONFIAU xils;,'" %TML LA113 UT. MOAAT?W WAT ISTI qrj)LAj0UT(IN LILU OF W is SMOM LIN iM%jA":Wj N LW (16D CbD GeNVZAi. NOTS5 i. umad-v m FAmv-m Fop4 arsr,�vaspis ojvm�a;wor"Priom. Fll�� INSIPA�JW &I&�,10�STM�lLr4W'QM -V�PY 1115OW.CONIPITI&M *14IMPY FW-OF 4,� W"w, wg�j w="4Am "�A wwo 4 e.&6tM&*. rA LOGA It L&Ydmw& le.M 10 P,& MILMNLO M �PLJLATIOWb P05 SIS To Cei"Sla"Tio". sz MAL WM, 3OX60 ANMA CANNIM ff rLOOK R�AN eQUIPMENT fl-AN Awl w, -�lm t ,-- LIGIHTIN(� FIXTUPE C-CHEDULE NCTES: 1.ALL NE3,4CIAculT HINN(i FX 9A NV(i L"4 F;F�"'�TURF- -]RI41S'H PWMNrA M4MW. SHALL BE OIZ TH.COFFEA LEr. I�a I � lWA'Emr.coNourr.mmw .A 2 fell;- OF HIRM AS Fw4ulmD. ER 50 7— WA-- L, "GLENELAL P 2,rXI".CIPC.WIFANr, KAY W Falr.CD. ntovor- HEN CISC WIMINq AS KEI�P. VERIFY Im"CIF%C.HI14IHq C14 LOIS SIM MOB TO FINISH cY-HEIDULF- 7T-T— W' 7n tW�AMP NX��� 11191W If QN WOW,,W Mg CMPJ"10 rtKOLJN L14CHANGAP EXIS' 100ALI!SW C;Wrrc:m SERV=AfeA tiEW Dmmm "W) (�ENEP"tAL NCTF-S� OF44M Ep. 1-ftrUWT F9kl`UFRG TO SE C=4RETF By "I Aa� -.YCONSIECTED IbY MXTRICAL (xm 10 VALLELECTPIM HOAKTO I I COHOLY WiMASTATIE C4VE I m*A'a4WM,UWcWTW*uL9wcoL 00HOUIT. I ALL LRW FIXTUINK-V BE FUANRNW KrrW LAMFG. 4.Frov=wrqKT F ixrAws KmEpm�uw4'rm4 urNw ARE m IS" OL W�JA I'LUOIZESCENT FIXT U2M IN 0114ING, A2LA le)bt 2LIl,WLD. PATISH f LOPAIZ CIq.A%ILQ'O. COHNW -I I EC �oc==l T4'"Ol VA IL5 P 6 L L 5"NI12- .TLO 10 SPAIlt 20A UK# 1swFluipax Sa�4-V t ra 4 I'll H-FAT6UN CA.UM EACH DIMMEZ TO PA INA SINGL& 6, —EXw.FEcEs9w 1: RVU"Tv Mut?"T EX611i CIRCUIT HIMINq To NvAri- mwc2)Otz-n4 coprEm IN W NNITCONI)IJIT-ROUTE rnpzr� zx BLOC"10 mqcDNmrr iNArneCTyr) -qm&wze rmT W,WFIXTURacs-PLAces) -1,114109" M1.1146 4 I ODHHWrD EWISrIq CLEAN-UF LqHTQACW.-DWANM I" ran ELECTSKAL W"WWAICH EXW14 CLL4JJ- NCV*UF Ar UP FIXTURES 01 t W"VA-FACO OF FOOT- sxr*FILL Wmmlo OPO-PAILL HOLIES FOR NarE: 7WIS DEVUL APFUeS ONLY IF ELECTRICAL FOR %MAP bM IS IN WALL MM MTY"P p aux6o -,Am ow lor ANDRA =LM7EQ C MAU IL.t�d am Z.m &72-z ULTAIL '0 MIT 7 49 N "ZIA COMTKou --z5tl6IH& LINE �u-�6 wex tt7 mi� -rFtim Ig. 4L. LJODC' CCLUMN Vgt' OA K W S 1'0';- WAITREC-6 5TAMCId -ANF-L 4s�y tf6-,,,w Tglm �ReeK-OUT e47IJMTrFZ PANEL SCHEDULE k4L SKoWpIK He LXKI .".LAM. A Ll 'ro !:!,—w vft!– -!Yi4p p OUNIM'Top 4L HSWeS A� rVit ACZESS FF--= op 'A,' %, Irk coUMR TW 125AR, pwirt. .— —----------- F LJaL fit, CWMA-OUT &FLINTISF -ro P Or s IL PLAN e WOO 49LUMN(W-1;5 Foc3r) c'- J%MTF�: IS WcAVOM OF 1�44 q.C. 10'4MI III EXA41 AtCLSS 4 WAITU% STA710" 6u"wALL Fmiatio mvww iA4 �r cow PAN:: Iwwr- WN pa4twm gwff*j&CLM�w Stj MADEM� NUOSS411ty ro ALww ojttAo^'m *iiistwo 1�G wv� vslh� lft�- VIC 4! woozo 6.�.-W"two OW 6" 'w WA" WM�110 BY Fl-�I, 64-C, LW" jow."o arl"o Wvvt� 0 50-W -w*w 4 5ffL*rlcN CL05E�T I 'no CAVIMM MAW-,KY ISH 94.0 ow Wf 44, Qi 4 woo"'Olvo "'f"�k Aj RE OR A aC, VOU04 la aR avrrolf OWO,470 -/CZ" 'PA7JE`,:: --------- A OR k,'O, O'e.L�, SOL111 le 7T Tt, q ii�, z js ft,. wr r4w, �S P4F f K4 PJ-F SRAM ARE f" AW-ROMM NAM ...... "Dom, by "Dom okwmpoomor, 00 L"Amm fi Qn ALL AMIM TO 41 MD rmwl IMIA= Ub(hL nm An SAUMM a4*00 od z A 3. 'l j V4 I, . ,- �� -,,I-_ � " fI f .1� a's,Cr R _5v, %iI;v4ffv t1l. . . ........ NOTE WORE 1111S ESH J OPEN ORBUSIKSSH L tlbllk�U -,,TIM PI ".3. ILL I Irl T I, Wl�il`fll V,ffR 1,:� W �.tri hi� HUX, cr,l�!;!in 5,; FLORIDA flirl A 1001." THEH E.-,1��i 'S L V, fy�;if t4- A D 1. q S5 R Q 0 ON ill F IJJ�Gf AT 'hr.2. F. IF T �T�lf T� '6 PE7.1 It I'l It r i If' 7- 0 v MEK A cltr PD17L ALL QAS AIM OTL P-tT.-L-70 MTO LXILMIMA! AUTOIAIIC MI 1�100I HOTH c� L A. K K _ ST.- 1, L E- F.LEXAT10III- ,9�; PEP.GT TIM.?4,7 Evngft D, AI`FnCYLD'L"' c T C UM Nr ............ CCULilyhLALIII LL—i!,; NIT 0 0 Ilf F 1 11 1 S H R r L U E :--- --- — ' - , . L ' . - , -IL #.I', 24 -26 2 IZ IF I rt'Ima- Tinim b,,i!e -- A � E C t 1 1 14 G SV A L 1- F I A S 7� 13 9 Q 6�2 IL TILE 2ufs%- UATCU 1�1 I. T- ITILITY OlMtS t�­_j �eA Ek rtl. 5U5PEI,:VrD �i7 A��,!�7 TILE F�rz I c"L A0 LE �Lly.�ZIL I ", , W ILL ll�Tt.'Ts AREA �Li4k%ZY T!L I� F-'j 6 V fL Z- I-X 9-EL Yl- VIM�L Al-ST TILE %IZICY. 0(�;HEETRO<,k �LAZEV V 15II44IMIEL I!1E MA�n:�;Z TAt Tl�� sl"k� T I 59EE7 OC!,- -L fl.��f.-Me I S. -oo-OA) qt,.�s U? a's to vzk; AREA L, Tv.I,,T.,'y All Tl� "i- JKIL�'n A7 II 6rKSILAL CCHTA-C7 I P. < -FIEFT (L M� c� 7.� 61� ;llzj� C-1 L It Af�—, END &1�.l AL 1 2., < If A 1��r- 10 T- e I� Ff Z 7. 1 CI IT, "10, otr— T�L�.c J� Z-"Vj.,A T,Q A`N�T—Ll -7- TA, It t Re -YPE III ti r 7-1 S x n AT- JI I !`LU� L 517 ST"', III COI tI p";�, ELI� C�T FRg� IL,5117t. 11�1-�I ol �V. &T DUYAL A 11 LA N M U T 0AI': - T, propowd Am S"vw 1". CA L r 20 ATL.UjIc . 4 T��YICULh& , ic r,-;Icq -tA—T, I. /W CITY of AT t A: —1. 1,.,.J., 4 Mw b=7Sd LUILUINC O�i CII 4� m k- -�� -get*- 7sobty tWs I al Pgar"S!04AL COkSTRUMfIA CtlPAkT &I AMS