Ardella Road 121 See attached di agram for determinatioia of interior and exterior zones. 7. SITE PL-A-Nf=E SURVEY indicating: a) Location of topography features such as hills and low areas. b) Existing and proposed structures. �c) Location of all trees with Diameter at Breast Height of six inches-or*-more. d) Tree species and sizes. e) Trees to be removed should be clearly marked with an ")C'. 1). Trees to be preserved on-site for mitigation must be marked with brackets Location, size and species of any proposed new' replacement trees marked with a circle "0". h) Location of utilities and easonients as applicable. 1) Location of trees to be preseryed on-site. with barricadiag noted. 8. ON-= REQUMEMENTS: .a.) All trees identified f6r.removal MUST be marked on-site by RED flagging, paint or tape. b) All trees to be preserved on-site for mitigation hIEST be marked with BLUE flagging, paint or tape. c) The front property comers must be-marked by stakes or paint indicating the Lot 9. ITNTCOMPLETIE APPLICATIQNS OPLINACCURATELY MAR-1-al) SITES. WILL NOT BE.PROCESSED. I HEREBY AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 23, ARnCLE II, TR-EEPROTECIrTo AND ALL.OTHER APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES.OF THE CODE OF C ES'OF ATLANTIC.BEACH. .Applicant's Signature Date Owner's Signature Date CM USE ONLY: Tree Conservation Board Chairperson Date CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH �rp TREE REMOVAL APPLICATION v[ 2 6 2 rU 0"? City of Atlantic Beach All avolications must be submitted with seven �7) copies and received b�)'g P4 iAl ffi�- G 0) day prior to the scheduled meeting in order to be T)Iaced on the aLyenda. *INCOMPLETF APPLICATIONS OR INACCURATELY, J(ED SITES WTT.T. NnT BE PROCESSED. 6'�2 A///, /�&/j Aleloll,"W� AZ wh 2A 3 APPLICANT NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE 2. -1-07 �5- 1-Vr41;A OiAl ?- ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TREE REMOVAL SITE 3. REASON FOR PROPOSED TREE REMOVAL: 4��4 r/n�zq// rz &0 A"'I / /; 4. HAS THIS SITE BEEN TO THE TREE BOARD BEFORE? YES 4��NOT SURE S. P.ROPERTY ZONING: (�E S�IDENT COMMERCIAL 1 6. LIST TREES PROPOSED FOR REMOVAL: 117��514�57in� SPECIES DIAI�MTER AMIGATION OMCE USE ONLY -b& INT. EXT. — -S I Y 6 A-4 L o' r J, *Diameter at Breast Height(D.B.H.)is measured at 4.5 feet above grade. To accurately determine diameter,measure the trunk circumference and divide by 3.14. Diameter of multi-trunked trees is determined by adding together the diameter of each trunk as measured immediately above the forks. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 19 Application Number . . . . . 02-00024993 Date 10/11/02 Property Address . . . . . . 2032 SEMINOLE RD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . 2034 , 2036 , 2038 , 40, 42 , 44 Application description . . . TREE PERMIT Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ---- - - - - - - --- -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - -- ---- - -- - -- SONES, MICHAEL OWNER ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 (904) 246-9593 ----------- -- ----------------- - ------------ ----- --- ------------------------- Permit . . . . . . TREE PERMIT Additional desc . . TREE .RE 1111 , 1211 , 13"OAK-8"HOLLY Permit Fee . . . . . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . 10/11/02 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 4/10/03 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due -- - -- -- -- -- - ----- -- - - - ----- ---------- - ---- ----- - - - ---- --- Permit Fee Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 .Oft f2 4 %00. . ........ .......... BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FRC AND MUSTBFCLEARF'D UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTO ',UCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE 13ROPERTY OWNER PAYINGTWI G TO APPROVF'D PLANS WHICH ARE PARTOF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT '.SIONS 01,LAW, C\ ""N K KNLVa-�OU10tAU 7cr"k� \',� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST APPLICATION CHECKLISTIREQUIRED SUBMITTALS w"1. Building Application Form 72. Four complete sets of plans including detailed site plan -y!:,"3. Recent survey - -T,7r- ef-ot-i +po,,-A 0-(z 4. Owner/Builder Affidavit (required when owner acts as contractor) -� 5. Energy Sheets 46. Recorded Notice of Commencement Y7"-7. Tree Removal Application if trees are to be removed or relocated SCHEDULED INSPECTIONS Requests for inspections are taken from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at 247-5826. Requests can be scheduled after hours by leaving a message on the voice mail system. Inspections are made the following working day; please specify a.m. or p.m. inspection. When calling in an inspection, please have the permit number,job location and type of inspection needed. Inspections are scheduled as follows: 1. Footing 2. Under slab plumbing/sewer/electric 3. Slab 4. Cover up(This is different from other jurisdictions): framing, rough electric, mechanical and plumbing 5. Insulation 6. Final Inspection(includes drainage, trees, landscape and site inspection) Finished floor elevation survey required prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. BUILDING CARD MUST BE POSTED OR NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE. Concrete cannot be poured and work cannot be covered up until building card is SIGNED by the inspector. You may be required to uncover any work that has not been inspected. It is the responsibility of the BUILDER/CONTRACTOR to post the building card. A fee of$35.00 is charged for all re-inspections. NOTE: This application may be subject to covenants and restrictions for the permitted property. The enforcement of the covenants and restrictions are the responsibility of the homeowner's association. 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 9 Fax: (904)247-5845* http://www.ci.atiantic-beach.fl.us Revi-ed 1/17/03 In addition to construction and engineering detail,plans must contain the following information as appropriate for the type of work being performed. Scale of drawings should be sufficient to depict all required information in a clear and legible manner. I. Current survey showing the property boundary with bearings and distances and the I egal description. 2. Location of all structures,temporary and permanent,including setbacks,building height,number of stories and square footage. Identify any existing structures and uses. 3. If required by the Department of Public Works,a pre-construction topographical survey. 4. Any significant environmental features,including any jurisdictional wetlands,CCCL,natural water bodies. 5. Impervious Surface area calculations: include driveways, sidewalks, patios and other Impervious Surfaces. Swimming pools may be excluded from total Impervious Surface. 6. Other information as may be appropriate for individual applications. I hereby certify tha,all]ffifforinattion provided with this application is correct. Signature of owner: Date: I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal,state or local rules,regulations,ordinances,or laws in any manner,including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being true and correct and that he plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. Signature of Contractor: I AL Date: Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application (please print). Name: KL*,[>e� —OZL)Q. MailingAddress: & ot-,rt.�� eLtjo, 5tJrT110_ 5Lo Telephone: .7-46 -66ri 3 Fax: 4 E-Mail: AS TO OWNER: Sworn to and subscribed before me this io day of 20 N5 State of Florida,County of Duval Notary's Signature: ,P 0 1",6 Cynthia G Bunso My Commission DD1 30401 M11rersonally known ExpiresJuly0l 2006 Produced identification Type of identification produced AS TO CONTRACTOR: AVk Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 20 State of Florida,County of Duval Notary's Signature: OYA 4t_1 Cynthia G Bunso U "Y Commission DD13D401 ersonally known *Fn�e ExPiresJUIYOI 2006 El Produced identification Type of identification produced 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Telephone: (904)247-5800 -Fax: (904)247-5845 - http://www.ci.atiantic-beach.fl.us Page 2 Revised 1/14/03 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (FOR NEW SINGLE FAMLY RESIDENCE AND DUPLEX CONSTRUCTION) Date:� . 4 Job Address:- Owner of I Property: AZL.,gn bi NLao,�-Q-Au:4, I-Lt, Address: 4o oeffpo btxp- .5u"Tel AT&&'n PC 6Lh Telephone: 2,Q4 -303 Legal Description: BlockNumber: d0t-t*3 Lot Number:,�7A-.1-74 A Zoning District: Contractor: az�0_0 aAvo State License Number: e-6 e-- 0 2 0 6_L3 Contractor's Address: 62) 06,9.c-�- 6L�uQ 5Lj dr- Telephone: 2-146 -9S13 Fax: -Z q6 -1794 Describe proposed use and work to be done: 60 0-rig 1)6-1�,,v-1 e5y- t4W MUL,-Tt Present use of land or building(s): [Z, Valuation of proposed construction: 'KI& OCO tb­� Is approval of Homeowner's Association or other private entity required? NO If yes, please submit with this application. Will this project involve changes in elevation,site grade or any use of fill material or the removal of any trees? E1,NO. Applicant certifies that no change in site grade or rill material will be used on this project. YES. See Step 2 below. Approval of the Public Works Department is required prior to issuance of a Building Permit. NO. Applicant certifies that no trees will be removed for this project. YES. Removal of Trees will be required for this project. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED. Tree Removal Permits to be reviewed by the Tree Conservation Board,which meets two times each month. Procedure: In order to expedite issuance of permits, please follow all steps and provide all information as appropriate Incomplete applications may result in delay in issuance of permit. STEP 1. Verify zoning designation and proper setbacks for the proposed construction. If you are unsure of this information, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 904-247-5826. In order to correctly verify zoning designation, please have Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number available. STEP 2. Contact the City of Atlantic Beach Department of Public Works to determine if a pre-construction or post-construction topographical survey or grading plan is required. (If not required, written verification must be provided with this application.) The Department of Public Works is located at: 1200 Sandpiper Lane,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Telephone:(904)247-5834 STEP 3. Submit Tree Removal Application if trees are to be removed or relocated. STEP 4. Please submit Building Permit Application, Energy Code Forms, Notice of Commencement, Owner/Contractor Affidavit if owner is contractor,and four(4)complete sets of construction plans to the Building Department,which is located at the Atlantic Beach City Hall,800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Telephone:(904)247-5826 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Telephone: (904)247-5800 -Fax: (904)247-5845 -http://www.ei.atiantic-beach.fl.us Page I Revised 1/14/03 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE:(904)247-5800 FAX:(904)247-5805 SUNCOM:852-5800 http://ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Permit Application # 0 3 010 Applicant- Address: 3-z- Project: NC W Cr-KHI -FC;U-x-)I 1 ('1 • Your application is approved • Your permit application has been reviewed and the following items need attention: Please re-submit your application when these items have been completed. Reviewed by Signed Date Contractor Notified Date In addition to construction and engineering detail,plans must contain the following information as appropriate for the type of work being performed. Scale of drawings should be sufficient to depict all required information in a clear and legible manner. I. Current survey showing the property boundary with bearings and distances and the legal description. 2. Location of all structures,temporary and permanent,including setbacks,building height,number of stories and square footage. Identify any existing structures and uses. 3. If required by the Department of Public Works,a pre-construction topographical survey. 4. Any significant environmental features,including anyjurisdictional wetlands,CCCL,natural water bodies. 5. Impervious Surface area calculations: include driveways, sidewalks, patios and other Impervious Surfaces. Swimming pools may be excluded from total Impervious Surface. 6. Other information as may be appropriate for individual applications. I hereby certify tha all infionnation provided with this application is correct. ___7, . � �V Signature of owner: Date: I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances goveming this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal,state or local rules,regulations,ordinances,or laws in any manner,including the goveming of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. Signature of Contrador: Date: Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application (please print). Name: K LAACe� Mailing Address: 60 Obtp iN G L-LI I Ai tcn�t L As, Lo Telephone: .2A6 3 Fax: E-Mail: AS TO OWNER: Swom to and subscribed before me this io day of 2006 State of Florida,County of Duval Cynthia G Bunso Notary's Signature: U MY Commission DD130401 MITersonally known %oFv Expires July,01 2MG El Produced identification Type of identification produced AS TO CONTRACTOR: J�Nl� '20 05. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of State of Florida,County of Duval Notary's Signature: LV PY"It, Cynthia G Bunso 10Y COmmission DD130401 ersonally known U OF K�p ExPires-1401 2006 Produced identification Type of identification produced 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Telephone: (904)247-5800 -Fax: (904)247-5845 - http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Page 2 Revised 1/14/03 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (FOR NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND DUPLEX CONSTRUCTION) Date: 4JobAddress: Owner of Property: LLez Address: 6D Oe 4bo 'bLyP� .5uiTel Telephone: ;W4 -321" 3 _gT Legal Description: BlockNumber: YJQ*3 Lot Number: 67A 1-74 A -Zoning District: Contractor: (X_f�oO GtAQ DBI)��-vxgvdl State License Number: 02O6-L3 Contractor's Address: �,O OL-19-C.-S. �Luv �;L) �qc. Telephone: 4Z�6 `_69_� Fax: z q6 Describe proposed use and work to be done: e'.0�-3-Moct�ov-S 07- MUL:T t -Q�AAAJJ I- Present use of land or building(s): ,�)V_,rT L-,>L Valuation of proposed construction: 'Z_1Jq0C0 ?'yq- 0�3 I-T. Is approval of Homeowner's Association or other private entity required? NO If yes, please submit with this application. Will this project involve changes in elevation,site grade or any use of fill material or the removal of any trees? EZAO. Applicant certifies that no change in site grade or fill material will be used on this project. YES. See Step 2 below. Approval of the Public Works Department is required prior to issuance of a Building Permit. NO. Applicant certifies that no trees will be removed for this project. YES. Removal of Trees will be required for this project. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED. Tree Removal Permits to be reviewed by the Tree Conservation Board,which meets two times each month. Procedure: In order to expedite issuance of permits, please follow all steps and provide all information as appropriate. Incomplete applications may result in delay in issuance of permit. STEP 1. Verify zoning designation and proper setbacks for the proposed construction. If you are unsure of this information, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 904-247-5826. In order to correctly verify zoning designation, please have Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number available. STEP 2. Contact the City of Atlantic Beach Department of Public Works to determine if a pre-construction or post-construction topographical survey or grading plan is required. (If not required, written verification must be provided with this application.) The Department of Public Works is located at: 1200 Sandpiper Lane,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Telephone:(904)247-5834 STEP 3. Submit Tree Removal Application if trees are to be removed or relocated. STEP 4. Please submit Building Permit Application, Energy Code Forms, Notice of Commencement, Owner/Contractor Affidavit if owner is contractor,and four(4)complete sets of construction plans to the Building Department,which is located at the Atlantic Beach City Hall,800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Telephone:(904)247-5826 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Telephone: (904)247-5800 -Fax: (904)247-5845 -http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Page I Revised 1/14/03