05-17-94 v MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA MAY 17 , 1994 7 :00 P .M. CITY HALL PRESENT Don Wolfson Robert Frohwein Mary Walker Pat Pillmore AND George Worley , II , CD Director Pat Harris , Recording Secretary ABSENT Alan Jensen Mark McGowan Ruth Gregg Sharette Simpkins Chairman Don Wolfson, called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting of March 15 , 1994 . Mr . Frohwein requested that elaboration of the members ' votes should be added to the minutes . Upon motion duly made and seconded the minutes were approved as amended . NEW BUSINESS: I . Application for Variance filed by George Bull , Jr . , on behalf of Adm. & Mrs . John T. Hayward, to construct a one story addition on the east side of an existing nonconforming structure which encroaches the side yard setback line at property located at 1393 Beach Avenue . Mr . Bull introduced himself to the board and explained that the applicants desired to construct a master bedroom and bath addition on the first floor of an existing residence. The existing bedrooms are on the second floor and the applicants are elderly and will soon be unable to climb the stairs in their residence. The Chairman pointed out to the board that a variance would be necessary for any addition that would increase the square footage of a nonconforming building regardless of the location of the addition. It was noted by Mrs . Walker and confirmed by Mr . Worley that the sections of the code should include 24-85 but it was not necessary to amend the application. After discussion, Mr . Frohwein moved to grant the variance as requested. Mr. Wolfson seconded the motion. For clarification purposes the Chairman read the special conditions listed on the application and included in the staff report . The Chairman called each member for their vote and the variance was unanimously granted. II . Application for Variance filed by Kathy G. Sullivan to construct a roof over an existing deck that encroaches the rear yard setback of property located at 168 Magnolia Street . Terry Gauze introduced himself to the board and stated he was superintendent of Richard Thompson General Contractor . Richard Thompson was also present . The Chairman requested verification that the contractor was allowed to represent the applicant in her absence . An application for remodel or addition signed by the applicant was produced and it was determined that the document would suffice as representation. After discussion, Mrs . Fillmore moved to deny the variance and Mr . Frohwein seconded the motion. A question was raised whether a copy of the staff report was furnished to the applicants and the Chairman explained that the staff report had recommended denial of the variance . Mr . Worley stated that in the future a copy of the staff report would be furnished to the applicants along with the agenda . The Chairman read the conditions listed in the staff report which revealed the recommendation of denial . After discussion and at the request of the representative, the application was deferred and the motion on the floor was withdrawn. The board members turned in their worksheets regarding items on the agenda . DISCUSSION ITEM: Discussion of time limits for variances and uses by exception. The board discussed the matter of placing time limits for the implementation of variances granted and that uses-by-exception being approved for the applicant only and not to run with the property . Mr . Worley reported that the Zoning Review Committee have also discussed these items . He stated that placing of limitations would require amending the Zoning Ordinance . The concensus was to recommend the inclusion of this matter to the Zoning Code Review Committee. There being no further business to come before the board on motion duly made the meeting was adjourned. SIGNED: ATTEST 41 �C2-4G