2001-02-20 (meeting minutes) vAGENDA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ' February 20, 2001 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of January 16, 2001 3 . Recognition of Visitors 4. Old Business a. Application for Variance filed by Jim and Monica Stranahan to reduce front, rear and side yard setbacks to construct a home on anon-conforming lot located at 1620 Beach Avenue. ^-. 5. New Business a. Application for Use by Exception filed by David and Rebecca Henry to operate a cabinet shop at Lots 1-6, Block 18, Dormer's Replat. b. Application for Variance filed by John Meserve to reduce the rear and side yard setbacks to build an addition to anon-conforming residence located at 2126 Beach Avenue. c. Conceptual review of proposed plat of new Paradise Cove subdivision. d. Presentation by Ivey, Harris and Walls (planners recommended by Staff to complete Comprehensive Plan Amendments). 6. Reports and Announcements 7. Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Community Development Board at the above meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings be made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is to be based. MIhTUTES OF MEETING OF COM1ViUNI'TY DEVELOPMENT BOARD February 20, 2001 \ A regular meeting of the Community Development Board was held Tuesday, February 20, 2001, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Present were Chairman Don Wolfson, Robert Frohwein, William Gulliford, Karl Grunewald, Samuel Jacobson, Mary Walker, Community Development Director George Worley, II, and Recording Secretary Susan Dunham. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. Approval of NTnutes of Meeting of January 16, 2001 A motion was made by Mr. Gulliford, seconded by Mr. Grunewald and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of the Community Development Board meeting of January 1 b, 2001. 3. Recognition of Visitors None. 5. New Bnsiness d. Presentation by Ivey, Harris and Walls (planners recommended by Staff to complete Comprehensive Plan Amendmentsj. This item was moved to the beginning of the Agenda at the request of the Chair. Mr. Worley introduced Ms. Amy Skinner of Ivey, Hams & Walls, 81 King Street, Suite A, St. Augustine. Ms. Skirmer advised that the City is in the process of looking at evaluations by Community Affairs of the City's Comprehensive Plan. She stated she is looking through the comments and responding to the comments. Ms. Skinner advised that she has been with Ivey, Harris & Walls for three years and was a planner for the City of St. Augustine for eight years so she brings a city perspective. Ms. Skinner applauded Atlantic Beach's effort to protect and promote. She stated that her timeframe is as follows: public comments through the month of March and review the material April and early May. Ms. Skinner stated that she would give elements of the plan to the Board members to review. Mr. Worley stated he would provide the Board with an expected completion date within a few weeks. 4. Old Business a. Application for Variance filed by aim and Monica Stranahan to reduce front, rear and side ..yard setbacks to construct a home on anon-conforming lot located at 1625 Beach Avenue. 1vlr. Stranahan, of 1620 Beach Avenue, introduced himself to the Board. Mr. Stranahan advised the Board that he changed the overall layout of the house from the original plan to address the problem with the northwest side of the home. He advised that he changed the following three items: (1) the stairs were originally coming out over the front easement so he moved the stairs. back to the side; (2) the house is no longer a square box, it now goes up in stair steps; and (3) he moved the northwest corner of the house in from 3'4" to 5' for easier access. Mr. Stranahan further advised that he does not plan to remove the wall that is there since it is underground and it would affect the home; however, he will move the house off of the wall. In addition, Mr. Stranahan stated that off-street parking was added in front of the garage. Minutes of Community Development Board February 20, 2001 ~_ Page 2 Mr. Grunewald asked if there would be extensive removal of earth for the side entrance garage. Mr. Stranahan responded that approximately one foot of earth would be removed. .. Mr. Stranahan stated that the square footage would be 3,200 and-the height would be about the same. Mr. Stranahan also stated that the original proposed house was approximately 5,000-6,000 square feet and this home would be much smaller. Mr. Frohwein asked Mr. Worley if he had given further thought with regard to where and how to measure the 35 feet in building height and, if so, is the proposed home in compliance. Mr. Worley responded that there are two finished grades, the main elevation of the lot and the straight elevation.. He stated that by examining the existing building and its height,' it is his interpretation that the proposed building would be approximately the same height as the existing building. Discussion ensued with regard to the north property line and the garage. Mr. Frohwein suggested last month that the north property line be maintained at 5 feet. Mr. Frohwein asked if it was possible to maintain five feet the entire length. Mr. Cote responded that they could not square the garage up to the building because of the garage entries. Mr. Wolfson noted that Mr. Worley recommended granting the variance on the existing building foundation with aten-foot front setback. He stated that five feet versus ten feet is an issue, but the requirement is 20 feet. He further stated that he was more concerned about the five-foot setback on the north side. Mr. Wolfson asked Mr. Stranahan if he anticipated placing a gate and fence on the north side of the home. Mr. Stranahan responded that he did. nat because he has a row of palm trees down that side of the home, Mr. Wolfson stated that he agreed with staff on the setback in front. Mr. Worley pointed out that fencing is not the only way to block access, landscaping is another. Regarding the front setback, Mr. Stranahan offered to remove the bay window. Mr. Frohwein stated. that he concurred with staff regarding the front setback and maintaining ten feet. He further stated that it appears the plan could work with afive-foot north side setback and aten-foot front setback. Mr. Frohwein stated that given the size of this particular piece of property he does not feel it is reasonable to expect athree-car garage. Mr. Grunewald moved to approve the variance request with the exception of the bay window. Mr. Gulliford seconded the motion. Mr. Frohwein stated that he'thinks this is a tremendous amount of building to put on this lot. Some additional discussion of the site layout occurred. The question was called and the motion passed with Mr. Gulliford, lYir. Grunewald, Mr. Jacobson, Ms. Walker and Mr. Wolfson voting in favor of the motion and Mr. Frohwein voting against. 5. New Business a. Application for Use by Exception filed by David and Rebecca Henry to operate a cabinet shop at Lots 1-6, Block 18, Dormer's Replat. .. 1VIr. Bill Henry introduced himself to the Board and explained that he had a cabinet shop in Neptune Beach for fourteen years behind Ed Smith Lumber Company. He explained that he is looking to expand his company. He further stated that there are a lot of industrial trades in the area and his company would not have a negative impact on the area. Minutes of Community Development Board February 20, 2001 ,~. Page 3 Mr. Jacobson asked Mr. Henry what he thought about stars recommendation to limit use to daytime hours. Mr. Henry responded that he does not have a problem with that since they do not work evening hours. He stated that they start work at 6:00 a.m. Mr. Henry further stated that he has only five employees, but may go to six and his equipment is quiet. Mr. Grunewald stated that he is concerned with the potential noise factor because of the residential property across the street. He stated that 6:00 a.m. in the morning could be very offensive for people who live across the street. Mr. Henry responded that he has never had anyone complain. He said that his operation is pretty quiet for a wood shop and that he would be very conscientious. Mr. Wolfson stated that the Noise Ordinance limits noise to 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mr. Gulliford stated his concern that the security lighting does not shine into homes. He indicated that the applicant add a private shade so that the light is reflected back to the building. Mr. Grunewald advised the applicant that, no outside storage is allowed per code. Mr. Gulliford moved to recommend the approval to the City Commission per the Staff recommendation, but with hours of operation from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., no outside storage and shielded lighting. Mr. Grunewald seconded the motion. In response to a question from Mr. Frohwein, Mr. Henry responded that he was okay with the hours ,,~..,. of operation. _ A vote was taken and the motion passed by unanimous vote. b. Application for Variance filed by Jahn Meserve to reduce the rear and side yard setbacks to build an addition to anon-conforming residence located at 2126 Beach Avenue. Mr. Ted Barrett of 377 7~' Street, Atlantic Beach, introduced himself. He stated that he is the owners' agent on behalf of John Meserve. Mr. Barrett stated that Mr. Meserve is proposing an addition to the south side of the home that would be the same depth as the existing building. He said that the building is in a ravine and it would be impractical to put the addition on the front. He further advised that the proposed addition would be three stories to match the existing home. Mrs. Walker asked Mr. Barrett if the slope, is not as steep on the south side. Mr. Barrett responded that the south side is the same elevation. He further stated that the original house was built on a flat spot of the lot and the proposed addition is on the same flat spot. Mr. Barrett advised that this is the best location for the addition--that it ties in with the existing house and is very suited to the neighborhood. Mr. Frohwein asked if it would be possible to build the addition off grade on the front of the property without interrupting the drainage. Mr. Barrett responded that it would encroach on the driveway. Mr..lacobson moved to grant the variance as requested. Mr. Wolfson seconded the motion. Minutes of Community Development Board February 20, 2001 Page 4 Mr. Jacobson stated that he has a good deal of concern far people building and then a set of regulations being imposed on them. It seems the structure continues from the existing Iine and does not pose any serious problems to the west and does not crowd the line to the east. Several Board members expressed the desire to ask questions of the applicant. Mr. Gulliford moved to defer action to afford the applicant an opportunity to explain why the orientation is necessary as proposed. Ms. Walker seconded the motion, which passed 6y unanimous vote. c. Conceptual review of proposed-plat of new Paradise Cave subdivision. Paul Nichols introduced himself as President of Bestcon. He advised the Board that he purchased four acres on the western end of Levy Road. He advised that the intent is to take 28 lots and replat them into 25 residential lots. Seven lots will be on the marsh and the other lots are along Carnation Street and Tulip Street. The community will be called Hidden Paradise and the house values will be $110,000 to $120,000. Jim Lucas of 1516 Landon Avenue introduced himself. Mr. Lucas advised that the property in question is located on both sides of Tulip Street and both sides of Carnation Street. The minimum lot sizes are 50 feet by 100 feet. There will be underground electric, water, sewer and paved streets and there are some turnarounds. Mr. Wolfson asked Mr. Lucas to explain temporary turnarounds. Mr. Lucas responded that they are rights-of--way that extend beyond the edge of this project. He stated ,,- that they need some type of temporary means to turn traffic around and get them back out as opposed to opening other ways that the development does not own. Mr. Worley advised that there are no plans to extend those roadways. Mr. Wolfson asked if it was in the best interest of the development to have the roads open.. Mr. Worley responded that from a City perspective, the Tulip Street right-of- way is probably the better of the two. Mr. Worley added that from a traffic safety standpoint, cul-de- sacs are nice and will typically increase the value of property. Mr. Worley stated that he did not believe that Public Safety would have a problem with temporary turnarounds. Mr. Worley advised that the roads would be constructed to meet city requirements. Mr. Lucas stated that the Tulip Street lots are 55 feet for larger) by 122 feet. The marsh lots are 50 by 125 feet or greater in depth. In response to a question from Mr. Grunewald, Mr. Lucas stated that they would be providing streetlights. He further stated that they are required to use the same criteria as all other developments in Atlantic Beach. Mr. Nichols encouraged the Board members to go and look at Paradise Cove: He stated that the. size of Hidden Paradise would be similar to Paradise Cove. Mr. Worley advised the Board that the preliminary plat will pass through other departments to ensure that what is being proposed is adequate before a final plat is approved. Mr. Grunewald asked if Bestcon would be providing a barrier between Levy Road and the cemetery. Mr. Lucas responded that there is a natural barrier that runs. along the road and they would maintain this barrier. ,. Minutes of Community Development Board February 20, 2001 _ .., . Page 5 Mr. Wolfson asked if the cul-de-sacs are designed to meet standards that will allow sufficient room for emergency vehicles. Mr. Lucas stated that the diameter of the turn-around meet the standards of code. Mr. Nichols stated that the current owners purchased the Carnation Street right-of--way and he would Bice to give it back to the City. Mr. Worley responded that he would not see any problem as long as the road is constructed to meet City standards. Mr. Nichols noted the current subdivision ordinance requires 60-foot rights-of--way. He proposed giving back a 50-foot right-of--way. The Board expressed concern with regard to 50-foot right-of--ways without curbs. However,-the Board encouraged Mr. Nichols to continue with his design. . d. Presentation by Ivey, Harris and Walls (planners recommended by Staff to complete Comprehensive Plan Amendments). This item was moved to the beginning of the Agenda at the request of the Chairman. 6. Reports and Announcements None. The Board continued their discussion of the Variance review process. 7. Adjournment ~°" There being no other business or discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. SIGNED ~~. ATTEST ,,