2001-04-17 (meeting minutes) vAGENDA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH April 17, 2001 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of March 20, 2001 3. Recognition of Visitors 4. Old Business None. 5. New Business a. Application for Variance filed by Gay Weber to replace the existing non- e. conforming structure with a new non-conforming structure located at 331 Second Street. b. Application. for Variance filed by Joe and Jane Conselice to construct an addition to anon-conforming structure located at 49 Ardella Road. c. Proposed Replat by Kevin Byrnes of Lots 42, 44 and 46, Block 10, Plat No. 1, Subdivision "A." d. Application for Variance filed by Thomas M. Wallace to reduce the rear yard setback to construct a screen porch at the property located at 620. Plaza. 6. Reports and Announcements 7. Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Community Development Board at the above meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ~. ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings be made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is to be based. MINUTES OF MEETING OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD April 17, 2001 A regular meeting of the Community Development Board was held Tuesday, April 17, 2001, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Present were Chairman Don Wolfson, Craig Burkhart, Robert Frohwein, Karl Grunewald, William Gulliford, Building Official Don Ford, and Recording Secretary Susan Dunham. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. Mr. Wolfson introduced Building Official Ford as the acting Conununity Development Director. Mr. Wolfson stated that they would miss Mr. Worley very much and that he did a wonderful job on behalf of the City. A motion was made by Mr. Frohwein, seconded by Mr. Grunewald and unanimously carried to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Worley addressing his abilities and how much he added to the City of Atlantic Beach. 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of March 20 2001 A motion was made by Mr. Frohwein, seconded by Mr. Gultiford and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of the Community Development Board meeting of March 20, 2001. 3. Recognition of Visitors ,,.,. None. 4. Old Business None. 5. New Business Discussion was held with regard to Agenda Item S.c. Proposed Replat by Kevin Byrnes of Lots 42, 44 and 46, Block 10, Plat No. 1, Subdivision A." It was determined that subdivisional replats come before the Community Development Board for recommendation to the City Commission for approval. a. Application for Variance filed by Gay Weber to replace the existing non-conforming structure with a new non-conforming structure located at 331 Second Street. Ms. Gay Weber introduced herself. She explained that she would like to take down all the external walls and start from the foundation. However, she stated that if it was not going to be possible, then she would like to remove all the walls except the west wall and part of the front wall. Ms. Weber advised that the garage and the master bath need to be replaced because they are frame and could not support a second story made of block. In addition, she stated that she would like to extend the back of house 8 feet and extend the front of the house forward in order to make parking spaces for two cars. Then, she said the second story would be put on top of that structure. Mr. Frohwein stated that it appears as though Ms. Weber is interested in demolishing the greater portion of the existing structure inclusive of a major portion of the slab to allow for the correction of plumbing difficulties, etc. He asked Ms. Weber why she was not electing to meet the setbacks as ., opposed to seeking a variance since her lot is a standard size lot within the city and the majority of the houses in the city are on similar lots and are able to meet setbacks? Minutes of Community Development Board April 17, 2001 Page 2 ,. Ms. Weber stated that her original plan was to only remove the back bedroom wall and the garage wall, However, she said that in order to get the same number of useable square feet (three bedrooms and atwo-car garage), her architect advised her that she would probably have to increase the overall size of the house by 25%-30%. She further stated that she had a concern about making the house so narrow that the whole front of house is a front door area and atwo-car garage door and she does not want to cover more of the drainage area of the lot. Mr. Jacobson arrived at 7:20 p.m. Mr. Wolfson advised Ms. Weber of the guidelines setting forth the parameters upon which the Board can take action. Mr. Wolfson stated that there has to be a very unique reason for the Board to grant a variance such as an unusually shaped lot or a substandard lot. He advised Ms. Weber that her lot is 40% larger than the minimum lot size required to build on in the City of Atlantic Beach. He asked Ms. Weber for clarification with regard to her hardship. Ms. Weber stated that she assumed that when this house was constructed in 1953, it met the setback regulations at that time and that the issue now is that the setback regulations have changed. Mr. Wolfson responded that it was in compliance historically, but that there has been a change and it should be brought back into compliance. Ms. Weber asked if she could withdraw her application to research whether there was a prior variance granted to this property. Mr. Wolfson responded that she could withdraw her application and encouraged her.to talk with Mr. Ford. Discussion was held with regard to the applicability of Section 24-85. It was determined that Section 24-85(3)(b) would be applicable if S0% of the structure for the non-conforming use is destroyed, the structure shall not be reconstructed for any non-conforming use. b. Application for Variance filed by Joe and Jane Conselice to construct an addition to a non- conforming structure located at 49 Ardella Road. Mr. Warren Brew of Brew Construction introduced himself and stated that he represents Joe Conselice who has owned American Well and Irrigation in Atlantic Beach for approximately 2S _,, years. Mr. Brew stated that Mr. Conselice is in need of storage space to store ditch digging ~ ' equipment and small tractors. Mr. Wolfson advised Mr. Brew that the Board needed a survey before they could consider this variance request. Mr. Wolfson suggested that Mr. Brew return to the next Board meeting with a complete application package. In response to a question from Mr. Wolfson, Mr. Drew advised that the variance request that they seek is to reduce the 20-feet rear-yard setback requirement to a 1-foot setback. Mr. Burkhart stated that unless there is something in the front yard that is not shown on the plan, it appears that the addition could be moved forward to provide a rear yard. He further stated that to be granted a variance, Mr. Drew would have to show why he could not move the addition forward because this is an obvious solution. Mr. Drew responded that by turning the building and shifting it forward, an area behind the building would be created which would not be accessible or useable. Minutes of Community Development Board April 17, 2001 ,,~_ Page 3 c. Proposed Replat by Kevin Byrnes of Lots 42, 44 and 46, Block 10, Plat No. 1, Subdivision A. Mr. Kevin Byrnes introduced himself. He stated that he thought he was at this meeting to request a variance and was not sure how to proceed at this point. Mr. Frohwein advised that Section 24-18(c) deals with re-combination of previously plated lots and states that the lots need to be replated into lots that are conforming in square footage as well as depth and width of the lots. Mr. Frohwein said that although one of the lots is conforming, the other two are not and, therefore, require a variance. Discussion was held with regard to procedures to follow and Mr. Wolfson stated that the Board could grant a conditional variance and make a recommendation. to the City Commission to approve the replat. Mr. Wolfson asked Mr. Byrnes to fill out an Application for Variance and re-submit for the next Community Development Board meeting. d. Application for Variance filed by Thomas. M. Wallace to reduce the rear yard setback to construct a screen porch at the property located at 620 Plaza. Mr. Thomas Wallace introduced himself and stated that he would like to install ascreened-in porch in his back yard on an existing concrete platform. He stated that this is a variance request for 12 feet e into the setback. Mr. Wallace further stated he would like to build this screened-in porch for the purposes of a playroom for his children. Mr. Gulliford clarified that the concrete platform is already encroaching 12 feet into the setback Discussion was held with regard to whether this was a side yard and not a rear yard. Mr. Wolfson stated that under Definitions, page 1413, Section 24-17, "The exterior lot line of the narrowest side of the lot abutting the street shall be considered the front yard." Mr. Wolfson advised the applicant that in his lot, the property on Plaza, according to the survey, is 93.74 feet and the property along Sailfish Drive is 108.18 feet, so this is the rear yard. Mr. Wolfson further read, "The exterior lot line of the longest side of the lot abutting the street shall be considered a side yard and shall have a minimum setback of 15 feet. The opposite side yard shall conform to the minimum side yard requirement of the district in which it is located. The rear yard shall have a minimum setback of 20 feet." Mr. Grunewald asked Mr. Wallace, if he could build the screen-in porch on the vacant spot located at the east side of the home. Mr. Wallace responded that he would have to pour the slab for the concrete, knock a hole through the block wall and install a sliding glass door but it could be done. Mr. Wallace also stated that the fireplace in that location has an opening in the back which would be open to the porch which he would not want. Mr. Frohwein moved to deny the variance request. Mr. Grunewald .seconded the motion. Discussion was held with regard to whether or not use of the existing patio and the irregular shape of the lot constitute a hardship. „.., A vote was taken and the motion passed by unanimous approval. . Minutes of Community Development Board April 17, 2001 Page 4 6. Reports and Announcements Ms. Pat Pilhnore requested that the Community Development Board look into the following issues with regard to the Mayport flyover: 1) The new recently paved access to Atlantic Boulevard for the new bridge entrance does not have a bike path; 2) Concerned that the Jacksonville Transportation Authority has not begun work on the Plaza. construction; 3) Concerned how anyone will be able to merge over two lanes of traffic to turn left into Section H when they are not on the flyover. Ms. Pilhnore proposed that a traffic light be placed at the base of the flyover at 8~' Street; 4) Consider widening Plaza. west of Mayport Road to allow for a turn lane in addition to the lane going straight across Mayport Road; 5) .Concerned that there are no sidewalks on Plaza west of Mayport Road. Mr. Wolfson stated that his recollection was that Jacksonville Transportation Authority was supposed to complete the bike path from Mayport Road to Atlantic Boulevard and onto the bridge. He further stated that Ms. Pilhnore has brought up the bike path issue and the lack of a sidewalk on the west side of Plaza. which is critical to the safety and well-being of the taxpayers in Section H. Mr. Wolfson also stated that Jacksonville Transportation Authority altered the appearance of this area and, therefore, agreed to make certain infrastructure improvements to offset these changes. Ms. Pilhnore also stated that she has been attending planning meetings for the mass transit system for Jacksonville Transportation Authority. She said she wanted to advise the Board that all the Jacksonville Transportation Authority plans show Atlantic Beach as the termination point for the mass transit corridor coming to the beaches. She further stated that she felt a terminal would be an enhancement for all the beaches and especially for Atlantic beach if it were located here. Ms. Pilhnore indicated that she is aware that parking is at a minimum in the business district and if there were a "Park and Ride" along with the mass transit, it might be a viable plan. Mr. Wolfson thanked Ms. Pillmore for her input. Mr. Wolfson advised the Board that issues have arisen with regard to the trigger level of the landscape ordinance. Mr. Wolfson stated that if a building or property owner renovates a. commercial property and the renovation amount is equal to or in excess of 50% above the value of the building, the landscape provision in the landscape ordinance is triggered. Mr. Wolfson stated that there is a project being undertaken at 403 Atlantic Boulevard which does not require compliance with the landscape code because the work is valued at $28,000 and the existing improvements are valued at $256,000. He further stated that at 535 Atlantic Boulevard does not require landscaping because the addition is valued at $280,000 and the existing improvements are valued at $850,000. Mr. Wolfson advised that the City Manager requested that the Community Development Board revisit this and perhaps lower the trigger amount. He requested that the Board members think about this issue and that it be added to the agenda for the next meeting. Mr. Frohwein asked for a discussion and possible recommendation to the City Commission with regard to the Mayport flyover issues Ms. Pilhnore brought to the Board. Mr. Frohwein stated that he would like to include the following in the recommendation: 1) that sidewalks are necessary on west Plaza and the City of Jacksonville should commit to providing them; 2) make sure that the bike lanes are included on the ... bridge and to and from the bridge; and 3) omit the request for a light at 8~' Street unless the Board feels this would be a good recommendation. Minutes of Community Development Board April 17, 2001 ~,~ Page 5 Mr. Burkhart asked about the status of the traffic study regarding the impact the flyover was going to have on the three streets west of Mayport. Mr. Wolfson requested that Mr. Ford obtain a copy of the study and bring it to the next meeting The Board discussed requesting the City Commission to pass a resolution to address the issues: A motion was made by Mr. Frohwein and seconded by Mr. Gulliford requesting the City Commission to pass a resolution requesting Jacksonville Transportation Authority to address the following issues: (1) that sidewalks are necessary to have constructed on West Plaza; (2) ensure that bike lanes are included to the bridge and on the bridge (going east and west) as previously stated by the Jacksonville Transportation Authority and indicated on their drawings; (3) study or review the northbound traffic coming off the flyover and how that impacts the Mayport Road/Plaza Road intersection. We seek a solution and answer to the current problem of northbound traffic being in the east lane at Atlantic and Mayport trying to make a west turn on Plaza with the conflict that appears to be presented by the flyover connecting in the adjacent location. Discussion was held with regard to whether or not Jacksonville Transportation Authority plans to install the bike paths since the construction is not completed. The Board decided to table the motion to allow Mr. Ford time to look into this issue and report back at the next Community Development Board meeting. Mr. Frohwein stated that Ms. Pillmore also brought up the potential necessity of widening west Plaza.. He requested that Mr. Ford also check to see if any provisions were included to widen West Plaza. ,. 7. Adjournment There being no other business or discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. i SIGNED ! .,..~ . ~ ~~~ . E ,. i ATTEST