March 17, 1998
7:00 P.M.
PRESENT Don Wolfson
Robert Frohwein
Mary Walker
Pat Pillmore
Buzzy Grunthal
Sharette Simpkins
Dezmond Waters
AND • George Worley, II, CD Director
Alan Jensen, Esquire
Pat Harris, Recording Secretary
Chairman Don Wolfson called-the meeting to order and asked for approval of the
minutes from the meeting of January 20, 1998. On motion made and seconded the
minutes were approved.
I. Application for Variance filed by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beno to construct an
addition to a garage that will encroach the side yard setback at property located at 1860
Sea Oats Drive.
Mr. Beno introduced himself to the board and explained that he desired to enlarge
an existing carport and enclose a portion for a workshop and storage. The prods
on the corner of East Coast Drive and Tenth Street and the proposed construction
encroach five feet in the required 15-foot side yard setback on the Tenth Street side of
the lot. He indicated that he could not construct elsewhere on the property without
cutting trees or interrupting utilities.
Mr. Worley explained that the correct section of the Code of Ordinances for the
application should be Section 24-17 Definitions/Corner Lot Setbacks.
The Chairman read to the applicant the questions attached to each application
which are the criteria the board must use in their decisions for granting or denying
variance requests.
Thereafter, Mr. Frohwein moved to deny the variance and Mr. Waters seconded
the motion.
After a lengthy discussion regarding possible alternatives for the applicant, the
board voted unanimously to deny the variance.
II. Application for Variance filed by Amy and James Pritchett to construct a
playhouse that encroaches setback requirements at property located at 1860 Sea Oats
Mrs. Pritchett introduced herself to the board and stated that the playhouse was
constructed in the rear yard of their home without being aware that a permit is required
or that setback requirement would apply to accessory structures.
After discussion it was learned that with minor adjustments to the location of the
structure leaving the required 5-foot setbacks a variance was not required. Thereafter
the applicant withdrew her application.
III. Application for Variance filed by George Bull, Jr., on behalf of Jo Lee
Sawyer to construct additions to an existing nonconforming residence located at 1174
Beach Avenue.
Mr. Bull not being present the board proceeded with the application. A motion
was made, seconded, amended and seconded to grant the variance but not acted upon
due to the request that a lean-to shed be removed from the property. The application
was deferred to the next meeting.
There being no further business to come before the board on motion duly made
the meeting was adjourned.
SIGNED: 2trA40c� r r.