08-18-98 v MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA August 18, 1998 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT Don Wolfson RobertFrohwein Pat Pillmore Sharette Simpkins Dezmond Waters AND • George Worley, II, CD Director Pat Harris, Recording Secretary ABSENT: Buzzy Grunthal Mary Walker Chairman Don Wolfson called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting of July 21, 1998. On motion made and seconded the minutes were approved. I. Presentation by Jacksonville Transportation Authority of upcoming capital projects. There was no one present representing JTA, therefore the chairman recognized Jim Knight of the Florida Department of Transportation. Mr. Knight stated he was present to answer questions regarding the Atlantic Boulevard Intracoastal Waterway Bridge. He explained that the existing bridge would be widened to three lanes tying into the current widening of Atlantic Boulevard by JTA. A new three lane bridge will be constructed to the north of the existing bridge and would eventually flow west with the current bridge becoming eastbound. Calvin Burney of Metropolitan Planning Organization introduced himself to the • board and presented to the board the annual transportation improvement program. The board asked questions regarding the transportation improvement program as well as questions regarding the Atlantic Boulevard Bridge widening and the Wonderwood Expressway which were answered by Mr. Burney and Mr. Knight. r There being no further business to come before the board on motion made the meeting was 'ourned. SIGNED A•.-,( s.11 iiiti 0 ATTEST P2-..."