June 16, 1998
7:00 P.M.
PRESENT : Don Wolfson
Robert Frohwein
Mary Walker
Pat Pillmore
Dezmond Waters
AND : George Worley, II, CD Director
Pat Harris
ABSENT : Sharette Simpkins
Buzzy Grunthal
Chairman Don Wolfson called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the
minutes from the meeting of April 21, 1998. Mr. Frohwein stated that Item III should be
amended to include his prior request for advance notification and supplying of information
by the Metropolitan Planning Organization.
The chairman called for approval of the minutes from the special meeting on May
5, 1998. Mr. Frohwein noted a correction to the minutes in Item II wherein Paul Danese
rephrased his comment regarding application of funds from the sale of the nonprofit
The chairman directed that the minutes be amended and placed on the agenda for
the next meeting.
The chairman explained that Item 5g on the agenda filed by Peggy Cornelius to
construct a residence on a substandard lot known as Part of Lot 17, Selva Marina Unit 1
had been withdrawn by the applicant.
Mr. Worley explained that the applicant requested to proceed with the matter
through the process of a subdivision plat. The subdivision plat request will come before
the board at the next regularly scheduled meeting for a recommendation to the City
Commission for their final determination.
The board discussed the applicable section of the code from which the applicant
must follow and Mr. Worley stated he would verify the process and the applicability of the
matter with the City Attorney.
The chairman deleted the item from the agenda and referred those in attendance
to Mr. Worley for any questions they may have.
I. Application for Variance filed by Kevin and Irma Cockerill to construct a
second floor deck to an existing nonconforming residence located at 1917 Beach Avenue.
Mr. Cockerill introduced himself to the board and explained that he desired to
replace a previous unsafe deck that was removed approximately six months ago. He
stated he was unaware that a variance was required until application was made for a
building permit. He explained that the deck would be either the same size of the original
deck or somewhat smaller.
Mr. Frohwein questioned the necessity for the applicant having to obtain a variance
for the reconstruction and after each member expressed their opinions on the matter, the
board proceeded with the request.
After discussion, Mr. Waters moved to approve the variance so long as it does not
encroach into the south setback. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion for discussion
purposes and the motion failed by a vote of two ayes from Mr. Frohwein and Mr. Waters
and three nay votes from Mrs. Pillmore, Mrs. Walker and Mr. Wolfson.
After further discussion, Mr. Wolfson moved to approve the variance as submitted
and Mrs. Walker seconded the motion. The variance was granted with three aye votes
from Mrs. Pillmore, Mrs. Walker and Mr. Wolfson and two nay votes from Mr Frohwein and
Mr. Waters.
II. Application for Variance filed by Inez Thomas to construct a screened porch
to an existing nonconforming residence located at 780 Amberjack Lane.
There being no one to speak on behalf of the application it was deferred until the
next regularly scheduled meeting.
III. Application for Variance filed by Charles Hatchell to construct an addition to
an existing nonconforming structure located at 1224 Ocean Boulevard.
Mr. Hatchell introduced himself and explained to the board that he desired to roof
over an existing breezeway and remodel it into a pantry and construct a second floor deck.
He also desires to enclose the southeast corner for an extension of his living area. He
stated that he was previously granted an administrative variance of six inches at the time
he constructed the front porch.
The board asked Mr. Hatchell if he would be willing to place the stairs in another
location. Mr. Hatchell stated that he would like for them to remain in the area designated
on the plans but would be willing to comply with the board's decision.
Mr. Worley explained that the definition of side yard omits any definition of exterior
stairs and was unclear whether it was an intentional or accidental omission and that stairs
are not counted in determining setbacks by definition of front and rear yards.
After discussion, Mr. Frohwein moved to grant the variance to allow the addition to
the living room exclusive of the south 3'8" strip and also to include the roof over the
breezeway and any and all construction within that area so long as it does not encroach
into the side yard setback but not to include the exterior stairs on the north side of the
building. Mr. Waters seconded the motion and the variance was granted by a unanimous
IV. Application for Variance filed by Patricia S. Jeffries to construct an addition
to an existing nonconforming structure at property located at 1608 Coquina Place.
Missy Bain, daughter of Patricia Jeffries, introduced herself and stated that she
desired to add on to the second floor of the existing residence. She stated that her
grandfather, Elmer Mattox, is 87 years old and needs full time medical care. She stated
that her mother works full time and she has sold her residence in Neptune Beach to devote
her time to her grandfather.
Fred Mack introduced himself as contractor for the applicant and relayed the
applicant's plans to build the addition parallel to the north encroachment of 2.9 feet.
Peter Coalson introduced himself to the board and stated that he lives to the north
of the subject property. He asked the contractor several questions regarding the proposed
construction. He expressed his concern regarding past problems with the location
regarding a floodlight flashing on and off and directed toward his daughter's window.
Mr. Worley explained to the board that his recommendation for approval in the staff
report was given due to a misunderstanding of the proposal which implied that the addition
would meet the 5-foot setback. He stated that he would not recommend the request
without the 5-foot setback.
Mr. Frohwein explained to the applicant that if the variance was denied they would
be unable to bring the matter back before them for a period of one year. He further
explained that if the applicant desired to change the request to comply with the 5-foot
setback the board may be more inclined to grant the variance, but if not, they could
withdraw the application and resubmit at a later time. Mr. Frohwein also noted an
amendment in the application to indicate Lots 3 and 11 , Block 10.
After discussion, Mrs. Pillmore moved to deny the variance and Mr. Frohwein
seconded the motion. The applicant being aware of the possible denial of their request
asked that the motion be withdrawn and with the proper consents, the motion was
Thereafter, Mr. Frohwein moved to grant the variance request to allow construction
not to project into any of the front, rear or side yard setbacks, specifically the north side,
with the condition of the applicants removal of the north facing shed that projects into the
neighbor's yard. Mrs. Pillmore seconded the motion and the variance was unanimously
V. Application for Variance filed by Ernest Davis, Sr., to construct an addition
to a nonconforming building located at 51 Robert Street.
Mr. Davis introduced himself to the board and stated that he needs to construct the
addition to help his business.
Don Ford introduced himself and stated he was in attendance in case the board had
any questions for him. He told the board that an accurate survey of the property had been
furnished to him.
Mr. Worley informed the board that the parking plan appears to show adequate
spaces based on the seating capacity in the existing building and the proposed addition.
He stated that the applicant would not be required to pave the property but appropriate
parking spaces with tire stops as well as handicapped parking designations would be
The board discussed landscape and fencing and confirmed with the applicant that
he would comply with all requirements. The board also discussed the fact that the existing
commercial business being located in a residential district and the requirements by the
applicant in that regard.
Mr. Frohwein stated that the application should be modified to reflect Section 24-
106 instead of 24-111 and the zoning classification from CG to RG-1.
After discussion, Mr. Waters moved to approve the variance contingent upon the
submission of minimal landscaping and barrier fencing plans prior to the issuance of a
building permit. Mrs. Pillmore requested that the landscape plan be provided to the police
department and there were no objections. Mrs. Walker seconded the motion and the
amended application was unanimously granted.
VI. Application for Variance filed by Mr. and Mrs. James Bishop to construct a
swimming pool in the front yard setback located on a corner lot at property known as 859
Ocean Boulevard.
Mr. Bishop introduced himself and his wife to the board and stated they own the
residence on the northeast corner of Ocean Boulevard and Club Drive and by measure of
the street frontage Club Drive is the front yard. He stated that there is a 6-inch difference
in the lot frontages. He stated that there is also a 12-foot easement along the north
property line that they are not able to use and if it were removed the dimensions of the lot
would totally change. He stated that they propose to locate the pool in the front yard to
avoid placing it in front of their front door and to avoid removal of trees. He presented
pictures to the board to show 4 to 5 trees that would be affected by the construction as well
as pictures of neighboring pools and residences. He also presented to the board a letter
from neighbors stating why they could not attend the meeting as well as giving their
approval of the request.
Mrs. Bishop introduced herself and answered specific questions regarding the size
of the pool and fencing on the property. She stated she intends to extensively landscape
and beautify the property.
The Chairman questioned the 12-foot easement on Ocean Boulevard and the effect
the removal of the easement would have. The Building Official, Don Ford, informed the
board that the easement was left over from the prior existence of a hotel in the area.
Debbie Rosenbaugh introduced herself to the board and stated she lives next door
to the applicants and expressed her approval of the request.
The board reviewed the items on their worksheets regarding hardship with the land.
They also discussed safety issues regarding pools and the consensus of the board
reflected approval of the application.
After discussion, Mrs. Pillmore moved to grant the variance, Mrs. Walker seconded
the motion and the variance was unanimously granted.
There being no further business to come before the board on motion made the
meeting was adjourned.