07-21-98 v MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA July 21, 1998 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT : Don Wolfson Robert Frohwein Mary Walker Pat Pillmore Buzzy Grunthal AND : George Worley, II, CD Director Alan Jensen, Esquire Pat Harris ABSENT : Sharette Simpkins Dezmond Waters Chairman Don Wolfson called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting of April 21, 1998. On motion made and seconded the minutes were approved. The Chairman called for approval of the minutes from the special meeting of May 5, 1998 and on motion made and seconded they were approved. The Chairman called for approval of the minutes from the meeting of June 16, 1998 and on motion made and seconded they were approved. I. Application for Variance filed by Inez Thomas to construct a screened porch to an existing nonconforming residence located at 780 Amberjack Lane. Ms. Brown introduced herself to the board and explained that she desired to construct a screened porch addition on the southwest side of her residence. The house was originally built at an angle on the lot and only 12 feet from the rear lot line where twenty feet is now required. She stated that the construction would not encroach any further to the rear lot line than the existing building. After discussion, Mrs. Pillmore moved to approve the request and Mrs. Walker seconded the motion. Mr. Frohwein reviewed with the applicant the six conditions under Section 24- 49(1)(b) of the Code of Ordinances that must exist for the board to grant a variance. He stated that there were other options available to her which would allow construction and maintain the 15 foot side yard setback and the 20 foot rear yard setback. After discussion, Mrs. Pillmore withdrew her motion and Mrs. Walker withdrew her second. Mrs. Pillmore moved to grant the variance provided it does not encroach any further than the existing structure which is 12 feet. Mr. Grunthal seconded the motion which failed by a vote of3 - 2. After discussion and with the applicant's consent, the board accepted an amendment to the application for the addition. Mr. Frohwein moved to grant a variance to construct a screened porch addition to a nonconforming structure that will not encroach upon any of the required setbacks. Mr. Grunthal seconded the motion and the amended variance request was approved by a unanimous vote. II. Application for Variance filed by Robert Boeneke to construct an addition that will encroach the rear yard setback at property located at 2338 Oceanwalk Drive West. Mr. Boeneke introduced himself to the board and explained that he desired to construct a screened enclosure over an existing concrete patio. He stated that the original owner attempted to save a large oak tree in the front yard moving the structure back 10 feet leaving a small rear yard. He stated that a hardship was created by the previous owner in attempting to save the tree and that they were denied the same use of their property as is enjoyed by other properties in the neighborhood. He presented photographs as well as a letter signed by the neighbors consenting to the construction. Mr. Frohwein stated that any hardships associated with the granting of a variance did not include financial situations, insect problems or the saving of trees but strictly with the land. After discussion, Mrs. Walker moved to deny the variance and Mrs. Pillmore seconded the motion. After further discussion regarding alternative construction plans, the applicant requested that their application be deferred until the next meeting. There being no further business to come before the board on motion made the meeting was adjourned. SIGNED :--40 6/j