12-15-98 v MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA December 15, 1998 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT Don Wolfson Robert Frohwein Pat Pillmore Sharette Simpkins Dezmond Waters AND : Alan Jensen, Esquire George Worley, Director Pat Harris, Recording Secretary ABSENT Mary Walker Buzzy Grunthal Chairman Don Wolfson called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes of the special meeting on November 17, 1998. On motion made and seconded the minutes were approved. OLD BUSINESS I. Application for Use-by-Exception filed by Robert T. Wildharber to operate a used car dealership with engine overhaul, air-conditioning service and other minor repair at property located at 1985-1 Mayport Road. Mr. Wildharber introduced himself to the board and stated that he desired to lease space from an existing business to operate an automotive repair shop as well as used vehicles. Pursuant to the board's request the applicant presented a new site plan designating the number of required parking spaces. After discussion, Mr.Frohwein moved to recommend approval of the use-by- exception to the City Commission subject to the following conditions: 1. That ingress and egress be limited to Church Road; 2. That seven onsite parking spaces be clearly designated; 3. That the applicant be permitted not to have more than five used vehicles for sale at any one time; 4. That the vehicle repair business not operate between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. 5. The use by exception be granted to the applicant only at this location only. Mr. Waters seconded the motion and after further discussion, the board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the use by exception to the City Commission. NEW BUSINESS I. Application for Variance filed by Paul B. Parsons to construct an addition to an existing nonconforming residence located at 1970 Mipaula Court. Mr. Parsons introduced himself and his wife Tracy and explained that they desired to construct an addition to the front of his residence and enclose an existing porch at the rear of the residence. He presented to the board a copy of his plans for the proposed construction. After discussion, Mrs. Pillmore moved to approve the variance and Ms. Simpkins seconded the motion. The Chairman read the questions listed in the code of ordinances pertaining to the granting of variances and asked the applicant to review them before action of the board. He explained to the applicant the definition of the term hardship. Upon request by the board, Mr. Worley retrieved the building file which revealed that a building permit was issued in 1986 to construct the screened porch. He stated no variance was granted for the construction. The drawing originally submitted indicated a 20-foot rear yard setback. After further discussion and on a roll call vote, the board granted the variance by a vote of 5 - 1 with Mr. Frohwein dissenting. II. Application for Use-by-Exception filed by William E. Lieder to operate a pet grooming business at property located at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit 7. . Mr. Worley stated that the zoning classification for this application is 24-111 . Mr. Lieder introduced himself and Julie Tome to the board and explained that he desired to operate a pet grooming business. After discussion, Mr. Waters moved to recommend approval of the use-by-exception to the applicant only and for this location only. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The board requested staff to schedule a discussion item on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting to proceed with the review of the general code of ordinances. Regarding the upcoming special meeting regarding lot coverage, the board requested staff furnish copies of the proposed definitions of impervious surface as well as examples of lot coverages using setbacks only and a map showing areas with retention ponds or drainage designs. The board also requested that staff invite the members of the Stormwater Review Committee to attend the special meeting and again request that a member of the St. Johns River Water Management attend. The Chairman informed the board that Mr. Frohwein had been appointed for another term on the board. Staff was directed to place on the agenda for the next meeting election of officers for the next term There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. SIGNED: \ Jck I\ \ { V'') V__ ATTEST: v / Cf4 ,