07-19-94 v MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA JULY 19, 1994 7 : 00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT Don Wolfson Pat Pillmore Robert Frohwein Mary Walker Sharette Simpkins Mark McGowan AND Alan Jensen, City Attorney George Worley , II , CD Director Pat Harris , Recording Secretary ABSENT Ruth Gregg Chairman Don Wolfson called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting of June 21 , 1994 . Mrs . Walker noted that the minutes did not reflect the voting of each member and upon motion duly made and seconded the minutes were approved as amended. DISCUSSION ITEM: Discussion regarding powers and duties of the Community Development Board pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances . Mr . Frohwein opened the discussion and stated that after reviewing Chapter 14 he developed an understanding that the board had a scope of responsibilites and duties far beyond the manner in which it has been operating . He wanted the board to discuss whether they wanted to take a more proactive position concerning planning within the City instead of simply reactive . Mr . Worley stated that most of the duties the board had been concerned with were in relation to Chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances which are specific and limited and designed for a reactive board. Chapter 14 has provisions that allow the board to make recommendations for anything from changing designations from certain zoning districts to amending the capital improvement program. Each member expressed ideas and concerns for the community and a willingness to pursue the options provided in Chapter 14 . Mr . Worley stated that a copy of the Comprehensive Plan would be made available for any member that requested it . The Chairman requested that recognition of visitors be included under new business as an agenda item for each meeting . It was mutually agreed among the members that the Chairman would write a letter to the Mayor stating that the board was going to make an effort to exercise its powers and duties under Chapter 14 . The board requested Mark McGowan to write an article to be published in the Tide-Views inviting residents to attend the monthly Community Development Board meetings . There being no further business , on motion made, the meeting was adjourned. SIGNED a-10,0c-Q ATTES .r�G!_G' /I