12-20-94 v MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA December 20 , 1994 7 : 00 P .M. CITY HALL PRESENT Robert Frohwein Pat Pillmore Mary Walker Mark McGowan AND Alan Jensen, City Attorney George Worley , II , CD Director Pat Harris , Recording Secretary ABSENT Don Wolfson Sharette Simpkins Acting Chairman Robert Frohwein called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting of November 15 , 1994 . Upon motion duly made and seconded the minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS : I . Application for Variance filed by Mary U. McLaughlin to allow two accessory structures on property located at 42 Third Street . Mrs . McLaughlin introduced herself to the board and stated it was her desire to improve the garage apartment at the rear of the property for rental purposes and also be allowed to retain her studio/workshop in the rear yard . She stated that the garage apartment encroaches the City right-of-way and extends over the setback requirements on the south side . Bill Gellatly introduced himself to the board and stated that other than the request for a variance for accessory structures the variance application should include a variance for encroaching the required setbacks . Mr . Worley explained that if the buildings were connected structurally by a breezeway that they technically would be considered one building and only one accessory structure but would cross the Coastal Construction Control Line which would require state permitting and also violate a portion of the setback requirements for a secondary dwelling . After discussion , the applicant requested that the application be deferred so she could rethink and revise the variance request . There being no further business to come before the board, on motion duly made the meeting was adjourned. SIGNED: JOIL ApeD ATTES41,111r OdiA;