08-15-62 v .tel' Th. Advisory Planning Board of AtIalitie Beach, set An nst 15th, at 7.30 ii Cil �a i. Mr. Styncheomb was absent. - — — ?kw ■isintar-e -tIre--fart acting wore fat. - - - - - -- - ------ --- Yarioii ro esti est are being jtiidffd-wornA ieuesea aid ire is Toll ovi s * - - - L. Garbage-can can attnati-em, - - -- — M. $N bash-iim#ts for bes inest estabi i ehsentrs-s - - _ _ -. 3. hater receptacles ter city trucks. - - -- - 4. feautification of present Parks. -- 5. Drainage ditch in Park. - Mir. Priaton, said the improvements on the road in frost of the kklRniie Beach School , from Atlantic Blvd. to Plaza would be finished by the be- gianing of School. This added shell surface on the side of Sherry Drive will make it safe dor bicycle and pedestrian traffic, . Sept. 8th. was set aL the day for the Board members to view propert;._.that - - might be suitable for a future Park. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Mabel Marvin, (Mrs. M.F.) teeritarf