2001-05-15 (meeting minutes) v • AGENDA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH May 15, 2001 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of April 17, 2001 3. Recognition of Visitors 4. Old Business a. Application for Variance filed by Kevin Byrnes to replat property and request a variance from Section 24-105(d)(3), lot depth, for Lots 42, 44 and 46, Block 10, Plat No. 1, Subdivision "A." 5. New Business • a. Application for Variance from Section 24-105(e)(2) filed by Robert Theis to decrease the rear yard setback at 405 Seminole Road. b. Application for Variance from Section 24-105(e)(3) filed by Robert Henderson to decrease side yard setback at 159 11th Street. c. Application for Use by Exception filed by Brian D. Christy to operate a plumbing contractor business in CG zoning at 1651 Mayport Road. d. Application for Variance from Section 24-163(2) filed by Craig Sutton to allow boat to be stored in front yard setback area at 1746 Beach Avenue. e. Request from City Commission to determine if 50% landscaping requirement should be lowered. 6. Reports and Announcements a. Metropolitan Planning Organization report on Jacksonville Area Transportation Study. b. Report on Mayport Flyover/Plaza Road issues 7. Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Community Development Board at the above meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to • ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings be made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is to be based. MINUTES OF MEETING OF ao COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD May 15,2001 A regular meeting of the Community Development Board was held Tuesday,May 15,2001, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Present were Chairman Don Wolfson, Robert Frohwein,Karl Grunwald, Samuel Jacobson, Mary Walker, Building Official Don Ford and Recording Secretary Susan Dunham. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of April 17,2001 A motion was made by Mr. Frohwein, seconded by Mr. Jacobson and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of the Community Development Board meeting of April 17, 2001. 3. Recognition of Visitors None. 4. Old Business a. Application for Variance filed by Kevin Byrnes to replat property and request a variance from Section 24-105(d)(3),lot depth,for Lots 42,44 and 46,Block 10,Plat No. 1, Subdivision "A." Mr. Kevin Byrnes introduced himself and stated that he owns two pieces of property and would like to move the lot line and subdivide the western lot into two parcels. He stated that the lots as proposed do not meet the minimum requirement for lot size but the three lots average 6,300 square feet as opposed to ill the 5,000 square feet required. Mr. Geoff Selhorst who resides at 388 8th Street stated that he feels that subdividing lots further is a move toward a much denser Atlantic Beach. Mr. Selhorst stated that he is in opposition to subdividing the lots. Mr. Grunwald arrived at 7:20 p.m. Discussion was held with regard to the lot dimensions. Mr. Byrnes stated that the Tri-State survey,which was completed when he purchased the property, shows the property line along Eighth Street at 60 feet. He further stated that the Durden survey of the second lot shows the property line along Eighth Street at 84 feet. He advised that he is proposing to take 10 feet of the 60 feet of the first lot for a 50' x 130' lot. Mr. Byrnes further clarified that he owns 35 feet of Lot 42 and 25 feet of Lot 44,totaling 60 feet,which is what the is indicated by the survey. In addition,he said that the other 10 feet is along Sherry Drive which was deeded by the City to the homeowner in 1961. Discussion was held with regard to the accuracy of the Boatwright survey. Mr. Frohwein stated that if this request were approved,the Board would be approving the information that has been presented. He further stated that if the Board should find out that this information is not correct,the Board would simply rescind their approval. Mr.Wolfson stated that the density issue calls that Board not create more density that is less than the minimum lot size requirement. Mr. Wolfson clarified with the applicant that the two lots represent approximately 18,900 plus square feet. Mr.Wolfson further stated that the minimum lot size is 50' x 100' which is 5,000 square feet. He further stated that this is roughly 4,000 square feet more than the minimum lot size in Atlantic Beach. ' , Minutes of Community Development Board May 15, 2001 Page 2 • Mr.Wolfson moved to approve the request for the replatting with the caveat to verify the property between Lot 46 and the sidewalk is the possession of the applicant by deed and,if not, rescind my position to approve the variance request. Mrs. Walker seconded the motion. Mrs. Walker stated that she was concerned about approving a substandard lot. Mr. Frohwein stated that he is opposed to the variance request because we would be adding density and he does not believe that it is the minimal reasonable use of the property. Mr. Jacobson stated that the applicant knew what he was buying when he bought the property and is able to get the originally intended use of the lots. He further stated that the proposed lots would not meet the width and length requirements that the City Commission set forth in the Zoning Code. Mr. Grunwald stated that he was also concerned about density. Mr. Jacobson advised the applicant that all the Board members were not in attendance and the applicant might want to consider deferring his application until the next meeting. The applicant made the decision to withdraw his application. Mr. Wolfson requested Staff to defer this agenda item until the next meeting. 5. New Business a. Application for Variance from Section 24-105(e)(2) filed by Robert Theis to decrease the rear yard setback at 405 Seminole Road. Mr. Robert Theis introduced himself and stated that he would like to build a 12-foot addition to the back of the house. • Mr. Jacobson stated that this property backs up to City property and granting a variance may not ever cause a problem to anyone else in the vicinity. However,he stated that the applicant's request was to reduce the minimum setback by a full one-third. Mr. Jacobson asked the applicant why he should be granted the variance. Mr. Theis requested to change the variance request from a 12-foot addition to an 8- foot addition. Mr. Frohwein asked Mr. Theis if this would still be a reasonable use of his property if he reduced the addition to 8 feet. Mr.Wolfson stated that Mr. Theis' application was not the standard form used by the City. Mr.Wolfson further stated that the City application requires a signature, a description of the variance requested, supporting data which should be considered by the Board as well as the section of the Code from which the variance is sought. Therefore,Mr.Wolfson stated that this application was invalid. After discussion, it was agreed that the applicant could prepare a new application which would be addressed later in the meeting. b. Application for Variance from Section 24-105(e)(3)filed by Robert Henderson to decrease side yard setback at 159 11th Street. Mr. Henderson introduced himself. He stated that his father would eventually live with them and he would like to build a single-car garage on the east side of the house with a door leading to a bedroom for his father's privacy. Mr.Henderson stated that he would need a minimum of 11 feet on the east side for a garage. He also advised that his current garage would only hold one car and the proposed second garage would be set back 11 feet from the front of the house so it would not be seen from the street. Mr. Grunwald stated that he is concerned with only 8.5 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other;that the IIIwhole property would be a building. • • Minutes of Community Development Board May 15, 2001 Page 3 • In response to a question from Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Henderson stated that he would provide access to the garage by pouring a winding driveway to the garage. Mr. Wolfson moved to deny the variance application. Mr. Grunewald seconded the motion. Mr. Wolfson advised Mr. Henderson that he knew what he was buying when he bought this property. In addition, he said that there is a lot of impervious surface and granting this variance would add more impervious surface, especially paving another drive to the east side of the lot. Mr. Wolfson advised Mr. Henderson that he would have to come before the Board again if he builds a structure within the setbacks because he has a non-conforming building. He further stated that any building that has received a variance is considered a non-conforming building. A vote was taken and the motion denying the variance request passed by unanimous approval. c. Application for a Use by Exception filed by Brian D. Christy to operate a plumbing contractor business in CG zoning at 1651 Mayport Road. Mr. Brian Christy introduced himself and stated that he is currently under contract to purchase this property and wanted to confirm that he could operate his plumbing business at this location. Mr. Christy advised that the property is in disrepair and it will take him some time to clean it up. Mr. Grunewald asked Mr. Christy if he would be installing a privacy fence along lots 3 and 12 where the property abuts homeowners. Mr. Christy responded that he would like to install a privacy fence. Mrs. Walker expressed her concern with regard to whether or not any planned renovation of the existing building would trigger the landscape code. In response to a question from Mr. Frohwein, Mr. Christy stated that he would need to store pipes outside of the building. Mr. Frohwein stated that in the Code for Use by Exception, a contractor is permissible who does not require outside storage. Mr. Frohwein asked Mr. Christy if he could store the pipes inside so he would be in compliance with this Use by Exception. Mr. Christy responded that he would have to make alterations to the building to conform to City requirements. Mr. Frohwein stated that it is clear that no outside storage is permitted. Mr. Ford confirmed that this is correct. Mr. Grunewald asked the status of the two trailers parked on the property. Mr. Ford advised that Mr. Christy has decided to move them off the property. Mr. Wolfson advised Mr. Christy that limits would be placed on the Use by Exception to protect the neighbors with regard to noise, lights and interference with their quality of life. With regard to the privacy fence, Mr. Wolfson stated that he did not want to see barbed wire on top of the fence. Mr. Grunewald moved to approve the Use by Exception provided that a 6-foot privacy fence is installed for the full length of the back of the property that you cannot see through. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion. Mr. Wolfson advised that historically,the former Community Development Director would recommend that lighting, noise and hours of operation be addressed in the motion. Mr. Frohwein also suggested to • grant the Use by Exception to this applicant and this location only. • ". Minutes of Community Development Board May 15, 2001 Page 4 • Mr. Grunewald moved to withdraw the motion; Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion. Mr. Grunewald moved to recommend to the City Commission the approval of the Use by Exception subject to the following: 1) To grant the use by exception to this applicant only; 2) that the applicant construct a 6-foot privacy fence so that the neighbors cannot see through it; 3) that the hours of operation be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.with the exception of extenuating circumstances that require minor work; and 4) that the lighting be deflected away from the residents. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion,which motion passed by unanimous approval. Mrs.Walker reminded Mr. Christy that he is not allowed any outside storage. d. Application for Variance from Section 24-163(2)filed by Craig Sutton to allow boat to be stored in front yard setback area at 1746 Beach Avenue. Mr. Paul Eakin introduced himself and stated that he was representing this application on behalf of Mr. Craig Sutton. Mr. Eakin stated for the record that Mr. Sutton was in attendance. Mr. Eakin distributed 13 photographs of the property to the Board. Mr. Eakin advised that on April 6, Code Enforcement Officer Alex Sherrer cited Mr. Sutton for violation of Chapter 24, Section 24-163(2) 0 that states you can park your boat trailer behind the front yard building line. Mr. Eakin stated that Mr. Sutton has been parking his boat for the past 11 years in the same position on the same property as it appears in the photographs. He further stated that the front yard building line is 20 feet in from the lot line or the legal boundary line. Mr. Eakin advised that the special conditions and circumstances that exist that are peculiar to this land, structure or building involved,which are not applicable to other land, structures or buildings in the same district, in that this situation occurs on Beach Avenue and where it occurs on Beach Avenue. He advised that the boat in question is situated on the south property line and there is a chain link fence along the neighbor's property that prevents Mr. Sutton from moving the boat further back. Mr. Eakin stated that when this boat is backed completely against the fence, it exceeds the setback requirements by approximately 12 feet. He further stated that the property to the south of the building is 8 feet 6 inches wide and the property to the north side of the building is 7 feet wide;therefore,neither side will accommodate the boat which is 10 feet wide. Mr. Eakin stated that Code Enforcement Officer Alex Sherrer advised him that there are through lots in this district and if this boat and house were located on one of the through lots, Mr. Sutton would be allowed to park his boat next to the street at the back of the lot. He further stated that the way the ordinance reads,there is no rear yard setback that applies to the parking of boats. Mr. Eakin stated that the photographs also demonstrate that due to the natural vegetation on the south boundary line of the property and that the street is one way,you do not see the boat until you are almost past it. Mr. Eakin noted for the record that he is not aware that anyone in this neighborhood has shown up tonight in opposition to grant this variance request. • Mr. Eakin summarized that the lot is odd shaped, it is located on Beach Avenue, it is a one-way street, it has natural vegetation and there is no other place to park the boat. Mr. Eakin advised that to try to • Minutes of Community Development Board May 15, 2001 Page 5 enforce the literal interpretation of 24-163(2)would deprive Mr. Sutton of the same or similar rights of property owners in the same zoning district that do not live on Beach Avenue,that do not have an indentation in their side yard or that own a through lot. Mr. Eakin stated that Mr. Sutton could legally park his boat in the front yard if he turned it north/south instead of hiding it behind the natural vegetation line east/west. He further stated that as a neighbor, Mr. Sutton has done a wonderful job to not take advantage of the way the Ordinance reads by parking the boat north/south. Mr. Eakin said that this situation has existed for 11 years at this address and would request that the Board give special consideration to this request. Mr. Sutton stated that the uniqueness of this situation is the visual barrier,the one-way street, and the hardship in the way the properties have been designated or divided. Ms. Fillmore stated that she would like people to be able to park boats in their front yards. Mr. Sutton stated that he respects the area and has been a long time resident. He said that he thinks there are a lot of situations where boats are parked in yards and are very unsightly. He further stated that he does not want to be in that category and has acted in that manner for the last 11 years. Mr. Frohwein moved to deny the request for variance. Mrs. Walker seconded the motion. Mr. Grunwald suggested swinging the tongue of the trailer to the north and parking the boat at an angle. Mr. Eakin responded that it would still have an aesthetic impact. Mr. Eakin stated that the difference between this lot and the Section H case that came before the Board recently is that through lots exist in this neighborhood but not in Section H. He further stated that if Mr. Sutton had not sold the lot behind him, he could legally park the boat on Ocean Grove. Mr. Wolfson responded that it was Mr. Sutton's decision to replat the lot and sell the portion on Ocean Grove that made it a through lot. He further stated that it is a replatted lot and,therefore, does not constitute a through lot. Mr. Frohwein stated that he does not see uniqueness in this situation. He said that it is an irregular lot size but its narrowest dimension is wider than the common lot size of 50 feet in Atlantic Beach and that the front of the lot is even wider. He further stated that he thinks the motion upholds the intent of the Code and does not deprive the applicant reasonable use of his property. Mr. Wolfson advised that the Board is in the process to revise Chapter 24. He stated that he finds it difficult to grant a permanent change for the sake of a vehicle or a boat. He further stated that there is no basis to grant a permanent change to this property at this time since the Commission is reviewing and considering a change to the Code. A vote was taken and the motion denying the variance request passed by unanimous approval. a. Application for Variance from Section 24-105(e)(2)filed by Robert Theis to decrease the rear yard setback at 405 Seminole Road. Mr. Frohwein advised that the applicant revised his application to reduce the size of the proposed addition from 12 feet to 7.5 feet. Mr. Theis advised that he would project 2 feet into the rear yard setback with this • reduced request. • Minutes of Community Development Board May 15, 2001 Page 6 After discussion with regard to Staff's ability to grant a 10%variance,the applicant amended his request for a 10-foot addition which would be a 4.5 foot projection into the setback. Mr. Frohwein moved to grant the variance request to allow the applicant to reduce his rear yard building setback from 20 feet to 15.5 feet. Mrs. Walker seconded the motion. Discussion was held with regard to the uniqueness of the lot in that it backs up to the park and that no neighbors would be affected by granting this variance. A vote was taken and the motion was approved with Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Frohwein and Mrs. Walker voting in favor of the motion. Mr. Wolfson and Mr. Grunewald voted in opposition of the motion. e. Request from City Commission to determine if 50% landscaping requirement should be lowered. This item was moved to the end of the agenda. 6. Reports and Announcements a. Metropolitan Planning Organization Report on Jacksonville Transportation Study. Ms. Wanda Forrest introduced herself as a Senior Planner with the First Coast Metropolitan Planning Organization(MPO). She stated that she was here to talk about the update of the MPO's long range transportation plan for the year 2025, which plan's due date is December 2001. She said that the MPO wants to get the Board's opinions with regard to where the transportation issues are in this area. She requested that the Board members fill out the survey which the MPO uses to develop their goals and objectives. She stated that the MPO would like to hold a series of meetings to bring the information to the public. Mr. Frohwein asked if there was another way that this Board could participate to allow for more input into what the MPO is doing, how they are doing it and to assist in facilitating change. Ms. Forrest responded that there is a Citizens Advisory Committee that is advisory to the MPO board. She stated that this committee has representation from throughout the MPO area. In addition, she said that there is a Steering Committee made up of technical people and citizens from the Citizens Advisory Committee that is a steering committee to this plan. She stated that Steve Lindorff,the planning director for Jacksonville Beach, is the technical coordinating committee member who sits on the Steering Committee. Mr. Wolfson voiced his concern and displeasure with the MPO and the Jacksonville Transportation Authority with regard to the flyover. Ms. Forrest stated that she would advise the Division Chief of Mr. Wolfson's concerns. b. Report on Mayport Flyover/Plaza Road Issues. Mr.Ford updated the Board on questions raised at the last Community Development Board meeting. (1) Sidewalks on West Plaza Road: Jacksonville Transportation Authority(JTA)plans do not show sidewalks on West Plaza. In addition, the plans do not show this area as a turnaround, it is shown as an intersection. Mr. Wolfson stated that this would be the first turn for tractor trailers coming off the flyover to gain access to the businesses on the west side of Mayport Road. Mr. Wolfson asked Mr. Ford if tractor trailers • wanted to get back to 3rd, 4th or 5th Streets, instead of having a turnaround, they would be encouraged to Minutes of Community Development Board May 15, 2001 Page 7 traverse through residential neighborhoods. Mr. Ford responded that they would have to drive on Plaza Road, Levy Road, 8`h, 9th, 10`h and 11th Streets. Mr. Wolfson advised Ms. Forrest that the Board had requested that the JTA and the MPO fund reinforcement of the roads in the neighborhoods to support the weight of tractor trailers. He also stated that the Board request to provide sidewalks and a slow speed limit going through those neighborhoods for the well being and safety of the children. Mr. Wolfson asked Mr. Ford if there were any provisions for this in the plans? Mr. Ford stated that nothing to this effect is shown in the plans located at Public Works. (2) Bike lanes to and from the bridge: There are bike plans shown on the plans and they are being installed as shown on the plans. The only bike lane on the plans is a lane traveling from west to east in the south lane of Atlantic Boulevard traveling towards the beach. There are no lanes traveling from east to west. Mr. Wolfson stated that he recalled the original drawings on the new bridge that bike lanes were provided. Mr. Ford responded that there is space for additional bike lanes but there are no bike lanes drawn. Mr. Wolfson requested that Mr. Ford find the original drawings that were brought to the Board by representatives of the MPO. Mr. Ford further explained that there is space on the turning lane for bike lanes and there is space on the lanes heading westward for bike lanes but there is no signage on the signage plans. Mr. Wolfson moves that the City Commission review the original plans and reinstate the signage as presented to the Board originally. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion. (3) Northbound traffic impacting turns at Plaza Road: The flyover will land at West 6th Street to allow 1750 feet(approximately seven blocks)to merge into traffic and turn either right or left. According to Bob Kosoy,this is sufficient. (4) Availability of the flyover plans: The plans are available at Public Works from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. Mr. Jacobson suggested that the Board ask the Commission to appoint a committee to address these issues with the appropriate JTA officials. Mr. Wolfson moved that the Commission address the following: (1) lack of a westbound bike path over bridge; (2) continuing the bike paths north/south on Mayport Road and east/west on Atlantic Boulevard to a safe location; (3) addition of sidewalks at West Plaza; (4) discourage tractor trailer turns onto West Plaza off Mayport Road into residential neighborhood; (5)written confirmation that the road beds are adequate to support commercial vehicular traffic that can carry as much as 40,000 pounds per load into streets that traffic is diverted; and (6) City Commission designates a committee to meet with appropriate Jacksonville Transportation Authority officials. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion which passed by unanimous approval. 5. New Business • e. Request from City Commission to determine if 50% landscaping requirement should be lowered. . • • Minutes of Community Development Board May 15, 2001 Page 8 1111 Mr. Ford advised that with regard to remodeling and renovation projects,the current landscaping code requires that the City use the current assessed value of parcels as shown in the property appraiser's office. He further advised that on September 17, 1997,the Community Development Board was asked to consider using the figures presented by the Standard Building Code instead of the property appraiser's figures. Mr. Ford stated that the Standard Building Code uses construction costs and construction values that are basically much lower than the values given by the property appraiser's office. Mr. Ford advised that all of the projects under construction on Atlantic Boulevard are currently not required to landscape but if the City used the Standard Building Codes figures, all these properties would be required to landscape. Discussion was held with regard to alternative landscape code requirements. The Board also raised the issue as to whether to bind apartment complexes and condominium units by the landscape ordinance. Mr. Frohwein moved to recommend to the City Commission to modify Section 24-177(a)to have a value to read: "When the total expansion or renovation of the existing development is equal to or exceeds 25 percent of the current assessed value of the parcel improvements according to the most recent building valuation data as supplied by the Standard Building Code Conference International." Mr. Wolfson seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous vote. Mr. Wolfson distributed the letter he prepared commending George Worley for his work with the City of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Grunewald moved to recommend to the City Commission to acknowledge George Worley with a formal proclamation and a certificate of appreciation that will be duly mounted. Mr. Wolfson seconded the motion,which passed by unanimous vote. Ms. Fillmore stated that she was very disappointed with regard to the traffic study that was recently presented to the City Commission. Mr. Wolfson stated that he appreciated Ms. Pilhnore's diligence and encouraged her to continue her vigilance. Mr. Wolfson suggested that the Board members fill out the MPO questionnaire. 7. Adjournment There being no other business or discussion,the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. SIGNED Op,N0,9c0 1 ATTEST d1 'iil,/!2t/ ! • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: May 15, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: #4 a. Application for Variance to lot depth Lots 44 and 46 Block 10 Subdivisions A. The applicant owns a single-family home at 825 Sherry Dr. The property includes lots 42,44, and 46 of Block 10 Subdivision "A". The applicant intends to replat the property to create an additional lot. The replat will create two lots that will be less than the required 100 feet depth. Lot 1 will average 98 feet and lot 2 will average 95.1 feet. Based on the minimum code requirement of 100 feet depth for lots in RS-2 and the addition of another lot would increase density staff recommends denial of this application. AGENDA ITEM: #5 a. Application for a Variance to rear yard setback at 405 Seminole Rd. The applicant owns a house at 405 Seminole Rd. and desires to build a room addition on the east side to encroach into the rear yard setback area approximately 6.5 feet. The applicant has not shown a hardship and staff recommends denial. AGENDA ITEM #5 b. Application for a Variance to side yard setback at 159 11th St. The applicant wishes to construct a garage on the east side of his house in a side yard that is 18.5 from the property line. The variance is to encroach into the side yard 2.5 feet to allow for an 11-foot wide garage. Staff recommends denial based on no hardship was expressed. AGENDA ITEM #5 c. Application for a"Use by Exception"to operate a plumbing contractor business in a CG zone. The applicant wishes to open a plumbing contractors business at 1651 Mayport Rd. in a location previously occupied by a motor rewind company. This business is allowed in a CG zoning by exception in Section 24-111(c)(6). Staff recommends approval. AGENDA ITEM #5 d. Application for a Variance from Section 24-163(2)to allow A boat to be stored in front yard setback area. The applicant has been cited by code enforcement and found to be in violation of Section 24-163(2) in that his boat is being stored in the front yard setback area. Mr. Paul Eakin Esq. will speak on behalf of the owner Mr. Craig Sutton. There is no hardship proven in that the owner has created the proposed hardship. Staff recommends denial. AGENDA ITEM #5 e. Review of 50% landscaping requirement. The building dept. has issued permits to remodel buildings at 405, 419, and 501 Atlantic Blvd. Although there was considerable remodeling at each of these locations, the landscape ordinance rule of 50% of the current assessed value of the parcel improvements did not require the contractor to install additional landscaping. At the September 16, 1997 meeting of the Community Development Board, staff proposed an amendment to the Landscape code to replace the language of Section 24-177(a)to read: " When the total costs of expansion or renovation, based upon the adjusted square footage cost of construction provided in the current edition of the Standard Building Codes, of the existing development is equal to (50)percent or more of the current assesses value of the parcels improvements, as shown in the current property appraisers records, or..." Staff believes this change will more accurately control the applicability of the landscape regulations by providing a standard for construction costs. This is the current method of determining building permits costs. AGENDA ITEM #6 a. Metropolitan Planning Organization 11 Presentation of traffic plan/study for Duval County area. • AGENDA ITEM #6 b. Report on Mayport Rd. Flyover Project issues. One page report on issues raised at April 17, 2001 meeting.