04-19-95 v MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 19 , 1995 7 : 00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT Don Wolfson Mary Walker Robert Frohwein Pat Pillmore Scott Fletcher Mark McGowan Sharette Simpkins AND Alan Jensen, City Attorney George Worley, II , CD Director Pat Harris , Recording Secretary Due to the Chairman' s late arrival , Vice-Chairman, Robert Frohwein, called the meeting to order asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting of March 21 , 1995 . Upon motion duly made and seconded the minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS : I . Application for Variance filed by Edward H. Morin to erect a 6-foot fence in the front yard setback of property located at 1849 Seminole Road. Mr . Morin introduced himself and explained to the board that the variance was requested to allow the construction of a 6-foot fence with acoustic lining in the front yard setback of his home. He stated that the traffic noises from the intersection were so bad that he could feel the vibrations on the wall of his bedroom. He explained that noise was energy and buffering was required to reduce its impact . Rev . David Jeffries introduced himself to the board and stated he and his wife were Mr . Morin' s next door neighbors and indicated that there was a genuine problem at the location. He told the board the fence would be a welcome addition to the property for both of them. Scott Fletcher pointed out that Section 24-157 (b) requires a 25 foot line of sight restriction at corner intersections for safety purposes . Mr. Worley explained that there was a partial 6-foot fence already in existence that was nonconforming but grandfathered in under the city' s ordinances . After discussion, Mr . McGowan moved to grant the variance with the provision that it not encroach within the 25-foot line of sight triangle required by Section 24-157 (b) . Mrs . Pillmore seconded the motion with the request that Mr . Morin report back to the board the results of the acoustic fence in reducing the noise. Mr . Wolfson requested that a time limit be placed on the variance and that it be granted solely to the applicant . Mr . Worley explained that uses-by-exceptions are granted to individuals and locations but variances run with the land and not with the owner of the property. He stated that the board may direct that the construction be performed within a certain time frame. Mr . Fletcher expressed his concern with the public safety by reducing the visibility at the intersection and suggested that the overall length of the fence to the north be reduced by 20 feet to come in conjunction with the southwest corner of the garage . Mr. McGowan amended his motion by adding that the fence be constructed within sixty ( 60) days . Mrs . Pillmore seconded the motion. Mr . Fletcher made a substitute motion to grant the variance provided that the overall length of the fence to the north be reduced by 20 feet to bring it in line with the southwest corner of the garage and to allow the fence to continue east to the garage with the top of the fence remaining horizontal and not following the contour of the land . After discussion the chairman called for a vote on the substitute motion and it failed by a vote of 6 - 1 . A vote was then taken on the original amended motion and the variance was granted by a vote of 4 - 3 with aye votes from Scott Fletcher , Pat Pillmore, Sharette Simpkins and Mark McGowan and nay votes from Mary Walker , Robert Frohwein and Don Wolfson. II . Application for Use-by-Exception filed by Eleanor Ann Spencer to allow additional parking for the Wine Club and Rite Spot Restaurant at property located at 620 and 640 Sturdivant Avenue. Bill Noe, attorney , introduced himself to the board and explained that he represented the owner of the property as well as the owners of the Wine Club and Rite Spot Restaurant . After discussion, Mr . Frohwein moved to recommend approval of the use-by-exception solely to the applicant . Mrs . Pillmore seconded the motion and it was approved by a unanimous vote. Mr . Fletcher reported to the board that he had inadvertently voted incorrectly regarding the variance request in Item I and it was not his intention to vote to approve the variance. Since his nay vote would result in a denial the matter was turned over to the City Attorney for his review. There being no further business to come before the board on motion duly made the meeting was adjourned. SIGNED: 1,,+a0tQ . ATTES'1�19UL,(�G� G �J q`J