01-18-94 v MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 18 , 1994 7 :00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT Robert Frohwein Ruth Gregg Pat Pillmore Mark McGowan Mary Walker Sharette Simpkins AND Alan Jensen, City Attorney George Worley, II , CD Director Pat Harris , Recording Secretary ABSENT Don Wolfson Acting Chairman Robert Frohwein called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting of December 21 , 1993 . Upon motion duly made and seconded the minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS: I . Application for Variance filed by New Community Baptist Church to construct an addition to the church that will encroach the rear yard setback of property located at 84 Lewis Street . Rev . James Jennings introduced himself to the board and explained that the variance was requested to allow the construction of an addition to the rear of the church to serve as as a pastor's study and prayer room. Contractor Robert Lawrence introduced himself to the board and stated that a prior variance had been granted for an addition to the old church building but during construction it revealed extensive damage and it was necessary to construct a new church. After discussion regarding alternative construction plans for which a variance would not be required, Mr. Frohwein moved to deny the variance. Mrs . Walker seconded the motion and the variance was denied by a vote of 5 - 1 . II . Application for Use-by-Exception filed by Sarah B. Jackson to operate a daycare business at property located at 458 Sargo Road. The Chairman pointed out that a daycare business was not listed as a use by exception under the RS-1 zoning district and therefore it was his opintion that the board could not act upon the application. After discussion by the board and several members of the audience who use Mrs . Jackson' s services , Mr . McGowan moved to recommend to the City Commission the the use by exception be denied due to the fact that a daycare center is not a listed use by exception in a RS-1 zoning district . Mrs . Gregg seconded the motion and it was unamimously approved. III . The board discussed various additions or amendments to the Application for Variance form now being used. The general concensus of the board was that the applicant be informed of the intent of the ordinances under which the board could act upon. They also agreed that the section of the ordinance be shown on the application and that the owner and/or applicant be listed separately when applicable. IV. The Chairman called for election of new officers . Thereupon, Don Wolfson and Robert Frohwein were elected to serve as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively. There being no sinesito come before the board on motion duly made tieli��'�+ w s adjourned. r SIGNED: AFA�1�1O ✓ /I ATTE T:.:; / ' . �